Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
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circulation for the month of January,
1914. was 00.512.
Circulation Manager.
Bubscrlbed In my presencn anJ sworn to
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Subscribe tearing the city tem
porarily shoald Jmvo Tbo Hoe
mailed to them. Address Trill ba
changed as often n reqaasted.
All roads are good when tho snow
la deep enough.
Japan BcomB to havo about all tho
Tar It wants right at home.
Tho main question Is, however,
Why was that last Issue of water
bonds ever sold?
Now that ICQ, 000 women have
registered In Chicago, Mayor Harrt
son is violently In favor of equal suf
If Jock ninns' brldo Is shrewd Bhe
wllj learn his wireloss codo so as to
Intercept Jack with hor "8, O. S."
late at night.
More and more do folks soo tho
difficulty of maintaining a fat "pork
barrel" and strong navy at ono and
the same time.
wnen taey go to snooting our
Mtenanta In Mexico Jt is time to
watch and wait with more than, ordi
nary vigilance.
If John Lind were In certain east
em lands his safoty would ho assured
on the basis of tho boliet in tho banc
tity of the Sphinx.
one would gather from what ho
y that. Uncle Joe Cannon really
does not care a .great deal for the
present administration.
Some other man may yet filch Jim
haratewls' toga away from him. but
Who steals his toga steals trash, as
compared with his pink 'una.
A former chicken thief, after get
ting rich, reimburses, the owner of a
hen roost he used to visit, showing
that wealth does not spoil all mon.
Steamer Ashore On the Peaked mil
First vessel to climb, a mountain
lace Noah's goei ship lit on Ararat.
U fe too bait that in real llfo duel
MtWM 9ificrs of the law and pro
feMiofi albumen do sot always como
out the right way. as in the movies.
If Cleveland succeeds in making
Mr. Rockefeller pay that $12,000,000
tax It might h able to worry along
for a while without ita-4-cent street
car fare.
Should Be Reheard,
All who aro concerned in any wn
in tho protection of elections from
sinister Influences will Join in the
wish that an early effort ba made to
secure from tho supremo court a re
hearing of tho Williams case, which
was appealed from the Douglas
county court, and In which tho su
premo court reversed tho decision of
Judge English.
Under tho law the governor of Ne
braska Is clothed with control of
elections In Douglas county; no other
county in tho state is affected by tho
peculiar measure. The provision
of the law do not oven require that
tho election commissioner bo a rest
dent of Douglas county at the tlmo
of his appointment This is only ono
of tho objectionable features of the
statute. The fact that It makes every
voter in the county nn object of sus
picion is another,
But the effect of tho Inw on tho
foreign-born voter Is especially dras
tic. As administered, it operates to
disfranchise men who have been good
citizens, who havo hold public office,
and who havo generally been prom
inent and usoful In public and pri
vate life for many years. These mon
rolled on tho decision of tho United
States supreme court in tho lloyd
case, but this rule was overturned by
tho BUprcmo court of Nebraskn In tho
Williams case.
Worst feature of all, perhaps, li
that tho law, as Interpreted now,
leaves tho fina' fato of the foreign-
born voter to tho unrecorded decision
of a .commissioner from whom there
Is no appeal, This In more power
than Is possessed by tho supremo
court itself, nnd Is too much power
for any man to havo.
Speeding Up Justice.
It Is a fine thing whon Judges on
the bench reallzo tho need of expe
diting Justlco and exert honest ef
forts toward it, as the Chicago su
perior court Judges aro said to htivo
done. They have formed a Judicial
council, with rulos calculated to rid
tho procoduro of all unnecessary red-
tapo, facilitating it as far as possible
compatible with tho ends of Justlco.
There may bo some things oven lit
court procedure which Judges cannot
avoid or control, but not so many as
usually appear. It they oxerctso all
tho power thoy havo to hold overy
Issue down to the constitutional guar
anty of "a fair, speedy nnd impartial
trial," thero will bo llttlo fault to
find with tho limitation of their
Now, whon tho Chicago Judges per-
nuado the lawyers to co-oporuto with
them in this effort to socuro expedi
tious Justlco wo shall have a still
nioro Interesting situation. '
UHra-violot rays having been sue-
cwfully used to firo torpedoes, war
takes on a new terror. Science may
f yet accomplish more for peace than
many meetings at The Hague.
Can it Be Done, ?
Wilson-Bryan dictatorship
to havo succeeded without
much effort in eliminating Tom Tatf-
Bart from tho Indiana senatorial con
test, but Is apparently mooting with
difficulty In getting Roger Sullivan
out of tho way In Illinois. Sullivan
says, "It can't be dono. Like hltf
good frjend, Murphy, In Now Yprk, ho
Insists that he la there to stay; that
when he tossed his hat into tho ring
ho did bo 'In full control of his senses
and doubtless his resources un
derstanding all about what to expoct
from Washington. Up to tho time
of his recent visit to the national cap
Ital he may have had eorno hazy Idea
that In vlow of his holp at Baltimore
he might expect, If not the aid, at
least not tho antagonism, of tho ad
ministration power, but If so, ho has
had amplo occasion for ridding hlni
self of the doluslon.
So, In tho terms of the game, It is
n go, bo far as Roger Is concerned.
He expects the opposition of the pres
ident and his premier, and in laying
out his campaign on state-wido dt
I mansions is making full allowance
for it. Is It possible for him to win;
What ir a democrat so blacklisted
should succeed in breaking down tbo
barriers against him and beating hla
way Into tho (senate?
I I . f T 1
, TPX in Omaha
coMpitro rsoM sre nits
In Other Lands
i r-
FEimUARl' I t.
Thirty Years Ago
A brilliant wedding In Trinity cathedral
United Lieutenant Ouy Howard nnd Miss
Jeannlo Woolworth. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Woolworth, tho ceremony be
ing pronounced by Bishop Clarkson, as
sisted by Dcnn MillspnuKli. In the bridal
party were: Lieutenant Treat, Lieutenant
Coffin, Lieutenant Do Drusey, Lieuten
ant Orehhlr. Miss Milter of Brooklyn and
tho Misses Ross, Richardson and Millard.
Tho John M. Thurston hose company
ball In C'rounsc's hall attracted ISO
coupled. Tho committee of arrangements
In charge was Charles A. Halter, F. H.
Mnlrome, W. P. Sessions, P. Noonan,
Joeph Vnndcrford, James Trayner, T
Collins, John Simpson, James O'Brien.
George Cott, "William Cott and James
County Judge A. M. Chadwlck dropped
dead on tho street, nt the corner of Seven
teenth and Capitol nvenuo on his way to
attend a wedding. He had Just entered
upon a new term of offlr to which ho
had been elected without opposition.
James D. fltney, chief clerk of the Rail
way mall service, has resigned, and Is to
bo succeeded by A. W. Griffin. Superin
tendent James 15. White came over from
Chicago to arrange for the transfer.
Mrs. A. f. Hobble waa called to Syra
cuse, N. V.. by the Illness of her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. P. Potter. Sho was nccom
panled by her son, Charles W. Hobble.
Julius Meyer Is" bnck from Paris, where
ho went In charge of n party of Winne
bago Indians for exhibition at the
World's fair. He brought with him his
mother, which now makes tho Meyer
family here complete.
Twenty Years Ago
It became known that tho employes
of the Union Pacific affected by the cut
In wages had determined to follow tho
receivers from' court to court In' tholr
effort to secure a restoration of their
Chauncey Olcott, tho actor, fell Into
a sociable mood at the Millard and re
lated a story of life In Montana. In
which ha said ho knew a man out thero
who looked on the sunny side of llfo
even from a hospital window.'
Jim McCoy of St. Paul found HI An
drews of Omaha easy picking, putting
him out lit thrco rounds. Jimmy Lind
say and Jack Gorman sparred thrco
rounds as a preliminary.
Jules Lumbard sang' several solos at
Masonlo hall, where C. P. Halllgan
lectured on Wendell Phillips under the
auspices of the Eastern Star.
Martin Meyer, manager of the Ne
braska Shirt company, returned from
the cast, where ho had been on business.
A. B. Hunt of tho American Water
Works company, left for the west to be
gone, ten days or two weeks.
Mrs. John R. Shaw left for Eanford,
Flo., to Join hor husband, who wis
spending tho winter there.
Word was received from Chicago that
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans of Omaha had
reached that city enrouto homo from
their winter outing at tho Ponce de Leon
at St. Augustine, Flo.
Ten Years Ago
Leo G. Krats's efforts at organising a
b'g eholr for Kountzo Memorial Lutheran
church showed final success' when tho
singers appeared for tho morning service,
and better yet when they began to sing.
William Grlgor's bass solo, "Ashamed of
Jesus," was a feature.
Dennis Kllllgrew, well known through
out tho west as superintendent for Ma
honey Bros., contractors, and a close
personal and political frUnd of William
Lorlmer of Chicago, spent the day in tho
Rev. Mr. Ostrom preached the conclud
ing sermon of his series In which West
minster ' Presbyterian, First .Baptist,
Hanscom Park Methodist and 8t Mary's
Avenue Congregational churches co-operated,
at the last named church. Rev,
Vernon Moore, p. p., pastor of Westmin
ster, announced' tnat In view of the ex
cellent results of the meetings It had been
decided to have tho four pastors of theso
churches continue them for at least one
mpro week,
Frqm 3 to 16 above the mercury ranged
throughout tho day,
The bur news of tho day coming Into
The Bee ofWce over tho wires was the
announcement of tho physicians that Sen
ator Mark Hsnna must die, his condition
being utterly hopeless, Drs. lUxsy. Osier
and Carter mado the announcement.
Bishop William A, Quayle, a man
of advanced years, ripe with wisdom
and experience, saya.: "I do not ex
pect women, even whon they vote, to
revolutionize politics." Modlll Mc
Cormlck, whoso record goes back to
the plonetf days of bull mbosolsm,
exclaims: "Before thoy havo ever
voted, the women of Chicago have
begun to revolutionize politics." It
k evident that Bishop Quayle does
not know what he is talking about
According to the Qlobe-Democrat,
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., after spend
ing nine hours in St. Louis, unquall
fledly put hU stamp of approve
Upon St. Louis buor as the babt beer
made, beer being his "favorite bev
rge," In addition to this valuable
tribute to SU Louis' chief Industry.
It is a matter of great concern to the
country to be sot at ease as to the
young man'o "favorite beverage."
Mr. Carnegie gives an additional
13,000,000 to abolish war, the
United States votes larger sums for
battleships and land forces, prepar
ing to augment the latter to 500,000,
and the Swedish, nation clamoring
for aggressivo war policies forces an
opposing cabinet put of office. All
of which, together with current do
ings In Mexico, HalU and a fow othor
lllrbeb&ved countries, show the eel
eity of Mr, Carnegie's abolition
Crane's Philanthropy,
It is hard to advance tho line of
human progress by puahlug on thoso
In tho rear instead of leading out tbo
vanguard. While, therefore, works
of mercy must always bo dono,
philanthropy that tends to roward
tho laggards or encourage failure or
Inefficiency, Is of such character as
to Tequlre tho most masterful admin
Istration to avoid worse conditions
than those It seeks to relievo.
If the late Charles H, Crane'a ben
efactlon of $1,000,000 for the pro
vision of a colony of homes for de
serted wives and Indigent widows
with children is to result In a net
amelioration, It must be adminis
tered more skillfully than most of
such philanthropies have been. It
would, of course, be disastrous to
the purposes of the benefactor If It
operated so as to place n premium
on wlfe-desertfon. Kven thus early
In the llfo of the widows' pension
project a serious obstacle to tho suc
cess of an apparently Ideal plan of
human weal has arisen, auggeatlvo
of the wisdom required In the
promotion of all such nobly-Inspired
plans of allevlatlou.
People and Events
. Before . finally condemning "the
trend of tbo times," though,' we
should Insist on soma testimony be
sldo that of Joseph Weldon Bailey
that It was aJU to tho bad.
Just to show Jiow things are coming
woman's way It Is worth noting that n
Cleveland Judge sentenced a man to take
hla wlfo to a moving picture show.
Former Judge ArchbolJ of tho com
merce court, recently Impeached, has re
sumed legal practice in Pennsylvania and
has Just scored his first victory In court.
The trial of the Western Fuel company
at San Francisco, on the charge of con
spiracy, has passed tho thirty-fifth court
day and the end la not In sight. Tho cost
of tho trial to both aides la estimated at
150.000. of which the lawyer will take
The famous armor collection of William
Henry Rlggs, consisting of 2.E00 plocea
and said to be the finest in the world,
has been given outright to the Metropol
itan Museum of Art, according to an
nouueemont made by the museum director
In New York.
To study tho methods of the Young
Women's Christian association training
schools in this country the Uaronees Olga
Mcyendorff of Russia tins arrived In New
York. Sho Is staying at the Young Wo
men's Christian Association National
Hoard Training school.
The ltockcfvller family In America Is
descended from John Rockefeller, who
was born In Germany in 16JI. Hla sou,
Johann Peter Rockefeller, was tho first
Pf tho family to emigrate to America,
settling In New Jersey near the close of
the seventoonth century.
Mrs. Arthur Dodge and Miss Minnie
Rronton, "antls," have been down to
tho Carolina to talk against suffrage,
nnd Miss Jana Addirtni, Mrs. Carrla
Chapman Catt and others am expected,
to talk for It at Atlanta. So the south
teama to be Uie battle ground and the
outcome will bo awaited with interest by
the rest of the country.
Frederick Ruritnxham. the cceentrio
Rngllrh Journalist, who descended Vesu
lue to get motion pictures of the bot
tomless pit, says that the danger U
greatly exaggerated. There are, to, be
sure, three perpendicular drops of thirty
foct or bo, but with tho rope there is
little risk for anyone who docs not suf
fer with giddiness.
Unmt Abrond.
Political and social volcanoes are blow
ing off surplus steam in various parts of
the old world. Labor trouble persist in
Great Britain, vielng with political ran
cor as a source of irritation and anxiety.
In Germany and Relgtum aoclallsm is &
growing clement of dlsturbanco to the po
litical powers in control, Intensified In
Germany by military aggression, and In
Belgium by the Inaction of the ministry
In fulfilling pledges of electoral and so
cial reforms. For tha moment oyndlcal
Ism is quiescent In France, awaiting, It
Is said, a fcrornble opportunity for a
general strike for better wages In the
government service and In other lines of
organized labor. Tho resignation of the
Ptaaf ministry of .Sweden, this week, Is
an event of unusual significance. Prac
tically all European taxpayers show rest
lessness under the ever Increasing bur
denn of militarism. In Sweden this con
dition la reversed. A demonstration of
20,000 property owners In favor of In
creased armaments. Inspired by fear of
Russian nggreeslon, forced tho Staaf
ministry to make way for a cabinet more
responsive to tho demands of national
defense. Testimony brought out In a
Berlin court Involving high officers of
the Japanese navy In a graft scandal pro
vokod demonstrations of public Indigna
tion In Japan and several riotous attacks
on the Parliament house at Toklo. Vari
ous elements of the population having
grievances against tho government seized
tho occasion to mako an Imposing demon
stration, but without accomplishing
definite results. A majority of the Jap
anese Diet not only rejected a motion of
want of confidence. In tho ministry, but
approved the stepn taken by Premier
Yamamoto to make a thorough Inquiry
Into the charges of naval graft. Rack 'of
tho outbursts In Japan, notably frequent
of late, Is a species of oriental socialism
verging on tho anarchism of the Occi
dent, systematically stimulated by the
military and naval leagues, whoso, plans
for enlargements tho government reso
lutely opposes. These prodding forces are
chiefly responsible for periodic outbursts
on the present diplomatic negotiations
with tho United States, and are built on
the same plan as the Krupp war scares
pulled off In Franco to boost gun contracts.
Itenctlon In Chtnn.
China presents a striking contrast to
the turmoil of Europe and the turbulence
of tho neighboring Japs. Outwardly, at
least, the empire of ' Yuan Shlh Kal is
serenely peaceful, a model of national
prpprlcty. Uut it is the serene poaco of
death. The republic of yesterday is
dead and burled. Its founders have been
exiled or executed, and such of Its sup
porters clever enough to escape either
fato wisely refrain from making a noUc.
Everything Is going Yuan's way. The
national assembly has been abolished,
and an appointive administrative council
substituted. What little is left of tho
republican constitution is that which
iwhtch suits the will of the president
All tho district councils In the provinces
have also been abolished by presidential
mandate because they Interfered with
tho business of the government and per
sisted in Intriguing with rebels. Prac
tically oil administrative functions, na
tional and local, aro now vested In the
administrative council at Peking, con
sisting of two representatives from eaoh
province, four cabinet ministers, n
representative from iaoh ministry1 and
eight members from the ministerial
secretariat All these are appointive
officers. As thero official llfo depends
on tho favor of yuan there is no reason
to question the accuracy of ,thd cable
message: "Owing to the composition of
the council It does hot consider questions
submitted to it by Yuan Shla Kal. but
accepts them as orders." To cap tho
fabric of reactionary government Yuan
has decreed tho restoration of Confuc
ianism as the religion of the, state.
V"'lon CrntTlnsr In Ksrypt.
Elver Blnco the reconquest of tho
Sudan by qreat Britain energies have
been directed toward develonlnc th
agricultural resources of th v.t tch.
volley. For this purpose the great Ah-
suan uatn was built Praetlcnl r,.nH.
from the area, brought within reach of
Irrigation by the dam nm nn....ii..
slow, owing to native indolence and con-
icmui jct industry. Th
Uept in view Is cotton growing, of which
iu experimental crops hav ,.
norvesien. uaeic of this tirlo,.i..
cioPmni is tne steady pressure of
the English cotton spinners who seek a
nourco or supply lndeDendnt e
American product. In furthering this
enterprise It is now proposed to erect
ab0,v ,K,hrtum dams on both the Dlue
and White Nlles. Theso two rivers are
almost parallel above Khartum for
om 300 miles, and between them a vast
nyitu o, ,evcj land that requires only
wdter and work to become a vast cotton
Kill Tito lllrds with One Stone.
NORTH rLATTtf, Neb.,- Feb. lO.-To
tho Kdltor of Tho Ree: Most all the ladlrat
power educationally, but thero Is no
Institution In the stae In which economy
and business sense cootd be Introduced
with more advantage to all concerned
than the state superintendent's office.
Other Responsibilities.
FREMONT, Neb., Feb. K-To the Edi
tor of Tho Ree: A letter In today's Issue
of Thn 1W ntltll ll.TVin.l1illllv nf
of today sit around and talk about why i Rrowerics," attracts my attention. Inas
thlngs are so high, and how can they much as I must ivdmlro tho unmitigated
economize. And, again, you Hvlll hear I quiet modesty with which "A Subscriber"
this said, "My dear, I am gJttlng so ; assumes to express an opinion for me
stout. What shall I do7 I would so lovo.and many other "Christians" who have
An Ancient T.
A clause In the Income tax bill pending
in tho French senate abolishes tho tax
on doors and windows, which has been
one of the revenue-raising novelties of
Franco for over a century. What llttlo
beenflt the tax did for the .State was
offset by the detriment of decreased
number of windows and doom In L.iil.t-
ings and homes, owners seeking thereby
to diminish the Imposed tax. Today In
..u-Knni uie wans of ancient edifices
there, are often dls-overed magnificent
windows often of the renaissance cov
ered in wholo or In part; the mulllpns
have been broken and the damage is ir
reparable. This wns one Incident In the
window tax that the legislators of the.
rnvoluUonary period certainly did not
Stories in Figures
Alaska's 1913 mineral output la valued
at 18,90D,M.
The United State In 1913 produced
575,000,O.X short tons of coal.
A total of I.M7.S07 head of hogs, or Zi
per cent of all the hoga in the state of
lown, perished of cholera last year. Ac
cording to reports to the Iowa State col
lege tha money loss was nearly JIO.CW.OOOl
Total value of the exports from France
to the United State and Its Insular pos
sessions during 1913. as Invoiced at the
American consulates and agencies
throughout the republic, was J1 40,016,519,
an Increase of I3.7U.SS5 over 1912.
Noxt to the United Klogdom, the
United States Is India's best customer
for Its important manufactures of car
pets and rugs. During tho fiscal ycjf
191MJ India sold to thn United Kingdom
I.4&.7S3 pounds of woolen carpets and
runs valued at fSTT.SSS, and to the United
States 93iS3 pounds, valued at MM0.
to be slender."
My dear stout lady, Just put your hat
on and get your market basket. You aro
going shopping. A wholo mile to walk
well, what of M So much tho better.
Why can't you 'phone for your household
necessities and have them delivered? Uo-j
causo you said you-wanted to get slender, I
And you protested about tho prices, j
but you don't stop to think how you
help to mako them. I will Illustrate to
you. Nincty-flvo per cent of tho goods
they sell purchasers will not como and
order themselves: then they must send a
man around with a buggy or cart to
take the orders. Ho may climb two,
three or four flights of stops to find out
that they don't want anything. For
their dollverlea they havo to maintain
two wagons, two horses and two drivers.
They havo to feed their horses nnd pay
tho vetorlnary and blackrmlth. Now, If
they did not have to do that. If people
came and gave their orders and took tho
goods away with them, as they did In
tho old days, tho store people could re
duce tho prices of things sold to you.
Tho butcher could reduce the prices of
steak and chops sold to you from 2 to
C cents per pound. He has to add that
amount to what tho meat cost him nnd
the legltlmoto profit to which he Is cn
tltled-that many cents per pound in
order to cover tho expenses of tho
solicitor and for delivering.
Peoplo aro lazy and Indifferent, nnd
consequently they havo to pay the price
to tho grocer, tho butcher, the dry goods
merchant, tho shoemaker, and that's ono
reason women aro getting so fat.. They
don't take walks; don't caro if thoy
economize, but Just sit and talk about tho
prices of things. There Isn't a pound of
steak sold for 22 cents today, that could
rot bo sold for G cents a pound less, or
20 per cent taken off If 1'eoplo would gp
nnd do their own ordering and tako their
supplies away with them. It would not
pay to have only ono customer do this,
but If fifty or 100 agreed to do It, tho
grocer and butcher could mako Just as
much money as ho Is now making, and
the people would savo 20 per cent a year
on all their purchases.
Then, thero Is another point. The
average purchaser will insist on buying
meats out of season. She will call for
choice steaks out of season and thoy are
not easily obtained. If they aro not kept
on hand, sho quits tho shop. They are,
therefore, kept, expensively Iced, and
When sho demands theln sho pays for the
Ice nnd unseasonableness of her demand.
Bhe is going to havo what Bhe wants,
not what sho should reasonably take,
and then sho protests because of tho
prices. You look Inside tho Icebox and
you will seo good chuck and good stewing
and boiling pieces all properly Iced. They
aro low in price, and If a woman Is any
kind of a cook, they can bo economically
served and make splendid food. Rut tha
very woman who complains of the high
cost of living will go and ask for tho
rarest meats and Ignore these; and all
this can bo dono without any sacrifice
of tho 'needs of tho stomach without In
juring the health of any member of tho
family. And, my dear stout lady, In tlmo
you may got slendor, it you havo to walk
far enough to market.
State Superintendent' Activities.
OMAHA, Feb. 12. To the Editor of
Tho Bee: It would bo a mauer oi in
terest to tho taxpayers to xearn jusi
what useful purposo all of the employes
In the office of tate superintenaent
really serve. The list mciuaes me super
intendent at a salary of $2,000. the deputy
at I1.S00, an assistant at 1.S00, tho In
spector of normal training In high
schools at J1.S0O, an Inspector of rural
schools at 31,800 and unlimited traveling
expenses for all of them. The head
secretary receives 1,CS6 and a number of
others receive smaller salaries. In ad
dition to the foregoing list, the state
superintendent has a board ot inspec
tors for prlvato and denominational
schools granting Btate certificates,
Undor the pretense of Inspecting tho
state normal BChools for the purpose of
getting a standard hy which to Judgo
tho other schools, this board makes two
or three trips to each of the state normal
schoots each year. On each of theso
trips the members of the board remain
at each school about half a day. But In
this time they pretend to be able to pasa
Judgment upon tho efficiency of tho
management, the efficiency ot each In
dividual member of tho faculty and the
character or tho work which Is done by
the individual students. Such a forclol
Inspection Is an insult to the Intelligence
of the student and faculty. Yet to those
who know nothing about tho matter,
these alleged Inspectors arc regarded as
of real value.
This committee could find out far more
by remaining at home and reading the
catalogues and rules of tho stato nor
mal board which govern the state nor
mal schools and It would be far cheaper
for the stato. This so-called Inspection
board squanders about $1,600 each year
of the atato's money In making these
Junketing trips. It is not easy to see
why it is necessary for the state to pay
the expenses for the sjate normal board
to look after the schools and then pay
the expenses of another board to Inspect
their work.
Tho constitution provided for tho of
flees ot state superintendent, deputy
and a secretary and fixes their salaries.
The numerous other Inspectors, as
sistants and boards are the superintend
ent's own creations. How long will the
taxpayers of this btate permit this use
less waste of money simply because It
comes under tho name of education?
The state superintendent haa absolute
control over the distribution of $100,000
for normal training in high schools, as
much more for aid to weak districts and
about SoO.Oflo more for Junior normals,
office expenses and traveling expenses
and salaries for various mo or less use
less boards and employes. It the stato
superintendent did not havo so mu-h
political pie to hand out he could attend
better to the educational duties which
are germane to his office. The handling
of these targe amounts of money should
be put in charge ot the board of control
and thus leave the state superintendent
free to attend to educational matters.
T unfersand a commission of school
people is now at work seeking to form
ulate new laws. The state superintend
ent ts a member of this commission, and
it Is a safe bet that tho recommenda
tions which come from this commis
sion wilt seek to enlarge the state super
intendent's power and pie counter. The
state superintendent should have larse
tho hardihood to disagree wltlt him.
He writes that "they (tho Christian
people) do think that the saloon mon
should bo responsible for tho caro ot the
drunkard's wife and family, etc."
May I bo permitted to say that "A
Subscriber" is assuming too much. 1,
for one, do not hold with him, nnd there
are many other "Christians" of like opin
ion. On the samo page of Tho Bee your
leading article discusses tho wall of tho
Memphis banker who accuses Wall street
for his downfall. Clearly he was respon
sible for his own downfall. Just bo tho
drunkard, and if ho cannot control him
self ho Is Irresponsible and should be put
under proper surveillance. That is where
tho responsibility belongs. At least I
wish to register ,my kick against being
forcibly Included among "A Subscriber's"
crowd. I, with others, do not agreo with
him, and am conceited enough to think
wo form tho more charitable aggregation.
Tho man or woman who falls to resist
temptation Is weak in proportion as ho or
sho falls. It ts tho law of nature and
progress to Btrugglo against moral and
physical failure in order to succeed. On
the other hand, no amount of coddling
ever produced a strong character. Of
course, thero Is a mlddlo path between
theso two extremes which the majority
tread more or less closely In accordance
with their individual make-ups. In the
meantime let us placo tho responsibility
whero It belongs. -
back to me? I never w such Impudence.
And you call yourself a lady 8 maid, do
Marie I was a lady's maid before I
worked for you, madam. Boston Tran
script. Parson A-It's hard to get people lntc
the church. . A . ...
Doctor R But It's easier to do thai
than it is to get them Into heaven.
Parson A-Truel We ministers can
only point tho way to heaven; when it
comes to getting people there we aro
obliged to fall back on tho doctors. Bos
ton Transcript. j
' I sometimes suspect." sho complained,
"that you mirrled me merely for m
m"WhV havo you ever let such a thought
as that como into your head? ha wtfltf;
"You are noncommittal. ou don t
de"Vcn, what's the use bf spoiling an
evening by substituting brutal frankness
for kindly evaslonr-Chlcago Record-Herald.
MIsh Paul Did they allow her to bury
her past?
Miss Pry Not until they held an in
quest. Judge.
There aro two reasons why some people
don't mind their own business. One is
that they haven't any mind, tho other
that they haven't any business. Harvard
Sirs. Snapporson How daro you talk
K. L. Danlhcr in National Magazlnt.
Now dawns tho day of all the year
when Cupid's court holds sway.
And Pictured hearts In true love knots
J atwn thMr XI' A V.
bear a tender meswuo from tlu
i.v.(tl lni'.lnrn fitvaln
Unto his c'hosoii lady-love, her favor
Then backward througt the mists of years
my thoughts aro prone ,.,,
Though fifty mile-stones mark the patn.
It seems but yesterday
As dreamily I muse upon tho ardor tnat
was mine . .
When I, with mingled hopes and fears.
sent my flrBt valentine.
Sho was my favorite at school a win-
somo llttlo maid, .....
With nut-brown hair all plaited In a
smooth, bertbbonai braid,
otlll graven In my mem'ry are the colors
that she wore.
Tho checkered pink sonbonnct and tho
Biiowy pinafore;
And when the ahops resplendent shone
with arrow-punctured hearts.
And roguish, chubby Cupids making
havoo with their darts,
I fain would render homage to the little
miss of nlno. ,
And breathe my admiration in a dainty
Ah, mel What changes tlnie has wrought
since that bright winter day
When In my charmer's desk I placed
my valentine so gay.
Whero once the little school houso stood,
a modern structure towers,
And there my children's children spent
their busy schooltlme hours.
The llttlo lass? Why, bless you heart!
she sits besldo me now,
Tho nut-brown hair Is silver, banded low
upon her brow:
Fair sweetheart of my boyhood's days,
my heart is still her shrine
Thoust fifty years have flown slnco
then, she's still my Valentine.
To the
Sunday Evening
7:30 P. M.
Presbyterian Church
17th and Dodge
Nfear the Court House
and City Hall
How much money is your time worth, Mr. Lawyer
and Mr. Real Estate man?
It's all you havo to sell. "Efficiency" for you
means saving time.
Does it tako you 10 or 15 minutes to reach the
court house?
Whilo you havo the chance you would hetter
move to
The Bee Building
"The building that is ml ways new'
You may select from theso:
Very reasonable and desirable rooms on the beautiful,
light and airy court, with vault, water and free elec
tric light; nicely decorated; only four available now,
at .910.00, $18.00 and ft)S7.60
Rooms on the west, opening on wide, light areaway to
City Hall. These rooms are large, with plenty of air
and light. One available at once; others will be dec
orated to suit tenant. Best space bargains In the build
ing. Keally dollghtful rooms, at.. $12.00 and $18.00 '
On the north, with the steady, uniform light needed by
artists, draftsmen and doctors, we have desirable lo
cations on several floors. Large floor space at the
reasonable prices of $28.00, $27.50 and $30.00
The cast rooms, with large windows on 17th Street, are
more conspicuous from the outside, offering addi
tional values for the money, yet very reasonable In
price, renting from $10.00 to $50.00
Front , rooms on Farnam Street, with large windows,
overlooking the magnificent new Court House all
very desirable, best of locations, easily accessible to
elevators and in good condition; suitable for lawyer,
dentist, real estate, loans, abstracts or Insurance
only three such rooms third floor at $40.00, fourth '
floor at $50.00, and fifth floor at $30,00.
For offices apply to tho Superintendent,
Boom 103, Tho Bee Building Co.