Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART TWO, Page 12-B, Image 28

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    12 B
About Music
and the Musicians
(Continued from Page Nine.) ,
sets him Into her power, and thereafter
promptly and expeditiously the tousled
locks ore ehorn. Samson was cast Into
a dungeon, and his eyes put out with hot i
Irons. Many weeks pnss, nnd finally when
he is ablo to be about again, he goes one
day to the temple. Hero his enemies are
drunk from celebrating a feast, and
catching sight of him deride, revile and
lay rough hands upon him. During these
long weeks of Buffering, however, un
noticed by tils enemies, the locks again
havo grown, for the source of Samson's
strength had not been destroyed. An
gered at their taunts he grasps the near
est pillars and, applying his tcrrlblo
strength until veins stand forth like
whipcords and muscles nre r.n steel, ho
bursts the granite standards and tho
temple totters andvfalls, a riven mass of
stone, crushing priests, people,. Delilah,
Samson and all. The great French com
poser has written many musical composi
tions Worthy of enduring fame, but of all
the setting of this opera stands forth as
the supremo masterpiece.
"La Clloconda," which Is Included In
the repertory of tho American opera com
panies and of several Important ones In
Kuropc, wsa written by l'onchlclll at tho
nge of XL It was produced In Milan In
18J6, but has only recently made Its way
(trtmnd the world, it tells n story of lovo
nnd Intrigue and through It runs the life
of a young girl who suffers at tho hands
of all, but who generously gives her lover
to the woman whom alio knows ho cares
for moro than for herself. Succeeding In
her generous plans sho finds that she has
had to promise herself to another, of
courso tho villain of tho opera, but Hooner
than keep her word, she allays his sus
picions of her motive with a gay street
nons. until at n favorable opportunity
she seizes n dogger which she plunges
Into her heart.
The Chicago-Record Herald last Sun
day reprinted from tho London Dally
Telegraph, a contribution upon texts by
an English writer, "For somo weeks
!at," ho says, "the readers ot a llteiC
hit contemporary havo been entertaining
themselves with attempting to discover
which Is the worst verse ever penned by
a wound-bo English poet, and many
scintillating gems have been rescued from
an oblivion which would otherwise have
been theirs. There Is ono mine, however,
the surface of which has not yet been
scratched, but which contains BUrely tho
most priceless Jewels of all. It Is a
volumo of songs by Schubert, with trans
lations by ono John Ilaldwln Fosbrooke,
who, If ever a writer did, deserves a spe
cial niche entirely to himself In the Tem
ple of Fame.
The translator was not exceptionally
well qualified for his task, evidently, as
a couple of theso Illustrations which
were cited further along In tho article.
In "Nur wer dlo flehnsucht kennt,"
however, ha Is bolder,
"Only who longing knows knoweth my
Alone and from alt Joys far off divided
I view the firmament as every star-side;
Altl who mo loves and knows Is In the
far wide!
It trances me; It burns my yearning In
most! Only who loosing knows knowoth my
Tho same charming delicacy which
prompted him to refer to his Interna)
mechanism as his "Inmost" finds expres
sion In his version ot "Helss mlch nlcht
reden" from "Wllhelm Melster."
"Bid mo not utterl Did me silence!
For this my secret Is my lotl
1 might to thee my whole deep Inward
Tho fate alone It wills It not!"
These are but llttlo worse than some ot
the other translations with which song
literature Is graced. Alt of which have had
weight In the continuance ot perform
ances ot opera In the' foreign tongues
nnd tho demand for the song In Ha orig
inal latiguage-
Mtutcal Notes.
Miss Harriet Friend, mezzo soprano, nnd
.Mrs. Isaac Noyes, soprano, pupils or Miss
Adah KIopp, assisted by Miss Alice llama
dale, violinist, and Miss Fay Ilobertson,
reader, gave an Interesting recital Xfc u ra
ti ry . Mlsa Ruth Harto and Miss Adalt
Klopp were he nccompanlsts,
A musical was given at Trinity cathe
dral on tho evening ot February 3, under
the auspices ot St. Helena's guild,
ilenry W. Thornton will glvo his second
organ recital Sunday, February -16, at tho
First Baptist church at 3:30 p. m. A tree
(offering will bo taken to defray ex
penses. Mrs. Lloyd F. Ivllgore. presented her
pupils In a piano recital Monday evening,
.February t. nt eulte 901-2-3 Boyd theater
building. TIiobo taking part wero Murle
Iloch, NellioJlachcnburg, Dorothy Telle-
Uob. Jessie Cote, Anna Robertson,
'Q'.n&y Martin, Dorothy Marquardt, SU1-
iltti Whlted, Maria Hachenburg. Gladys
Calkins, Arna Swanson, Virgil Smith,
.Kdith Countryman, Elsie Norton, Marie
IHopklns, Audrey ICIIgoro, Klslo Hurt,
DelStta Hardenbrook, lconard Kelley,
IDorothy Brenlltnger, Ruth Hartmann,
Esther Johnson,
Mm. Millie Ryan has returned from the
east, much Improved In health, and will
(shortly open a studio and resume her
classes. Mrs. Ryan spent much ot her
(vacation In New York, where she heard
'tho Metropolitan opera company a num
ber of times, listening to the entire cast
Jin one or the other ot the operas pre
'sented. She also attended several of the
(performances at the Century opera house,
'and several of the Important productions
made by the dramatic producer of the
metropolis, Among these, latter was
"Omar, tho Tentmakcr," based on "The
Rubylat," and ot which she speaks with
the utmost enthusiasm.
Grand Opera
Season for Omaha
(Continued from Page Nine.)
Hamrneratcln heard her sing at a charity
concert In Paris and engaged her at once
as leading contralto of ths Manhattan
Opera company. Since then success has
followed on success In the assumption ot
such notable role at Dadlla, Carmen.
Amnerls, Orpheus. Azucena, Fides, Anita,
Dra.nga.ene and Frlcka. As Dalll,
Madam CerviUe-Reacho Is considered
without an equal and her Carmen Is de
clared to be tho most notable since the
heyday ot tho woman who made her
career possible Emma Calve. In appear
ance Madam Cervtlle-Ite:he Is pro
nounced Spanish, although her parentage
it partly French. Her antecedents con
stitute her temperamentally u that she
should bo In adapting herself to an ar
tistic career, nnd to this" endowment
something with which one can. be born
only she adds a voice ot luscious, se
ductive quality, sonorous, yet subtle,
suave as a 'cello and capablo of the
finest nuances. In private Ufa Madam
Gerville-P.eacho Is still Madam Reache.
the wife of Dr- HeechA, president of lho
Vaattur Institute of New York. She is
and Silk Mixed Fabrics are
shown in wonderfully broad vari
ety and at most attractive pricings.
,25c Wm. Anderson Ginghams 15c
In checks, stripes, broken
7)laids. plain colors, etc.. HI ins.
wide, nil fast colors, 100 designs, at, per
ynrd 15 c
25c Woven Tissues 124c--250 pieces just
received, made by the celebrated Lor
aino Mills, a splendid line of colors, at,
per yard IZVtC
Silk Mixed Novelties 25c and 35c a
yard values, at 15c
Silk Warp Fancies, Silk Dots, Stripes and Checks, all wash
able and made to soli at 25c and 35c; at, yard 15c
Silk Warp French Ginghams Over 300 pieces, made to
sell up to 40c a yard; plaids, 'chocks, figures, all new spring
colorings, greatest values shown in years nt, yard. . .18c
Other Foreign and Domestic Wash Dress Fabrics.
811k Klrlpo Crepes, plain or print
ed, at, per yard 50n
Itcnutiful Costume Crepes, 75
l1Jno Cfcpo do Chines 59
Debutante Hllks, at 505
And hundreds or othor choice new
weaves, attrnctlvoly prlcod.
Sew CI0II1 Itntlne, In plain colors,
novelty stripes or chocks, Hoc
and 38
I'nlni Pencil Ilntino 38J
Klccd Untitle, at. yd '48
XubhocI Itntlne, at, yd 50d-
KntzllHh Ktripo Itntlne. . . .31.00
v ...
Winter Stock Remainders and New Spring Mer
chandise af Most Attractive Bargain Pricci
an Interesting Combin ation for Buyers in
February Cleariis
g Sales
Remarkable Furniture Bargains
Monday, February 9th.
The Following Articles, All Regular $20.00 Values,
on Sale Monday at One Price.
Golden Oak
with 24x30
$20.00. value
Slx-Prawcr Chiffonier,
mahogany or oak, $20
Onk Pressing Tnlile,
with 22x24 mirror,
$20.00 value
Prnss Pcd, 2-ln. posts,
heavy fillers, $20.00
. value
China Closet, quarter
ed or Fumed oak, $20
for Choice
of all
II u it d s n mo Puffcts,
quartered or Filmed
oak, $20.00 values.
Quartered Oak Couch,
mule skin upholster
ed, $20.00 value.
LQunrtered Oak Library
xnniey $20 value, fine
ly, finished.
Set of O Pining Chairs,
"regular $20 value.
Oak Dining Table, G
ft. extension, $20.00
Bargain opportunities seldom if ever equaled in
Omaha. Come early Monday and get first choice.
A Magnificent Showing of
Wool Dress Fabrics
are now on display in our daylight depart
ment and now arrivals are swelling tho
varieties every day.
Are shown in almost endless pro
fusion in our popular new daylight
Silk ection.
Crepe KuisoUet; tho last word In 10-ln.
dress silks for spring; plain and brocaded
effects, on tfO OCtodo
sale, at P.0- p3.0U
Crepe tie Chines and Canton Crepes are moro
popular than ever; most attractive values
at, per
r....$1.28, $1.48 and $1.98
lO-In. Silk Poplins nnd Printed Canton Crepes,
beautiful new colorings, big as- JQ QQ
sortment for selection, yd OC iOC
Two Remarkable Specials for Monday
Nearly 3,000 yds. of Paint nnd
Novelty Hllks, 20 to 27 Inches
wide, all silk Taffetas, Messallnes,
Novelty Silks, Poplins, Plaid Taf
fetas, etc., regular C9c to $1.00
yd. qualities, some slightly im
perfect, to close,' at, OQ
per yard oC
Over 2,000 yds. Press Silks: 27
to 3G inches wide; Messallnes,
Poplins, Louisenes, Foulards,
Ponges, Bengallncs, Chiffon, Taf
fetas, etc., to $1.25 yd. values,
on sale Monday, cholco, q
per yard DOC
Exclusive Designs Pattern Table Cloihs
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, pure flax, usual price $4.00. Mon
day, each 32.G8
Unhemmed Pattern Tablo Cloths, heavy double damask, usual price
$5.00, Monday, each '-S3. 75
Unhemmed and Scalloped Pattern Table Cloths, puro flax, usual price
$3.00, Monday, each co 2i
Puro Linen, Large Size Hu'ck Towels, usual prlco 39c, Mon., ea., 25fjJ
Imported English Two
Toned Twills nro going
to bo very popular for
suitings; G4 In. wido,
20 pteces for selection,
at, yd 82.50
nil-ln. Striped Dcdford
Cords; best colorings;
spring weights, on salo
at 81.08
40x54-ln. Plain and'
Novelty Dress1 Goods, in
a groat variety of
weaves and colorings,
to $1,75 yd. values, nt,
yard . . G8n nrttl 08
fiiMn. Imported French
Serge; an exceptionally
fine quality, In all the
now colorings for
spring, 1914, 25 piecos
for your nolectlon, at,
per yard 81.25
It u t n n y Mills Wool
Crepes; 44 In. wide, In
every wnntod shade, at,
por yard QSc
Sorges, Panamas, Whip
Cords, Cheviots, Diagon
als, etc., from 30 to 40
Inches wide, on sale, at
yd 38ei and 48d
Bargain Prices On
Blankets and Comforters
Makors greatly overstocked on account of the
unusually mild weather. We bought Vovoral big
lots at a great bargain and offer them this weok.
$10.00 Blankets and Comforters. K. .$750
$ 8.00 DlankotB and Comforters $0.35
$ 7..50 Blankets and Comfortors 85.65'
$ 6.50 Blankets and Comforters, ,,... .84.85
$ 5.00 Blankots and Comforters 83.45
$ 4.00 Blankots and Comfortors su'sn
uianKoia ana comforters 82.35
Blankots and
Comfortors 81.05
All Furs Must Go in Short Order
Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, Fur Sots and
Muffs will be placed on sale this week
at a small part of their actual worth
buy now.
Fur Sots, to $7.50 valuos; on. sale $1.95
Fur Sets, to $10 values, on sale $2.95
Fur Sets, to $18 values, at. .$5.00
All Othor Fur Sets, Scarfs, Muffs
at Half and Less Than Half Price.
$50 and $60 Fur
Ooats Russian
Ponys, Kit Coneys
and other popular
furs, good assort
ment for selection,
on salo at $25.00
ALL WOMEN'S WINTER OOATS at Half Price and Less,
sortment of choice styles and materials for your selection.
$85 and $100 Fur
Coats Handsome
ly marked Russian
Ponoys, Near Seals
and Marmots, in
nobbiest new
styles ...$49.00
A remarkable as-
Women's Bath Robes Made to sell at
$5.00 and $6.00; .splendid assortment
for selection, choico $2.95
Women's Long Tango Bloomers In
silk, Jersey or messaline, to $5.00 val
ues, all colors t $2.95
.NEW SPRING TAILORED SUITS Shown in an almost bewildering assort-,
'- .'inent of 'tho now designs for spring 1914. You'll find tho quality at each price
unquestionably superior early pricings unusually attractive
up from ...$15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $35.00, $45.00
Wonderful Bargains in Our
Famous Domestic Room
Two carloads of Domestics, Sheetings,
Muslins, Prints,. Ginghams, Percales, Wash
Goods, etc., priced away below the present
market prices.
Fruit of the Loom, 36-lnch muslin, 10c val., 7J
Unbleached Muslin, 3C Inches wide, 8c val., 5J
Leghorn, 3C-Inch Bleached Muslin, 8c val.G?4i
Lockwood "9x4 Bleached Sheeting, 29c val., 25c?
Aurora 9x4 Bleached Shteetlng, 27c val., 23 HtS
18-Inch Linen Crash Toweling, 10c values, ru
72x90 Made Sheets, 50c values .dU
Moonlight 45-inch Pillow Casing, 15c val., lOr?
Pillow Cases, good muslin, 12 e values,
Wamsutta 81x90 Seamless Sheets, $1.10 vat., 85
Unbleached TaWtJ Linon, 70 inches wide, 79c va
uesvat, each . 59t
Hemmed Bed Spread, 3-4 size, 79c values, "koa
Anderson's Zephyr Ginghams, 31 inches wide, 25q
values jo Uti
Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, remnants, 70 vafc
ues, at, per .yard .' k . . . ,e!i
Remnants Percales, 36 Inches wide, new pattorns,
10c values e-
Curtaln Scrim with borders, 15c values. . .".'.VoP
Shepherd Checks, 36 inches. wide, 18c val., 12iY
New Voiles,1 36 inches -wide, complete line of tho
best colors, 25c values 18i
Ratine Cloth, good colors, 26"c values 18&
Pllsse Crepe, plain nnd figured, 29 Inches wide,
all colors, 25c values . . A i
Mercerized Poplins, all wanted colors, 25c val
ues, at le-A
Berlin Sateens, all best colors, 18c values, 12ilrt
Amoskeag Outing Flannels, 12 c values. . . .7U1
Flannelettes, good weight, lOo values ..kU
Simpson's Prints, all colors, G&c values... 5
Our February Sale of Men's
Separate Trousers Continues
All This Week. Biy Wow and Save
Beautiful .New Floor Coverings
The very choicest qualities. Newest 1914 patterns at
prices that mean splendid savings to the homefurnisher.
0x12 AxmiHster Hugs Oriental
and floral patterns, .. .818.00
Seamless llrus.sels Hugs.
9x12 size, Monday 812.08
'8-3x10-6 Blze. Monday. .810.08
7j6x9 slzo, Monday. ..... .$8.08
6x9 size, Monday 80.08
Water Color Window Shades; 7
ft.-long, on sale.- ...20d
All Opaquo Window' Shades; ,7 ft.
long, on salo 3Qc
Surfacod- Llncoleum, 8-4, best
quality, at, sq. yd 55
Afk to Sec tho Now lllgclow
Seamless Wilton Pugs; 9x12 slzo,
special, at 828.50.
Seamless Velvet Rugs; 9x12 slzo,
special, nt 814.08
Body Brussels Rugs; 9x12 toizc,
special, at 825.00
Reversible Scotch Rugs; 9x13
size, special, at 86.08
No-PleCo Curtain? Stretchers
Mado from Bubs Wood, will not
warp ,..80
Dundee- Stair Carpet, yd. . . .30d
China nnd Jap Mattings) 20
to 35d
Cocoa Door Mats, f)8c-&2.25
Rug nnd Carpets. 1914 rug cata
logue free to
out-of-town customers. A postal will bring It to you
Drug and Toilet Goods Prices for
Monday's Selling
10c size Peroxide Bath. Jap nose,
I'liysicians ana Biirseons, Har
mon's or Munyon's Wttcli I laid
, Soaps, at two bars for lSo
Two bars ot Williams' Shavlmr
Soap for So
lOo Shtnola Shoe Polish for.... Go
One full pint of pure Witch Haz-il
and bottle for 18o
60c and 75o Hair Brushes, slightly
sotted, go at, each IBo
35C Ebony back Hand Brushes cut
to 3S0
11.25 and S2 Hand Mirrors, somo
ebony back, each ..9So
COo Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream for 300
11.00 box. Jack Rose Face Powder
26a Sanltol Tooth Powder or Paste
at la4
11 slzo Pure Hydrogen Peroxide.
extra site aso
Ono hundred Dr. Pinkie's Cascnrtv
Tablets for 880
Two dozen Aspirin Tablets, flvo
kiuiuh eacn, i,or , .....150
Phenolax Wafers, per
COo Java Rice or Pozzont's Faco
Powdor, for aso
26c slzo Laxative Bromo Quinine
nt 13Ho
36c Fletcher's Castorlo, the senu
Inc, at suso
EOo bottle California SyrUn ot
Figs 350
W Bavs TTou BO to 78
oa Rubber Qooods
M.00 Wellington Fountain Syringe
and Bottle Combined, guaranteed
for five years, for 98.00
76c andll.00 Rapid Flow Fountain
'Syrlngo for -..Wo
One bis- lot of Rapid Flow Foun
tain syringe and Hot Water Bot
tles, guaranteed perfect, now
goods, regular price 2. and 12 60
go at, each , ai.oo
7Bo values in Rubber Gloves; at,
the pair e i3i
Some Unusually Attractive Values Mon
day In Our Curtain and Drapery Section
Brusselette. Curtains Pull
size, dainty patterns, special-values,
at $2.98 and $3.50
'Novelty Ourtaina "Wortli
$2.50 a pair, white or ecru,
dainty 'borders, fine pat-
. terns, pair $1.50
Mercerized Marquisette Curtains
Hemstitched hems, lace trim
med, specials, Monday, pair,
82.25. 82.50 and. v.. 82.08
Ciuny Curtains In white or ecru
linen, lace trimmed, special, per
pair 83.50. 84.50 80.50
Special Flour Sale Monday Flour Has Taken Another
Advance We Advise Our Customers to Buy Now
This Flour Is mado from th best se
lected wheat nnd guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction; nothing
finer put up for making bread, plea
or cakes; Monday, 48-lb. sack, I.IO
22 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. . .81.00
10 bars Ueat-'Km-All or Diamond O
Soap for '. 85
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn'
meat Wo
3 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
for 85
C lbs. best Bulk Laundry t)tarch. .S5o
6 lbs. best Broken Rice. ,...85o
i lbs. fanoy Japan Rice, lOo quality,
The best Domestic llaooronl, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg.' 7lie
Advo Jellpr Jello. pkg 7io
Quart Jttfi fancy Manzanllla Olive
for o
1-lh. cans Assorted Soups 1io
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, pure
Tomato Catsup, Assorted Pioklw
or Prepared Mustard, bottle. . .ByjO
4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn...25o
4 cans fancy Wax, String, dreen or
1.1 inu Jleana SSo
3 cans fancy Solid Packed Tomatoes
for S5o
13, C. Corn Flakes, pkg. 7io
Heruhey'B Breakfast Cocoa, lb. ...30o
The best Tea Sittings, lb .' loo
Ooldeu Santos Coffee, lb 30o
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb .........300
The Best Country Creamery Butter,
lb 280
The Best Dairy Table or Roll Butter.
lb. 85o
Full Cream Cheese, lb IBo
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese,
lb , 3So
16 lbs. of the best White or Red Po
tatoes 3 So
Demand 16 lbs., the law requires It.
Large bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots,
Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, per
bunch .So
3 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce .lOo
Large Head Lettuce, head 7Ho
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Par
snips, lb 3V4o -
Fancy Cabbage, lb. . , .3?io
Fresh Brussels Sprouts, lb 17io
3 large Green Peppers lOo
Funcy Kurd Dates, lb ISo
Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, lb.,.,...10o
Fancy, Large, Juicy Lemons at. per
doxeu .....i S5o
Bat Highland Havtl , Oranges
nothing- healthier one-half the price
of applss. n
260 size, Monday, dozen 19o
200 size, Monday, dozen. ....... . .IBo
176 size, Monday, dozen 30o
160 size, Monday, dozen 35o
Sunfast Madras for over
drapes, all colors, 50-incli
wide; at, yard 85c
60q Curtain Madras, 48-inch
wide, white or cream; spe
cial, yard 35c
75c Bungalow Nets 46Mnches
wide, white only; on sale at, per
yard 50i
Fancy Nettings for curtaln3, lino
weaves, to ?1.75 values, but
.slightly soiled, at, yard....00t
Hemstitched Scrims; 40 Incho3
wide, at . T. . .35tS 25. Iftn
$5.00 Kopo I'ortlers for doublo
doors, all colors, special, at, per
pa,r 83.05
Renown Ranges, the Kind With
Black Nickel Finish. They Require no Stove Blacking Anywhere
"Renown" Ranges, up from. ...831.00
"Renown" Ranges, black nickel fin
ish ..i ,'. ....,$60.00
"Garland" Steel Ranges $37.30
Cook Stoves, up from 810.50
We are closing out onr entire line
of Garland and Xsnown Base Burn
ers, Howard Heaters and Oak; Heaters
at Bargain Prices.
The following ltsms rednota for
Monday's Special Balet
Ash Sifters lOo
Large slzo Lanterns 49o
Furnace Scoops, fit any furnuce door,
only ,33o
Warranted Axes 89o
Large size Sanitary Chemically Treat
ed Dustless Mopa 39o
Genuine "Cllogan" Alcohol Stoves 3do
Pe Tins, every size, 2 for So
Family Scales, warranted accurate,
only eoo
Potato Hirers ...lOo
Genuine Wilson Toasters ,ico
Full size best grade either .zinc or
brass Wash Boards 19o
2Sc best extra heavy braided cotton
Clothes Linen 19a
We sell "White TmUV Blectrla
Six Big China and
Glassware Spe
cials for Monday
50c set Out Salt and Pop
pers; big values Monday,
per set 25c
Cut Ind. Salt Dips, extra
special, 6 for 60c
Thin Blown Water Glasses,
6 for 20c
China nnd brass Fern Dishes
big assortment, ea., 50c
35c Decorated Cuspadores,
each 19c
Austrian China. Decorated
Dinner Plates each . . .10c
Unlike most prima tfonnas, Murle Rap
pold ot the National Opera-Company of
Canada, lias few fad. Sho Is not u
great horte woman, she does not caro for
cats or dogs and seldom goes to the
theater, but,ays that her one recreation
Is "moving pictures." Sho -says she can
hardly reslut the temptation to go Into
all the moving ploture theaters she sees.
Near her home, on Rlreislde drlvo In
Nrw York. Is a little picture palace,
where they havo new films dally. Sho
ays that hardly a day passes that she
docs pot run In to see a picture or two.
and on this tour she Is fairly thriving on
them. The other day she unconsciously
posod for one. Sho was busy making
some records for a phonograph company'
and the manager asked her if she would
mind singing for some of tho . employes.
Mine. Rappold graciously agreed und
was taken Into a room, where she waa
very cordially received by Several peopta
rather strangely mado .up. They asked
her to show them how she made a record,
and she went through the process, llttlo
dreaming that u moving picture was
being taken of her all the time. It was
t not v nt I some days later that she heard
f about tho ' fmtura film." "The Prima
Dunim," poecd by Marie Rappold. Need
less to say, she called the manager to
account, and the picture was never pub
licly shown.
Leo SlezaK. tho giant '.Czech,-who Is
Jeudlng tenor of tho National Opera com
pany, who sings j'Somson" In the all
star production of' "Samson and "Dallla"
at'jheVCudltor'lum, has a prescription tor
perennial youth. "Laugh, relax!' and
you ure bound to keep young," ts his
formula. Slezak la a' believer' In relaxa
tion and laughter as a provantlve ot
many III, to say nothing ot' tlie vlrtuo
of holding back tho hand of Father Tlnve.
tay Slezak:
"Too much Intensity, too much serious
ness and too much worry makes people
appear older than they are. All other
ageing factors combined cannot equal
wiyrry. Laughter does moro good than
al the medicine In tjie, world. A good
hearty laugh will euro a headache and, I
believe muoh laughter tends to keep
wrinkles from coming on the forehead
and the cheeks."
.1 Wonderful Kscnpv.
A Kkntuoky colonel of the old s:hcol
had made a proud boast that he hadn't
drunk u K-'aaa of water, la twenty years.
Ono dav as he was ndins to ..asnwuo
on tho old L. Ss N. the train was
wrecked while crowing a bridge and
plunged Into the river. They pulled th
colonel out with a boathook nnd when
they got him on shore one of his friends
;u.uru up, crying: coionei, aro you
"No!" ho snorted. 'Never swallowed a
d drop!" Current Opinion.
Ilia Ilest Customer.
Register O'Loughlln of Brooklyn will
think twice before he undertakes to ad
dress another convention of tailors. Ills
own tailor led him into It.
"For me." said the tailor, "you do It
With my friends It makes a hit."
O'Loughlln put on his openwork
clothes and sat on the platform. Tailors,
cutter, . buyers, oity salesmen, bushel
men, models, bosses, other Items of the
tailoring Industry 'buzzed loudly on tho
floor. Now and then some man would
enter aiU be greeted with applause.
"That." aald O'Loughlln's tailor and
guide, 'is Max tichlelner. "a u the
llUv.p fnr Plnn.Mt.ln P- f .
Hours O'Loughlln sat there. At last ho
was Introduced as the next speaker. No
one paid the least attention to him.
C.?wt!r.?at'02,.rose V2.wanl th8 height of
emotion. After three false starts
O'Loughlln sat down. He was angry
enough for arson. His tailor saw the
black rage on hla brow.
l!La,d,les and gentlemen." he bellowed,
whacking at the table, with his gavel
irVUi.8?UldKllften Mr- O'Loughlln.
Tribune cuctomer." New Yorii
V CoiiKiiiiiptlve Couuh.
Stop It and get relief for' weak liim?
coughs and colds with Dr. King's New
Discovery. 50c and 11.00. All drucslsta.-.