Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1914, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
It but another word for closer
co-operation betiveen buyer nd
toller, for mut.ial benefit.
On Trains and at
Hotl Nwi Standi, 5c.
Many Prostrations from .Cold and
Great Suffering Reported in
Poorer Sections.
Slightly Higher Temperature and
Seep Snow Predicted.
Snow and Sleet in South Atlantio
States Turn to Rain.
mtnnrit in Rnitlnic unit Street Cnrn
on All Routes Are Blocked
Through Trains Are Sev
ern! Hours I.nte.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. The cold wave
claimed another victim hero todajr. Tho
death of Eric Nelson, an aged tailor,
frozen on tho streets, brought tne total
since the arrival of zero weather Vednes
day night to nine.
Tho municipal lodging house and other
charitable organizations overflowed with
human derelicts and unfortunates. Pros
tratlons reported by tho police arc almost
Tho lowest dip In the mercury today
was at 7 o'clock this morning, when It
stood at 1 below.
The local weather office prophesied a
dubious relief In the form of a blizzard
and a .slightly InctAaslns temperature
At 11 o'clock the mercury obeyed this
forecast by climbing to 9 above
All over tho city water, gas and other
supply and feed-pipes burst.
St. I.onta Nenrly Snnn bound.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13.-St. Louis was
nearly snowbound today as a result of
a blizzard that started Into yesterday
afternoon and which at 10 o'clock this
morning was at the height of Its fury.
Street cars on all routes were blocked.
Most of the through passenger trains ar
il vod about o, time, only to encounter a
blockade In the terminal yards. Great
difficulty was experienced In getting tho
trains into Union station.
Hundreds of men were put to work by
the cltv early today clenrlnz the streets.
but they were, able to accomplish little
more than ptevent Ions blockades, for
the snow continued to fall and to pack
us It fell. Snow plows, drawn by four
horses, were, driven througn tho down-1
town streets to make way for vehicle
Snow Tarn to Rain.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Snow and
Ight. d yammer t
prvdfctlon from (he
cold today and tonight,
weather bureau.
The Texas storm - advancing on the
oast turned lrjto rain today ns It ap.
prouched Tennessee, and even had
caused thunderstorms on the gulf coast.
.Snow and sleet fell in the south Atlan
tic states as far north as tho Carollnas,
but tho zero blanket remained over the
middle Atlantic and New England state.
From tho Ohio valley tonight snows
were expected to extend to the New
England coast and to bring general ris
ing of the temperature tomorrow.
LEWIS, Del., Feb. 13. The steamer
Katharine Park, bound from New Or
leans to Hamburg with a cargo of cotton
and grain, was driven ashore in a snow
storm today at the mouth of Chesapeake
bay, near Capo Charles. The steamer Is
lying easy and Is In good condition.
Life savers from the Smith's Island sta
tion went to the rescue, but the crew re
fused to leave the vessel.
The Katharine Park has a capacity of
3,042 tons.
CHICAGO. Feb. 13. (Special Telegram.)
-Carl Uliland. Eagle, Neb., naval recruit,
died suddenly at Great Lakes Naval
Training station yesterday after short
The Weather
Forecast till 1 p. m. Saturday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; no important change In temporal
Temperature Ht Oninlin YcMterIiiy.
Hours. Dcg.
5 a. m 10
C a. in 10
7 a. in ..11
8 a. n...... U
i) a. m....' 11
10 a. tu 12
11 a. in 13
ii in it
i p. m n
: p. in 16
3 p. m 17
4 p. m 20
5 p. n 30
6 p. ii lit
7 p. in 19
8 p. m 18
Comparative .unl llmuril.
lilt. ln I!.' 1911
Highest yesterday 20 32 4
Lowent yesterday 10 16 JS 31
Mean temperature 15 32 2 40
Precipitation .00
ieniiiiuiure una preiipitiuiou ucvw
iukv fiom tho normal:
Normal temperature 3
Deficiency for tho day 8
Total excess since March 1 1.200
.u.mal pieUpUutluu wUnch
Deficiency for the day 01 inch
Total rainfall since March l.,.2t.561nchea
Deficiency since March 1 4.55 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913. 4.70 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913, 13.62 Inches
Ufporl (rout blHlImu ul 7 l. 31.
Elation and State Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather 7 p. in. est. fall
Cheyenne, cloudy 28 34 .00
Davenport, clear ,. It 22 .0)
Denver, cloudy 30 35 .00
Dos Moines, cloudy 13 22 ,18
Dodge City, clear 30 31 .00
North Platte, clear 38 4t .00
Omaha, ulear 13 jn .02
Rapid City, rloudy 31 3! ,fO
Sheridan, cloudy . 34 40 .01
Sioux City. part, cloudy. 18 20 .00
Valentine, partly cloudy 30 34 .00
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Mr. Van Hise Favors
Trade Commission
WitlyBroad Powers
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. While Presl-
dent Charles n Van Hlso of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin was testifying bo
foro the house commerce committee Rep-
lescntattvo Stevens of Minnesota, rank
ing republican of the committee, de
elated the administration Clayton bill for
on Interstate trade commission was un
constitutional In many respects. No
member of the commlteo defended tho
bill, which was framed by Chairman
Clayton and others after conferences
with President Wilson. Tho discussion
which followed seemed to Indicate that a
new Ull might be drawn.
Dr. Van lllse, saying the courts had
been too slow In ticatlng Industrial prob
lems, proposed that a commission should
have broad power, net on Its own Initia
tive without waiting for complaint or
legislation, and that Its findings of fact
should bo accepted as final, with certain
Dr. Van lllse urged that a commission
bo empowered to Investigate tho affair
of any concern so large as to have as
sumed a public Interest or likely to co
operate with other firms In controlling
tho market. He contended that under the
present conditions, the country was as
helpless beforo great Industrial corpora
tions as It was beforo railroads and food
manufacturers came under tho control of
the Interstate Commerce commission and
the pure food law.
"If there had been an Interstate trade
commission when tho United States Steel
corporation was organized, with a great
quantity of capitalization not represented
by Investment, would It later have been
allowed to turn In 3WO.0W.O0O from Its
dividends to make tho aqua purfi" sub
stance?" asked President Van lllse. "The
problem to bo met Is fair distribution of
profits between stockholders and wage
earners. Co-operation Is all right within
limits, but we must have a commission to
watch over It."
Henry R. Towne of New York urged
tho Judiciary committee to combine the
trade commission project with other trust
and commerce proposals In one measure
to carry out the legislative program.
Hindu Predicts the
Worst Revolution
World Has Known
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. A prediction
of "the fiercest revolution the world has
ever known" If tho British government
approves the Hindu exclusion policies of
Its colonics, was made today beforo the
houso Immigration committee by Dr. Sun
hlndra Dose, n professor In tho University
of Iowa, during an argument In which he
contended that Hindus, were an Aryan
people, entitled to naturalization here.
He urged that 1f the'HIndus were to be
excluded here a "gentleman's-agreement"
be made between the United Statesand
.-.the British , ,nd,, garment to restrict.
the lmmter.Uon.
A special law excluding the Hindus
would humiliate us In the eyes of tho
world. It Is not necessary.
"We are a great class of British sub
jects," sold Bose, "and are entitled to
tho rights Of such a' class. ' International
complications may follow an attempt to
exclude us."
"Tho colonies of Great Britain are ex
cluding Hindus," observed Chairman
"The central government In England
has not endorsed such action," replied Dr.
Boso. '"If It does It will precipitate the
fiercest revolution the world has ever
known. The people of India arc awaken
ing, and If they are to remain a part of
tho British empire something must be
done, some solution of this problem ar
rived at which Is moio reasonable than
any yet suggested."
Senate Takes Up
Complaint Against
L, & N, Railroad
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-FIvo senators
wore named in a special resolution today
to co-operato with the Interstate Com
merce commission to Investigate affairs
of the Ixiulsvlllo & Nashville railroad and
get Information tho railroad declined to
give federal agents.
The commission had roportoi Vice
President Mapother of tho Louisville &
Nashville was defying Its agents, with
drawing Important information from flies
and threatening to destroy records.
With a senate committee authorized to
participate in tho inquiry such attention
could be held contemptuous. The com
mittee might also employ sncdal cnunaM
j to aid In its Inquiry.
Alfonso Bertillon
is Dead in Paris
PARIS, Feb. 13.-Alfone Be'tlllon,
creator of the system of criminal Iden
tification which made his name known
throughout the world, died i:ra today,
aged 61. Bertiilon's title was "director
of the anthropometric department of the
Paris police." He had been illuor
time, suffering from anemia, ton. pli
cated with other maladies. He was
operated on In Octobor. Bertillon was
a distinguished anthropologist and was
the author of many works on onthnog
raphy, anthropometry and criminal pho
AUBURN, Neb., Feb. 13.-(Speclal Tel
rgram.) John Hunlon of this city has
contracted nun uio uuner aianuiaciuring ;
company of Omaha for the machinery of
an artificial Ice factory of from ten to
fifteen tons dally capacity. The Invest
ment to be made by Mr. Hanlon will ap
proximate at least 318,000.
The factory will have cold storage fa
cilities. It Is hoped to have the Indus
try In operation by April L Tho facili
ties that wilt be afforded by the cold
storage feature will practically make
Auburn the apple center of southeastern
New paving districts, A municipal light
ing plant, with the electrolier system,
and enlarged waterworks are proposed
Five Hurt When Big Sledge with
Party Returning from Dance
is Struck.
All Persons i
at Kin:
Victims Muffled in Blankets and
Furs Hear Nothing.
Frelnlit Stopped and Injured Tut
Alionril Cnlioose nnd the Whole
Party Is Cnrrled to
KINGSTON, N. Y., Feb. 13.-Flve per-
sons were injured and one was killed
when a freight train on the Waltkill
Valley railroad struck a large sleigh In
which a party were returning today from
a dance. Three of tho Injured may dlo.
Raymond Wood, a bookkeeper, was
killed. Arthur Rowland, a bank clerk!
Julius Moser, railroad clerk, and Miss
Nellie Klmmcrman, a clork, suffered
'fractured skulls, and William Anderson,
tho driver, suffered tho loss of a foot.
All members of tho party reside In
The dance was given by "The Jolly
Four," a quartet of Kingston young
women. It ended At a late hour and In a
temperature several degrees below zero.
The dancers bundled Into a four-horse
sleigh and started home. The accident
occurred half a mile from the dance
hall. The Waltkill Valley railroad runs be
tween Kingston and Montgomery. Traffic
Is light and trains nro seldom run at
night. Tho approach to the crosstng is
hidden by steep banks on both sides of
the track, nnd the dancers", muffled In
blankets and furs, did not hear tho loco
motive or see It until thVselgh was
struck. ' ...
The freight train was stopped, the In
jured were put aboard the caboose at7 tho
train carried tho whole party to Kingston.
Mexican Federals
Escape Across the
Border Near El Paso
EL PASO. Tex., Feb. 13. Further de
tails of the plot by which a detachment
of federals, or federal Irregulars, re
cruited In Kl' Pnso, crossed Into Mexico
with their arms Wednesday nlRht, were
learned by Robert T. Neill, United States
Cho- In
of the horses at Ysleta. said that
that he was
hired by "a man" who Said Rodriguox
was to let none of the horses leavo the
corral except .on order of tho Mexican
consul, or In the case pf one Efanlo
Modesto. Who might take out the
animals as he wished.
Rodriguez said that the twenty-soven
horses taken Wpdncsday night wero rc
moved by Modesto, who was assisted by
threo men.
Of the five other Mexicans rounded Up
by the American troops none know
Rodriguez. Eraslmo Murgo, one of the
men, said he had been hired by Francisco
Aldercte to watch tho pasture. This
ranch "hand" was garbed in clothes
such as worn by tho Orozeo federal Ir
regulars at tho battlo of OJInaga.
Investigation of the ownersrlp of tho
horses progressed today. It was learned
that they wero part of a lot purchased
from the Mexican consul at OJInaga by a
ranch show. The Cattle Raisers' as
sociation held up tho deal with a claim
that some of the animals had been
stolen from Terraza's ranch In Mexico
by tho federal soldiers, but this claim
was withdrawn later and tho outfit
shipped to Kl Paso and placed In AI
dorote'a corral at Ysleta. Aldcreto said
that tho pasture was rented from him.
He declined to divulge tho name of tho
Fast Mail Train
on Burlington is
Derailed in Iowa
BURLINGTON, Ja Feb. l3.-Burllngton
fast mall train No. 8 left the track at
Lockrldge, la., this morning, and bumped
the ties for a quarter pf a mile. No one
was hurt. All tho equipment remained
upright. Two hours delay was caused In
replacing the locomotive and five cars on
the rails. f
The train left Council Bluffs yesterday
afternon at 4 o'clock. It was composed ex
clusively of mall cars. It Is presumed that
the derailment was caused by an obstruc
tion dropped by a preceding train.
ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. 13.-A lessened
demand for labor was reported and an
Increase In the percentage of lioness
of organized workers employed during
1913 by the state labor department to
day. Tho percentage of Idleness In New
York state last year was 23.3, as against
17.3 In 1912. At the close of the year
Idleness had reached a percentage of
33.8, a record figure.
Tomorrow the Best
Tke Sunday Bee
From tho Chicago News
Possibility Schedule May Be Basis
for Interstate Commission.
Proposed Order Contemplated for
ItnllroniU Here Ilelnir Viewed by
KxprrU In Capital irltli
Souii Favor.
(From a-Staff Correspondent.)
Washington; d. c, Feb. i3.-(SpC-
ciat Telegram.) Henry T. Clarke, chair
man, and U. G. Powell, rate experts of
the Nebraska State Railway commission,
and Clifford. TUoriie, plinlrnian of the
Iowa Board of Raliroad commissioners,
hod w "conference toduy with- former
CorafotMloner Piouty, i
The conference related to tho conflict
between tho Interstate distance tariff re
cently ordered Intp effect by the Inter
state body and the now Nebraska sched
ule that Is about to bo promulgated by
the Nebraska commission. The fact was
developed by comparison of tho two
schedules at today's meeting that there
vcro radical differences between them
tind that If both wero made effective
there would bo serious conflict in tho
rates charged the Iowa and Nebraska
shippers. Both states were auxlotiH to
avoid any such situation and the con
ference was arranged for tho purpuso
of eliminating tho points of conflict, If
Attltoil" of lotrn.
Chairman Thorno of tho Iowa, board
suld that his pcoplo would bo satisfied
with an adjustment tlint would work
pubstantlnl Justlco to his constituents,
work no discrimination against them
and that would contain rates 'that wero
not'. In any instance, more than tho sums
(Continued on Page Two,)
British Eailroad
Employs Manager
from. United States
LONDON. Feb. 13. Tho Great Eastern
j Railroad company of England has de
cided to employ an American executive
officer In order to bring Its system thor
oughly up to date. The directorate an
nounced today tho appointment of Jlenry
Thornton, general superintendent of the
Long Island railroad, as general man
In announcing tho appointment of Mr.
Thornton. Iord Claud Hamilton, chair
man of the Great Eastern board, re
marked: "Our company has been obliged to go
to the United States for a new general
manager, as at the present time there la
a great dearth In the British Isles of pro
ficient men for the more prominent posi
tions on British railways."
Saloonist Must Pay
Wife of Man Killed
When He Was Drunk
PAPILLION, Neb., Feb. 13.-8pec!al
Telegram.) Because' Joseph Hauth, la
borer, at tho tlmo he was run down and
killed by a Burlington train hero tu Sep
tember, was drunk, It Is charged, on
whisky he secured the night beforo In
John Sambo's saloon, the widow, Mrs.
Theresa Hauth, and her two minor 'clil!
dren were awarded damages of 311.400
against t'ambo and the Illinois Surety
company, bonding him, by a Paplllion
Jury today
The Jury was out three houru and sev
eral ballots were taken before a verdict
was reached The trial occupied three
days and attracted much Interest.
Grain Dralvra Conclude,
WATERLOO, "la,, Feb. 13.-(peelal
Telegram.) The Iowa Grain Dealers' as.
sootatlon has closed Its convention. Ma
son City was ele;ted for tho next meet.
Ing place. The officers elwted ure: Pre
Ident, Ira D. McVlcar, Hugle Grove; vice
president. B. Hathuwoy, Klngsley; sec
retary. W Q. Wray, Colo, treasurer, D.
J Cpughlln, Fort DOdgt.
If That Madonna Could Speak
Officers Testify !
that Gore Tried
to Evade Service
OKLAHOMA CITV, Okl., Feb. 13.-
Cottnscl for Mrs, Mlnnlo Bond, who Is
suing Senator Thomas V. G'jre for !',
000 damages as tho result of un alleged
assault In u Washington hotel,, letted
their cufe today. James U. Jacoln, who
was expected to bo ono of the prindiml
witnesses In tho case, was not tulUd.
It was announced that Jacobs will be
used In. rebuttal.
Shortly after T. K. Robertson took the
stand to continue his tvstlmuny ho wmi
oxeused Jeinponully nnl Deputy Hhorlft
Esoll was called. The Witness testified
tliat tho senator had evaded fuiVK-u of
tho papers In Mrs, Bond's suit and that
ho nan prevented from seeing the sen
ator by a mifnber of friend of tlio
latter, who barred the door to Gore's
room In a local hotel.
Sheriff Illnlon was called und testified
that ho took tho papem nnd went to seo
Mr. tloro, but met tho samo tactics.
That night, however, ho said, ho caught
sight of tho senator In tho hotel nnd
served the papers on him.
White Wife of Jap
From Omaha May Be
Deported to Japan
LOB ANGELES, Feb. 13. Immigration
otflclalH hero put up to their superiors In
Washington today tho question of
whether Louise McEIwnlno Goto, Amer
ican wlfo of a Japanese, should bo de
ported as an undeslrnblo alien, to Japan,
a land she has never seen. .
Tho girl, whoso parents llvo In Butte,
Mont., and who mot Mnnzo Qoto, a Jap
anese, at umana, wns marncu to uoio
on tho high seats, off Ban Diego, some
motilhs ago. Under tho Jaw Bhe takes tho
nationality of hor husband. When Goto
was accused of having violated tho whlto
slavery law by accepting her earnings,
she iKK-amo llablo to deportation with
The girl and Goto. were married on a'
launch, hired especially to enuble them
to avoid tho law prohibiting the marriuge'
of Caucasians and Mongolians In Cali
Chicago Banker
is Shot hy Bandit
CHICAGO, Feb. 13.-John C. Ncely. Jr.,
private banker, who nt one time ranked
as a leading lawn tennis player oi ino
west, was shot and slightly Injured early
today by one of two robberH who at
tempted to hold him up near his homo.
Ernest Halverson, who recently was re
leased - from the Jollct penitentiary and
who is alleged to be one of tho robbers,
was arrested. His companion escaped.
Senate Passes Bill
for Vice Admirals
WASHINGTON, -Feb. 13,-The bill to
creato six vice admirals In tho navy was
passed today by tlio senate and noW
u waits action by the house. Their sal
aries were fixed at 111.000 a year and the
ago pf retirement at OC years.
The . National Capital
l'rlilnr, February in, Kil l.
The Senate.
Mot at noon.
Mines committee heard witnesses on
Senator Walsh's radium bill.
Smoot bill for codification of mining
lawH amended to inuluau oil and mineral
land laws.
Immigration committee continued wprk
on the Burnett bill.
Met nt noon.
Met at noon.
Prldent Van Hlpo of the University
or wiiscrinui lestitico on tne trade com
mission bill.
Immigration committee heard argu
ments for exclusion of Hiniu.
; I iffilillU If fl II
Roiarians Listen to Frank Mulhol-
land of Toledo.
Former National President of Ho
tnry Clubs Hnys the Universe
Holds No Place for
the Grouch,
Smiles and optimism were radiated to
almost S business men, mombers and
friends of tho Rotary club by Frank I
Mnllinltnnil. n tiromlnent ToloCil attorney
nnd dlrentor of ihn National Association
of Rotary clubs, whq. spake at tho club's or If ho had, not read In Unnlsh newu
TuncjnTon nt the Honshaw yesterday noon. "tw thut the Bovora;iiciit toon .woxld
""'ile Good for Something" was his take-over tho mines. T.w witness rc-
thofne, mid ho said that increll' bclhg
tood w not th idea, as ttiniif trood
men havo been good for nqthlng.
"Every line of human activity Is crying
aloud for men who aro cood for nomo-
thlng-ln politics, business und religion,"
ho asserted. "Somcono has pictured the
great genius of our country standing on
our highest peak and culling for men to
match otir mountains und plains, men
with empires In their bosoms and now
idcuB In their brains, to right earth's
wrongH and uvold old errors.
' v.. ii..n i, i:..,.,,,.!,
"No man can bo good for something
unless ho Is ., optimist. There is no
quurtcr for tho grouch and th pessimist.
Smiles aro contagioua and their InflUMM
Is wonderful. Men cannot accomplish
much for civic betterment until they
learn to .smllo and until the Importance
of good fellowship Is appreciated,
"Good followHhlp wilt muko tho whole
world a brotherhood, Just as Intercom
munication Iiub mnda tho wholo world
our neighbor. The man who holds him-
(Continued on Page Two,)
Torpedoes Fired
WithViolet Rays
' FLORENCE, Italy, Feb. 13.-A' suc
cessful experiment of exploding tor
pedoes from n long dlstanco by means
of "tho iiltm-vlolct ,rays discovered by
Gl'ullo, was carried out here to
day. Signer Ullvla has handed over his
secret to tho Italian government. Al
though today's experiment was secret,
It' became known that Admiral Blerto
Fornnrl had placed In the River Arno
two torpedoes charged with smokeless
gunpowder and two others with black
gunpowder. The ultra-violet ray" ap
paratus wns posted pn the tower of the
Paluzzo Cnpponl, two miles away. When
the signal was given, the apparatus was
put .Into operation and In less-than
three minutes all four torpedoes ex
ploded. Warrants for .Two
Lipton Employes
LONDON, Feb. 13,-Bharp action was
taken today by the police in connection
with the British arply canteen scandals.
WurranU wero issued for the arrest of
James Ness, formerly manager of Lip
ton, Limited, and of .Archibald Mlnto,
another employe of Upton,- Limited,
neither of whom appeared to answer the
summons sent to them When the case
opened, ,
.Ness Is bellovcd to be in Canada and
Mlnto Is said to be in France,
Altogether nine army officers and
eight employes of Lipton, Limited, havo
been charged with receiving or giving
Illicit commissions on contracts for
urmy canteen supplies.
Safe in Theater is
Rohbed by Three Men
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Feb. 13.-Thre
men galnod entrance to the Pitt theater
mrlr today and, binding Emmet Turner,
the watchman, and his assistant, Thomas
Cuff, carried them to the basement. They
then forced the door of tho office and
blew the safe Its contents, amounting
tu $2,000, were stolen.
I Claim it is Effort to Connect Polit
ical Party with the Copper
Committee Decides it Will Not Com
pel Him to Do So.
Says Men Walked kiit Expecting U
S. to Take Ov'r Mines Soon.
Imltorrr Assert Not Clrnr About
Government Ownership If Pri
vate Coiieenm Would Give
Men More Freedom.
HANCOCK, Mich., F.cb. 13.-Soclal!sm
was mentioned for tho first time as a
factor In tho Michigan copper miners'
trlko situation today nt tho congres
sional hearing, nt asking a witness It ho
was ii member of tho socialist society,
Allen F. Hecs of counsel for tho mining
companies encountered violent objection
from tho union attorneys, who .claimed
It was an effort to connect a political
party with tho present strike.
Chairman Taylor asked Mr. Rees what
was his object' In' putting such a question
and the latter replied that the attitude.
of tho strikers would bo shown later to
have such a bearing on tho refusal of the
companies to recognlzo tho W.CHtcrn Fed
eration of Miners.
Tho wlltness. Oust Stronger, refused to
answer and tho commltteo decided that
It would not compel him to do so.
"Do you understand that this commlt
teo Is hero for tho purpose of government
taking over tho mines?'.' Mr. Rccs then
Ilotvl of Derision.
A how) of derision from tho audience,
composed largely of strikers, caused Mr.
ncea to exclaim above tho din: "Wo ex-
1 ... ft in almu, fltnt Hi ..n nilnftra nrnnl r
strlko with tho understanding that It they
remained out for threo months they
would bo promised that tho government
would take over tho mines."
"That statement Is unqualifiedly
wrong," shouted O. N. Hilton, counsel fur
tho miners.
Tho committee decided the witncin
need not answer tho question If h in
sisted on standing on his constitutional
rights. Mr. Roe's then asked Btrengtr
1 had not beon told .In- the union,
P' negative.
"Do Jou believe, in cons'ltutfonnl go-
cement ns we have it In -this coot.
aHei Congress.jail HwlUer of
w"o Joined tne commiueo touay.
oulh of AllrRlnnup Taken.
"Of coure," Strenger replied, "I havo
j taken tho oath of allegUn:e to it."
Mr, Rees then nsked If iu bellovcd the
government should. tako o.or the initios
nnd the inlher nssertid that ho was not
clear about tho government taking tho n
lover It private concerns would give the
mon a little moro frcedo.n in tho m'nes.
Strenger was placed tilt stanC to
J0"11 cha iUa ?l,nBr Min'
Ing company 'had ercctt'l a fenco across
K ".vato. rDnd. " "Wtiy hWi
afforded tho only means ho had of reach
ing the publlo highway from tho pltco
ot leased hind on which lie lived. Ho
suld ho had worked for tho Qulncyas.a
inlno Mud had gone on -stnkJ with the
other members of the union.
NEL1GH, Neb., Feb. 13.-(SpecIal Tele-gram.)-Dr.
A. F. Conery of this city
was arrested this afternoon on a warrant
charging hlni. with being responsible for
tho death of Mrs. Dora RoJgcrs through
the medium of a criminal operation.
Mr. Rodgcrs died February i and tha
coroner ordered u. post mortem examina
tion on account of rumors that were
afloat Tho report of tho physicians who
performed the autopsy and Investigation
conducted by the county attorney re
sulted in the complaint being filed to
day. The henrlng. was set for February
0 and tho accused was released on 32,0u0
rr i
No. 10 Entertain
ment and Recreation
After the day's toll It Is the
dally newspaper that most of
ten points tho way to recrea
tion, rest, and entertainment.
It may be but an evening's
enjoyment or a week-end; and
it may be for a week or a
month, according to oppor
tunity and means.
nut it Is usually a good
newspaper liko The Bee that
points the way and makes the
suggestions for the fullest en
joyment. It is the advertising, al
ways serving tho public in
some shape or other, that tells
you where to go and what to
do. Also it tells you every lit
tle and big thing you ought to
know in order that you may go
prepared to get the most out
of your recreation.
To get the most beneficial
results from any form of onr
tertalnment or recreation, plan
It with all the best Information
you can get on the subject.
Then it will be a time of pure
enjoyment a time without re
gret. Newspaper advertising vrlll
keep you posted if you will let