Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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MORE WOODMEN ON RECORD 'Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
3eatrioe, Chadton and Alma Camps
Want New Head Officers.
Tllilrn Cnnip Ktidorxa limit Oonmil
Tnlbot for llr-rlrctlnu nnil Snn
Fight AKnlnnl Hint In
BBATRICI3, Neb., Feb. lS.-(SpcolaU-At
a moUnK ot Beatrice camp No. 270,
'Modern Woodmen of America ..Thursday
' evenltiB the nntl-Tnlbot forces were In
"control. They passed their resolutions
, and, elected their list of delegates to the
county convention to bo held at Wymorc.
The meeting was larscly attendod and
the Talbot forces were decidedly In tho
Tho following delegates were selected
to the county camp: H. C Leach, P. T.
3lcahan, T. J. Woods. D. C. Jenkins, J.
H. qralfr. W. A. Foreman, ltev.. J. M.
Darby, S. li Olddlngs, K. A. Gamble,
T. T. Greenwood, W. L. LcIrIi, K. K.
Stoner, II. J. Randall, J. II. Holllng
worth, 13. V. Doyle.
Almn "Wnntm iv llcpaty SnU-m.
ALMA, Nob., Feb. 13.-(Spcclal.)-At tho
meeting of Alma camp No. 776, Modern
Woodmen of America, hold last night for
tho purposo ot electing delegates to at
tend tho county convention, T. I. l'ortor,
Dr. 8. M. Baker, IX 8. Hardin, Theodora
Mahn, IT. J Kglcston and J. G. Thomp
son wero elected and they wero Instructed
to ufo all honorablo means for tho elec
tion of an entirely new set of head of
ficers to rcstoro tho old rates and for
-an economical administration of affairs
and to do away with tho present deputy
system.-. I
Fairfield Aftnliint Higher Itntcs.
FAIRFIELD, Neb., Feb. 13.-(Speclat.)
At one of tho largest and most en
thusiastic Woodmen meetings ever held
,ln Fairfield, the following members wero
elected to attend tho county Woodmen
meeting at Clay Center: F. M. Coleman,
K. II. Lewis, J. 13. lirodrlck, S. Bowman
and K. L. Lewis.
The following resolutions wero adopted:
.Resolved, That It. Is tho senso of Uojo
Laurel camp, Modern AVoodmen of Amer
ica, that any increase of rato of assess
ment over the rates now In force In said
order Is wholly unnecessary and uncalled
for and a useless expenditure of tho
money of our members.
Resolved, That the membership of this
camp Is unanimously In favor of a
change of head officers and especially ot
head consul and they aro firmly con
vinced that every camn deputy, every
committee snd every paid employe of said
order ehould bo summarily removed from
office. ,
The delegates wero Instructed to sup
port M. L. Corey for delegate to tho state
Chnilrou for STotr Officers.
CHADRON, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
Tho Chadron camp of tho Modern Wood
men of America Tuesday evening held
,r, very largo and enthusiastic meeting,
took In several members and elected ten
delegates to tho. county convention. It
unanimously instructed the delegates not
to vote for any delegate to tho state
camp who would not promise to voto only
, or1 delegates to the head camp who
would plcdgo themselves to work and
vote for an entire now set of head of
ficers and to keep tho assessments as
"'low as possible and not In any coso to
vbtql'for an-lncrcaso over 2.1 per cent orer
thofjpresent rate of assessment on all
ngifsat date of entry.
itli'ti Cnmp Kndorxr Tallin t.
TlCDEN; Nob., Feb". 3.-(.Sp'eclal.)-Tlie
Tllden camp, Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, unanimously adopted resolutions en
dorsing A. R, Talbot for re-election as
head consul and also the platform and
rato presented by the Nebraska Trogres
slvo association and expressing strong
disapproval of tho unfratcmal tactics of
.the Insurgent' federation leaders as a
wl.nlit TliAfla VAianlllf Inn. fVinwa thrwn
leaders with taking advantago ot the
past rate controversy In order to advanco
the candidacy of certain individuals,, somo
of whom have sought office for years.
V : -
I1KATRIC1C. Neb.. Feb. lJ.-(Speclat.)
Guy II. Bczlcr ot Wymore and Andrew
J. Nlclson of this city, two chiropractors,
were arraigned before Judge l'emberton
In tho district court Thursday ou the
charge of practicing medicine without a
license. Both entered a plea of not
guilty and were released on bonds of
$260 and $100, respectively. "Deacon"
Burroughs was ordered to appear In
court on tho first day of the February
term. February and not depart with
out leave and nblde by alt orders ot tho
court. Burroughs faces .two charges,
one for grand larceny and tho other for
Tomes Albert Carbaugh of Cortland
and Lain a K. Fisher of IMckrell were
married by County Judge Walden Thurs
day. Tho heaviest snow of the season fell
In this locality Thursday The moisture
will bo excellent for winter wheat. The
temperature registered 15 degrees above
zero Thursday evening.
J. I Locko of this city Thursday re
ceived a messago from La Salle, III.,
announcing the death of his brother.
Frank I'. Locke. During tho last year
Mr, Lokc has lost four sisters and one
Nearly 4000 Quality Suits and Overcoats
are offered for Saturday's choosing, in our
These Suits and Overcoats comprise every small lot and all broken
lines of garments that have accumulated during tho entire season's
selling. Everyone is a regular stock garment and bound to satisfy
KEARNEY, Neb.. Feb. 13.-(fepeclal.)-Tho
volunteer fire department of this
city gavo a very successful benefit ball
on Lincoln's birthday, the proceeds going
to tho AVoman' Christian Temperance
union hospital. This hospital has been
kept up by local aid for; tho last fifteen
years, and each year the firemen havo
given a ball for tho benefit of tho Instt
Kearney will bo tho only city outstdo
of of Omaha to be visited by the Mer
chants and Manufacturers' association
of Mllwaukco on their annual trip this
spring. The association members will
go this year to tho northern Pacific
coast, stopping In Kearney for one day
and a number in Omaha. Plans are
being made by tho Commercial club to
entertain tho visitors royally during their
A large harvest of ice is, being mado !n
this city this week from ' Lake Kearney
and many cars, have been shipped up tho
Beatrice-Holdrego branch to fill tho
houses In those towns. With the recent
freeze It did not take long to gut tho Ice
In condition.
Tho baso ball fair, being held by tho
association hero this week, Is proving a
great success and It Is expected that the
last season's deficit will bo' rained with
out any trouble, the merchants and
citizens attending the fair and spending
their money liberally.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder, who hove
lived In Kearney for tho last twonty-nlno
years, celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary this week. Four children
und fifteen grandchildren wero pres
ent to help tho elderly couple do
Justice to tho day's festivities, one
daughter coming from Los Angeles. Mr.
Snyder Is 77 and Mrs. Snyder 76 years of
ago and both arc In good health.
MINDEN, Neb., Feb. 13. (Speclal.)-It
Is circulated In political circles that J.
8. Canady Is being ptished for tho can
didacy for governor on the democratic
ticket. lie Is a farmer and Interested In
all farmers' organizations ot any (.onso
iuencc. lie was state senator for two
terms, county superintendent for two
terms and once was on tho state ticket
for secretary of stnt No formal an
nouncement has been made yet, but it Is
believed it will soon bo forthcoming.
Girls! Draw Moist
Try this! llrtlr gets thick, glossy,
wavy an6 beautiful at once
Stops falling out.
Immcdlate?-Yest Certaln?-thafs the
Joy of it. Your hair becomes light,
wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as
soft, lustrous and beauUful as a young
girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse.
Just try thls-molsten a cloth with a
little Danderine and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleanse tho
hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil. 'find !n
Just a few moments you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. A de'lghtful
surprise awaits those whose hair has
been neglected or Is scraggy, faded, dry.
brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the
hair, Danderine dissolves every particle
of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and in
vigorates the soalp, forever stopping
Itching and falling hair, but what will
please you most will be after a few
week's use, when you see new hair
fine and downy at flrst-yes-but really
new hair growing all over the gcalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots
of It, surely get a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton'a Danderine from any drug
store or toilet counter and Jutt try it
You'll readily see the difference
between this and other sales
Tho most noticablo differences is In tho genuineness
of reductions and tho character ot garmonts placed on
sale. Our stocks aro frco from specially purchased "snlo
merchandise" no former prices havo boon Inflated, and
the high standard of storo servico found hero Individu
alizes this store. v
A bit of information you ought
to read regarding this sale
To faclllato easy choosing wo havo assembled all
clean up Salo Garments on our first floor, all garments
bear original prices npoclal salo prices aro designated
by display cards a charge to cover tho actual com ot
alterations will bo mado. No garments will bo nont on
approval or laid away. Wo guarantee every reduction
to bo absolutely honest.
Buys any regular
siO op $12
Included in this great
Final Clean-Up Sale.
Buys any regular 1
Included in this great
Pinal Olean-Up Sale.
Buys any regular "
Included in this great
Final Oloan-Up Sale.
Clearance Prices on Haberdashery
Read this:
EUSTIP, Neb., Feb. 13.-(Speclal.)-Hog
raisers and shippers on tho Hlghllne,
from Loomls to Curtis, aro circulating a
petition which will bo forwarded to tho
.State Railway commission, asking that,
body to take the matter up with tho
Burlington route and endeavor to equalize
tho shipping rates on hogs to St. Joseph,
Mo. The petitioners contend that tho
rates on the Hlghllne nro discriminatory,
greatly In favor of the shippers on tho
main lino of tho road from Oxford west
to Indlanola. Tho rato from this point
Is 29 cents per 100, wtlh a minimum ot
17,000 pounds. The distance traveled by
way of Lincoln is 335 miles. Shippers at
Cnmbrldgo have a 20l4-cent rate, and tho
distance traveled Is but 333 miles, making
a difference In favor ot Cambridge ship
pers of 54 cents per 100 pounds, or, In
other words, Eustts shippers pay nbout $3
per mile for tho extra two miles actually
When this storo announces a sale of Furnishings, most ovory
well dressed man in Omaha will bo found hero sharing in tho
good things. Its tho ono best timo of tho year to cconomtzo
on Haberdashery.
Great Shirt Values Await You
Crisp, fresh shirts, striking patterns not a few of them,
but many hundreds and all go at such reductions as theso.
$1.00- Shirts now 65c $2.00 Shirts now. . . .$1.35
$1.50 Shirts now. . . .$1.05 $2.50 Shirts now. . . .$1.75
Notable savings on
50c Ties now 25d
75c Ties now 4f
$1.00 Ties now (5d
$1.50 Ties now 05d
$2.00 Ties now S1.25
Fur and heavy lined
Gloves and Mitts
$1.50 Values S1.00
$2.00 Values S1.25
$2.50 Values 81.50
$3.00 Values S2.00
$3.50 Values $2.25
$4.00 Values $2.75
Compare these values in
$1.50 Swoators 95
$2.00 Sweaters $1.25
$3.50 Sweaters . $2.25
$5.01) Sweaters $3.50
$0.50 Sweaters $4.75
$7.50 Sweaters $5.50
Worthy savings on
Outing Pajamas
50c Garments 35c
75c Garments 45
$1.00 Garments G5
$1.50 Garments $1.05
$2.00 Garments . . . ; . .$1.35
$3.50 Gnrmonts $1.75
With clothing Bales on ovory hand you might becomj a
trlflo confused as to which ono really will afford fyou
tho best values. First coraparo tho valuoB in tho win
dow displays, that dono, this storo will bo tho only ono
worth considering, further remember, nothing but, gar
monts that havo passed tho KINO-PECK standard ot ex
collonco will bo found in this salo, not an original rolling
prlco has boen trifled with and every garment Is fully
guaranteed to give comploto satisfaction.
One-Third Off Sale
on Hats and Caps
Every Fur Cup and Winter Cap in tho house,
togother with several hundred soft hats (mostly
broken lines) and our com
ploto stock of domestic and
imnortod Volour Hats iro on
salo at a straight discount of.
. suit mils muBuy
Nor from Mlnilcii.
MINDBN. Neb.. Feb. 13. '(Special.)
Noel O. Mllbourn, aged 35, born and
reared In this county, died yesterday
afternoon of pneumonia. Ho had been
sick enly five days. He was Interested
In several Business enterprises and was
active In clvlo affairs locally. He was
a member of tho Ancient Order of United
Workmen, Modern Woodmen, Knights of
Pythias and Masonic orders. He leaves
a wife and one daughter. Deceased was
chief ot the Mlnden fire department,
which position he had hold for several
years. Funeral services will be held Sat
urday afternoon.
Joel Hull, the oldest resident of Kear
ney county and one of the oldest In the
state and a member ot the bar at .Mlnden,
suffered from hemorrhage of a blood
vessel In tho brain. He Is In a precari
ous condition, but It la believed will re
cover. Mlnden Is finally working out Its plans
for the new municipal lighting plant
Specifications are being drawn and Just
as soon as weather will permit the plant
will be finished.
"6 at Howard"'
"-Home of Quality clothes"
A remarkable sale of
That gives a new meaning to the
; word values.
Entiro stock effected by theso
grout reductions, now is tho timo
to clothe your boy economically
and well.
$3.00 Suits and Ovorcoats $2.25
$4.00 Suits and Overcoats $2.75
.$5.00 Suits and Ovorcoats $3.50
$6.00 Suits and Overcoats $4.00
$7.50 Suits and Ovorcoats $5.Q0
$10 Suits and Ovorcoats $7.00
IjBXINOTON, Ky., Feb. 1J. Mrs. Dora
nrock Clay Hunt, who gained national
notoriety fifteen years ago when she
married General Cassius Marcellus Clay,
at that timo In his ninetieth year, died
at her home near here today. At tho
time of her wedding to General Clay,
Mrs. Hunt was 16 years old and General
Clay, who was at ono time minister to
Ilutisla, mountoi a cannon and barricaded
his home In Madison county In order to
prevent any successful attempt on the
part of his relatives to atop the cere
monies. The grl left Clay several
months after the wedding and slnco that
time has been married four times. Clay
died In 1903.
WYJIOUE, Nob.. Feb. 13. (Bpcclal.)
Lake Hrldenthal and Mel Ilawllngs, two
prominent citizens, became tired of tho
delay tho city haa experienced In start
ing Its electric plant on a twenty-four-Jiour
basis on account of trouble In get
ting meters, so they ordered 100 meters
and will .wait tho city's convenience to
pay, for them. The council, In special
session Wednesday nlKht, ordered 110
meters for Immediato shipment. As soon
as tho . meters arrive, which should be
next week, they will bo Installed and the
plant will give twenty-four-hour service.
Xoten from Trenton. ,
TRENTON, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
The grocery and meat market of C. K
Allen was damaged by fire yesterday
morning and but for the quick work of
our fire department would have been a
total loss.
Guy C. Klrkbrlie fractured a bone In
hl right leg this morning, accidentally
falling from a cane stack.
District court for Hitchcock county ad
journed last night after a three-day ses
sion. Twenty-nine cases were pn the,
docket, only one being a Jury case. This
Is the smallest docket In many years.
Four IIomcn Are Stolen u( Stellu.
STELLA, Neb., Fob. 13. (Special.)
Walker Mason lost three horses, and his
son, Clarence L. Mason, a 2-year-old colt,
all within a week. The deaths probably
were due to cornstalk disease. So far as
the owners knew the horses were sick
only about two hours.
Surccusful Rvrr iTlierr.
People everywhere are talking of the
quick and fine results Foley Kidney
I'llls give In backache, rheumatism, kid
ney and bladder troubles. You cannot
take them Into your system without good
results. That Is because Foley Kidney
Pills give to the kidneys and bladder
just what nature calls for to heal theso
weakened and Inactive organs. J. D.
Carroll. Sacramento, Cat. writes: "It Is
a pleasure to recommend Foley Kidney
Pills, as they Just worked wonders In
try case." For sale by all dealers every,
wncre. Advertisement.
Women's coats, formerly sold to $1.00,
Saturday at S7.S0, See ad, Pago Six.
Julius Orkin, 1510 Douglas St.
FnrinerV liinlttiitf lit Wymorr.
WYMOHK, Nob., Feb. 13.-(Special.)
Wymore's second Farmers' Institute
closed Thursday after a successful two
days' session- The average attendance
at the meetings was over 000. Over
"lOu people partook of a dinner given to
the farmers and their families by busi
ness menyWednesday afternoon. Over
2C0 women attended a special meeting
conducted by Miss Mary Itokahr of Lin
coln. Among the speakers during the
sestlon were L. W. Chase, J. R. Cooper
and Ii P. Brown ot Lincoln, and O. H
Lcjbers of Ueatrlce. Local talent fur
nished musical entertainment. Officers
of the institute for the ensuing year
were, elected as follows: President,
Walter Matthews: secretary, Lake
Hrldenthal, treasurer, Julius Newman.
Women' department, president, Mrn.
Freeman Clayton; vice president, Mrs,
Will Closs; (ccretary, Mrs. J. E. Jones.
Women's coats, formerly sold to j:2.W,
Saturday at I3.7S. See ad. Page Sir.
Julius Orkln. 1510 Douglas 4St
Mi-Cook llnt-helor Kllln Himself.
M'COOK. Neb., Feb, 13.-(Speclal,)-
Ilenry Hahn, a bachelor farmer living
near Indlanola, this county, committed
Orchard (81 Wilhelm Co
Stiff Neck
or any other stiffness or lame
ness of strained and aching
muscles, should have prompt
relief. Nothing like
to remove the soreness I Try it
for backache in fact, most
any kind of pain.
Mr. A. Moore, Manchester, N. II.,
writes: I suffered with an awful stlff
nets In my lc. I tried two or three
liniments no use. Filially I tried
Sloan's, sod after two mornlnci could
run to my work."
At all doalin. Price 25c, COc i $1X0
r. Eatl S. Stsan, lac, Beitwt, Mats.
This is to announce Unit next Monday, tho 10th, is tho date set for our
Sale of Fine Rugs
Theso rugs will he displayed and selections can bo made tomorrow, Saturday. If you
contemplate a rug purchase you should seo Orchard & Wilhelm 's rugs first
Ilocauso a fine rug cannot bo satisfactorily selected in the rush
of a nale,
Ilocauso when n. fine rug can be purchased by adding a very
little to tho price or ono of Inferior quality that chance
should bo considered.
Because many unusual square and largo sizes are included,
and rooms difficult to fit can bo covered at a very low cost.
Hecauso theso rugs must make way for heavy Spring pur
chases and tho prices aro extroraoly low.
Wiltons, Body Brussels, French Wiltons, Hartford-Saxonya,
2-tono rugs In all regular carpet sizes and small sizes, etc.,
aro Included.
Our Specially Priced Furniture Pieces
Invite the Closest Scrutiny
Wo know that careful Inspection moaus greater appreciation of val
ue and a surer sale.
Note Theso Examples of Special Prices:
$40 Mahogany Hockor, denim cover 832.00
$48 Mahogany Davenport, denim cover 835.00
$24 Mahoguny Hockor, tapestry cover .-817.50
$30 Library Table, golden wax 827.00
$04 Bookcase, golden oak, 3 doors 833.00
$39 Dining Table, golden oak, 64-in. round top 832.00
$12 Bedroom Stand, curly birch , $ 7.50
$80 Davenport, fumed oak, 0-ft. Spanish leather seat and
back cushion 850.00
P $13.50 '
The Illustration shows an $18.00
fumed oak Stlckley Bros. .-Arm
Chair, mado of solid quartered
white oak with Spanish leather
cushion. It is spe
cially priced for.
For Gash Only, As Long As Our Present Supply Lasts
bC'UAISTOX HAH1) COAI, KgK and range blzes only, $10.00 per toil
KNT INK HPADHA Kgr size only H.oo per ton.
GKNTINK C'JIKIIOKKK NI T Hand screened. ..... 1.150 per ton
Special !
For Saturday In Basement
Genuine Cast S"i 48
Aluminum Skillet I
Only 100 in the lot