Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A1
A Complete Display of
Spring Apparel
Redytb-Wear Section
(Siifv seryice is unexcelled cour
teous attendants and experienced
competent fitters. It's a real pleas
ure here to inspect fashion's new
style ideas. The prices are moderate
and there is no extra charge for
Special Remnant Sale
of Sheetings, Muslins, Pillow Casings and Tubings at
greatly reduced prices that have accumulated from our
January Sale.
Alsoremnants of Lawns at 5c a yard; remnants of
Shirting Madras, remnants of Zephyr, Ginghams and rem
nants, of other wash fabrics, all greatly reduced in price.
Sorosis Shoe Sale continues all week
February White Goods
Our stock is now complete
with foreign and domestic
White Goods in all the new
est weaves and effects, in
cluding Embroidered Voiles,
Embroidered Crepes, Em-
v broidered Ratines, Embroid
ered Neugent, plain Voiles
and Crepes Prices ranging
from 25c to S3.50 a yard.
White Woven Flaxons in
plaids, stripes, checks and
broken plaids; noted for its
fine wearing qualities; 34
inch, Monday... 19c a yard
25c 32-inch Crinkled
Crepe 15c a yard
25c 27-inch Poplin.l9c a yard
15c 36-inch Long Cloth
12c a yard
19c 36-inch Long Cloth
15c a yard
20o 36-inch English Nain
sook 17c a yard
25c 36-inch English Nain-
sook 20c a yard
30c 36-inch English Nain
sook ... .25c a yard
Sale Linen Sheeting, 72
inch, 81-inch and 90-inch
Reindeer Fabric
$1.00 a Pair.
"Harrison's" is the best
Duplex Glove made; they
have a smooth, velvety finish
and retain their good shape
after washing. They come
in black, white and colors,
at $1.00 a pair
Items of Interest to You
in Our Wash Goods Section
in Basement
New imported fabric in fast
colored woven stripes,
checks or plains, with dashe3
of tufted yarn, in white run
ning crosswise. Ask to see
them, you'll like them; they
wear and wash and do not
neod ironing; price, 25c a yd
"New Clpth," made by
Burton Bros., New York;
very popular cloth in ratine
crepe weave. We have it in
solid colors, brocaded,
stripes, checks or dainty
Dolly Varden designs. Prices
range from 25c to 39c a yard.
All Coats,
$16.50 to $45
All Coats,
$16.50 to $45
local Manager American Radiator Go,
P. A, 1. Widencr Pays $700,000 for
Small Cowper Madonna.
Philadelphia Traction Magnate Paid
Half Million tar "The Mill," hr
nembrandt, a Few
Years Ago,
NEW TOniC, Feb. 7. Tho purchase by
P. A. B. Widencr of Philadelphia of the
"Small Cowper Madonna," by Raphael,
wai announced today. The price, said
to be In excess of 1700,000, create a rec
ord for a tingle art transaction In this
country. Tho prevlou record was Mr.
Wldsner purchase of "The Mill," by
Rembrandt, for 00,000.
Other painting's which have been bought
by art collectors here at high prices, are:
Portrait of the Onko ot Ollvares," ,by
Velasquez, purcfcuW by Mri Collls'P.
ItUntlngton for fttO.OOO; portrait of "Self,
Wife and Child," by Frans Hals, pur
chased by Duven brothers for $100,000;
"fitroch." by Rubens, purchased by An
drew Carnegie fof J300.060; "portrait of
"The Hob Anne Duncombo," by Galns
borrough, purchased by II. C. Frlck for
Tho "Small Cowper Madonna," also
Known bs the "Panshancer Raphael,"
was recently shipped from England,
where It was purchased last November
by Duven brothers for $600,000. The pic
ture was first offered to tho National
gallery in London, but funds were not
available for Us purchase.
Three Hundred Years Old.
The picture was painted about 1505,
-when the artist was 23 years old. It is
oa a panel, twenty-four Inches in height
ad seventeen Inches wide, and was
orfeipally acquired by George Nassau,
third Earl Cowper, when no was British
minister to Franco In JT60.
The picture, which Morell, the leading
authority ba Raphael, describes as the
loveliest of 'all Raphael's Madonnas, ,bo
longs to the master's early Florentine
period. Tho execution Is easy and grace
ful, and the drawing1 of trio hand's, espe
cially thoso of the virgin, Is of an ole
ganco seldom seen In other works ot
The Mad6nna Is seen seated on a stone
seat' near a bank overlooking an open
landscape. She holds tho nude child on
her left arm. She Is dressed In red, with
a blue mantle, lined with green, loosely
thrown round her waist and over her
The background shows on the left a
winding river flowing between wooded
banks. To tho right Is seen the church
of San Bornanllno, near Utblno, standing
In bright sunshine Under an almost cloud
less sky ot oxquislte, graduating blue.
Trial of Captain
Berry of Nantucket
Begins Wednesday
believed that General Bliss then will
become chief of staff ot the army and
that Brigadier General Liggett will bo his
.WASHINGTON, Feb. .7,-Tral of Cat
aln, Borry of the Merchants and Miners
packet Nantucket, eiiargod wtt neglli
ce'nco In the collision which sank the old
Ddhtnlon liner Monroo with a loss of
forty lives a week ago, will begin on
Wednosday In Philadelphia. Bedford Sar
gent, local Inspector at Philadelphia, wll
head the trill board, to which David A.
Howard, another Inspector, has been spe
cially assigned. Assistant Secretary Sweet
of the Department ot Commerce In
spector General Uhler ot the steamboat
service and Commissioner Chamberlain
ot tho bureau of navigation will attend.
..WASHINGTON, Feb.' 7,-Brlgadler. Gen
oral Funston, who has gone to take
command of the maneuver camp at Texas
City, probably will take command of the
southern department when Brigadier
General Tasker 1 1. Bliss Is relieved In
April to come to Washington when re
is expected to become assistant chief cf
staff of the urmy.
Major General W. WY Wlthespoon will
becomo chief ot staff when Major Gon
oral Leonard Wood retires to take com
mand of the Department ot the East.
General WlthersiWon will be retired for
age next November arid It Is generally
Joseph Warner TJnffnm.
TECUM 8 EI I, Neb., Feb. 7.-Speclal.)
The funeral of Joseph Warner Butfum
was hold at his late home In this city
Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock, and was
oonducted .by Rev. CV W. Heady, .of tho
Baptist church. The local Grand Army
post members attended In a body. The
Interment was In the Tecumseh ceme
tery. Mr. Buffum was born In East Ply
mouth, O., May 9, 1834. Ho was married
to Miss Sarah A. MIUIs, at Unlontown,
111., on February .28, 1SW. Seven children
were born to them, three of whom aro
Uvlrur. Mr. Buffum was a soldier In tho
civil war, being a member ot Company G,
Eighty-third Illinois volunteer Infantry.
The family came to Johnson county Ne
braska, In the spring ot lscs, and hero ho
had since resided. He served Johnson
county1 two terms as county judge and
one term as county treasurer.
8. O. Hitchcock.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Fob. 7.f-(Speclal.)-
The body of 8. C. Hitchcock, who
died In Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday, was
broUEht to Sterllnic for burial. The fu
neral was held this morning: Mr. Hitch
cock died following an operation for ap
pendicitis. He was 64 years old, and had
no family. He Is survived by two- broth
ers and two sisters, E. R. Hitchcock and
Mrs. R. L. Zlnk ot Sterling belne a
brother and sister.
Stricken with Henri Fnllnrc.
YORK, Neb., Feb. 7. (Bpeclal Tclo-grarfi)-Vemon
Baldwin, son of F. H.
Baldwin of this city, was found dead this
morning In a barn at the home ot his
sister, Mrs. Frank Peterson. He was 19
years ot age. Heart trouble Is given as
tho cause ot death.
Dr. Klnn's Neiv Life Pills.
For constipation, torpid liver, sallow
complexion their frequent use will
strengthen and add tone to your system.
All druggists. ISc Advertisement
Office space for rent In Bee office, 118
N street Terms reasonable Well known
location. Tel. South 57.
f. :
A Custom
v. The World Over
Thousands of persona who know tho advantage of pure, wholesome, easily digestible food haro
a dish of Grape-Nuts and cream (for breakfast.
County Attorney at Des Moines
Asks Sate Be Fixed.
Street llnllwar Men Hsore About
Asrrecd to Accept Ttro-Cen an
Hoar Increase Get Bate
Blovrer Suspects.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, la., Feb. 7. (Special TeK
egrom.) County Attorney Guthrie said
today he will ask the court to set an
early date for the second trial of Dr.
Harry D. Kelly for the murder of Clar
ence Woolman, a deputy sheriff from
Pottawattamlo county, In Des Moines.
This would lndlcato that tho county
attorney has given up hopes of reversal
or 'the supreme court decision as to the
manslaughter case against Kelly on ac
count orkllllng Sterllngne bartender,
In the second trial the sole question will
again be as to his sanity on tho day
ot both homicides.
Teamsters Demand Raise.
Des Moines teamsters, have voted to
deniand $5 a, day for services of one
man and team under tho new agreement,
for the union. This Is an advance of to
cents a day. Thero are 200 toaVnsters In
the city and the vote for the Increase
wss unanimous. Indications are today.
nccordlng to advices from the street rail
way company, that a compromise will
be ctfocted on tho wages of the street
car men, so thoy will get an Increase of,
2 cents an hour In wages and the threat
of a strike will bo averted.
To 1'nnh Prnaecntlon.
County officials today took charge of
the prosecution of the three young men
undor arrest tor conspiracy In connection
with the sole of pharmacy examination
question and their case will be taken to
the si and Jury. It Is the Intention ot the
authorities to make an example ot them,
HnsiiectPit of Snfe lllowlnsr.
Three men were arrested this afternoon
in a hotel. When Mike Smoltey was
' H
Peculiar After Effects
of Grip This Yeai
Leaies Kidneys In Weakensd Conditloh
Doctors in all parts of the country have
been kept busy with the epldernlo otgrlp
which has visited .bo many homes. Tho
symptoms of grip this yeah are often very
distressing and leave the system In a run
down condition, particularly the kldneyi
whtch seem to suffer most as almost
every victim complains of lame back and
urinary troubles which should not be
neglected, as these danger signals often
lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Drup
glsts report a largo sale on Dr. Kllmer'n
Swamp-Root which so many people ny
soon heals and strengthens the kidney.)
after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root Is
a great kidney, liver and bladder remedy,
and, being an herbal compound, has u
gentle healing effect on the kidneys,
which is almost Immediately noticed In
most cases by those who try It. lr.
Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T offer
to send a sample size bottlo of Swamp
Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every
sufferer who requests It. A trial will con
vince any one who may be In need -ot it.
Regular site bottles EOcts. and 1.00,
For sole at all' druggists. Be sure to
mention this paper. f
Although In Omaha for little more than
month, W. H. Conrad, the new man
ager ot the Omaha branch of the Ameri
can Radiator company, has learned that
The Bee Is tho best home paper and the
best for the business man, too. Sq, he
reads the morning, evening and Sunday
editions fii his home and office. .
He has occupied his present .position
since the first of the year and Is rapidly
getting In touch with Omaha men and
affairs. He Is & member ot the Com
mercial club and also has Just been
elected' to membership In the Omaha club,
Mr. Conrad has been connected with
the American Radiator company for ten
iVear. He came to Omaha from Milwau
kee' and before being there was at In
dianapolis. The Conrad home Is at SUA Capitol
avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad have a
daughter and a son.
Hitchcock Blocks
Bill to Sell Coal
Land to Railroad
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-Opposltlon by
Senator Hitchcock today blocked con
sideration of Senator Myers' bill to
authorize tho sale of three sections ot
publlo coal lands In Montana to the Re
public Coal company for tho use of the
Chicago, Milwaukee &. St Paul railway,
which. It Is said, had been unable to buy
coal for operation from Its competitor,
the Northern Pacific.
Mr. Hitchcock said he was prejudiced
against, selling publlo lands for such spe
cific purpose, and the bill went over to
next "week.
was not heavy enough to bother railroad
ing to any great extent west.
Get Sciimoll8r& Mueller's
Victor service
(From a- Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 7.-(Special.)-Henry B.
Mayo, who sets out that he Is a taxpayer
6f Douglas county, has appealed to the
supreme cburt of the stato In an attempt
to prevent the payment of $30,000 which
the county commissioners of Douglas pro
poso' to' pay E. R. Fletcher for granlto
for statuary, pedestals, curbing, walks
and other ornaments around the new
Douglas county court house.
Leona Greenllef has apepaled from a
decision of the district court of Douglas
county In case in which she sued J. I
Brandels te Sons, of Omaha for $25,000
damages for injuries received caused by
her slipping and falling.
The ' district court dismissed the caso
and 'sho appeals.
searched at headquarters a bottle of j 'Wnritogrt.n patn.. , ,
what Is believed to be nltroglycelne was pkRRJ5," 'dJ-Feb. 7.'n(SpeClal'Tlo
found. A $5 bill, badly burned, was also gram.) With continued .cold end drifting
found In Smalley's wad of W0. The other Bnqwi dclayip(tJriu,;tbrallwayj;reportJ
PrlhgU of authrlo Center and James Wil
son of Spencer, la.
They are believed to have been the per
sons who blew open two safes today.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb, 7.-(SpecIal Tele
gram-) Fred A. Go6d of Cowles, Neb.,
president of the Nebraska Retail Lum
bermen's association, and Emmett E,
Hall of Lincoln, secretary of the organ!
zatlon, are In Washington to appear be-,
fore tho Judiciary committee of tho i
house on Monday for the purpose of In
sisting that the retail lumber dealers
should have tho right to circulate Infor
mation affecting the trade among them
selves in an organized way without com
ing within the Inhibitions of the Sherman
act or any possible amendment to the
act that might be proposed in the coming
trusf legislation.
On 'Tuesday Messrs. Good and Hall will
have' a conference with the attorney gen
eral on tho same subject.
Tomorrow will be eulogy day In the
house, when Representative Sloan will
deliver a tribute to the memory of the
late Representative Rodnbrry of Georgia,
who died during the first session of the
Blxty-thlrd congress.
To get the genuine, call for full name,
for signature ot E. W. GROVES. Cures
a Cold in One Day. 25c.
Grape-Nuts food, mado of wholo wheat and malted barley,
la ready to eat direct from tho package. It comes to your tablo
in the form of goldou-brown granules crips and nut-like tho
delicate sweet taste' due entirely to grapo-sugar developed by the
processes of manufacture.
Every year tens of thousands visit the Pure Food Factories
of the Postum Cereal Co. Ltd. at Battle Creek, Mich., and see
for themselves every step in the making ot this famous food.
First tho milling ot -wheat and barley; tho mixing and
kneading into a sort ot dough formed for convenience in
handling, into huge 10-pound loaves; then tho baking, siloing,
rebaklng and grinding; and finally tho filling, sealing and pack
ing of the well known, air-tight, yellow packages all accom
plished without tho food being touched by hand.
Yes, visitors aro taken all over the place up-stalrs and
Aewn. There is considerable to see, and
Following Nature's .Footsteps.
"I have a boy, two years old. In per
fect health, who has been raised on
Grape-Nuts and milk.
"Tills Is an Ideal food and evidently
furnishes the elements necessary for a
baby as woll as for adults. We have
used Grape-Nuts In largo quantities and
greatly to our advantage."
One advantage about Grape-Nuts food
is that It Is partially pre-dtgested In the
process of manufacture; that Is, tho
starch contained In the wheat and barley
Is transformed Into a form ot sugar by
the same method as this process Is car
ried out In the human body. This Is ac
complished by the use ot moisture and
long exposure to moderate warmth,
which grows the diastase In the grains
and makes the remarkablo change from
starch to sugar.
Therefore, the most delicate
can handle Grape-Nuts and
quickly absorbed I
tp stomach
the food Is
Into the blood and tis
sue, certain parts ot It going directly
for building and nourishing the tissue
cells ot body, brain and nervos.
Made at the pure food fuetorles ot the
Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek,
(Continued from Page One.)
Read the famous little book.
Road to Wellvllle," found In pkgs.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
-sold b Grocers everywhere.
bank teller. The murder according to
the alleged . confession occurred when
Bender, with two companions, held up a
resort In Omaha.
Bender Is said to have admitted killing
Nlckell himself while his two confeder
ates made their escape with tO.OCO worth
of Jewelry and J300 cash, Benuer claimed
to have received but $3 as his share ot
the crime. He claims not to have seen
his accomplices since the holdup.
Bender was arrested here yesterday.
and after he had written a letter to
Omaha and tattoo marks on his body
had been compared with the description
of "Block Tonsy," the local police be.
gan to connect him with the Omaha at
fair. They continued charging him with
it until his reported confession today.
Bender was arrested upon the charge
of larceny here, preferred by a local hotel
at which place he had been employed
as a boll boy last year.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 7.-Charles Ben
der, alias "Black Tony," the Omaha mur
der suspect, arrested at Pueblo, accord'
Ing to Chief of Police Malonc, came to
Lincoln directly after tho holdup ot the
Omaha resort and worked tor a time as
a bell boy in a local hotel. Chief Ma
lone now has a broach containing two
diamonds, which he says bender secured
In the holdup and disposed ot In Lin
coin. Bener left here January , saying
he was going to Denver.
Pontof tiers Discontinued.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. -(Special Tele
gram.) The postotflce at McNeily, Sioux
county, Iowa, has been discontinued, mall
to Ireton; Hyde, Jerauld county, South
Dakota, mall to Gaun Valley; Andres,
Bonhomme county, South Dakota, mall to
thick jbvenlijg jtrathRTstsfnp)irlar,
tho. staters 'for 'rlrig5 Tetftperfiture;
Snow is reported drifting, but the fan
Secures .this Magnlflciont
and 24 Victor Musical Selec
tions, (12 Victor Double faced
records), including the latest
dance music.
Terms as low as $1.00 per
Piano Company
We have made special, arrangements this year to accom
tnodato those who. Want to breed Gonariea for profit as
well as pleasure. We will place on sale this weo
gpsciAx, BRSEBrwa sovmcxirr
One breeding cage, with removable partition. Including
nest holdersT nest, package nesting, roller seed and bird
biscuit, all complete and ready tor use: regular catalogue
nrice. SS.4S: one pair of our famous -uiving mua iwj. Vr0STriTi ii.
sheeted, fine, guaranteed singer, regular catalogueprlce J8.00 J11.45;
BDfeclaJ for this weok. regular 10.20 value, at only ?.56.
P Our "Living Music Box-' Canaries ore musically educated, and Im
ported by us from Oeimany and registered In the United Btates patent
office under No 5085S. Guaranteed and sold on five days' approval.
MAX GKISTjKU Hinn CO., lOlT Fnrnnm Street.
Our Big
in the laundry business in
Omaha is due to tho fact
that wo have always given
our customers qualtiy
work, excellent service and
courteous treatment. J
these three main essentials
appeal to you, you better
send your next laundry
bundle to
OmahaVQuality Laundry
Phone Doug. 2560
We Cut the
Cost of Dentistry
Gold Crowns S3.00
Bridge Work S3.00
Set of TeeUi $5.00
Teeth Extracted Without Pain 50&
We replace teeth which cannot be told from your
own, without plates. Wo give you reliable and up-to-date
dentistry which will please you and please your
friends. Don't neglect your teeth. "When they start
to go, they go fast." Get your teeth fixed now.
The Experienced Dentist,
10th and Douglas Sts. Room 3, Bushmnu DIk.