Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 12, Image 50

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and keep your complexion
always attractive by using
It !s well to remember that this non
greasy cream has become a toilet
necessity in thousands of refined homes
throughout the world. Apply just
enough to moisten the skin, morning
and night, also on returning indoors.
Follow other simple directions in the
booklet, which will assure a fine, soft
skin that will be clear, fresh and free
from blemishes. Wc positively guar
antee Hinds Cream not to grow hair.
It is pure and harmless.
Selling everywhere, or postpaid by us on
receipt of price. Hinds Cream in bottles,
' 50c; Hinds Cold Cream in tubes, 25c. Do
not takp a substitute insist upon HltSDS.
" .-Samples will be sent if you en. ,
C siamp iu pay itusiagc. ,
J?10 Wil St., Portland, Manfe'
You should try
1 ilNDS Honey
and Almond
Cream SOAP.
This Soap is
highly refined,
delightfully fra
grant and beneficial.
postpaid. No samples,
Uic Ktiux Kr Ik Hook jhJ
enough i,futH to tnakt mut
tint- enough to try must any one
ol our t!vm pudding. uUdi
or Jrllin alw Ice cream, net.
and let etc
Rttt tret (ery0H retoter't
Mtnt pint sample fortt ttamf.
SIS Knot
Johnstown, ti Y.
98 oonts
Railroad Watch
Tl tvimiU wr kvuta, mm fW4l trixliiM urwatofut
t Wtithfi will ) ibU M?rul Hllro4 by nail poll pU
'"ONLY 08 CENTS. tadmailMlftt.lakltltUmpM.t
m, ImmwJ 4tr,ltftrstcpaai(ttiB wi& ud ataca Ml. frfMl
UikMi taj fully fuarMto.4 M ft fwi. ( bU alt t Ul
with 00 'CENTS iU tMal by Hiri ball p.traI.L
cUllifMitva ffvr.t4 f bom? rftiil4. b4 tW todtr. AlJrxa
It's No Joke To Be Deaf
Ktrry Di'iif IVixiii Kiiosvh 'Mint.
Attar btlng deal tor 25 year with tlit
iriuiciai irum wear
1 1 in tiay ami iiigm incy aro
tM.rfm'11 V ctliifiirtMlilA St. nll II
Mthm Wnumwll will ull Vy.
..mi ' Inn 1 irut il.- I n. I
haw I mm mywir bkr AdJrM ijL., 4f um
GEO Pt Mifkiirr Drum Co Not j.lwa
4C Adtllido St . Dolroit, Mick.
I (ITS of MAlLJl'irJ'ir.i'rSu'.'lrrtil.'!
w 1 W ..u4Ul ri juMlawir DirMtaff. alwiu
-OlMtk4SMIM4.lStBplCrd, It SB lltlWMfl Il4 Ut
1 UMriatii ( rlMi Mil Mtful r41f '!. Will tejtr,
4 10 mou. Of titf pi tor futi U4 a lu r UU at nftlWaai
U.llM0faMaSlkol4tS. 1SllJutiaC,iaXllj4'u,CUHM'i.
t Ninas A
Lf.l HOfeV AND AlMOND 1 nma -1
I - rv II .
town, but I never knew htm to offer
a reward for Information before."
"Well, I'm much obliged to you.
Oo to IUeketta' oHlee and pick up his
dollar, but don't say I advised It. Uy
no way, wouldn't you break the rules
of the telegraph company If you di
vulged tlie purport of any messago
that passed through your hnnds?"
A look of trouble, almost of fear,
came over the young man's face.
ir a telegram Is secret, he said,
"the sender usually writes It in
"Quite so, but even in that case
wouldn't you be punished If It be-
came known that you had shown Mr.
Itieketts a private dispatch entrusted
to your care?"
"Certainly," admitted the operator,
with growing unenslness, "but I have
not shown your telegram to anybody,
and what I told you was entirely in
"Oh, you needn't fear my round
ing on you. I am merely endeavor
ing to put you in possession of a dol
lar without getting your neck In a
noose. Don't you see that you are
placing yourself entirely at Mr. Klck
etts' mercy?"
"Hut you," protested the frightened
young man, "advised me to do so."
"Undoubtedly. I want you to get
the dollar, hut not to place yourself
in jeopardy. Prom what I saw of
lUcketts this morning I would not
like to bo In his power. Yet Ills dol
lar Is Just as good as another man's,
and I want you to attach It with
safety and profit to yourself. Let me
have another telegraph blank."
Stranlelgh wrote rapidly:
"Spurlock Detective Agency, Chi
cago. "I want to bo put Into communica
tion with Stanley Armstrong, who
left Chicago on foot ten dnys ago, for
the west, and am willing to pay one
hundred dollars for the job. Edmund
Stranlelgh, White's Hotel, Bleachers,
"There," snld his lordship, passing
over the sheet to the operator, "you
show that to our inquisitive friend,
Itieketts, but don't send it over the
Stranlelgh slept that night at
the local tavern, and shortly after
breakfast next morning the telegraph
operator came across with a very sat
isfactory message from New York.
The sender anticipated no difficulty
in finding Armstrong. So, paying his
bill at the hotel and ordering his
horse, Stranlelgh began his return
Journey. He saw no more of Itiek
etts, who, if on any trail, was follow
ing the wrong one.
Dusk had fallen as he wns about to
emerge Into the clearing which in
daylight would have afforded him a
s'ight of Armstrong's house. Sud
denly nud stealthily he found himself
surrounded by six armed men, and
the voice of Jim Dean broke the still
ness. "Good evening, Mr. Stranlelgh. I
must ask you to get down from your
"Willingly," replied the rider. "I
confess I have had enough of him for
one day."
"Supper is ready for you at the
bunk house."
Man Proposes; Woman ?
walked and I could whistle! The
more I did these things, the more
fascinnted he became.
Most probably you can guess it. We
went on long romantic walks, and
you can Imnglno me stalking along
with giant strides, nearly whistling
my teeth out! I smile when I think
of It now, but it's a smllo of tender
ness because those walks with Fred
nro among my happiest memories.
Ono afternoon I must have been car
rying on like a cnlllope In seven
league boots, for I aroused Fred to
such a pitch of enchantment that he
proposed and proposed too well. I
expressed my surprise in suitable
terms and accepted him.
T imtruulie AdicrlUcr
"Why at the bunk house? I am
more than satisfied with the fare at
Mr. Armstrong's."
"We'd like a little private conver
sation with you."
"In that ease, Mr. Dean, you could
hardly choose a better place than
"We're a kindly set of chaps, and
couldn't think of keeping a hungry
man out here."
"Hut I'm not hungry."
"Nevertheless, Mr. Stranlelgh, you
come with us, either peaceably, or
by force; whichever you like."
H, I'M willing enough, of course.
I should be ungrateful If I gave
unnecessary trouble, while accepting
your hospitality. I may add that 1
am unarmed, so If you keep your
guns in readiness, you need fear no
reprisal on my part."
"That's all right," responded Dean.
"We're not easily scared, but we are
prepared to protect ourselves If you
try any funny business."
"Will my horse be taken to the
"Sure; your horse will be put In
Its old quarters, and well cared for."
"Then I'd be glad if the man who
takes it would tell Miss Armstrong
that 1 have arrived safely, and will
give her an account of my Journey
when next I have the pleasure of
meeting her."
"I'm sorry Peter can't carry mes
sages. I've already told Miss Arm
strong that your horse will be
brought back; that I saw you olT on
the east-bound train, all of which Is
true. You've brought back the horse,
and you did go east on the train
Miss Armstrong thinks you have be
come tired of waiting for her father,
and that you've gone back East.
"I am to regard myself as your
prisoner, then?"
"Prisoner Isn't a pretty word, and
we nre not entitled to call ourselves
Jailors, but If you don't mind looking
on It that way, it's all the same to
"Well, Mr. Dean. I'm your man in
every sense of the word. Let us
begin our amicable journey. I long
for the bunk house."
"You will keep silent? No shout
Ing or calling for help? There's no
help to be had, anyhow, and a noise
would merely scare the women."
"I recognize the necessity for si
lence. Indeed, my whole future con
duct while with you will be governed
by the strictest secrecy. VIieu I get
tired of the bunk house, I shall merely
cut all your throats while you are
asleep, and will do it In tho quietest
and gentlest manner."
Dean laughed.
"Oh, I guess we can take caro of
our throats, but I'm much obliged
for the suggestion, which may come
in handy if you get funny, as I
said before."
They reached the bunk house by a
circuitous route. A lino fire of logs
wns blazing on the wide hearth, for
at that elevation, even In summer, a
lire was good to look at when night
enme on.
(Continual in the nvjrt number nf
Tin: SrMi-MoxTin.v M.m.aim-
from Page S)
And now I turn ngaln to the photo
graphs of my bridesmaids. Seven
of them are married now. We were
chums at school together and have
never quite forgotten our habit of ex
changing confidences. Besides, the
question of proposals has always
been a hobby of mine, and in riding
my hobby I have been assisted by
two important qualifications: a
woman's curiosity and a woman's In
tuition. Add theso reasons together and
what is tho total? It is this: I know
how my bridesmaids received their
proposals Just as well as I know how I
received my own.
Alice was the first. Fred and I
la tu atiiuulatv rntf rprlitr.
for Whooping Cough,
Spasmodic Croup,
Asthma, Sore Throat,
Coughs, Bronchitis,
Colds, Catarrh.
'(Vi irhlU if
A simple afe ami fllcti'.e treatment, avoiding drugs.
Vaporled i tevilen tti tlit- par".)"' of Whooping
otigh ant) relfe ev 4i ivukkIh roup at ottLe
It it a Ihhmi t fferers fi-nn Asthma.
The ait miitn tltr autisepti apor. huplretl with every
dreatli tke ifcatiuii; eai , ttHtfie the sure throat anil
o te i mn;lt, assuring restful nights
i reoleue rt'lines the Unn hia! i omptkatioin of Scarlet
I ever ami Measles an I Is a a1ual-lc 'id In the treatment of
t tesulene s let ret oimiiemlatlun is Its r jcarsof succc-s-(til
use. Send us postal (or Penrtptite liuoklet.
For Sale by All Druggists
Try Crrsnlene Antiseptif 1 hr-at Ta' lets for the Irritated
thi"t. i n.p -sel of -lii rv elm IsarL, Ikortir, sugar and
Cresolene I hr can t li.irtu m. Ut jour driitfit or (nun
U, loc. m stamps
THE YArO CRESOLENE CO., 62 Cortlandt St., New York
or Leeming-Miles Building, Montreal, Cansda
POWDER For nearly hall a century has
never been equalled for cleaning
and polishing Gold, Silver, Nickel,
Aluminum and all tine metals.
Box postpaid 15c.
CREAM Specially prepared lor those who
prefer a Silver Polish In cream
form. Made Irom and identical In
merit ullh the Powder. pint
Jar postpaid 25c
Send address for
nieolro SI llron Co., 31 elltr St.. SVw York.
Sold by Grocers and DruBirisls.
We pink Hamilton Coupons.
Learn at Hnmnnnrl In
Millions of rtranln nrnfpp ilnurla
ln tp medicine- there is a biu; demand
for Doctors of Chiropractic tho new
drucleaa science. Capitalize your spare
time, learn Lhis lucrative profession earn
lirorusoly illustrated; aluo 14 bin free charts j
anil a spinal column- -makesstudy fuacinatinjr
- iusy. Fit-a t'urncdnuicklv imv for course. I
T aitnnc rfto for KHKB amplo lossons, lllus-
I cc trateil catalog, names anil addresses of
Buccessf ul irraduatcs and blir book by KUIKKT J t UUUAHI).
Nitloul Scloolol CUiopactlc, DtpU 12 1553 W. HiiUon, CMaco
Tlious.m s have successfully med
in m luiiuuitt it rruiow
tr.K'i'H ut a& illiu'tw or
yorr i oz 01 puru
ilUwihiHl in b !t witch linzd 111 n r . u 1-1, 'I ,.. .,it.u.
it''t, an wl a ilni'-t l'iu", completely and
?:uirk)y vmuh Face hwomw tirm, Biiinoth,
rrish, unit yuuluuk yrL-tt ounirer No harm totnndemt
kin. (rttvcouiDaoliU(puwdr4j4itiuiyilru atorr
$25.00 A WEEK
If jot. art ttr .1 ( (trinlitlng for othfn. gft Iota tin
r,j f." ' '1 Mill Order tsutinen ami Imnisiua ludftwnilent. Tmi
k I 'I UK
fui ho.
iiiouFjr Jnroiiid hj mail.
tr (ium. t rino unMsMrj. l
MBtiMinc, Bmtll cAp'ui. Itkh rtluraa. Writ
for our free Uk "SU1J OrJur 8uoxM.'
rurnitn ftrjujing iMfia oa
t.t lat? I.ciiii' a
W e He a tine 1 urrka
aiurra and ompirtc out
Itcmlials ct . it) full invtnit
timss i ust cnu .hit name and aillr.w r
wi" t 04tta)wrtltoll l-e Nretllei. Sell
4 iaT fv.r 10 , Ktvtnu a Tlidiit-le frre.
V tirn tuUl fcrml us the f i and tlw Cam
era am umplete outfit i oun Addresi.
GLOBE CO., Dept. 892 GtcciitUIc. Pa.
heild Hketcll for f reft HeMreli nf I'aten nrtl.u. irAnnl.
How to Obtain a Pat.nt ami What to ultli
iisior inv.niion. wani.a anM prlt.s oirered for lnrn
iiiiosvrui iree. i airniH aoverilMMl
Semi for our list of l'atnit Ilu jers
VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Wa.hington, D. C.