Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 58

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Such is the Question Going Bounds
Among right Fans.
llffects of the Abdominal Incision,
However, Are Said to De Wear
Ins Off nnd lie U Kat Get
ting Back In Shape.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7.-Is Ad. Wol
gast coming up again or was his recent
showing with Joe Rivers nothing more
significant than a flash In the pan?
Of course, It you take Ad'a word for It
or for that matter the word of his
manager, Cherokee Tim Jones the Mich
lean wildcat's claws have sprouted again
and there Is trouble ahead for all who
attempt to holt him when he starts to
mount the steps of the lightweight cham
pionship citadel.
"Xothln' to It." said Wolgaat "Nothln
to It," echoes Jones.
'I always knew that I would recover."
pays Ad. In a letter to the writer.
"What oiled me was simply the linger
ing effects of the knifing they gave me
at Los Angeles. I mended slowly. In my
fight afterward. I felt a numbness and
xtlffnenii Jn my right side especially
where tho surgeons made the cut and
weakness extended down my right leg
at times. But It's all gone, t took my
medicine and I waited, and Wolgast Is
himself again. Just watch me. And
above nil, watch the way 111 corner that
boy Ritchie and forco hlra to sign with
it will alt come out, of course. If
Wolgast jjo thoroughly outlived the ef
fects of his appendicitis operation and
Is experiencing a. ..renewal or return of
his former fighting dash, the truth will
nut He is still popular enough among
the admirers of Queensberry pastimes to
warrant promoters handling him occa
sionally and by his work we shall know
If he continues to do as well aa he did
In the affair with Itlvers. there will
surely be a Wolgast boom. There may
le and there have been champions whose
hold on Ui e affections of the public Is
and was notably, slight, but dyed-ln-the-wool
fight followers always retain a
warm spot for the wild cat
Classes) with Rig- Men.
In this respect he classes with John It.
Sullivan, Bob FlUslmmons and Battling
Nelson, men whose right, to call them
selves champions was beyond argument
For these reasons, 'Wolgaat, If he be-
Three and
Illlllllllgr- x I ( IMS MAXES ' 'f
' OUT AGAM -1 N AGAl-ETC-Mti-rrc
r -OS:- V AAlOrtT ( v ft
'' jj
meeting for February 12. He had wanted
to call it February 8. but after ho con
sulted with Pa Hourko he decided per
haps It would be better to wait until
February 12. Chicago was decided as tho
psychological city to hold It Holland,
according to reports, can't see why Han-
Ion should call' the meeting even It he Is
vice president Holland announces that
the board of directors run the league dur
ing O'Nell's absence and that therefore,
Mr. Hanlon cut no Ice at all.
Hanlon Ignored Holland by calling the
meeting anyhow, so look out for the fur
when they mix. Both' can talk long and
loudly and they may be expected to do
It while the wiser moguls quietly occupy
an unobtrusive corner In the 'grill room
grinning at the fracas.
Wichita Sana-nine.
It Is hard to tell what will happen to
Wichita. Wichita has the coin now to
last a Uttlo while and the management
Is sanguine of success. Holland Is still
of the opinion that Wichita Is a good
town in which to have no Western
league franchise. Wichita was offered
$10,000 for tho franchise, but the owners
wanted over three tjmcs that amount,
which waa termed extravagant by Hol
land so no deal was made. Wichita
will undoubtedly start tho season and If
It falls to finish tho proposed guarantee
law protects the" other club owners.. ' "
It will be one gay little meeting and
the war scribes should mako merry with
Hanlon and Holland. How It will como
out cannot bo forecasted, but what mat
ters so long as a full detail of the Hoi-land-Hanlon
controversy Is made public?
Some Eourkeites
Do Not Seem Frantic
to Get on. Pa's List
(Continued from Page One.)
copyright, 1914, International News Ben-Ice
Tho Omaha Chess and Checker dub
now his a membership of sixty, an In
crease of approximately 100 per cent
gins to climb, will receive many a hearty within the last two months. The boost'
boost era' committee Is to be congratulated
If Wolgaat qualifies again for a. place upon the success of its efforts. We have
among the best sellers it will be inter- now set ourselves the task of raising the
estlng to watch If he falls into an old membership to a round hundred, and In
rut I have reference to the distaste for order to accomplish this end the Initiation
training which for a while seemed to fee of 60 cents will be waived during the
nave oecome constitutional with him. month of February, reducing the cost of
That Wolgast has come to hate the membership to the payment of the
grind of the road and .the gymnasium monthly due of M cents. A, membership
wm paicnv 10 an wno naa knowledge of of 100 will enable us to enlarge our quar
wie way ne p prepared lor his later conr tars and will make us feel that we are
tosts In an around San Francisco. It at last "on the map." Nearly every mem-
m ,. ! ""nng effect of the Cor' of the olub has constituted himself a
Kainng, as he terms It caused exer- booster's committee of one, and we con-
w l..,!,y J t0 b!" 'rk80rne- ndently expect to announce the comple-
"."T1" ",D " training- tion of our task by March 1.
" -v a r juno
Chicago university and Armour Insti
tute wtir play a match to deddo the tie
in the western intercollegiate chess tour
nament The games -will be playe'd by the
captains of .the teatns, E, Gordon repre
senting Chicago and A. Bchwars the Ar
mour institute team. The first two games
of the match have already been played.
If he had not been such a rain- little
waep it might have been Ufs.nt
"When chided by "his well wishers tor
aeglectln his work he used to say "I
don't need much training to lick this
rellow." atyl ho really. feK that way
Did Sat Faaao Iltm.
For sothe resaoh, u expected tetbaoks resulting wi a victory for each team.
did not seem to bear any lesson for him. The winner of the match, in addition to
From bis appearance when he entered gaining first honor for his college, will
th ring to box Joe Axevedo at Oakland, be the westorn intercolleglaU champion
ly i oouotrui it ho could have made the for 1111
slightest pretence of undergoing pre
paration. I An interesting comparison between
Now. tho writer Is not in a position to Newell Banks and LaUue Williams might
say whether Wolgast will be successful be drawn from the percentages made at
in the demonstration that this slump In simultaneous play in Omaha. Williams
fighting ability during the last year or on December 27 played ten gomes, win-
so was owing to Uie operation for ap- nlng seven, losing two and drawing one;
penaiCUJS. I II make bold lO say. thOUBh. I and runlm on one occasion tilaved slst.
that he Will not be able to demonstrate I wlnnlnc three, lonlntr one nnd .lriiwlnir
"""" ",,, no wains more con- two; and tn a second oxhlbltion won five
scientloualy than ha Did for soma of liln I i . ....... t. i.
bouts during the last half of the year be remembered, ot course, that Banks
1,11.1 H. V. I n. .. . 1 .....
That they th Ink a lot of ma wnnit, I . , ..
dw l nw. i. .m-m L..- vw"" "r s.iT. cmoti.i u-
... ... t"'i onutncto ay a leuer I Iditiea.
.w'ou irom a sport wno signs him-
asklt MA 1..w 4 m . ..
" "Ub,0-. t'iaentaiiy i wish my Ths Metronolltan Chess leacue of New
Mm T t 'd"J the graceful Tork city finds itself embarrassed Just
style in which he began his letter. An L... .,. e..i.i .. ..i....
liA nwAivali.j - . I Jf UltUKMtUva niuwit iinui usna vilVOB
;7-""riTu MVB lnw) ragtime and will not encounter for manv years. The
too much syncepatlon detractMi fM.
the pleasure derived from persuing his
epistle. At ths much of it can be quoted
""u no wUI do noticed, it carries
"punch" i.n every line.
Ifiu 'Good Pn.
,a , ..
. ousnc, says; -Kenneth Is not
and drawn two, with no
He is also tho favorite in the
Itlc Chess club and the Progressive
Chess club are both members of ' the
league, which is at present engaged in a
tournament' These two ciubt met each
other in the first round of play, the latter
winning by BVi .to 2ft. It was then no
ftlCAd that Avrrnl mmhr tf tti,. ltalni-
hwbuiiii loeiivery. True, he misses club, having membership in both bodies,
.munHr, uui aner watching him Boa played with the winning organlia
you are lmtpressed with his
liZLJ . TTOm tn tao . whereupon the Wee club, claiming
unwpeeted angles, he has, Ii. .... v.. 1.
ffffti r . ,B,na. b'a, o Insure that tho contest waa Hot a criterion of
Ketrh.n lYr' " 'Wr tb relative strength of the two olubs,
effecMvn.V. Z 7, "'"'" Pi" the withdrew from the tournament Chess
effertlvenwa of differeneo in weight" player, in general will regret the occur-
oiii7 ml 1 v? .ot the rence, but it is difficult to condemn the
tavTr '"' DUt " la Wc. club's action.
r - . omitn, on reading1
. "T pnm? w Know ex- A. Kupehlk has won the championship
acny Vwhat he wouM hav. I ...... .....
nE ,Bfi ,.. . ' " hiyo u me juannaiiBn v,ncu cjuo, naving won
T.--Tr,.. 1 " "ua,'en'r to meet nine games
fnn, Wnl rt-V-v . . noTovcr, which ProgreaUve Chess club tournament with
7m. reiraru Kenneth five straight wins, though Charles Jaffo
tmt.. ! It.t0?U Gunt Is running an even race with tho same
hiiuo m umii ArTniir iaIL-as . m . i i .. . . .
3Cnnt, -.""w. numoer 01 victories xo nis creaii. ana u.
. .....-.,. uio JOO m SIX. f!h1. .1. npnuli,li, fnllnw
jng to roroe.ennetb to tho front I u oniv ss v..r nirt hii , ,.
jnr TMI TUmt Ti. I. . ,, I ' '
i,.W ,, i. " T - '"nng young something to
. Inclined to send him
T"'X 'owiyna give him a chance to 8leaklng of A 1 two-movers, here's our
t. tuLrfi JIT re. Tnej' are saUsfled entrj- for first honors. Don't oil solve It
IT... . ? to rnak, w" wr5 ventu- at oice. If anyone baa a better, we rhall
TnlJl lv 'w or BO' " Kenneth be glad to publish It
. nnnng neaaquarters and
Ir bV opponenta delivered right at'
st7 v ii uuyr.
i tJ'ni'ot a 'ar he ny take out
Ills first papers aa a white hone.
IaJola la Modest.
however, pays Ray MorKaiCthe U.ltU
. SLSomM.I.menl y aaylngi "Next
u juiui,si jlbt ainrvin Ar vi a. u i
..., ..uuuvi a.v i no position In
thA!5I leagu-" Morganis i won.
uuiiy wnarovea ball player. He was
sski aiBHimrH wnnn na vsarvsA tsr i
ington In th,' fall of iT but ho deVel
l?1?' Qrtffltli placed him it
www Mk vow
not certain whether or not anyone elso
sent In the correct answer.
F. C. Swearlngon: "A. problem whloh
makes the solver feel pleased when ho
finds tho solution."
W. II. Ellis: "N6Mhe best. J-er, but a
clover use of the. pinning principle, with
some good tries."
W. E. Fenlon; "A very pretty prob
W, M. Campbell: "It certainly, is a
beauty the best I eyer-saw.'"'
W. E, Fenlon sends, an. and' game with
mate In six moves,. which we takV-pless-ure
In passing on to, bUr rettdera.fBinck.
three pieces: K-KR8, P-KB7, P-KKt7l
White, three pieces: K-Kaq, -B-Qsq, 'kt
Q2. ' .
Arrangements .have been completed for
Newell Banks to give a' dual exhibition
of checkers and.chens at the South 8lds
Checker club in Cfilcas on Saturday,
February 14, and Bun day. February 23.
Mr. Banks will, tryto break Frank Mar
shall's world's record, made at Pitts
burgh, ot fifty-three boards In 1 seven
hours and forty minutes. "
One of the first step's which should be
taken by a beginner In chess is to master
tho systems of tabulation ' that are in
vogue ampng the frotornity. Much 'pleas
ure as well as benefit may be derived
from running through games of experts,
and one Is saved from vexation and em
barrassment when wishing .to describe a
move, if ono knows Just how to exoress
one's self. One of the points Jn which all
systems agree is.,that when describing tho
move or a wnito piece, ono should speak
In terms of white, and ot black In like
manner. For Instance, a white bishop
does not movo to. the black king's square,
but rather to 'the white 'king's eighth
square, or, to describe tho move In short,
M-ivs. or, for another example, tf key
move of tourney problem No, 3, Is not
white bishop to black bishop's fourth
square," as four or five of the solvers
had it, but whlto bishop to white bishop's
fifth, or simply U-B5. Those who used
tho incorrect expression will, of course.
1. .. . . . . .... . .
ua cn;aiieu wun tno correct answer, as
tho mqve Is right, though the description
of'it be awkward
Itules of tournament: Contestants mint'.
reside In NVi
- - ws un (a luuriinr
consists of twenty-six problems, and tho
contestant who solves tho greatest num
ber will be dedlared winner. In case of
a tie, problems will be, submitted to tho
contestants who are tied until the tie Is
uruiien. Answers rnuHi De mailed witmn
two weeks af(or the iproblcm Is pub
lished. The prise Js a1 $5 set ot chess
men. .Answers to problerhs and all cor
respondence qhould bo addressed to E. M.
Alklri, 111 South Twenty-fifth aVcnue.
'4Tourney problem Kr. fl,
m m w m
i h m i
m m mm
m mm m
m m m m
m w w MM
H B l SB H
sb m m mM
raeo to the Front.
Secretary Bruca ot tn niinni -
m'.caion. wao Is a huw iiVhni.
the 6t If ubi club, ridicules a Pittsburgh
Whit to move and mat la two.
Th solution to th problem fumlhed
T&X&nA" B- C Council Blaff. in
Tho ground whloh the Bt. Louis club th lasu of January X Is Q-BS. Solved
tiouu aWh.v2?VH'' ,an.?Ir5 by r" a Bwearlngen, W. M. Campbell,
Mruoe would no, sell vn Ms Individual w t . mka w Tr.-i.- 71
holdings in the tfub for tb su aaad w Ma " nl'n' Owing to
it Utt PUUturgla atory. the ious of some of bur papers, w ar
m jsi mm-
.. 8Bb Kill . .Sli
'is n m m
mm mm
,M m IS '
B-B4 S .
Castles 4-.
Kt-BS.,.... i.. 6 :
I-Q3. ;,.. 6..
J-KH3 .
n-KKte,.., s .
Il-K sq 9 .
I'-KKtl 10 .
Kt-K2 11 .
B-K13 J2 (
B-K3 .'....13 .
1MJ3 1 .
B-BS 15 .
PxP IB .
B-Q2 17 .
Kt-Kt3...... 18 ,
Kt-K4......' i 19 .
JCtxB , 30 .
ICt-R4 21 ,
Q-B3. ................ ..-22 .
Qlt-Q sq..; 23 .
QxQ ; 24-
obllgcd to open the side door of the mint
for htm. Wallace Is a bit timid because
of tho uncalled for criticisms which were
heaped upon his head when ho was here
last season. , Rourke -believes he can re
move the timidity from the youngster
and if such Is the case he expects Wal
lace to prove one of the surprises of the
year. ' -
Hicks Is reported to'bo considering, the
Federal league and therein " lies the
trouble. The doughty llttlo' southpaw
will b reluctant to return to the West
ern if the Feds mako a. flattering ofrer
and Rourke may ' lose him. Pa .is not
P-Kt4 InMlnVri tn mnJfA nnv rnnreKftlnnR to
P-KR3 I .T.At.- kn..,).. n Vallt.wv Ian, fn
1 lltl.Q U L .(.a . . U , , ILll I J ......
Hicks, was not In first class condition at
any time last year and caused Pa oodles
of grief on that account. It Hicks can
be persuaded to return at a reasonable
flguro and Is in good condition this
year, ho should prove ono of the leading
twlrlers of the circuit as ho was two
years ago.,
Feds After ICruRT,
Krug is perhapn the one player Pa Is a
bit ' uncertain about. . Krug has man!-
.ft. b-k:
. Castles
.. B-KtS
... B-R4
... P-B3
.. B-Kt3
Summer Base Ball
Gets Overhauling at
Nebraska Uni Soon
(Continued from Pago One.)
, P-R5
, Q-B2
, B-Q3
. P-B.I
, B-R2
r.... PXQ
QR-B sq
B-Kt sq..'. .'. 2fi
p"At" xt'" p" k i i '"ted no. Inclination to sign and rumors
i.l5:V t'V.S "" fl". n.n,tt that th U"i nn, ottnf Vi!m P
KtxKt , 31
P-B3 '.. 32
BPxP 33 ..
P-Kt5 "......-34 ..,
BxP ch ,33 .i
. K-B2 persist that tno ieas are alter mm. ra,
,,30 Kt-IC2 'of course, is optimistic and predicts that
..... 36
..... 3S ....
40 .V..
Mate tn twp. ,
Solution of tourney problem No. 3. '
Q-R7, .solved by Dr. j'. W. Brendel. W.
M. Campbell, d, E. Cypher, W. E. Fen-:
ion, -II. S. Nielsen, J. O. Fort, A. U
Joseph, F, C Bwearlngen, Ii A. Tyson,
H. Thonisen, I R. Marr, I. E. Minler,
W. C, Flndley, B. I. Darting, Verne K.
Vlele, Mrs.' It. C Moore and Otto Kruse.
Atbuslness mfetlng of the Omaha Chess
and Checker, club -has been called for Sat
urday, February 2 .o'clock. All mem
bers, are -urged H& attend.
Newell' Banks will bo In Omaha again
within tlio next two weeko and will give
an exhibition of blindfold chess and
checkers.- Experts In either, gamo are
cordially invited to, attend regardless of
whether or not they are members of .the
club. They may feel sure of a hearty wel
come and - a chance to lock horns with
.Banks. The exact date will' be announced
next Sunday. '
Following is "SlteiVs win from Newell
Banks. Wednesday, January- IS:
Banks, White; Sltera Black.
P-K4 1 p-K4
Xt-KB3 ,. 3l .- P-QS
PxP ,
K-K sq.'.
B-B2... 48
B-KtS r . 49
,42 ....
43 ....
... tf w..
K-'K sq...
;.... KxKt
4 P-B4
..... BPxP (K4)
....;..'... K-K3
'. KP
...r.. ...... RxB
i K-I34
: B-K3
..i P-K
... B-R4CH
M ' B-BS
, 63 .
. 64 ,
65 ,
60 ,
.58 ,
. K-B4(a)
.... K-K4
. K-Q5(b)
K-K2 r
, (a) Wasted. Black should play K-K6
and save time. '
(b) A nicely played game. Mr. ' Sltera
may justly feel proud of this win.
(Continued from Psire Onni
a'ddltlon the players would be getting
tne additional salaries for the longer
The arguments against that are that
bad weather would make the late games
a losing proposition. In addition Hanlon
seems to think It would be an injustice
to the fans. Why he doesn't say, but
anyway he thinks It an injustice.
The big rough house should be between
Hanlon and Holland. Hanlon called the
Hugginspects jhe Downtrodden Cardinals to Jump in Standing
Miller Huggtn. the grlrtled second
saeker and manager ot th St Louis
Cardinals, who iV entirely satisfied With
the wholesale trade he negotiated with
the Pirates, .Hugglns feels sure, that the
transplanted Pirates he received in ex
change for-Harmon, .Mowrey and Konet
ehey will strengthen the team a whole
lot. The diminutive pilot of the Car
dinals Is also banking on his squad of
youngsters. ' '
iIssbHsbH Hk
HHflBsaBlP " 'mVsssbHbssbsbsbsbkJ
Krug will enter the fold with the rest
ot the lambs, but just the same he has' a
sneakln' suspicion that If Krug did fall
to show up the . Omaha outfield would
probably suffer thereby.
Closman, 1 Congalton, . Ward, 'Kane, Bell
and Ormsby have not oven communi
cated with Pa. What, their Intentions
are no one knows. Brenner, who modo
such .a fine showing lost season. Is sure
to sign up and he likes Omaha and Is
particularly struck with tho healthy cll-
mato of the north. Clancy, who was pur
chased from Nsw Orleans, makes tho
habitual' complaint. He wants more
kale, but he is not expected to bo unruly
about it Sheatak will assuredly return.
He has been given a substantial Increase
In salary and ho .Is rends to do. the bulk
of the catching this summer If necessary.
Expects These Soon.
The other players, Payne, Stevens, Jus
tice, SchllUer and the rest are expected
to sign before the season starts, while.
of course, there are several who have
already lined Up before the gate. Pa
has the nucleus tor a team and he should
have an excellent team to open the sea
son with unless luck breaks bad and tho
Federal league stops to the fore with
such flattering offers that the players
can't resist Then It will be up to Pa
to huBtle, but he hopes for the best and
there are many fans In Omaha who are
hoping Just as' hard' as' he is.
Interest a largo portion of the men of the
school. In soccer foot ball, he believes,
ho has landed the sport.
For the first year at least, soccer will
be' confined entirely to Inter-class con
tests, tho athletic Instructors picking the
captains of the Interclass teams and al
lowing them to choose tho Individual
members of each class team. Stlohm
says lhat between ifo and 600 men can
take part In the soccer game so that
nearly all of the undergraduates inter
ested in athletics can take part.
Kansas Looks for IIott.
Nebraska's old friends, tho .Tayhawk.
ers, are Intent on kicking up a rumpus
In tho Missouri valley conference. The
Jayhawkers this time havo called Into
question tho Missouri Valley rule relat
ing to the participation ot any student
in athletics who has already taken his
college degree, tho rulo originally bar
ring his participation. Tho conference) at
its last meeting decided to oaso Up a bit
and passed an amendment permitting tho
athlete who hod already taken his tic
gree to participate, providing he con
formed to tho other rules ot the confer
ence. Tho shango was to become effec
tive thirty days, after its' passage by the
conference officials, providing no pro
tests were made from tho schoolsj whose
delegates voted to drop tho degree pro-
vIb'o. ....
Kansas comes forward with a protest
nnd now another Voto la necessary to ab
solutely detcrmTnc 'the "Btatus" bf' tho
Cornhuskers' rullng.Tho Nebraska author
ities do not expect tho .conference to
change Its recent action in abolishing the
old rule. Secretary Manlcy will take a
oto by wlro In the near future.
Start Itom'c Bnskct Tlt-.ll.
Nebraska' opens up Its home scries ot
Missouri valley conferenco basket nll
games on. the university, floor next Friday
nnd Saturday nights. The Drako quintet
will furnish the entertainment . for the
Cornhuskers and two weeks - lat'te,r 'the
Ames team' comes hero for" a twfl-gamo
series. ' '
South Dakota has asked for a basket
ball date with the Cornhuskers. but can
not' be accommodated. The Cornhuskcr
schedule Is, complete already, oven with
out making arrangements for games with
Kansas. Tho South Dakotans aro also
seeking a foot ball 'date with the Corn
huskers next fall; but it Is not likely that
the Nebraska management will taka
them on.
Spring Foot Ball Practice.
With His basHet ball squad In excellent
shape and giving promise of annexing an
other banket ball championship, Etl'ehm Is
now busy, laying plans' for his spring
foot'ball practice. The excellent material
on the freshmen squad which muBt be de
veloped for the varsity next fall makes
the toot ball 'practice next spring of un
usual' Importance.
Although ' Stlchm will lose but two or
three of .lost year's regulars from his all
victorious . foot ball team, he will havo
two or threo, freshmen' players who nro
very' liable t6 beat regulars out of their
' With tho cl6so' of Captain Purdy's three
years ot 'foot 'ball there hi a vacancy tn
the backfleld for' 'Chamberlain, rated as
the best foot' ball possibility of recent
years. ' Corey, tho big linesman. Is as
clever a first-year "performer as ever
donned moleskins at Nebraska and is
going' to bo a mighty hard man to get
off of the team. Rasmussen, another
backfleld' man On the freshman team,
and Renfro, tho clever little quarterback
and drop kicker, are the other two men
with' whom regulars will' have to reckon.
' It Is" for 'the. special purpose of devoting
attention to these men that Stlehm is
particularly concerned tn tho spring foot
ball" practice, for the Cornhuskcr mentor
believes he has material there for the
development of' a wonderful foot ball ma
chine. '
Two others havo reported since the
opening ot the second semester who may
be valuable addition's to the squad. Tlb
bcts, an old Lincoln High school player,
and Otapeltk, a former David City High
school star, are Intending to Join the
spring training squad. The David City
lad is repdrted to have all' ot tho qualifi
cations for a linesman.
A Fine Tonic That Pre
vents Wasted Energy
Proper Stimulus to Nim Gtntirs Gives
ItopafHS to Blood Health.
A new. class A amateur base ball team
will enter the field next summer. The
team will .play under the name ot tho
John Deere Plow 'company, And will con
sist of some of the best amateur talent
tn the city. The ;team will play .the class
A teams In Omaha,-as. wi ns out ot
town teams. Players signed Xpr the sea-
eon Include. S. Bnttey. iA. Kaufman. J.
Pf offer. J. Sutty.i N. Kline, V. Jelen.
J. McFarland. M. Galllgher. T.. McQuad,
I.1. Kranda. Oldrich Jellen. will act as
So many people refer to the "merit" of
B. S. S. By tblt tbey mean that It cauaes
tbcm to feel good ; tbey get rid ot stagna
tion. Things are happening within us all
the time tbtt (Ire trldence ot having
slipped a cog.
We are constantly producing watte
products that should come ont promptly.
But tbey accumulate here and inert,
the nerves tell us about It the skin
bows It, there are almost always certain
Indications tbtt we noed help,
- The blood nd tbe Denes are so inti
mately associated that they are mutually
dependent upon each other for health.
And since the Influence ot 8. S. S. Is so
pronounced in the blood It necessarily
must proTe a proper stimulus to the
nerves whereby each assists tbe other to
check and eliminate conditions of disease.
There Is probably no other remedy so
well known as S. S. S. for the blood.
And for -this reoou It Is the on rsmtdy
Invariably called for. But there are
mtny people who do not Insist upon hav
ing 8. S. 8. and are tatlly persuaded to
try something els "just as good," to they
tre told. If jour blood It this; If yon
havi rheumatic pains ; If your tkln Is Ir
ritated with eczema, lupus, tt1r, ptorla
tti, or any other blood bucsour ; it yon
are troubled with pimples or belli do not
permit yourself to bo talked Into buying
something else, but Insist upon S. S. 8.
It is rsaUy a reraarkablt remedy. It
coatahw cm Ugrodltat, th active pur
pose W wWeh la to sHusrslat th tlssn
to na hoalWar sctaa of Ms own eseea
till a-rtrteoat. Aa4 fks snoattcsMl ate-
Jutt as' essential to well-balanced health
as tbe nutritious elements ot tbe meats,
grains, fats spd sugars ot our dolly food.
Not only this, but It from the presence
ot some disturbing poison there is a local
or gtntral lnUrferene of nutrition to
cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and
kindred tronblet. S. 8. S. so directs the
local cells that this poison Is rejected and
eliminated from tbelr presence.
Then, too, S. S. 8. has such spectne
stimulation on these local cells as to pre
serve tbetr mutual welfare and a proper
relative 'assistance to each other.
In a very brief time S. B. 8. has ths
reconstructive process so under control
that remarkable Changes ar observed.
All eruptlre places heal, mysterious point
and aches hav disappeared, and from
head to foot there la a conscious sensa
tion ot renewed health. That strange,
moody, morbid feeling ot depression is
lifted, and tbe entlro system responds
with surprising energy.
From ths fact that 8. 8. 8. it purely
a botanical preparation, It is accepted by
th weakest stomach and has great tonic
Influence In all tbe digestive organs. It
Is certainly a wonderful Mood medicine,
and Is prepared direct from native mate
rials gathered by th experts of ths fa
moos Swift Laboratory, Not one drop ot
minerals or drugs 1 used In ltt prepara
tion. Ask for 8. 8. 8. and Insist upon
having It.
Tom can get B. S. 8. at any drog store.
Bower of any effort to sell you somttaiag
claim! to b "just aa good." If years u
a McaUar cas aad you odx cz-otrt id.
vie, write to Tb Wwitt ftnoctsk Ca, MS)
wag tusara, m.