TJJE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE; FEBRUARY 9, 1914. 13-A BEST AUTO SHOW EYER HELD Exhibitors Planning to Make Com ing: Event Eclipse All. OUTLOOK IS ENCOURAGING Not Onlr Healers In Otnahn, nut Alio Those of Adjoining Terrltorr Are IlnontliiR for Sneer of the Affair. With the complete list of exhibits an1 1 exhibitors at hand, Clarke CI. rowel. li.anAirer of the OmaJin Automobile "how which wilt bo held at the Auditorium dur-1 Ins the week subsequent to February a, , fits In his private office, beams at every body who comes In to chin aboht pros Herts for the show's success and then exclaims In rnpturous tones, "Going to be some show, believe me." From the emphasis I'owell puts on the "believe me" It must be that the ninth annual display will forever blind any dreams of past shows or any dreams of the na tional exhibitions at Chlcnpo or Ne-v York. For which Omaha Is duly thankful The Omaha dealers are Instilled with a spirit of "do or dlo" this year and they aro working from morning till night Co operating with Mr. I'owell In arranging the plans which will make the week of February 23 tho biggest In the history of the automobile world as far as the Missouri valley Is concerned. Dealers from all the central west territory ap preciate the fact that Omaha stands right atongslde Of Chicago and they are working In conjunction with their Omaha colleagues to make tho comtng Bhow a success In every senso of the word. Requests for Information are constantly flooding the office of Mr. Powell and all tho Omaha agents who exhibit at the Auditorium. All of which makes Powell and the remainder of tho stockholders jubilant because that Is sufficient Indi cation that tho number of visitors to Omaha during the big week will sur pass every existing record. Already Omaha distributers are pre I paring their display rooms for the ac commodation of the visiting public and ere getting their plans for their display space arranged. Dy the time of the show everything will be In readiness so that there will be no delay In preparing the Auditorium for exhibition on the opening night, an accomplishment sel dom achieved at previous shows. An Inspection of the list of cars to be exhibited shows It contains the name of very well known make of car pro duced In this country today. After a visit to the Auditorium nobody will bo able to go out on the streets of this city or of any city for that matter and see a machine the like of which they did not view at the show. At Chicago the num ber of cars was greater than will be seen here, but there was a number of freaks and untried Cars. Every ma chine of reputable make exhibited in Chi cago will be in Omaha. In fact a large number of the Chicago displays will be sent to Omaha Intact by the factories. The following lists will show the com pleteness of the Omaha (event. Exhibitor. PLEASURE CARS. Apixrson Jack Rabbit Auto company. Aubuin Auto company, "Omaha.0 Hradley, Merriam & Smith. Bullock Machine and Supply company. Cadillac company of Omaha. Cartercar Nebraska oompany. John Deere Plow company. Doty & Hathaway. Drummond Motor company. Electric Oarage. Empire Auto company of Omaha. Ford Motor company. Freeland AUto company. R. N. Howes & Co. W. L Huffman Auto company, Llnlnger Implement company. Manon Auto company. Maxwell Motor Bales corporation. Mitchell Motor company. Motor Car Sales company. Moltne Auto company. Andrew Murphy .& Son. ftebraska-Bulck Auto oompany. T. O. Northwail company. Opper-Van Vleet Auto company. On" Motor Boies oompany. Palgo company of Nebraska. H. Pelton. Pfelfter Carriage works. T. H. Pollock. Rambler Motor company. Guy L. Smith. Stewart-Tooier Motor company. Traynor Auto company. Van Brunt Auto oompany. E. R. Wilson Auto company. TRUCKS. Avery company. International Harvester company. Uninger Implement company. Andrew Murphy & Son. Nobraska-Buick Auto company. Orr Motor Sales company, H. Pelton. Van Brunt Auto oompany. MOTORCYCLES. Nebraska Cycle company. W, E. Dewey. Victor Roos. Omaha Bicycle company. Pleasure Cars. Auburn Apperson .Abbott-Detroit Bulck Cole 'Cadlllao Cartercar .Chevrolet Ohalnmrs Chandler tDetrotter Detroit Electric Empire- Ford .Henderson 'Hupmobile Hudson (Imperial Jeffery JClsselcur acrlt King Locomobile Lozler Maxwell Mollnc-Kftlght Marlon Marmon Mitchell National Overland Ohio Ohio Electrlo Oakland Packard PartU-Palmer Paige Pleroe-Arrow Regal Ranch & Lane Eleo 'tric Reo studebaker tUevens-Duryea Spauldlnx speedwell Velio White Woods Electric Wlnton Metz Commercial Cars. Avery Packard Bulck Speedwell Dart White International Wllly-Utlllty Kelly Motorcycle and Cycle Car. Indian Thor Hurley-Davidson Excelsior Reading-Standard Imp Cycle Car Tale CHALMERS LITTLE SIX CAR DESTINED TO BE POPULAR One of 'the main features of th Chicago sliovv was the exhibit of the Chalmers Motor company, In which they showed one of tho little six-cylinder cars which attracted a great deal of attention with reference to Its refinement and beauty. Ope of these cars will be exhibited at the Omaha show by the Stewart-Toozer Motor company, and no doubt will be ono jf the great attractions of the show. ATTORNEY I. J. DUNN WILL SPEAK ON MONROE DOCTRINE Attorney I. J, Dunn, will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday afternoon at S o'clock In the society's hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. His subject will be "The Monroe Doe trine" a subject that Is of especial In terest Just now In connection with the Mexican situation, After the principal address the subject will be thrown open tor discussion. CAPITAL'S FIRST GIRL MOTORCYCLIST. MISS MINNIE 8C BUERGER. "I think motorcycling one of tho healthiest and most enjoyable sports hat can be adopted by the girl who likes out door exercise," says Miss Minnie Schuerger of Washington, D. C. Miss Schuerger, who Is just IS years old, was the first woman In Washington to receive a permit to operate a motor cycle, and also the first woman member of the Washington Motorcycle club. Since she was IS years of age Miss Schuerger has been familiar with the motorcycle, having spent much time rid ing tandem with her brother. But llko most girls who first ride tandem, the soon began to want a motorcycle of her own, and a few weeks ago her wUh was gratified. During her rides with her brother she had learned so much about the operation of the two-wheeler 'hot sho had no difficulty In securing a license, and had soon started on the first long ride on which she piloted her cwn mount The length of this run was sixty four miles. Tho neat riding costume which Miss Schuerger wears, she designed and madt herself. The outfit consists of gray buII with Norfolk coat, close fitting cap of pray, stout walking shoes and puttees. Bhe also wears a sweater under her Nor folk. Miss Schuerger says that while she Is nt present the only girl In Washington who operates her own motorcycle, there are a number of girls In the capital who are enthusiasts about the sport and who expect to have motoroycles of (holr own by the opening of the spring season. And these girls are planning to have times together this summer. Motorcycle Notes Forty new members Joined the Wash ington, D. C, Motorcycle club during 1913. Just four and one-half days Is the lime It took J. Fred parting of Milwaukee, Wis., to ride his motorcycle to Decatur, Ala, The- dlstanco is 745 miles. When E. G. Baker recently established a new hour motorcycle record on the Phoenix (Ariz.) track, he also broke all world records for ported racing machines from thirty to fifty miles, Inclusive. A motorcycle flying squadron, composed of seven men, Is to be added to the Grand Rapids, Mich., police force. It Is esti mated that the addition of these motor cycle men will raise the efficiency of tho department 60 per cent. Miss Bertha Welsner, a bookkeeper, who lives In Fulton, W. Va., rides a mo torcycle over day to her work In Wheel ing. Formerly Miss Welsner drove a motor car, but has decided that the two wheeler Is much more convenient. Plans are being laid In Fort Wayne, Ind., for the holding of a big motorcycle barbecue early In the spring. All of the motorcycle clubs of Indiana and Ohio aro to be Invited to the feast and the Fort Wayne drivers intend to make It the big gest event of the kind ever held. JDiamond Vitalized Rubber se Tires When you motor you must be in command of the situation in any emergency you must know in advance that the slightest turn of your steering wheel will be obeyed The raised bars on Diamond Squeegee Tread, running in both direc tions, push the ooze from underneath the tire and take a firm grip on the pavement no chance for a skid. The Safety Tread Bars made of tougn, thick Vitalized Rubber are full of wear they will not grind off or chip off. This extra thickness of Vitalized Rubber on the tread at the point of contact is your assurance of more mileage. Z BEST f OH AOTOMOBIlJ$,0tCrU!S,ANtJ MOTORCYCLES:!!1 Studebaker Firm's Best Catch Phrase of Unknown Origin "Readers of ndvertlMng the world over are thoroughly familiar with many of the short, snappy phrases which one comes to assoclato with various commod,' explains E. R. Benson of the Studebaker, when speaking of publicity. Most of us can name off hand at least a dozen of the best known. As a rule they are something moro than well worded sentiments In praise of goods. Sometimes one of them Is almost photo graphic In Its production of the moving sentiment of an entire manufacturing and sales organization. This convincing sort of slogan Is, in fact, the one that the rtader bears longera In mind, "As often as not, these slogans are tho result of accident. Some dealer or some customer, by one of thoso happy turns of speech, voices his belief In a product. The wise salesman hears of It, recognizes Its value, and tho phrase becomes known all over the world. "For some time our advertising has fea tured the phrnse, 'Buy It because It's a Studebaker.' Often I am asked where this sentiment was first phrased tn its adopted form. And always I am forced to admit that we don't know. One of our dealers Insists that It was first heard In his salesroom from the lips of a Stude baker owner who had escorted a frlond to his store and was helping the sales man In his proof of Studebaker superior ity. Thero Is a traveling representative on our staff who Insists that he brought such an Incident back to the factory from ono of his trips, and told It to a num ber of friends. At tho South Bend Stude baker headquarters thero are veterans who Insist that 'Buy It because It's a Studebaker' dates back, tn Its first appli cation, beyond tho days when automo biles were known as horseless carriages. "Whatever Its origin, we all know that, since wo have been using tho phrase In our advertising, It has become a focus of Studebaker sentiment to which every member of our organization looks often. tonsclously or unconsciously for guld ance In his day's work." Saxon Car Will Be Exhibited at Show Owing to the fact that the space was nil taken up at the Chicago Automobllo show, tho Saxon Motor company was un able to get spaco In the Auditorium. They secured a building on Michigan avenue, which was packed with people during the whole week, anxious to see this new little car. Mr. O. E. Toozer of the Stow art-Toozer Motor company, who are the agents for the Saxon car In this territory, took great delight In riding around Chi cago In thla little car. Tne Saxon factory wilt turn out 16,000 of these little oars this year, all of whtch have been sold. This car will be exhibited at the Omaha Automobile show by the Stewart-Toozer Motor company, and no doubt will bo one of the greatest attractions, Motor questions and answers Oil In the Combustion Chamber 0. A rrtit deal ef Oil wotkl up (tt the ptitoni into the combimloa chamber of Ite cylinder, of mjr entlne, emilnf lot of citboa. VVhil It the ret on for Ihli ini low could U be remedied C. 5. P. A. The presence of oil above the piiton and the resulting carbon 'deposit in the com bustion chamber is due, very probably, to the condition ot your piston rings in the motor. The usual type of one-piece rings found on most piston heads has faults in design that allow this to occur as soon as they become slightly worn. Their bearing on the cylin der wall grows unequal and their ends work into alignment around the piston head pro vidinc free ingress for surplus oil. The one design of piston ring we Know of that will obviate this completely and finally is the Vicooo- Piston Ring. This is a rine composed ot two interlockW sec tions, each one closely sealing the opening in the other. These sections have opposite points of expansion and thus obtain perfect and equal tension against the cylinder walls They are the only really leak-proof rings made. You can get them any s'ue at all garages and repair shops they are easily adjustable, The following supply houses are distributors Omaha, The Baum Iron Co., 13th and Harney Sts., Powell Supply Co., 2119 rarnam ot., western auto ouppiy -o., 1920 rarnam ot. Mule Discarded in Favor of Motor in State of Michigan The.quarternuster'a department of the state of Michigan has definitely discarded mule-drawn vehicles In favor of those motor driven. In the event of mobiliza tion of tho troops of the state for war or for any other purpose, tho vast amount of hauling made necessary would be done with gasoline Instead of with horseflesh. Colonel Walter O, Rogers, the quarter master general, has been using n Reo motor truck stneo Its purchase for his department June 1. The truck has proved Itself at Lansing, at the Calumet strike duty camp, and on the state military re servo at Grayling. It Is a two-ton vehicle which docs the work on an average of four teams and wagons every day sometimes more than that, hardly less, Thero are some steep hills about Calumet and Houghton, but the truck hauled tentage and supplies from ono end of the district to tho other, day after day, without faltering. At Grayling, It was used for weeks haling brick and lumber and other building ma terial over soft, sandy roads. It Is five miles from Grayling to tho reservation, and the truck was kept busy. CADILLAC COVERS 105,000 MILES IN TWO YEARS One hundred and five thousand miles In two years Is the actual record made by a Cadlllao used In the service of the police department of Birmingham, Ala. This patrol is In service day and night and Is obliged to make Its runs In all conditions of weather and over all kinds of roads. In spite of tho hard wear It has received, and the extra weight It carries, tho car Is apparently good for many more thousands of miles. The patrol wagon was built on a stand ard Cadillac chassis, with a body, built In Birmingham, which weighs 700 pounds moro than the ordinary body of a five- passenger Cadillac Frequently the car carries from twelve to fifteen passengers In addition to this extra weight. w E have one dealer who takes 1000 carloads of Overlands every twelve months. That's 5000 cars. This dealer wired us a few months ago and wanted 7000 cars. But we could not supply them. Other dealers take 2500, 2000 and 1500 Overlands apiece. Even the 1500 car dealer takes more cars than the majority of large single factor ies in Europe turn out in a year. ' There are over 200 American automobile manufacturers who do not make as many cars in a Council Bluffs, Ta. Electric tail mil $950 Sii.M m CnnthUf.U PaaW 35 hor,Bpovrr mo,or 33 x 4 Q. D. tires Lomttleteb Equipped Ul-lncli vrkwlba. Brewtter frreenbody, . b, Toledo iiumfttmm Henry Ford Pays High Tribute to Designer Perrin Comments ot a complimentary nature from ono motor car manufacturer to an other aro rare enough to deserve mote than ordinary notice. Trobably the high est tribute ever paid to John O. Perrin, the veteran designer of tioxler cars, oc curred during the recent Now York show. In a conversation between Henry Ford and Duncan Curry, well-known newspapMr man, tho talk drifted on the new modrls nt the show. "Have you seen the new Ioxter Four?' was risked of Mr. Ford. "M.i t fallA.t tn ... It, Til .vMU.t I on my hurried Inspection of the show." he replied, "but If It wns designed by John Perrin, It must rank with the best cars built In America, I consider Mr. Terrln the greatest automobile engineer In this country." AUTOMOBILE SHOW BECOMES PERMANENT INSTITUTION That the Automobile show la a per manent and established national Institu tion, that this Is proven by the constantly Increasing Interest from year to year, and that this season's shows have so far been more seriously patronised than any In the past, Is tho flat statement of J. J. Cole, president of the Colo Motor Car compnay. Continuing, Mr. Cole says, "The au tomobile shows of the present season have been unique. They have had a new atmosphere about them, a sort of air which suggests a new era. There has leon less fuss, loss bragging, less un certainty, '.ess affectation. There has been greater crowds, moro real interest, better cars, more reasonable prices, a firmer grasp on the part of the user on what constitutes real automobile value. Tho sum total of the shows, so far, has tended to prove the solidity of the motor car Industry Itself, and at tho same time the publla has shown a very serious In terest Instead of the old halt flippant attitude, which used to bo In vogue." For One Dealer Van Rnmt Antnmnhilp Rn distributors Ull HI UIH iimuiimmm wm The Willys-Overland Specifications : head aid ila.h 111.1. TTiree-quarter floating rear axlo Titnken and Hyatt tftk$fsmuu OvtrlMd Delivery WhU Gasoline Big Item " in Cost of Autos Thero are approximately 1,000,000 auto mobiles In use In America alono. It Is es timated that these will average (.000 miles per year, making a total of 5,000.000,000 miles traveled by motor cars In America per year, which I equal to going around the world approximately 100 000 times, Figuring the average miles gotten out Of a gallon of gasoline for all slsos of cars t ten miles per gallon, It will take 600, 0,OW gallons of gasoline per year to run the motor cars In America, whloh on tho basis of 10 cents per gallon means $100,- 000,000 Is America's gasoline bill for motor cars In a year. Theso look like startling figures until wo consider what we spend for other things'. for example, our Ice cream bill atone In America Is said to be :0O,000.COO por year, The Weldely motor found In tho Tremler car, displayed In tho New York show, proves one of the chief attractions, as this motor has probably gotten further than any othoer motor In the lowering of tho gasoline consumption per mile and a sav ing of a minimum of 40 per cent Is figured In this motor as against other type. which would mean a saving of 140,000,000 a year. I TAXICABS RESULT IN ALL-YEAR USE OF MOTORS It was only a few short years ego that the motor car, still fighting a strenuous battle tor consideration by tho public, was considered absolutely as a summor proposition and every owner prepared to store his car In the winter time. Now practically everyone uses a car all the year around and tho closed car has been gaining In popularity every winter. The growing demand tor n closed car Is evidenced by a report of tho Ford Motor company which says that tho demands from their agents for closed cars Is greater this winter than ever before. The use of the closed car was Un doubtedly helped along by the taxlcab. I'eaple seeing how the taxis operated alt winter came to the conclusion that they could use thrlr own cars as well. year as our one single 5000 car Overland dealer takes in the same period. If you think this over for a moment these figures will mean something to you. . It certainly is reasonable to assume that we must be giving more car for less money than any other manufacturer in the business. If we were not, we could hardly be doing the largest business. That's sound logic. If you will just take the time to make a few specification comparisons you will find the cost of the Overland is 30 less than that of any other simi lar car made. See dealer. the 1914 Overland today. Thone our Company, Toledo, Ohio nicker and aluminum trimminfS Deep upholstery Mohair top, curtains and boot Cowl dash Clear-vision, rain vision windshield Stewart speedometer Electric horn Flush U door with concealed hiage' Grfrd enl WtilffUHUtf Truth. Full inftrmati m rwtt. M i i 5 ii Th EsiUit Kdlni CwlnThtAfcrU a' if arm III hi ftTS Power Tho weight and carrying: capacity of i car dfctermlno tho povvor noccaeary. Too llttlo Is disheartening too much 1b unwise, expensive. Do stiro your car has enough resorvo power to tako caro ot the hard pull through a bad road or to tako you up a stcop hill. Noto Sts "pick-up" ita "get away." Many a high power car losos much of Its pull in tho transmission of power to tho wheels. Boo that your cor Is of rational proportion in tho matters of power, weight and carrying capacity. This Is one of a series ot talks on how to buy an auto- mobile. The complete aerlos containing a wealth ot valu able Information may be hid In booklet form by asking' Marion Automobile Co. U101-S103 Far ii am Street. Omaha, Nob. C. W. McDonald, Mgr. 2040 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. 8207. $1075 With electric starter and tmtrattr, f. t. i, TU4