Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Page 8-A, Image 6

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Empress Garden Gives to Omaha Connoisseurs Mo& Bei
Luxurious Dining Place
Under Empress Theater
Show Spet for Omaha
Opens Quietly During the Week But It Is Now Ready to Handle
Patrons With a Trained Corps of Efficient
Men and Women.
All the Meats
JUit under the EmprcM theater, almot smothered with utcoratlns Intri
cate, myrladi of ottly glowing lights, which twinkle Invitingly and, daintily
flreseed serving girts, lies the Empress Garden-sedate, perhaps, but sparhllng
with llf and extending hearty greeting of welcome to all who desire to en
ter and partake of the hospitality within. It's an exquisite palace of entertain
ment and Is destined to be one of the real, worthy show places of this city.
The scune as you enter the doors ts one of splendor and beauty. The decora
tions, the Illumination, the brilliancy and sparkle, will moke you wonder at the
courage and talent of the men who designed the place aa a popular priced estab
lishment Tha world's latest and best output has been Installed to mako up tha generat
equipment for this establishment- From the gigantic cooking machinery, cooling
devices, latest and roost sanitary serving arrangement, down to the minutest de
tail, the comfort and convenience of patrons have been teatously provided for.
In between the tables ferns and "plants are stationed, while around the posts
end pillars are wrapped lattice work effects, all tastily colored and arrangod to
conform wlUi the symmetry of tho room. Overhead swine huge electroliers, shed
ding over the whole floor a soft, subdued
Blow of mild light, which blends pleas
antly with tho dull, green color effect
whlchhns been followed In the construc
tion. pvor the lower floor In such a position
that It leave the center tnhss of tab.u
free. Is tho mozzanlno floor, where tables
are located for service similar to that
on the lower floor. Tho earns electroliers
and tho same extenalvo decoration of
plants and ftrns have Uccn followed out
on the mezzanine- floor as on the lower
Overhead, dropped from the celling,
arc' large spanning arohes wllh glazed
elqitrlo lamps Inserted which, when
lighted, add to the effulgent splendor of
tho lighting effects. Around the sides
and In the corners brlnht little electrlr
" lamp rays peep out from behind the
crevices whore the diminutive lamps are
hidden from view, while from beneath
the lattice frames which surmount Um
room additional lights add to the trans
lucent and scintillating resplendence uf
Ithe dining palace.
tins Ilenullfnl I'ntiitluu".
On the walls hurroundlng both Hip
J lower main floor and the mezzanine floor
ore many beautiful oil paintings. Scene
graphically representative of famous
1 Colorado localities. Yellowstone park
canons and snow-capped peaks uf the
'Alps In Switzerland are painted on the
walls that a person familiar with any
of those pltices will Instantly recognize
them. They are Works of art, those
beautiful paintings, executed, by the
ruchs, Bon & Illand Co., representing
the expenditure of vasU sums of 'money.
At the south end of tho mezzanine
fkxjr ts an extended arch where the,
cabaret entertainers are stationed.. Two
large baby grand pianos, to bo played
by expert musicians, and cabaret singers
wHI constitute the cabaret program. It
Is expected that the musical entertain
ment at the gardens will bs the equal In
both size and quality to any cabaret
restaurant or cafo In tho United States.
But It must not bo understood that
the Empress gardens Is exclusively a
pco to dine. It Is also a. plaoe to
lunch uti arrangements have been pro
vided where the business man or woman
who I In haste to partake of a meal
ftd then return to his or her vocation,
can come, eat a bite or two and then
harry back to the place of business.
An4 ngaln back behind and undtr tho
statr leading from the entrance way to
the. lower floor la a soda fountain. A
new one of the latest pattern where In a
quick and sanitary method every luxury
of the soda fountain Is dispensed ' by
eager and efficient clerks.
Delicatessen Department.
A delicatessen department Is also pro
vMd In the Empress Gardens, Fancy
staple products can b purchased to bo
taken homo for light lunches and the
like. It la one, of tho .most complete
delicatessens In the city, and the goods
retain tha same high standard as tho
food served at tho tables.
One quickly recognizable virtue of the
Empress GarJcns Is an Innovation to
tMs city. Thjit la the brine system which
Is used in 'every rortnectlon. Absolutely
no Ice is used for any purpose. Tho soda
fountain, tho refrigerator cases and
afctivec everything 1 Included In tho
hrlae system, it Is much superior to the
loo system and Is tncru sanitary. This
rtrigciatlng system waa installed bv
th Itaker Ice Machine company of
Omaha and the Korthey Manufacturing
company of Waterloo, la.
The foodstuffs which are served at the
Garden aro not all prepared In the cafe
itself, but at the Empress commissary,
which la located on Harney street be
tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets.
There a three-story building Is com
pletely fitted with modern apptlances for
the preparation of all fancy foodstuffs
from heavy roasts ta light pastries.
Only steaks and chops and short orders
of that nature are prepared at the res
taurant This is a much more sanitary
method, and as the steaming foods ar
whlaUed In a specially constructed auto
mobllo. which la fitted with steam tables
and steam chests, from tha commissary
oa Harney street direct to the cafe, noth
ing of the flavor Is lost.
ErerythliiK la Fresh.
Everything usej In connection with the
Empress Gerdena Is mado fresh for Its
own use. Xo supplies of finished prod
ucts, not even bread or Ire cream, are
purchased from outside firms, but are
either made at the commissary or at tho
Gardens. Thus there can bo no com
plaint which cannot be ferreted to the
hottotr and thus eliminated. The Oar
den Is to please the public, and the man
aement intends that nothing shall thwart
that ambition.
ThU hew Industry Jor Omaha la made
possible by the progresalveness of the
BUrland company, which Concern Is also
th leasee of tha Empress theater, and
or J- If. Brandels & Sons company, own
era of the theater buHAlac
jroUowlng aro a few of tha Omaha
Onam wfeeso products are used at tha
VmV'tin Garden to contribute to the
ajsMral aceellency of tho aquipmeat and
fe4a: Biscntt company, Horn
6a4y eaaspany. Alexander Munroa, Uid
JTaat Elaetna cocapany aa th Smith
ii ! ' CAFE DEI
Served at the Empress
Garden furnished by the
Public Market
1610 Harnoy Street. , Douglas 2793.
Wo supply tho high grade Meats and Dolicates
sqns for nearly nil tho largo hotels and restaurants in
America's Finest
At the Empress
Johnston's Chocolates
Have won and kept their popularity through their high
quality and standard. Among discriminating people there
is no ohoice but Johnstons 's.
HORN CANDY CO., Sole Distributors
For the
Which included 57 G. E. Co. Mo
tors, Ilg Blower Motors, G. E.
Motors for Automatic Dish Wash
ing and Inter-Communicating
Telephones with cables
Mid-West Electric Co.
Sole Distributors of G. E. Fans for Neb.
Alexander Mm
Tin, Ooppar and
8ht Iron works.
Warm Air Heating
and Ventlatlns.
Jobbera of Furnaces
and Auer lino of Rub
Istera, Tha Xousa of Qusl
ity. 40a South Xlg-hteenth
8trt. ,
Washington Hall
Omaha, Xeb.
I furnished the ven
tilating tor the Kin
press Garden.
A. 3. Munroa's Hot
Slast All Oast.
Assnts for
Fe&l&suUr Xurnacs.
Vtltphon Dougls 4066
i sss r mi.
Jobber for Auer XUglters
All Refrigerators, Coolers and Refrigerated Show Oases
in the Empress Gardens and in Commissary Dept.
Furnished by the
Northey Manufacturing Co.
iTha Uunjost Exclusive) Cooling Hootu Factory In tho world)
Manufacturers of Northey'a Patent Butchers. Grocer, Hotel,
Restaurant. Saloon, Florist and Creamery Coolers; cold storage for
all purposes.
"If you do not buy from us vre both lose money."
Sales Agout or Omaha and Vicinity.
Phono Floronco Ut.
To Meat Consumers:
Your Cooked Ham.
Sausages, Dried Beef,
Bacon, Etc., Etc.
When Sliced on a
V. B. P.
Dorrtt Fail To See the World's Best Slicer-
Installed in Their Delicatessen Department, by
A Progressive Cafe in a Pi?
Cleanliness and Quality First L
A Few of Our Feat'
An Aluminum Kitchen Equipment.
Double Filtered, Sanitary Cooling Sys
tem for IcelessWater.
Elevator Service. Perfect Mechanical
Vacuum Cleaning System.
Free Use
Oar Own Sanitary Bakery & Mai
Equipped to do all our of Baking, Pastry am
Another Industry Founded Uj
Of "Giving All You Can for "
Not on Getting All Y
What You Givv
Sign company,