13-& THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 8, 1914. WOMEN GETTING SIGNATURES Hope to Have Suffrage Lists Corn pletc by Thursday. AJ LOCAL CLUBS ARE BUSY rrcaent Month One of tlnumial Ac ilrltr in the Club Life of the Women ot ThU City. Nebraska Man's Romance Mingles With Mexico Revolution At the bi-monthly meeting of the Con itral Suffrage organization It was pro posed by Mrs. Z. T. Ltndsey, acting city jchalrmon. that Thursday, February 12, lUncolns birthday, ahould b the date sot for the completion of the Douglas county (campaign for petition signers, Rnd the suggestion was unanimously accepted by ,the members present. Reports from peti tion workers showed 3,750 names out of the 6.0W aimed at. already secured In the )county, leaving about 1,300 more to be gathered In the remaining two weeks, fcrhat these could be gotten by a hustling campaign In the short time left was the opinion of the workers, and to that end ;the last week has been devoted to a can vass of the office buildings, factories and business blocks of the city. On Tuesday the Union Pacific headquarters were 'n vaded, and Mrs. IJndsey. Mrs. Draper (Smith, Mrs. James Richardson. Mrs. W; P, Sharer and Mrs. Henry Wagner reaped harvest of over 250 signers. The 3. F. W. club will met Thursday )rt the home of Mrs. I Lundbeck. Cur rent topics and music will make up the program for the afternoon. ' The George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps entertained Its post Tuesday even ing at the home of the president, Mrs. fcmma J. Clark. Music and cards fur )dihed amusement for the evening and ym oyster supper was served. The card Jparty announced by this organization, to (be held Tuesday evening, at Fraternal Vail, has been postponed until further notice. . The Benson Christian Endeavor society fceld an entertainment at the Presbyter )an church Monday evening, the occasion being a "Mother Coosa" progrim. The Quests camo attired as their favorite )charaelers. Refreshments were served after the program. I The Benson Municipal league met on Thursday evening and awarded the prize Joffercd some time ego for school chil dren's essays. The prize waa won by hllss Lillian Hurwood'a essay on "Our Streets. Uses and Conditions." Robert fcrossley received honorable mention. I Tha Benson Women's Christian Tem perance union will entertain at an after noon kenslngton Friday at the home ot Sirs. IL J. Orove, Bonsonhurst Mr. Prove will report the convention held In jtWaahlngton, D. C. , The West Bide Women's Christian Tem perance union will meet Thursday after noon at the homo of Mrs. John T. Oontz, 4709 Hickory street. Mrs. A. O. Claggett, oresldent of tho organization, will have charge of the program and will speak on "Social Purity." i Tha twelfth annual conference of the State Daughters of the American Revoiu Uon will be held, at Folrbury, March 17, IS and 19, ISM. 1 Tuesday evening at t o'clock the con ference will be opened by a reception at the home of Mrs. George Cross. Wednes day evening a banquet will be given at the Mary-Etta hotel. The sessions of the conference will be held In the Christian church. Wednesday morning at 8:90 oclock, tho state board of management will hold a business ses Ion In the church; according to the new state bylaws this must be held "preced ing and Immediately following the state conference" (article v, section S). At 0:80 tu m. the frst session ot the conference will open and the closing session will be Thursday afternoon. Speakers of prominence, the pretenta tlon of reports from the chapters, the chairman of stato and special committees will lend Interest to each session. Chapters are working for the award ot the flag, which Is presented to tho chapter having the largest percentage ot gain In membership during the year. Cuban women are organizing for suf frage and some of them havo asked Mrs. Raymond Brown of New York to become their honorary president. "Wo havo raised tho banner of suffrage here, with the name 'Partldo ' Popular Fcmlnlsta." with Ideas of equality In the relation ot the sexes and with peaceful Intentions and legal procedure," tho letter says. It is 'dated Havana and Is signed "Emilia Perez Moossey." V. TV. C. A. Notes. The YoUne Women's Christian assocla Mob vesper services will be addressed ii v f. x, aiunwix. A fascinating, black-eyed, winsome little woman nlmost a girl, were it not for tho early Spanish development an own sister to Pancho VII In. nt the prevent time the most-talkcd-about man In Mexico this Is Ursula Villa Wiggins, widow ot a man born In Iowa and raised and edu cated In Kansas, Just aoross the line from Nebraska, and Ursula Wiggins Ia spending tho winter In a little cottage with her father-in-law In Iebanon, Neb. This most Interesting personage wel comed hor strange visitors cordially and graciously consented to talk about her brother and tho romance and tragedy of her marriage. Tho homo Is a neat cottage, typical of the smalltown residence, but Inside there was Immediate evidence of daintiness and distinction In the quantity and delicate beauty ot the covers and draperies to bo seen. The pretty little woman who greeted her visitors In so charming a way Is ot the pure Spanish type-melting dark eyes, complexion of old ivory, white teeth, a flashing smile, soft low voice and rrotty and expressive gestures, which made up for the broken English and added to her charm. She was born at Bojocangon, which Is "three days' Journey" from Santa Bar bara, where her father, brother of Gen eral Villa, was postmaster for twenty four years, going blind In tho service. After this affliction the office was con ducted by an elder daughter. The family was a respected one. There were two sons and three daughters. Pancho, or Francisco, Villa Is the owner of valuable mines and a man ot affairs. He was a warm personal friend of President Francisco Madero and a stanch supporter of tho Madero adminis tration. When Madero gave up his life, Pancho Villa set out to avenge his death. At tho samo tlmo ho believes that ho Is fighting in the Interests ot the whole peoplo ot Mexico, and for the good ot his country. Frank Wiggins, the husband, who lived nly two years of the southern romance. was born In Iowa and spent his early years In Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. His father owned a cattlo ranch near Lyle, Kan., and bos been a resident of tho middle west for forty years, tfrank, Instead ot becoming a cattleman, took Sunday afternoon at 4:30 by Mrs. Mc Casklll of the II an scorn Park Methodist church. Thero will bo a vocal duet by i.iieua cmun ana Aiary wingett. ansa -namoers win Do nostess at t he social nour following tho incline. IJaht re freshments nro served, and a cordial welcome Is given to all girls and women io uo present. un .Monday oven nr. the February carty win oe given on me second noor. it win be a Valentine party, with all the happy merry-makings of that holiday. Evory girl who wishes to become a member, or wno wisnes to invito any ot iter irionas to become acquainted here, will be very cordially welcomed. Guests arc asked to como.at 8 o'clock. On Monday even ne all classes oDon a secona term ot lessons, a new gymnasium cuius, meeting weunosuuy evenings at :ii, is neing organized. Domcstla science classes are forming at this tlmo. If you wish to learn to trim your own hats, to make your spring resscs. to learn to cook, our lourtn floor Is prepared to accommodate such classes. Inquiries may bo made at the oftlco by phono, tor hours and rates. l'-aucntionai classes are beginning new work this week, Tho English classes in myths, with .Miss Jessio Towns: in juiius ucasar, with miss Laurance; and writing for foreign Klrls. are open for registrations. Miss Pearl RocKieiiow In grammar and composition, in reading j being merely an educational one tt K s beginning new classes In French and Pimples and Children All Mothers Bltould OrcfHlly Watch for Pimples and Uso Stuart's Calcium Wafers Uib Instant They Appear. The blood ot children changes in a cer tain period of their life. It Is then that meir beamy is oltlmes mado or marred, the health established or shattered. Every mother knows this Important period and should keep the blood of her cnuoren as irssn and as pure as possible, I 7' s 1 Frank Wiggins to engineering and his work led htm down Into Mexico, and In Mexico Frank Wig gins, American, met and wedded Ursula Villa, native of Moxtco. And the Impetu ous wooing, typical of the southland and the Spanish people, was one ot romance and deeds of daring. Santa Barbara was In gala attire and the quaint old city was full ot hearts filled with anticipation, for the annual occasion ot most Intense interest and Lope was at hand. Some ono would be come a hero who had not been one be fore. Everybody would go and everybody would applaud tho hero who showed the greatest bravery and tho flower girls, the prettiest In tho city and the- countryside, would decorato the hero and he would bo the great man. One of the prettiest of the flower girls was Ursula Villa, and ono of the con testants for high honor In tho bull fight In tho year 190$ was Frank Wiggins, from tho middle west ot tho United States of American. In tho contest which took place that day before the great audi- IT Upaula Villa. Wiggins 1 - Poncho Villa. encc tho bravest of the brave fighters, Mexican widow, was Frank Wiggins, according to the version of the little It was sho who picked him as a favor ite for the bestowal of the floral honor, and the result of this acquaintance was a marriage inside the month. They were happy for two years, when the train on the Mexican railroad of which Frank Wiggins was locomotive en gineer ran away on the mountain gTade, and on a high trestle toppled a hundred fot Infn tliA ennvnn foAlnnr Tf rnflltiA three days to remove tho wreckage df the plled-up cars and at the bottom was the mangled body of Frank Wiggins. Two years ago, a year after the tragic death ot Frank Wiggins, Van B. Wlg" gins, his father, wrote to Mexico and found out where the young widow was and sent money to her to come north, which sho Immediately did. Sho could speak no English and could understand little that was said to her In that language, so, thinking to hurry the education along she went to school In the public schools near Lylo, Kan., and In the second grade began her study of English. For two years she attended school In this district and received a number ot perfect attendance cards as well as a high grade for deportment and advancement. In September of the last year, Ursula Wiggins mode a trip to the border at El Paso, Tex., In hopes that she might see her brother, Pancho Villa, but It was a disappointment. She was not permitted to cross Into Mexico and Pancho Villa was not allowed to como over Into tho United States to meet his sister. A sister-in-law, widow of Uie other of the Villa brothers, came across the bordor into El Paso and through her news of tho progress being made and tho remark able victories being won by General Villa was received. The father-in-law plans, when peace Is restored, to go down Into Mexico with tho Uttlo daughter-in-law and buy a nice homo there for her, where she can bo with her own people again, but for the present they aro spending tho tlmo In a little Nebraska town and enjoying it all. Ursula, raised a Catholic, at present attends tho Protestant church of their community and Is beloved by all who come in contact wtlh her. She may be the Bister of a "desporato diplomat," but she must bo sister to a man who Is a patriot diplomat, too one who loves and hates In tho true Spanish way, and ex presses It in action. STANLEY WILL NOT BE HELD FOR PRCER MURDER CLEVELAND, O., Feb. 7.-Coroner P. J. Byrne said today that his inquest into the death of Robert E. Mercer of Pitts burgh found slain and buried under the new city hall hero Wednesday, was prac tically complete, and that, based on the evidence submitted by the police, he would not find that Mercer had been murdered by Normal Stanley of Wheel ing, W. Vs., now under arrest hero charged with the crime. If the police obtain new evidence Byrne said he would reopen the case. Be "A Live Wire" Be ambitious full 6f energy healthy. Don't put in another day with that "half-sick, down and out" feollng. It Isn't necessary. Your Stomach, Liver and bowels are only calling for assistance and HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will help you back to health, vigor and Btrength. It is for Indigestion Constipation Liver Troubles Colds, Grippe and Malaria We urge a trial today INSIST ON HOSTETTER'S Y. M. C. A, WILL CELEBRATE Four Weeks from Today Will Be As sociation Sunday. WORKERS TO OCCUPY PULPITS Ministers to Assist In Sinking; the IJvcnt n Success and to Permit Speakers to Mnko Atl dresea In Churche. Four weeks from today will be "Young Men's Christian Association Sunday" In tho Omaha churches. On that day rep resentatives of the churches will occupy most of the pulpits of the city and ex plain to tho congregations the work tho organization la doing throughout tho country, as well as In Omaha. No col lections will bo taken and membership will not be solicited, the entire plan German; Miss Mary Wallace Is continu ing the dramatic club, and Miss Blanche Borenson, mo cnorus, wim opportunities for new pupils to enter this wetk. Tiie board or directors win hold its business meeting; Wednesday morning. February 11. to elect tho new chairman of committees for the yca. Pagalco Dancing Club Entertains The members of the Pagalco club en tertained at a dancing party Wednesday evening at Armbrust hall. Those present wcros Misses Misses Elinor McCarthy, Clara Broderdorp, Katlierino Kocker, Irene Btoltenbcrg, Kathcrlno McCurthyMargnret titollenbcri Barbara Ilauman, Margaret Margaret Casey, lirookmlller, Kuth Hudson, Mm jorie, Tripp, Florence Wlttlg, Mainlo CaJlanun, ' Ann Ulljrcn, (Jrace Barber, Iloso Dixon, Ida Kllen, Esther Swanion, Fcllon, Francis Mulholland, Marguret Murray, Mario rsorgaru, Olga Hoffman, Ethel L.arsen. ' Emma Boelberger, Anna Boelberger, Havens, Clara Kohlff, liacon, Lillian DlcUman, Tllllo llavllck, Marie Vasko, Ethel Mullioltand, uonnie Jones, Jano Pennor, Alma Broderdorp, Messrs N. U Cavanaugh, William Nlltier. D, V. O'Loary, Louis Kocker, Charles Bauman, A. M. l,uyoeil, K. J. coioerg, H. B. Hutfncr, J, II. Jaeko, 12, v, Keiiy. D. D. Calluhan. A. P. Lutr, Ernest Schler, J. J. Martin. 31. Q. Larson, Jchn Nylaud, Gcorso uost. Guy Clark, W. J. Palmar, Jack Buller, Bay sorensen, Joseph Huno, Marvin JaJkson, Emll Scha:.t, C Hannlgun. Bessie Antony. Korrino Baunders, Lola Marsh, Wyunt, Kdlth Went, Hazel Roberts, Ireno Hougu, Mary l'etor.ion, Mata Kchults, Clara Mclntyre, Florence Alton, Graco Allen, Cora Strange. Messrs O. K, l'enner, O. C. slaughter, John White, Harry Qrobeck, Jchn Broderdorp, Arthur Swanson, Adolph Nelson, C. U. Bullor, W. H. NuctcsUs. Charles Hoffman, Chester Hanson, Lawrence Qrobeck, Harry Stickler. James Norgard, Ktigcno May, I'eury Hansen, Kliner Patton, O. Kern, T. M. Carlisle, Archlo W, Jan-is, F. tichobe, D. D. Scott, Walter Jardlne, 11. Itosle, Wo will not pull for either money or mombers," General Secretary B. F. Denl son said, in outlining the plan. "The ministers ot the city have offered us their pulpits for the purpose ot inform ing the publlo of our work. "We will explain the relation ot the as sociation to publlo affairs and the religi ous movements of tha day, and tell how the association la related to tho church In a common endeavor. What the asso ciation stands tor and Is dolnr. In Omaha and throughout the United States and tho world, will bo told by many speakers, some ot whom will come from other cities expressly for tho purpose." Among the prominent association work ers who will oome to Omaha for tho day are: J. II, Felllng.ham, general secre tary, at Ses Moines; William Parsons, state secretary for Iowa; SI C, Walcutt, general secretary at Sioux City. The prominent business and professional men on the local board ot directors will nlao speak, along with other representative! business men and the heads of the de partments of the association. Burgess-Nash Buyers Go East for Spring Buying-Special Oar A. B. Curtis, merchandise manager for the Burgess-Nash Co., with a corps of buyers, left Saturday night for New York and tho custom markets to do the buying for spring. A special car over the Mllwaulceo was Provided for the party, which Included A. B. CurtiB in chnrgo, with H. T. Jones, silks, dress goods and wash goods; A. It. Whlthouse and Miss Mary Derr, women's suits, coats and dresses; Miss C. Dwyn, waists; Miss Nan Watson, art embroidery and fancy goods; Miss Lls ser, muslin underwear, negligee and chil dren's wear; Mrs. Wright, corsets; Mr. DIoklnson, hosiery and underwoau'; Mr. iv"'er, mce emDroiueries. ribbons, neck weir and noUons; Tom S. Kelly, men's furnishings and hats; W. R. Blrney, men's, women's and children's shoes; Mr. Chamberlain, Jewelry, leather goods and umbrellas; II. 8. Skinner, china and house furnishings; Harry BUnn, economy basement. Mr. Robins of tho millinery depart ment left Friday evening and will Join tho party In Chicago Sunday morning. A. K. Hunt of tho draperies, domestic and oriental rugs department Is now In the east making his purchases for the enlargement of his department. In his Instructions to the buyers beforo they left Mr. Nash, general manager, impressed upon each ono the importanco of their trip that It Is the object of the Burgess-Nash Co. organization to be of the greatest service to tho greatest num berto bring into the store the products of the world's industries that fill us completely as possible every known want of the home that tho storo may in reality bo known as "Everybody's Store." The Burgess-Nash Co. buyers wIU re turn in about three weeks. The New Home fills every demand of the most exacting, operator the lightest running is ball bearing has antomatic lift. Finished in all Woods to Match Your Furnishings. See them. No. 4018 New Home Is a model of exceptional merit, 5 drawers, drop $A f SI head, full ball-bearing, golden or fumed oak case; special , ,M U A call or postal will bring a salesman to your home" if you wish. Payments can be arranged to suit your conven ience. HAYDEN BROS. Creighton Law Men Banquet Next Week Members of the law department of Creighton university will hold a banquet at the Commercial club Monday evening. February IS. Students, alumnae and members of the faculty will attend, es pecial guests being the women students of the department who are Mrs. Stella. Wilson, Miss Bertha Bhlck and Miss Geneva Marsh, who represented the col lege in the Crelghton-South Dakota de bate last year. Hon. William F. Qurley will speak on "Brothers-ln-Law." Walter T. Moore, president ot the senior class, will act as toastmaster and the following toasts will be given: M. F. Griffin, president ot tha freshman class, "First Impres sions;" E. D. Mitchell, president junior class, "Adrift;" T. J. McQulre. senior. The Dawn;" C. B. Matthae. night school, "Night;" John W. Dclehant, "The Lean and Hungry Look." A Genuine Rupture Cure Sent On Trial To Prove It Don't Wear a Truss Any Longer After Thirty Years' Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women and Children That Actually Cures Rupture. Ten Reasons Why If you have tried most everything else, como to me Whore others fall Is wher I have my greatest success. Send at tached coupon today and I will send you free my Illustrated book on Rupture and its euro, showing my Appliance and giv ing you prices und names of many peo plo who havo tried it and wero cured. It is instant relief when all others falL Re member, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to provo what I say Is true. You nro tho Judge and once having seen my Illustrated book and read It y6u will bo as enthusiastic as my hundredH of patients whose lotters you can also read. Filll out free coupon below and mall today. It's well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Frostbites, Chilblains, Corns, Usulouses and bore reet. Quick Cure. Date of Lecture by Prof, Fling Changed The lecture on "Bismarck and the Unity of Germany." the sixth and last df Prof. Kline's present series of lectures at tho :X? "i'i, ; m "ci uuCTiiu .. , ln which you ileal with ruptured peo rimes present eerjes 01 lectures ai 'o Tn following treatment gives Immediate i pie. It Is a pleasure to recommend Many persons dread the approach ot winter on account of chilblains and Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: rerhaps it will Interest you to know that I have been ruptured six years and have always had trouble with It till I got your Appliance. It Is very easy to wear, fits neat and snuc. and Is not In j tho way at any time, day or night. In : fact, at timed I did not knowI had it on; it lust adapted itself to the snape of tne body and seemed to be a part of the body, as it clung to the spot, no mat ter what position I was ln. It would be a veritable God-send to the unfortunate who suffer from rup ture if all could procure the ' Brooks Rupture Appliance and wear It. They wouia certainly never regret it. ' nothing ever did It but your Appliance. My rupture In now all healed up and ilill k..." JKT-iT"l....t " i Whenover the opportunity preienta It- Itching at time. almo,"t unbearable: Z i Sy.M MJSE. yuS fiiiAtitlv lirlnvlntr i norvnnu rxindtdn!! . . .... i -..... . . I high school auditorium, will be postponed 1 relief. "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of ..... . I from next Monday until the following Coloclde compound in a basin of warm " " " Monday. February 1C, on account ot tho , water- Soak tho feet ln this for 16 mln "7 afternoon at t o'clock, when Miss Hopper 1 fr&pvf. rijf presents Madame OtUlle Maimer In ro cltal with Clara Thurston, tne harpist. "Its ehllarsn rare Stuart's Calcium Wafers cleanse and Hopper concert at tho llrandela Monday! clear tho blood, driving out all poisons end impurities. And you'll never havo a cood complexion until the blood Is clean. These little wafers may be used 'with perfect freedom. Bcienco knows no more iKiwerful blood cleanser. They are en tirely freo from Ti&rmfut drugs or ornate. Your doctor prescribes these hundreds of times a year Htuart's Calcium Wafers go right into your blood. Their purifying, beneficial eiieci upon uie diooci is felt throughout the body, not ln a year or a month, but In a few days. You roel better all over bcaue your blood, the life-giving fluid, 1m doing its work properly. sio roaucr now oaa your complexion is. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will work won rs with it You can get these little woutevworksrs at your drursiif s for to 9SjA4 A MMNfcSjSv Uenf Wit. Thomas A. Kdlson said to a reporter apropos ot deafness: "Deafness his iu advantages. My own deafness enables me to concentrate, my thoughts, as I'd never be able to do tt distracted by noise and conversation. It helps me to sleep, too. "Some men, through deafness, actually get a reputation xor wn utea Repeat this for several days until tho trouble disappears." The action ot Coloclde compound for utl foot aliments ia really romarkuble. It works through the pores and ro moves the cause. Corns and callouses Sweaty, smelly tender, aching feet need but a can be peeled right otf reet and tender, aching few applications. Bunions get relief In stantly. aiocx cr wil Any druggist has Coloclde ln 1 get It from his wholesale ... . . . 1 I QlVWl A JIIIU OT Mk DLUVU WW ftVUWOT. UU tkM t. . . . . b .. 1 .. - .... . . a post, to whom a lady said, nodding JS-. "tf ESS5'. '5 "jtfeLXrtli !McSVoT EUUUckVentoi !f ii.udS.iVndir tK valuable instructions on care of the feet. The deaf man. mlsunderatandljyj u pUbUiln4 by Medical k'onnuls, laboratory utstlon, aaawer calmlyt u of Chicago 1 good thing among strangers, i urn. your friends a or xours very sincerely. JAMKS A. imiTTOX, SO (Spring 8t, Bethlehem, Ta. Confederate Veteran Cured Commerce, Co., R, F. D. No, 11 Mr. Q. E. Brooks. Dear tilr: 1 am glad to tell you that I am now sound and well and can plough or do any heavy work. I can say your Appliance has effected a per manent cure. Before getting your Ap- better. It It hadn't been for your Ap She above Is C. S. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who la now giving; others the bsnefit of his exparltncs. Xf raptured, write htm today at Marshall, acioh. Cured at the Age of 76 You Should Send For Brooks Rupture Appliance .'.J1 s0,tely the only Appllaneo of the kind on tho market today, ami in It are embodied the principles that inventors have sought after for yeara. 2. The Appliance for retaining the rupture cannot be thrown out of posi tion. 3. Being an air cushion of soft rub ber It clings closely to the body, yet never blisters or causes irritation. i. TJnllkp the ordinary no-called pads, used in other trusses, it la not cumber some or ungainly. , 6. It is small eoft and pliable, and positively cannot be detected through the clothing. 6. The soft, pliable bonds holding the Appliance do not give one the unplea-v ant sensation of wearing a harness. 7. There is nothing about It to get foul, and when It becomes soiled it can be washed without injuring it in tha least. 8. There are no metal springs in tho Appliance to torture one by cutting and , bruising the flesh. 9. All of tho material of which the Appliances are made is of the very best that money can buy, making it a dur able and safe Appliance to wear. 10 My reputation for honesty and fair dealing Is so thoroughly established bv an experience of over thirty years of dealing1 with the public, and my price j are so reasonable, my terms so fair, that the certainly ahould be no hesitancy in Binding free coupon today. Remember three years ln Eckle's Artillery, Ogle thorpe Co. I hope God will reward you for the good you are doing suffering Hu manity Yours sincerely, II. D. BANKS. Others Failed But the Appliance Cured Mr. C. 13. Brooks. Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir:- Your Appliance did all you claim for the little boy and more, for it cured him sound and well We let htm wear it for Mr. C. II Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir; I began using your Appliance for the oure of rupture (I had a pretty bad code) I think In May, 1905. On Novem ber 20, 1905, I quit using it. Hlnco that time 1 have not needed or used It. I am well of rupture and rank myself among those cured by the Brooks Discovery, which, considering my age, 76 years, 1 regard as remarkable. Very sincerely yours. High Point. N. C. tiAM A. HOOVER. Child Cured in Four Months 21 Jansen St, Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. C. .E Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: The baby's rUDture is al- aoout a year in an, uunougn it curea logemer ourea, uianns to your appii him S months after he had begun to ance, and we are so thankful to you, wear it We had tried several other If we could only have known of it soon- remedies and srot no relief, and I shall er our little bov would not have had to pllance I was in a terrible condition and certainly recommend it to friends, for suffer near as much as he did. He wore had given up all hope of ever being any we surely owe It to you. Yours respect- your brace a little over four months and eticr. ii ii naani been for your ap- fully. has not worn it now for six weeks. nuance i wouia never cava oeen, oursa. i wm. PATTUISON, I Yours very truly, I send my Appliance on trial to nrov what I say Is true. You are to be the Judge. Fill out free coupon below and mail toaay. am sixty-eight ytara old and srvoi I No. 717 8, Main fit, Akron, O, ANDREW EGQENBEROER, Free Information Coupon Mr. O. r. Brooks. 3383 state St., Marshall, Mich, Please send me by mall in plain wrapper your illustrated book and full information about your Appli ance for Uie cure of rupture. Name City j, , f R D, ,,, .Stale. .,,,., .