12 SILK HAT VOU RUM THAT CAH-YII IVjc ct laC . n,n It 'l I HEAR ANOTHER VJORO xjjOMiVv vvet out i 'a lAviuiC. OttvC TV A.T ONE 'FofiTH'EP- CS, WANT ADS Want ncls receive, nt any time, but to insure proper classification jiuist bo prcsontcd before 12 o'clock noon for Uie evening edition and 7:0 p. in. for the morning and Htindny edi tions. Want nds received after Mich hours U11 have their first I "wort Ion under the heading, "Too into to Classify." CASH RATE VOU WANT AI)H KKGUIjAH CliAHfJIFIOATION: Obo insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or niord consecutive Inser tions, 0 cents per line. Ono lino per month, 91. HO. Twenty cents a minimum clinrj;. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tho line, not by tho word. CHAIXUE RATK8. Hlx words to Uie line. Oho Insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or mora .consecutive lnscr Uobs, 0 cents per line. Oho line per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTK Tla I5ee will not bo re sponsible for more than ono wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the tenth of the following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by wrlttea order. Verbal or telephone cancellation cannot be ac cepted. DEATHS AND 1'UMJHAL NOTICES DAII.EY Mrs. Julia, agod & yoara. Kunent Wednesday morning, Fubruui-y 31, at S:30 o'clock from family rcildanco, 2019 Lake, to Bacrcd Heart church ut a., m. Interment, Holy bopuionrc ceme tery.' VIEB12 Mrs. Anna. C, aged CO years, February' S. Funeral from family residence, ono mllo north of JRaiiton, Wednesday at 1 p. in. H1KT11H AMD UUAT11H. Mtrths-C. W. ana May Uromaii, 1710 south Hoventecntn, hospital; John l. aM" Kiercnes JJoan, Oiuspital, uirli-K. T, asd Nora Ireland, hoiptial. boy. Deaths A. A. Newman. WJ years, l'lttv- second and Mpaldtnvi . Trrssio JlurK". 43 years; hospital; Mrs. A. l'eters, ii years, hospital; Mrs. A. Hhlratjrdo.li yearn;, hos pital; Una K. Lindsay, w yiurs, Wli Worth Eleventh; Uose Loierowtts, 1 year, 1527 North Twcnty-Hrat; ii. H. Mooro, 'M years, 2318 louglus; Vllllam Altstadt, V years, UU Bouth Blxteenth; Frvaerioit JlcrxKo, 7J years, S3tM bouth Klevcntn; Anna O. Wlese, 6 years, noipitnl; y, lluchcs, 3? years. S06 North KluVenth, MAHHlAUi: laCKNSUa. Termlts to wed have been granted the following' couples; Name and Address. Age. Jphn. i'luta, South Omaha, ii Joaio Tencter. Houth Orauha 21 Iouls W. liggert. Center.. - 'U Mabel E. Kllingson, .Center l'J Matthew A. Cameron, Lincoln 31 Lillian M. Lanphero. Lincoln.., 3 Harlan L. Allen. Hhenandoah, la ii AUa McKean, Bhenandoah..... 'ii Charles F. Schartow, Jr., Omaha... 30 19 21 17 31 Marjorle JJrandt, Fort crooK.. Virgil Ualley. Omaha..., Fred da Lewis, Omaha..,....,,... , Nick Mllobar, South Omaha Annie Mlhelcic, South Omaha..... ... wv William H. Bullock, Florence 21 Bessie E. Wlllott, Omaha 19 Charles J. Nleman, Hosklns W Mlta A, Oosch, Wlnsldo 19 Louis Walkenhorat. Madison ..,... 23 Mary Nlckias, Madison IS BUILDING I'KKMITS. 11. Harrison, 3210 Cass, tratno dwelling, llKia WANTKll FEMALE Clerical -tnti uttlcc. WE NEED AT ONCK Stenographer, law experUucc, JC0. btcnographcr, mlg. linn, tu, llookKteper, lumber tsu-9u. Stenographer, bright beginner, 140. Stenographer, high sencot gruduate, p-33. CO-OPEIIAT1VE UEFEIIENCE CO.. 1011-U City National Dunk Uldg. TKKUUiiAtUiU wmi at least one year's experience; KO Hive phono No, Address u xw. Dee. P. U. X. operator and typist; salary, Address (J no, bee. Factory sua Trades. WANTED First class lady head cook; it no experience In strictly good com mercial hotels "where menus aru used don't apply; mut be goon manager, eco nomical, neat ana gooa urcaa maker; Ito and nice room; splendid kitchen und sooa help; references, The Leggett, Fair- iicia, is. itutuekeeyer sua Dotuesttus. TUB 8EIIVANT QIltL PItOHLEM SOLVED The Dee will run a Servant air! Wanted Ad FllEE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omana and Council Dluffa. llrlnir ad to Una keu office or telephon Tyler ion. A COMPETENT girl for general house- work, good references, wnue gtn. liar wey 61iu liard 8L WANTED An experienced ulrl for Ken. era! houtewoik; good wages, small fam ily, inquire at once. n rarnam. WANTED Competent girl for general housowork In faiclly of three; refeiences required, wl a. am ut. iiarney sxxi. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages JS per week. Mrs. A W, siena. 3x uavenport rt. WANTED Housekeeper; must be neat sad between 3U ana o years old; unto cumbered. Address. II 2UJ. Omaha Uee. WANTED Competent girl for general housework Inferences required, zai Dode St. II. IKS WAN TED O I rl to help wtth children. lo go pome nrems. m o. ;nn ci. WANTED Competent second girl; ref TCAces required. Mrs. Chas. Offutt, 140 N. 4th SL OOOD COOK No washing; references required Mrs, Joseph Barker, I'M S. tth St- D. tm. GIRL for general housework, small fttmliy,' good wages. il N, 31th St- vnr ir n w w i i i i itttttttt7'vi r ,.-Tpi i --. - -,. is- "x - i a v. r .ar cue i r9i'"s j t i i HARRY'S DIVORCE uhiiii hwihi! i in amm w-.vmMisnKsaiuiHHii u uimiii tmii rniiiiiu i wur . nVFiHiFnTi iiiuMWimnumiiinRii imunwsi?111!!!!!!! nuuiuu iMiMUiiiiiiiiSRliiii r i lit I H i I f I i ! fi iTT i ft 1 1 il II u F i.i.ii 'i ni' 1 1 nil lit" ii i u Hi'ii 1 ill i ni niii''i' '"ii i ii' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in . mh inrT' .si 'ir i rue55 i m hin''x i ' ini't S JH. L SS5W.3 i5( THAW WZVS f ' . . a... .Bassssssssssssssssssssssssssr m i x . bbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbh ,r it-j i ,-sr-- - rf'.-vf . i i j . - ) i i,v y-.. -tv. i i f a HELP WANTKD -lKMALE Jlucktepcra nntl Dommllca, A COMl'KTUNT Blrl for Keneral houso work; lK-t whrch; no waMilng. Harney UM, 10S H. Kkl Ht WANTED A comjictent Rlrl for general hoiiHnivork nt 3S21 Farnam fit. 3IIbcuI1mi.vuim, YOU.NO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women' Christian association building at at Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' guide at tho Union station WOMEN Got government Jobs; big pay; Omaha examinations April 1; sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 634 K. Ilochester, N. Y. illCJU WANTED MALK. Airrntsj Salesmen una Solicitors. A (SALESMAN, clean cut and up to date, making small towr.a, can Increase his income uurlng spare hours; surpris ing results can ue obtained by men of ability; elegant side line; prompt com- mUtilons, Ueimont Mfg. Co.. Cluoiu nail. O. ii DAILY oVerago selling advancu pump governors. They malm the hardest warn ing pumps worn easy, wlniim.lib turn in tho slightest winds, pumping engines worn with less than one-huli tilo guor steam; fit ull pumps, warranted flvo years; ex cluslvo territory: price 1.0J each. Honor able men wanted to sell mom everywhere. International Foundry Co., 'Ji'J Minnesota bt., bt. i'aul, Minn. . . HALUUMKN. Kemper. s7u tirauu. Uiug. KAHIEHT selling, best paying slda line; vest pocket sample, sells ut sight; ugents mnke ltW u day, l'artleulars (roe. itol llns & Co.. Dept. 93, llox 6712, lloston. WANTKD-ilrlght yuung men tor oJeail cut proposition; goou monuy lor hustlers. m llrandets Theater llldg. A t, AHQIC Omaha concern wants a mun who has hud experience as un insurance solicitor or slmdur soliciting; one with Omaha acquaintance proierrou; lor a uil- ferent line of work. Addrtos K lice. 4. I. ii I. i i 1 1 I. . Clerical nuil unlet. (lO OU stenographer, must be speedy and accurate; permanent position for right party; staio age, experience and salary wuutou. Holder Munuiacturiiig Co., Carroll, lu. t'nutory unit Trades GET Into tho moa. profitable business of today, the. automoullo business, una uecomo Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer tho opportunities ot learning the business by actual experi ence on dltforent makos of curs, uur lurms uro moderate. Wilto or call. Na tional Auto Training ussoclution, rill f. miii ft., Omaha. Nrn. Tel. Webster &9M WANTliD Alen to leurn the barber trade. Wo compiuiu you in few weeks. Wu give tools. Wo pay wuges In finish ing uepartmenU No better work. Jobs always waiting. Investigate. Muler liar- uer eoiicgo, nu b. nth Ht. AnCHlTECTURAL draftsmen wanted! experienced Harry Laurie, W l'axton Ulock. uruu ttoro-snaps; lobs. Knelst. lleo Uldg. We Have a Position Waiting lor You as a K. K. i elegrapher Our vchool Is luo ull.c.u. i.nuiu for tcegrnphcrs for tno union t'uuinu It. it. aui Illinois centrui it. ji. Uoth thesu railroad companies abso lutely guarantee to givo permanent posi tions io an uur grauuuica. Every ruilroad centering in Qniuhn om ploys our graduates 11.00 to tlbt) per mouth covers the range, ot salaries of railway telegraphers and station agents all over the west. we win securo you u piaco to worie for your board while attending and irea transportation to your post when your course Is completed Tuit.oi feo very low. Bend for eutalairua at nnr mMiilnn. Ing tills paper. Boyles College tuiti- nuauing. uiiiutiu. ..mo. L'Ai.VAHl AUhMIDAI ..iiui.iit. MENT bureau Is 'prepared to Mupply skilled or unskilled iauor ot all kiuus. UfllCe. JUCOOU llUll. lllS DodllH Iiruni Tvlepnono lyier luil; alter p. in., tvuu. ster 4197, WANTED An exncrlonccd lliiotvnh operator to set Norwegian; steady worn; suite experience tully with tlrst letter. l'ecoran rosten. Decorah. la. MUcellaueous. YOUKQ MEN. you ahoulil lcnm th. automobile business and leurn It ltlOUT. Earn mora money than you ever did be fore. We have both a auy und a night ciumj, so you havo no reason for delay. Come in WOW. MiUllApKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, MANAUEIt A LAIU1I2 NATIONAL INKTALUMENT HOUSE WANTS AN EXPEUIENCED BTOUE MANAQEU; MUST HUOW SUCCESSFUL HECOUO IN UETTINQ llltRlVKMa cui-nn- AND COLLECTIONS: A LIFE POSI. TlOW AND EXCEPTIONAL OIl(ilt. TUN1TY FOH THE ltlUHT ilANi STATE AOI5. EXPEltlENCE AND SAL AltY WILL1NU TO ACCEIT UNTIL 1JIL1TY lb HUOtt N Aliinl-:WS! iv m DEB. " 1EN wttli ftairiitutiiM iiIhi, wiH mum. doiph & Co.. vt anbliigton. D. C 4 wiii, wax mail clerks wanted. Com mciice VI monlli. Omuha examinations soon. Sample questions free. Franklin :iiuuue, ligpt. g k, Rochester. N. Y. AUTOMOU1LE uhauifeurs cut its w.-k and over; many spring openings; sample mi, uviiuiu iree. franxuu institute. HFi"- fly -o:nesicr. j. r, MEN. age 18 to 33. becoiriB mllwnv mn clerks; 174 month; pull unnecessary; par ticulars free. Addreoa Y 421. care Uee, WANTED SITUATIONS. UUNDLE and family washing. Web, C42& YOL'NU man attending Uoyles college null, null, igr uoaru. LJ. UM. liADV wants day work. Call Doug. 41SJ. DUNDLE washing. Ironing Har. Isii. Practical nurse; does homework. D 6204. OOOD pianUt wishes to secure post "on; goou uance orcbester. Address d ni. ununi uee. ' WANTED Uy husband, -who Is attend ing business college, and wife. Dls.ce wnere they can uurn tneir Hoard and room by doing housework, cooking or anything pertaining to work about the home. Address L SS8. Uee. COMPETENT widow wishes position in respectable widower's hums wh.n services will be appreciated. In or out ot vicinity . references It necessary. Address J t l, Omaha Um THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914. A. B. C of Omaha AAI'DOMINAL supporters for men, women and children. A new Idea, tnaclo to measure. Malo attendant. 4 to C dally. Uolcn Mfg. Co., 301-303 llos ton Ctore Uldg. D. 2537. . BELL DHUO CO. New location, 131 Farnam. Everything now. Old phone Douglas Z(i23. Coma, call or write, ltubbcr goods. K KHlt Abstract Co., 303 S, 17th St Hotter bo eafo than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. O' MAIIA Pillow Co.. 1721 Cuming. Doug. ln. Ilenovatea rcathers and mattresses ot nil kinds, makes feath er mattresses. Call or write for prices. VACUM CLEANEUS, every type. Monarch Jr., Electric, special Banltary Service Co, Tel, D. 2304. WE rent, ropalr, sell needles and parts lor nil sewing machines. Nebraska C?VMa f'n "Mini..!- ' litli and Harney Hta. Douglas 1CC2. WANTED -SITUATIONS. EXI'EHIENCEO city salesman and col lector or bookkeeper. Will do anything. Web. 2073. WANTED Job as saloon porter or fire man; experienced. Apply Den Altrnaler, Deo office. South Omaha. W A N TED Hy colored girl, to do gen eral rouseworK. uau w. 7ii, rellned widow of 34; competent and ex- poru-nccu; auugntcr is years oia; reier ences. Phnnn W,h.t.r t.l-x aHilrs n 3y5, core Deo. GOOD, strong boy ot la wishes a per manent position ot any kind; can start to work right away, l'none Webster 7452. ANY kind of day work; Webster 7400. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gibson's Butfet m bouth 13th Hu HAlUtl' SHAMUEUU. Moved from 7W M. 18th to W N. 16th. A now and complete lino of clothing. Wedding announcements. Doug, i'tg. CO. D. a. Orltfitii, wig mlr., ve Frenzer hik. OET a lucky WEDD1NU ItlNU irom UUODEUAAltU'B AT the S1UN of the chown, up the golden staiks, ih and Douglas. $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. Your order to the L. H. Journht, 11.60; or 0. E. Post, $1.60; or Country Uontle man, 11.60, contributes 0 cents each towards a fund ot (3,000 for tho Invalids Pension Ass'n. Must havo 281 subscrip. tlonj in Feoruary. Hour lenowals count. Mall or phono Doug. 7163, Omaha. t ir l I I Kl fit St. t . uuumi, inia .iiAUflamii .MAIS, JTroo Lianr'n'"61 Omaha magaxine, "LU all nows stands, 10c ATTRACTIONS Omuha film exen., Hth and Doug. Mu- ',"'. tiiamiiim una inni Bargains. AUTOJIOIHLKS. 10p forfeit lor uny magneto we can't re pair. Loil reiittlring. Uaysdorfer. 210 N. 1. ,..VL,.1,ERT, E' "IHLEn. INC. "IJlhlor's Doing It." Woldlng & braz ing. Machine orlt our apoc.alty. Try at our new location. 2026 Farnam. D. wZ Wlu mako a specialty ot auto foreuoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Win. t'lelfrer Carriage Wks. D. Wti. th Ave, and Leavenworth! MurphyJ? Sis ItADlATOuo lebaircd. 2020 Farnanfst! Slutoruycles, DAHUAIN'H In nil milin nt ..h cycles. Victor H. lloos. "The Motorcycle Mail." IiOJ LMVanwnnh c, WlllTM icnit I.1HT OF . SECOND-HAND MOTOIICYCLES. MICKEL'H NEUHASKA CYCLE CO.. 1STH AND HAIINEY. UUS1NESS CHANCES. It) OU1CKLY sell vim iiiihiih. mi estate write Kennaoeck Co.. Omaha. TO GET In nr iut nf himm... n OANOESTAD. 404 Dee Bldg. Tol! D. Wl. TO BUY Oli SIZLL sny business, cull Uuslneba Exchange, Skj ",', .nv uaun uiuu. LFOUil. 1KQV. 1VANTK1WA I. 1 ,1 a Wh nu ,L,.i. . , - - . .... .mu blUUK Ut suiuv sunpie tiling to patent Protect rU,1?.''.:Mlh,''y ,"!tty b,1nit ou wealth. Write tor "Nceaed Inventions" and "How to Qet Your Putent una Your Money." lUndolph & Co.. Putent Attorneys, Wasnmgton. D. C. in K,,,ii.n;:;r,-..' .'" ? wag 'V.r. "'"i'f-. 1Jcellent proposition " siMBtwi. IUU vDQ 1 JH. Pflra llsiM KOli SA I "nyv., . dress, Y 412, Uee. BWU wwlu Ad, Itoomluii lloukwa lor ileut. ni1,yS4ti!Sl?T1Ure btirIn. 8 rooms, fur nlture nearlynow; reasons. II as?, Uee. UL'BINKSS I'ElteONALS Auto Livery. A. A. A."TAXI CO. 1L.VTKH i IiKI urtlti. TYLKH 453. JIMMIE WAUHEN. llrasa Fuundrles. Paxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha flts. Cfalrupructors. J. C. I-adrence. D. C, 2321 Howard. D." 8 ML W. E. Purvlance. D.C., 401) pax. Ulk. D. oia Dr. A. F. SNYDElt. m 8. io.' p. 8t5 Chlua PalntlusT. ,rllW'V, P,n,lnK- .Outside flrlnb done. Mrs. F. C. Haynes. 15TS B. 25th St. D. 4990 Oraco Morris. Instructor china, water color Painting. 606 Bran. The. Firing done Clean t iir and Dyeing. LOOK MEN'8 SUITS Qrn CLEANED & PRESSED oOO Fontenelle Cleaning Wka. Tel. Web. Oeaiuertes, Dairies and supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Da acinar Academies. ..J'U Simpson. -Douglas Auditorium. . IMnndav AVer, all tha IhImbI dtn,., ......... K lessons 15.00. Phone Webster 2191. TURPIN'S new dancing academv, 2Sth and Farnam. Assem. Tues. hUh 'school soc. Sat., beginning class Mon., Thur. prlv. Class. Private lessons dally. H. S?4X COLE & PRAIRIE Park School. W 56r. Urssaiakluir, Terry Dressrank g college, th i Farnam I1US1NESS PERSQNALS. ttrvHuntaUlnn. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 73H. 8M So. 2Uh. Dressmaking, work guaranteed. I). SCfiO. Day dressmaking; alterations. Ucnson 491. Dressmaking by day. Miss Uurns. D. CSII. Dressmaking. 102 Davenport. T. 8591. CHIL'DKKN'K dresses. 112 S. 2Uh. D. 4330. PLAIN sewing tn do ut home. Tyler 1180. EXPERIENCED. 1915 Webster. It. 602S FlllST-CLAHH. 2117 Dodge St. Ked 7391. Contuinrni. FULL dress sultu. party dresses for rale or rent. Open evenings, John Fcldinan. a; N. 17th. Douglas 312$. Historical musaucrado. costumes to hlrr at Theo. Lleben & Sons. 1514 Howard St. Detfctlves. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Illk. Evl. denco secured In all cases. Tyler 113. Omaha Secret Service Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1319. 427-28 Paxton block. EvcrytliliiK for Women. Plumes msdo over, cleaned, dyod, curled. Uertha. Krugcr', 429 Paxton Illk. 1"), 8?L Florists. A. DONAQHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. HE8S & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnnm St U HENDEltSON, 1G19 li'amam.' D. 125S. PATH'S tlorlsts. Uoyd Theater Uldg. Furniture llepnlrlns. UPHOLSTEIUNO, plrtno. fumlturo r pair work. 204 Farnam, I'hono Har. 4183. Hair Dressing. MME. BTBVENSONIO Halrd Dulldlng. Hardwood Floors. HARDWOOD .floors, old floors refln iahed. T. O. Holt. 812 Park Avo. If. 5908. Laundries. STAH Hand Laundry, 707 So. 27th St. Phone lied 6102. 13 per cent discount on work brought and called for. Pulntlnw und Decorating:. . Painting and pancrhanglng. TeL W. C1S7. Patents. II. A. Sturges, 630 Urandol Thea. Illdg. D. O. Uarneu. Paxton Ulk. Tel. lted 711?. Printing;. DOUQLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 611. WATEIlS-UAHNHAltT Ptg. Co., qual lty printing. Tel. Doug, 2190. 621 S. latli. Plumblnir, PLUMDINO and heatlne. Fischer Connell, 1318 William SL Douglas 5737. N arses. Practical nurse. 18 yrs cxp rcf. D. 6200. Sheet Metal Work. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 s 10th. Stores and Office Flxtares. Desks, sates, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wo buy. we il. Oinann Flxturn und Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Stoves, Furnace and Ilepnlrs. NEW furnaces. Marvel, Excolslor and DoUglas; Hero school room heaters; Em press and Sultan steam und hot wuter hflln I n I a .(.Ml. ............. .. .. .1 usbeatos covering. OMAHA STOVE HE PAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas. Tyler 20. Trunks and Suitcases. TRUNKS, sample cusea and all leather gooas made to order, Alfred Cornish & Co., I2lv uruam' St. FUELING & bTElNLE, IS03 Farnam St. Wines und Lienors, WIL1XJW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sanowlcnes. tlex Jetca, 201-3 S. ISth St. Wood. KINDLINO wood, baled or loose. Nat. Box Company. EDUCATIONAL MOSHEll-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEUE. Unsurpassed classes In all business and Englisn branches, shorthand, stenotypy anu typewriting. Students admitted ut any time. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places provided for young peo ple to work for board. For u new tree catalogue address Moshcr-Lampman Col lege. 116 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. THE ALU; NV1NTEK TMIM Oh BOWLES COLLEOE 13 NOW OPEN In both the day and night schools In Omuha and Council Ulutfs, yet It Is not too late to enter. Ucg.n now and receive that mental train ing that will double your earning ca pacity, "1 will absolutely guarantee a good position lor every graduate of the . business und Shorthand or Telegra phy Departments of either of my big schools. Mora than that, 1 will secure a p. ace tor any young man or woman to work lor tils or her board while attending If such position Is desired. H. U. BOYLES." Complete courses In Iluslness. Book keeping, Stenography, Stenotypy, Telex raphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready. Call, write ot phone for it. Uoyles College. ISth and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE at a discount, a full.' un limited scholarship In Uoyles Business college. Omaha; good tor either short hand or business courses. Apply ut tno office ot Omaha Uee. LIVE STOCK HOK SALE. Horace and Vehicles. HAY. $5.60 per ton. Wagner, R01 N. 16th. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persens having lost soma rtioi do welt to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Uluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore mem lu wta iiaiiui uwucr- wail U0U las 48. I-OaT One solid cold nln and ith between corner of 16th and Farnam und 21th and Ames Ave. Finder will b de livered reward by return to McCord Drady Co. LOST T-month-old Airedale terrier; Ilb cral reward. 4211 Douglas St. Harney 4343. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for booK on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Uea Uldg.. Omnhn. PIT.hIK 1500 reward For any case of X XUUQ PILES that DR. MAXWELL cannot cure. No pnln no detention from buslnexn. Pay when cured. Hundreds of the most prominent people In Omaha and from all p-trta of the United States have been cured by Dr. Mux well during his twenty-eight years In Omaha. 40S-410 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam street, Omaha. Phono Red 4390. Dr. Bnker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South Hth Street, Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN J, WHITE, licensed, banded pawnbroker; money on personal valuables. 61& N. 16th. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 335 Board ot Trade Building. on diamonds. Qroes Jewelry & JO Loan Co., 410 N. 16th. Red 6081. Loans on Jewelry, etc., 2H on diamonds. Goldstlne's "Old Stand." 1315 Douglas. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names: rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton & uo., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOn KENT. Aparmeiita and Flats. teordonVanCo. Si Storaca. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. S-R., ALL modern, wun janitor service; flrat floor Lorraine Aparts., 17th and Maple Sis. Meligedoht. Web. 3713. 6-ROOM and reception hall, nearly new. Completely mod. 3122 Cass. Tel. B. S53W. SIX all outside rooms -apartment; hot water heat supplied. 817 Pine St; near Urowncll Hall. Douglas 2040. SNAP. 10-rm. flat, suitable for roomlnir house down-town. See Rclchenberg Bros. D. 19I& WALKING DISTANCE. 4-room modern apartments. Call and see Janitor Douglas 6237. 1S09 FARNAM!. looms, completely mod ern; suitable location It offices, studio, denial or dressmaking rooms, etc, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Had Dlst. Co.. 43J Ramge. Dougtaa 7401. Uonril a iiu. Rooms. SHRINER Elegantly furnished rooms; cxcel't board; STEAM HEAT; hot water. Rates reasonable, 324 S. 26th St. IL 6137. Furnished Looms. t-rtT vtcirc-n Tnrf Knntn with nrl- vate family; good location, near Farnam car line. Tel. it. kwj. AfAmSON Hotel. 21st and Chicago, J.U2VV-tiJ-'A' under new management, first-class roomw, special rutes by week, meals with distinctive homo service. Douglas 5993. rrivn mImIu fitvnteVitxl riuimi fnr rent. 1606 N. 23rd St. South Cmaha. South 1031. A ,Y j semi-uascniem ruuniB, n et, ucuigu and lighted; no children; gentlemen pre- rcrrcu. m p. am ou CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heat, hot und cold water, bats tree. PA'PV By day, 50c and up. Di.XliiO Dy Wfek. 12.00 and up. Furnished llousckeeplntr Rooms. DAVENPORT. 2018 Three-room house keeping apartment; new brick flat Hotels uuU Avurtiuents. DODGE HOTEl-Modern: reasonabla Houses unit v,oicii;es. Jp "Rnnrl Exp. Co., furniture moving. . u. ieea Two mon w hour, d. 6ii6. CENTRAL, all mod., 7-r. house; wa.-ci In winter, cool in summer. 220 N. 23d. MAGGAilD VAN AND STOILVQE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household good und pianos. Douglas 1496. riOUbtb crelgh sons & Co., Ueo Uldg. 1515 HALL AVE.-7-r., modern; 130i 6109 Underwood Ave., Dundee;8-r.; 10. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Ramge Uldg, D. 7406. FOR RENT Two-Btory frame dwelling, on Cass, near itith; modern. Crelgbton university. Douglas 232a WEST Farnam, new stucco, 319 N. SSth Ave. $16. 7 rooms. MY 8-room house, with sleeping porch, cither a part or all; In Uemls Punt dis trict: March L Phono Harney ,079. FIDELITY Storage and Van Co. Goods stored, moved. Packed, shipped. ICth and JacKson Sts. Doug. 1316. A COMPLETE LIST or vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list compiled dally. You will be furnished u list free ot charge by calling Douglas 4163. Omaha Van & Storage Co., W4 a 16th St FOR RENT 4-roon 1517 Ohio fit.. I20, cottage, modern, $35.00 n Month Eight-room modern house at 22d and Grant,, ono of the best built houses in lloi tli end of town. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 8. 17th Bt. P- S97. 3410 Uurt. C-room, mod. except heat, 118. 2535 N. 19th, 5-r.. mod. except heat, 118. 2531 Spencer, 6-r., mod. except heat, 115. S06 Maple, 4-room, city water, $8. 3329 Uoyd, 7-room, well, 114. 4010 Purker. 6-room, well. 110. 30ie Lindsay. 4-room. well. 17. CREIGII. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. KturrK. and Office. One-halt of a large, well lighted ground floor office in nee oma- ji" ao, "i w . . i ii.i .( c-l 1 fl aminn. f,At: imi Farnam St, 1.800 square feet; 1W7-1&00-1S11 Farnam St (basement). 8.000 square feet, both Farnam street and alley entrances; abundant light, steam heat THQ3. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740s. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of Tho Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St. and occupying about 1.500 square feet with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Fine offloj fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bo office OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriters. Typewriters sold, rented, reared. Cen tral TypewriterExchange. 307 a Lth St TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every- Company, UU Farnam St-. Omaha, Neb. Drawn for The OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewrltera. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of tltolr makers. The Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1X21. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines cent out Rates, three months for 15 for undcrstroko machines, or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. Mlacellnneon. STEREOTYPE matrices mako the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof 75c a hundred at The Bee office. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omnha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at tho office of Omaha uee. makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balko-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St 41 fin Buys Best Coal for the money: ti JpOAMJ It Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth. try FOR SALE Stock and fixtures. Niles Art Needlework store. Address G. F. Sparkcr, Administrator, 40S Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. PERSONAL. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old colthlng, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect tho new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St MISS FlSHER, mass., eleo. treat. D. 41S0. MASSAGE-Mlsa Walton, room 221 Ne vllle block. 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 4297. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MASKAftF. Swedish movement 418 iU-tllOCUlVXU Beo 231dg. Douglaa 6372. Massage, Miss Halloran. 223 Neville Blk. LAURA WILSON, bath, mass. D. 8751. ELEGTJilO MASSAGE BATH. 214 J-iXAA-jxxvxi Balrd Bldg. MUi Burns. Elec. Mass. bath. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. Turkish bath, mass. Davldge blk. D.5895. MAGNETIC Trt, 129 Vinton. D. 6026. Cash for Diamonds. S. F., 350 Om. Nat MRS. SNYDER. Electric Trt D. 43S9. PRIOR'S MUD BATHS; salt and mus tard, steamed; positive euro for rheu matism; 20 years' experience In Hot Springs, Ark, Lady attendant for ladles. 510 S. 22d St. Tel. Tyler 1907. MASSAGE, KO S. 17th Bt Mrs. Steele. MISS FISHER. masB., elec. treat. D.43S0. Mrs, Brooks, Swedish massage. D. 8598. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. Whlto Wyandotte eggs. Tel. Florence 3S9. MOE'S SANITARY TOP-FILL ; DRINKING FOUNTAINS and other useful devices and remedies for the successful raising of poultry. VQQEL POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. 8. C. W. Leghorn eggs. Phone Flor. 218. REAL ESTATE A U ST R ACTS "Olr TITLE. nvT?Ts ih,t.nit rv . nlffos abstract office In Nebraska. 00 Brandels theater. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Buy Acreage Now 3 Acres $1,650 wortn car line and In a district where tho real wise people are DuyuiR. 8.36 Acres $5,750 , . nml mnrlArn rlifpknn ino most "'"i""" v;J;i"i-,tA ... plant In the west, cmuum. -'V" one inammoin io,uw ckb " ten 250-egg machines. Nine colony houses, lurgo chicken and pigeon house, barn, corn crib and buggy shed. Located In Reasonable terms, act quickly. Improve ments alOnC COSl IIIUIU lian run for property. 20 Acres $8,000 Near 56th and Grover Sts.; a mighty ccod piece lor mo luuncj,. ujui-. ctrcent block houro now on the land. The Byron Reed to. Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th St CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. For Sale or Trade Wo. are authorized to offer for salo or will consider good farm land In trade. One of the best constructed flat proper ties In the city. It consists of six S-room flats, located In tho beat residence dis trict In the city and by making some needed Improvements, It can be made a very deslrablo and profitable Investment proposition. This property has merit and will make someone a gilt edged Invest ment. O'Neil's R. E. and Insurance Agency Tel. Tyler 10S4.' 1505 Farnam St. MUST SELL my 7-r. house, mod. ex heat 23d near Laird St. Reduced to $27-50. Phone Doug. 5W7. Bee bv Tad REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. This Fine Modern Home Nine rooms, corner lot, 40x150 ft. bdth streets paved, In choice section of city, near Lowo Ave. and Izard St Immedi ate possession. A real bargain at 14,100; your own terms; might take part In ex change. Also offer a snap In 8-room, modern home and full lot at 1,2,300, and several cottageB, $1,200 up. J. B. McKitnck Phone Douglas 857. W Ramge Bldg. CLOSE-IN COBNEK Five blocks from postoffice; 8-rpom modem house; lot 66x&0 ft; paving paid; price only 14,500. A bargain for someone- BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. HERE SNAP-S-r. house at 21th and Leavenworth. Lot 33x05, only 12,600, Phone Douglass 3007. SNAP IN FLORENCE Six-room house, elo:trlc lights. bath, city water, good cellar, big porch, largo chicken house; plenty of fruit, currents, plums, pears, apples, cherries, all bear ing. Biggest lot you ever bought, 125x132, ovei looking beautiful Florence Park; blocks to car line.- Here is a beauty at a price below market value for quick sole. Price $2,9u0, $100 down, balance $.0 Per month. ARTHUR JELLEY, 1007 W. O. W. Uldg. Phone Douglas 3691. Big Sacrifice Mid-Winter Burgain Must Sell nt Once My residence ot ten rooms, hot water heated; all modern; Jn A No. 1 condition; must leave on account of health: no rea sonable offer refused. Address.. 1626 Bur dctte St Phono Webster 614. HANSCOM PARK HOME, $3,800. Just the house for a good-sized family; 9 splendid rooms; strictly modern; well located; one might say In walking dis tance, at 1117 S. 30th Ave. On terms to suit. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. COTTAGE, $2,200 Five-room, all modern except heat, cast front lot, 33x140, nice trees, walking dis tance, $200 caHh, balance easy terms. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEB JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM BT. Tho Persistent and judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road to rJualiie-is Success REAL ESTATE. FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Arlsoua. CAN sell you finest Irrigated farm and 160-a; homestead free. Crop payment,, no money neeued. A fortune for any man. Armstrong Inv. Co., 1126 City Nat bank. Florida. ONE DOLLAR acre down, balance out of sales secures 1,000 acres Florida lands. Big profits. We control 100,000 acres. Hunter Land Company, Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri. FARMS FOR SALE $5 down, $3 monthly buys 40 acres good timber land, near town, Texas Co., Mo.; price, $200; perfect title. J. B. Jarrell, Mt Vernon, 111. Minnesota. 2S0-ACRE FARM, 33 miles from Min neapolis, lVi miles from a good railroad town; part under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; good soil; good eight-room house, worth $3,000; barn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds, machine sheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head of steers and heifers, thrco horses, hogs, chickens, complete set farm machinery, buggies, wagons, sleds, 50 tons of hay. 1,200 baskets corn, 150 bushels mixed grain, 175 bushels potatoes; in fact every thing on the farm goes except the fur niture. Price, $12,000. One-halt cash. Schwab Bros., 102S Plymouth Bldg., Mln neapolls. Minn. $13 to $75 per.acru in corn belt; some choice bargains; Minneapolis 65 miles. Farmers Stato Bank. Bt Cloud. Minn. 60o IMPROVED rarms southern Minne sota; lowest price; best terms. Writ Morehart & Atchison. Mnnkato. Minn. Neliraaku. BARGAIN. NICE FARM HOME. 160 acres North Indlanola, Frontier county; level, 120 acres cultivate!, rich soil, food Improvements, near school and 8tor-. full particulars. Price, $3,500, half cash. Cornelius & Co. Hastings, Neb. North Dnkotn. FARM RENTERS. WE CAN GIVE YOU 20 years to pay for good farms tn North Dakota, $20 to $30 an acre; only $2 an acre down. Arexyou ready to make a change for the better? What you pay now for rent can be applied on the pur chase of a farm of your own. Call on or write the owners. Win, H. Brown Co., 5 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mott. Nortn Dakota. Agents wanted. Oregon, OREGON orchard for sale, famous Rogue River valley. Description anJ. price, call 1130 N. 23d St. South Omaha. Neb. Texas. State Lands, $2 Acre Over 1,003,000 acres for sale by the stale ot Texas; you can buy 610 acres at S an acre, pay $32 cash anc balance after 40 years, fine farming and fruit land anu healthy climate. For further Information send C cents postage Investor Pub. Co , Dtpt IC, san Antonio, Tex, ''BBSSSSSHBsVBSBSMBBBSSSBHUBaBSSSSSSB' iJIsssswsss sssssssmsssbssssssss1