TUB BEE: OMAHA, THIHRSTAY FEBRUARY 12, 1014. LICENSE IS GRANTED MOISE ! R0SS hammond to speak on in- - JISHC4 IAa XUilAX. Three Commissioners Vote Against It After Secret Session. TO REGULATE THE DRUG TRADE While CotiiiuUftlonrr Unit AKroct .t to (Srnnt tr MrMiirn They Say Limit In Still He loir ,. I.nst Yonr. City commissioners, by a vote of four to three, Krnnted Walter Molso a whole unto liquor license to npcrato from llS-tt North Fifteenth street. The nctlon fol lowed an oxtended meeting of the com mission behind closed doors. Commis sioners A. C. Kugt-I, John J. Hydor and l II. Wlthnell voted agnlnst the license. Molso hns been running a wholesale liquor iiouse m tho city for approximately twenty years. A druggUt penult was Issued and an ordinance providing for more stringent regulation of the liquor trado by drug stores was passed by unanimous vote. Concerning tho action on tho Molso license. Mayor James C. Dahltnan said ho could see no reason for "putting Molso out of business." Commissioner With nell said simply that "enough licenses had been granted." The other commis sioners did not discuss the matter. No urgument occurred when the matter was put to a vote at tho council meeting after the secret session.' City Clerk Flynn said tho number of licenses Issued to date aro still under tho total Issued n yonr ago. Tho city council announced thut no new licenses would be granted, and so far this agree ment has not been violated. A few ap plicants for new licenses have been turned dovn, one of them being an outside wholcealu company. Interest is Shown in Sunday School Meet at Florence Sunday school leaders and workers of Douglas county are looking forward with a good deal of Interest to the annual convention which Is to be held 'ji br onco this evening and Friday aft ernoon and evening. Tho Florence pco Plo are furnishing free the beautiful Fontanello ' hall for tho purposes of, tho convention. Tho program arranged In decidedly practical, and u number of well known workers aro In charge. Miss Margaret Ellen Brown, general secretary of the Nebraska State Sunday School conven tion, will speak at boh evening meet ings on her tour around tho world In connection with the .commission of Sun day school workers that was ecnt to Japan, China, Korea and othor orlentat lands a, year ago, prior to the world's Sunday school convention at Zurich, Switzerland, last May. Friday morning there will bo an earn est, .discussion of homo mission .work through the Sunday school, In which a number of church missionaries and Sun day school workers will toko part and at which the pastors of the county are urged to bo present. Every school In the cuuntv l inir,i seid delegates und every Sunday school worker Is invited to attend any and all of these, meetings. Jack Holland is Given Ride in the Old "Blaok Maria" I Jack Holland, owner of the St. Joseph I base bnll team was In the hands of the 1 Omaha police for a lime yesterday aft ' ternoon, until rtourke came to his rescue and took him awny from tho po. lice station. Ho was arrested nt tho I'nlon station as ho arrived on a train from St, Joseph to Utlk over ehduio with Pa rtourke before the two left last, evening for Chicago to attend tho meet ing of tho Western league. Tho chargo was stealing an overcoat, tho one ho wore. Dcteetlvo Johnson of St. Joseph, who was in Omaha on another case, made tho arrest. H turned out that Johnson was "Jcs' foolln'. " HOS3 HAMMOND. The Incomo tax Is the subject to be dis cussed at tho public affairs luncheon of the Commercial club Thursday noon. Itoss Hammond, collector of Internal revenue for Nebraska, Is to deliver the address. Any member of tho assembly Is to bo permitted to ask him pertinent questions In behalf of tho tax. Senator Norrls Brown is to preside. Lincoln's Birthday Not Legal Holiday in State of Nebraska j One hundred and five yeats ago to ! day Abraham Lincoln was born. The day Is a legal holiday In most states, but the banks will not close In Oiimtvt ns Lincoln's birthday Is not a legal holi day In Nebraska. Hxerclscs win ho holi In the schools of tho city to h greater or less fXtcnL Tho famous tlettyshurg speech will be read In many of tho schools and the martyred president will bo re membered In many ways, In tho evening Bishop William A. Quaylo of St. l'nul. Minn., U to speak at tho University club. Bishop Quayle's sub. Ject for the evening will be "Lincoln, tho First American." Present Indications are that 150 or more will bo present. Fead Has Plan to Use City Bonds to Guarantee Deposits A plan to secure deposits Iri depository banks by city Jjonds, held In escrow, has been prepared by John W. Fead, clerk In tho city comptroller's office, and wilt be submitted to the city commission by Commissioner Dan B. Butlor of the de partment of finances and accounts. It Is Fead's plan to have the SS61.000 In bonds shortly to bo Issued by tho council for eewere, street Improvements and In tersections taken by tho banks to secure their deposits, Instead of tho present sys tem of bonded protection. "This plan has worked In other cities," said Fead, "and there Is no reason why It should not bo adopted here. If funds accrue to retire tho bonds a considerable saving will follow, as exchange and premium Items will bo eliminated." Commissioner Butler will ask the com mission's consideration of this plan at a meeting of tho city council In committee of tho whole Monday morning. MR. AND MRS. GOULD DIETZ WILL LEAVE THIS EVENING Mr, and Mrs. Gould Diets are to leave Thursday evening for their trip around the world. They go west and are to sail from Vancouver directly for Australia. They oxpect to be gone until May or June. They will ppend considerable tlmo In Australia and New Zealand and also In tho South Sea Islands. They will then likely spend some tlmo In South Africa and Inter sail through tho Suez canal. Mr. Dlotz says ho also has tho FIJI Islands on his Itinerary, and hopes to spend a ltttlo tlmo there, providing there Is no famine on and the cannibals will let him land with some degree of safety. HURST GIVEN VERDICT FOR FIVE HUNDRED DAMAGES I William Hurst, a boy who brought ult , In district court against Mis limnm II. Manchester, supremo Riiai-dlan of the Woodmen Circle, as a retull of a col tllston between lila blcyclo and Mrs. Man 1 Chester's automobile, was awarded a ver dict of SMO by a Jury In Judgo Troup's district court. The accident occurred at Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth streets, ' October T. mx A riruUe or Cnt is renderfd antiseptic by Bucklcn's Ar nica Salve, a sure remedy for sores, bruises, piles, eczema. 36c. All drug gists. Advertisement. CHARLES STRATTAN'S HAND CRUSHED IN PRINTING PRESS ! Charles Stratum aged 10 years, printer Jut tho Onti) City Printing company, I Eleventh and Dodge streets, suffered a I crushed hand whllo he was running n i small prcts. He was attended by Police j Surgeons Fochtsman and Harris and then i taken to his homo at IJ15 Dodge street, i There was no Immediate danger of him losing his hand. Persistent Advertising Is tho Road to Business Success. CITY DADS ORDER OLD BUILDING TORN DOWN At the Instance of Building Inspector Lee Bridges tho city commission has or dered the frame building belonging to Gcorga C. Hobblo at Sixteenth and Cass streets to bo torn down. The building was condemned by Bridges, who said It was In a dangeious condition, Sues Man's Estate Because in Life He Failedto Wed Her full agalnft tho estate of the late Jo seph Wnblecker, who died lust June, for nllujird breach of promise on the part of Mr. Waldecker to marry Mis llota 11. Mettlnger has been begun In district court. The plaintiff Is asking J7.W0 dnmages and also fttrd a clnlm for that amount In probate I'ouit. Miss Metzliiger alleges that as a risJtt of u promise to marry her, made In April, he seemed trousseau In preparation for a ceremony to be held July t!, mis. On July 4, IMJ, Mia asserts. Mr. Waldecker left for Florida und re mained absent Both plaintiff and defendant made their homes In Washington county. Mr. Will decker's estnto Is estimated to be worth 11,600. Child is Bitten by i Supposed Mad Dog Two-year-old Luelll.- Oamhlll. daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. M. Camblll. 2104 Ame avenue, was novcrely bitten In tho fate bv a dog supposed to bo suffering from rabies yesterday afternoon. The chil i was asleep In her homo when tho animal rushed through an open door nnd attacked hor. Her face was severely gashed. The dog, which wns owned by a neigh bur, was killed and tho head will bo ex amined to determine If It was sufforlnw from rabies. The child was treated by Dr. Kills, Twenty-fourth and Ames ave nuo. ARGUE ABOUT WHO SHOULD ATTEND FURNACE; FINED $25 George Morrlsey, SA North Twenty fifth avenue, was fined S25 and costs In police court Wednesday morning for dla i turblng the peace. j I Morrlsey and his father, George, sr. j nroused tho whole neighborhood Tuesday evening with an argument ns tu who should tenj tho furnace. MISS SARAH ZISSLAN HAS BAD FALL: FRACTURES RIB Miss Sarah Zlsslan, 2411 Charles street, cashier for the Palm theater, 1J16 Doug las, fell through an open trap door to tho basement of the theater Tuesday afternoon, sustaining a fractured rib. She was attended by Dr. It. B. HarrM nnd removed to her home In a taxlcab. Omeera Oil FOR, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS L. P Nash and Want Burgess of the Burgess-Nivsli company left for tho east for an extended business trip. Neuralgia Rub Omega OH gently over the acli ing nerves: then cover with flannel waited in the Oil. Put apiece of dry flannel over this and bind tightly against the face. This simple treat ment lias brought peaceful rest to people who have suffered agonies. Suggestions For Valentine's Day COUNTY TREASURERS TALK TO THE REAL ESTATE MEN t COLDER WEATHER PREVAILS IN'WESTERN PART OF STATE Tho "west6rn and centraf norllons of Nebraska as well as parts of Wyoming wcro -getting- a touch of real winter aAln yesterday. According to the reDorts to thn rallrbafls, from Norfolk on tho North-, western; Ravenna on the Burlington and Gothenburg, on the Union Pacific, west, temporatures ranged from 5 to 14 degrees above zero. Generally through "Wyoming It was from 12 to IS above, with 3 degrees below ,at Winner, on the Northwestern, Just over tho stato line. In Nebraska. Word comes to the railroad headquar- . Mi .-.I .l. 1 I . I. . . I uiul uui m mo siaie,. on every Btream. and lake. largo numbers of men are at work harvesting Ice, filling local icehouses and preparing to ship east and south, where Indications are- that tho crop Is going to be short. . Over In Iowa, cast of the central por tion of the state, there has been another heavy fall of snow. Around Marion, Cedar Rapids and Waterloo and Du buque, It Is said to bo a foot In depth and rlelghlng is the best in years. MILWAUKEE HAS MANY MILES OF DOUBLE TRACK DONE A half dozen county treasurers from various parts of the state made short addresses to tho Itcal Estate nvchamrn at tho regular noon meeting of the ex change. E. L. Hevclono of Beatrice told of tho general Increase In the cost of things, ns Indicated In the fund required to run tho schools of Qago county ten years ago and now. whllo the school fund for tho entire county used to bo SS5,000 it Is now 170,000, ho said. County Treasurer William Ure of Doug, las county spoke of making funds In tho treasury available, at onco for tho various schools and, Institutions' .for which they were appropriated. Ho called attention to tho older customs of letting the money He around In tho treasury or In the banks whllo the schools wcro calling for It for six months without getting It. BENSON PEOPLE TO ASK CAR LINE EXTENSION A. Llndberg of South Benson has pre pared a petition and plats which he In tends bringing before the officials of tho street car company In behalf of a car line extension from Forty-sixth and Cuming streets west to Benson. The suggested extension would bring tho lino where thero are a number of residents who are now about a mile from street car service. MRS. LOUISE MESERVE GETS THIRTY-DAY JAIL SENTENCE The Milwaukee road Is out with an offi cial statement Of what has been dono In double-tracking Its lino' across Iowa. The statement has to do with the conditions of tho project up to the first of tho year, and states that at that time the grading anl bridging of 275 miles was completed. I On tho tlato named 182 miles of second track had boon laid. Across Iowa tho entire lino has been rebuilt and the gr.qdcs reduced materially. For Instance, east ot Marlon there 1ms been n reduction from 67.100 of 1 per cent to ono-half of 1 per' cerit, and between Marlon' and Manila, from I, per, cent to CiS-100 of l per cent. All "curves havo been reduced to one anl one-half degrees, tho old maximum being four degrees. Up to tho first of the year In carrying on tho new work 15,750,000 cubic yards of earth had been removed and 113,000 cublo yards of concrete masonry put In place. In the new bridges 12.400 tons of steel had been uted. Fifty-two' grade crossings have been eliminated by means of con crete overhead and under crossings. NEW BANK BUILDING PLANS WILL SOON BE SUBMITTED Plans "for tho ntw Unltej States Na tional bar.k - bu'jldlng are to bo ready within a day or so. Tho building Is to occupy the place of the old bank build ing at Sixteenth .And Farnam streets. It Is nnndunfced that plana maybe ready tu filo fit: the Builders' sirhn Omaha Contractors at looking forward to bidding 7or the Job. Mrs. Loulso Meserve, Flomar hotel, charged with aiding and abetting the delinquency of Ada and Mlnnlo Price of Dunlap, la., was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail Wednesday morning. The girls were placed In the custody of their father, who resides at 2024 Webster street. If Backachy or Kidneys Bother Eat less meat also take glass of Salts before eating breakfast. For St. Valentine's , Choice Cut Flowers Hess (Si Swoboda 1415 Farnam St. FLORISTS Phone D. 1501 Violets, XMr ot the Vallsy, Puobsla, Bafodllc, I41c, LlUies, Hyacinths, Xcses, Carnation and all kinds of potted plants In bloom. CAKES, CANDIES ICE CREAMS The Best to be Had, at DALZ ELL'S GALL UrTUP FOIt WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY HPKriAi.s 2557 Farnam St. Tyler 616 1519 Dodge St. To My Valentine Surely 'T1b Time for Wooing, When St. Valentino In Hero, And my Heart to yo'a 1b Turn ing, In the Lovotlrao of tlio Year. VALENTINES Tho pretty little creations in great variety. Donnison's seals, hearts and crepe papor tnblo decorations; table cloths, paper plates, napkins and doilies, all in Valentino designs. Books for Valentines arc more and more appre ciated. Send a book. Kieser's Book, Store Y. M. 0. A. Building. WE ORDER ANY BOOK IN PRINT UIRTHKTONG RINGS Make Parmanmt VALENTINES A Btons for Xvtry Month, i.o ox roR ran nun LINDSAY, i HE JEWELER SaiU SOUTH 181'K RTBSBX, THE TEKNA GIFT SHOP - 1823 Farnam Street Valentines That Are Different Valentine Gifts Beautiful hand colored motto cards, Valen tines, books, novelties, etc. See our splendid assortment appropriate for the occasion. "KING'S NEWS AND BOOK STORE" 1614 FARNAM STREET. W Savm You Money on Kodak Flnt&hlng Choice Fresh Cut Flowers For Valentine's Day Burgess - Nash Flower Dept. 16th and Harney Sts. I'Evtrybody'a Slav" WINES and LIQUORS in a Large Assortment for Valentine Day Parties. HILLER'S "If It Comes from Hit ler's It Must Be Good." 1309 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas. 1241. tor Safe fur " liable.. Briccllvr That's Folev Honey and Tar rnm. pound. It? has tlio confidence oC your druggist, who knows It will give you satisfaction- "V. W. Nessmlth. States boro, Ga... says: "I have utta Foley's Honey unJ 'Tar Compound in my family and havo sold It In my store and It never falls to dure." And llnh Vi,rr.n rino St, Qrecn Tay, Vs.: "I had a bad' cough Ota kept me a,rako nights and two small bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar cured me." For sale by all dealers very whura Advertisement, The RcrtJtent and Judicious I se rt Newspaper, AdrertMnc Is the Road to U-ilnr-s Ucxea, Uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, tche, and feel like lumps of lead. The nrina becomes cloudy; the bladder Is Irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times durlnr the night. When the Kidneys clog you must tielp thtm flush off tho body's urinous naiite or you'll be a real sick person hortly. At first you feel a dull misery In the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stom ach, gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather Is bad. Eat less meat, drink lets of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then aot tine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with Uthla. and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so It no longer is a source of Irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent Uthla .water drink which everyone should take , now and then to keep the kidneys clean I and active- Druggists here gay they sell lots or Jad Pa'ls to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is snly trouble. Advertisement. Valentino remembrances of a thousand kinds the simple and unique little cards with cleor versoB, belling at a penny, an well as tho finest products of such eminent artists as Undoruood and Fisher, which cost ?1.00. DennlBon's paper decorations In Valentino de signs for parties, as well as favors and novelties that add to the merrlmont of the occasion. Book and Stationery Section. Valentino heart boxes to fill with candy at prices two for Cc, 6c, 10c, 15c, 25c and up. Beautiful fancy lieurt Valentino boxes of tho choicest candies, aro among tho most popular gifts from young men to their sweethearts. Priced 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and up. St. Valentino hata and caps for T'S. nnrtlrs. In nmnr Rtvlen nt !ic. . ' " - " m - " Fompellaa Boom Convei nation motto hearts in all sizes, rt 25o a pound. Heurt shape wafers of numerous kinds, at 40c a pound. Decorated hearts, special for parties and re ceptions 80c a pound. Candy peanut hearts, 8c, 10c, 15o and up to 11,00 each. Heart shape brick Ice rream and individual heart nhape Ice Cream, delivered to alt purtn of the city. Fompelian Boom ""0iKlA If II M sj u rr The Morgan - Shawler Co. FLOWER SHOP Is the Place ". To Get Your Valentines. There is nothing inoro appropriate than our baskets filled with Swoot Peae. Violets, Lily &f Valley, Ward Hoses or Rich mond. Boo some of our Valentine boxes with golden arrows, in our window. 1903 Farnam St. Phone D 3268 -J VALENTINES OMAHA STATIONERY COMPAN . 307 So. 17th St Constipation Impossible to be well. The foe to good health. Correct at once. Acer's Pills. une at bedtime, bold for 60 yean. Ask Your Doctor. J UlnrOiL. Valentines of Flowers SEND HErt NAME and Address, together with your card If you wish, and we will carry the message in a fancy box of flowera to any part of the I' H. for Five Dollars, passsge prepaid. The flower may be Violets or Miles of the Valley or perhaps Sweet Peas or Roses, or possibly Primroses, Send yonr order early so we can get it there bright and early st, Valen tine's Morning. Lewis Henderson doubly well if sA' - . s now your wife. IOISJ rarnlm or (Phone D 1Z58 PLENTY OF VIOLETS For Valentine's Day at Special Prices Brandeis Floral Dept. Send Her A FLORAL VALENTINE A select stock of fresh Cut Flowers especially for tkis day. JOHN H. BATH F" LO R I SX Boyd Theatre Bldg. Phone Doug. 3000