Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1914, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
makes the wheels of business
go round smoothly und pro
tect them against blowouts.
VOL. XLlII-iNO. 193.
On "Stains unci at
HoUl News Stands, 6a,
C. H. Baine, Head of State Concern,
is Charged with Embezzling
Nearly Million Dollars.
He Pleads Guilty and Befuses to
Try to Get Sureties.
Directors Deceived by Manipulation
of Drafts and False Entries.
JUr. Itnlnc AihiIriin rersonnl Estate,
Which lie Estimates at $350,000,
Oyer tn Dunk Other Insti
tutional Not Affected.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 9.-C. II. Ralne,
president of tho Mercantile bank, one of
the leading financial Institutions of the
city, was charged with embezzlement In
u warrant sworn out today by S5. N.
Estcs. county attorney. Tho accounts
of the bank, which la a stato lnstltu
tlon. are alliEcd to bo short between
KuO.000 und Jl.000,000.
O. C. HUttch, state superintendent of
banking, arrived hero today from Nash
vllle and wus appointed receiver for the
bank. In acuorJmco with a chancery bill
filed by attorneys representing the bank's
directors. Invtutlfratlon of the condition
of the bank's resources was started' Im
There was Utile excitement evident In
financial circles, J. C. Ottlnger, president
of the Memphis Clearing House ussocla
tlon. Issued a statement declaring nono
of the members of tho association were
nffected by the failure of tho Mercantile
Tha warrant was served on Mr. Italno
at Ills home. Ho was taken before Crim
inal Judge Palmer, where ho pleaded
guilty! Despite his protest that ho didn't
want any bond fixed J ml go Palmer placed
tho amount ut $250,000, but Mr. Italno
declared he would make no effort to get
the security and accompanied a deputy
sherlfl to tho county Jail.
Directum File Suit.
Ten directors of tho bank, one of the
most Important financial Institutions In
tho city today filed a petition in chancery
court, charging that tho bank was In
solvent as a result of tho alleged misap
propriation Of more than. J7SO.O00 by C.
Hunter ftalnc, president of tho institu
tion. n tho petition Ralne was held solely
rceponalWo tor . tlio. -apparent .sUorta'ACi
approximately $7S8,S04, which, It Is, al
iened, he obtained ''by a system 'of hand
ling'A drafts, property-and ex
change In such' a way as to deceive the
directors and to conceal his manipula
tions," the total amount tof Which It was
nltrgetf, he lost In speculation.
The petition places the liabilities of the
bank at approximately $2,108,634, with
assets of tt,40S,OS9. In a published state
ment January 9 liabilities were given ns
J2.403.W. At that time the total deposits
were J1.S61.109, of Which $014,233 were
savings accounts. The bank Is capital
ized at 2C0,C00 and has a surplus of 1100,
Hescuives, loans and discounts at the
time of the statement, amounted to
$1,130,496 actual; ' cash on hand was $424,
784; sums due from other banks amounted
to 54SS.165: cas Items In transit amounted
to $1.17,778. Tho amounts -with other
Items balanced the amount given us
labilities. ,
The alleged discrepancy was discovered
by a representative of a New York corre
spondent of the bank who was sent to
Memphis last week to audit tho books of
the Mercantile bank when loans required
were found to be out of proportion to the
amounts usually asked for at this season
of tho year.
, It Is stateB that President Ralne, who
attended yesterday's meeting, absolved
all of tho officers and directors of the
bank of Implication tn alleged shortages
ami tendered his personal estate, which
he valued at $330,000 to the bank. So far
he has made no formal statement
The bank was ordered to remain closed
today by state banking officials who are
maklrvr an Investigation of Its affairs.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m, Tuesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, no Important change-in tempera
ture. Temperature at Omnbu Yeaterilnr.
Hours Der
6 n. m I. ...18
6 a. m 15
J" jjj
9 a. ni!!!!!!!!!!!'."l9
10 a. m '.23
11 a. my 23
1 pl"m!"!"!!!!"!.'2S
2 p'. m!!!!)"!!!"',.
J P. m 30
5 v'. tn".', 30
6i. m 23i
p. m 23
8 p. m. :c
Votupamtlrc Local Itccord.
ibll. 1912. 191$. 1311
Highest yesterday 32 42 IS 31
Lowest yesterday. 12 22 7 18
Mean temperature 22 32 12 21
Precipitation 0) .00 T .0J
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temperature ; 22
For the duy ,,,
Total excess since March 1 ....1,231
Normal precipitation... 01 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .21.39 Inches
nnfil.nov ulnl-A Xforith 1 J m I..
Deficiency for cor. period, 19ij. liCT Inches !
uencit-ncy ior cor- period, isiz.13.77 Inches
UeporlK .from Stutloun ut 7 I. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather 7 p. in. est. fall
Cheytune, clear 32 36
uavenport, ciouciy ,,.zo
Denver, clear 42 4$
Des Moines, cloudy ...12 24
Lander, clear 32 42
North I'latte. cloudy...... 33 38
Omaha, cloudy.,., ..,.28 32
Pueblo, clear 42 44
Rapli City, cloudy 18 22
Salt Lake City, clear 3 i
.Santa Fe, clear 33 42
iherluBn. clear ,...22 32
Sioux City, rloudy . ...14 20
valentine, ciouuy . rt
Indicates traoe of precipitation.
U A. WELSH Local Forecaster,
Nebraska Delegation to Unite in
Effort to Secure It.
Proposition tn llnndte .Mutter Solely
from nunlnCKn Point of View,
All Politico llelnK
iFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tho cntlro Nebraska delegation,
Including Senators Norrls and Hitchcock,
will meet in conference Wednesday for
the purpose of devising plans which It Is
hoped will result In securing to Omaha
a regional roservo bank under the new
Participating In this mcfctlng will be
W. H. Buchols of the Omaha National
bank and William F. Baxter of tho
Commercial club, and lwINX 'Ira
liflllard, assistant cashier of the Omaha
P .The meeting Is th crcsult of a letter re
ceived from Sir. Uaxter a few days ago
by oCngtcssman Lobcck. In which tho
latter asked that tho delegation bo got
together for tho purpose of aiding In tho
movement for a regional bank In Ne
braska. Acting upon this letter Mr. Lo
beck has arranged the meeting, which
probably will take the form of an In
formal luncheon In the capitol.
Meotlnir on AVcilnexdny.
Mr. Bucholz and Mr. MlllarJ were In
Washington today, but have gone to Now
York for a day or" two, tho two former
to return hero Wednesday, on which day
Mr. Baxter will arrive.
At this gathering It Is proposed to nan
dlo the regional bank matter, solely as a
stato and business proposition, all poll-
tics being barred.
Senator Hitchcock went to Now York
this morning to Join Mrs. Hitchcock,
who has been visiting there. They will
roturn to Washington tomorrow evening
or Wednesday morning.
O. K. Colo of Cody, Neb., with Mrs,
Colo and their son, nro In Washington
for a two days' visit. They called upon
Congressman Klnkald and visited tho
points of Interest In Washington ami will
leave tomorrow for Palm Beach, Fla.
IVctt Pontmnsters.
Postmaster appointed:
Theodore A. Schrlvor. vice J. W. Live
say, resigned, Sewal, Wayne county,
James I Price, vice K. P. Bowman,
removed. Mectcetse. Puck county. Wyo.
A postotflce has been established at
Kcnel, Carson county, South pukota,
with Mrs. Clara A, .Show alter as. post
master. The following banks havo filed appli
cation to Join the now banking system:
Iowa First National, Ackley; First Na
tional, Mount Pleasant; Farmers' Na
tlonal, Crystal: First National, Cumber,
land. ,
Nebraska-First National, David City,
mrst .national. Jrxinetnn.
A cl,vll osrvlcti examination will bo held
on March It for postmaster at Walnut,
Bodies of Dead Are
"in State Rooms of
Sunken Steamer
NORFOLK, Vn., Fob. 9.-Expert divers,
who havo thoroughly examined the wreck
of tho Old Dominion steamer Monroe, ex
pressed tho belief today that whllo tho
bodies of tho forty-one victims as well
as tho cargo can bo Baved, the vessel Itself
will be a total loss.
They declared that tho reason nono of
tho bodies of the dead have come to tho
surface or been rescued is due to tho
terrible force of the collision which
Jammed the timbers and doors of the
starboard saloons and state rooms, prac
tlcally and offectually sealing them from
tho action of the sea. Divers have found
It Impossible to open these doors, oven
with the aid of heavy axes, and say that
explosives must bo used to liberate the
Examination ot the exterior by the
divers disclosed that near the bridge, on
tho starboard side, below the water lino
and extending through tho hull to the
keel, there Is a ragged hole largo enough
to permit tho passago of halt a dozen
men abreast.
Borglum Says Real
Sculptors Do Not
Get Pay or Fame
NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Artificers were
Interested today in the statement of Gut
r.on Borglum, sculptor, that nearly " CO per
cent of all the monuments and statues
In the United States, including those tn
Statuary hall, Washington, wero not made
by thoso whose names they bear."
uun-,,.u. n,o uuuiciiik wic
Women's Political union. "Right here In
our city," he continued, "I have known
two or three sculptors who committed
suicide. They havo been doing other
men's work and other men were getting
the credit, and they are getting barely
enouBh money to exist. Starving artists
do the work. Tho government pays for
sculptorlng thousands of dollars, of which
the 8CU'Ptor8 Bet a hundred or two."
. '
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. Secretary
Wilson of the Department of Labor Is
the lecture platform's latest acquisition
from the ranks of government officials.
With Gifford Plnchot, he will go over the
"spring circuit" through Pennsylvania.
Pinchot will uphold the principles of the
progressive party In which he Is a can
didate for the senate; Secretary Wilson
will uphold tho cause ot democracy,
whose senatorial nomination Representa
tive A. Mltchel Palmer was seeking.
Despite the fact that the lectures of
both will pertain to the political phajca
of the Pennsplvanla senate campaign,
they wlU be paid affairs.
iirn Note uf Superior,
SUPERIOR, Neb., Feb. .-.(Special Tel
egrnm.) The largest harness store tn the
city, known as Trost. was sold at sher
iffs sale today to Referee Haney of
Hastings for 1,200.
Quite large numbers of OdJ Fellows
will go to Concordia on Tuesday acc-om-
panled by members of towns along the
Missouri Pacific railroad
Weapon Identified as One Outlaw
Took with Him in Workings
Night of Killing.
All Doubt Removed Bandit Suc
ceeded in Getting Away,
tly Filled with
lance of the Aanniiitln Told
ut Mnn of Illn Drerlptlon
AVnlktnir Down Canyon,
hnt Not nellcvcil.
BINGHAM, Utah, Feb. 9. Identifica
tion of a rifle found beneath a trcstlo
near tho Utah Apex mine as tho weapon
Ralph Ipez took In the mlno with him
tho night of November 20 has convinced
local authorities that tho bandit escaped
from the mlno soon after ho killed J.
Douglas Hulsey and Tom Mandcrich, and
has virtually removed all doubt that Lo
pez succeeded In evading the officers.
The rlflo was found recently by J.
Hlndbaugh, brakeman for the Bingham
& Garfield railroad, with a revolver hol
ster and a belt partially filled with cart
ridges close to It.- Hlndbaugh took the
rlflo to Salt Lake City without reporting
its discovery, Returning to Bingham
yesterday ho Informed tho officers ot
tho matter- and the weapon was identi
fied, through a private mark, by Mike
Slefano, who gavo tho rlflo to Lopez.
The rlflo Is a 30-callber Winchester ami
Is" much rusted as a result of Its ex
posure. Ownership of tho holster and
cartridge belt has not been disclosed.
Hlndbaugh says' tho articles boro the ap
pearance of having boon exposed several
days when ho found them.
Tho identification of the rlflo causes
tho local pollco to believe Lopez walked
down tho canyon with tho rlflo coneeulcd
by an overcoat, followed the railroad un
til ho reached tho trestle, concealed ttio
rlflo and rode to Garfield on an ore train.
arfleld Is on two main lines of railroad
and, according to local theories, Lopez
escaped from tho country on one of these
Stories told at tho time by two men
who knew Lopez and who Baw a man ot
his description walking down tho canyon
arc recalled In connection with tho Iden
tification of 'the rifle. Both men said
tho man tried to avoid observation, it
was reported ' at tho tlmq that Lopes
could bo heard InsUlo the mlno and tho
stories told by tho two men received lit
Exemption Clause on
Back of Steamship
Ticket is Invalid
LONDON, Feb. 9. Tho court of appeals
today dismissed the appeal of the White
Star Steamship company and declared Il
legal tho condition printed on the steam
ship tickets exempting tho company from
liability for loss by a passenger, oven
through tho negligence of tho company's
Tho question of tho legality of this ex
empting clause- was raise In a test case
brought by an Irish farmer claiming
damages for .the loss of his son In the
Titanic disaster.
Lord Justice Sir Roland Vaugli Will-
lams, In delivering Judgment, said he
thought tho danger to tho Titanic was
r.ilthpp unforeseen nor unforsccablo and
that practlco did not Justify a vessei n
maintaining Its courso and speed when
tho warnings of dangers ahead were such
as tho Titanic received. The clauso on
tho back ot tho ticket exempting" tho
company from liabilities for negligence,
was, he declared, Invalid.
Secretary Houston
Greeted by the Uni
Students at Austin
AUSTIN, Tex., Feb. 9. Two thousand
students of the University of Texas met
Secretary of Agriculture Houston and
Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo when
they arrived here today to hold a regional
bank hearing. The students' act was in
the nature of a homo coming greeting
to Secretary Houston, who was formerly
president of tho university.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Tho personnel
of the federal reserve board to control
the new currency system probably will
lie mado known by March L President
Wilson Is centering his attention on a
group ot men and Is looking Into their
When Secretaries McAdoo and Houston
return from their western organization
trip the president will further discuss tho
names with them.
Eadium Ore is
.1 1.
Found in BraziljThe National Capital
9. Discovery of greenish-yellow carnotite,
the ore from which radium is obtained,
In specimens, sent for examination from
the state ot Ceara, Brazil, was made
known here today. Dr. John C. Bran
ner. president of the university, made
the discovery and the announcement. He
has notified the owners of the sampWs,
which were valued for other minerals.
Charles Brandcls, Havens hotel, who
thought that his roommate, Charles
Hass, had robbed him of I3J.M), appeared
at the pollc station Monday afternoon
and Hiserted that the money had been
i taken by someone else an4 that ho was
asured that his partner was Innocent
The money was mostly rurenry und was
stolcn from Brandels while he was asleep.
rwy ... -
Drawn for The Beo by Powell.
F. Q. Bonfils Charges T. 1. 0'Don-
nell with Attempt to Kill.
Personal Hncounter Otottb tint or
Content Over Injunction Suit
Klleil by I' Aftnliist
Water Company. .
DRIVER, JF.cb-9,V.wnrrant. -charging
ThOniss J. ,6'DonnclU .prominent dem
ocratic politician of Colorado, .with as
sault upon F. O. xBonflls with Intent to
kill, was lssudU from tlio sheriffs Office
today upon the complaint of Mr. Bonfils.
Mr. Bonfils Is ono of the owners ot the
Denver Post.
Tho alleged assault occurred at tho
county court houso, where both men
wero going to attend the Bonfils in
junction suit against tho Denver Union
Water company, in which Mr. Bonfils
had petitioned that tho company bo en
joined from using money for political
purposes. Mr. O'Donnell Is vlco presi
dent of a voters' organization which Is
fighting the position of Mr. Bonfils in
the water cose.
According to witnesses, Mr. Bonfils"
with his partner, H. H. Tammcn, ap
proached tho court houso and met Mr.
O'Donnell on tho steps, Tho newspaper
men were accompanied by M. A. Delaney.
their bodyguard. Mr. Bonfils- spoko lo
Mr. O'Donnell, say witnesses, to tho
effect that he (Bonfils) was "riot afraid of
the threats of violence which Mr. O'Don
nell was accused of having mado against
Mr. Bonfils.
"I'm not afraid of you either," re
torted Mr. O'Donnell.., The . next, action,
witnesses say was' a blow which Mr.
Bonfils struck O'ponnell in. tho Jaw,
O'Donnell then drew a revolver fpom his
coat pocket, say witnesses, and attempted
to fire It at Bonfils. who succeeded In
catching hold of his antaglnlst's coat
sleeve and prevented the dln:harge of tho
The clash grew out of the bitter cam
paign. Involving the water supply of Den
ver, which Is now In progress. O'Donnell
and Bonfils are opposing each other In
the campaign, which will end with a spe
cial, election February 17.
WATERLOO, In., Feb. 9.-(Sptclal Tel
egram.) Grant William Grove, aged 20,
only son ot his widowed mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth C. Groves, died at midnight
In the Presbyterian hospital as a result
of burns received twenty-four hours be
fore. Ho had cleaned gloves with gaso
line late Saturday night and probably
some of the gasoline was upon his clothes
when he went to replenish the furnace
fire for the night, for he was Immediately
wrapped in flames and horribly burned
before his mother could reach him.
Monday, February , 1011.
The Senate.
Met at noon.
Consideration of the constitutional
amendment for woman suffrage deferred.
Immigration committee continued work
on tho Burnett bill, containing a literacy
The Houae.
Met at noon.
Governor Glynn and other New York
officials asked the foreign affairs com
mittee to permit New York to regulate
the diversion uf Niagara river water for
Trust hearings continued before various
Representative Raker announced his
Intention to push his Asiatic exclusion
Agreed to conference report on bill
creating additional Judgeship In eastern
district of Pennsylvania.
Nan)' d lieprt-sontatlve Foss of Ohio to
mnl.o Lincoln ireniorlal speech on Thurs
da RexW'ii rcrtuderatlnp of 1'ic road bill
appropriating 2S,G&),(00 for federal aid In
Getting Pointers
Survivor of Love .
Tragedy is Held
on Murder Charge
NEWARK, N. J Feb. 9.-CharIc 1.
Manning, solo survivor of the lovo tra
gedy In which Miss Hazel Hcrdman,
mother of his eighteen months' old son,
killed herself with poison after She had
confessed to shooting and killing Man
ning's wife, Was held todays?. an acccs.
sory io the killing of Mrs. Manning.
MncrMttnhlnif was "shot by Miss Iferd-
nthn Friday. Tnd'Blrl' died In -BHSspltal
tho following afternoon.
From Ills cell Mannlnir today nlitde af-
rarigrntctits for the funeral of his wife,
whllo Arthur J. Hcrdman, the Pompton
Turnpike Inn keeper, claimed the body
ot his daughter and arrancoa for Ho
The -police detained Mrs. Sadie E. Gar-
rabrants, sister ot Manning, with whom
ho has llvod since his separation from
his wife and sho Is being held at a ma
terial witness In tho case.
A charge ot murder against Manning,
the police gavo out In a statement, was
decided upon early today after ho- had
been uuestloned off and on since last
Saturday. Statements made by two
women and a young man, who were also
brought to police headquarters, Influcncod
tho pollco to make the charge of murder
against Manning. One ot theso witnesses
was Mrs. Garrabrants. Tho Identy of
tho other two witnesses; was kept a so-
crct by tho police.
Miss Hordman In her dying statement
attempted to oxoncrato Manning, but
Chief Long says that evldenco had been
obtained tending to. show that ho was an
accessory and that he took Miss Herd
man in his automobile to New York bo-
fore itho murder. Manning made no ef
fort to escape.
Killed by Fall of
SAN DIEGO, Cat, Feb. 9.-Lleutenant
II. B, Post, first aero corps United States
army, was instantly killed today by a
fall of 600 feet In a hydro-aeroplane,
About 1D0 feet from the surface ot tho
bay IJeutonant Tost was seen to shoot
clear of tho machine. It was said by
watchers that the engine exploded. Lieu- Post was flying for an altitude
record. Ho had the reputation of being
tho best aviator In the army camp on
North Island, across the bay from San
WASHINGTON, Fob. 9.-Second Ueu
tenant Henry B. Post was born In Now
York Juno 1C, 1S83, and was commissioned
as second lieutenant ot the Twtnty-flfth
Infantry In 1911. His death makes a total
of sixteen In government aviation since
1903; fifteen In the army and ono in the
In aviation, tho world over, approxl
mately 423- persons have met doath since
1908, eleven having been killed during tho
present year.
Beet Sugar Combine
Elects by Telegraph
OGDEN, Utah, Feb. 9. Owing to
crisis In the beet .sugar Industry, duo to
tariff changes, the memoers ot tlia ex.
ecutlve- committee of tho United States
sugur Industry.ran organization made up
of representatives of all the largo sugar
companies from California to Michigan
resorted to tho novel method of holding
a special election by telegraph In nam
lnra successor to John L. Howard, whoso
sudden death In Han Francisco two week
ago during tho sensational trial ot the
Western Fuel company created a vacancy
In the chairmanship, and as it result
Judgo H. II
Rollapp of the Amalgs
mated Sugar company of Ogden has been
selected, word having been received
that rtfect hero this morning. Tho chair
manship of the executive coramltteo Is
virtually head of the combined beet suga
inuuftry or 1110 tnuea mates.
Bread Line in Omaha is Cut to Al
most Nothing by Demand.
Packers fiend nt Sneelnl Trains
Tillh Men, Who Will lie Given
Bonrd'rintt I.odRti'K While
v nt Work. '
Since Saturday tho bread Jlne. in. OmahaVn .board nearly atlol LMl!lrc'0 rir.
l..r.nMI .Wrn.,l ,M lh. trn, fields
ZF fJ" .2 iivUlme and n acofaooard tho special
Who havo wanted wprk, s prodf of this aim wen w .....
Captain' Kilns ot the .'VoiuhXcert fvero taUcn to hospitals.. The jrcke-
America stato that Saturday irieais, wefo
furnished to 409 inm and yesterday
five.' Of tho seventy-fivo. ho estimates
that CO per cent are professional mooch-
... i. ir
should meet it faco to face.
mx. . i r
AilO IW3 1IC1UH lit U nuilJIiyiHK IU"Ofc
iL. i ..,u A
lira iuio men in ma vny wmi tuii
at least, most of those who want to work,
How long this wjlt last Is uncertain. aS into mo uueu. u. u.. -th.
temperaturo has warnwd up con.ld- shaking up nil passengers who were not.
erably since morning and If It should con-
tinuo lo keep growing warm, Ico cutting
would havo to bo suspended by the mid-
die ot tho week. However, It freezing
weather continues, thero will bo plonty ot
employment for from LCOO to 2.000 men
during tho next two weeks, or until tile
normal crop la housed.
nunaay mo uurnngiun omciain jiaosru
the word out that Armour & Co. could
. t t , -
use jw men on ivo ui icmin u.m
that a train would leave for tho, fields
late In the afternoon. This number was
quicKiy suppiiou iron-, mo iiom
ino ooivuuon army, mo ruiumra.
America barracks ana tno uny mission.
Plenty f "Work.
Monday Swift & Co. sent word up
town that 300 to SW men could bo used
on tho ice at Ashland and that they
would be routed ovsr tho Burlington In tho
afternoon. Of this number the police and
the charltablo associations furnished the
major portion, but later In the day, In
order to fill tho quota, tho employment
ugenclos ha4 to bo called upon. Tho men
went out on a special train and will bo -
gin work this morning.
At both Memphis and Ashland thawDe(i out by tiro this afternoon.
packing companies are reeaing ana ioag-i
lng the men working-ini tho ice.
The Cudaliy company begun cutting Ico
1 If-.. Inlr. ....I i-i1n.' nlvlnc. m.
III oojriiiuur n...o
Ployment to about 100 men. This num
ber will be doubled within the next couple
of days If tho weather continues cold.
The Omaha Ico. and Cold Storage com
pany is worKing iwy men on me ior-
enco reservoirs, but has not commenced
cutting on Carter lake. Thero tha Ico Is
said to be but 'about four Inches thick
and will not be ready for cutting much
before Thursday, unless the weathor
should rapidly turn cold and continue so
Shortest Gar Line
in World is Opened
OAKLAND. Cal., Feb. 9 What Is said
to be the shortest municipal street rail
way system In the world measuring S3l
feet, the length of a city block-was put
Into operation here Saturday. The lino
was built by tho city to connect the two
ends of a street car system and give
cross-town service. It Is leased to the
local street car company at the rate of
$1 a foot a year. The car company had
refused to construct the line for the city
because Its officials were unable to fig
ure approximately what the rovenue
would amount to. The city Is to receive
6 per cent of the earnings of the line.
Accident from MUnInced Mvrlteh.
BGATRICR, Neb.. Feb. 8.-(Speetul Tel
egram.) Union Pacific engines pulling a
- number of box cars collided with a way
' r on the siding In tho Union Paclfio
to 1 yards last evening, practically demolish
- 'lng It- Conductor Bonsley and to biako-
men wero In the way car and escaped by
JuinplnK A misplaced switch caused tlw
No. 202, Leaving Here Sunday Night
En Route to Twin Cities, Ditched
at Bigelow, Minn.
J. Bloorafield of Surprise Crushed
to Death Under Car,
Contractor of This City Suffers
Injuries to Back.
Accident Occurs nt First Station
North of Ions Line Another
Trnln Whllo GoInK Around
Wreck In Derailed.
Train No. 502 on tho Omaha road, teav
Ing hero at 9:03 o'clock Sunday night, n
routo to St. Paul and Minneapolis, at
Bigelow, Minn., tho first station north of
tho Iowa line, struck a broken rail at
Monday morning nnd went Into the.
ditch. Ono man wns Kiuea ami imceii
Injurod, threo probably fatally.
Tho dead:
J. BLOOMFIELO. Surprise, Neb.
The probably fatally Injured:
T.r., rsiimnn. oxnrcss messenser,
Minneapolis. Injuries to skull.
John Achen. Hnlbrclto Saskatchewan,
Injuries to skull.
John aravoy, mi. ousei'".
Others Injured:
Jack P. Cutlcu, Sioux City, la., oacw
'"fT'lf. Clark, Minneapolis, arm and sldo
bMrs.dB. G. Clark, Minneapolis, sldo and
aim hurt.
A. Htapieton, iaae yinucn, a. u.
XXj Mnponson, Minneapolis, head and
uikle bruised. . . ,.. .,.
W. II. HUCKianu, iiicnuuin'"! ,
Injured and face cut. ,
15, fliPian. rauronu, -
olback hurt. ,. . .,,
.t. V. llnbbc e. Rosondale, Wis., bacK
'it? ,' Minneapolis, conductor.
leg, back and shoulder bruised.
j, t:oieman, juinncuiiuuc,
body bruliert.
Minneapolis, porters
'"rank Smith, Minneapolis, porter; minor
Crushed Under Car.
Bloomflod Is said to havo been ktlleo.
by being, crusucn uirucr .
A special was mado up at Mankato and
run to tho sebno ot tho wreck, Jt havln
I Blty. i HO i njurra. noip '- r
was cleared up suoruy
trafflo was rosumeu. .
Informed that tho train had Just .passed.
Bigelow, bo rst aon no - "
h wn running at not to oxcocd twenty-
Hvo miles per hour. Tho engine truck
I a lirnkon mil Bid imcu wtvi.
" " ..,lr Mia frnflit
sMir -cont mo ono cwijuw -
and which was next to the engine, went
Irjurcu. , (k. ,i, i,
Whlla detourlng around tho wreck by
way ct tne uock 7'
train No. v. nouinuounu.
Round Lake, Minn., oy a Dro.n .
No onp was nuru
I CnTU overturned.
RT PXUl. Minn.. Feb. 8. The wreck
i , . nmnhn.TwIn C ty Limited paa-
,, ,. fihieao-o. St. Paul
1 nciifect
MnneBpoll8 & Omaha road near mgeiow
rUsod by a broken rail, ao-i
to a statement given out at th
0fflco of tho road's general superintend
..i-t train with tho exception
0f tho locomotive, turned over on. Its)
1 Biu sleeping passengers had, no diance
,0 nreparo for the shock. Rescue parties
woro at once formed by tho train crew.
I nni uninjured passengers. They auo-
ceoaoa in dragging many from tha overi
turned train," concluucs tho statement.
I Pilot Monnd Heavily lilt.
rooNB. la., Feb. 9. (Special Tele
1 Rram.) Half tha business portion ot
Pilot Mound, located near Boone, was
ten rxABss or AavxBXxsarft
No. 6 Gag and
What do you know about
What do you know about""
Tha tlme-uavlne and eco
nomic conveniences effected
through tho use of gas or elec
tricity, or both, to say nothing
of the comfort and pleasure in
their use, would make a long
There Is hardly a depart
ment of our dally activities In
tho home and out ot it that la
not In some way simplified or
bettered by the use or applica
tion of gas or electricity.
And do you know what has
been the big distributing force
back of tho successful adoption
of gas and electricity by bo
many millions of people In our
It Is newspaper advertising.
Pay attention to It.
Go to tho first store you see
advertising appliances to be
used with gaB and electricity
and see what an Interesting
display of things you will find
Tomorrow, Proper Clothing.