Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Page 6-A, Image 8

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    6 A
Big doings Monday nd balance of
the week when we place on sate two
hundred tTpewrlters, every known
mako and kind at prices you can af
ford to pav ro not pay enormous
TniBt prices Come to us and save
mom lUn hlf. "Ve. Ret one ot our
rcbullta for $20 to S5 and save tile
Vorld, Famous ?Jgt '70
Light Running SQf SC
Easy Touch.... 3U to 'UO
Remington visible and blind, known
(V. u-nrlri ovir fnr fftrtv vfttt
Dmitri. Premiers, visible, and.bjlnd,
double keyboard, universal 'favpr
tin 815.00 to
31d RellableSOllvera. .l.ODto ftM.OS
Jail bearing, long, wearing U C
Kmlth. one of tile ton notohcrs
at. ....990.09 to WS.00
Royal, smaller and more compact
than many otlierB... 939,0s to 990.00
we snip everywnerc,
Central Typewriter
807-300 SOUTH IHIX 8T.
lint a
Tt Tunis, lssrse, weal
a& motif, Tree Brayaga if rested
8 stoatki. Beat allowed on pur
oasse iwtcs, if 70a toy.
J '
PiM Gf.,
1311-13 raraam Street
F&OBt Daaglaa 1683.
Walter L. Harris
, Fifteen radiators repaired
I here during the past ton days
1 most of them froren. Antl-
J freeze guaranteed by manufac-
I turer aiffords cheap Insurance
against freezing.
Steam heated storago $5100
to $20.00 per month.
2026 Faraom St.
Phone Hed 8335
0' My Heart"
An SB-Xote yiayar Win.o oU
os aptclal sale at
Sfaay other ttarralat.
diciouB ubo of Advertis
ing Brings Big Eeturns
Knights of Columbus Will Initiate
Large Class Today.
Past Orand and Ciron.l l,odKr I)p
Brrr to Hp Conferred Wrilnpn
elar Afternoon at SvretlUh
Omaha council No. S of tho Knights
of Columbus will Initiate a law class
today. The candidates and members will
attend mass nt 10:) a. m. at St. Mary's
Magdalcne'n church. Dinner will be given
the candidates at tho Menahaw hotel at
noon, after which they will be taken to
tho Swedish auditorium, Sixteenth and
Chicago streets. Three degrees will bo
exemplified, tho first starting at 2 p. in.
sharp. This daft, numbering sixty odd,
will be one of tho largest oer Initiated
In Omaha. The exercises nro under tho
supervision of tho officers of Omaha
cojncll No. CSi
Independent Order of Odd I'rlloiTH.
A district meeting of tho grand lodgo
will opnvene at tho -Swedish Auditorium,
Sixteenth and Chicago streets, at 2:30 next
Wednesday afternoon. The program for
the axtcmoon will include the conferring
of the past grand and grand lodge degrees
upon a largo class of candidates and tho
transaction 6f a number of 'special orders
of business. In the evening Wnsa lodge.
No. 183, will take chargo and .open the
session in the third .degree. Ilcginnlng
promptly at 7 o'clock Beacon ' lodge, Ho,
20, will exemplify the Initiatory degree.
which will bo followed by the first de
gree, put, on by Omaha lodge, No. tills
Is tho team that made such a hit with
the first degree at the grand lodge ses
sion In Lincoln 'last October. A setles ot
tableaux will then be given by the mem
bers of the Omaha, No. 2, first degree
staff, which will be followed by tho sec
ond degree, exemplified by Warn lodge,
No. 1S3, and the third degreo by Jona
than lodge, No. 223, of Florence, Follow
Ing tlto degree work tho secret work will
bo exemplified, and after a few short ad
dresses by officers ot the grand lodge a
banquet will be served. Arrangements
havo been made with the street car com
pany to havo cars In waiting to accom
modate all of those In attendance, oven
If the session docs not adjourn until 2
o'clock In tho morning. All Odd Fellows
are Invited to be present at the evening
session and accommodations havo been
provided for six or seven hundred. The
session will be In charge of Grand Master
John of Grand Island. The lodges par
ticipating In the soselon aro Omaha, No.
2; Stale, No. 10; Beacon, No. 20; South
Omaha, No. H8; Wasa, No. 183; Danno
brog, No. 216; IJcnion. No. 221; Jonathan.
No. 251, and the lodges at Louisville, Val
ley and Tekamah. '
At Its last meeting Ruth Rcbekah lodge
No. 1 presented a program of unusual
merit A scene from "Tho Gleaners" was
given, In which Miss Grace Pool sang
tho title roll and In a manner that showed
her to bo the possessor ot a rare and
well trained contralto voice; Mrs. Bralley
and MIm Anna Kupplng sang solos In this
scene. Readings were given by Messrs.
Justin and Swlnney and a number of
living pictures were given illustrating
rceneo In Rlblo history.
The Odd Fellows' social club of Florence
will give a danco at Odd Fellows' hall.
Florence, next Saturday evening.
A district mooting of' tho grand lodge
was held at -Soward last Monday after
noon and evening, with 200 members In
attendance.- Grand Master Frank John
presided over the session and conducted
a- question box for the Information of
those'' in attendance, A. It. Dea Jardlcn
of Lincoln delivered a talk on Odd .Fel
lowship that mode a big hit. In the even
ing tho first, .second, and third degrees
wero conferred upon a class of nineteen
candidates by a joint degreo teum from
Capitol lodge No. H and Lincoln lodgo
No. 1SS ot Lincoln. After the degree
work a number of short addresses were
niado by prominent Odd Fellows and tho
meeting was closed at 2 o'clock the fol
lowing morning with a buffet lunch. The
officers of the grand lodge report this
aa being one of the best district grand
lodge meetings over held In the state.
Royal Highlanders.
Covington castle No. "M will give a
social meeting at hall No. 3 On tho fourth
floor ot Continental block, Fifteenth and
Douglas streets, Tuesday evening. All
members of tbo Royal Highlanders and
thejr friends have been cordially Invited
to -attend.
Dunoon-castle No. 3 ot South Omaha
will give a social meeting at their hall,
4? North Twenty-fifth street, South
Omaha, on Wednesday evening. A good
attendanco Is desired.
John Hubs castle No. 141 ot Council
Bluffs will meet on Wednesday evening.
New members will bo Initiated. This
castle will give a dance on Monday even
ing ot next week at their hall, 25 Pearl
Ferncllffe castle No. tSS of Omaha
meets on Wednesday evening for regular
business meeting. Wednesday evontng of
next week all members of Ferncllffe
castle and their friends are invited to at
tend a social evening to be given by
'that' castle at their hall, 181 Harney
Ancient Order United Workmen.
Union Pacific lodge No. 17, drill team,
exemplified the degree and screen work
for No. 8 last Tuesday evening, when
they Initiated eighteen candidates Into
their lodge. No. IT'S team Is the crack
team of Douglas county In the Ancient
Order of United Workmen lodges and
they take great prldo In having such a
tine lot ot fellows. The promotion com
mittee Is formulating plans for their
campaign of 1.717 members by October,
1917, and earnestly request members to
come to lodgo and give your Ideas and
to cotoperate with the promotion com
mittee, aa they are always on the look
out for new suggestions that may tend
to 'get In new members.
Frnterua! Order if KnkIps.
Omaha Eagles held a class Initiation
Thursday evening and arrangement
have been made for another class next
Thursday night, which will be followed
by a social and smoker. Next Thursday
evening a valentine social will bo given
followed by a dance. The hall will be
beautifully decorated for the occasion
and tho women will have complete chargo
of the program. One of tho features ot
the evening will be "Ye Old Time
Dances,4' the quadrille, Virginia reel and
others. These dances, Which are given
semi-monthly, aro becoming very popular.
Woodmen ot th World.
Alpha camp No. 1. Woodmen ot the
World, at Its meeting Tuesday exempli
fied tbo protection degree for seventeen
candidates and will on next Tuesday
evening givo a stas card party and
smoker for Its members and their gentle
men friends. These semi-monthly amok-
ers wilt bo made a special feature during
the next three months In a campaign
for Increased membership.
Order or Unl.
The fifth annual ball ot the Order ot
Owls promises to bo dno.of the leading
fraternal social events of- tho year. H Is
a public danco and social, succeeding the
Installation of the following officers for
tho year: Charles Loch, president; John
Shechan, past president; Charles Llnter,
Invocator; Cyrus Hosklns, .vice president:
Bert Fox, warden; Patrick Smith, picket;
Frank Blerbower, Theodore1 L. llubernnd
Jack Light, trustees.
Forty dollars In awards are being of
fered n nn Inducement to tho general
public to surpass all previous efforts In
ball costumes. Dancing- begins at 9
o'clock and all dancers unmask at 10:30
p. 111. After unmasking the dance Is open
to all.
Ilrollirrlioinl of American 1 rninrn,
Lodgo No. HOt of the Brotherhood of
American Yeumcn, which meets at
HnrlKht hall every Wednesday evening,
will give a grand rash prize masquerade
bull Wednesday evening at HarlglH hall.
This ball Is an annual affair and Is at-
way looltol forward to with a great doal
of pleasure, as everyone Is assured of a
splendid time. Tho Prlcstman orchestra
will furnish tho music. As Is the usual
custom, this wilt bo open to the public.
A largo class of candidates was Initiated
Wednesday evening and tho work was
put on by Brother Rackley's drill team.
Woodmen Circle.
Mrs. Kmma B. Manchester, supreme
guardian of the Woodmen circle, has
how sufficiently recovered from her Ill
ness to resumo tho duties of her office
nnd Is now preparing for the meeting
of the supremo executive council, which
convenes on Tuesday morning, February
10. .Members of tho supreme oxecutlvo
council nro In tho city and wero the
Riiestft of Mrs. Manchester at dinner
Thursday evening, which proved a most
pk'uennt occasion.
Woodmen Circle
Alpha grovo No. 2, Woodmen Circle,
will meet In tho Continental block. Fif
teenth and Douglas, next Wednesday
evening- At tho last meeting of tho
grovo eleven candidates were Initiated.
Tho Kmma B. Manchester guards of
South Omaha grove No. 69 conducted
the Initiatory ceremony In their usual
creditable manner. Tho grove will give
a grand ball, with good music and a
prize waltr, the last Tuesday In this
month In tho lodgo rooms of Alpha camp
o. i, woodmen of the World.
Knights and Laillea of Security.
A prlio mask ball is to be given bv
the Knights and Ladies of Security.
Omaska council No. 2305, at i Myrtle hall,
lnrtcenth and Douglas streets, Tuesday
night. Qood union music. The members
and their friends of Omaska council and
all members of other Knights and La-
dies of Security councils in Omaha, South
Omaha, Florence, Bonson and -Council
Bluffs will be entertained at Omaska
council chamber, Myrtle hall, by the
Omaha Equality league on the evening
of February 16.
Knights of the Maccabees.
Sir knights and their families and
friends have been Invited .to attend the
open meeting next Monday evening,
February 9. Omaha tent No. 76, Knights
or tho Maccabees, at their hall, Swedish
auditorium, 1603 Chicago street. A good
time Is In store. Cards, musicand dan
cing. Refreshments will be served.
Women of the Maccabeea havi been es
pecially Invited.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Clan Gordon No.63, Order "of Scottish
Clans, met nt 1639 Chicago streot In regu
lar session Tuosday evening. Three flno
fellows went through the Initiation cero
mony, two- wero balloted for artdVono
proposed. Much buslnesswa done, 'fol
lowed by a pleasant evening.
Hoynl Nela;hliora nt America.
Members of Daisy camn. Itovni Niiifh.
bors of America, .win give a prlo mas-.
quorauo canco at Magnolia hall next
Wednesday. They will also entertain. nt
a card party on tho following afternoon.
Refreshments will bo served.
I'mlrrnnl Union of America.
wanner lodge No. 11. Fraternal Union
df America, gave a card party and dance
innrsuay evening at Myrtle hall, enter
talnlng a crowd of 225, people. The at
tendance was a record breaker.
Trllifi of llrn llnr.
Mecca council No. 13. .Tribe of Ben Hur,
win give a Valentino party -Thursday
...riur.fT ai meir nan,. iWMlarhey street,
musical program and refresh
KnlKhls of Lnlh.
The Knights ot Luther will hold their
mwui'.g nils week Wednesday evening
i mtir rcHumr null.
Officers John.qpffey and "Art" Gun
nJnsham, who have been serving under
the Jurisdiction of the health department,
will return to regular duty on the forco
Monday morning. This, according to
Chlnf Dunn, will be but a' temporary
swluh. occasioned by the lack of busi
ness In the health department at the
present time. Both men wjll . likely re
suma their present work, next month.
From the ranks of the lodgers at tw.
lice headquarters will bo selected 273 men
to work on tho Ice at Memphis. Neb.
Judge Foster recommended that Turnkey
uraqy seicci mis number before Monday
Prescription that Soon
Knocks Rheumatism
ino only logical treatment for -h...
matlsm is through the blond. Th.
sons that settle in muscles. Joints and
back, causing severe pains, must be dis
solved and expelled from the system or
there can be no relief. This prescription
from a noted doctor Is said to be work.
Ing wonders all over the country- Hun
dreds of the worst casea were cured by
It hero last winter. "From your druggist
get one ounce of Torls compound (In on
glnal staled package) and one ounce
of syrup of Sareaparllla compound. Take
the.e two Ingredients home and put them
Into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake
the bottle and take a tablespoonful be.
fore each meal and at bed-time." Re.
suits come the first day. If your drug,
gist does not have Torla compound In
Block ho will get It In a few hours from
hts wholesale house. Don't be influmiwi
to take some patent medicine Instead ot
this. Insist on having the genuine Tort
compound In the original. on-ounce.
waled, yellow package. Iublshed by
the Uloho Pharmaceutical laboratories of
Ice Harvest Starts
at Florence, Others
to Take Hold Monday
The Ice harvest In the vicinity of
Omaha has started and It will continue
as long as the weather will permit Tho i
first Ire cutting crew started on the
Florence reservoir early yesterday, where
some forty men are at work In the em
ploy of the Omaha Ico and Cold Storage
company. The lec Is from right Co ten
Inches thick and of an excellent quality.
The work will he continued night and
day until tho weather warms up, or until
the normal supply is secured.
Cutting on Carter and Florence lakes
will start Monday or Tuesday.
The South Omaha packers will com
mence their Ico harvest Monday morn
ing, Armour cutting nt Memphis, and
Cudahy at Seymour lake and Swift at
Ashland. Ench will employ 3&0 or so an
the start, and this number will ! con
siderably Increased as soon as the nlit
gangs are put on. which will probably be
about tho middle of the week. Tin;
packers say that with reasonably cold
i weather they can gather the normal
crop In from ten days to two weeks.
John Grant Pcgg, city sealer, of weights
and measures, addressing the members
of the Douglas County Fruit Growers'
association at the court house, declared
tho standard berry box had tended to
protect cpnsumers against dishonest
middlemen and that while the fruit grow
ers at 'first opposed It they were now In
favor of Its extension to all fruits sold
In bulk.
The association asked Pegs to prrnhre
bill to be Introduced at the next leels-
loture providing for a standard grape
basket, members declaring they would
stand back of him In an attemnt in
Light Weight SixBuilt By Men Who Know
It weighs 2,985 pounds, completely equipped on the scales. It runs sixteen miles per gallon of gasoline. It runs seven
hundred miles per gallon of oil. Owners average seven thousand miles per set of tires. It sells for $1,785, and' it pos
sesses every high-grade feature found on high-priced sixes. Speed, 3 to 55 miles per hour without shifting gears. Climbs
every hill between Chicago and Boston on high. Rides the bumps like a boat. Distinguished by the beauty of its stream-
line body design.
Which Light Weight Six Are YOU Going to Buy?
IF you pay more than fifteen hundred dollars for an automobile you are surely going to buy a six. Not many men
wha pay more than that in this year Nineteen-fourteeu will accept fours. You want a six. ' !; . .
Tlio question, then, is what six?
It must be a light six. You don't want a heavy one. You have learned that carrying around a lot of weight,a lotof
heavy forgings doesn't get you anything except needless expense. A great many manufacturers know that-you.nave '.
learned this. (That's why so many light weight sixes, selling at moderate prices, have come on the-market this seasons
You have a wide selection. Your only problemas which one to choose. -
Doubtless all the light weight sixes put out by -manu-facturers
of standing represent good value, but which"
will you choose just a light weight sis, or the light
weight six built by men who havo been building high
grade sixos for seven years? Men who know sixes if
any group of men in the world know sixes.
Will you buy a light weight six that is an after
thought, a modification or abbreviation of some larger
model, or will you buy a light weight six that is just
what its designers started out to build a perfectly
co-ordinated six, with nothing cut out of it and every
thing in it of finest quality. Will you buy
A New One? No'
You won't choose an untried six, when you can just us
. woll got one that has proved itself through a full sea
son's service in the hands of hundreds of owners. You
won't choose a six that has been rushed out to meet
competition, when you can just as well get one that
was carefully designed, by men who know, to meet a
market and fulfill its requirements. If you study all
the light weight sixes carefully, if you see how they
nro designed, if you consider their equipment, if you
examine their workmanship, if you measure the ex
perience of tho builders back of them, vou will choose
tho Chandler. This isn't an advertising boast, it's
just good common senso, based on what wo know about
all tho light sixes and what
automobile buyers.
fft f l"y af fl if cv
itxcour, Kins.
1323 T St.
secure Its passage, for their own prolf--tlon
as well as for the protection of the
ultimate consumer. j
Mrs, Margaret JNovaK
Begins New Divorce
Suit from Husband
Mrs. Margaret Alice Novak, well known
In Omaha social circles, whose divorce
suit against James W. Novak, wealthy
dentist, In which she made sensational
charges of cruelty, was dismissed lust
summer following a reconciliation, Iioh
begun a new divorce suit In district
Mrs. Novak's second petition makes
merely a general charge of cruelty. In
the document which she filed June 2t ot
last year she asserted that her husband
had been guilty of mlscondtirt with
other women, had struck hor In the eye
when she was in bed, and hod beaten
nnd threatened to kill her. She ask-!
that her maiden name, Margaret Alice
Blake, bo restored.
In her former petition .Mrs. Novak de
clared that her husband owned their
handsome home at 913 William street
as well as other property In Omaha and
owned two ranches In Tehama county,
Mr. and Mrs. Novak were married at
Lincoln, November 6, 1907.
Maurice Donahoe, Gllpiore, la., reports
to th-. police that two acquaintances of
his, Pete Neville and Joe Telm. robbed
him ot $210 while he was under the In
fluenco ot liquor. Donahoo says that he
was invited by the men to go to a sa
loon near Tenth and Douglas streets,
and that they started drinking beer. In
a little while he became dazed and the
next thing he knew he was alone and
his money gone.
we know about
Come See the
1814-16-18 FARNAM ST.
sioux ornr. zjl sioux paxlh, b. d.
317-19 6th St. 328 So. Phillips Aye.
Chandler Motor Car Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland, Ohio.
Local Men Will Talk
With Commission on
Nebraska Rail Rates
K. J. MVann, manager ot the traffic
bureau of tho Commercial club is to go
i to Washington, V C, Wednesday, to
! gether with Commissioners Clark and
. Powell of tho Nebraska Stato Railway
j commission for a confurrnce with Com
I mlssloner Plouty of the Interstate Com
merce commission over the conflict be
tween the proposed Nebraska rate scale
and the Interstate mileage prepared by
tho Interstate Comment commission
from points lit Iowa to points In Ne
braska. Mr. McVann has started the
agitation on the conflict of the tuc
scales and will go to Washington along
with the state railway commissioners to
present tho case.
Before returning to Omaha Mr. Mc
Vann will probably go to Atlanta, Ga .
for a fonfcience with the counsel for
the South Carolina cotton mills, with
whom Mr. McVann Is associated In a
coal rate Investigation. In Commercial
club circles here It Is looked upon as
very cicc'ltable that the South Carolina
cotton mills should come to Omaha to
cngago a traffic expert to help fight
their battles on freight rate matters.
Brigadier General Fred Funston, the
now commanding officer of the Fifth
brigade, United States army, with head
quarters at Omaha, left Thursday for
Tnxas City, whero lie will take personal
command of his division. His aid, Lieu
tenant Ball, departed Friday night for
tho southern border. During his stay In
Omaha General Funston refused to dis
cuss tho Mexican situation and declined
to express nn opinion on when tho Fifth
brigade would be returned to quarters at
tho northern posts. General Funston's
The Chandler '
At all the automobile shows this winter, the most exper
ienced' dealers in the country have simply marveled at
the Chandler. They are men who know car values.
Familiar as we are with this splendid car, we still marvel
at it. Every day we are impressed more and more with
the' fact that there isn't a single thing cut out of the
Chandler to make its price possible.
The exclusive Chandler motor Is unquestionably the finest Ameri
can development of the long-Btroke principle. You win be uur
prised and delighted with it. ' It is truly a beautiful motor, and Its -performances
mean more than pages we might write about it. High
grade, high-priced features make the Chandler motor distinctive.
Cast aluminum base extending from frame to frame affords, com
plete mud protection and contains integral cast pedestals -.for mag
neto, generator and starting motor.
Impprted" English silent chains drive the cam shaft, pump and
generator. ,
Westlnghouse Separate Unit Starting and 'Lighting System.-
Simple single wire system for lighting. Wiring run through steel
conduit. '
Bosch high-tenelon magneto. ;
Unitibower plant completely enclosed. ' . r '
, Self-contained oiling system.
CUultiplo disc steel and raybestos ball-bearing clutch.
P. & S. Annular Ball Bearings.
We might go on and enumerate fifty features that you have a right
to expect in your light six. You will find them all in the Chandler.
Hero is power, here is certainty of service, here is economy. Here
is tho light weight six we feel sure you will choose.
Four body types, five-passenger touring, runabout, coupe and li
mousine. Stream line design. Finish, dark -Victorian blue with sil
ver strips. .
i visit In Omaha was largely a social one,
much tlmo being spent visiting wltn
friends In Council Bluffs, where ho was
entertained by Mrs. Wlldman and her
mother, Mrs. Stewart, ,who gave a dance
In his honor Thursday evening at "The
Hooray! Baby To
Rule the House
No Longer Do Women Fear The Great
est of All Human Blessing.
It Is a Joy and comfort to know that
those mucb'tslked-ot pains and other dis
tresses that are said to precede child-bearing
may easily be avoided. No woman need
fear the slightest discomfort if the will
fortify herself with the well-known and
time-honored remedy, "Mother's Friend."
This Is a most grateful, penetrating, ex
ternal application that at once sottsns and
Bakes pliant the abdominal muscles and
ligaments. They naturally expand without
the slightest strain, and thus not only
banish all tendency to nervous, twitching
spells, but there Is an entire freedom from
nausea, discomfort, sleeplessness and dread
that so often leaTe their Impress upon the
The occasion Is therefore one of on
bounded, Joyful anticipation, and too much
stress can not be laid upon the remarkable
influence which a mother's happy, pre-natal
disposition has upon the health and tor
tunes of the generation to come.
Mother's Friend Is recommended only for
the relief and comfort of expectant mothers,
thousands of whom have used and recom
mend It. You will find It on sale at all drug
stores at S1.00 a bottle. Write to-day to the
Bradfleld Regulator Co., 130 Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga., for a most Instructive book on
this greatest of all subjects, motherhood.
817 W 1st at