Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Kntetcd at Omaha postofflce as itcond
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Omaha The Bee Building.
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Communications relating to new and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha. Bee, EJItorlal Department
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas. s.:
Dwlght William, circulation manager
of Tne Bee Publishing company, being
duly aworn, aays that the average dally
circulation for the month of January,
1311. was G0.M2.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my pretence and aworn to
oeiors me inn 3d uay or February, 1911.
Notary Public.
Subscriber leaving; the oily tem
porarily should linve The Bee
mailed to them. Address vrlll be
changed often aa requested.
Omaha is still in tho running for
tho regional bank.
Dr. Eliot's religion acorns exactly
to fit his five-foot book shelf.
Wo have a suspicion that Huerta'a
optimism is blown in tho bottle.
Men of few words may bo for
gives if they have ideas instead.
Now that tho icq crop is safe, wo
may reaumo our concern for the
fruit and wheat,
Home-made paving petitions ough'.
to be just as good as tho kind tho
promoters used to make.
Several good presidencies are going
bfgging. one in I'oru, Haiti, Santo
Domingo and ftlinoH Mexico.
The scientist who says a man is
at his best between 30 and 40, of
course dees Hot mean ball players.
Denver is going to got somo
lgbty valuable pointers on how to
finance a- municipal water plant.
- - ' .
A. California tewtt. WoaBta a
Chinese weather prophot. No won
der the Golden "West is getting
The county treasurers have a very
Interesting program,, but none of
them will undertako to tell us how
to pay taxes without fooling it.
But, of course. If. the railroads dis
pensed with free service to their
employes and ' families, they would
net add the difference In cash to tho
The administration is for 'two bat
tleships a year and taany millions
more far side arms and jackkatves.
This is e pae for aa amicable
Laira of Skit.
Bulletla It is rumored In Wash
ington that the president is commit
tfeg tho Baltimore platform to heart
Md requiring the same ot all mem
bers of the administration.
"What's, tlw matter with Colo
rado?" wka a state official says
crime eaot be punished In parts
ot the state unless it suits the police
officers to have it pttntshedT
This shrill call for many more
millions to bring up the standard of
our army and put It in thorougn
preparation for war is apt to Bcare
the poor little-dove out ot tho coun
try. The wisest counsel comes from
the depths of a wise man's own ex
perience. Solomon, you recall,
warned others to be sure that iti
getting knowledge they get under
Fourteen years ago. Tho Bee -advised
tho school board to take action
in regard to the unlicensed drug
store. Th,e present movement is a
little late, but Jt is in the right
The Pittsburgh Dispatch has en
tered on its sixty-ninth year of lito
For a newspaper that is not old, but
old or young, the Dispatch is virile
and Illuminating and ought to Uvo
on several sixty-nines.
The printing industry of Nebraska
has never made much ot a fuss, but
the official report shows its pay roll
exceeds that of any other Industry
la Nebraska, except only the pack-
lug, by many thousands ot dollars
Deputy Pool makes a very plaus
Ible statement as to the condition ot
the finances ot the labor bureau ot
Nebraska, but he doesn't touch on
the main point, and that is bis fail
ure Jo enforce the law as to the
hours ffJr wpmen Jn employment.
When Wall Street Deals.
Says tho president of the Memphis
bank, which his $1,000,000 shortage
wrecked :
My llfo Ut spent. When Wall street
Macke the carda against you the end la
Bitterly true, perhaps, but honest
and prudent bank presidents have no
right to gamble in Wall street or
clsowhero with other people's
money. The chief fault dwells It
Memphis, not New York. This
man's case Is obvlousty a clear ono
of deliberate speculation for private
advantago he went to beat Wall
street for ho docs not pretend 3
defense, simply pleading guilty anil
throwing himself open to the copse
quences, tho moral effect of which
doubtless will be to temper public
and official Judgment in his behnlf.
But even In such a enso thero in a
definite limit boyond which official
judgment daro not go. Tho personnl
honesty equation figures too largely
iu the business of banking to gloss
lightly over any such situation.
The Lever Bill.
The agricultural extension meas
ure, sponsored by leading business
and professional men, which has
passed tho house, provides an un
conditional appropriation ot $10,000
a year to each state, with an addi
tional allowance of $600,000 tho first
year, increasing $600,000 each
year until tho total appropriations
amount to 1-1.000,000 per annum.
This Is all contingent upon equal ap
propriations by tho statcn and tho
money Is to go into scientific educa
tion ot tho farmers with a view ot
Increasing fertility and productivity
ot tho soil. This is tho samo object,
of course, heretofore aimed at from
divers standpoints, but as yot ac
complished only in exceptional cases.
It is fully agreed now that wo
bhall do little with our prpblom of
tho high cost of living until we in
crease tho production ot foodstuffs,
not at the expense ot tho producer,
but in such a Way as to make it in
creasingly profitable to him. Thin
moasure Is not offered as an in
stantaneous panacoa, but as n
means of doubling tho output ot our
farms in ten or fifteen years, the
time depending upon tho avidity and
skill with which tho farmers co
operate It Is to be hoped tho bill
becomes a aw and recolves tho un
stinted support of every state neces
sary to mnko It a success.
The World Do Move.
Soldiers who commit purely mili
tary offenses some ot which aro
very inconsequential aro hereafter
not to bo branded as penitentiary
convicts it a bill passing tho senate
without dissent becomes a law,
doubtless twill. Such men, Instead
ot being herded In with fedoral pris
oners at tho Leavenworth, ponlten-
tlary, branded for llfo as cqnvicts,
will ba subjocted merely to reforma
tory, discipline.
While wo havo waited much too
long for such legislation, thousands
ot uncrlminal and lawablding men
going to their graves with
the stamp of convict upon them be
cause our military law was too silly
to dlfforentlato between them and
real criminals, the passago ot this
bill will be annlauded from one end
of the country to tho other. It Is a
sure sign that ''tho world do movo,"
for the "articles of war," that Is tho
military law of the United States
thus amended, has stood intact and
untouched by revision for lo, these
108 years since 1806.
Mann's Statesmanship.
Congressman Mann as minority
leader in the house can be deponded
on to rise to tho occasion when the
weight qf real statesmanship is
nepded t balance small-bore excite
roent. Thus he rises whoa a lot ot
airy.. Jingoes sweep through an
amendment to tho immigration bill
barring Mongolians, Malays and ne
groes, and secures the undoing ot the
folly. To this and other similar
amendments he thus addressed the
bouse, "In a grave, low voice," the
dispatch says, quieting a vociferous
I havo been long enough In this house,
I hope, to place the country above party.
I do not believe any of theae amend
ment should be adopted at this time.
Dealing with our foreign affairs la & sub
ject ot delicacy at beat While I do not
have tho greatest pride in the present
State department. I feel that In conduct
Ing our relations with foreign countries
I am bound to rely In the tlrat Instance
at least upon the State department. If
thay cannot eradicate the difficulties ot
the situation through dlplomatlo nego
tiations It Is time enough then for con
gress to act by specific legislation.
Youthful students ot civil govern
ment who may have wondered why a
minority leadru seemed a necessary
adjunct to the machinery ot the
house ot representatives here havo
a very Impressive illustration. And
when minority leaders are also
statesmen their utility becomes
doubly valuable.
Speaking ot tnef missionary bias
ing the trail through the now coun
tries, there was Dr. Sheldon Jackson,
the sturdy gospel-bearer, who did
more than any other pioneer to open
up interior Alaska. It was he who,
after deep study of the northern sec
tion, took the first reindeer Into tho
Eskimo country, realizing that If
this raco survived it must have some
thing beside the primitive pursuit of
their ancestry. Today, as a govern
ment report shows, there are 30,0Qf
reindeer up there
r 1 . r T 1
i TPsy in Qmaha
commits raoM art mil
Eq p ?
Thirty Years Ago
The monthly entertainment of the
Omaha Land league listened to addressee
by Jatnea E. Riley and Charles Taggart
Mies Mary Hmlth also contributed a
recitation to the program.
Joseph Barton, bookkeeper for the
Omnha Smelting and Refining company.
Is to be married February 19 to Miss
Jessie Roddls, tho ceremony to take place
at Trinity.
Colonel ,Frank E. Moores of the Wabash
ticket office has adonted an Ingenious
way of collecting his accounts. On his
bill sent to tho county commissioners ho
wrote across the bottom of tho sheet
"The Lord loveth a cheerful giver."
William Holiday, father or Mrs. John
(I. Jacobs, who returned with her from
the cast, left for his home In Kenll
worth, Pa.
Mrs. K. II. Griffin of Kansas City,
formnrly of Omaha, has been spending a
few days, tho guest of Mrs. Whitney.
C. F. Goodman left for St Joseph to
attend the druggists' convention there.
V. A. Manger, tho printer, who was hi
tho basement of tho Brown building, will
remain In 'his old place, which has been
fixed up for business, hla damago being
chiefly from water.
County Surveyor Smith has completed
the map of the new town of South Omaha
with eighty-four hloCks In the town
proper. Two blocks covered with small
timber near the center have been left for
a park.
Twenty Years Ago
In a dispatch from Waahlngton, Perry
3. Heath, The Ben's Washington corre
spondent said; "Strcnuoua efforts arc.
being made by President Cleveland to
have, the senate's finance committee
strike out tho Income tax feature ot tho
Wilson tariff bill. It was proposed by
the administration that Income taxos
should be separated from tho customs
measures and reported to the senato as
a separata bill."
Oeorge W. Wlllard, an oldtlme printer
and former president of the State Fed
eration of Labor, wns reported as dying
at tho home of his brother-in-law, John
Stafford, 2301 Seward street
"Nlobe" was played nt tho Fifteenth
Street theater to a large gathering with
great delight Frank Short, an Omaha
boy, had an Important role and filled it
most acceptably.
Rev, A. W. Clark begun to think that
somoono had done him a measly trick
when another fresh case of measles broke
out at ths Rescue hall, of which ho was
superintendent and trouVc boss.
Snow fell and the wtnd blew all day
In Omaha, but desplta tho storm atrcct
car traffic was not aa badly Interfered
with as was feared It might be.
Ten Years Ago
Deputy United States Marshal Henry
I Ionian brought In six stockmen from
Alliance nnd thereabouts charged with
illegal fencing oC grazing land for their
hearings before a federal Judge.
Itov. Z. T. Sweeney gave a powerful
and Instructive address at Boyd's theater
undei the auspices of the Young Men's
Christian association on American Influ
ence In ,lho orient As former consul gen
eral ror this Eovofnntent In Turkey, he
had a working knowledge of eld world
conditions. Anglo-Saxon Christianity and
civilization, He said, was becoming and
must remain the dominant force and In
fluence in the orient
City Treasurer Hcnhlngs announced
that he would cash city warrants aggre
gating 1100,000 on and after February 15,
when they would cease to draw Interest
Members of tho Omaha Builders' ex
change were demanding that thoy be
given on opportunity by the state com
missioner ot publlo landa and buildings to
Md on the construction ot three state
buildings In contemplation tho asylum at
Norfolk, and the homes at Beatrice and
Mllford. The amount Involved In the
thrco structures Is $300,000.
General Manager W. II. Bancroft of the
Union Pacific went west for a tour ot
the road, making on Inspection.
People and Events
The presence of four former wives at
the funeral of their former husband In
New York puts a new problem upvto the
sociologists of the big city: "What numy
her constitutes a working quorum of
Lost Sunday was the first time In
about forty-flvo years of ministry that
Rev. J. It. Llttlo ot Bethel, Me., missed
preaching hla Sunday sermon. And two
days was the longest time that he ha
ever been confined to hla bed up to hla
present alcknesa.
The champion corn grower of the atato
of Ohio Is a 14-year-old girl, Marie Cole
of Ulrichavllle, O.. who ralaed during the
last year 112 bushels to the acre, twice
that secured by the farmers about her.
In the corn-growing contest she waa one
of ihose making the special trip to Wash
ington. The New York banks receive a shock
from the new city chamberlain's policy
of distributing the city's funds amon?
thera according to the rate ot Interest
paid and the ratio of reserves to total
deposits. In the old days not the. strong
eat bank reserves, but tho strongest bank
pull, got the money.
Miss Emma Bullet for thirty-two years
the writer ot letters from Paris to the
Brooklyn Eagle, and before that for
Murat Hnistead's Cincinnati Commercial
Oasette, died In tho French capital re
cently. She was at one time a. teacher
In the Ohio Female college In Cincin
nati. Mlu Bullet'i letters were lottreat
Ing, Individual and we.ll Informed.
The oldest member of the Bucktall
regiment, which served so valiantly In
the civil war. la Smith E. Guthrie of
Medlx Run, Elk county. Pa., who la &
Mr. Guthrie still possesses hla eyesight
and hi hearing and la as vigorous as a
man much younger. Mr. Guthrie waa a
member of company C of that famous
regiment, nnd his company waa recruited
In Cameron county, and floated down to
Harrisburg on rafts on the West Branch
of the Susquehanna river.
Medical Acceleration.
New York World.
Mankind la considerably Indebted to the
dlstlnrulahed Pennivlv&nta. dvlnr !
testified before a congressional committee
mat in tne sincere attempts of the pro
fession to Cure disease bv herolr mum it
somttmes happens that the patient is
Just shoved over a little bit quicker"
than otherwise would be the case. It ap
pears, therefore, that we have accelerat
or in medicine a well aa In politics and
Twice Told Tales
The Snlilerfnae.
"Yes." she admlttwl. frankly, "1 Uko
you very much, but"
"But what?"
"But the man I marry must swear
never to touoh tobacco In any form."
He pondered gravely (for lie waa an In
vetorate smoker), and then cried: "I
swear, I swear never to touch tobacco In
any form!"
Shortly afterward they were married.
The bride wore an exnulrlte creation of
white bombasine caught up with bleached
ftsh-nettlng and carried a bouquet of
golden-rods and California grapes.
On the first day of the honeymoon sho
came upon him with thick gloves on, pull
ing away cheerfully at a wcll-brokcn-ln
"Pericles!" she screamed. "You prom
ised you promised!"
He held up his gloved hands with a
smile and said out of the side of tils
mouth that was not occupied by his pipe:
"I promised. Glinka, never to touch to
bacco In any form. And I shan't I In
tend always to wear these glove!"
She fainted, but after he had revived
her by blowing smoke down her neck, he
showed her all the tobacco coupons he
had been saving for her, and sho grad
ually became used to it Indianapolis
Cynical Mother I'lli.
Robert W. Chambers recently told this
fish story:
"A mother fish wns swimming with
3,000 or I.COO of her offspring, when one
of them swallowed a big, Juicy worm and
whlskl ahot up and disappeared.
"The other llttlo fishes had often wit
nessed this phenomenon. Now ono of
them said:
" 'Is it unhealthy to get caught
' 'Oh, no, my dear far from It,' the
mother fish cynically replied. 'All our
tribe Increaso to or P0 per cent In weight
en being landed.' "Now York Tribune,
Clntuahoc Tactlca.
Among the employers whoso duties are
supposed 'to be discharged in the rear ot
a certain shop in Baltimore, while the
proprietor looks after matters In front
are a couple of darkles, who occasionally
"tako things easy."
One afternoon they were engaged In
a quiet game ot seven-up on a barrel,
when they were startled by the sudden
appearance of tho boss, whom they sup
posed to be in his usual place in front
The boss was angry. "How Is If he
demanded, "that I find you fellows play
ing cardsT"
"I don't know, boss," waa tho response
Of one of tho darkles, "unless It's on ac
count of them rubber heola you Is
wearin'." Llpplncott's Magazine.
Political Tips
William Sulzer is enjoying himself
knocking grafters and booming Hoose-
vclt for governor of New York state.
Tom Taggart is out of tho senatorial
raffe In Indiana. Senator Shlvely came
across with the vital pledges of pie, and
foxy Tom pulled down his sign.
The' rush of Chicago womerf to register
for the spring election was pretty good
for a starter, though tho total, 1S3.000, Is
less than half the number ot women In
tho city old enough to vote.
Tho National Geographic society at
Washington reports the discovery of tho
original of the "Roosevelt grin" In tho
ruins ot Qulrlgue in Guatemala, South
America. Curious sculptured mosaics
decorated one of the buildings, each
showing the incisor teeth as prominent
as the colonel's pleblters.
Kentucky's senato has passed a, bit
that punishes the carrying of concealed
deadly weapons with disfranchisement
for two years, a fine ot from 10 to U00
and a jail sentence of from ten to forty
days on a first conviction. For a second
conviction the offender can bo sent to
the penitentiary for from one to five
Ex-Benator Joseph C. 8. Blackburn of
Kentucky, who Is to be resident com
missioner of tho Lincoln memorial com
mission to succeed the lato Shelby M.
Cullom of Illinois, entered the confeder
ate army In 1861 and served throughout
the war. The sentiment of a reunited
country Is embodied In this fact as well
as the reverence in which Abraham Lin
coln's memory Is held throughout the
A Washington woman gives a witty
explanation of the failure of business
men to rush to the national capital to
help congress fashion business laws.
"The present situation," she says, "re
minds me of the scenes In the play, 'Nel
lie, tho Beautiful Cloak Model.' In the
first act the villain of the iplece meets
Nellie, the heroine, and tries to throw
her off the Brooklyn bridge. In the sec
ond act he meets her again, and ties her
to the tracks in the aubway. She Is
barely rescued. When he meets her tho
thjrd time he tries to push her off an
elevated railway platform in front of an
express train. In the fourth act they
meet again, and Nellie shrinks af
frighted. The villain asks her earnestly:
'NelJIe, why do you fear mer "
Facts and Fancies
There are all kinds of bore, including
tho one who knows a book he wants you
to read.
If the married men voted together the
wife who lets her husband alone would
be elected.
The consensus of opinion among those
who hear well Is that the deaf do not
mlsa much.
In every public office there Is a head
who drawa the salary; and a deputy who
does tta work.
Other grievances are dismissed and for
gotten, but a taxpayer can always re
member hla wront s.
Mexico aeems to be about the only
country left In which a thief has better
opportunities than an honest man.
What has become of the old-fashioned
roan who celebrated his son's tweaty-ttrst
birthday anniversary by giving him a
gold watch?
The woman who says, "Where there's
smoke there's bound to be a little fire."
Is also wiling to get down and fan It
Into a blase.
The women who follow the lead Sf'the
southern girl, who Insists that men shall
do the proposing, are advised that they
are imperiling their chances.
The early settlers in this country were
made UD of two class il "n ciau
farmed the land and the other, the larger
class, "farmed" the Indians. -Phlladel
phia Ledger
OMAHA, Feb. W.-To the Editor of The
Boo. Abe Martin said recently that "The
less a teller knows, tho more ho argues,"
but I believe Abe Is wrong on this point
I havo always noticed that when Ignorant
men start nn argument, they cannot dis
pute long without getting mad, and arc
forced to either drop the question under
debate or settle it by brute force.
I take tho opposite view and hold that
the smarter the feller is, the longer he
will argue, for If two men In an argu
ment do nothing but contradict, and are
unable to support their own opinion by
arguments drawn from analogy or ex
perience, or any other logical source, the
dispute will como to an end very quickly.
It seems that every man loves to show
himself superior to his follows In some
way, and as a wise man knows how little
both he and his opponent really know,
he readily aces that thero are always two
rides to every question, and that by
maintaining his position cither by logical
or spurious deductions, ho enjoys a. brief
triumph at the expense ot his adversary.
Now the truth is that an Ignorant roan
cannot arguo at all, he can only contra
dict without giving reasons; another
truth is, that nothing can bo proven true
without tdmo discussion, and usually not
without a long and tedious argument, and
tho Ignorant are Incapablo ot under
standing or making uso ot such a lengthy
process of reasoning.
Socrates was extremely fond of long
arguments; Or. Johnson, the author ot
tho "Rambler," would engago in lengthy
debates concerning metaphysics; Prof.
Huxley, tho agnostic, argued for years
with anybody and everybody that saw
fit to reject his opinions; Lincoln and
Douglas neglected their business in order
to argue politics, and even Christ disputed
with the doctors of tho law.
The only people who can or do argue are
tho educated the serious part of man
kind; fools and children laugh and sing
and enjoy llfo; Indians fill their bellies
and fall asleep; the whlto and black trash
In tho south acrapo tho fiddles and thump
tho banjos, but they never argue, and
they think the words "fight" and "argu-!
ment" mean the same thing.
Police ami Cltlca.
OMAHA. Feb. 10.-To tho Editor of The
Bee: In my opinion the criticism ot our
police and detective departments Is un
just One writer says If he were in
Maloney's place he would bo on the look
out twonty-four hours of the day. ThU
sounds ridiculous. One would think that 1
Maloney wasn't entitled to a homo out
side ot an old musty station house.
When occasion requires, such as the
recent murder, they aro on duty twenty-
four hours a day. Maloney Included, but 1
it teems no one is willing to give them
credit for this. Those who criticize
should remember there are always two!
Maloney has been very reluctant about
hla side, while everybody Is firing from
the other side. A HEADER.
neaponatblllty of TJrevrerles.
OMAHA. Feb. 10. To the Editor of The
Bee: Tho ChrUtian people do not coro
whether thero aro saloons or not but they
Uo think that tho saloon men should be
responsible for the caro of the drunk
ard's wlfo and family, and not put tills
responsibility upon those who are In no
way responsible for It That the brew-
cries should bo responsible for the sale
of liquor which takes place In rooms
over storo buildings and other places
where liquor Is sold outside of saloons
and the lawful hours for selling liquors.
Around the Cities
Philadelphia has a school In which pu
pils are given shower baths as needed,
Cincinnati's new fire engine bouses will
botonc-story buildings ot the bungalow
Cleveland expects munlclpul ownership
of street railways to be the main Issue
in city politics in 19U.
Loa Angelca Street Railway company
lost year collected fS.S90.0OO In S-cent fares;
Operating expenses were 15,032,000.
Niagara Falls, N. Y., asphalt paving re
pair plant last year laid 17,365 square
yards of repairs at a coat ot "A cents a
Dallas, Tex., prohibits automobiles
standing In any ono place for more than
twenty minutes, and Is fining violators
of the rule.
The New York Telephone company, cov.
ering Greater New York, and exclusive ot
toll lines, reports its tqtal operating rev
enue for 1913 was S.S.066.C3, and the net
income was io,633,Zii. A motion to re
cast tho maxim. "Talk is cheap," la hi
New Castle. N. II., claims tho record
for longevity of Its residents. In its popu
latlon of not rnoro than H there are
four persona 80 years old, eight between
80 and 90, ono 91 nnd one Two or these.
Captain John Hall and John V. White,
Jointly observed their eighty-eighth birth
day Friday, January 16.
Told in Figures
Capital invested in Mm Industries the
world over approximates 1710,000.000.
Thero are 4.SSS factories in the state
ot Now York, employing 1.36,150 persons.
It Is estimated .that there are 37,000 elec
tric vehicles In use In this country, ot
which 55,000 are pleasure cars.
The province ot Alberta has a. coal area,
ot 16,515 miles, witb an estimated quantity
available for consumption ot 90,000,000,000
The annual Jive stock report of the
Orange Judd Farmer shows a total value
for all classes ot farm animals of $3,s9$,
061,000. The postal savings banks of the country
contain $40,000,000 In deposits, the exact
amount needed for building the Alaskan
railway. ,
According to a report Just Issued by the
Department of Agriculture, the yield ot
potatoes in Ireland in 1913 was excep
tionally abundant and of good quality.
The average was (.4 long tons, or 539 bush
els per acre.
It has been estimated that the con
tribution to the apple market from the
far northwest during the present year
will amount to 10,000 cars. By 1916 the
output, basing calculations on present
acreage of young troea. will be at least
30.000 cars, and it would not bo surpris
ing to the large growers it the total
reached ,000 cars by 19U.
"You are a self-made man?"
"No." replied Senator Sorghum; "I am
one of the statesmen who succeed by
keeping their ears to tho ground and
stuaying tho passing fads. I am a cua-tom-mado
roan.'' Waahlngton Star.
.."Movo back and give the man air!
hnt Is It? Heart failure?"
"Nervous exhaustion. He danced the
tango with the fat woman over there
arrt sho Insisted on dipping." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Glbbs-Thcrc's one thing I'd like very
much to find out about myself.
Dibbs What la that?
Glbhs Whether or not I could stand
prosperity. Boston Transcript
WYfrty says he Is unworthy of me."
"My beau doesn't talk that way. He
?'? am the Df8t girl In the world, nnd
Ula.r bflt ,s none t0 Rood for him."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"So Dick and Daisy have made up?
By George! After the way sho laid him
cut I never expected it How did he
pacify herr
"He told her that he'd rather quarrel
with her than kiss any other girl."
"I believe Fanny Is making mo an
afghan," said tho youth. "I was calling
there last night and she was working on
It but she wouldn't tell me who or what
It was for."
She told me. It is for you. but It is
not an nfirhnn. 1 r ' nn nf - m!n nr aw
. .... . . . .... will. w .fc ,'.. w. v; 4
tabs." New York Sun.
Mabel had gone to the art exhibit Not
Pay When You Can
Is the new slogan ot Dr. McCarthy, Omaha's widely known ear and
eye specialist. He has served Omaha and Nebraska people for tho
past fifteen years and Is acknowledged master of bis profession.
Here Is an Opportunity
Don't Neglect the Children
Itlght now la tho proper time to have their eyes and ears ex
amined. In 95 per cent of backward children It Is due wholly to
oyo defects.
Consultation Free of Charge
Are you growing hard of hearing? Havo you 'head noises,? If
so, see Dr. McCarthy. It costs you nothing to learn whether ho
can benefit you or not.
Dr. James T. McCarthy
Suite 1111 W. O. W. BIdg., Omaha, Neb.
The man who has straightened more crossed eyes with his
special ground glasses than any other specialist In the west.
Near the Court House
and City Hall
How much money is your time worth, MrLawyer
iiud Mr. Eeal Estate man? . " .
It's all you have to sell. "Efficiency" for you.
means saving time.
Does it take you 10 or 15 minutes to reach the
"Whilo you have the chance you would better
move to
The Bee Building
"The building that is mlways new'
You may select from these:
Very reasonable and desirable rooms on the beautiful,
light and airy court, with vault, water nnd free elec
tric light; nicely decorated: only four available now,
at 910.00, $18.00 and $27.50
Rooms on the west, opening on wide, light areaway to
City Hall. These rooms are large, with plenty ot air
and light. One available at once; others will bo dec
orated to suit tenant. Best epace bargains In the bulld
lug. Really delightful rooms, at,. $12.00 and $18.00
Ou the north, with the steady, uniform light needed by
artists, draftsmen and doctors, we havo desirable lo
cations on several floors. Large floor space at the
reasonable prices of $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00
Tho east rooms, with large windows on 17th Street, are
more conspicuous "from the outside, offering addi
tional values for the money, yet very reasonable 1ft
price, renting from.; $10.00 to $50.00
Front rooms on Farnam Street, with large windows,
overlooking the magnificent new Court House all
very desirable, best of locations, easily accessible to
elevators and in good condition; suitable for lawyer,
dentist, real estate, loans, abstracts or Insurance
only three such rooms third floor at $40.00. fourth
floor at $50.00, and fifth floor at $30.00.
For offices apply to the Superintendent,
v . Boom 103, The Bee Building Co.
IT isn't "peerless" advertising
that builds a business, but
1 "disappear ess" advertising.
Reputation comes from Repe
titiongetting to it, from keep
ing fit it.
that she cared for pictures, but everyonel
A friend saw her and told another)
friend. Friend No. ! met her a tew days
"Why. hello, Mabel! I'm awfully glad
to see you. 1 hear you are Interested In
art. ' . 1
"Me? Art whor'-Currtnt Literature.
There Is many a poet that's ready)
To gush at tho first hint of spring;
To chirp at the first tender leaflets,
To enthuse at tho flit of a wing;
But I love to sing of the blizzard .
That whirls the whlto flakes all about)
Whllo the furnace Is smoking and chok-J
And the plumber Is kept on his route.
The "whispering leaf" is a dead one,
The "babbling brook" .Is passe;
They've been overworked In past ages,
Now In volumes dust-grimed let them
While I sing of the frost on the window
Ani the music of the wheels on tho
And the voice of the old furnace poker
As It coaxes tho embers to glow.
The "cool green depths of the forest"
"Verdant field," "sunny glade," "shady
Stirred the soul of the old-fashlonoj. poet
Till It burst Into leaf In a book;
But hoary old Winter can furnish
A landscape that's quite to my tasto
When his wild winds are howling Uko
O'er BOtno bleak, dreary, desolato waste.
for those who have not the ready cash but
have eyo and ear trouble. Dr. McCarthy will
examine and correct all defects of tba eye and
ear and allow you to pay lilm when you can.
AVlth properly fitted glasses. Dr. McCarthy
relieves headaches, aching eyes, feeling of sand
In tho eyes, watery eyes, Itching and burning
eyes, floating spots, dizziness, pain in the tomplo
and all troubles due to eye strain.