Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART TWO, Page 3-B, Image 19

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Club Calendar.
SUNDAYVespcr "wrvleo. Young Mens
Christian association, :,10 p. m. ; closing
V?y S.1! Art exhibit unci lecture there by
tt.h,,Jmaa K- Kimball nt 3 o'clock.
R uA7,Soclnl. "'lenco department.
Omaha VV oman'a club; valentine party
0un5 ypmcnB Christian association.
mi,J?nJlls,or'f c,nfls Public library.
TUESDAY -Current topics department,
umatm oman's club; oratory depart
ment. Omaha Woman's club: household
economics department. South Omnha Y
Tumuns ciud; iseeaiecrnrt club. I'ralrlo
Park club; North Side Mothers' Culture
club, Mrs. 13. O. Carson, hostess, an
nual meeting, Trl-Clty Federation of
Christian Churches: French history
class., public library; Central and Mon
mouth Park Mothers' league. Monmouth
Park school.
WKDNESDAY-tTnlty club. public
library. 8 p m.: Clio club muslca'e. Mrs.
. , 5lePhcrtl, hostess; Frances Wit
lard, Women's Christian Temperance
union. Mrs. A. C. Anderson, hostess;
story hour, public library:. Ladles auxil
iary, B'nal B'rlth. Uarlght hall; board
' directors' meeting, Young Women's
Christian association.
TJIURSDAY-Art department. Omaha
woman club: musical department,
Omaha Woman's club; Junior Art bo
clcty; Wythe Story Tellers league
public library; Woman's Democratic
league. Mrs. C. Vincent, hostess; Ucn
fon Woman's club. Mrs. A. L. Ev
lug. hosteos; Medlll McCormlck. "City
Suffrneo organization, council chamber,
city hall; West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union, Mrs. John T. Cant,
.hostess; decorative art class, public
.library; J. F. W. club; Emma lloagland
" I- lower mission
FltlPAY Dundee Woman's club, Valen
tino party; French deportment, Omaha
AYomnn's club: West Omnha Mothers'
Culture club, Mrs. Lester Hutchinson,
hostess; French history class; civics
.class, public library; Benson AVoman's
Christian Temperance union, kenslng
ton, Mrs. II. J. Groves, hostess.
,T A MEETING of tho State
Suffrage association held in
Lincoln AVcdnesday a stand
ing committee on church was
organized, In addition to those.
on education, finance. n 1
pumic speakers and AVoman's Journal,
which already exist. Mrs. Lillian Har
ford of Omaha was elected chairman of
this .committee, whoso duty It will bo to
bring tho suffrago work actively before
tho people from every church pulpit In
tho state. Tho church papers will nlso
bo enlisted In the cause. Mrs. Georga
Tlldcn of .Omaha Is also a member of this
committee. Later Mrs. Harford will ap
pear before the aid societies of tho
various churches and leave active com
mittees to direct tho work.
A number, of ministers have already
endorsed tho movement and stated their
willingness- to permit the women to work
In, their churches.
Funds, petitions and encouraging reports-
wero received from slxty-slx of
tho.nlnqty-two counties In Nebraska at
.this meeting.
The committee of tho Omaha AVoman's
club, composed of tho leaders of each
department, "which was to tako up tho
matter of co-operation with tho Retail
Grocers association in their Low Cost
. of Living show, met and took favorablo
action In tho matter. Mrs. F. G, BAirnett,
loader of household economics depart-
J mcnt, was appointed chairman of the
icominltt'eoi At tho next mooting of tho
t club tho recommendation, will be made
7" that tho club maintain a bureau of housa-
' hold efficiency at the show, which is to
be held at tho Auditorium in April.
, Tho current topics department of the
Omaha AVoman's club will meet Tuesday
at 2:15 p. m. Tho parliamentary practice
will be on tho subject of "Debate
and Decorum" and will be conducted by
Mrs. L. M. Lord. Mr. Ross Hammond
of Fremont, collector o Internal reve
nues, will speak on the "Income Tax."
Current events will be given by the mem
Tiers. About sixty guests wero present
at the department kenBlngton held last
Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. U. E.
Tho social science department of tho
Omaha AVoman's club meets Monday
afternoon at 2:15. Tho business meeting
will bo in chargo of Mrs. F, A. Follans
boo and tho program given under tho
direction of Mrs. D. G. Craighead. Prof.
C." Reed of tho Omaha High school will
epcak on the "Demand for Vocational
Training," and Mr. E) D. Gepson, princi
pal of tho Fort school for boys, will also
speak of the work along these lines.
Members of mothers' culture clubs and
all women's organizations of tho city aro
especially Invited to be present.
The musical department of tho Omaha
AVoman's club will meet Thursday at
2:15. Tho" program has been arranged by
Mrs. Earl, Stanfleld and is as follows:
Paper Early Italian Muslo and Com
posers ........1...
Miss Blanche Van Kuran.
A'olcho Sopcte (Marriage cf Figaro)..
Serenade Schubert
Miss Hazel Evans.
Though to Heaven from Sorrow Fly
ing (Lucia Donizetti
Convlen Partle (Daughter of the Regi
ment Donlrettl
-Mrs. George Slert.
Adagio from Fifth Sonata Corelll
Minuet Celcbre Boccherlnt
Aria 1 Kenaglta,
. Mrs. E. R. Zabriskle, Mls EIoiho West,
Mr. Louis Schnauber and Mr.
Herbert Rogers.
Ah! Xon Glungo (Sonnambula).,. .Bellini
Miss Amy Silver Zscbau.
Sextet from Lucia Donizetti
Miss Ruth Zittle. Miss Avllda Moor, Mr.
Lynn Sachett, Mr. Paul Munson,
Mr. Marcus Ncllson, Mr,
Arthur Rouner.
Accompanists Miss Cora Evans, Mrs.
Harold Reynolds and Mrs. AValter Silver,
leader of tho department.
The oratory department of the Omaha
AVoman's club will meet Tuesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock at Prof. Rlced's studio
in bio. Boyd Theater building. The sub-
Discolored, Wrinkled
Skin Easily Removed
(From the Woman Beautiful.)
Since brown or yellow, over-red or
blotchy complexions are decidedly not the
fashion, I cannot understand why so
many contlnuo to wear them. Surely
.every woman nas nearti 01 mcrcouzeu
wax. This I know from my own and
others' experiences will positively banish
every unsightly tint. The wax really
takes off a bad complexion- It gradually,
harmlessly, absorbs tho thin layer of
surface skin with all Its defects, as chaps,
liver spots, pimples, freckles, blackheads.
Just as gradually the discarded skin Is
replaced by the clear, white, youthful
sKin unaerneam, Jierconzea wax, procur
able at any drugstore, U applied nightly
iiko cold cream and erased mornings
with warm water. One ounce will produce
the loveliest girlish complexion in less
than a fortnight.
I can't understand, either, why folks
will be bothered with wrinkles, since the
famous saxollte rormuia has become pub
lic proocrtv One ounc of powdered Bax
ollte dissolved in a half-pint wltrh hazel
makes a wash lotion that will quickly ef
fee- every line, een the deepest -Ad.
Popular Visitors in Omaha
Jttvs H D Hers-iea
IHiss Edith Meckel
Ject to bo studied is "Rural Dialect." Tho
cast of tho "Gentle Jury" has been asked
to repeat tho play nt tho Pralrio Park
club March 12, and this matter will bo
decided at the meeting.
Tho household economics department of
the South Omaha AVoman's club will moot
at the homo of Mrs. AValter NItscho Tues
day at 2!30 p, m. Miss N6va Turner,
head of the domestic science department
of tho Omaha High school, will give a
talk on "Bacteria."
Mr. Medlll McCormlck of Chicago will
speak on tho subject of women lmpollttcs
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock In tho
council chamber ot the city hall. Mr.
McCormlck Is brought hero by the three
suffrage organizations.
"At a meeting of the Omaha Suffrage
association Wednesday afternoon tho sec
retary was Instructed to send a letter ot
appreciation to Commissioner Kugcl foi"
his efforts In behalf of enforcing law In
The North Side Mothers' Culture club
meets Tuesday afternoon at tho home of
Mrs. E. O. Carson. RoW coll will bo
responded to by quotations with regard
to nature. The following program will
bo rendered: Vocal boIo, Mrs. J. B. Red
flcld; paper, "How to Interest Children
in Natural History," Mrs. Barr; supple
mentary reading, "The Love and Study
of Nature," Mrs. Roy Dnugherty; sketch
of Kipling's life, Mrs. C. II. Ballard; ad
dress, "Should Sex Hygiene Be Taught
in the Publlo Schools." Dr. C. R. Gilbert.
and an instrumental selection, Miss Daisy
The AVest Omaha Mothers' Culture club
will meet Friday afternoon at 2:20 at the
home of Mrs. Lester Hutchinson. A paper
on "Earning and Saving as Factors In
the Development of Character," will be
read by Mrs. T. J. AVhlte. A general
discussion will follow. Two familiar old
time songs will bo sung by the members.
The annual meeting and election of of
ficers for tho Tri-City Federation of
Christian Churches will take place nt
the First Christian church. Twentv.slxth
and Harney streets. Mrs. N. M. Graham
nas been president of this organization
for tho last three years. After the busi
ness session there tvIU be a program,
when Mrs. Sarah Cotner will give a
reading and Mrs. AV. E. Brau of Hebron.
Neb., will speak on "Christian AVoman
hood and AVorldAVide AVork." A lunch
eon will precede the meeting.
Tho AVyche Story Tellers', league will
meet Thursday at the publlclllbrary and
will hold an election of officers. The
program will be on "Heroism" and
stories from Pylo's AVonder Book will be
told. Miss May Glbbs Is tho leader of
tho program and will be nsslstcd by
Misses Cnrrlo Boutelle, Jessie Stltt and
Callsta Reynolds.
At a meeting of tho Omaha chapter of
the Daughters of tho American Revolu
tion Tuesday afternoon the following
delegates wero elected to the Continental
congress, which will bo held In Washing
ton In April. Mrs. J. AV, Griffith was
elected delegate? Mrs. J. R. AVebster,
regent alternate; W. L. Sclby, delegato
alternate; Mrs. G. B. Barr, regent's al
ternate's delegate; Mrs. Frank Crawford,
Mrs. Edson Rich and Mrs. J. O. Goodwin,
delegate's alternative's alternate. Mrs.
C. M. AVilhclm. regent, Is a delegato by
virtue of her office. A Lincoln program
was given, Mrs. Edward Porter Peck and
Miss Halley taking part.
The Frances AVillard society of the
AVomen's Christian Temperance union will
hold an all-day meeting AVcdnesday at
the home of Mrs. A. C. Anderson. A
business session will be held In the fore
noon and a program in the! afternoon.
Mrs. J. M. Taflaferro, superintendent, is
in charge of the program, which will be
on "Antl-Narcotlcs."
The Clio club will entertain at an even
ing musical Thursday at tho home of
Mrs. 12. 8. Shepherd. Mrs, R, A. Mc
Eacheron is In charge of the program,
whlrh will consist qt vocal solos by Miss
Elizabeth Crawford and Miss Edith
Lease, Instrumental numbers by Miss
ItltssPesrl ckrir3
TtliSS. JU&Pi& Sho.iT;
Martha Clnrk, and a reading by Miss
AVInlfred Travis.
Tho Benson AA'oman's club will meet
Thursday at the homo of Mrs. A. 1
Ewlng. The toplo for tho day is "Civil
Service" and tho members will respond
to roll call by telling what tho suffrago
states are doing.
In and Out of the Bcc Hive.
Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Smith went to New
York yesterday for ten days.
Mrs. M. 11, Gardner ot Minneapolis la
visiting Mrs. AV. L. Brayton.
Miss Helen Adair ot Kearney is the
guest jt Mrs. Charles L. Dundley.
Mrs. R. U Huntley returned Monday
from two. weeks In Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Ralph AV. Breckinridge returned.
Friday from a thrco months' trip in the
Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Towle will leave
February 1 for Denver to spend two
Mrs. Andrew Ellison of Klrksville, Mo.
is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Duncan
Mrs. AV. C. Sunderland leaves today
for Pass Christian, Miss., for 'six weeks
or two months.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy, who has been
spending tho last fortnight In New York,
will return Thursday.
Mrs. Harriet Deboyd Hcrsted of Pax
ton, Neb., Is in tho city, the guest of
Mrs. Charles C. Dewald.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. AVestbroolc have
given up their trip abroad, but will go
to Now York next week.
Mr. A. I. Crelgh left Monday to attend
a meeting of the Nutlonal Real Estate
exchange "at Tampa, Fla,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul AVcrhner left last
week for a trip to Chicago, New York,
Washington and Philadelphia.
Mr. Samuel Reese, Jr., has returned
from New York, where he attended the
funeral of his uncle, Judge McKoon.
Mrs. Pcrley, who has been hero since
the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. F.
A. Brogan, returns Tuesday to Emporia,
Mrs, John Patrick ot Sheridan, AVya.,
who is the guest ot Mrs. J. J. Brown, will
leave the latter, part ot the week for her
Mr. and Mrs. George Cassell Smith left
Wednesday" for Toronto, to spent a week
with Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Larratt
Smith. Miss Helen Epeneter'left Thursday for
Plattsmouth, where she will be the guest
for the week-end of Mrs. Thomas Patter
son. Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrtck went to Mollne
last Saturday for a ten days' visit at the
home of her daughter Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn and Mr,
and Mrs. C. I. Farnsworth returned from
an extended trip through Florida and the
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Belden. who, loft
last Thursday for a trip In the east, will
visit In Baltimore, Washington and Simp.
sonvPle, Ky.
Mrs. Charles C. Rosewater, with Mrs.
Alvln Johnson and Mrs. N. U Guokert,
left yesterday for ten days or two weeks
at Colfax Springs,
Mr. A. B. Taylor of Fargo, N. D ,
stopped in, Omaha for a few hours Fri
day on his way to California to visit
with Lieutenant and Mrs. AV. W. Lorsh-
Mrs. C. Judson Chapman and daughter.
MIbs Anna Jane, left Saturday evening
for Minneapolis, where they will spend
three weeks visiting friends ond rela
Miss Katherlne Curtis left Thursday for
Kansas City, where she will visit rela
tives for a few days before leaving for
Chicago, where she will spend the rest of
the winter.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Martin leave the
latter part of next week for Chatanooga
ana then to norma, where they tako
the trip to Havana and Jamaica. They
expect to be gone three weeks,
Mrs. John Madden and children re
turned AVednesday from Nuttley, N, J.,
where they visited Mr. Madden's mother
for two weeks. Mrs. Madden spent part
of tho time in New York,
Mm. Elva Troyer of Mobile, Ala. : Mrs.
Mabel Chrltenson and Mr. J. Henry
Dcmprter of Sioux Falls, H D., are the
guests pf their father Mr John A
re.ipster, during his llinen. Mr Dcmp.
ter Is slowly con' alcjlnr
Prepares for Coming of Canadian
Grand Opera Company.
Kxorins to AVnrmer ("II mew Mmlr liy
I.nrcr Number of Omnha People
llofn'r (he llrcrnt Cold
Hrtnp Appenreil.
(ContlriueU from Page Two.)
Itosacker nnd Mr. C. F. Dahmko won
the booby "pr'scs. Those present-were:
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. DahmUe.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jens Nclsen.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Anderson,
Air. nnd Mis. Fred Itosacker,
Mr. lUidNilrs. AVIll Elton,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wios,
Mr, Tljeo, Stuhr,
Mr. Horry Elton. en Icouard Elton. '
Mlrses , Misses
Junclalr Elton, 'Agnes Dahmke,
Delia Elton", Lena Dahmke.
t.lzx.o Hosaqker.
Miss Lltxle Rosncker celebrated "her ISth
birthday op Sunday afternoon ' at litr
home. Those present were:
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11, Knap,
Mr. and Mrs. J. William?,
Mr. and. Mrs, J. Opltx, ,
Mrs. William Jensen,
Mrs. Nellie Raabc.
Mlsscf Misses-
Leoha Beckmoycr, Emma Sehlebur,
Manilla Ulclu), Clnru Jl-nscn,
Agnes Dahmke, Frances Opjtz,
Theresa Opltz, Llzzlo Itosacker.
Entertain at Luncheon.
The Misses Marie, Anne and Claire
Ifeimanscn entertained at luncheon yes
terdoy fn -hbnor ot Mrs. Lloyd O. Tliomp
son, a December bride, and formerly of
Grand Island. Tho Trl-Delt colors, silver
and blue, wero used ns table decorations
and Mrs. AA'ards' roses formed tho c.cnter
ploce. Places were laid for:
Mesdamos,: Mcsdames; I
Charles Junod. Council Bluffs,
T J. St. Olalre. Carl Stoll of
It. A. Van. Orsdale. Bloomlngton,, Neb.,
Charles Pryor of E. C. Conlcy,
Misses. , Misses ,
Mildred Morris ot Stella Rhaw.
Couricll Bluffs, Daisy Bonnelli
Nan Franklsh. Helen Adair of
Eleanor Dlrkmnn, Kearney, Neb.
Sara Taylor.
Mm J. It. Bloom entertained at lunch
eon yesterday In honor of Miss Janis of
St. Joseph, Mo.
In Honor of Miss Vaill.
Mrs. C. A. Hull entertained, at. bridge
yesterday afternoon In honor, of Miss
Heth Valll of Houghton, Mich. jThosa.
present were:
Heth Valll.
Catherine Beeson,
MildroJ Butler,
Menle Davis,
Ellznbatli Davis.
Gladys Peters,
Margaret Baum,
Catherine Thummel,
Elizabeth Bruco,
Berths Dickie.
Daphne Peters,
Ralph Peters,
Harold Prltchet.
Sixty-Six Club Dance.
The Slxty-slx club entertained at a
dancing party at Chambers Friday even
ing. The members of the club aro:
Messrs and Mesdames
J. It- Golden, H. A. AMner.
George AVatereon, II. L. A II man,
a. E. Clarke.
O. Y. Krlng.
A. C. Fdstor,
G, A. YounB,
J. P. Palmer,
G. II. Ream,
A. C. Potter.
a. C. PrW.
Stanley Green,
R. S. Trimble,
J. A. Mclhtyro,
V. T. Angel.
J. F. Qrcssleyi
H. C. Paul.
15. S. Freeman.
L. C. Kohn,
E. L. Potter,
II. I. Adams,
C. N. AValrath,
C. E. Mlckel.
H. A'. Oole,
J. IS. Bishop,
E. T. Rector,
J. E. Pulycr,
J. F. Little,
Allan Palmer,
Burd S. .Miller,
AV. M. Moltay,
E. F. Howe,
N. H. Nelson,
T. M. Conklln,
F. J. Jumper,
J. P. Cook.
R. C. Gbddard.
AV. N. Dorward,
J. A. Llnderholm,
J. B. Cunningham,
AV. G. Bhriver.
C. M, Edwards,
M. AV. Klnnery,
O. L. Hart.
R. AV. Palmer,
AV. H. Taylor,
J. E. AVntrath.
J. 8. AVIlllbrand,
L, M. Rogers,
K. A. Knapp,
J. B. Fradenberg,
O. A. Baxter,
E. O. Hamilton,
R. A. Dodge.
L. C. Hamilton,
Thomas Fell,
R. F. Howe.
M. D. Cameron,
(J. T. Kunne,
J, F. Taggart,
John Lavclle,
R. N. Howe,
U. H. Swartwout,
G, K. Thompson,
T. S. Kclley,
C L. Rosa,
It. Rix.
0. A. Peterson,
AV. A. Plel.
E. T. Abbott,
Georgo B. Darr,
AV. T. AVIleon,
G. D. Shlpherd,
1. A. Medlar,
Stag Party.
Mr. Joe Rlngwalt entertained at a stag
rarty Saturday evening. The . occasion
was a farewell to his friends as Mr. Ring'
wait has ncccpted a business offer in
Now York". City and expects to leave In
about two weeks. Thoso Included In tho
farewell party wero:
Messrs Messrs
Edward Umty, Paul Beaton.
Bert Loary, Clarence Slbbernsen,
Charles McLaughlin, Herbert Smalls,
Harold Thompson, Bam Robertson,
Frank Mead. Lloyd Smith,
Dr. Conlln, Arthur McShane,
George 1ark, Robert Arthur,
Edward .O'Brien, George Engler,
Arthur Trimble, Herbert Owen,
Ralph Rolney. Amos Thomas,
Cuthbert l'otter, victor uieiz,
Harry Kocn,
Robert Bustn,
Donald Owen.
Card Party.
Tho Fraternal Aid association will en
terta.n at cards and dancing February
10 at Barigbt hall.
Entertins at Stag Dinner.
Mr. Robert B. Smith entertalnsd' at a
stag dinner Friday evening at his home,
His fe-uests included:
Messrs. - Messrs.
H. AV. Binder, D. M. Sargent,
F. R. Divl,- Emm( t Tlnley,
E. II. Mcrrlam, John Barker.
H, A. Qulnn,.
Thimble) Club Dinner.
The Thlnible club wjll entertain their
husbands apd daughters at dinner Tues
day evening at the University club,
Brownell Hall Musicale.
The mid 'year musical program at
Brownell Hall will be given February It
ot 8 p.- n The pupils of Miss Mary
Mimchhoff, Miss Belle Robinson and Mr.
Max Landow will take part- No Invlta-
How to Cot a
50c Box FREE
W want to tent
jou frti a (Oa pack
ot Dr. Catfatrlna h
K e 1 1 y'l wondtrful
.treatment for making
tho tmat plump and
flrre:alao our bcokUl,
'Too Foreel Klsuro"
Dr. Kallj ua4 thli
treatment b 0 r s I f
and It Ineruaed
h r own and her
patlenta' bmt meu
urementa from I to
Inchea. Writ today
and onUoao 10i to
help pa? dUlrlbutloa
eipenaea. and a Ms
treatment will bo mailed at onca in plain
Dlt, KBIX.Y CO,, Dept 1JJ liD, Buffalo, N T,
Hons have been Issued, but frHnds of the
schools are Invited to tlnd.
Entertains at Tea.
Mrs. Harry Cummlne entertained nt a
ten, yesterday for her sister, Mrs.
Martha McDonald of Duluth, Mont.,
Spring flowers were Used throughout the
rooms nnd forty glests were received.
Those who nrslsted Mrs. Cummlngs were:
. .ncpuauies
John Baldwin,
R P. Teck.
Arthur Guloti,
1. G. Doup,
Wilson I.oie.
Francis Brjgnn,
Denlso Uarknlow,"
A: 0. llecson.
Students' Recital;
, Mr. and Mrs, Tiemn J. Kelly gave n
students' recital ynttrdny .afternoon at
Aoung Mens Chrlsllltn association.
Valentine Party1.
..'Inv'.tatlona have Ueen Issued by the
A'nn Sunt school for. a A'alontlno party
'tQ bo given In the school rooms Saturday,
ljcbruary II.
Aid Soeietv Pntrnnruii.'
, -The patronesses for the annual bnll nf
jtlio Daughters of Israel Aid society,
.wiuoii is to bo held this evening at tho
Auditorium nre;
S. Novltsky,
P Ravi!.
It. A. Simon,
A. Wolf,
A. S.lvorman,
.1. 11. Harris.
I Uluinoiithal,
II. FileUel.
! A. Adelson,
M. Ci
10 Itia f
Ij. Knee'ter.
It A. liorlir,
H. AltHniler,
A." Aken,
it Alpcrson,
I. Kulskofsky,
I. Levt
Ih Kubjepsky,
,M. Fangcr,
.n. Belvers.
C. SntUmiiu,
H. lHottfky,
J. Halm,
U, White,
S. Cofceii,
.1, Fnldman,
Tho otneers of this society arc: Mrs.
A. .Silverman, president; Mm. H. Frltdcl,
v'ieo president; Mrs. Joe Steinberg, sec
rclary, ani Mrs. M. Tntel, treasurer.
Friday Kensington.
Mrs. AV. J. Brown entertained the Fri
day Kensington club nt her home Friday
afternoon. Tho club members had as
tliolr guests Mis. J..L. Goodlier and Mrs.
C. Smith. The members present wero:
A. AV. Dallas,
Al. Falrbrother,
M. AV. Maco,
F. L. Smyth,
Fred AVclngand,
David B. Carlson,
O. J. llalsor,
W. If. Potts,
W. J. Traver.
L. M. Rurhuih,
C. M. Klasscn.
First Unitarian Meetinc.
'The annual mcellng of the members of
tho First Unitarian church will bo held
at, tho University citlb AA'ednesday even
ing from C to 8 o'clock. A dinner will be
served at 6 o'clock.
Dr. Arthur L. AVeatherly, minister of
tho Unitarian church ot Lincoln, will bo
tho guest ot the society.
Danoing. Party.
t Tho Collegian club entertained at a
dnnclng party at Harto hall, In Dundee,
Thursday evening, In honor of Mr. Clar
enco Anderson of Albany, Ore The hull
was attractively decorated in the club I
Brasfs Beds You ISfced
at Prices You Can Pay
Qur bedroom furniture la noted for Its dlstlnctlvo appearance- and Its wearing qualities.
Everyone who has visited this department has ud mired our comploto stock of handsome beds.
From this oxtenslvo assortment of brass bods,, mattresses and springs wo havo selected &
number of exceptional values and mnrkod them at really captivating prlcos.
27.50 . Bed, nt
' $22.50.
Full size continuous 2-lnch post
brass bed with five 1-inch fill
ers. Regular val- (in syj
ue $25, special. . P 1 tfm O
2-Inch post bod with flvo 3-4-inch
filling' rodB-r-our regular
?13.G0, siieclal 50.75
Continuous 2V4-lnch post satin
finished brass bod with flvo
1-inoh filling rods. A beau
tiful bpd at $.10.00, spo
cial. at 834.50
Bed Springs
Woven wire bed spring for thrce-qunr.
ter or full else metal bed. All purts urn
metal, making It very sanitary cull
spring supports, regular prlco 9 ft ft
IJ.BO, special 9CtOM
Mnk fabric spring with highly tem
pered colls at aacll end. l'or limtul beiln
oniy. gur regular I'.uo value,
IInk fabric spring;, steel taped
extends 3 H Inches obovo bed lalle.
- ...
nut oia nun ur ivoou oeu.
Itegular prlco $-60, special,
Sale of Bed
Our special low prlco C-pound pil
lows, good clean feathers. Itegu
lar price 11.1)0 a pair. fc
special , VlalO
Hlx-pnund pillow with good qual
ity tick, Itcigular price per pair,
$3 00; special, sn rn
at ,
Special down'pllldw; extra miulltv
ra qtiulltv
iick, u-puuiiu. . jiecuiu
$8.00 per' pair, special.
Another extra ' good value In 11
down pillow. ' sold regularly at
J7.00 per pair, h flfl
special ' aOiUU
Our rug department Is positively
makes and prices, Now and complete
27-Inch by 54-tnclf, at
36.m:i by OS-Inch, ut ,
6-foot by D-foot, at
8-ft., 3-in. by 10-ft., 6-ln., at,..,.
-foot by, 12-foot, nt
11 -ft-, 3-in. by lJ.ft.. at
10-ft, C-tn. by 13-Tt.. 6-ln., at ,
lift., 5-ln. by lC.ft. at
These are only a few of the rugs we
Ing in the latest colorings.
415-417 South Sixteenth
folora, bl6 ami white. Those present
ApilAf. fPrtl'knt.
!tlh Cpmp,
Mnrltt rrecland,
Irono Walker.
Kdlth llntndoH,
Agnes Harms.
Blhel Tlorney.
Mario Hatch.
Georgo AWMergaard,
Fred Kupplg.
George Peterson,
Otto Cook,
Jenn Taylor,
mum itunio,
Helen Wostergaard
Ohna AVorley,
Mattlo Pohfal,
Frances Ballard,
Mario Peterson,
Chandler Trimble,
"corse iiurxiey,
S. Coffman,
.fnell MnrlMMllI
jonn Ktither,
"Willi JtMMIlT, ..VI, It Ul I'lf,.
Arthur Westorgnnrd, 15. A'nn Behrons.
Ilnrry McNnmara, J. Jackson,
Will Rohsehilh. lin V.rhrcndorff,
Clarence Anderson, Tod Israel.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westorgnard.
M.-s. A. WissterKanrd.
Mrs. J. Sceed.
Informal Reception.
Mr. Arthur Mnrowltz, retiring presi
dent of the McKlnloy lodgo ot tho Il'nnl
i.eo Uovorldge,
Madam Ottilie Metzger
SchmolIer& Mueller Piano Co.
l'Ul-lil Fnrnam St., Oniuhn, Neb.
Rvciuslvo Steinwny llcpreRcnlntlvcs
The old partial plates unnecessary: the old bait tooth brldgework Is nn
anltarr and injurious to dltroitlon and rood nealth.
Dr. Todd's Patented Full Tooth Brlagswork loavos no spao for food to
gather and dscay In yonr mouth, nre absolutely sanitary, which aids dlfes
tion and improves health.
Inveitlgats for yonrself.
Brass Beds, Mattresses and
$35.00 Bed, nt
Satin finished 2 -inch post,
1 'j-lnch filling rods, brass bod,
heavy knobs on posts; rogu
lar value $32, tiQQ 7C
special tPOo O
High hoad and foot, continuous
post. Satin finished brass bod
regular valtto $27.20, bpe-
cial 822.50
Satin finish brass bed; 2-tnch
posts with five 1-lnch filllug
rods. Regular valuo $1G.('-,
npeclal 814.75
I'i 1 I 1 i f
Box Springs
Our No. 1 Box Spring with good steol coil spring
construction, covered with good quality tick.
Jlcnvy Inyjpr of cotton felt over springe. Price $15.
Acme felt lnnttrcss, roll edge, tufted, full weight,
good quality tick. Price $10.00.
No. 1 Sot, complete $25.00
No, 2 Box Spring Set Bettor quality tick than in
Bet No. 1, and a few more coils in the spring con
struction. No. 2 Set, complete, $30.00
No. 3 Box Spring Set Extra quality pure white
cotton folt in mattress, full French roll edge and
deep tufts. Workmanship and materials in box
springs aro of the highest grade.
This Set, complete, $35.00.
PQ on
Special Saving cn Mattresses
Special of for on n full 45-pound
mattress, guaranteed, made of
clean stock, covered with good
grado of tlplc, has roll odire and
tufts. HellH regularly Cft IC
at I8.C0, spvcial OU.IU
MattnuMt made of excellent qual
ity felt, having cover of good
grade of an tick, guaranteed to
givo entire satisfaction. Our reg
ular price $10.00, QQ "J C
special QO.IO
Turn whltq rotton felt mattress
covered In long art tick, larga
tufts, with full French roll edge.
TIiih mnttresH will last a life time
without having to be made over,
Kegular vulue $12.S0. gJQ QQ
of Exceptional Value
in ovcry detail.
Hue of Wh
ittal Anglo Porstan
, . . 940.00
. ...SB7.&0
, . .9110.00
aro show-
27-Inch by lit -Inch -,.94.00
3G-lnch by 63-Inch fe.OO
S-ft., 3-ln. by 10-ft., 6-ln. S33.00
-ft. by 12-ft , 35.00
Tor Monday Only 16 Oriental patterns In fine qual
ity Axinluster. OxlS Axmltiater, value $25, 918,00
nest quality Brussels Rug usually $22.50, size 9-ft.
by 12-lt., now at 914.50
Beaton & Laier
n'rlth, will bo nt home to tho officers
and members of tho standing committees
Thursday evening.
Patrician Club Dance.
Tho Patrician club entertained at n
dancing party Thursday evening at tho
Metropolitan. This wan the fourth danco
ot Its series.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. A'lctor Rosewater ar
stopping In Nashville, Tenn., on their
southern lour.
A daughter was born ThursJay to Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Parks oC Chicago, for
merly of Omaha. j
The meeting of tho Central and Mon
mouth Park Mothers AVelfaro league,
which was to have taken placo Friday.'
will be held Tuesday afternoon at the
Monmouth Park school.
Tho great contralto whoso namo
has boon widely horalilcd as mem
ber of tho Hamburr; Opera Com
pany, who appoars In conrert
Monday afternoon, February tho
0th, nt tho Brandels Theatre, uses
tho Stolnway Piano In proforenco
to all othors. Do not fall to tako
advantago to hear tho groat con
tralto, supported by tho world's
greatest piano, Tho Stolnway.
Stolnway Grands, beautiful ma
hogany cnflOB, can now bo bought
at tho unusual low price of. $750;
Uprights In mahogany coses, J500.
Convenient torms ot payment It
dostred. Wo would bo pleased to
havo you call at our Stelnway par
lors and seo and hear theso world
ifamcd Instruments. Art Booklet
freo to all visitors.
for Nebraska and Western Iowa,
$24.00 Bed, at
Brass bod with 2 -inch posts,
five 1-inch filling rods and
a 2-lnch top rail. Our regu
lar $46 valuo. OA '7C
spoclal pJi! I O
Three-quarter slio brass bod
samplo. Slightly marrod. Reg
ular $17.50, special, S12.75
Continuous 3 -Inch post brass
bed with 2-lnch filling rods.
A very massive and beautiful
bedr sells regularly at $60.00,
special 845.00
Drapery Values Are
Calling You
All our one and two-pair lots
of laco curtains that havo ac
cumulated during our rocent
salo will bo placed on sale Mon
day at Vi original price. Thoso
curtains sold from $1.25 to
$30.00 a pair. Now C3c to $15
a pair.
30c grado of plain
scrim, at, yard, . . .
50c grade of figured nr
Bcrim, at, yard uuC
This applies to patterns.
Payments If You WUh