Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1914, Image 7

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    Tlilii BEE: 0MA11A, VED2sESi)Al', FJiiBitl AKl U, 101-1.
Hava Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
Ufa Ini.f Tel. Fann Mntnal. Gould.
Xlltctrlo Snppllea CurKess-Qranilcn Co.
ridellty Storage and Van Co. IX 1516.
Stat Bank of Oma&a I per cent paid
on :lmo deiroslts; S per cent paid on sav
ings accounts. All deposits In this bnnk
,aro protected by tho depositors' euaraV
tec fund of tlio state ot Nebraska.
Gruiul Jury fop lllulr District
Judgo Leslie lias returned from Blnlr,
where he culled a Brand Jury to begin
Us cessions March 9.
Contract for Ico Plant Qcorgo
Kahm lias been awarded tho contract for
the construction ot tho Tcoplo's Ice and
Cold Storngo plant at Nineteenth and
"William streets. Work Is to bosln In tho
eprlnjf. Tho contract covers everything
except tho electric wiring.
To Sell Flro Horses City Purchna.
Iiiii Agent Richard Grotto has advertised
the city's Intention to sell six flro horses
which have becomo unfit for scrvlco In
the firo department. Tho salo will bo
held at No. 3 flro cnglno house. Nine
teenth, and Harney strcqtq.
Heaver Boms Bettor D. Clem Denver,
head ot tho Burlington homcseeklng
department, who has been at his homo for
Hoveral weeks. Is reported as being
r.llglitly better. It (s said that Sir. "beaver
Is now ublo to fit up a portion of each
1ny, but -under tu-j most favorablo condl-
tlonB of Improvement, It will bo several
weeks before ho will bo able to bo out
rrarer Talks to Building Managers AV.
A. Vrmor. head consul ot tho Woodmen
of tho World, spoko tit noon ut the
regular monthly meeting of tho Build
ing Managers ot Omaha. Tho meeting was
held at tho Commercial club. Mr. l'raz;r
KpoV.o of tho Woodmen of the World
bulldlns In comparison to tho other Mr
buildings of Omaha, especially the sky
, scrappers.
To Open New Station Tho Burlington
will open a station at Ashby. ilnruh 1
with Jj. 52. Young a3 agent. Ashby Is on
the Omaha lino to the northwest, eight
miles west of ltyannls and Is the near
est railroad point to the North Tlatte
forest reserve, recently opened to settle
ment. The large number of peoplo boIiie
to this point and from there out onto
their lands and the vast quattty ot freight
and household goods shipped there, makes
it necessary to have an agent to look
after the company business.
Between Women's
Health or Suffering
The fnain reason why so many
women Suffer greatly at times
is because of a run-down con
dition. Debility, poor circula
tion show in headaches, lan
guor, nervousness and worry.
(The Largest (ale e! Any Medolne is the WerlO
are. the safest, surest, most
convenient and most economi
cal remedy. They clear the
system of poisons, purify the
-blood, relieve suffering and
ensure such good health and
Btrength that all the bodily
organs work naturally and prop
erly. In actions, feelings and
looks, thousands of women have
proved that Beecham's1, .Pills
Commercial Club
Bureau Endorses Low
Cost of Living Show
Tho bureau of publicity ot the Omaha
Commercial club has endorsed the gro
cers' low cost of living show. Manager
K. A . Tarrlsh has sent tho following to
President K. E. Wlso and Secretary Han
sen ot the Omaha Retail Grocers', asso
At tho regular recxty meeting of tho
governing committee of tho bureau of
publicity the following resolutions weio
unanimously adopted:
Whereas. Ono of the mo'. Important
economic Issues ot the prisent time Is
tho high cost of living and Us attendant
burdens upon the masses and classes,
Whereas. Tho Omaha Itctnlt Grocers
association Is promoting n "low cost of
living show'' for tho purpose of demon
strating to the publlo how the cost of
living may bo reduced; thorefore, bo it
Itesolved, That the governing commit
teo of tho bureau of publicity commend
tho purposes and alms as set forth In
tho forecolnc nrellinlnHrv and wish vmt
success in your undertaking.
Munnger Tarrlsh also intimated In Ills
communication to the uroccrs that an
active co-operation along outside pub
licity matters to work up an Interest
throughout the state may bo expected.
This action was very gratifying to the
executive- committee of the proposed ex
position and a reply was accordingly
Tho endorsements of tho Omaha
Women's club, tho Master Bakers' asso
ciation and other similar organizations
has been freely tendered. Omaha Manu
facturers' association, Omaha Ad club
and retailers of Omaha havo all been
solicited and will likely approVo of the
show. Tho Young Women's Christian
association has taken up the matter of
a flno exhibit and demonstration of Its
domestic sclcrtco department and will re
port soon. Over two-thirds of the ex
hibit spaces have been disposed of, guar
anteeing tho success of tho show from
that standpoint.
City Council Decides on Menu for
City Jail Prisoners.
nrgnlar Illdtlrrn mt Supplies nnd
rionda DrnTr I)ovn l'rlsr In '
Competition Ileforc thr
1st ?d.
Vance 1ST 119
Straw IK If
Pesker Ill M
Kmcrson IK ITT
Dyck m HG
Total .7U TM
Handicap 1 1
Sd. Total
im 4
Total -71S 751
The Difference
Sold everpfberc. Ia boxei, 10o., 2Sc.
Women will find tbe direction! with every box
very veluible-
"Black Tony" Taken
to Kansas City on
His Way to Omaha
With all three of tho men wanted for
tho holdup of tho Hazel McVey resort
and tho killing of young Henry Nickel!
hero a month ago. In custody, the local
police department Is now bending their
efforts towards recovering the V.OOQ or
moro worth of Jewelry taken from Miss
McVey and the Inmates of her place.
Detective John. Dunn, who went to
Pueblo, to bring "fllack Tony" Clarletta
back, went with him to Kansas City yes
terday to get a suitcase containing the
pistols and flashlights used by the ban
dits, which aro now In pawn In that city.
'Tony" lias turned over to Dunn three
rings and a watch, and It Is expected
that by the end ot the week nearly all
of the loot will be. turned In. ,
"Williams sayu Tony got all the stuff,
and Tony .says Williams got nearly c.11
of It," declared Captain Moloney yester
day. "Whon I get tho three of them
lined up before mo I'll find out who got
t and what waa done with It or know the
reason why."
Dunn is expected to arrive In Omaha
either lata tonight or tomorrow with his
prisoner. '
This Washer Must Pay
for Itself
1 II
J It iu j flna horse anil had nothing the
matter with It. I wanted a tine hone. But
I didn't know inythltn
about hereto much. And
I didn't know the man
very well either.
So I told him I want
ed to trr the hone for
a month. He said "All
rlfht. but pay roe Irrit
and I'll sire you back
your money It the horse
lin't all right."
Well. I didn't like
that. I iu nfrald the
hone vun't "all
rlcht" and that I might
have to whittle tor my
money It I once parted
with IU So I didn't
buy tbe hone although
I wanted It badly.- Now
thla aet me thinking.
T o u eee I m a k o
warning; Machlnea the
And t aald to rormir,
lota ot people may think
about my Waahlnx Ma-
' chines as I thought
, -about the hone and
hnut (he man who owned It.
i Ilut I'd neret know, because they wouldn't
write and tell me. You aee I sell my Washing
. I .. . k I n.all T . . vn cia hflir mil
linn that way.
Bo. thought I. It la only talr enough to let
peopla try my Washing Machines tor a month.
before they pay for them, just as I wanted to try
the new hor-e.
t Now. I know whet our "1900 Oravllr" Washer
will do. 1 know It will wash the clothes with
! out wearlnc or tearing them. In less than halt
the time they can be washed by band or by any
other machine.
I know It will wash a tub full of very dirty
clothes In 8lx minutes. I know no other machine
ever Interned cia do that without wearing out
tbe clothes.
Our ''ISOO Gravity" Washer does the work r
eaay thst a child can run It almost aa well as
a strong woman, aod It don't wear the clothe
fnv the ediea nor break buttons the war all
nther machine do.
It luit drives soapy water clear through the
fihera ot the rlcth like a force pump might.
So. tsld I to myself, t will do with my "ISOO
flravlty" Washer wbtt I wanted the man to do
with tbe hone. Only I won't wait for people to
ssk tne. I'll uffrr first, and I'll make good the
, offer very time,
lt me end ou a "1W0 Gravity" Washer on
. n.nnlh'a free trial. I'D pay freight out, of
- my uwrt pocket, and If you don't want the ma
chine after ou've used It a rsentb, I'll tske It
batk and py the fielght, too. Purely that Is fair
enough, isn't iw
Doesn't It prove that the "1M Graartty'
w.-her must lie all that I sr-lt IsT
v And you can cay me out of what It saves for
Vou. I will ar Ha whole cost In a few months
la wear and twr on the clothe alone. And then
It will ear Co ornte to 78 cents a week over that
In washwomen's wagea. If you keep tbe machine
after a month's' trial. I'll let you pay for It out
ef what It save you. It It eaves you 60 cents
m --ir. nd me U eenta a week till bald for.
I'll take that cheerfully, and I'll wait for my
money until the machine Itself earns the balance.
Drop me a line today, and let me send Jou a
took about the "WO Gravity" Washer that
washes clothes In I minutes,
Addree me this way II. I Darker. IK fourt
tit.. llloKhamtnn. r-T. V, If yen live la Canada
address 1900 Wsiher Co., 1015 Court St.. Toronto,
j;0HT forger
Passes Bill Making
Fort'Leavenworth No
Longer Federal Pen
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-Revislon of
the articles of war the military law of
the United States that has stood un
changed since lfcOG Is proposed in a bill
passed without a dissenting vote by the
senate 'today designed to make the sol
dier guilty of purely military offonses
an object of reformatory discipline In
stead of a penitentiary convict with the
criminal stamp upon him.
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., would cease
to be a federal penitentiary under the
terms of, the bill and hereafter '.vuld be
known as the United States military de
tention barracks. The prison woull be
modeled after the English army discipli
nary Institution at Aldershot and no sol
dier or civilian convicted of an oftenso
punishable by penal servitude might
hereafter be confined there.
The senate also passed tho fortification
appropriation bill carrying J6,8S3,3P0 and
materially increasing the house appro
priations for artillery and ammunition.
Makes Wife Happy
by Letting 'Other
Man' Take Place
STERLING. )I1., Feb. lO.-Charles Ap-
plcgrecn today voluntarily freed hla wife
so that sho might marry another man,
forgave the rival who had won her from
him and started for San Francisco to
forget the past while cruising with the
Recently Appiegreen learned that ills
wife's affections had been transferred tn
another, lie talked the situation over
with her anrshe tpld him that she could
not be happy without the new object of
her love. Appiegreen decided that as he
had promised, to make hi wife happy the
bent thing to do was to give her to the
other man.
Appiegreen today filed a suit for di
vorce, obtained It, bade good-bye to his
former wife and her new lover "and
boarded a train for California.
While Mayor Tom lloctor and tho city
council have not ordered table linen and
silver for the city Jail a menu card has
been prepared and was approved last
night at tho meeting ot tho council,
which ordered City Clerk l'crry Wheeler
to readvertlse for bids to feed the
prisoners. A regular menu for breakfast
and suppct was prepared. The breakfast
menu comprises about twelve ounces ot
old food and one pint of black coffee
while tho dinner must hnvo fourteen
ounces of solids and one pint ot black
coffee. Each meal will supply four
ounces of meat, four ounces of brend,
four ounces ot potatoes whllo tho dinner
meal will have an additional two ounces
of vegetables.
It was a good night for the regular
bidders. W. II. Itawley got his usual
sidewalk contracts while Spltuer-Rorlck
got their contract for alt the bonds Issued
by the city during the year. The con
sideration was par und accrued Interest
from dnto ot Issue with a premium ot U
per cont on anything moro than '250."1O.
Tho Inspector of weights and measures
reported that he had collected $17.75 for
tho city during the last month. William
Perkins, negro barber at Twenty-soventh
and N strcoti, asked tho city to rclmburso
him for tho destruction of a barber pole
torn down by the street cleaning gang.
Tlie damages.clalmcd amount to 112.
Superintendent .1. S. Walters o the
Union Stock Yards attended the commit
tee meeting early In tho afternoon. He
wag present to find out tho mind of the
council un the kind of a rolling to be built
over tho Q street viaduct.
Hoy rlutiBes Over nrldr.
Qlen Tlbbets, 12-ycar-old son ot Mr. and
Mrs. Beth Tlbbets of Fifty-slxtn and U
streets, Omaha, plunged headlong from
the now bridge over the 'Northwestern
tracks at Forty-second and D streets
whllo playing shlnnoy Sunday afternoon.
Tho lad's left arm was literally twisted
under him In such wlso as to cause sev
eral different breaks. Young Tlbbets
with some other lads were playing shin
ney. In tho heat of the game tho lad
chased tho block out on the bridge, which
has been newly built. ZIo Is said to have
been carried on with such a rush that he
waa rushed over tho side ot tho bridge,
Plunging a distance of more than fifty
feet. His playmates went to his as
sistance fearing that he had been klllod.
Tho Injured boy coolly directed the others
as how best to get him homo. Dr.
William Berry set the fractures and the
lad was taken home.
Dr. K. W. Ooodanred brad.
Dr. Frank Wallace Goodspeed, well
known in South Omaha, where he re
sided for many years, died Saturday at
his home In Arnaght Kan., after a short
Illness. Dr. Goodspeed came to South
Omaha twenty-three years ago and waa
employed by Swift 'and Company in the
office of tho plant. While at Swift's
ho worked his way through dental col
lege In Omaha and graduated ten years
ago, He took up the practice of his pro
fession In Kansas, where he had since
lived. He was widely known among tho
Dromlnent practitioners of his state. He
waa marrlel to Miss Kate Wyrran ot
this city. The body of tho deceased was
brought back to South Omaha yesterday
and will bo burled from Brewer's chapel
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. In
torment will be made In LoUrel Hill cemetery.
Assanlt CunrHc Preferred.
Because Lee Russell got u licking
Wednesday night last he had John Pear
son arrested for assault and battery. And
to make It good an strong he sworo out
a complaint against Frank Luclie, sa
loonkeeper at Thirtieth and U streets,
for selling liquor after 8 p. m. Tho three
men live near Thirtieth and U streets.
Pearson says he never hit Russell and
that he was an Innocent bystander. Apy
wuy, the board may havo a chance to
demonstrate how It looks upon liquor
violations this week.
Saffrofglsta Omaha,
Members and friends of South Omaha
Equal Franchise league will Join In the
Douglas county reunion of petition work
em Thursday afternoon, February U. at
the council chamber of the city hall In
South Omaha leaders have to report
l,00t) signatures secured for Initiative pt
tltlona. It Is believed that by Thursday
the required 6,000 signers for Douglas
count) will be ready to report.
Medlll McCormlck of Chicago will
speak at 3:30.
Mouth Omaha Howler.
Facenberr ISU
Qribble 165
Howe 184
McDonald 1S7
1st 2d.
Tanner 11 , 1(17
Towlo 136 iss
Olsen IK m
Cuvnnaugh .......170 161
Nolan US ISO
Total 7M 7?1
Sd. Total
l'rcarntnt Inn of Motions.
Presentation of flag mottoes to all pub
lic schools by Omaha chapter, Daughters
of tho American Revolution, will be mado
Sattirdny afternoon at tho homo ot Mrs.
11. l Copper, 10OS North Twentieth street.
Principals of the buildings will be guests.
Mrs. R. C. Hoyt of Omaha will present
llolillna I'nntl)' Snlr.
Tho members of tho Kpworth league
contest ot tho Methodist church, on Miss
Holmes' side, are holding a candy sale
today and tomorrow at tho Singer Pcw
Ing Maehlng company, Twenty-fourth nnd
M streets.
SnrlnlUt niiniu't TonlKtit.
Tho socialist party will hold a banquet
this evening at tho Dullish hall, 211$ N
street, South Omaha, In order to stimu
late tho Interest In tho orgnnUntton there.
Mr. W. M. Miller ot Indianapolis will bo
the principal speaker, his subject being
"Socialism." Other speakers will bo
Mrs. D. G. Craighead, on "Buffrngc; Mr.
Lnwrle J. Qulnby, on tho "Single Tax;"
and Mr. Jerry Howard, who will toll
about the stock yards.
A meeting will be held In Council Tlluffs
Wednesday evening at tho socialist's
hall, 13S Broadway, at which Mr. Daniel
White will spca't on the "Truth About
Club Will Meet.
Tho Get Together club will meet at
Presbyterian church, Wednesday evening,
at 7:30 o'clock.
Maulu City tionalp.
The Mnrrla Mrn'a club will give a dance
at Rushlng's hall on Frldny. February 20.
Tho drill tenm of the acrlo of the Ea
gles will give a danco Wednesday even
Office spaco for rout In Bee office. 2318
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
The Ad Mortem club will give a danc
ing party Friday evening at the Eagle
home, Twenty-third npd N streets.
Tho Entro Nous club will give a danc
ing party Friday evening at Rushlng's
hall, Twenty-fourth and J streets.
The Emanon club will be entertained
this evening at tho homo ot Miss Anna
Glllogly, Forty-second and R streets.
Superior lodge No. 1M. Drgree of
Honor, will meet at 7 o'clock Wednes
day evening on account of tho entertain
ment tho samo cvchlngi
Mrs. K. Fluor, Ml North Nineteenth
street, will entertain tho kenslngton of
South Omaha grovo No. 09, Woodmen
circle, Wednesday afternoon.
The Willing Workers of tho First
Christian church will meet Wednesday
afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Hcffnor,
Sll North Twenty-srcond sheet.
South Omaha West Sldo Mother' club
will hold a meeting Wednesday after
noon nt 2:30 o'clock at tho home of Mrs.
Chanco, 122 North Forty-first street.
Armstrong Glaspcn was arrested yes
terday by Chief of Detectives James
Sheahan on complaint of Oklahoma au
thorities, who say Glaspen Is wanted
thoro for murder.
The Christian Endeavor ot tho First
Presbyterian church will give a supper
In connection with the regular business
meeting, to be held at the' church on
Tuesday at f:30.
For sale, horses, tank, wagon and all
appurtenances relating to the oil business
of late T. O. Rica For list of articles call
at 2311 N street. W. S. Hhafer,. Special
Wo wish to express our sincere thanks
to those who assisted us. and fnr fl.
many beautiful flowers at tho burial of
our oeiovea nusoana and rather. Mrs.
T. G. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Bentx.
.Chronic Conajtlnntlou
makes life miserable. Dr. King's New
Llfo Pills regulates your bowels and re
lievos tho engorged liver. 23c. All drug-
gists. Advertisement.
The Pertlatent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertizing Is the Road to
UUoiness Success.
WASHNOTON. Feb. lO.-Wllllam H.
Bell lived through the hardships and pri
vations of the Greeley Arctic expedition
of iSSS to die in a bed at his home here
today. He was. one of the two living sur
vivors of that gallant party.
Totals 840
Ham 1K
Straw 1&5
Swift 1S1
Winters l
Leflers 1T4
2d. 3d. Total
m m ssi
158 ICS si
I'M Z02 57$
134 14S 437
IW 167 606
SS2 m 2j5
2d. 3d. Total
1 1S3 UM
1S5 165 463
170 144 463
100 1B2 601
18o V)3 559
8&S itS 2&02
Culls from tlie Wire
The British tramp .steamship Queen
J.OU130 remains naru agrouna on a sand'
bar .off Seagirt, N. J.
Claude J. Van Slyko ana James A. Rob
lnson. president and trrnmiror r.
spcctively. ot a real estate concern, which
they called tho New York Central Realty
i-uiiiiNuiy, lueuuuu Kuiuy in mo federal
court at New York yesterday to using
tho mails to defraud Investors.
Dr. Joso Vlconte Concha, the candidate
ot tno conservative party, lias been
cictiru iireeiueub ui ioiomuja. ur. vJon
cha was minister of war In 1001 and a
yean later became minister to Washing
ton. Ho disapproved of tho proposed
Panama treaty and retired as minister
in 1WJ.
Dr. Charles AV. Eliot, former president
of Harvard university, In a letter to
Charles K. Pender of the New Haven
(Conn.) Trolley Men's union, says that
wnne) iaDor unions nave raisoa wages and
Phortened hours, "they have had a bad
ffect on tho character and happiness
of tholr members."
Members of the Chicago Restaurant
Keepers' association votedT last night to
refuse to yield to the demands of the
waitresses' unions for a closed shop. A
strike has been In progress at ono down
town restaurant for several days and the
unions have threatened the other cafes
unless the closed shop was granted.
Party and election machinery by which
a highly organized minority could con
trol the majority of their party members
has been tho greatest weakness In gov
ernmental processes, according to Rob
ert L. Owen. United States senator of
Oklahoma, who spoke at Springfield, HI,,
last night before the Wilson-Bryan league
of Illinois.
.Ely's Cream Balm Opens Clogged '
Nostrils and Head Catarrh Goea
Instantly clears air passages;
You breathe freely, Nasty
discharge stops, head colds
and doll headache
Get a small bottle anyway, just to try
!tt Apply a little In the nostrils and in
stantly your dogged nose and atopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you will breath freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
End uch misery now I Get the small
bottle of "Ely Cream Balm" at any
drug atore. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat ot the nostril;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol
len membrane whioh lints the nose, head
and throat; clears the air passages; stops
nasty discharges and a feeling of cleans
ing, soothing relief corns Immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, w)th Its running noss, foul
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly
Put your faith Just once In "Bly's
Craam Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear. Agents, Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co. Advertisement.
HU'k Ttto Yrura with Indlseatlon.
"Two years ago I was greatly benefited
through using two or three bottles of
I Chamborlaln's Tablets," writes Mrs. S.
A. Keller. Ullda. Ohio. "Before taking
them I was sick for two years with In
digestion Sold by all dealers. Adver-
The old partial plates unnecessary, the old half tooth brldgework Is un
sanitary and injurious to digestion aad good health,
Br, Vodd'a Vattnttd rnll Tooth Hrfilgawork leaves no spaoe for food to
gather aod deoey la yonr month, axe absolutely sanitary, whioh aids diges
tion and Improves health.
Investigate for yoarself.
and Party
30o nestings, IBs
f ancy net, shadaw
lnce and chiffon, 8
to 8-lnch width,
In white, cream,
ecru, black ami
colors, Jio quality
at, yard ISo
Wednesday Sale of Kimonos and Tea Gowns
111 ll 1 KtW
11 vl
Women's flno quality ton rowiih nnd klmouon of soft chlffoni,
trope do chine, crepo meteor, nlbatroBB nnd fancy floral silks.
Thoy nro exquisitely mado m ono or two piece eiiocis, rieniy trim
med with dnluty Inccs nnd ribbons. Included nro our finest negli
gees, that sell regulnrly un to $35. Your cholco Wctlncsdny nt only
Tailored Waists, Worth to
All "King" tnllorod waists nt n bargain price for
elenranco Wednesday. Made of llnona nnd flno plain
nnd striped flannels. Odd nnd broken size. lots,
worth up to 15.00, on snlo Wednesday at
$5, at
All Furs Now
at Half Price
Misses' and Women's Skirts, QQ
worth up to $5.00, Special, at tP-6rf0
Misses' nntl Women's .Drosu Skirts, in serges and
fancy tweed mixtures, in effoctivo stripes and checks. Alt
lengths. Regular prices up to $5.00. Specially priced
Wednesday at $2.08.
2 $50 Russian Pony Coats,
1 $G9 Krlmmcr Coat at....
1 ?9S Russian Pony Cont...
1 S5 Noar Seal Coat....$l
'1 $125 Near Seal Coats. . , ,
1 $100 Cnrncul Coat for. . . ,
1 $100 Near Soal Coat
1 $140 Molo Coney Coat, $7
1 $150 Natural Pony Cont.,
1 $125 Caracul Cont at
1 $85 White Conoy Coat, ipi
,ift in
Interesting New Apparel for Spring
THE NEW SUITS are distinguished by their strikingly
graceful lines, their many original features, nnd tho elegance
of their materials. Our presont showing Is a comprehensive
roprosontntlon of tho best ldeaB that havo bcon developed for
spring. Priced nt $10 to $on.
TAFFETA DRESSES as well ns dresses in the various
other fnshlonnblo Bprlng Bilks aro now horo In numoroua
models. Women who dcslro to keep In advance of tho styles
aro buying rapidly. Clever ideas at 910, 91H.85, $10, $10 up
to 90S.
SPRING WAISTS of fine white lawns, cotton voiles,
crepes and lingerie cloths, at $1.08, $12.50 nnd $2.08.
Low neck or high collar styles, trimmed with dainty laces and,
Wednesday Sale of Soaps and Toilet Supplies
Bluo Soap,
5c a Cake,
or 55c a doz.
6 bars
Alellln' Food, regular 7Gc also
Phillip's Milk of MoriipsIu,
roKUlnr 60c bnttlo for.,.
Reslnol Ointment, regular SOc
ulzo for
Kirk's I 25c Sizo
Jap Rose Cake
Soap Outicura
6c Soap 15c
neeclnun'a 1111. 25a bottles, ICn
special M
.lad HslU, regular 75c bottles, RSn
Bpcclal wOU
I'ompcllan Mamang Cream, 97 a
Swift's Wool
Soap, or Borax
Soap, six
bars for 18o
Soap 6c
or 62c doz.
regular BOo jara for.
La lllache Face Powder, all 4.
shades, very special
William's Talcum Powder,
special Wednesday for.....
Ilronio Seltier, 50a bottles, 9Qn
The Greatest Sale of
Ever Held in Omaha
Begins in the Brandeis Stores
Regular 39c 1 0t
Linen., Yard C
Excellent quality white, round
thread linen for drosses, waists,
skirts or embroidery work. It
usually boIIh at SOc. While thla lot
lasts, you may buy It In the base
ment at, yard, 18c.
Specials in Sheets
and Pillow Cases
Nplendld quality 6Sx90-lneh MQn
Sheet, each v9U
RlxSO-ln. Weat Fnrnam Hheetn, CQn
$1.00 values, Wednesday UU
Pretty Embroidered Pillow nt.
Cases, worth 50c, special at... Ju
West Fbrnom Pillow Cases t ftr
4Sx36.lnch aire, special, I Uu
Two Wonderful Lots of Handkerchiefs Wednesday
lYLEilN Q IVjXVUXl.i.Cj D VVUrm t,U 2U. b
WOMEN'S KERCHIEFS worth to 25o at
200 dozen sheer quality Shamrock lawn
handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered
corners orVonlco lace edges on some. Many
havo slight defects, RoKuarly worth up to
25c. On salo Wednesday at
Dnlv 10n rinxnn nxcflllenr. nunJItv. HOft fin
Jsh linen handkorohiefs for men. All have
neat embroidered initials. Qualities regu
larly worth Up tq 26c; while tho lot lasts,
Wednesday, each
Wednesday wo placo on sale 300 pairs of mill' sample blankets,
comprising wool fllled and -wool, In colored plaids, plain -white, grey
aud tan, In full 11-4 nlze, regularly worth ? 3,00 to $4.50 pair; white
they last, at, pair, $1.08.
14th AND
14th AND
We Slash the Prices on Dentistry
Why pay $6.00, $8.00 or $10.00 for a gold crown whon McKenney will make just as
good or better for $3.00? A like cut on all kinds of work. Oome in and let us show you
how much we can save you on your dentistry.
Finest 22-carat; no bet-
UUIU VI UnnS ter at any price, for. . . ,
BrldfG Work tynqulii'lty'fiaa611
,None better at any price
p:ii: n
gllff Of rSlllRKSia the city or elsewhere
WoRdtr Plates
8:80 A. M. to
8:00 P. !.
10 to 1
Gas or Somnoforme for Painless Extracting.
loforme f
Corner J4th nnd Fnrnam. Oyer Union I'nclflo Ticket Office
NOT1CK I'lntcs, Crowns and Urldgcs Complete in Ono Day.
$25 and $15 values at f E
$8.00 and .
No Students.
Omaha High School
and Cadets
Size 10x30. This picture has
Just been made and malo a
beautiful subjoct framed..
Price $1.00.
thk m:i: i'uslihhixu to.,
IMioto Dopt. Omaha,
efcefc'eee'--ee-e'el Se-'ef"e1elrirJtJ"
npHE "For Sale" Column on
classified page is seldom
without a bargain. It's the
meeting place where the sell
er offers and buyer takes,
and the deal is closed the
same day.
Tyler 1000