Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 11, Image 49

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bbss sbbh
i.i.,. , , jlr i
I i
uri u r
She Was on Time !
The motor comes at t'ijrht and
lioiTors! it's iivo to eight now.
You mustn't koim liini waiting' !
Sui'li a quandary ! There's no one to
hook you up. Hlaokost despair! Hut
a lumpy tlmuulit That now jrown il
fastens with Koli-i-nonr. (iood - nu
can fasten i oursolf up in hall' a minute
The day is saw d '
"Cood-by, Old Hook and Eye! "
Koh-i-noor makes a MtiiMith M'ain and an t
rut oh m laoniir hair Won rust pult utl m tin
wringer or injure the Hnt'si tubru Mail'- n
thirteen Mios Inark and white 10V prrc.ird -f
12 sold I'vi'rywhori Wrm for Honk of i'r -lu
turns given fur emi puns on i-m-h .ml
WALDES & CO., Makers. 137 W. Fifth Ate.. N.Y. C.
Prague Dresden Pant Wan aw London
1 don't care what color your hair It, V
ttlipthti ft - (ra .rUovmh &trrak L
Will Make It Any DoautiluT
Color 1 " i't fci e t
lni a r h -it I tv. fnll Mtfe
BM"-nr m i , it kl - j lit- 1
itir$ftf at lioiice Iti tu iU-- -tiw-s hmI tii. nlof url nn
scalp, make i natura U tmfc lor n n- an flete t
jtt Mai k tu Ii,,1it Min le tint leu t f.i.le, lubor t m
prri .trahtin tint makes tt i hr I . r fj'lr.l liair am df- -Sired
sha le Key il ir j n t I II I Ji it it 1
If n will tend me a sample ol your hair t frum
the runty mil trtl im vint "I r "u d like it to Iw.
I'LL COLOR IT FREE l t . h.. mi Ii . rrtr t
and natural it lik
Route laponais is the m t urn I rouge tint In the I
vtorM llai n Uuish tme .'m, ' t 'I lie 56 psg
took let iles. tlls lien l mr-tli 1 .f aluiivs look in,; I
younn an I beautiful It th s . i lr .in 1 1 .ml 1-t are free. 1
Write for them t U
L. PIERRE VALLICNY, Dept 0. 24 E. 42d SL, New York 1
MM!" 1 '
Is fteuuontly nindo by
owners or our ruinous
Moitj -(io-Iiounds. II Is
a lilc-iinylnir healthful
liusini'ss Jus! the tlllliL'
for I lir man ho rnn't
stand indoor woik. or is
nut lit for lirnvy tvoilt.
mid lius soini- niom'j to
Invest In a inoni'y-imil.-iT.
Wo ninliccvi'ry-
t Ii i ii ir I 11 tlli IMlllllL'.
(iallor.v lliu fmm a hand iovi Meni-tio-Itoiind
to tho highest KradoC ainussollos. Thoj nroslm
lln Incunstrurtliin unit rt-quin- ii" spi'rtal knnwlodgo
louperato. Wriii tintay for.'ataiucuoanU panlculars.
Park Amuiement Outfitlert
609 Sweeney St. , North Tonowanda, N.Y.
1 f
Reduce Your Flesh
conMrnt am 1 thai iluf Iv utirmit It ill
lriiunfi)tlv rr n'. ll .upcrftuou. flefcll
Uut t ni it Iri- witlioul 'lrjimn . ncii
I know v wu i , Tr (I lit l"
fXIM'!!. Mil' IlfOUJ.
ntldP nlinilP litlntSMhMrr.t
I0 ltdg Ihlmblf (fit WMn
114 ftturn ui II 10 tn hi
6H Tv6 v"lfni
said Stranli'lKli. "Miss Armstrong: I
pavo it to mo to assist mo in my
DrawlnB tho lottor from ills pocket,
ho showed tho date o the lawyer,
who, consult inn his tile, said: "It's
Just as I expected. That letter was
written ten days later than tho one 1
received. Sorry I ant unable to give
ou nny assistance, Mr. StranlelBh."
Stranlolph rose.
"I ant sorry, also. I suppose there
wouldn't bo much use telegraphing to
tho address ho gives in Chicago?"
"I see no object in that, since he's
not there now."
"Thank you, Mr. Hicketts. Good
Keaehing the sidewalk, Rtranlelgh
almost fell into the arms of Jim
Dean. Here, then, was the man who
had been following him.
"Good morning, Mr. Dean."
"Mornln"' snarled .Mm, briefly.
"I've just been up to see Mr. Klok
etts, expecting to get from him some
information about Mr. Armstrong,
but he doesn't appear to know very
"Well, your tlie first man I ever
heard say that S. A. Hicketts doesn't
know very much, but 1 think by-and-by
you will find that others know a
good deal."
"Oh, there's a lot of supcrlluous
knowledge lying around loose."
"Very likely," remarked ,11m, la
conically, as he turned on his heel,
and walked away, while Stranleigh
went to enlist the services of a tele
graph operator.
A MKSSAG10 was written, giving tlio
New York detective particulars in
detail as far as ho possessed them
asking that no expense be spared, and
requesting that Armstrong, when
found, should be presented with two
hundred dollars, with instructions to
take tlie first train home whore his
presence was urgently needed.
"Great Scott!" cried the operator,
"is that all one message?"
"Yes," said Stranleigh.
"Well, stranger, you'll have to dig
up a pretty big wad to pay for this."
Stranleigh passed over tlie amount
finally named.
"About what time shall I call for
tho reply?"
"Oli, you won't need to call, Mr
Stranleigh. When it conies, Til lock
up the olllce, and find you if you're
in town."
"I'll be over at the tavern."
"All right; you'll got it."
"Thanks. Good morning."
Strnnluigh took tlie next train tu
the nearest town east, and from there
did more telegraphing, but this time
the message was in cipher, and it was
addressed to his agent in New York.
Translated, it read:
"Send me at once by express, regis
tered and insured, twenty thousand
dollars In currency, made up of five
dollar, ten-dollar and hundred-dollar
The address was fully written out
He found there was time for lunch
before the west-bound train arrived,
and ho adjourned to the chief hotel,
whose accommodation was superior to
that of the Bleachers tavern.
N HIS return to Bleachers, he
called at the telegraph olllce. The
young man in. charge, at onco recog
nizing him, announced: "Nothing
doing. The moment anything comes,
I'll bring It over to you. Say, was
there any tiling secret about that tele
gram you sent this morning?"
"No; why do you ask?"
"Iticketts, tho lawyer, came in
about ten minutes ago, and described
you; wanted to know If you had sent
a telegram."
"What did you say to him?"
"I said nobody had sent a telegram,
and that 1 knew nothing about you.
Ho seemed powerful anxious about
It, and offered me a dollar to let him
know if you telegraphed. I went
over to tell you about it, but they said
you hadn't been in since breakfast."
"Ah!" slowlv ejaculated Rtran
"Itifki-itji is always mighty nriuus
about an M lunger who auhes in
llfl'ii (
Do You Play Billiards?
Tin' "Bnbv Grand," Fiini't1 of iMiti't'taiiii'fs, is now at your roin
liiiiml tit low prici1 ami on i-asy tiM'ins. Komly to imnsform Hint butv
"span' room" into an i-m liaiitfil lvalin ol w holi'soim- amUM-ini'iit.
Kxpoi'ts anil amateurs, lioxs ami jfirls, will lieiietit h phmnu billiards nl Imm:
Tlie physical and mental revival ion the concent i at mn, self cunt rul, excitouieiii
and lull coinlune to make lulliants tlie one liesi ionic fin tnvil bodies anil li uin
Lot tlie "llalij liraiid" snUe tlie priilileni nf ki epiii;: I lie lms at litnuo.
Brunswick "BABY GRAND" Billiard Tables
Tho "Uiiby Grand" is it sttporb hoino-sizi Mahogany Milliard or
l'oclcot-Billiiird Tublo. Hits the accurate angles, fust cushions and
placing- surface of tho world-famous Hruuswiek Herniation Milliard Tables.
Provided with concealed (.'no Hack and Accessory Drawer, w liicli holds complete
I Mnvinj,' Outfit. Furnished a.s a ( 'aroin Hilliatxl or I 'ombinatiiui 'arom and I 'ticket -miliaiil
Table. Sizes .-10; .1x7: l.S.
Brunswick "Convertible" Billiard Tables
We also build ronvertililo" Billiard Tables, used also as Dinim; Tallies. Library Tallies
or n.iveiipurts. These popular tables are equal in plu. inw qualities to the -Uaby ( !rand"St lis
Factory Prices and Easy Terms
We sell all stiles and sizes of Brunswick Billiard Tables duvet troni factory to home
at exceptionally low prices. Kas, tonus of payment extending oxer a .ear
Playing Outfit Free
Outfit Ini'ludiiur Cues. Halls Uildiro. Unci.
Marl.ei-s. Challv. lovii. Hook How to l'lnj."
ete . etc. Hit Off liifj iii iMr yim I'tiy.
Color-Illustrated Book
Our beautiful Imol, 1 11 1 1 1 n r it s The Home J .
Mairnet." shows nil sti lesof tallies In actual coloi-s J
and (fives full Information send coupon or letter !...- J
The Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co. r. -... ;
Dept. P-l, 623-633 S. Wubath Avenue, Chicago I................. .............
Tho Ilruniwick'tlnlltc-CulltMitlrr Co., i I'Mi
Dept. P-l. 623-633 So. Av
l'lOttfe n'Uil toe the tree eUir-IMlllrutetl ltmik
"Billiards-tho Home Magnet"
No. OFSW-Seamlf SB
Brussels Room He a
, 9k 12 ft, ttramlfM .
Itruisel Kuir. new
pattern, medallion JgT
aer. bciect or 'x
ted yam, Un, A Vfl Vt KJ
yarn. Un, A Vi Vt
brown, re.l mil
No. 3FC79-Compttlc Bed
uarqaln untr
ufruntiniKHiil 1-I6(nrhpcatlrun
lWt with 8-8 inch tillrra, all metal
wuvrn wira aprintta, flutic f it
top Mint MIh1 maltre a 4 ft tt
in only Whit. ! irri-t-n aruj
vrrni martin "J f Pr
i.k.iT 75Conrm
No. 4F458-Solld Oak
Dining Table
A beautiful
table, maila
ii f fmm Qual-
nr nonu
6 ft rxUnalon
UaaaWaruuml ptnlf abt-iiortea
frt I'rtcalt I.
Bargain Sale
Now Is your
nny ol iucho
Now On
noma fumiAhlnm vou've wlaht-diortvilonvr
Never before haa thii trrcat 1 1 annum Katuln
liihmcnt, from which millions of orders aro
shipped, been ablo to equal thene present
values of thia prcat rrlce-bmashintf Balo of
Dependable (juuhty
Guaranteed Home Fiirnl!iln(js
llartmin has brought the neressities.
tho rum fort a nml hi nurica. horfto- fore found
only in rich and jiroicrou homes, within reach of
all. Send toil ay forthollitr.ijncclai KlthL Hart man
I No.
ri n Rl CS timnlnt
bWff '"'JJ' tW&Ttj. U Jrawra
. fm 3 u.VrV5
t f ' " t I two 40 lb
1 1 lrjw-i I ftour llri,
fcj I I TrkaM 7&
Credit Harifain Hook, nhowina everything in colors,
rat terns and dCBlynaphotrncraphedfrom tho oritfinul.
t will bo liko bringing Into your home an rnonnous
stock, many times tho alio of tho largest city stores,
Ifortman Malccs EnnlcHt Terms
No matter who you aro or where you live, your
credit Is (rood at lUrtman's, without any red tape
what over. No extra se
curity, nolntereat. With lonir time crnht. free from
A LI objectionable features, as easy to pet as it Is from
llirtmantherofspo reason for anyone, to live In a
mcaicrly furnished home.
AsUh No Reference Send No Money
llartman's transactions with you are strictly con
fidential, no references oru asked no embarrassment
Your neiKhtiora need not know your bus in cm- you'll
like tho Hartman plan when you know all about it.
Hart man eays:'I will trust you. Just on I nm truat
ina n million of others who aro buying their entire
household needs from Hartman. During thla bit;
ale you can order any of theae special advertised
bargains without sending any advance payment."
30 Days9 Free Examination
Kvery Hartman Jlarirainmuat actually sell itself
on lU own merits, after ou see It In your own
home. At tho end of a month you are privil
eged to return tho articles if you do not find
them perfectly satisfactory. Hartman has made
good millions of times under such tests.
Gel This Free Book 1?'',;
Soeclal llariraln Hook vou must enmnare the re
markoble offeringa nothing else: like it Bo send
your naino and address today on a postal It's I rev
Furniture &
Carpet Co.
3930 Went worth Ave, CHICAGO. ILL.
Per Month
Ho. irStSDarualn Dining
ti WL,.M1
riulltof Mltrt-
ij imruwoou
finl.Ul Atni-rl.
run (iiiarlrrtsj iiak llavtahar
mJ aiwldl' ff t ami iirat jian I
TfTC Ver Month
1 -' I
The Bi
TfcATUMTC That Protect mid Pay
P A 1 LIN 1 O Stnd Slrlch or MuJdloi Search
Wttioo E CdleniD, I'-ilinl I (u. y, , WaiUoftoo, U. C
$100.00 for $1.00 W(le. v h mint We pay
tnghet CMkh prtcet for ail rare iiimey to ivov Many of
rrattt falu In t'irru!aliu ' ti it Kn' atimp for (area
Iflttratnl nii ir'uUi I' na nai muf u
Tha NUMISMATIC Oana at Taiaa, Otat 2. ft Worth, Tstat