THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1914. APPEALS FROMBIG JUDGMENT Burlington Hoad Seeks Relief from $50,000 Verdict. CASE TAKEN TO SUPREME COURT AVnrd Drpnrtnietit Official Will In ' "prrt Field Itnapltitl nt I.lnroln Kcbrunrr IK Or. KlKln Unci nt TJeaW. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN", Feb. 10. (Bpocial.)-Tho JW, 000 Judgment secured by Howard Thomp on against the Burlington railroad for Injuries while walking along tho tracks ' of the company In tho city of St. Joseph In September, 11)09, has been c-ppcaled to tho supremo court. Besides tho unusually large amount given another unusual thine In connection with tho suit Is that tho plaintiff was given tho full amount sued for. Meillrnt Corpa Inaprrtlon. Captain Leo R. Dunbar of tho medical corps of the war department has been assigned to Inspect field hospital No. 1 of Lincoln February IS. In connection with tho Inspection all members of tho medical department of tho guard will bo required to bo present so that an inspec tion of tho entire medical department of tho Nebraska guard wilt tako place. Dr. -KlKln Ilecovcrn. Dr. Klgln, state veterinarian, who has been very 111 at his former homo In In diana, returned to Lincoln this morning and was bock at his desk today. Notes from Beatrice and Gage County DHATIUCB, Neb., Feb. 10.-(Speclal.)- A Union Pacific waycar was smashed, and Conductor Hensley and two brake rnen, who were occupying berths In tho car, camo near being killed Sunday, when the switch engine crashed into tho car from the rear In tho yards here. A mis placed switch caused tho accident. The impact overturned the stovo and tho car caught fire, but was quickly extinguished by ' the employes at the roundhouse. IJepslcy saw the switch englno In tlmo to Jump, but the brakemen did not. They were ttjrpwn from their births and crawled out from tho wrecknge In their night clothing after the car hod been telescoped. Blaslus Braun, who had been a resident of Beatrice for forty years, died nt his home in this city Sunday, aged 68 years. Mr. Braun was formerly engaged in tho bakery business here. He was a native of Qermany and was never married. Martin Fxltzen,, a farmer living, east cf the city, 'was adjudged an habitual drunk ard by tho insanity commissioners Mon day and ordered sent to tho asylum at Lincoln.' A motion to quash the information in tho caso of tho state against L. N. and Kate C. Miller of Wymore was argued and submitted to the district court yes terday. Tho defendants are owners , of tho Touzalln hotel at that place and are charged with failure to comply with the state law In regard to Proper fire es capes. Farm Demonstrator Llebcrs will leave next Saturday for Wisconsin to purchaso forty head of dairy cattlo for the farmers of Gage county. Skeeley's Bid Lowest On Bridge Contracts in Seward County (From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb, 10. (SpoclaU-Scnator W. II. Smith, who fathered tho brMKo contract bill, which was aimed at the combinations which hnvo formerly con trolled brldgo construction In this state, was In tho city today as a member of tho ccmmltteo selected to appraise tho lands condemned for state fair purposes aird was feeling exceedingly good over tho letting of tho bridge contracts in Seward county Inst week, which resulted In a completo routing of tho former com bination. At the solicitation of tho people of Fowanl county, J. M, Sheclcy of Fort Collins, Colo., was persuaded to enter tho fight with a bid against tho com bination composed of five brldgo com panies. The fact that Shreley had en tered tho fight was kept from tho com bination and his bid was not filed until a few moments beforo tho bids were opened. As soon as the comblno was awaro that an Independent company had cntercl tho list, according to Senntor Smith, they asked to withdraw their bids and change them, but wcro not allowed to do so. Tho contract called for so much per foot and tho five companies In the com bination only varied their bids a few cents, the Standard being tho lowest. On tho thlrty-flve-foot bridges tho Standard bid J3I.0S per lineal foot, whllo Sheeley's bid was J17. On tho 100-foot bridges tho Standard's bid was $3S.44 per foot, whllo the Sheolcy bid was but OS. Under tho Standard bid the thlrty-flve-foot bridges would have cost $1,192, whllo tho cost under tho Sheeloy bid will bo less thnn half that amount, $595. Tho cost of the 100-foot bridges under tho Standard would havo been $3,903, whllo under the Sheeley bid tho cost la ,$2,875, a dlffcrenco of $1,077. Other things In connection with tho building of the bridges ran In about tho some proportion, and Mr. Smith sayH that tho only thing that will stand in tho way of tho bridges being built Is a rumor that tho combination has such a stranglo hold on the material that Sheeley may not bo able to carry out his contract, although ho says that ho will bo able to do so. ' ST, CLAIR 0BEYS RULES Convict, Championed by Wooster, Comes Off High Horse. CONSENTS TO 00 TO CHAPEL After I'lRhtliiK for Six. Months mid MubiitltlliiRr to lMinlnhment for Dlaohetllenoc, Mnn Yield. (Krom a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 10.--(8rwetnl.)-AII the efforts of Charles Wooster of Sliver t'rrck to compel tho wnnlen of the state penitentiary to lift, tho rulo of the prison compelling inmates to attend chapel services on Sunday hnvo been of no nvall, unless tho Hoard nf Conttot should uphold the argument of Mr. Wooslor niado some tlmo ago In behalf of a con rvlut by the name of St. Clulr, who had refused to oley tho order and has been kept In confinement s'neo for dlsobey nnco of prison rules. In his argument before tho Board of Control Mr. AVoostcr said It was tho constitutional right of every cltlien to chnoso whether bo Khould attrnd relig ious services or not. Tho wnnlen claimed that when a mnn entered tho peniten tiary under sentence he lost his con stitutional right ns n cltlien and there fore tho right did not apply. After fighting thd matter for about six months St. Clair has apologised to Warden1' Ponton and acknowledged thnt ho was. entirety In tho wrong and would obey nil rules of tho prison from now on. Just whnt'tho board will do now with Its "opinion" In tho caso Is not given out In the absence of two of the members. UPON LAND FOR FAIR APPRAISERS FIX" VALUE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (Special.)-Slx ap praisers appointed to appralso the lands which have 'been condemned for state fair purposes, met this afternoon and went out to do the work. Tho committee consists of Fred Cornell and O. "VV. Palm, Lincoln; J. W. Long, Sherman county: B. A. Brown. Saline county; W. IX, Smith. Seward county, and Jacob "Wels, Fillmore county. The price of $8,000 has practically been agreed on for the sixty acres of ground, and tho appraisement Is made to legalize the' transaction. -Tho land Is 'valuable and the state fair board feels ' gratified to be able to secure it at ,tho price of practically $135 per aero. Church nt llerltn Dedicated. BERLIN, Neb., Feb. 10.-(SpecIal.)-The dedicatory services of the St. Paul Methodist Episcopal church were held here Saturday evening and Sunday. Ad dressed were made by Ilev. Elfeldt of Lincoln, Neb.; Rev, A. J. Ross, Topeka, Kan., and Rev. Charles Harms, Colum bus, Neb., all former pastors. In addi tion to tho above. Dr. J. A. Dlekman of Cincinnati, O., gavo an address in Qer man and in English. Four thousand dol lars was raised to clear the church of debt, and this In tho face of the distress and financial stringency caused by tho tornado of last spring. Rev. V. II. Back man in the pastor. Powell Urges Lower Rates Upon Apples (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 10.-(Special.)-U. O, Powell, physical 'expert of tho rnilwny commission, has returned from his trip to Kansas City, whero ho met wtlh other representatives of tho railway commis sions of tho states of Iowa nnd Kansas to secure beforo the Interstate oCm merce commission a better rato on up--pies than Is now given. According to tho ideas of th cpartlcs Interested, It will bo necessary to get a reduction In freight rates on apples If this state Is to compete with tho north west. Last year apples to tho number of 30,000 carolads were shipped Into the territory adjacent to this territory and with tho rapid development of the fruit Industry In the northwest It Is expected that they will be ablo to furnish tho country with 90,000 to 100,000 carloads of apples In a few years. Edanr Commercial Club Elects. EDGAR, Neb., Fob. 10. (Special.) Tho EJgar Commercial club at Its annual meeting elected tho following officers: President, Butler Hart; vice president, A. L. Snyder: secretary, A. D. Scott, treasurer, J. O. Walley; financial secre tary, L. E. Cottle; executive committee, Dr. O. R. Woods, Will Brooklcy, Rev. Thomas Griffiths, Mr. Anderson and S. J. King, with the president, vice president and secretary. A report of tho poultry show, which the Commercial club had financed, was read by Charles G. Cottle and approved. The committee on resolutions read res olutions on the death of tho late presi dent, J. M. Breckcnrldgo, which were adopted and ordered published In the Edgar papers. Tho year's work for the betterment of the. city was gone over and discussed from the viewpoints of the different mem bers. After the business was all dispensed with a light lunch was served, followed by a smoker and a general good time. Notes from York. YORK, Neb., Feb. 10.-(Special.)-Lo. rengo Poor, who lived at Anderson, Ind., came here last week to attend the fun oral of his brother, Henry Poor, left here for his home Friday and died be fore he reached his destination. John D. Turiey died Saturday night, aged 25 years. Pneumonia was tho cause of death. He had been sick only a few days, Amon Hull died Sunday morning, aged G2 years. Ho had been sick for two years. He was a- member of the Modern Wood men of America. The funeral was held this afternoon. The Changing Age, Girls and boys from 14 to 19 years of age undergo physical changes which tax their strength to the utmost and the strain is always apparent from pale cheeks, colorless lips, and tired bodies sometimes eruptions of the skin and the utter lack of the ambition and animation with which their younger yeaxs were filled. Budding into womanhood and man hood, with the duties of 6chool or business, demands concentrated nourishment which is readily convertible, i nlo red blood corpuscles, energy and strength, and the very best thing lor this changing age is the medical nutriment in Scott's Emul sionit possesses the rare blood-making properties of cod liver oil in a predt gested form; hypophospbites for the nervous system, with the healing, sooth ing qualities of pure glycerine. Its nourishing force promotes assimila tion, yields direct returns in abundant, red blond, fills hollow cheeks, tones the nerves, makes all good food do good, and does it in a natural easy manner. The sustaining nourishment in Scott's Emulsion is so helpful to this changing age that it should never be neglected every druggist has it. IJ-I1J Scott & Bowne, Bloombeld. V,J. Court Notes from MudUoii. MADISON, Neb., Feb. 10.-(Speclal.)-Mrs. Effle Sampson has commenced ac tion against her husband, Frank L. Sampson, for divorce and tho tlon of her maiden name, Elffle Crlp- pen. iney were married, May 3, 1912. Mrs. Sampson charges in her petition want of suitable support. Frank Lanman has brought replevin action in the district court ngalnst E. Ireland et al.. tn mpni'.. . ' - . . . oUJt Ul mares. This action Is taken on appeal irom justice T. V. Norveirs court, Nor folk, Neb. Leopold Kurpgewclt, residing north of Battle Creek, who was nrreBted on a charge of stealing cattlo from his brother, Herman, sworn out by County Attorney Kocnlgsstcin, waived pre liminary hearing beforo County Judge McDuffee and was bound over to the district court with ball fixed at $2,000 which his father, Samuel Kurpgewclt! of this city gave. KEARNEY AFTER NEW STATE REFORMATORY KEARNET. Neb., Feb. 10.-(Spcc!ol.)-Tho Kearney Commercial club went on record today as being anxious for tho location of tho now state reformatory being established In this city. It Is be lieved by tho local men that it would bo. a good thing for Kearney and that Kearney would bo a good placo for tho Institution. II D. Gould, John W. Pat- tervon. Judge W. D. Oldham and Sen ator Peter Wink will comprise a com mittee to confer with the Stato Board of Control In regard to tho establishing of the same In this city. The club also took nctlon at its meet ing toiny in tho procuring of a public ball park and will stand behind tho bond Issue, which comes up Mnrch 10. If theso bonds carry a $6,000 park will bo pro vided Tho club will lend all assistance possible to nttaln tho successful carrying of the bonds. county treasurer, who was recently oper ated upon nt a hospital In Rochester, Minn., Is that he Is now out ot danger. It was at first believed that he could not recover. Vast Loss of Infants Due to Individual and Civic Neglect WASHINGTON. Feb. 10.-An nppeal to American mothers, to women's clubs and to all who may bo Interested In tho na tion's social welfare for aid In the move ment to safeguard, the lives of babies was made today by Miss Julia C. Imth rop, chief of the Federal Children1 bureau, In her first nnnual report to Sec retary Wilson, of tho libor depurtment. "Infanta mortality Is a subject now challenging the attention ot the whole civilized world," said Miss Lathrop. "it Is impossible to stato with accuracy tho Infant death rato measures, because the United 8tatcs differs from other clvllitod countries and provides no general sys tem of birth registration. Estimates ob tatned by tho government statisticians, based upon census reports, however, show that last year the actual loss was about 300,000 babies under l-)'eftr of ago. Of theno nt least half would now be living hod we. as Individuals and communities, applied those measures of hygiene and sanitation, which Are known and available. This vast nnd unmeas ured loss of Infant life Is due solely to Individual nnd civic neglect." ' Inadequacy of funds nnd tho limited number of workers provided by the statutes creating tho children's bureau, the report said has greatly hampered tho prosecution of the work. "It Is obvious" tho report continued "that even tho most superficial survey of the bureau's great field Is impossible with the present force, and that in ordor to accomplish anything at nil It wns necessary that tho stuff should bo com posed of specially qualified persons." Baby-rnvlng campaigns in numerous cities and the efforts now being put forth through them to prevent Infant mortality were highly commended by Miss Lathrop. The bureau proposes to co-operate wherever possible with such movements. A scries of phamphlcts dealing with tho Felt ison Way to Central America SUPERIOR, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) It was reported today that A. C. Felt, tho missing cashier of tho defunct bank here, was seen on Canal street, Now Orleans, two weeks ago by a man from Beatrice, who also saw him nt the base ball league meeting In Kear ney, Felt said he was to sail the next day In a fruit steamer for Central America and asked the Beatrice roan not to give him away. He says he did no know that there was any charge against Felt when he promised to suy nothing about meeting him. STATE TREASURER ISSUES CALL FOR STATE WARRANTS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 10.-(Speclal.)-Stnte Treasurer George has Issued a notlco that on February .18 he will cash nt par $100,000 In general fund warrants when presented at tho office or sent through tho mall. However, these warrants must como from tho original holder, no war rants which have been discounted or transferred being taken up. A call will be Issued tomorrow also for $170,000 In outstanding registered war rants In numbers up to 4,547 to Include all Issues up to December 1. This will leave outstanding about $500,000. Hull Politic IleRln to Liven Up. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Fob. 10.-(Spe-clal.)-Desplto the fact that five months must elapse beforo the tlmn for filing for tho primary election for county of fice nominations lias expired, thoro Is already a fairly complete lineup for sev eral of tho nominations. It Is known that Sheriff Slevers will be a candidate for renominatlon and re-election for sheriff on the democratic ticket, and Chief of Police Arbogast is said to bo his almost euro competitor. Republican County Clerk Neumann will bo a candidate for renominatlon and A. B. Harriott, recently of the register of deeds office, will try for the democratic nomination. Attorney Cunningham probably will bo tho demo. cratlc nominee nnd Is strong in tho lime light at the moment on account of tho tecent order closing down the rcdlight district. Aid (ilrl Attempts Suicide. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Fes. 10. (Spe cial.) Miss Ruby Franz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Franz, residing several miles south of Alda, this county, at tempted suicide by shooting herself. The bullet lodged in tho tenth rib. however, and was prevented from striking a vital spot The unfortunate young woman was Immediately placed In the hands of a phy sician, however, and It Is expected will recover. The cause for the act Is not known, but Is believed to be a severe dli appointment In a love affair Ntxrm Notes of Table Itock. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Feb. 10.-(Sdo clal.) Mrs. Frances Wolfe died at her residence In this city yesterday morning after an Illness of several weeks with cancer of the liver, aged 58 years. She leaves two children, J. T. Cozad of Stella, and Mrs. Edna Grlfflng ot Tablo Rock. Arrangements for tho funeral have not as yet been announced. ' Matlas Hubka died at his residence in Table Rock on Saturday after an ex tended Illness of several weeks, in his seventy-fifth year. Ho came from Bo hemia to this country and has lived In Pawnee county between forty and fifty years. He leaves three sons and two daughters besides an agod widow. Fun oral services wcro held at tho residence yoaterday and tho Interment was in th Bohemian cemetery, four miles east of Tablo Rock. Ilenver City Notes, BEAVER CITY, Neb., Feb. 10.-(Spe clal.)-Cecll Odcll nnd Miss Mlgnon Kcely were married at the Prenl lvtnrtn n parsonago yesterday. They are members or prominent ramilles. On account of recent bereavement the wedding was prlvntij one. Word received from Avon Arnsberger, home caro of young child! en, beginning with one on prenatal rare, arc now being distributed by the bureau. In these It Is shown that "slightly more than 42 cr eent of the infants dying under i year of ago In the registration area In 1911 did not live to complete the first month ot life, and that ot this 4: per cent almost seven-tenths died ms result of prenntHl conditions or of Injury or accident nt birth." An Investigation hns been started by cue of the bureau's field ngonta In an effort to ascertain whether child labor laws are being pioperly enforced and whether tho states grant the certificates with duo reference to tho children's mental attainments and physical development. Through rommunlCHilons received by the bureau, Miss Itlhrop said she hud ben Informed "that no state In America Is nt thn present tlmo making ndequnto provision for exceptional and needy chil dren." The bureau has discovered a. popular conviction that It In a sound principle thnt no child should be separated from tho caro of n good mother becauso of poverty alone. "Tho matter of turning this popular conviction Into a useful public function," Miss lathrop any, "la one de manding searching Inquiry." Meals Hit Back? For Dyspepsia, Gas or a Sour Stomach Pape's Diapepsin Try it! In five minutes Indiges tion and Stomach distress gone Eat without fear. Time It! In flvo minutes nil stomach distress gone. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of digested food, no dizziness bloating, foul breath or headache. Papa's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is tho surest, quickest stomach doctor In tho whole world, and besides. It Is harmless, Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know It Is needless to have a bad stomach. Get a largo flfty-cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right Stop being miser ablelife Is too short you're not here long, so mako your stay agreeable. Eat what .von like and digest It; enjoy It, without fear of rebellion In the stomach. Pane's Diapepsin belongs to your home. Should one of the family eat something which doesn't ngree with them, or In case of nn attack of Indigestion, dyspep sia, gastrltfs or stomach decangement, It Is handy to give Instant relief. Adv. Kor Cash Only. As Ioiir oh our present supply lasts:' SCHAXTOX 1IA1U) COAIi, eg and rnngo sites, only $1.00 ier ton. OKNT1NK SPA OH A, cKR lo only $8.00 jper ton HKXUlXi: CIIKltOKKH NUT, hnntl screened $4.150-pcr ton ROSENBLATT'S GUT PRICE GOAL CO,, Tel, Douglas 530 ,Now is Our Time for Stock ClearingWe Offer Exquisite Lace Curtains at Strong Reductions The briefest inspection will convince you that this oppartunity is unusual Appllquo laco curtains, formerly Wlnbroldorcd muslin curtains, for- Mnrnutsctto curtalruf with cluny $6.25 per pair, rr morly S37.B0 per pair, d o Qf- laco, iormony DC $3.50 now Dt.J.&JLf nv U(JsSvr now Mario Antoinette! rurtnlnR. inr- Mnrlo Anminnttn rurtnltiR. former- Lacot Arabian cumins, formerly mcrly S8.B0 per pair, d0 nC 'y 121.50 per pair, dQ QC Pr Pr. now DUi7J now , aiu.v- now $3.95 Tho abovo are only oxnmpleB thoro nro many others some as low as 95c pop pair. $2.75 Furniture Specials Some aro separato pieces from suites some are quan tity purchases--some discon tinued patterns-.-but all are genuine money-saving op portunities. Examples 130.00 Arm Itocker or Chair, fume.l 2a.8.Pn''n,8,, 'either cushions 120.00 f 32 J brnry Table, fumed oak, 134.00 !H I'M?. TftM". fumed oak. 913.00 161 China Cabinet, fumed oak, mirror hack B40.00 $2.00 Dining Table, fumed oak. 4R inch round top ,919.00 $26 Roomy comfortable rocker, lip holMored In brown Hpanlnh leatlfor u ou,uu vuiuo, our price $26.00 Office Rugs 8-0x10-6, niado Crom best Body BrussclB Cnrpet -with, inhered borders- tho price ia less than tho cost of the car pet, only . . . V . .$16.75 Other Ru g Bargains $50.00 Hartford Boxony, 9txl3..93?.M $45.00 Wilton Iturs, 8x12. S2M S3C ltody BrusselH Ruga, 9x13, 9S1.SO $21 Tapestry Drusseln Ruga. 9x12, 918 $34. SO Hartford Baxonwi, 6x9, 990,00 $10.60 36x72 2-tono Ru.H, 94.70, 9338 "Vo repair Oriental 'Rugs. 81'MOIAIj Vnnduson Cako Tins 15c Four sizes. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414416-418 South 16th Street RPBOIAL Trunks and Bags, greatly reduced. MR. Samuel McKlnley, 1215 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes: "I can honestly say that I owe my life to Peruna, Traveling from town to town, and having to so Into all kinds of badly heated building, ply ing my trade as auctioneer, It Is only natural that I had col da fre quently. "Last December I contracted a severe cold which, through neg .lect on my part, settled on my chest. I heard of Peruna. It cured me, so I cannot praise It too highly." Those who prefer tablets to liquid medicines can now procure Peruna, in tablet form. Make right heating choice Scientific tests applied to old time ways of heating show un healthful air conditions, with either toolittle or too much heat and high fuel costs. The same scientific scrutiny applied to our modern radiator ways of heat ing shows definite results, warmth distribute4 evenly to all rooms full results from the fuel burned, and healthful atmosphere, free from flying ash-dust and coal-gases'. If you are holding on to the "old way," or it is holding on to you, why not break the hold and make the best choice by putting in a fully tested, fully guaranteed outfit of American fl Radiators Ideal Iboilers Our heating outfits are made for every size of cottage, mansion, flat, church, school, store, garage, or public building. They produce the most healthful warmth known free from ash-dust, coal-gases and soot there by saving much cleaning labor and damage to furnishings. In choosing from the big IDEAL Boiler line, you can select a type just right for your needs for water, steam or vapor, for hard coal, wood, gas, soft coal, lump, run-of-mine or screen ings; or, you can choose our new DOWN-DRAFT type for smokeless burning of low-grade soft coals (plentiful and cheap in many localities.) In choosing AMERICAN Radiators you obtain the tightest construc tions, the most liberal heat distributers, the most graceful styles, the smooth surfaces which may be painted to match walls or woodwork, and their, shapes permit convenient locations where the heat is most needed to insure evenness of warmth. IDEAL-AMERICAN heating outfits will wear for a century or more; require no annual over-hauling to keep in order. Sectional parts go together by finely machined iron-to-iron water-ways which never require packing or attention. Consider present attractive price and low cost of upkeep and absence of repairs, with the fact that our outfits increase rental and sales values and you will see that the outfit is more than a choice, it's a big paying investment. Let us help you to choose wisely. Write us today if you liave any heating troubles, or if you are planning a new home or other building; our booklets ( mailed free) and special Information will be worth your while put you under no obligation to buy. Act now 1 A No. C Jl 1 8 IDEAL Boiler and 270 iq. ft. of 136, were uud to beat thl cot : tlila orice the soodt can be bouiht cf any reputable, competent Fitter. Thltdld 98 ln. AMERICAN Radiator, coitloj the ' 1 cot include cost of labor, pipes, valves. mm owner tace. At frcitht, etc, which arc extra, and vary ac cording to climatic and other condition. Selection from AMERICAN Radiator line Insure best sur faces for decorations most clean-cut castinc made. Learn about the cellar-set ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner The first reliable improvement of our times for dustless, complete cleaning of rooms, furnishings, etc. Sets in basement or rear room; cleans through simple iron pipe, running to each floor. Easily put in OLD buildings. Tested three years in homes, churches, schools, clubs, theatres, stores, etc. Ask for ARCO WAND catalog (free). 1 No exclusive agents Bold by all dealers American radiator company Wrka Dspartmsnt 113-417 South Teeth Omaha Public Showrooms at Chicago, New York, .Boston. Providence, Philadelphia. Washington. Baltimore, Buffalo. Pittsburgh. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Detroit. Attests. New Orleans, Iiidiiospolli, Milwaukee, Omaha, Lllnntspolii. St. Paul, 8u Louis. Kansas City. Denver, Seattle. iHwUafldTScokaaT. 6aa Francisco, Toronto, London, Paha, Bnutcb. Berlin, Cologne, Milan, Vicuna ' I"