t 2 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 8, 1914. v i !! i J' SOCIETY TURNS TO HUSICj Prepares for Coming of Canadian Grand Opera Company. MANY ESCAPE COLD WEATHER ISxodnn to Wnrmfr Clime Made hy Larire Xaraber of Omnha People Hrforf (he Recent Cold Snap Apprnred. Social Calendar. MONDAT Mr. find Mrn. A. R. MeCnn. nell, theater pirty folliwed by supper ai uraana ciud ror .mus Jioien linynrn of Washington. D. C; Dr. and Mrs. J. n Lemero and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar. dance at Dunoon hall; Mm. Mil ton Barlow, luncheon for Mm. John Patrick; Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Neble, re ception; Air. ana Mrs. Allan farmer, bridge for Mr, and Sirs. Frank Par mer and Miss kyda Ktam of West Vnlon. In.; Tuesday Bridge club, lunch eon party at I'nlverelty club; Mr. Frank Judsan, dinner at Omaha club for Ak-Bar-Ben board of governors; Pralrlo Park Whist club; Crelghton Dental col lege ounce at Chambers' academy. TUESDAY Mn, Joseph Darker, luncheon for Mrs. John Patrick; Miss Carmellta Chase, musical for Miss Sterling of Chi- ... . .. . jmhii, Mr. una aim. iiuan 1'ormer, bridgo for Mr. and Mm. F. D. Parmer: Thimble club, dinner at University club; musical at Temole Israel: Prairie Park Xeodlecmft club; Tuesday evening done-1 ing ciaas, unamoers . WBDNEUDAY-MIss Menle Davis, tea for Miss Sterling and Miss Heth Valll; Mrs. George Palmer, Wednesday Bridge club, Mrs. J, J. Brown, luncheon for Mrs. Johi Patrick; Miss Margaret Baum. luncheon for Miss Bterllng and Mlsa Buth Candeo of Watenille, N. Y.; Mm. Walter Williams, bridge for Mlsa Williams of Chicago; Mr. and Mr. A. C. Smith, dinner for Miss Sterling; Mra. Frank Burkhart, luncheon for Mer cedes club; annual meeting First Uni tarian church. University club. THURSDAY-MIss Jessie Millard, lunch eon: Blxty-six club dance t Chamber academy; Sin Iazare dance at Turpln'a hall; Mr. Arthur Marowlts, reception to McKlnley lodge. B'nal Brlth. FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keelln. dlnrer at Omaha club for Mr, and Mrs. I T. Jaouea and Mrs. C. I J, Bpcns of Chicago; Miss Mildred Butler, bridge for Miss Heth Valll; Colonial Tango club at Chambers' academy; Qui Vive club. Chambers'; Angelus Social club, dinner dan:o at Omaha club. PATt'IlDAY Mr. and Mm. John W. Bob bins, entertains Harmony club; Miss Catherine McClanahan, bridge for Mlsa Heth Valll; Mm. Howard Cronk, ken tlncton for Miss Jarvls of St. Joseph, Mo.; Pralrlo Park Tango club. Society I Ipoklng forward with pleasure- to thar coming of the Canadian Or and Opera company which will appear here February ID and SO In "La dloconda" and "Samson and Delilah," Such stars In tho musical firmament as Mme. acrvlllo Reacho, Rappold, Olitzka, Slozak and He--gura-Tallleu arc Included )n the cast, ttblch la brousliL.hpro under the manage ment of Mr. Lucius Pryor. Following la a list of those who have already made reservations for box and line parties; Messrs-- Messrs Charles nosewater, W. II. Ilazelton, Thomas Kllpatrlck, C. K. Price, W. T. Page. Will Kellwfe, F. D. Wead, lonard Everett, a. W. Noble, P. T. McOrath. Fred D, Empklo, I. N. Fllcklnger, Robert Pritchard, F. P. Klrkendall, lid-O. Hamilton, A. F. Smith, M. T. Barlow, . B. Edward .ttelss, C. I McOraw, W. J. Coad, A. B McConnell, J. Bpindler, Herbert M. Itogers, F. T. Hamilton, W, H, Squire, J, 11. McSlune, E. P., Peck, A. M. Jeffr-1 A. I. Root, George 11. Print, nobert II. Manley, J I Webster. Charles Grotte. T J. Mahotiey, JO. M. Anderson, Jt D., Foster , O. B. Williams. V. .11. Davis. Douglas B. Welpto.1, H. W. Yam. Oerrlt Fort Arthur Mets, A. M. Borfium- , MlC. reters,, Thomas J, Kelly, . N. M. Koenlg, . rean J. A. TancockE. M. Morsman, jr.; A. G. BuchajiaT. F. E, Pierce, Walter Dalo. John W. Griffith, H. N. Fairfield. T. I JWwrwalt, G. W. Wlcktraham. F. B, Johnson, a. F. Gllmore. Frank I. Hollar, A. W. Bowman, Alfred Borenson, J, T. Yates, C. "W. Hamilton. I, F. Crofoot, Dr. J. Aiken, Ezra Millard, , Dr, II. C, Bumney, Bamuel CalSwell, Dr. Palmer Findley, Fred Mets, Dr, A, II. Hippie. C. C.iOoor.', Dr. 03. Holovtchlner, J. C, Wadswprth, Dr. 11. la. Lrfimere, Paul Hoariwid, -Dr. C, C. Allison. Nathan MArrianv Dr. A. F. Jonas, I". T. Cowglll, Dr. Charles O. Rich Misses'' ' Mlsses Oladys Peters, Blanche Borenson, Jennie Millard. Louisa Stegner, Mlnnlo Pritchard. Henrietta Rece, Daphne Peters, Busan Redfleid, Mildred; Merrlam, Elsie doets. Caroline- Dodge, Martha Grimm, Mary B. Mcintosh, Fannin Arnold, Agnes Wickham, Adelaide Spratlen, Carria Millard, Etta CreUthton. Helen Millard, Mary Munehhoff, Ellsabetti I. Alien, Lufla Allen. Mary E. Bourke, A. 15. Hltte, Graco BorcnMn, Beaa I Dumont. ilesdames-J JJesdames Herman Kountie, Samuel JCatz. Im Montgomery.. Hanscom Park Methods church choir, chaperoned by Mra. Dr, Coifawi, CreigMon Xam XuriM Keirwu. Mlaa Agnfcn Butler ot St. Louis aod Anthony C, Wagner of Qmahs, who were married In BU 'Louis Thursday, first met whan "Tony" Wagner was a. student In St. Lout asd wu a Ur on the Ht. LouU Univfrslty Xoot ball team, In which IUs Butler waa jsreatly Interested. Ar. Wag- ' ner played foot ball pn the Crplghton tram, going to St. Louis when Cochems waa ooach of the blu and white. In 1810 he PfcaniQ captaJo of the team. Miaa Butler, jsrewJdn'isJiter of the late Colonel Kdward JluUer, waa beaeAthed 150J3 b' her grandfather's will, under tho cond! tlon that $10,000 he added to Uils on the day of htr marriage, Her fiance, who with his father had extensive dealings In Colorado lands and ior a Urn made hla home at Sterling, met the, require ment of the grandfather will, Mr. and Mra. "Wagner left for Florida on their honeymoon and Intend to spend tome time touring in Bermuda, Jamaica, and the West Indies. They will spend a port of their honeymoon In Colorado and will then settle down in St. Louis. The brld is a daughter, of Mm. Edward Butler, jr., Of St. Louis. The wedding waa held at U Francis Xavler church on Uie pride's twenty-fifth Wrthday. Surprise Parties. Mrs, J. )V- Hood was pleasantly aur prised by n number of friends who cailoJ Fridty afternoon. She was presented with a hand-painted celery dish. Cards were playvd and the prize was won by Mr. Thomas HtodJard. Those present were. Met&m? Mesdaines J. A. McCrary. Henry Nassar, J W. Gross, J. C. flynum, C, J. Emlg. M. Mayer, K. L. Nelson, Thomas Stoddard. V Rathbun. Miss AHIne Stoddard. A delightful surprise party was given in honor ot ill as Dells, tfeison Saturday evening at her home by a number of her friends. Musio furnished ntertalnment for the evening. Those present were: Misses MIssss Lottie Underbill. Delia Nelsen. Mlldri'd Jpnt. JCllzabeth Barrytnan, uine vieuonu, aihu noMns, Clarion Pearsall, Helen Johnston, V?l4ys Talmadge, Bertie Hoag. Metri..- Messrs. Dick Richards, Harold Baaker, Joa Weinberg, Andrew Dow, Oldham faJsley, Stanley High. y.Untr Rhoden. Paul Mby. Vltiltv JnWln J. Holbv. Miss Frances Dltrs was given a birth jay sUrprUe part Tuesday evening by Girls Who her seventh grade etas of 'Mason school. Miss Dlers had attained highest honors ot (.he class. It was her thirteenth birth day. Miss Madeline Echneckenburger cave a vtiollrt solo and Miss Doris Skinner and Miss Bertha Clausen piano solos. Thoso present were: Misses Misses Berths. Clausen, France Dlars, MaCellno Ellen Morris, May Kelly, Verna Thomson, Irene Evans, Juanlta Dlers. SchnocKencureer. Doris Skinner, Edna Anderson, Hazel Larson, Messrs. Howard Kves, Edward Lynch. Klsle McLean, Messrs. Gilbert Brown, John Bchlecht, Harloy Kuhl, Tony Pasha- George Beve, uari Jim. Mr. anil Mrs. C. S. Mulligan, Air. ami Airs, u. uiers. Iwter in Atlantio City. A number of Otnaha women whose children are cast at school will spend the Easter vacation at Atlantio City, whero their daughters em) sons will join thorn. Among thoso women this year will be Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. Charles Kountze and Mrs. Ward Burgoss., Mrs. C. C. Allison and Mrs. WHhelm have no children In 4- St, Louis Girl Gomes to Omaha to Live Have Announced Their Engagements school in tho cast, hut they plan to go to Atlantio City, taking their, children on from horo for the spring vacation. Mrs. J. E. Baum and Mlsa Katherlne Baum will be thei too, and the Omaha colony probably alt will stay at the Marlborough Blenheim. Heart Party. Mrs, C. D. Brown entertained at & heart party for her daughter, Mlsa Marlon Brown, Saturday afternoon. Pink and white flowers were used, The, guests included: Misses MIhk Elizabeth Stunlevnnt,Ellznbcth Burnett, Catherine wiuiamsonKthel I'lci, Lucy Garvin. Helen Olltner. Helen Bhepard. Uretchen Allen, uorotny juaioacK, tiaze upaiKe. aertrude Matteon, Gertrude Porter, Mae Hamilton, Dorothy Cavanaugh, Marlon Lowe, t.orela Travis. Wav'fc'uraham. Margaret Wrlght( Edith Howe. Martha uygcr, Harriet Sherman. Margaret Howes, Olca Metz. Grace Rratih, Helen l'cycKc, Betija Clark, Entertains Club. The O. O. T. Q. club Was entertained by Mr, m. Barlow at her home Wednesday nfinrtinon. Tho color schema tor deco rations was pink and 'white. Th' r.lub will meet with Mrs. Cook Wednesday, February 1J. The visitors wore: Meadames Mesdames Samsom Holt,' Woolf, Thomsen, Devpl. Marshall, Grimes, James, Gross, Barlow, Anderson, Lefcverton, HeTt,' Mtmboro present were; Meedamea Btusrt, Potorson, King, Ellis, Koesters, Hewitt, Stoddard, Oood, Gewinner, . Mesdames Timme, Cottimer. Wlchterman, Weyerroan, Willey. Barlow, Watson, Brady, Wedding Announcement, The wedding of Miss Caroline Harding, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hard ing, to Mr, James Frederick Lowe, son ot Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lowe, will taHo place Monday evening, February 13, at the home ot the bride. Hev, Frederick Rouse of the First Congregational church, will ' officiate. Miss Sylvia Conant of Pawtucket. R. I., a clasemate of the brda at Vassor, will to maid of honor; Miss Mary Hughes ot Columbus, O,, with whom Miss Harding studied music In Paris, will he bridesmaid, and Mrs. Sam uel Bees, jr., her sister, will be matron of honor. Mr. Harry Copo will bo best man and the following friends of the brida Will stretch the ribbons: Mrs, Mao Millan Hardjhg. Mrs. John L. McCague, Jr., .Mrs Maxwell Bcghtol and Miss Mary McCague Tho yoking, couplo will make their home in Milwaukee, where Mr. Lowe Is now established. Entertain Informally. ., v " Mr. tyd Mrs! WllllamKunold, Jr., en- Kir nuiue jtuesuay evening. These present were: - . - MIMCV Jeanett6 Doldyns. Margaret Koopman. . Jiessrs. Fred Talmage,' Cromblo Schlndel. . air. una Mrs. Hoyt Freeman. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Kunold, Jr. Xnpageaientg Announced, Mr. and Mrs. James J. MoManus of South Omaha announce the engagement of thelp daughter, Elizabeth, to Thomas V. Spellecy ojt Platte Center, Neb, The wedding will take place at St. Bridget's church. In South Omaha on the morning of February 18, 1W4. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bergqulst of South Omaha announco the engagement of their daughter, Mlsa Louise, to Mr. Edward E. Newman. The wedding will take Place in the spring. Miss Bergqulqt s a tal ented musician, having studied nt the Chicago School of Muslp. She has also traveled extensively abroad. Mr, and Mrs. II. Rachman announce the engagement ot their daughter, Flor ence, to Mr. Joe C. Popper of this city. The Morgan-Shawler Co. FLOWER SHOP Will Be Open for Business TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1003 FARNAM STREET PHONE DOUGLAS 3268 WE HANDLE ALL OUT PLOVERS IN SEASON AND MAKE A SPECIALTY OP DECORATIONS FOR WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, ETO, ' " llLt.i ' mHHbssbsssssssssW HsssffsssW assflsfkt V$9H,B Hpward R. Morgan WE WILL APPRECIATE A TRIAL ORDER AND THAT INGENUITY, HONESTY AND REASONABLE No definite plans have been made for the wedding. Mrs. Sara Zlmmnn announces the en gagement of her daughter, Blanche, to Mr. Henry S. Rachman ot Rock Island, 111. The wedding will take place In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. II. Frledel announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Morris Bafr. Date of the wedding has not been set. ' i Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Tlmm announeo the engagement ot their daughter, Edna JCoeh, to Mr, A. Boyd Amborson of Su perior, Neb. Miss Koch was a student ot Central college at Lexington, Mo., during tho year of after which she attended Brownell Hall, Mr. Amberson Is a grad uate of the State university of the class of 1911 and a member of the Innocents interfraternlty, Tho wedding will take place In tho summer or early fall. Out-of-Town Wedding, A wedding of much interest to the Omaha friends, of the brido took place in Denver last week when Mrs. Cora Belsor became the bride of Mr. Elmer A. Wat son, a well known lawyer of Syracuse, N. Y. The ceremony waa performed by Rev. John Gralngor, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church, at the home of the brtdo's brother, Dr. 8. T. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are in Omaha for a few Cays, after whioh they 'will leave for New York, from whenco they will go to the Bermudas. They will make their home In Denver. Silver Anniversary Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. S. Swanson were pleas Mr. Howard R. Morgan, manager of the now concern, is known as one of the most expert decor ators in the country, having had eighteen years of experience in those lines. As a boy lie began the business, and has worked his way to the top in his chosen lino. For years ho was associated with the retail and decorative departments of the J. F. "NVileox Company of Council Bluffs, one of the largest green house concerns in America. Their field is tho entire country. Four years of his experience wore obtained in tho larger eastern cities. He is well known in Omaha, many of tho most perfect pieces of decorating ever devised for this city being tho result of his cleverness. His designs are all his own, and no order is beyond his ability. Mr. James Shawler, tho other member of tho f inn, is also well versed in the floral trade, having devoted a number of years to the flower industry. ONE OF THE HAPPY BRIDES OF THE WEEK 2ZbsJtemeT Condon. antly surprised in honor of their Bllvor wedding annlvereary Friday evening. The affair wob arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Llnd Rnd a gift presented by Mr. Axel Swanson. MIbbcb e. Rutter and Ruth Rylander gave piano selections. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. Swanson. C. Hanson, U. L. O. Wldtfeldt O. & Ryberg, Opportunity. Neb.: Jacobson. P. Lindberg of James Trimble, I O'Neill, Neb.: Carl A. Swanson, Frank Nelson of ' Otto Nelson, Colon, Neu.j G. Nestor, 1 IC Swanson of A. Llnd. Denver Colo.: C Roscnaulsl. SwAiioon and Mrs. Strand. Lofgrcn of I. Anderson, Weston. Neb.: r!. nvlnndnr. F. Wldtfoldt of O. Xundgren, O'Neill. Nob.L H. Lundocn. John Larson of C. Swanson. Blackbird. Neb.: Mosdumcs Merdnmea ttutter, Foobs, Misses ' Misses R. Rylander, M. Gustafson, E. Rutter. Dorothy Nestor. R. Mclander, Messrs,-' Messrs. Victor Lundeen, Ralph Swanson, Joel Melander, N. Swanson. O. Rutter, Entertain, at Bridge. Mrs. Henry Cox entertained at a valen tine bridge party yesterday in honor of "Mrs. George Gaass ot Fella, 'la. Her guests "included! Mesdames Mesdames E. K Wilson, A. C Rerkstresser, William Hcrdman, Fred Kerr. John Adams, J. A. Alexander. Lewis Dony, Mllo O. Smith of Council Bluffs, Beverldge C. E. Reed, Austin Dodds. Charles Welsh, Charles Hempel, Leo Wilson, A. G. Sistek, Carrol Beldon, Morton Buckley. William Baughln, V, R. Gould, George Seabury. Hervey Maxwell, D. M. Edgerly, Norris Brown, Ralpt Hay ward, J. D. Weaves. Guy L. $mltb, Misses Madgn Evans ot Lincoln, Edith Stekel of B'.oomfleld, la., Marie Shaw ot Tekamah, Mtttle Pile, or uouncu uiuiis, II. R. Lenron ot Council Bluffs, Clifford Brown of Council Bluffs, Soule ot Fremont. Misses Mary Philllppl, Ruth Beard, Ruth Gansen, Stella Shaw, Luclle Brown, June Brown. Mrs. G. E. Haverstlck entertained at brldgo yesterday in honor ot Mrs. Chapman. Six tables were placed for the game. Mrs, Luclle Mathows entertained at bridge last evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. F, D. Parmer, who are the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parmer. Sewing Club Meets. The "Forget-Me-Not" sewing club met at the home ot Mrs. C.' F. Dahmke Thurs day afternoon. Tho next meeting will be in two weeks, nt the home of Mrs. Jens Nelsen. Those present were: Mesdames F. Rosacker, E. E. Elton, Jens Nelsen, Misses Lena Paulsen, Lizzie Rosacker, Mesdames J. Elton, F. W. Seesako, W. EJton. Misses Minnie Paulsen, Agnes Dahmke. Birthday Parties. Mr. and Mrs. John Elton; gave a de lightful party In celebration of Mr. El ton's birthday Thursday evening. The evening was spent In progressive high five. Mrs. Jens Nelson and Mr. Will El ton won the first prizes. Miss Lizzie (Continued on Page Three.) GUARANTEE YOU ALL PRICES CAN PRODUCE. Slippers Dyed to MatchYourGown Tho Pantorlum la prepared to dyo satin slippers aud Bilk hoso to match your dress, no matter what tho shade. Wo guarantee the color to be fast and not to crock. No gas oline dyes or tubes paint used by us. Slippers dyod any shado, per pair ....50d Silk hoso dyed any shade, per pair 50d Phone Douglas, 963 for an auto. Wo call and dollver to all parts of Omaha, South Omaha and Dundee. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1515-17 Jones Street- N. B. Wo pay return charges on orders ot $3.00 or more on all out-of-town business. Sheet Music 5c This Is tho first sheet music sale wo havo hold In many months, so you may be assured It contains some rare bargains, including Don't Break My Hteart. Melody Chimes. Let's Go to Savannah. Underneath the Stars. My Music Teacher. When the Birds. Etc Pride of the Regiment, and many others. Come Monday. 1513 Songlas St. Always headquarters for Art and Music. BUST DEVELOPED ONE OUNCE A DAY Perma nent Success Judge from my picture as to the truth of what I say to you that the crowning feminine attribute is a bust of beautiful proportions, firmness and exnuislte de velopment. Then ask yourself how much you wouia iikq to navo sucn a pnoio- graph of yourself, showing the glory or womannooa witn its lines or. innniio charm and erace. It would be worth far more than a two-cent stamp, would it not? Then let mo give you my message let me tell you or what 1 nave learned and let me glvo you rocent pictures of myself to prove what I say for it you win writo me today I Will Tell You How FREE I will tell you gladly and willingly. Why should any woman neglect an op portunity to eBcapo the pain and heart ache of being skinny, scrawny, an guar and un-attractlvo In body? Misery is not our heritage. Nature planned that you a woman should have the rich, pulsing lines of warm, living flesh mold ed after the mother of us all, tho des cription of whom, perfumes our sacred! literature, with love and admiration for the divinity ot woman's form. For why should there be that pitiful aspect-tho face ot a woman and the form of a man. Write To Ma Today I don't care, how fallen, or flaccid, or undeveloped your bust now Is I want to tell you of a simple home method I want to tell you how you can gain perfect de velopment one ounce a day. No physical culture no massage, foolish baths or paste no plasters, masks or injurious In jections I want to toll you of an abso lutely new method, never before offered or told about Insuring ' Immediate sue? cess and permanent beauty. Send No Money Just write me a letter address It to me personally that's all. I will answer it by return mall and you can develop your bust one ounce a day you can be what you want to be. Believe me when I say that you will bless me through years of happiness for pointing tho way to you and telling you what I know. Please send your Jotter today to the , folio wino address: MRS. LOUISE INGRAM Suite, 671 408 Adams St., TOLEDO, OHIO Great CRUISE f 1915 fc' "CLEVELAND" Fro New York, Jan. 31, 1915 Visiting famous cities and countries on a palatial steamship which serves as your hotel. Every luxury and comfort assured. 135 day $900 and up iotlndioc Shot Trip nd all necesuir cspcaua. AUo Crnli.a to tha W.it lodl. Put. anw Canal, and McditerriuMU trip. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE ISO W, Randolph st Chicago, HL. or Ziocal Agents 7