Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 7, Image 45

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and a huge dog came rushing tuwiiril
him. Hardy he snatched at the low
hung branches (if a small tree and
swung himself out of reach of the
snapping jaws.
As he flung desperately to the
swaying limbs ho heard a voho call
ing off the dog. An Instant later a
huge man almost a giant came
to the foot of the tree and peered
upward at him. "Who are you?" he
demanded, harshly. "And what do
you want here?"
"I don't want anything." Ford
tried hard to steady his voire, but
found It difficult. 1 don't want any
thing. 1 was passing quietly along
the road when your bruto rushed
at me."
"That's what I keep him for." The
man's voice was grim. Ho kept his
hand In the collar of the still brist
ling dog. "Drop down and let mo
look at you. The dog won't hurt
Hesitantly but thankfully Ford
dropped to the road. The dog made
a leap toward him, but the giant
dragged liltn back. "Down!" ho or
dered. Then he turned to Ford. "You
don't look quite like a tramp." he
"Give me my inoneyl he toared, us the two uent
down upen the rails.
growled, appraislngly. "And yet
See here! This place is private prop
erty. This road docs not 'pass' to
anywhere. It stops here. Now what
are you doing here?"
Ford hesitated. "I've lost my way,"
ho muttered.
"Lost your way, eh? Where arc you
bound for?"
Ford did not know where he was
bound for? He did not even know in
which direction from the city the
train had brought him. Hut he had
to answer something. "I 'in going to
Hoslyn," he answered, boldly. Hoslyn
was one hundred miles south of the
city whence he had lied.
THIS giant stared. I3ven in the
moonlight Ford could see that hu
stared. "So you're going to Roslyn,
are you?" Ills tones spoke Incredu
lous irony; his eyes never left Ford's
"Yes! I'm going to Itoslyn." Ford
spoke doggedly. "Is It far?"
"Only about a hundred miles. It's
too far to go tonight. Come in. I'll
give you a bed." Tho man did not In
vite; he commanded.
Hut Ford shook his head. "No!
I'll go on," he declared.
"You will come in." The man's
voice was insistent. His hand wav
ered on the dog's collar and the ani
mal bristled and growled threaten
ingly. "You will come in!" The giant
stood aside and waved his unwilling
guest toward the house.
Ford's nerves gave way. "Damn
you!" he shrieked. "Damn you. I'll
see you in hell first." Impotently he
shook his first in tin- other's face
"Damn u! Damn ou! Damn uu'
he babbled.
Tho giant did not say n word, lie
simply reached out and took Ford
by tho collar and shook him. Ford's
teeth rattled, his head snapped back
ward and forward, his limbs jerked
like those of a marionette. He was
helpless as a baby. When at last th
giant released him he staggered db
zlly for a few steps and then sat down
abruptly by the side of tho road.
VYHKX his reeling senses returned.
the giant was holding out the
packet or stolen bills. Hvldently he
had picked them out of. the dust.
"Your property, mister?" he ques
Ford clutched at the bills. "Yes!
Yes!" he stammered. "They're mine
Of course, they're mine. Whose should
they be?"
"Humph! I don't know. Conic
In!" Tho giant gestured toward tin
Ford dared no further demur
Clutching his packet ho staggered up
tho path, followed by his insistent
host. As he went ho stared at the
building they were approaching and
noted that It was of stone,
massive and rough-hewn,
with narrow, deep-set win
(lows, most of which were
dark and blank, though
two or three near the door
emitted gleams of light. As
Ford came opposite these
he saw that they were
The giant seemed to be
watching for his start of
surprise, for when It came
be spoke quickly.
"First time you over
slept in a jail?" ho asked,
i rudely.
Ford halted. "A jail!
he quavered.
The other chuckled. "1
rnclmn It wnn'l ho tlw Inst
lime," he remarked, mean
ugiy. iiuwuver, j uu
needn't bo afraid yet.
Tho county built a new Jail
ten miles from here nnd I
bought tho old building for
a farmhouse. So you ain't
in prison yet. Walk In!"
Ford dared not refuse
lie dared not even try to
run, for tho dog, though
quiet, was trailing at the
giant's heels, and Ford was
no match for either of them. He
stepped through the doorway and his
heart sank lower than ever as he
saw his host swing shut the heavy
grating and lock it. He was helpless
and ho knew It. If the giant had
guessed that he was a fugitive from
justice and Intended to give him up
lie could do nothing to save himself.
Dully he looked about him. Tho
room In which he stood had evi
dently been the omee of the jail. It
was large and bare, furnished only
with chairs and a rough table bear
ing a lamp. A dwarfish man, long
in tho legs but short In tho body,
almost a hunchback, with long looso
hung arms and cunning eyes, was
just putting a bottle and some glasses
on tho table.
Tho giant waved his unwilling
guest to a chair. "Sit down," ho
ordered. Then as Ford sank thank
fully Into the seat, ho pushed the
bottle toward him. "Have a drink."
Hut Ford shook his head. "No,
thank you," ho said, wearily. "I
can't stand spirits. Hut If you will
givo me a glass of water and some
thing to eat I'll be glad."
"All right!" The giant sat down
across the table. "Joe!" he said, ad
dressing the hunchback. "Get the
gentleman something to eat, and then
get out of sight. The gentleman
doesn't often see a pair like you and
me and we're liable to spoil his ap
The fugitive did not protest. Tho
statement was only too true. Silently
he waited while tho hunchback
brought bread and cold meat and cof
fee and then effaced himself.
Fifth AVenue
TVLovv York
'-:.l iMJU
e i bibbbbbbbbk
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Contains 382 Pages of Bargains
Kbitf, now hanuM)inol. illustrated Simn Stlo ltookv
is uku mul just oil xuv pivsH it is onmhii Uniii co go
vuwt t.icocr with thousninlN uf ihv v -rj lutrtt I usliWm .l
-.-... I I !..... I I fill lil.uli.l.. ! t'f.u i.w infill. Iimi.L cl.nt. A
tminnrry t'tc wdl bo a Uoiinliifiii MirnriM in jou Kv-ry wtmuiti who
hives toiltvss stylishly should mmhI lor a ropy lou mil he umiiiiisihmI J
CA fit? ut tuo money k.iviiu; prices at 1 no unusual values it t'utit.uns it
fU o sIiuwh bargains in wearing appnri'i lor nil Hit liiiuil).
Von )ar nothing to pay when the gnml arrive. liry nrtitle tit (run rati teed
to pioate you not u or nimiey imt-k 1 it run uien iure tinier turret (mm
Hits HcnerticfNtPiti with niiMniiite. unmiraiiro or prrirti ftiMMrttiiun u
cmmi pay the return churife. It jou ure not pli-aeil.
Wo. A 1000 Oneof the amarb-Bt Nrw No. 24 A 2000 Fine all wool ilmil.lB
otk htrinv MjrlrS. MJo ir men M
wr line all wool serif Coat liw
nwat rutiwiv llnea ami I mahlonaLIn
IhtoM liultim rlnalmr hn. M..ip. atlb
rvvr over lalj with richly rmliruUviil
mik rrfiia collar. KtvlUli Ihii Iiark with
H folj ol Moire oiirvlmr frumctde oanin
acru dark Manlieil r Jr'B at i-m h nllt
lined tfirouuhoiit with fins quality rati
di')trnf r.irdla tup kirt Hitlt wulu
tan ai i deinmi.umnmiii tm
trimmrtl Color (Hack, Navy
Vi&rit eixv uiim with rniol,li
nvrktnl rhftiitiivtlf of fin hail
knt-c . hut Ion
pnhairrn Hlue or Tan iie for women.
iU to 44 Inchra DUlt rneaur h oi Mlnac 14,
16 and 1H yiara Mate, aire and to Oft Mat color nn
color dealreil. Prapald Prlea - VJO Prapald prlca
lay clown collar ft tun alia lrocnil ov
rrt-il huttona of t)io aania matt rial tin
helllili tint tlrt'aa, at tlx' rloalnti i'it( on
therutTa, akfitaml rtifmlai ttr hlmuiin I
Ifevra. det-H riilra. foUUtl ulnllr of aoft
moaaalino. Skirt rlewily iliajt-tl uhilir
m aillfliU loiu Hituii runrraia iim
inir. New cutaway tunic over tiannatti I
akirt. (Vlora Itlark, Nav tluor trnn I
Mit-a for w.m n 32 tu 41 Ini lies huit I
mt-aaure, for nilanea. 14. lOanJ H yt-ara
riaia coior ami vice tieaircu
Your Choice of These
waist of
liamltoniely em
hroklereil llnene.
Ijilown collar
with riuatl cro
diet hattoiii. Inort-
e-1 iilalta w Ith i'mbrvtdere'l
hutlonholea and crochet
rloalnir Klchly embroidered. In l.llktdfllth
I'lain bark Tailored bleevra
with aoft torn-liark cufla
Whit only, biira Si Jo 4
i lN0z04A-ipBm line ttuisis aa jHB I
""JtmT'ik Postpaid anywhere lB
yi No304A-w in tho U. S. HI
w mum mmmiss v.
I van. " te Hi
fon -1
Vakllable t'rept
waiat. beautifully 'ti
oHrrlnaBtataaUa CI Ofl iwx Soft i, I.I led nt fillla at Ihm In.
PRKPAIOPRICK. y"v," .Ida and tiutaidi of tha collar Droi aleavea
and deep culla Dave net frnia, r mtiroiuorva
cri nn r aav turn uvf ri .w mijcn n rumr ,
afBHA O ' 'i rTF atttcbMtobuat depth rionl ciointf Wlillf,
ajJIflri',!"" J liuht blue or roa colored embroidery Miea
Vjlf 1 1 yJto4tfinchea buitim-aun Statu attw and
Waft A. rolnr of embroidery duaired 1 nn
110, iintuv nni in nn uni vin
troldercd volla Novel ahaped collar
edg-ed with Vat. lace Illack Velvet rib
boi bow In front Yoke continuing tu
form the upper portion "f the kimono
aleavea, alto the deep rulfa.are of em
broidertnl handlna" ti match Hleevea
niahe with plaited vollefiilla Cro het
button front cloainff White only Buea
82 tu 4rt (rtcha biit meaatire State
If No. 4ES61 1
Praaalda A tl
Bargains in Children's Wear
Ne. 24A70O Child m aerviceable dreaa of llnene l4ntf
walated trench mKirl attractively triirmiet wnn won n
(ilalil vinifiiam Wlila lui plait eiieri in ironi wiui rvvera
do. 24 A 400
walat uf all over
KlikHow l.ra (in
ilul Inn of Ant net ii
eitendinaT over the ahouldtTa front aiul iiara lxiim drop
leeve aet in with tirmiltti hinif t'luainv edve aleeVea
and nefkfmiahed with doubla hviiinifd frill of net A
delicate colored band applied between Ure and lining
encln lea thewaUt at bual depth, i ndmtl in a barmina
bultertly l of taffeta tlbbon In fnnt wher walit
rloaea Chike of (itfht blue ur Int K w Klea U 40
in- .- I.n.t .- t
ure Mate color JmiYr-Z.
' i.lki.l l.iu rail l.iilti.n lrl(iiinil lulili i.f Itia
nLellnhmenf. Nerk and rutla iped with. lid full
pea Del t or I'laiU -ol't
kilted aklrt Wide ahat
I MJel liiua Siioa A to 1 4 veara
State aiie and color PREPAID PRICE, each
hi nil ui..I I.I.ik t.r Nntfulk auit with
ealra pair uf trouaera. atandard wefitht, aoft twill, feet
e..l.. t...l..rl.l Hlnl. iMfki.t with vt.ka and
i.-.- ..i. n. i..l ,i.iBri,K.u l.-li l-.JI tut. Maura 4iu ll
J war atvte troua'era with belt loop, aide, l.ip and watrhX poalpaid t"r obly
;ocktJ rlr'7t'il7 Keara Mate atre desired Itiaular
n. am 3002-
rry piett ln
iraei i"m w-
deep poinieu
lr'liery yoae ri a i
run w i in riuuut i
nny iiii ,,y
Jife Ann bolea eli.'i with Val
tare Kliea to it in he buat
to value PRCPAIOPRICCorauUandtwtalraur tt OO
truuaera only Jo,J
-ju avaaaaaMavaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aVMaaaaaavaaasaiiaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaBaBaa
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