THE BEE: OMAHA, SATfJlDAV, FEBHrARV 14, 1M4. THE STORE FOR SHIRTWAISTS SATURDAY 9 A. M. THE GREATEST CLEARING SALE WE HAVE EVER OFFERED The above is a strong statement, but it's absolutely true. Wash Waists 200 Waists, valued LClc from $1.25 to $1.50 .JJ ICO Waists valued Clc' from $1.50 to $2.00. ; VALENTINE HANDKERCHIEFS Unusually attractive, made in Switzerland, of till pure linen and imported by us; embroidered with fed hearts and blue forget-me-nots and daisies in dainty designs., 3 different designs in a box. 4 different box assortments. 35c; 3 handkerchiefs for $1 GOOD HOSE THAT DON'T COST MUCH Women's Cotton Hose, dou ble soles 15o Wayne Knit Hose for wo men and children 18c 3 pairs for 50c Lisle Hose, garter top" and double soles 25o DBS MOIHESJATBR IS LOW Scare About Supply Started by Pre cautionary Notice. WOULD STOP FLUSHING SEWERS Carroll Man lilecleil I'realtlnnt of lovra Aberdeen - Angui CnHle Hrerdera' AMOclnlon Wnni Federal VeterlHnrlnn. From a Start Correspondent) DBS MOINES, la.. Feb. 13.-(Bp,eclal Telegram,) A acare about tho Dea Moines water aupply was started, today when the water company mado 'informal iAiaml on tlie city that It atop tho flushing of rewera wltfiJthJwattrfcfroin hmal.ns on account; of ojv; "aupply. "Tho w..ate1 drawn from beneath' the Cobrf river, which l filled with Ico and very llttlo water la running? TUo extant of tho drain by reason of taking; an excesslvu supply for city purposes lias caused fear that .the water aupply will become low enough to cauie danger to Itcalth. for federal Veterinarian. C. it. nuaneU of Carroll waa elected president of tho Iowa Aberdeen Annua Cattle Breeders' association today. Mr. rtussell succeeds W. F. Desenbtrsr of Nor walk. W, B1. Austin of Dumont was elected first vice- -president of the association to succeed T. A. 'Stevenson of Bhanno City; IV. .J Miller 6T Newton was elected secretary-treasurer, The appointment of federal veterinary surgeons to make government, testa of I cattle beforq they are shipped from one state to" anoltherfcor from united Btutea to Canada was approved by1 tho mom bers of the association. District Court nt Denlson. DBNIBON, ' Iiu. Feb.' il(Speclal.) Judce Fqwera has closed a three-weeks' term of court at this place. During tho week there ncr two Jury trials. In Prices Talk Our Drugs and Sundries aro standard and our prices talk. Juet look t tho list below and you will know whero to savo money, 1 lii. 20-Mule Team Borax, J 1 gal. Denatured Alcohol ana Bottle GO 11.00 D. D. D. for the ekln, at ..... Q7d 2Ec Woodbury's Facial Soap, (or - 15d 6O0 Woodbury's Scalp Cleaner, for 21J COc Effervescent Phosphate Soda 25 d 50c Nadln.e Face Powder, 159 $1.00 Hyomel, complete, 59 25c Lyons' Tooth Powder, 14i 25c Carter's Pills 12 26c C&storla, genuine. . . .21 $1.00 Hlnkle's Cascara Pills tor S5d 50c Canthrox 2Dc 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, ZOt tl.BO Ideal Brushes, dnuhir. brUUe 75s BOc Pape'e Dlapepaln. . . .' 60c Syrup of Figs 20d $1.00 Hot Water Bottle, guar anteed 10 Lambert's Llsterlne, ft, 14, 20 and ,58c 8S0 2-quart Fountain 8yrlnge 48o COp Eva Ing Chocolatee, freali dally, 1 b. for 390 1 Jb. Epsom Baits so fll Af 9&rt nil IK. Ptinmnl, allol.,- ly soiled, otherwise perftct.. ise ' doc uenxoin ana Almond Lotion, for chapped hands and rough skin 36o 55c DeMar's Glycerine, Violet or Almond Soap , 100 tic peroxide of Hydrogen ... 60 "Follow Uie; BeAtOB Path" Beaton Drug Co. Fifteenth and Faruam. PARKKN HAIR BALSAM irranoua a touufett entk. ismf ruiiu uuura 1; from $3.50 to $5.00. 200 Waists valued $95 from $3.75 to $9.50 S 350 Waists valued $195 SplendidVartues of the Newest and Most Fashionable HAIR GOODS Included in This Sale A few of the specials rM HOWARD the first conn wan the question as to tho anility to handlo his property of Mr llenjamtn Cramplcn an old settler of Vail. Tile Jury found him at present un able to dlsposo of Ills property without a guardian, Tho second case came from Arton, where somo weeka ago a hard ware store was entered, 6ne younR man waa found to have somo of the Koods when he inada a confession chanting Delhcrt lo with bclnir an uccomplico. There was no evidence but this riRulnst Lee and the Jury acquitted him. I (mth Nw) Note. 8IDNI0Y The Kidney Kniatita of Py thias will observn tl)Q Rolden Jublleo of the order by a banquot In the opera house, to which all knights and their families are Invited. The dato la Kob jpinry 19 and the 'program will consist of speaking; and music. I..0GAN Forty or more members ant friends of jMib Projtrosslvo Fanners' club were entertained) lioro at the Mothodltif A three-coufso dinner wus served, a musl- 1 cal and literary program given and form 1 1... I i . 1.... 1'a.CBunnnv vy unv. nnu Arn. i. Ji. 4. mile. The .economic value of birds on the farm' was a quottlon that produced much dis cussion, and. It was finally decided tot prevent men and boys hunting and klll-j lug birds on the lands owned and con-i trolled by membora of tho club. ",n. uinvuBBni wj. uiueu 111 uiiuiiuitiiwc i Four Men Killed by Explosion of Powder KBNVIh, N. J., Feb. U-Four employee of tho ITerecules Powder works- we killed In an explosion late last night' which destroyed the packing house of the plant, where tona or powder were ready for shipment to Mexico. 80 com- plete was the destruction that none of tho officials of the plant could even guess at the cause, The detonation waa heard for miles. HEAR GOSPEL OF GOOD CHEER (Continued from Page One.) self aloof from civic activities and falls to boost his homo city Is of no good to anybody or anything. Tje qptlmlet sees the doughnut, but the pessimist sees only' the hole. Optimists take the lemons of this llfo and make out of thorn doilr.lous Irmonado for their own' and their triads' enjoyment. 'Remember that the. devil kicked him celt out. of heaven by knocking his home town and raising hell over It. Just Hp n Booster. "Vour fellow cltlstns' aro not much In terested In what you havo, but In what you aro aoing with it. You havo no right to live In this great city of Omaha, taking from It alt you can get In the way of profits and good things, unless you are willing to do something to pre serve and perpetuate the community and better Its advantages for all con cerned. "Get the habit of boosting, Uooit your friends, your city and Its business. The booster Is tho man who Is good for something today. Boost Omaha and you will make It what It deserves to be, and what you want It to bo the greatest and best city In the middle west " On a Hpeaklnsr Tour. Mr. Mulholland la making a speuklng tour of the country, speaking to the rotary clubs nnd bbslnrsa men of many I Urge cities. lie easily measured up to Ithe high reputation as a lve wire orator which haa preceded him to Omaha, and mado a great hit with the large crowd that turned out to hear him. Mack Olsen of Dos Molncs. vice presi dent of the central district of the inter national Association of Rotary Clubs, made a brief talk at the lunchootu He emphasized the value ut character anil acquaintance to business men. Daniel liaum, Jr., president of the Omaha Hotary club, presided at the meeting. There are over 101 Hotary clubs In the principal cltlea of tho United States, Canada and the British It'es. v Ohio SI an Drop Drad In Huron, JIl'RON, 8. D' Feb. lJ.-(6peclal.)-Selby II. Houstou of Mansfield. O.. died here of apoplexy, being suddenly over come while entering a local drug store, lis did not lose consciousness at once, but after a few minutes began to sink rapidly, and In twenty minutes was dead. Physicians called were unable to do much for him, and state that he had a 1 "j fatal stroke 500 Silk, Net, Crepe de Chine and 3 75 Chiffon Waists for merly $6.50 to $15.. are: Pine, naturallv wavv switches: 20-inch $1.79 24-inch $2.79 28-iach $5.79 Pin curls for the new dip effect 9f)o sanitary Kair koiis, that can be washed 40c AND SIXTEENTH JSTREETS ANNUAL VISIT A LIVELY ONE German-American Insurance Agents Hold Regular Convention. GIVE TEN-MINUTE SPEECHES Officers of (lie Compniiy and De partment Hearts Make Short Talk After Smuiit nun Feed at l'nxton. State mnnagcrs, ' field nnd resident agents of the German-American I.lfo In- surunco company of Omaha to tho num.- bor pf some Ihlrty-flve aro In tho city puyinir; the , annual- Visit at tho homu offices,, In Tho nao' bulldlnc; and yester day occurred one of tho functions that aWaystfhalte th'es ivjalti enjoyable. Dur- '"b ,mwnM' . J company agents rroin Nebraska, Kansas and South pa- tr it t r. . I 1 -. . . I . " ' , . I imn iiriu mcir annum cuiivcnuon, ill which they talked hop1 nnd methods for the Increase of business. Just prior to tho noon hour President Kllngbell announced that tho visitors would bo the guests of the company at tho Paxton for luncheon. At 1 o'clock they leathered In tho largo grill room, whero 11 most sumptuous banquet was spread, Following tho dinner there were ten-minute addresses by President Kllng bell. Secretary Hull of Omaha, W. J. Flyhn of Hastings, W. E. McCandlosi and John T. Hurley, stnte managers for. Kansas; j, A. Kleth, Omaha; C. It. Pin neo, superintendent of agencies; C. . E. Lowrey, Ornnd Island; Dr. Hasslan, med ical director, and W. V. Young, general nttbrney for tho company. The speeches to somo extent were along tho line of shop talk, but all had to do with getting business, the methods to be pursued and keeping the reputation of the' home company up to tho present high standard. As a pleasant surprise to the agents Preeldent Kllngbell. announced that th company had decided that each nnd every agent who wrote $100,000 of bust ness during the year 1914 would bo given a free trip, with all expenses paid, to tho Pan-American exposition at San Francisco in 1915. The announcement was greeted with applause During the season of good fellowship that followed the dinner ono of the agents suggested that for his Informa tion he Would like to know Just how many carried policies In the German American, llequcstlng those who did to arise, every man In the banquet hall stood upon his feet. Then camo another surprise, when another agent moved thnt every agent of the company lncrcaso nls policy by from W.B00 to 5,000. The prop osition to get under the wire was con tagious, and In less than ten minutes more than 175.000 of business Jiad been pledged, agents and officers agreeing to take out policies on themselves or on members of their fumlhus. Later In the day tho routlno business was taken up -and disposed of at the com pany offices. CALL NEBRASKA RATE MODEL (Continued from Page dno.) of the locals to and from the Missouri! river. Chairman Clake explained that the Ne braska board had been at work for a number of years on a aohcdule of rates for that stqte; that a schodule had fin- ully been worked out, based on the act-1 uul experience of the Nebraska roads, j and that It was felt the schedule would bear comparison with any scale of rates, for the local distribution of merehan-' dlse. I Fourth-Class Itntea. Mr. Clarke informed Commission, r I Prouty that It had been found from cs- 1 amlnatlon of nearly 300,100 waybills that less than ope-half of 1 per cent or fourth doss freight moved In carload lots In Nebraska, and that the Nebraskt iate maklng body had deemed It w!s, there fore, to establish such a relation as would make the fifth class rMcs V p.r cent of the first class. Air. Prouty con ceded that If tho facta stated were cor rect the Nebraska scale waa const! ucted upon a more scientific bails than thij Interstate scale, and intimate! that the 1 Interstate body mlBht bo dspt vt d to I I ,nah,. 1 some cotx cs&tons 1:) - r J. to br.-v? ! A Sale of CORSETS You Can't Afford to Miss SATURDAY 9:00 A. M. These Corsets have ac cumulated during our Janu ary sale. The reductions are very decided. A fair range of sizes. We mention here a few prices: $15, $18 and $20 Cor sets for $3.50 $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $12.00 Corsets for. . .$3.00 $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Corsets for. . .$1.50 and $2 $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 Corsets for 50c and 75c ALL WINTER COATS $8 75 the two scales together, if tlio Nebraska and Iowa commissions jhuuld agTco upon such n coinpromlso basis. An effort will bo made by the two state bodies to roach an ugroemcnt as to the scale and It Is expoJtjd thnt the wholo question Svlll bo finally nubmilUd at Washington In tlmo to iirm!t tho In terstate commission to lay tho agreed acalo boforo the callroads and ecuro the publication of tho now tariff effective not later than April 1. Walter Whlttcn of tho Lincoln Com mercial club nnd E. J. McVann of tho Omaha Traffic bureau, A. M. Connors of tho Grand Island Commercial c'ub and George T. Hell of '.he Sioux City Traffic bureau were In Washington to attend tho Joint conference of tho stato and national commissioners. Martin fC, 4Peterson has been appointed rural letter earner at Ipswich, S. D. Postmasters appointed: Iowa Ilurdette, Franklin county, Wal ter v. Luklns, vice Charles Nowton; Whlteburg, Monroo county, Leonard D. 'Duprcz, new office. South Dakota Haskell, Perkins county, Mary F. Slemmons, vice S. H. Slemmons; Pasque, Perkins county, Lydla E. Scar borough, vice F. J. Harmon, resigned. Tho following banks havo filed applica tions to Join tho new banking system: Iowa-First National. Glbsland; First Natlonul. Brockton; First National, GU- mSTl Clt,yi 'alvorn National, Malvern. Nebraska First Vniinn.i 1' NVV.t Point National. West Point ""V" wuiii uaKoia inrst National, Dead wood; First National.. Flllman. On,ly 0nn "HIOMO QUININn." To get tho genuine, call for full name. LAXATIVE BItOMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W, GHOVE. Cures n Cold in Ono Day. Kc. White Slave Chnrne Made. PIEKRE, 8. D., Feb. 13.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Mlnnlo Nash, or Davis, was to day bound over by Court Commissioner McCord on a charge of violation or tho federal white slavo act, she having been charged with brlniftng Clara Laplant from Davenport, la., to Sioux Fan8 for Immoral purposes. She was bound over to tho United States grand Jury at tho Sioux Fnlls terra. Stoninoh Trouble DUnmienr by using Electric Bitters. Best remedy for liver and kidney. Indigestion, dys pepsia nnd all stomach troubles. COc and l. All druggistsAdvertisement. The real economical man who looks first for high quality will keenly appreciate these clothing values "Ve absolutely refuse to lower quality for suko of price. Garments offered are our regular stocks of which wo have an abundance and must sacrifice them to make room for the now spring linos many of which are now on our counters. Boys' Suits and Overcoats All winter stocks at Half and Less for quick clearance; best styles, best fabrics tho very best wo can buy, to sell at the reg ular prices. FOK That That That That ALIi WINTKK OVERCOATS. Sold at $1!0.00 Sold at &!.S0 Sold nt 25.00 Sold at $30.00 That Sold at. i$as!oo J , Fully 75 of. them aro Hart, 1913-14 Blylea and patterns. "Why not finish out the winter with a something good for next seasou, at the same time save 25 to SO Tlio Rest Clothes. In CALLS SALOONS NECESSITY Mine Operator Tells of Sale of Liquor ! I by Company. i 1 PEONAGE CHARGES ARE DENIED John M. OaKooil Snrs All Mm Ini- linrlrd by Ilia Ciirporntlnn Were To lil (lint Strike Warn In I'mgrtii, DENVER, Colo., Feb. 13.-".Saloons seem to us a necessity In mining camps," declared John C Osgood, chairman of the board of directors of tho Victor American Fuel company. In cross-ex- amlnatlon today before tho house com imlttce Investigating tho Colorado Miners' I strike. Tho coal operator was ques itloned by E. P. Costlgan, attorney for I tho strikers, regarding the charge in a recent report of tho federal grand Jury nt Pueblo that the mining companies j run saloons on their properties . j ,-I cannot speak for the other com panies, but we regulate tho saloons In jour camps," replied Mr. Osgood. "Thoy 1 seem to us u necessity In mining camps, In tvo of our mines, as an experiment, ; wo transferred the saloons Into clubs, I with leading rooms and other conven iences. Wc also prohibited treating. Wo found that at those camps, on an average", the miners spent about K less per month each for liquor than those, at other mines. At Redstone, ono of thbso two camps, I never saw a drunken man In five or six years, although the men were drinking constantly." Tho witness told of an anarchist sa loon which he said was run by enemies of tho mine owners In Agullar Canon. Ho said that a red flag with a bowls ( knlfo on It, floated over tho saloon. 1 Mr. Costlgan asked the witness about j political conditions In southern Colo 1 rado. .Mr Osgood denied any knowledge of political activity by the mine owners. Ho emphatically disavowed any action by himself In Influencing politics. Imported Men Not Deceived. Tho witness told of the Importation of strlko breakers being delayed by the governor's ordor against bringing In men. Ho said that tho company had hired no men except on contracts whtch stated plainly that a strike was In ef fect. "We asked Governor Arnmons," he added, "to have the mllttta examine all tho Imported men and mako sure that they understood the conditions and had not been deceived. This was done by order of Genoral Chase. - Tho witness Identified payrolls of some of tho Victor-American mines showing wages for one month, In some cases ox ceedlng J1T3. Mr. Osgood said ho was willing to submit to the committee all tho books of tho company except those showing contracts, which tho corpora tion did not wish revealed to competi tors. Osgood then told of the visit of Ethcl bert Stewart of the federal Department of Labor, who came to Denver In an effort to settle tho strike. "Mr. Stewart spent practically all his time with tho labor men while In this state," he declared. "Wo met him once, in .the governor's office. Wo offered to furnish him any information available,, but he said ho didn't want any informa tion; that ho was not an Investigator, but a mediator. ( ".Secretary Wilson, during Jiln .-visit here, did not ask us-for any Informa tion regarding tho strike." Cross-examination by counsel brought the accusation from the witness that Colorado had a bad record so far as mine accidents were concerned, owing to a series of dust explosions In 110, but theso accidents were not confined to nonunion mines. Ho cited the disaster In the Cherry mine tn the unionized state of Illinois as tho worst in the history of mining. "If tho United Mine workers wcro in corporated, would you rccognlzo the union?" naked Representative Byrnes. "No, I think not. I do not approve tho Irregular purposes or tho Irregular methods." Tho witness added: "My Idea Is that some day wo will have competition among union, which will ralso tho irregular standards. In that event It may become safe to contract with them. I think that this attempted monopoly of labor by the United Mino Workers of Amorlca is dangerous." "Haven't you practically a monopoly of the coal Industry of this state?" asked Mr. Costlgan. "There )s no combination among the operntors who have advertised themselves as representing 03 per cent of the coal Industry," replied Mr. Osgood. Mr. Osgood declared that Instead of being hostllo toward operators who had signed union contracts, his company Is buying coal from one whoso name he declined to mention, because the con tract with the union prohibits salo to a nonunion mine. 1 $15 Schaffner &- Marx hand tailored 1 w! HAYDEN BROS. Before Stock-Taking It's stock taking tlmo ngnln; Hint ninny means n Great Clonring Bale. Hero' the situntlon: Wc prefer to sell our stock nt n sncrlflco rnthcr tlinn Inventory It or carry over until nnother season. AVo prefer tho money to merchandise. Note These In'ducements! $Q95 $Q75 For Suits and Overcoats actually worth $15.00 and $18.00 For' Suits and Overcoats actually worth $10.00 and $12.50 A Chapter of Boys1 Suit Bargains 92.60 and 53.00 and Overcoats, $3.50 and 94.00 Salt, jug Suits $2.79 and Overcoats $5.00 and 90.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.79 WE MAKE UNIFORMS THINK W0MAN TOOK LIFE Authorities Believe Mrs. Billings Committed Suicide. SOUGHT TO KILL CHILDREN Coroner's Phralctnn linn Not Com pleted Annlysla of Contents of Stomach to Determine Man ner of Her Death. That Mrs. P. C. Billings, 430 North Twenty-fifth street, took her own llfo by swallowing poison and attempted to do away with her two children In tho samo manner Is now the belief of tho police. Clarence Sehuman, ono of the dead woman's children, who was found dangerously 111 and who at first was thought to havo been connected with his mother's death, was released from cus tody yesterday afternoon. Coroner's Physician McClencghan has not completed his analysis of tho dead woman's stomach to determine what kind of poison sho took. "There was no reason for anyone to suspect Clarence at any time," declared the boy's father yesterday. "He loved his mother dearly. She had been feeling morost) for tho last few daj'B and I think that In a fit of despondency sho took the poison." Coroner Crosby will hold an Inquest probably Monday. Tho funeral will bo held Saturday afternoon at the Crosby chapel and burial will bo lr. Forest Lawn. BRYAN AND HITCHCOCK DENY ANY COMPROMISE (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. (Special Tel-egrom.)-Outsldo of a few minor posi tions. Secretary Bryan and Senator Hitchcock are still far apart on any agreement looking to tho settlement of the lntornal revenue collectorshlp, tho United States district attorney or tho marshalshlp. Notwithstanding reports t In Nebraska, both Secretary Bryan and Senator Hitchcock today disclaimed any j agreement nnd sold that the subject had i not been taken up during several weeks. , Both tho secretary of state and Senator (Hitchcock admit that something should bo dono for tho "faithful," but as yet they have not hit upon any happy solu tion. YontU Churned nltu Forsery. TOUK, Nob., Feb. 13.-rSpeclal Tele-gram.)-Otto Graves of Stromsburg Is charged with writing a check for 927, made payable to Clyde Taeger, and sign ing the namo of C. J. Johnson, a farmer who lives near Benedict, and cashing It at tho First Satlonal bank in this city. Deputy Sheriff Finney arrested Graves this evening In Tolk and lodged him In Jail here. Ho has confessed tho charge, It Is said. All Our Men's Separate Winter Trousers An immense assort ment pi the very choicest styles and materials. $3.00 values, $1.69 $5.00 values, $2.69 $6.00 values, $3.69 Buy them Saturday. ALIi VANCV WINTER SUITS. $20.00 $22.80 $25.00 $110.00 $35.00 That Sold That Sold That Sold That Sold That Sold at. at. . at, , at., at. , carments. All are fall and winter nlcj new suit or overcoat and have ? All Gnrmeuju Guaranteed, $12so For Suits and Overcoats actually worth $20.00 and $22.50 Men's 93.SO to 90.00 Trousers $1.85 $2.25 $2.85 $3.85 Pine fabrics, newest styles, 37 to CO waists, VI to 36 lengths. Below sttro prlcss on FURNISHINGS Fine Wool Underwear np to 91.25 55c values .... Flannel Shirts, real 91.60 and (in. 93.00 quality WWW Men's Wool SUsed Hose 0i OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. A Bona Fide Reduction . of Vz 3 ON ALrLr BENJAMIN SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN 50510 So. 16-th. NEAL Treatment ror the Xdanor ana Drug1 Kablt, Tor Information, csU write or phous Neal Institute 1B03 S. 10th St., Omaha, Van, Phone Douglas 7558. Photographs for catalogue illustrations We can of fer you com plete facilities for se curing thoroughly sat isfactory cuts from pho tographs for catalogue illustrations. Our pho tographer knows just how the photograph should be taken. If retouching is nec essary, wo have expert artists to bring out every detail to the best ad vantage. We can likewise make the cut in our engraving department, and electro types for you in our electrotype department. It is a great advantage to havo the wholo work done iu ono establish ment, assuring the most perfect results. Our charges forUhis work are remarkably reasonable. Bee Photo Department Phone Tyler 1000