Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Page 7-A, Image 9

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Family in Direst Need is Being Helped T hrough The Bee
Trlhulatlnn unit 1-iwnArrtilbllllv have
Wilson's Wish to Repeal Clause to pressed down so heavily upon tho tu
Precipitate Hot Debate. shoulders ot Mrs. Kdna Taylor, who live
thrco mllea north of llcnson, that sho
has not been able to keep (.olng. But
CALIEORNIAN OPPOSES SCHEME publlo plrltC(, cUUons wll0 ,CBrn(Hl ot
, - hor plight Inst week havo started cf
Kiumlnnil of House Committee As- forts to help her, and as a result she Is
scrts United States Is Tnylna RBn, trying to emlto through the heaVy
, , , , ., shroud or suffering and hopeless poverty
. Dear Price for friendship mt h. ma(,o h..M,f Rn(, ie,p,eM fm.
of Grcnt llrltnln. ny tho objects Ot charity for the last
1 flvo months.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-Presldcnt WIN with flvo hungry, hnlf-clad chltdren
son's expressed deslro for repeal of the nnd an nKej ,0ther. crippled from rheu-
provision of tho Tanama canal act which matlsm, depending upon hor for support,
exempts American coastwise ships from t,0 food, coal or money available, and
tolls, It was apparent tonight, will, pre- tho necessity of finding a new homo star-
ctpltato spirited debato In both houses of ing her In tho face, becnuto her present
congress when tho bill to carry out tho placo has been rented to another tenant
suggestion Is submitted, t the weak, frail little woman was about to
. Senators and representatives discussed give up In despair. Only by accident
the situation Informally today but no was tho gravity of the situation dlseov-
moi-o was made on the subject. Action ered and relief efforts put under way.
protyibly will como first fr6m tho house Miss the iicnf Lad.
Interstate and foreign commerce, In the Mr. and Mrs. Itlchard Durnell, KOi
form of a bill to repeal the toll exemption Bedford street, who conduct a confec-
provislon. Representative Adamson, tloncry store near the state instltuto for
chairman of the committee, probably will the deaf, determined to find out what
introduce the bill next wook. He is await- was the matter with Harvey, Mrs. Tay-
Inff-wnrd from nroiilripnt hrfnrn netlne. lor's oldest son, age 18, when he failed
win ...! it...... to nppcar for several weeks at the
Although thq repeal Is proposed In the school. They had taken a fancy to him.
xor minouKn ueiiL fiuu iuiuvbi uuiiiu.
Impressed them as a gentlemanly and
worthy youth
faco of a plank. In the plat
form of the democratlo party, the discus
sion of that phase of the proposed re
versal of p6ilcy Is not expected to bo as
extended as the Influence, of tho con
templated action upon foreign relations.
Senate, democratic leaders plan to await
In the 'houso before taking up the presi
dent's suggestion, but the forthcoming
. debate on tho general arbitration treaty
, with Great Britain, which soon Is to come
up- in executive session undoubtedly will
.provoke discussion on the subject.
That opposition to the repeal' will de-
When Mr. Burnell drove out to the lit
tle Taylor shack, he was shocked at the
conditions of starvation and cxtremo suf
ferlng which prevailed. Realizing that
tho caso called for emergency relief, he
provided It, and then took steps to find
another home for tho poor family bo
fore their term at the present location
Thero Is a house near Thirty-ninth and
Plnkncy streets which ho plans to buy
for $200 nnd give to the family, If the
4 ifuvv Ull4 v iuiii; - -
In thQ houso Interstate. commerce fi,ndB can be raised. County Commls-
commission committees was Indicated "to- s0ner J. C. Lynch has promised $100 If
day by Representative Knovvland of Cal- the balance Is raised, and contributions
lfajjntaVii Member bf 'the'cbmmJAee, who are now being solicited by a number of
declared:' " ' citizens of Omaha.' "Bfenson and vicinity.
'lnylnif Ilenr I'rlce. , Mr- Burnell has asked that the The Bee
"Vo aro paying a' dear price for .tho accept tho money at Its business' office,
friendship of Great ttrltalrt, oven though The 'sum Is rapidly growing, and all per
It riay help us" out In Mexico. The pro- sons who deslro to help the poor family
posfdblll will,, I. .predict; preclpltato ono.of lire urged to remit thefr donations nt
ineiruosi spirited ueDaics wmcn lias been i once.
heard In congress for years and .will prb-.i Ilnvc Present JVccdn
voko a.' reo nnd full, discussion of .'our In nddltlon to tho money for the new
ptcschtjfprelgn policy." ,. little home, food, clothing and coal are
Senator o'Oormanthalrman of the" W- required at once; to keep the sufferers
ter-oceanlc canals' committee, who as- alive. Their old horso Is also In need of
sorted, following tho announcement ot feed. Mr. Burnell, whoso phone number
President Wilson's position, that he pro- la Webster 4430. says 'that ho wilt attend
posed to fight against repeal-of the tolls to nil -donations of this character whlcTi
provisions to tho last ditch, does not an- tho donors are unablo to deliver perfeon-
tlclpato any consideration ot the repeal ally. The Taylors llvo Just three miles
by his, committee until the subject has due north of Benson, Immediately soutli
been disposed of In tho house. of the Brandels farm, on tho dirt roud
i leading to Florence,
PVtinarrn Qnhnnl An auto load of Investigators went o
UiiltiagU KJUULUUI visit them Saturday, accompanied by Mr.
TT-M-1 A n TT-iM-!'4-ri 4r Burnell, and were so touched by the dire
XiectCLS JLLeSlbalie , want of the family that all contributed
HIT i i money to buy coal and groceries to last
m MUrPnV S UcLS6 9vpr Sunday. Utle Thomas Burnell oc-
' comparil'ed his father and took a terrier
CHICAGO. Feb. 7.-(Speclal Telegram.) "JKJJ
Vlfhr th. TTn!vPrsltv nf Chlcniro nor " '.v" uiuB,. .
Armour Institute would turn a deaf car
to tho plea for admittance of Kenneth
Murphy, tho paroled Nebraska convict
who; recently was reused admittance to L wam themi
tlio univorsiiy oi jNeurasKa neau oj.
the two J Chicago 'Institutions' said th'ai
criminal" record i waa -not .necessarily - a
bar to admittance to these Institutions.
President Judson of tho University of boyBi as sno had no rtrcBSCg. Xno younBer
Chicago reiiectea some minvues oeioro boyB( nomcr ana narola. who are 14
over the)
Insurance Agent Says Omalian Guard at Mexico uity palace is
Asked "Leading Questions." Doubled and Men Sleep in Yard.
Wllnrw Deelnrcs "Contllt lo In
r.rnnd .Inry Itoom Where IMor
Idn Prnlt Men Iikdlctrd
Itepnrtett thnt i,BOO Policemen
I'ledned Thennelres In Iternlt
nllh Troopo Itehels Are
Aetlre In North.
Johnson nt Worl.
triiilrni nun Johhson has nromul
gated the contract of Paul Smith with
Washington and ji. J. Keuy wim auw
KANSAS t'lTY. Mo., l"b. t. -"Condi- MUX I CO CITY, Feb. T.-rteports that
tlons In the Krand Jury room were out- congpimtors were planning a coup d'etat
rageous. ueorK" nunipi, an uiiuihik
aitent. trtlfled In the federal court to
day during a hearing to quash Indict
tonight resulted In tho troops ot tho
entire garrison being held In quarters
ments against right officers and Rgcnts or placed on guard In the neighborhood
of the Florida Fruit l.nnds company,
chnrjrd with misuse ot the malls,
of tho artillery barracks. Soldiers wero
on top of sonic ot tho buildings, from
Attttneys for the Indicted men nllego wmcn a lew lamnirs nan uecu nuriseu
govoinment officials who conducted tho to move. Hie guard nt tho pniaco was
grand Jury deliberations exercised "Jil- Increased and soldiers slept In tho cwrt
dlclai tyranny." Kumpf was a member y"r.
of the grand Jury until excused by tho
court because ot business reasons. He
Ocnerul Biannual, minister of war, ami
tho post commander und other officers
was excused before the Indictments wero were in conference tonight. They dented,
however, their meeting was due to any
Squads of troops were moved about the
town nt Intervals throughout tho Iilght.
Kumpf chsrged that Sylvester Itush ot
Omao, who conducte.1 the itraiul Jury
Investigation for the government, askwl
"leading questions of witnesses and
sought In othor ways to Influence tho
Jurors against the land compmiy offl
Mr. Rush and the witness engaged In
n lively tilt near tha close el the day,
In which Federal Judge A. S. Van Val-
kenburg Joined.
"You say I asked 'leading questions,' '
said Mr. Rush. "What aro tho 'leading
1 questions?' "
I Kumpf explained that they are ques-
This Institution la tho only one
In the central wcat with peparate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering It possible; to
classify cases. Tho ono building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing udmittpd; tho othor Rost Cot
tago being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental casqs requiring
for a time watchful caro and spfii
clnl nursing.
The Home Beauty Parlor 1
Si Dotty Dean , g
Dearie! Yes. I believe men all reaognUo
a mado" comploxlon. Throw away your
powder ana rougo ami uso u pinni mmi
nut lntinn. Thnn vou wilt have a com
plexion of which you enn feel Justly proud,
uccauso it win do real ns wen ns uwumui,
nn ...nA I. fntl, minpiia klltlr-
i tloni that told the witnesses what they lnax' (Whlch you may get from your drug-
took the dog In her arms, she exclaimed,
"Warm! warm!" with her teeth chatter
ing from the cold, and ran her chilled
little fingers through the animal's fur
Girl In Overhauls.
The lack of clothing was so desperate,
that tho child had been clad In two
pairs of overalls belonging to ono of the
ho stated the position of his Institution. and jo years of nge, had no warm cloth-
'It would depend entirely on me cir
' cumstnnces," he replied.
Dean Itoymond of Armour Institute was
of the opinion, that tho man would be
lecelved there In spite of his record.
Tho Board of Regents of the University
of Nebraska rejected. Murphy's request
for admission to the school on the. ground
that aB a. paroled convict, he lacked full
citizenship and could not be received Into
the school.
ing or good shoes, yet had to forago in
tlle.snow for wood to keep the Utile one
hole stoyo going. They had to ston at
tending .Springvlllo school, district No,
19, on account ot lack of .propqr clothing.
Homer lost his right fpqt and nnklo
from blood poisoning following an In
Jury. Saturday he, hobb)ed out In the
snow with. a, , club,, trying to run down
and. kill some rabbits for dinner, hut
failed, so bread wob tho extent ot tho
Harvey, the oldest, who Is deaf and ol-
most dumb, suffers from heart trouble
nnd Is unable to work. Since tho cold
wcuthcr began he has also beenlck In
bed from exposure, and has no warm
clothing at all. If proper clothes can be
provided ho will be ablo tp continue going
to tho Deaf Institute.
Grandmother 1 Helpless,
Mrs. Sarah Chase, Mrs. Taylor's
mother, Is CT years old, absolutely help
less from rheumatism, and so Is an ad
ditional care to tho bravo woman who
Is struggling to keep the family alive.
With an 8-month-old baby clinging '.o
her breast and crying almost constantly
from teething pains, Mrs. Taylor tries
to attend to all the work- about the
home. She Is only S3 years ot age, but
becamo a mother whon IS, end has be
come worn and bent with tho pllcd-up
responsibility of the large family.
During the severe weather tha last few
days she had to have two of tho chil
dren and the baby sleep with Iter 'in
order to keep them warm. The room was
so cold that a pall of water near the
bed had a heavy topping of lco on It
when tho family awoko Saturday morn
Itonse Always Told.
They use only two rooms of the house
now, as they havo only the tiny heating
stovo and a cook stove, and can buy no
cofll. Tho houso Is on a hill, and Is old
and full ot cracks, so always cold In
Mrs. Taylor used to do washing at the
Child Saving Institute and at private
homes, until the baby camo, since when
she has been too HI to work much. She
says her husband deserted her and went
west over a year ago. She was also
married before to a man named John
Tharp, at Vinton, la., and he was the
father ot the three older boys.
"He liked whisky better than he did
mo." she declared('so I had to take the
children and enre for them myself."
The case has been endorsed by Hev,
J. M. Leldy, county superintendent of
charities, and other charity workers, who
have given Mrs. Taylor some help from
tlmo to time. At present the family
needs coal, horse feed, groceries and
warm clothes most. They also must
have a home to move Into before March
1, as they have b6cn ordorod to vacate
then. The money being received at The
Bee office will be devoted to the house,
unless otherwise specified.
. Russell Sprague, Karl Kingston, Kd
Browning and James Bovee, boys who nU
tend Clifton Hill n:hool, read of the
family's plight In Tho Bee and mailed
a letter containing a dime from each.
They said that was all the money they
had, but wanted to help.
nr to make. Kumpf testified thnt ho
told .U'dge Van.Vallcenburg after he was
excused from tno Jury of conditions In
tho Jury room. He said ho Informed tho
Judge conditions wero so bad ho was
going to expose them.
Judge Van Valkenburg forced tho wit
ness to admit that ho had not montlonod
these Conditions to htm before ho had
been excised frotn Jury duty.
I excused Kumpf from Jury service
because ha declared his business needed
his attention," the Judge said
During tho day six other grand Jurors
testified. All declared they saw no mis
conduct In tho Jury room.
gist) In one-half pint witch hasel or hot
water. This lotion cannot do neiociou
when on nnd IU regular uso banishes
lines, blotches, pimples, blackheads and
sallowness. The spurmax lotion is a
llghtful for spring months, as It protects
tho skin from tho winds.
Dora! You can make your eyes spark
ling and clear by this simple home treat
ment! Dissolve nn ounce of crystos (get
nt drug store) In n pint of water. One or
two drops in each eyo every nay win oe
all that Is necessary to make them feel
stronfr and look bright. It the lids are
red or Inflamed, trv soaklrur dabs Ot ab
sorbent cotton In tho tonla and laying
them on each eyo.
Doctor a Best Cold Formula
Breaks Ssversit Cold In Day and
Ours Any Oursblo Oongb.
. - --'-- m
This has been published here for Soy-
Juonlta: The sagKtnsr of skin which
you write about la disfiguring and you
will soon Do wrlnKled past hem It you
neglect It. But try this slmplo treatment
una I'm sum it win wont wonders, mix
nn ounco of nlmozoln (from tho drui
store) In one-half Dint cold water and ad
two tensnoonfulk elvcerine. This cream
Jelly will cause the skin to contract slowly
until the heulthv I rmness is restored.
Keeps your complexion clear and free
irom Diemisiies. Also removes DiacKncaas.
To prepare this tonlo 1 get one oUno kar
dene' from druggist and put It Into one-
half pint alcohol (never uso whiskey), then
nun ono-iiair cupiui oi bubc mm nuu
water to make a qtlart. The dose Is .
tablenpoonful before, meals. The- kardene
tonlo Is excellent to clear thp skin ot pim
ples, blotches and sollowness and Its time
ly use frequently saves doctor's bills.
rtiliva! T hiive founit the most bensflcial
rhnmnnrt for the scaln nnd hair can be
mado at home by dissolving ft teospoontul
canthrox in a, cup not wator. this is un
usually soothing ana .oicansing u wio
Itchy, dandruff-laden scalp and quickly
corroots oVer-dlllness arid other scalp up
sets. My shampooing with canthrox has
restored an even color, rich gloss and soft
fluff to my hair, which was becomlns dull
and -brittle. It seems to have, encouraged
a vigorous and luxuriant growtn.
pi ft. Tim sivW Da'lnt' to a continua
tion -ot tho' sllrrt flguro effects nrtd as you
show signs of an added waist line, you
should, ttvkp steps to ruauce your wwnm.
Make this preparation at home and be
fore each meol toko a tablespoonful!
Got four ounees of pnrnotls frorrt your
druggist, and (dissolve in ono and ono-haic
pints ot hot water, fstroln and cool tho
mixture berpro using, This is Inexpensive
und will bo welcome to tho woman who
does not want strenuous diet or exercise.
Aral winter anil hfljl nrovan the QUICK
est and mast Tollable formula, obtalnublo
1st get two ounces or uiyconno mm
atf an ounco Qlobo Who Compound
(Concentrated Tine.) Take thesa two In
Kugenle: Your yellowness doubtless
rrmn vniir iiriitt. means thnt your liver reaulres a resu-
miur mm i wuuiu BUHfieit h pimn naraeno
ionic, xms win cieanse tno dioou ana
give tone and strength to the liver and
rodlents homo and put them into a Kionoyn ami wnon inese organs aro in R
lu r, nt nr cnod whiskey. Shako It well hoUhy condition you will bo free from tho
and fake ono to two tenspoonfuls after bilious attacks, thu obstlnnto headaches.
oach meal and at bod time. Smallor ana uio pains m small or back and groin
doses to children according to ago. wo
sure to get only tnn genuine vjiouo nno
Compound (Concentrated Pine.) Each
imif nitnrvi lintlln eomns In a scaled till
sorow-top case. Any druggist has It on
hand or will quickly get it irom nis wnoio-
nin i,niiA. Don l experiment wim uiu
parations uecause oi cneiiw. . u m
n.v n fnnl with a bud cold. Published
by the uiODe I'narmacniuutti muu.w.ui
Ot unicago.
For xstdUrsstlon Mix one ounce Cat-
ondlr Oumpound; two ounces jessonco
of Pepsin! three ounces Syrup or uinger.
rr.v nn in iitn tflitjmoonf uls niter meals.
This Is Ssald to have no equal. Catondlr
Is that new compound, any druggist has
It or will get It. l'UDlisneu uy inn uiuuo
Pharmaceutical laboratories ot umcago,
Lorraine: Your faded hair is not nec
essarily dying, though It Is in danger
Here Is a iomo-mado hair tonic, costing;
llttlo. which I know la. ot, great valuo to
scalp and nair: into ono,nn pim m
hoi put ono ounce q.ulnzoin (which I Ket
from tho druggist's), then add one half
Pint water. This gives you a Mil pint I
have found It very soothing and It ban
ishes the dry, harsh, unhealthy condition
6f the scalp, Invigorating the hair roots
so a beautiful growth Is certain to result.
Betty Dean's1 BeautV" Book, $5. Ad-
A tentative foot ball schedule has been
nrmnced for the foot ball team of the
Kearney Normal school for next fall by
O. J. Van Buren, tho coach and man
ager: October a-Crelghton- at Omaha. .
October 17 Denver university at Den
ver. October 21 York college at Kearney.
November 6 Wesleyon university at
November 13 Peru Normal at Kearney.
Thanksgiving. Day Hastings college at
In. addition to these It Is probable that
gumcs will bo arranged with Grand
Island college. Cotncr university or
"Wayne Normal, besides a practlco game
with the Kearney High school. Pros
pects for a good team are good, as the
coach says he has plenty of good new
material In sight.
Sweaters aro now being awarded to
last year's team. Tho following are to
receive them: Remington, Bob Randall,
Heider, Jess Randolph, Carlln, Potts,
Davles, Carrlg, Ross Warehatn. Chick
Wareham,. Pearce, Hotchklss, Proctor
and Cameron.
A Repeater from Kilpatrick's
How flat, stale, futile and unprofitable are all the
efforts of man, when the elements get busy. We had
planned and arranged for a Big Sale on Saturday, but the howling
wind of Friday which forced the mercury almost to the bottom of the bulb, knocked our
plans galley ways. We are going to repeat the sale on every item advertised, on Mon
day, February 9th. No better values in our judgment were ever offered in Omaha.
Free on Monday
Key to tho Situtiaon Bee Advertising.
Children's Dresses at 79c Monday, formerly sold
to $3.00 all ages from 3 to 14 yrs., from 15 to 17 yrs.
Children's Dresses at $1.00 Monday, formerly sold
to $5XH) all ages from 3 to 14 yrs., from 15 to 17, yrs.
Children's and Misses' Coats, two prices, $1.59
and $2.50 sold formerly at three and four times these
Many of these garments aro this season's styles
others are staple in their character, but not tho very lat
est mode.
Very Annoying:.
"Huerta Is quoting Napoleon to the ef
fect that he who saves the country I
hreaka .no- law breaks no law, that is,
no matter how many laws he actually
nrcans. inm is very imiauns. n re
minds me" '
Hamilton Fyfe London correspondent I
was taking his after-luncheon coffee out
of doors on a rosd-Jiung., terrace in
"It reminds me of a. Texan." Mr.. Kvfo
resumed. "This Texari .said l$ me on "u
channel boat:
"Yep. by heck, I was on a Caltforny
Jury oncet Murder trial it -wuz boss
Ktonlln'. vn know. I didn't.' WHnt tho tel. I
low hung and stuck out aglri the other!
eievon jurymen ior nine auya, ine nays, i
by heck! But I won. At 3 a. -oiv the
mornin' of tho tenth' day we fetched in a
verdict of nottgullty. And. then-r-gee, 1 1
uz mad! I
"What wero you mad about?' I in-
' Vhnt win J mail nboutT" the-Texan
said. 'Why. eh durn it. tha boys Had'
hung tno prisoner me rusi aay me jury
locKcd Itsoir up.' '-new or xnoune.
The Speculators.
Miss Helen Huntington, tho fiancee of
Vincent Astor. is little Been In public.
Tall, blonde and very pretty. Miss Hunt- I
Ington Is an unfamiliar flguro In the
park, In Fifth avenua or In the fashion
able restaurants of Now York.
Talking about the seclusion of, her life
she said at a tea at Hopcland house the
otper day?
"In New York one Is apt to get In
rather mixed crowds. A friend ot mine,
after the theater last New Year's eve,
bupped with her father In a well known
"New Year's eve In a well known res
taurantl My friend expected to see won
derful ejegnnce and gayety, But she saw
nt every table, the most uncouth, queer,
grtm. Impossible persons.
"Walter," sad her father, ' who aro all
these awful looking guys, anyway?'
They're speculators, sir, tho waller
answered 'speculators who couldn't sell
their tables and had to come them-
We know of no instanco when so much good mer
chandise could bo bought for so little money.
Wo placed all suits up to a certain price, on salo a
short time ago and sold every suit. One only camo
back (because it was imperfect). Wo hold, a cont sale
with almost as good results.'
But Monday
We will offer the finer goods
Suits and Coats
In theso lots aro included many of tho very best gar
ments which we havo had this seasou. Every stylo that
is good and practically all tho most popular materials.
Exquisite high grade, beautifully madr? all to go at ono
3 Calces of Palm Olive
soap with every Jar ot
Palm Olive Faco
Cream. The Croara
alone retails at GOc;
you got the lot for
39 cents.
Center Window filled
with a lot ot ex
clusive Bilkn; many
confined to our atoto.
Look on Monday. Now
yarM wide Chiffon,
Taffetas; tho nobby
new cords for combi
nation suite and coats.
Displaying new Dress
goods also,
Should Not
One Hour
Moans a Big
Loss to Some
one, but that's
not your affair
Tension Spring
Sizes 7, 8 and
9-inch, 15c
Monday the
usual price is
25 cents
Savings Made Possible in Bedding Section
Zero Wfiatliar Made Us Busy as Bumble Bees
Rend the list of prices which will cause special activ
ity Monday and when you como you will find scores of
unadvertised items equally cheap.
$1.98 for" Heavy Plaid Blankets which wero $2.50
S1.99 for Heavy Plaid Blankets which wero $2.50
$2.98 . for Extra Heavy Blankets which wore $3.50
We could sell some of these as wool but that is not
our way.
$2.98 for Beacon Comfortables; theso wero $4 and $4.50
$5.00 for JndianBobes which woro $8.50.
$1.49 for Cotton Filled Comfortables which sold at $2.
$2.49 for Cotton Filled Comfortables which sold at $3.
Silk and Satin Top Comforters at $5.98 instend of $10.
Beautiful Down Comforters at $6.98 instead of $10.
The extromo cold weather played havoc with tho
glova business on Saturday. Monday same prices on all
that may bo loft.
Long Gloves of excellent quality all perfect white,
tan and black, $1.79 nnd $2.39. Worth $3 to $3.50.
No telephone orders Monday.
snow And ice
At' this season of the
year, when the ground and street
car platforms are apt to be cov
ered with snow, or ice, especial
care should be taken by .pas
sengers in getting on and of f cars.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
Some day soon (we hopes)
the plaza in front; of the new
Court House will -be complete
It is going to bo a delightful and refreshing spot.
To bo suro, it has taken a long time, but when it is
dono we will all havo rqason to bo very proud of it.
This will be tho choicest placo 'in town for your of
fice. Tho time to got in is now.
The Bee Building.
offers a few choice offices now.
Probably In the spring there will be
nono, so call and look ovor theaoi
Available now
Fifth Floor, south exposure, overlooking the new Court
Houie. 280 oq. it. Partition for two private o trices
mitl waiting room. Water. Excellent Farnam Street lo
i cation. The rleht parties can make office connections
with lawyers in adjoining offices..... ..,.930.00
Fourth Door, south and west exposure directly on the
new plaza. 520 an- ft. Vault Water Small private
room. Very desirable Farnam Street location. . . .$SO,OQ
Ground Floor, Farnam Street store room, opposite the
huey county building, 10x88 ft. New show windows and
entrance Large vault. Entrance to beautiful court of
the lien Building. Hot and cold water, Partitions for
two large private offices. Price on application.
Available March 1st
Third Floor, south exposure. 360 aq. fc.v Partitions
nultable for two dentist's chairs, workroom and reception
room. Water. Close to elevator. Farnam Street' lo
cation 940.00
Other Soonis 910.00 930.00.
All rates include best of service and free electric light, heat and water.
For offices apply to tho Superintendent, Room 103,
Tho Bee Building Co.
selves. "New York Sun.