Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART FIVE, Image 53

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    rt rrnxr rrmtT XTrnn . t
r CiVliIvI ItlllN WU1V1AIN
Can Have o Superb Figure Without
Paying a Penny
Every woman wants a full round bust, a svm
inptrlcni fliriuv and slmix'lv 1 1 1 1 1 1 . So no woman
who roads this irem'tous otter should, in falinoss
to horsrlf, fall to U'MkhkI to It.
All you have to do Is to write, saylne: "Send
me yourfrcp tipatiiipnt and lllustrnteillxioklft."
lly return mall wp will spud you. without a
penny of post, a sullliMpiit iiunntlty of Dr. Whit
ney's Nprvo and I'lpsh llullcler to clvp you thp
additional llesli that will add Immpasurahly to
your stylo and attractiveness.
No matter whether your sllmness Mho result
of sickness or Inheiltauce. I Ir. Whitney's Nerve
and I'lesh llulldpr will promptly build up and
beautify your Heme.
It acts (111 colly on the fat iirodnelmr cells and
fills out the hollow places. It will enlaive jour
bust measurement from Stoil Inches. And heinir
a purely vegetable compound It cannot iKisslhly
do you any harm. Instead It actually beuellts
the health.
"Treatment No. 1" Is a ireneral system flesh
builder for lioth men and women. "Treatment
No. b" Is for u'lvlmr development to the bust.
Please say which treatment jou tirefer. Only
one can lie had.
Please bearln mind that thNoffer may bp with
drawn at any moment. So do not delay. Write
to The C. L. Jones Co., 95 B Friend Bldii., Elmira,
N. Y.
ijii fMa Investing forProfit
j FREE For Six Months
.' Send tne your natiip and nililrti. right NOW nnI I
' .:; w HI fend you Investing for Profit inaEaciue abao
: luttty f r for ix niniitli It tell how tt get tli
;; Htnioteariiiiigfrmn jour iniine hou totell gtxnl
1 , IlireMmcnti how to (iH'k the inoxt iimtltaltle of
i rouiul ImectioPiitH It revrnl how i-Htikernahilrup
' itttlleU nmke $1,000 grow to 22,000 lit fact
ge you the lta1 tnteitlii) liifonnnttoii that
:.;;:( rhoulil enable j oil to make your money crow pro
portlonately. 1 liae tttHilel thin month togle .
Wii x month mhicriutloii t Investing lor Profit
FREEt Kverv ropy Itt
Worth nt Least $10
' to evrrjr investor trhAi n fortune Krnl your name anil
iilr now mention thia iairr ami ajrt a Fraa ititriltirtory
l,, ubarnt'tlon f mihttoii tnay trcwtit r- ulitikf thl )fTer
,. ,J Hotter tak It iiuw ou 1 1 1 wlllintf to fay I Or a ouy after
' yuu hava read it lis month
ILL Birbtr. Pub , R409. 30W Jickion Dl.d.,Cbicio
Genuine "Edwards."
Kcndy-madc, lire-proof
Karaites. Quickly set up
any place. Direct Irom
f.ictory prices - J49.50
nnd itn. tirlmra
illustrated W-uaue cutaiop.
Tin Edwards Mlt. Co.. 331.381 Ettltstos AT..CincianH.O.
AGENTS-200 p-ism
Foot Scraper and C leant) r
INtedcd on every porch and outiid door
Up. Kifht now ft th time to tell It A
winner U. r. urapcr. Mm,,
firit order for 200, C. A. John
on lold 40 In IS deri. W, W.
lUrpater, Pa., made Ul.iS to 4
aveitinfa spare time work.
Write quick for Itrmi of free
mole. A noitel will do.
Thomas Co. UH8 Wast St. Dayton. O.
Will You Accept $75 a Week?
Yeal You'll make that and mart -llv it you atari at one with a
uiAMunu pmi car own
A new invention takt-a lullaur I'oatCarda
am Mutton fhutoa 4 aUra without filma,
lt til ilsu-k room Turn out bluHi
minute you ntt bt profit on iry eluk of
Paaltlwal Mm CiaarlMC Naaa4
' To mak thiM Hit rasy Moiu-y at ralre,
i ark t arnivaiB, fir an nr ruunu
efi for r M r lllua ( at once
lata mat Ian a I Metal AV r arratvaa Co.
2224-A Weet 12lh t Caicase. III.
Started now buys this IliO flKUC'K lilt Vl'I.K wnrlli
flu tuorp than any uiIht of mmiiu ilninK it why
nut you' WIL.MJ.N linos s.-oiiny kj liotin 3iin.s
J Yoi
tnluu frei-iirrd by AiuMtn I enwlck A
awrpnre. VahInnton I f . nnd Ntw
YorkCUy. Fetb. lbCl. H0OKLKTFKKB.
Man Proposes;
Woman ?
Continued from J'aoe 13
lirltiK mkon for Rranti'il, it spraiiR
Into lll'lllg.
My next biitlesnmlil was Mary.
Mary had a quiet, domestic nature.
and so lind the man of her cholie.
One Saturday afternoon they started
out to visit the Zoo, but on the way
she sidetracked him into a famous
department store. "How did you Rot
him in there?" I asked, when Mary
was telling me about it later. "Well,"
said Mary, studying the ring on her
linger, "I told him I wanted to make
a purchase."
It was easy enough to re-construct
the scene. After making her pur
chase Mary led the man of her choice
to a model apartment which the store
was exhibiting. There was a kitchen.
and what man Isn't Interested in
a model kitchen? There was a libra
ry, "And he tried a leather chair,"
reported Mary. "We were all alone.
So I handed him a book and asked
him if ho would like to have his
slippers." "And that put the Idea in
his head?" 1 remarked. For answer,
Mary smiled down at her ring again.
There was a dining room, too. And
a charming little boudoir, fit for any
bride. "By that time," said Mary, "I
was pretending that I was the lady
of the house and I asked him who
lie was, looking In my boudoir like
that. And he said 'Well, I can be
the lady's husband; can't I? Hut I
told him he couldn't, because I had
no ring. So then he nearly ran me
down to the jewelry department and
he wanted to pay a deposit on the
model apartment, too, but I stopped
him in time. Its too much fun to
buy the furniture piece by piece, nnd
I told him so. Catch nie buying It
wholesale like that!"
FLORENCE is more reticent about
how she did It, but she needn't be.
It was a perfectly obvious case.
Ileing an ambitious girl, Florence
chose a young man who had fought
his way up from nearly nothing. He
has hardly started yet, but he has
already gone beyond us, and good
nesB only knows bow high he II
climb. He's one of these combative,
masterful types of men, nnd Florence
started her campaign by arranging
to meet him nnd then studiously
ignoring him. She did it so well that
very soon she aroused in him the
grim resolve Hint she should nut
Ignore him! It was in Marcli when
Florence began looking over his head
as though lie simply didn't exist;
and it was in June when they were
Grace's method was, perhaps, the
simplest of all. While walking
through a field with the man sin
wanted, she picked a daisy and began
plucking the petals, one by one. "He
loves me He loves me not Hut
she kept the result a secret. "What
did the daisy say?" asked the man
she wanted. "Now you know you
don't care!" she told him. Didn't he,
Three of my bridesmaids are now
thus unaccounted for. Of these three,
one is still unmarried, but the other
two have both led husbands to the
altar. I have not yet learned the
details of their engagements, be
cause they have moved away and I've
never had n chance for a confidential
chnt with either of them. But when
I do, do you think there's any doubt
about what I shall hear?
Shall Woman Propose, indeed! It
will be a sorry day if ever she loses
the art. I saw in the paper recently
that there are eight million unmar
ried male adults In the I'nited States.
Whose fault is It? Why, the fault
of the eight million single female
adults who ought to have married
them! Doesn't every woman know
that men are like children and have
to be molded to their own good? Very
well, then. Man Proposes; Woman
Disposes. And there you are'
A NATIONAL a Priie Winner Equipped with Tliermoid
In Emergency!
Brake lining that betrays you in time of dan
ger is 100 perilous. Tliermoid Hydraulic
Compressed Brake Lining is 100' (, dependable,
because it is brake lining clear through not
merely on the outside. Cut a strip of Tliermoid
open. Break open the ordinary. Compare the
hearts of the two. You will see the difference.
Brake Lining-100
Because it is hydraulic compressed one hour under
2,000 lbs. at 320 Fahrenheit -Tliermoid has the most
uniform gripping power, wears longer, cannot be affected
by oil, water or gasoline ; cannot be burned out by heat
generated in service; has a fixed, uniform density; is
bigger value at any price- and is used exclusively on
more high-grade automobiles and racing cars than all
other linings combined. Our Guarantee Tliermoid will
make good or we will.
Send to factory for FREE SAMPLE
Notice to Dealers :
Thermoid "100' Perfect" Brake Lining
it Sold by These Jobbers:
Auto Equipment Co.
Denver Auto Goods Co.
M. L. Foss
Tlie Fry 6t McGill Motor Supply
The George Hamburger Tool &
Supply Co.
Shaffer Auto Supply Co.
Auto Equipment Co.
C. A. Hagbrrg Rubber Co.
The Moiton-Simmoni Hdw. Co.
Cape Girardeau
Cotner Auto Supply Co.
Kansas City
Faelh Iron Co.
Motor Ac Machinists Supply Co,
St. Joseph
Wyeth Hdw. & Mfg. Co.
St. Louis
FCoochook Rubber Co.
St. Louis
Neusladt Automobile fl Supply Co.
Simmons 1 Innlwnre Co.
United Eltctuc Ac Supply Co.
Omaha Rubber Co,
Western Aulo Supply Co.
Sioux Falls
1 1. F. Brownell Co.
Electric Appliance Company
The Fisk Company ol Texas
The Fisk Company o( Texas
San Antonio
The Fisk Company oi Texas
New York Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis Detroit
The utility nf ils rrlMiii: linprotra the pirr uf rirrnliii.