Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 7, Image 44

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and a hupc dog came rushing tow.inl
him. Harely In- snatched at the luw
liung branches of a small tree and
swung himself out of reach of the
snapping jaws.
As he clung desperately to the
swaying limbs he heard a voice call
ing off the dog. An Instant later a
huge man almost a giant came
to the foot of the tree and peered
upward at him. "Who are you?" ho
demanded, harshly. "And what do
you want here?"
"I don't want anything." Ford
tried hard to steady his voice, hut
found it dltllcult. 1 don't want any
thing. 1 was passing quietly along
the road when your bruto rushed
at me."
"That's what I keep him for." The
man's voice was grim. He kept his
hand in the collar of the still brist
ling dog. "Drop down and let me
look at you. The dog won't hurt
Hesitantly but thankfully Kord
dropped to the road. The dog made
a leap toward him, but the giant
dragged him hack. "Down!" he or
dered. Then he turned to Ford. "You
don't look quite like a tramp," he
"Give me my money I he roareJ, as the two weni
down open the rails.
growled, appraisingly. "And jet--Seo
here! This place W private prop
orty. This road docs not 'pass' to
anywhere. It stops here. Now what
are you doing here?"
Ford hesitated. "I've lost my way,"
ho muttered.
"Lost your way, eh? Whero aro you
hound for?"
Ford did not know where lie was
hound for? He did not even know in
which direction from the city the
train had brought him. Hut he had
to answer something. "I 'in going to
Hoslyn," he answered, boldly. Hoslyn
was one hundred miles south of the
city whence lie had fled.
THE giant stared. Uvcn in the
moonlight Ford could see that he
stared. "So you're going to Roslyn,
aro you?" His tones spoke incredu
lous irony; his eyes never left Ford's
"Yes! I'm going to Hoslyn." Ford
spoke doggedly. "Is it far?"
"Only about a hundred miles. It's
too far to go tonight. Come in. I'll
give you a bed." Tlio man did not in
vito; he commanded.
Hut Ford shook his head. "No!
I'll go on," he declared.
"You will come in." Tho man's
voice was insistent. His hand wav
ered on the dog's collar and the ani
mal bristled and growled threaten
ingly. "You will come in!" The giant
stood aside and waved his unwilling
guest toward the house.
Ford's nerves gavo way. "Damn
you!" he shrieked. "Damn you. I'll
see you in hell first." Impoteiitly he
shook his lirst In tlu- other's face
"Damn oti! Damn mi! Damn ou'
in- babbled.
Tho giant did not say a word, lie
simply reached out and took Ford
by the collar and shook him. Ford's
teeth rattled, his head snapped back
ward and forward, his limbs Jerked
like those of a marionette. He was
helpless as a baby. When at last the
giant released him lie staggered diz
zlly for a few steps and then sat down
abruptly by the side of tho road.
VYHUN his reeling senses returned.
the giant was holding out the
packet of stolen bills. Evidently he
had picked them out of. the dust.
"Your property, mister?" he ques
Ford clutched at the bills. "Yes!
Yes!" he stammered. "They're mine
Of course, they're mine. Whose should
they be?"
"Humph! I don't know. Come
In!" The giant gestured toward the
Ford dared no further demur
Clutching his packet he staggered up
the path, followed by his insistent
host. As he went he stared at the
building they were approaching and
noted that it was of stone,
massive and rough-hewn,
with narrow, deep-set win
dows, most of which were
dark and blank, though
two or three near the door
emitted gleams of light. As
Ford came opposite these
he saw that they were
The giant seemed to be
watching for his start of
surprise, for when It came
he spoke quickly.
"First time you ever
slept in a jail?" ho asked,
Ford halted. "A jail!
he quavered.
The other chuckled. "I
reckon it won't be the last
time," lie remarked, mean
ingly. "However, y o u
needn't be afraid yet.
The county built a new jail
ten miles from here nnd I
bought the old building for
a farmhouse. So you ain't
in prison yet. Walk in!"
Ford dared not refuse
lie dared not even try to
run, for the dog, though
quiet, was trailing at the
giant's heels, and Ford was
no match for either of them. He
stepped through the doorway and his
heart sank lower than ever as he
saw his host swing shut the heavy
grating and lock it. He was helpless
and ho knew it. If the giant had
guessed that he was a fugitive from
justice and intended to give him up
lie could do nothing to save himself.
Dully he looked about him. Tho
room in which he stood had evi
dently been the ofllce of the jail. It
was large and bare, furnished only
with chairs and a rough table bear
ing a lamp. A dwarfish man, long
in the legs but short in the body,
almost a hunchback, with long loose
hung arms and cunning eyes, was
just putting a bottle and some glasses
on tho table.
The giant waved his unwilling
guest to a chair. "Sit down," ho
ordered. Then as Ford sank thank
fully Into the seat, ho pushed the
bottle toward him. "Have a drink."
Hut Ford shook his head. "No,
thank you," ho said, wearily. "I
can't stand spirits. Out If you will
give me a glass of water and some
thing to eat I'll bo glad."
"All right!" The giant sat down
across the table. "Joe!" he said, ad
dressing the hunchback. "f!et the
gentleman something to eat, and then
get out of sight. The gentleman
doesn't often see a pair like you and
me and we're liable to spoil his ap
The fugitive did not protest. The
statement was only too true. Silently
he waited while tho hunchback
brought bread and cold meat and cof
fee and then effaced himself.
mHMHi Vi MT ' aBBam 111 vn
avBfBfBfafaM -w .'tMiwi rv -wnH.miiMiimv
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Fifth AVenue
New York
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1 1 iirMwr with tumisuiiiK r the i. lairs? i osiiwni i ..
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Ciealums. Il s lieaiiliful mixlels in irinwis. run Is waists si, ills
niiilini'ry etc wdl In a liahulitfu! Miriirtsi' i 3011 Kvi-ry uoinun who
loves uulivss Myd&lily shiiulil tii'iul lor u i-oi'A on w in Im um-iusIhi1
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You limo nothing to tmy wlieli ttie jtomU nrrlto. l:erj nrtu'lr in Hitrnntcfsl
I to plea.e you unit uni or Mimiey Imi'l. mi i'hii tlirri'tnrt1 .inliriliri-.'ttroiii
tills HilitTteiiipnt ulth almulutii uppnrnnie of t'ertis t MiUhfartiiin Uo
. t'tt'ii my 1 lie return limrpt'ti. If 3011 in' lint lt'atsl.
No. 9 A 1000 One of lht nrnrtfit tivw
lurk Mnnir Mum, Mad ir inn n
vtr tine all wool merit 0. ('oat ilmw
ticwrit cutawiv line nl f aahlnnaliltt
thii liutUm rloaintf (in Mir riIH
rpwn avtr ltil wltTi rliliU mt.rnLli-til
Ilk trcn iullr. htvlUh Ihii lisrk witii
h fulj of Moire curving fnm ai'Mtnti
croni k Mlil rdyfa ml f m li el.
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de oifne Cttrdle top cklrt willi will
I'lait at ntJe f runt, ilrapwl at knt-r. trntluii
irimm4i luinr iua.'K. navy Hint. 1 u
Kntiaircn Itlue or Tan Siirn for wwnrn,
tu 41 lnrliptmt mruum h'nt M II.
10 ana in iiarv Plate nr,- am
culor dvalrvtl. Prepaid Price
No. 24 A 2 OOO
Fin all went tlnulilo
itli ttmutaltlt V"
m-kfil rhf nili ttr of linu utiaitow Uro
I Jiy tlimii collar of tu h tlk trKnili -v
rrl tiuttun of thf aaiiiw main la) 1 111
lit-lllah the ttn-aa, at ttu- ilontim fiUc nn
tlie rulTa, aklrt ami rlirniui Hi ITnionn
alcotpa, dci cntT-i, nirillr nf aoft
nipsaalino. hkirl tlrvrily iliaix ! (imlt r
h tltrlutl foM Hlitih roni-ala Die !.
Inn. Nrw ruUwiy tunli uvrr tianHatlte
aklrt. Color" Ula. k, Navy I tin -thrown
hiiri for women 32 U H Int ht-a liut
ini-BMurf, for in l (. it 10 ana 1H yrara
Mate roior ami aixe uoairti
Prepaid prlco
$3.98 1
Your Choice of These
Fine Waists
Ko. 24100-111-orod
waist of
liatttUotucly rnv
hrulderetl lliu-ne.
utth ftnall cro
diet linttont. Inwrt-
nl plaka with rmtrolJcrru
tutUnhole nii crochrt
tmttuna ronrral tne
rloaina Itichlynibrolilrrfd,
1'lalta atitrhed to buitdt-pth
i'lain Lack Tailored Sit eva
with aoft turn lrk rutla
White only, bltrt 82 to 4tl
Inrhra buit meaaure. When
ftrnVrlna' atate alte
- -
L0,m tine Waists V I
100 -,?-y5Hl Po.tpaid anywhere H i
7 No. 24A7ffi3f in tho U. S. !
.'.U2 r vrjaiB
W Wi tm "Tr: m , i:m
ani - '"j
Waithttlile t'reno
wraiat, beautifully em-
ahawl collar whlrh linlaheo ttk and rloa
Inifedtf ttoft t'Ulted net fillla at the ln
tNa MU uutriud ui uiwi (leu irvvn
end deep culle tiave net frllla, vnibruldered
turn i.vf In matrh that rollar lllt at alila
tltchd to tuat depth trorit cluirjr White,
lani mue or roue roiurru rmuroiurry nit
U to 4tl Incliea Luat meaaurt State all and
romr or rnmnnuery uuairvu : 1 tr
No. 24A20O Walat of all over fin
broldervd voile Nuvrl shaped collar
edtf-tftlwithVftl Uce Itlack velvet rib
ton bow in front Yoke continuing to
form the upp-r f"rtion of the klnionu
I aleevea, a I mi the tJevp cu If a. are of vm
f tiroldered liandlnir tu trtatch Kleevea
Iinianetl wlin riaitrii vone irnia ro iter
ut ton front v loalnir W hlte only Hizea
Hi In 4A Inrhi luat mrniim htatv
c"h ,"ntpA" '"!"" $1.00 ?;x'U.oo
Bnrains in Children's Wenr
Ko. 24X400
walat of all ouer
Shadow lace uii a
ilutl.iti nt ln lit
eitandinir over th ahouldt r front ami tai a Nm ilrop
Klrevea aet In with heioillli hlnu Cloalnir 'iliie alrt-vea
and neck finialn-d with double hcnum-il f r 111 if net A
delicatu colored band appluil lietwrti lai-i and Imlnir
enclrdea thfwalat at tmat depth .ndintl 111 a harming:
butterfly Imiw of taffeta nhtmn In front hfn waiat
loaea ( noli e or ntfm blue oi pun w oun t
Inchva tuat mi'i
ire htalu rolil
and alie dcairid
:ht perm
He. 24A700 Child e aervlceahle dreaa of linen I'-ntf
waiated French m.nlt-l attractively trimmed with McoU n
4 nam tvt-l box plait enei 1 in ironi wiui revere
biaa pearl button trimmed 101.1a t.
I i-laldginrfham Wide t.
1 of plaid, biaa peart bull
m trnLelliahment Ne k
T hllted aklrt Wide ahai
t button trimmed
alltitd aklrt Wide ahaoeil be It of I
t adetltlue Nla6 t" l veara When orderlnaT
ute alia ami color pHtPaio phice, earn
the aarne auJ i
I 9 W No. 4ES61-IloyaaIlwool Due ai
If l color mat'-rial rflnif le bre
Ian Iff two box plaiu front end
m fm J pi-tratyletrauaera Wltll belt I
4m f 1-ockeU f ifa 7 l IT feara
-" to value PREPAID PRICC of
iP- flriK Uouaera only
aj. F xtrmi-t? w?rr
not aaE-aai tt a a a V
Mihto Norfolk ault wiUi
rry pietl lawn
tp ointeil ern
ir-idery yhe N n .
iuii with ril'boi , LM
'"ii.. -.'it f-ill r.. lltfe Ann l.h rU ii Wlt Val
bu-Ul Ih voki in. lace hiaea S.' to l ll Ui 1'uai
liuh ilslarlifelila Uell roll X iuimuh ,
oopa eiu i.ip an wan 11 x t.iw
KLate awe ilealreil luaular
PRICC of suit aud two alra it 'i no
1070 Stores Bldc.1 IB E. 23rd SUNew Vorlc.N.V.
How line 1111 nilvrrllnpr Imlil your trnile" Ily clilni; alur