Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Spring's Newest Cotton Fabrics
Many novelties in exclusive designs, which, once
gone, cannot be duplicated.
You will be delighted to see these new creations
and -make plans ahead for your new dresses, even
though you don't wish to purchase now.
Your choice of any of our
fashionable Exclusive Coats
Wednesday for $8.75.
Shipload of Black Men Ready to
Start for A'rica.
Alfred C. .Nnin, 'Who Snrei Ilr 1 nn
Aahnntra Chief, Collected I.nrtte
Snm In Oklahoma for Pn
liare Money.
NEW YORK, Feb. It.-A shipload of
negroes, mostly farmers nnd their wives
from Oklahoma, waited horo today for
Alfred C. Sam to lead ' thorn to a new
negro Utopia on the dold coast ot Africa.
The cojorcd farmer wero Induced to
Como liere', they said, by Sam, who had
been collecting colonizers from Oklahoma,
Texas and ' Mississippi. Store negroes
were, expected from aalveston and tho
wett,tnd it wai said that clghty-slx
were tomlng from Boston.
Ham. according to the colonial, repre
sentalilnuelf to b6 nh African chief. Itc
porfif of his activities havo come from
tlmo to time from tho black belt of the
youth and southwest, and Now York
negroes were greatly stirred up today by;
conflicting reports regarding his project.'
"The negroes on board Wero In the bet
Ladies! Secret to
Darken Gray Hair
Bring b&ck color, gloM and
ihiskkmi. with Grandm&'s,
i rtipe i Safe ud Sulphur
Common garden aag brewed Into
feeavy; -Ua, w4th aUlpfaur ana aleefcol
added, wUl turn 'gr.y, streaked and.
fated haJr'beautmilty'daric ni JUiUrf.
ait; remeve crery bit of dandruff, Wp
e4r Hotting and falling h&lr Mixing
the Rage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home,
though, U troublesome. An aler way It
to get th reaay-ttv-use tonic, at dn
teres, knewn as "Wyeth's Scvse and
uur KaJr Remedy," Ihu avoiding a
lot tavaa, tm y
While wispy,, irrayr' faded hair Is net
Inful, we all desire to, retain, our youth
ful appearance And attractiveness. By
darkening. iyour hair with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur, no one can toll, because ti
does It so naturally, go( evenly Tea,
JuK dampen a sponge or soft brush with
It and draw this through your hair,
taking one small .strand at a time; by
rntHg all ray hairs have disappeared.
hair become beauOfully dark, gleaey,
1 I . . '
w m iuxurini ana you appear
yMMr. AavK,Usjn'at.
Yoir Stanch Bad?
Map's WMwM Skwuh tarty
ti U jNnyimtd Thrt Yw On
UtlKi M Not.
Y6u at not uked to UU MAYIV3 X)M)K1U
rxi, BTOUAni RKJJEDr for wrtk nxnX manlb
tten rou rvT njr (lt es a li uiu.
Ilr wquired u tetmara th matt iV.ptlcti u(
ttnr at Btomuh Allntnti thit thlt giMt rffl4y
liould rtaton taxon m tlllctd u toot htUh.
-" . r ' wnuw ui swfi ai.iWKit
wt,tbe Uftt j hu treatht IlnAIiTIl and
ever buy rMtorM to ttb now4 Vooitlra 4t u
Woi)4itu Ktrnrtr ta4 r urSitn otbr who
TIKAh AILMENTS to trr It, MM yu,
o dtlftrrat tfet move mtKllcJnM. th8. M put oa
Um mrkl tor it r trlaiu rtoiantli iin..Vtii
ww . . ... ' M .V0-!!. OBC Will
nr t c4Tlpc h rawit Xcpilvl culftrtr
Una XMM -vt uttwr mMlelo: Itrtiilli tiom oo
low vlll .uun lad tht txnintt ire ettrtlr
natural. It net. on It nouixe . lovndillon
at laM llmtnta. rommloc tVe 3lMaotta ratarrb
a4 klla aecratleoa. ana alla-lnt tba uaderlrlni
thrlo Ufltranullaa la In allm.atarr ana la
U-rtlnl tract, rn.rlnt, tht aana antlwptlc
.rr out ton o MATH-8 WONDKHFlfl.
BTOMACH BBilKDT--pat It to a teat tiw-YOU
' i-rt-jrad wlti aur AuUk rtuotcrr aaa
will nl.Llr nrk it hhu.ZMA. -.v..'-
fscataallr dolnc. gn4 (sr. boakl.t an Bttmach
Allnwou to Qo. 11. Man. Ufa. CtaimJtt 11I-1U
l-'oraaJa la Omaha, by Bnanaan & UtConotll
m - - ,HflM.I,
of spirits and talked In glowing terms ot
a sovereign land, where they would havo
their own government and their own re-
In tho absence of Bam. who thv said
was in oton lookimr ..t fr rmi..
tlie party is tinder the leadership of A.
uavl. an old necra Dnntliit elerrvmnn.
Pavls told them that tliev aro to form
a new church i .h ,,rm ..a i..i n h
.Aii th. nu u :,.::-: :
xeal scemad to sway the party much as
ti,.ip ..... .v.. i. tji.. ...
their desire to better their worldly clr
Seven llnndred Others Heady.
AVF2L.TCTA. Dili.. YaIi. 1fl T1a( n..n Mil I
and TOO negroes from various parts of
Oklahoma aro gathered horo, the head
quarters of Alfred C. Bam'M African
Tho negroes last week were told to re
port at, aolvcston, Tex., on .February 5
and sail for tho Gold coast ftvo days
Inter, They wero advised yesterday to
postpone their plans, as the ship would
not reach Galveston for three weeks.
"Chief Sam," as Sam Is known by his
followers, hns been at work In Oklahoma
several months organising tho colony.
When he left for Now York with eight
een other negroes a week ago yesterday
It Is reported that ho carried with him
between $.000 and fTS.OOO subscribed by
his followers to finance tho project,
The negroes havo been charged 23
each to be taken to Africa. They are
to pay their way to Galveston. Bam
elnlhia to be chief ot Uio Ashantee tribe
o( African natives.
Commissary Burke
is Suspended bv
Colonel Soethals-
PANAMA, Feb. 10. Colonel George W.
Goethals, chairman of tho Panama .canal
commisilcn, today suspends John liurke,
manager of tho commissary department.
Colonel Goethals' action canio nt tho
conclusion of tho hearings which gave
Burke a chanco to clear himself of't"lie
charges that he h4d accepted gratuities
and hod been guilty of Irregular business
transactions. Colonel Goothals also bus.
pended Vt V. Shipley, chief clerk of thp
ubslstence- department, the reason given
being 'Incompetency."
Colonel docthalt had yesterday received
ihe report made by Mr, Nye, the special
agent appointed to Investigate thi chargej
ngalrtst John Burljc. lie then Informed
Burke that he had given him a chance to
explain and produco evidence of tho In
nocence ot hl transactions, and at how
he came to bo possessed ot so much real
estate In the United Hlates and Canada,
nnd of large deposits In Indianapolis and
Colon 'banks. Ilurke decluartd his Inno
cence. Captain Frank O. Whttlock. United
(Hates cavalry, has been appointed to
eufceeed Burke. Other changes n the
commlmry department affecting minor
employee 'are to be made Immediately.
Burke sails this week tor the United
Slates to gather documents and affida
vits. ;ln support ot his Affirmation ot In
nocence. WASHINGTON, Feb. 0,-Colonel Ooe-
son, will turn Burke' cam over to the
TTCI It Mil CaiMSS Mltai -
Springview Doctor
Found Dead Near Car
With Engine Running
With the engine ot ht automobile run
nlng, the body of.Dr. Oeorss A. Ireland,
aged U, was found beside the car on the
floor ot the Karate back of his home n
opnngview, wcp., Sunday morning,
pnngview, wcp., HUnday morning,
Dr. Ireland about halt an hour hfnr,
the finding of hi. body receive . V.
phone calL lit Immediately went to the
garlge. It Is believed death overtook hint
shortly utter he had finished cranking the
car. Death was due to heart tmnhi.
lie had been practicing In Bprlngvlew
- riwvMufl , niuii'KYJOW I uraaKK,
six years. lie was born In Papllllon and ,1Th0 following banks have filed appltca
practlced there until going to Bprlngvlew. 1 .to ,?!!?. th,?,v j8"!'''" system:
He was a graduate of tho Omaha Medical
college nnd had taken post graduate
work at Bellavue In New York ,
Johns Hopkins. He had Planned to tk
post graduate work at Harvard this year:
ut. ireiana is survived by his mother,
Airs. LI. Li. In inil tvtm mitt. k. . I
. "i- ' - tic, iua-
band came to Papllllon In 1W7; two
brothers, 12. L. Ireland, Omaha; A. L
Ireland, Mitchell, Neb.; two slaters, Mr.
J. II. Itobertson, Omaha, and Mrs. Jess
Meryman. Omaha. Dr. Ireland' wife
ojea recently.
He was n
... i. .... ... . I
....uLr 9 ine oieorasKa
nna a 11jbiIIII. i
lodge of Masons at Papllllon and the
uoai Arch, Short services will be held I
at the home of E. L. Ireland, H74 Man-
" . - v(lkl S1W 14
dcrson. street, here, Wednesday morning,
, .,,, itunHUir rooming, I
fl ml u Tanll)lnt. at lit .Aln.L. . t ...
114 ai i'apiui
noon, nuriat
r - - n. v tuvjt, mat aiiar- i
nftin Til 1 -l 1 ulll I a.i .
"... in uumiu cemetery i
at PlDllllan. I
at Papllllon.
iao ...I
Te leant m.)An election held today to de
Ciae whether barpy county should ma
A tSO.000 bond Issue for tha lmlM!
- . . , ,.-... v,
n new court house resulted In the defeat
nf the bonda. Thuv I,,, u .,i..,.,h...
of the bonds. They lost bv a nluralitv
in out if !.ti vot
W. F. Baxter Believes Omaha Stands
Good Chance.
Victor rtoaeiTAtcr Visits In tVnah
Inizton unit la IteeelTed hy Pres
ident Vllaon, lleliifr Ontro
iluceil 'hr Mr. Ilrynn,
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-(8pcclal Tele
gram.) W. F. Baxter of Omaha, a dele
gate to the Chamber of Commerce of tho
United States, from the Commercial club,
today In company with Congressman Ix
beck called on General Aleshlro of tho
quartermaster's corpse lif thank him for
the order Issued by his dcpnrlment In
relation to tho supply depot at Omaha.
lit) also paid his respects to Secretary
Garrison and Judgo Advocate General
Crowder. Tomorrow ho hope to meet the
Nebraska delegation at luncheon, IlcprO'
sentatlve lAbcck having Issued Invltu.
lions for tho occasion, and talk to the
Ncbraskant In behalf of a regional bank
at Omaha, which ho confidently believes
is possioio or acconiD islimcnt.
Slnco he arrived In Wnahlni'tnn vlr.
day Mr, Baxter lias been ilolnir vpntnun
work in behalf of tlm tint ru
t he says, is Ideally situated for a. roelnnnl
bank. CVilnrnln nt.,1 T'loi, l,...L.. i,..
...mi wniinvt. iiaiB
Um It. . . . . . V
uuicu ins iToposiiion or a regional
jn,t mftha Preference to Kansas
lx' ne ?an,not " ,,ow t'1 reserve
bodiOUl '?te ft ba?U nt BL LouU
nd Kansas City, and is Imbued with
)?" ,uen n" ,n ieon gets behind
" movement for Omoha It may bo
brought about.
Iloaewntri- In Wa.l.l ..
. ..r' of T"
Victor Rorewater, editor of The Bee,
w" capuo, v.suor today, having como
ver lrom """'more whore he and Mrs,
lW0 or "rco days
Itosewater have been visiting for tho last
Mr. rtoaowntcr was DrcnonUd in tin.
president hy Mr. Bryan, In a character.
Istlo Bryanesuuo war. llm nriHr,
rvuuiiii siiiiih uiih no nau Know
of Mr. Itosewatcr In Chicago. Later tho
tdltor called upon Secretary Garrison
and Judgo Crowder. Durlnir liiu vfn
with tha latter ho learned that General
Crowder expected to be In Omaha for
tho Washington celchratlon In company
with Henry D. Kslerhrook. who Is to be
tho orator at the nnntversary exercises.
Mr. Bosewnter left this evclilnir for
Omaha, Mrs. Itosowatcr rcmnlnlmr In
Baltlmora for a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K., Morgan, whoso
homo has been In Nobraska for forty
years, Mr, Morgan having ben postmaster
nt Groley for twenty years, havo arrived
hi Washington to mako this city their
permanent resldencp. A delightful home
has been prepared for Mr. nnd Mrs. Mor
gan In the suburbs pf Washington by
their sons Who are engaged In business
JVnthnn Arrives front Rail,
Edward I. Nathan, United States con
sul ut Merclna, Turkey, reached horo to
day nnd was Joined by his wife, formerly
Miss Nefsky of Lincoln, who has been
Visiting her parents at her former home.
Mrs. Nathan's mother, Mrs. Nefdkv, ac
companied' her1 daughter from Lincoln
td Washington and will Visit (here a few
days. nepresehtttllVo Majulro will ac
company them to tho 'State department
tomorrow, When Mr, Nathan . will pre
sent Hils 'official -respecto'' td Scertary
Bra. " '
JVchrunkM Sfcetluk rialincil. '
Tho next meeting of tho Nebraska so
ciety In Washhniton will -b6, held" on the
evening of February 23, and tho officers
ot tho society ,nro making every effort
to mttko Jt n record breaker In attend
ance ot Nebraskans. J. It. Manly, Con
gressman I.obtck's secretary, 1ms ust
been made chairman of tho membership
committee of the society, and, with the
Present orcrnnlzntlnn In irnttlnir In
with practically every Nebraskan In tho
city to swell the membership. It hns
been found that there are more than 10O
xMeDrasKans under the civil service living
In Washington, many of whom have not
Jointed the society. Invitations are being
sont to all of ther.
The two senator nm nvnrtw1 in ail
dress the cafherinir nn Vnhriixirv n n
well as members of tho delegation In tho
flnlli'l Irrl. (ll.t Vl....l.
J. M. Guild, former commissioner ot
mo commercial ciuu or omana, wnosn
home Is now in Dn.vtnn. A . la In tha
city and vltltcj a number ot his Nebraska
inenas this morning at the capltol.
C, J. Bmytti of Omaha, epeclnl codniel
of the Department ot Justice. Is In Wash
ington on matters connected with the
telephone cases, Upon which ho has been
lngaifod ulnco hU connection -with the law
I f1rl t-f malif H aSFn..M.H
department Ot tho government
B. H. Moliachen ot Wayne, Nob., with
nis onao sioppen in Washington today
on their way north from their honnvmnnn
In Florida. Before returning homo! they
win visit a rew days In Philadelphia and
New Pork. They called unon Dremma.
tlvo Pan stephons today.
New Postmasters.
Postmasters appointed;
Nebraska Darr, Dawson county,
Charles B. Dlefendach, vice N, II. Jen
fen. resigned; Mayberry. Pawnee county,
William A. Mayberry, vice J. F. Ford.
.fjuiiiiiiK nruiigiuu, v.aruon county.
Mrs. Ida M. Illttner, vice J. F, ciear-
vra,c.p J"111.?"!! Esterbrook. Albany
we"' V,M Frnk T,nk'
ham. resigned.
Nebraska pensions granted:
nachael ICay, Palisade, J1I; Catherine
Opolsby, Fulls City, Jti
.j antra js. r.awarus nas Deen reappointed
postmaster at Lake, Cherry county, Ne
Nat.onoh oVunS? CntV; F.St "N.tffl
Kl?tt: First National. State Centers Mrst
National, Pomeroy,
?.kfcr?I!i National. Naper: First
aVd"v Wal h .1 K?-ti' ,"tt,1 Sfif.''
SayonBJ' " "luff. First National.
' U'uui.11.
.. . . .
unci snocKs were recorded on the sets
IMA..Kt , . .
mograph of Georgetown university to.
day. The first began at 11 :U a. m. and
lstod six minutes, but was not very
w'w, nn cvuna was recorded
nt I . J r. i, .l I . - , . .
v" f une ana one-half
mlnnl.. !TV. i . ,. . .. ..
.in uui, aaia rather
Tnnrtnrf. eiYimmri'M . ik.
'ws very severe." Thera mi.nnihi..
iiiv li ii l v ru 1 1 v
In tha record to show how far from
here the shocks ware.
8T, LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. 1(L-Thr.. ..i.
quake shocks were racnrHt nn it,.. ..
- v, p.,..
ihoarntih at Ilia K tmI. ....i.. .i.
" """ijr i ii is
ituernoon. The first shock wa nnmn
at 1S5:1J central tlm. th. a-j -.
r -" , --w vu.u,,., M I
:j:3 and the third at :S7:. Prof.
UCUVI jiuepui, assiaiani director of th
university obaervatory. aald tho recok
l.. ... . '".uru
George Buepol, assiatant director of the
uiaicatea tnai uie earthquake was within
wo inues oi gt. iAttr
President Omaha Retail Grocers' Association
' jyayl.
F. C. Billings Faces Tragedy When
He Comes Home for Noon Meal.
Hoy Ilrualnn Cmiaclniinnraa nnd
Telia thnt lie Pnrcunacd Druir
Which Mother, Slater nnd
Illtnaelf STrnllovra.
What Is thought by the police to bo a
sutcldo pact was uncovered this noon
by F. 'C. Billings, 4210 North Twsnty.flfth
avenue, when ho came home for his noon
day meal and found his wlfo dead and
two children dyln. Tho doors of the
house wero locked and the window shades
drawn down, and, thinking that rather un
usual, the father broke In tho front door
and entered." In tho living room was tho
prostrate body ot hU stop-son, Clarence
Bhuman, aged 39 years, and In the kit
chen wis his wife SlUlrtff Ih a' chair, dead.
In her arms was their llttlo 2Vi-year-old
boy. La Itoy, unconscious.
A hurry call was sent to 'the police
Btath5n"kndwtho' fatally' ' physician, Dr,
Paul, J311I,, who, wlth Pr, 3J..T. .Harris,
succeeded In' reviving th6 boy and girl
with n pulmotor. When tho boy came
to ho was asked' what had happened to
a nearby drug store nnd' purchased a
bottlo ot some drug and that the family
had taken Its contents. Before he could
be askod any particular of tho purcnoso
ho swooned away again.
Everything about tho house was In
order and tho gas stove In the kitchen
was burning. A teakottlo was over the
.blaze, but, all of tho water had been
boiled out Of It.
SThere are two other stepchildren,
Mamie Shuman, age 17 years, and Besslo
Shumau, age 19. When they were sum
moned from tho home of , neighbor and
told ot tho tragedy, they declared they
knew nothing ot It and that they had
been away slnco early In the morning.
Tho boy was taken to the police sta
tion after he gained a, little strength,
but he refused to talk and smiled when
ho was asked questions of what he knew
ot the tragedy. He was later taken to St
Joseph hospital, where he Is being
watched 'over by nn officer.
He was unable to explain why the
shades were down and tho doors of the
house locked.
Coronor Crosby took charge of the body
ot Mrs. Billings and an officer was left
at the homo to keep watch ovor the boy
and girl. Both will likely recover.
Tho father could offer no posslblo ex
planatlon of the tragedy. He Is employed
by tho Omaha Gas company.
In tho kitchen and are being held for In
vest! Ration.
Still later young Shuman camo to and
when confronted, by & newspaper man
at the hospital he declared that the
potsonlng was duo to somo canned sal-
Count Fifty! No
Rheumatic Pain
Rub pain away with a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Stop "dosing" rheumatism.
It's pain only? not one case In fifty re
quires Internal treatment. Itub soothing,
pentratlng "St. Jacobs 011" right on the
"tender spot." and by the time you say
Jack Itoblnson out comes the rheumatic
pain and distress. "St. Jacobs OH" Is a
harmltss rheumatism cure which never
disappoints and doesn't burn the skin.
It takes pain, soreness and stlttnesi from
aching Joints, muscles and bones; step
sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia
and reduces swelling.
Limber up! Get a small trial bottle ot
old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from
any drug store, and In a pioment you'll
be tree from pains, aches and stiff nesa.
Don't suffer! Rub all rheumatism and
misery - right away. Advertisement
m SiZjC
t ftSti ffr.eiS-)
mon and beans which the family had
eaten Sunday night
NEW TOItK, Feb. lO.-Govcrnor Glynn
returned to Albany today from Washing
ton confident ot tho support of Presi
dent Wilson in his plans to reorgantso tlw
democratic party In Now York state.
He carried alio personal assurances ot
good will from Mnyor Mltchel.
"I think," said Governor Glynn, "that
from a political viewpoint the state ad
ministration at Albany and the National
administration nt Washington will be
found In full harmony."
The plans which he laid before the
president, at their conferenco yesterday,
provided for reorganization ot the party
In tho state, a new chairman of the state
committed and efforts to put the party
In fighting trim for tho next state cam
paign. The governor declined to discuss tho
fight against Charles F, Murphy and
Tammany hall, but he left no doubt of
his wish to bring about a complete
change In the present complexion ot his
party. "The president." he said, "ap
proved 6f my plan of action." I had a
very satisfactory talk with him." i
The tenseness of tho political situation
Eat Less Meat and
if Kidneys Ache or Back Hurts
Says Bladder irritation or
Rheumatism means Sidneys
aren't straining out uric acid.
Meat forms uric acid, which excites1 and
overworks the kidneys In their efforts to
filter It from the system. Regular eaters
ot meat must flush the kidneys .occa
sionally1. You must relieve them'llke you
relieve your bowels; removing all the
acids, waste and poison, else you feel a
dull misery In the kidney region, sharp
pains In the back or sick headache, du
llness, your stomach sours, tongue Is
coated and when the weather is bad you
have rheumatlo twinges. The urine Is
cloudy, full ot sediment; the channels
An End To The Curse
Of Wearing Worthless Trusses
No More Rupture Troubles
60 Days Trial
To Prove It
Ton Don't Hare to Risk a Penny
Here Is something absolutely guaran
teed to keep your rupture from coming
And you can try It Bixty days-mako a
thorough prove-lt-to-you test without
having to- risk a penny.
If It doesn't hold-lf it doesn't keep
your rupture from botnerlng you In any
way-hen 't won't cost vou a single cent.
The Only Thing CJOod Enough
To Stand Bnch. a Test
ion know as well as we that you can't
tell anything about a truss or anything
eUe for rupture merely by trying It on.
That'a tho worst of going to a drugstore
or local truss fitter's.
A truss or so-called "appliance" may
seem all right when you first put It on,
and afterwards ptove utterly worthless.
Tho only way In thu world you can
make sure of exactly what you're get
ting is by a 60 days' trial a thorough
day-aftsr-day test.
And our guurdntecd rupture holder
the famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging
Truss Is the only thing of any kind
whatever for rupture that you can get
on sixty days' trial, the only thing good
enough to stand such a long and thor
ough test.
Something- XotMng sise Boss
Tha Cluthe Automatic MaasaKlnic Truss
la so utterly different from anything
else for rupture that It has received
eighteen separate patents.
It provides the onlx war ever aiaoor-
ered for overcoming the weaknsss which
l the real cause of rupture.
Juat how It does that entirelv auto.
inatlcally Is all explained in the free
will Save Ton From Operation
The lluthe Truss hua su .noruuirhlv
praed Its merits that physicians In all
arts ot the world and Burgeons In the
Benson &. Thome's
Will start Thursday morning and will he
advertised in this paper Wednesday Even
ing Women folks needing Footwear take
was Indicated here by the fact that
nearly every Tammany leader in the city
called at Tammany hall today to see Mr,
Murphy. They were disappointed, as he
I was not In New York today.
Woman Leaps from
Roof of Skyscraper
KANSAS CITY, Mo Feb. lO.-Whlle
hundreds of shoppers passed In the
street not thirty feet away, a fashion
able dressed woman about SO. yeas old,
leaped from tho root ot the R. A. Long
building, a fifteen-story structure In the
downtown district today, and was
dashed to death on the cobblestones ot
the alley In the rear ot the building.
Persons In. an office In a neighboring
high building saw the woman climb to
the parapet, poise a moment, clasp her
hands and dive off head first.
The body was Identified this afternoon
as that of Miss Etna Zimmerman, a
stenographer employed by an Implement
company here. At tho house where Miss
Zimmerman roomed It was said that she
had always shown despondency for weeks,
but had confided In no one. Bho had at
tempted to tako her life before by swal
lowing po.'ion, it was said.
CURLING, N. F., Feb. 10. When the
snow storm that has raged for two days
along the west coast ot New Foundland
passed today, observation nt Lark Har
bor could not see the United States naval
tug Potomac, which was last sighted In
an Icq floe Off that place on Saturday.
It was believed that It had been caught
In tho grip of tho Ice and carried out
Into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The Potomac made nn unsuccessful ef
fort Thursday to release some Ice-bound
American fishing vessels at Bay of Is
lands and was forced to make for the
open gulf to avoid being Imprisoned by
the lee. Anxiety for the tug ind its crew
of thirty men Is felt.
POItTLAND, Me., Feb. JO. The revenue
cutter Androscoggin, Its bunkers filled
with coal and a plentiful supply of pro-
Take Salts
often Irritated, obliging you to get up
two or three times during the night.
To neutralise these Irritating acids and
fluh the body's urinous waste, get about
four ounces ot Jd Salts from any phar
wacy; take a tabiespoonful In a glass
ot water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act fine
and bladder disorders disappear. Thl
famous salts is made from the acid ot
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
llthla, and has been used f.r generations
to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys
and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts 1
Inexpensive; harmless and makes a de
lightful effervescent llthla-water drink,
which millions of men and women tftka
now and then, thus avoiding serious kid
ney and bladder diseases. Advertisement.
? ,S,.Ar.'n'-and ,"vy now recommend
It Instead of advising operation. It has
brought complete recovery In hundreds
of cases after operation has proved a
Wo Belt or lag Straps to Annoy Ton
Tbafa whjr paopU 60 trjr tin. tfuu ur it It
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-will hola la lb fcath. Eaailr kip? c&aa.
Oet World's Oreatest Knptura Book
Doa't lend any monav luit writ in
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. : nin mtv you irom pains
foaltd and but you from willing moaer.
KisUlna why elatlo and prtof truaata Ire a,
wlckad trtma whjr thy ara tha ruptured maa'a
rort eofmr-wtir tha law ahold atop aala.
Expaua tha humbug "appllancaa", meth.
ode." "plartere", etc
ki'Ti whr operation la often a needleaa (an.
We with death, aad why. If a man manatee to
set well (ran tha operation, he onto bu to keen
oa wearlni a trail.
And It tell all about th duth Autoraatle
Uaaietiaa Troea aad how rou can try u Sitr
daraandlow IKtle lt catta If yoa keelt
Olvee endorwaienU of orer CCOO people.
Better writ for the book todar It till thlon
you could nerer find out by coin- to dortor. Jr
druketora. Blmplr uaa the eoupon or Sr In a
Utter or poatal "Send me th. nook " T
psnran TTaaHaaaaw
Box 714 OLunrr covpivr
123 Bast 83d St. Mew fork City
Send me your Free Book and Trial
Name .,
visions In Its hold, sailed today for tho
northeast ot Newfoundland, to assist the
naval tug Potomac, which has been
caught In the drifting Ice floes of tha
Gulf of St. Lawrence. It weather condi
tions continue favorable, the Androscog
gan should end Its 700 mile run Thursday
night or Friday morning.
Pllen Cnred In 0 tn 14 Days.
Druggists refund money It Pato Oint
ment falls to cure Itching, blind, bleed
ing or protruding piles. First applica
tion gives relief. EOc. Advertisement.
la a poisonous and dangerous
thing. It affects every organ and'
funotlon and brings about that
low condition that predisposes to
most diseases and ailments.
reots it, and makes pure blood.
Special Sola Of 08-Kote
This offer Includes:
Cavellcrla Rustlcanna.
"Minuet", Key of G,. by
"Mlserero", from II Trova
toro. A. HOSPE CO.
1813 DOUQliAS ST,
Our 40th Tear. '
February 9th 14th
Open from two lo Jen p. m.,
with illustrated lectures
and motion pictures at
three and eight p. m.
Complimentary Tickets at any
Kodak Dealers.
RRANDEIS omtoki, wed..
Oliver Vseresee presents I ha Moil Saeeessful
Camady In I ha World
By J. Hartley Manner
UrMI Tayler's Caatlaul Nnr Yerk limnl
Than. Mat. and Bight, KASIT XiAUDSR
Week of Feb. 15
lrlces: 00c, T5c, 91.00, 1.50, 92.00.
Wed. XCatH Special Frlc EOo to 310.
Ssat Bale Opens 10 A. M. Today.
DOUO. 4S4.
wees Btarttng z-euruary 8
"The Naked San,"
Xtnth Xoye. Ward
& Weber, Xyman
Mayer, Da Toy Bros.,
Special Motion Pic
tures, "Her Sideshow
Sweetheart" and
Pat's Xavenga,"
FrlaMat, (Jallery, IftCj beat ceata (except
Bat. and Bun.) 4Sj Nlht. iOc. 2oo. Ma and 1U.
Daily Mat., 15.35-SOo
Evnr 15-35-50-780
aus kill ana "Birr" odabcs
The eminent English pantomlmlsts,
nillle nitchie (the Original "Drunk")
and lUch McAllister In "A Night In an
English Music Hall.'' Big Heauty Chorus.
Patriotic Matinee Thursday, Lincoln's
Birthday Timely Souvenirs to alL
If Dl 1 11 A.M. tell P.M.
African Wild Animal Hunt
1'ItICES: 5c and 10c No Hlgbcc