Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Page 10-A, Image 10

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CONTEST HOW NEEDS VOTES ' Ice Cutters Begin Gathering the Winter Prop in Omaha PRESIDENT LAUDS BRYAN
started, unless we are mistaken, In Se
attle, whero It got Into print at least a
year ago. The phrase Is a corruption of
the Gorman "ntcht gefledelt" which
rn-iuo literally 'not fiddled." The Gcr
mans, especially of East Prussia, and
Jews everywhere, have long used It In
the sense of "I don't care." "Ish ka blb
ble" Is the way Americans have under
stood tho phrase and spread It. Tho
slang word "mazuma," by the way, is a
corruption of the Hebrew "mezumen"
or "mezumon," meaning ready cash.
Boston Globe
21. and M. Plan at Point Where In
terest ii Interne.
Executive Pays High Tribute to Sec
retary of State.
Asserts Prorlalon Seems to Hint In
Clenr Violation of Trmia
of the Hay-Pnnncefote
Raraes and Addresses of All
era "Who tans Vote to Bo
rablUhed In The Dee on
That Dar
The Be Merchants and Manufacturer'
Totlns contest has now reached the point
where It is a case of votes and the bent
vay to pet them. Here Is a suctestlon
from the contest manager that will bo
. biff help to every nominee In the con
test: Prom now on until the flnlah of
thl ble elft plan March 2S make It
your business to patronise the retailers
who cive away M. and M. voting" coupona.
Tou can find these dealers In every dis
trict covered by the contest Omaha,
South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Blair,
Olenwood, la., Lyons, Fremont, Arling
ton. Oakland and Wahoo. They repre
eont all of the different lines of mer
chandise that are coort for votea articles
of every-day use. In addition to the
value of the labels these retailers will
Civo you five votes for each I cent cash
purchase; they will sell you due bills
that ro good for bonus votes, and they
will bo dad to advise you as to the
value of the labels on the articles they
cell you.
In The Bee on Wednesday, February 11,
will be published a complete list of the
retailers listed In the contest. Kvery
contestant should read carefully the
names published. Not to patronize these
merchants means to lose votea. Why
not take Wednesday's Bee, cut out this
advertisement and hang It up at home
aa you would a calendar? Then, when
you wish to make a purchase, you have
only to refer to tho list, select the re
tailer who sells the goods you wish to
buy and then patronize him.
The three-page circular letter that la
being sent out to organizations and In
dividual nominees covers completely the
Increased values placed on manufactured
products. There are many sales plans
outlined In this circular that will be a
creat aid to the candidates who are really
In the race to win. If this circular has
not reached you ask at the contest de
partment for a copy.
The following Is a partial list of the
candidates "the workers." Tho namea
lire printed In the order of the standing
-of each nominee. The name of the can
didate holding the largest number of
voter In each district heads the list, the
one holding tho second largest number
of votes Is printed second and so on to
the last name in the district. This rec
ord Is complied up to and Including Thurs
day, February 6;
Jennie Edmundson hospital, Oak and
jierco streets, Council Bluffs.
South Omaha hospital, 2Gth and O Bts.
" umjvm a 4W.IU4 4JJlti
Mazda society. 975 Douglas St.
Mogul fraternity.
Omaha Ttebekohs. Kth and Bodge.
Lyons' Women club, Lyons, Neb.
A. O. U. W. lodge, central committee.
Zlon Baptist church, 2C21 Charles St.
Ladies' Relief society. Fremont
Itoyal Neighbors, Holly camp No.
Women's Keller Corps' Memory Day
association, nil couin 20111 Ave.
Cathollo Ladles' guild, Wahoo, Neb.
fit. Joseph's hospital. South 10th Bt.
Camp Leo Forby, United Spanish War
A. O. U. W. lode. Wahoo.-Neb.
Knights and Ladles of Security, Loyal
Burt County Agricultural society. Oak
Rebekah lodge, Olenwood, la.
Methodist hospital.
Mrs. It, E. Conrad, 3T8 Burdette St.
Mrs. T. O. Freeman, 1D13 Spruce' St.
Mrs. Mayrae Curry, E22t No. 80th St.
Mrs. J. A. DuRoe, iwt Hamilton St.
Miss M. Hansen, 6117 No.- ISth Bt.
Miss Uleanor Murray. 2232 Miami St.
Mrs. Loretta Osborne, 624 No. Sfith St
Mrs. ii. MoGough. ssa NO. 23d Bt
Miss Mabel Owens, 2XG0 Seward St.
Mrs. Otto Sommers, U18 No. 27th Ave,
Mrs. Sadie Malven, S&23 No. 48th St.
Mrs. J. Happy, 2515 No. 17th St
aural v iiuuiaci. tiw. wu aii
Mrs. Graos Huston. 20 Northwest Blvd.
Mrs. A. D. Curtis, 353 No. 2Sth St
'Miss Florence Carlson, 8817 California Bt
Mrs. l, f. aotcn, zxa no. zh st
Mrs. M. Wlce, ant California St
Mario Cachclen, C22S Florence Blvd.
TVa Tlnuuflelil. 2110 No. 27th Ave.
Mrs. J. M. Bateman, 4903 California St,
Mrs. W. Ward. 3902 No. Zllh St
Mrs. Rose lilalac, 2C08 Patrick Ave.
Miss Rose Bernstein, 2722 Capitol Ave.
Mrs. Slaughter, Florence.
Mrs. O. M. Hansen. S8IG Chicago 8t
Mrs. C. F. Spraktes, 4133 Grant St
Mru. Victor. 4001 No. 26th Bt.
Miss Helgren, Lincoln Blvd.
Mrs. Joseph Bweazy, 47 W No. CSth Bt
Marlon Osborne, Sherman Ave.
Miss V. Tatroo, 388 No. 24th St
Ida Italstnan. ISO Capitol Ave.
Florence Dudley, 880 No. 41st Ave.
Mrs. J. H. Qlover, 3537 Patrick Ave.
Miss Ida Honlg, 19 Blondo St
51m. Weber. SMS Chicago St.
Mrs. L. F. Ilartman, Am Bpauldlng St.
Miss Bettlo MoOnth, 2110 No. 37th Ave.
Mrs. Bcott Leach. Florence.
Miss Lucy Owens, HU Lothrop Bt
Mrs. I). F. Pratt, COS No. 21th St
Loulso Cratty, 421 No. 43th Bt
Emma Gentleman. 1411 No. ICth St.
Mrs. II. P. Johnson. "COW No. 10th Bt,
Agnes Sloup, 1901 So. 14th Bt.
Emma Jensen, 2030 Harney Bt.
Mr. Wanrl. Plnrr. K3 ftn. SS.1 ftt
Mra. K. M. Oppcnhelm, 235 City Nations)
auanK mas.
Ida C, KUegaard, 1E23 So. 25th Ave.
Mrs. Scalzo, 7 Pierce St
Mra. Annie lllttle, 23M So. Uth 8t
Miss Fay Watts, 12 1 So, S4tli St
Mrs. S. F. Bock. 2705 Douglas St.
Mrs. Rose Hamlin. 3S2? So. 30th Bt
Mrs. Qreenberc. IMS So. 24th St
Mrs. F. C. Lynch, M03 Leavenworth Bt
Is a curable disease, which requires
treatment The ORRINE treatment can
Sestr jrtinGZ tot' hUk,y.b.Tr. or
other 'intoxicants. Can be given In the
home. No sanitarium expense. No loss
of time from work. Can be given se
r.tiv. If mrtrr n. tHal vnu fall to ret
m hinrit frnm Its uu vour mannv irill
Of reiunaea.
ORRINE is prepared in two rortna: no. tuturrirr, nnniKn.
No. z. in pill lorm, lor moso wno aesiroi
11.00 a box Come In and talk over the
matter with ua. Ask for booklet Hher-lt.rpnJ,no J-"80"'
-m. xrn rtmv rv. idth nndlEdna Storks.
.r.t ni rr.ii- en . lsth and
Blarney srreeu-, uoju rninrauT,
J4 jetn Btreoi: liarvaxa t-narroacy, sun
and Farnam streets; George ts. ua.wa,
Council Bluffs. Ia.
SpscUl Sals ot M-jToU
This offer Includes;
Oavallitrla. RiMtleslina.
"Minuet". Key of O, by
"Miaerera", from II Tror
1813 HIIUI
9ar ett Year.
I T WTW- aTTaTlT W Mr H an T Ii . " ' y- ' 1 . . - 1
Mary Reran. 12U Bo. 15th St.
Marie Velt, 2G09 So. Kth St. 1
Irene Fltzpa trick, Ml Bo. 24th St.
Mrs. May Spencer, 21st and Howard.
Gussle Graetz, COO Park Avo.
JwaDel uonion, iuct bo. itn hi.
Mrs. F. Patterson, 241&Vi So. 16th.
F EJ oral. 1
Helen Ryan, 3U5 Mnrcy St
Barbara Formnn. KOO Ho. ,13th. St.
Mrs. Annie circle 13Z3 so: tztn at.
Helen Nomets, 120U Bo. Uth Hi.
Mrs. Letc. 40th and Farnam,
Mrs.. II, Elsele, sw So. 16th Bt.
Mrs. W. M. Foster, 2432 Blondo 8t.
Mrs. Bayllss, 1016 So. 21st.
Mrs. Koren JCofod, S519 Bt. Mary's Ave.
Mrs. C. Schlecht 10 So. 23d St
Mrs. Dowd, 4051 Bo. 23d St.
Alary itroupa, im ueuevue jjivu.
Mra Katie TvlkoUsko. 260O Bo. 31st.
Annlo llccola, HOT 60. Uth .St
Annie Grant 1CC4 80. 40th St.
Mattle Lyrello. 1414 So. 11th Bt
Mrs. ueorge AiacKie, isio aiarnoi;.
Elsla Domet. 1424 So. 12th.
Martha Smith. 1031 80. 48th Bt ,
Mr, Tnl.n VI.Ir iffii Ttiivenworth St.
Mrs. Maggie, Koanar, iv iwum aa.
Miss Tenna Potch, SSI South list.
Mrs. Clara schieKau, zzs ioik. ,
Mrs. J. F. Blezalc, . 478 South 20th.
IIjiv ITrhKnukv. 23M
Mario lfl. Paul, 3 North 20th.
Mrs. Carl Patrick, 1311 Archer Ave.
Mlis C. Kraus, Madison. .
Mrs. Mao King, 2717 Madison.
Kmlly, Bkogwnn, 2a F.
Mrs. L. F. Gotoh. 832 North Uth,
Marie Shoffer, 1W1 WashliiBton.
Mra. W. Fried, Ml North 20th.
Mra. W, M. Freeman, 40th and V.
Mra. 15. Kbson. Ollmoro rood.
Mrs. 1C M, Jaslca, 142J North Mth.
Johanna Sorenson, 2C26 G.
Lucy Mlklas, 38th and I.
WOMEN DISTRICT 4 (Council Bluffs.)
Mrs. W. P. Shepard, 1727 nun Ave.
Clara O'llara, 1017 Third Ave.
Gretchen Nicholson, 8J0 Avenue H.
Lola Mercer, 2304 Second Ave.
Mrs. J. M. Walklngton. 2204 Avenue A.
Vera 13. Sutton. 703 Madison Ave.
Mrs. Charles Nillus, th and 2d Ave.
Alice Bonham. 23 Pearl.
Ida Frame, 3CT0 Avenue A.
Mrs. George 13. Monroe, 3410 Avenue Ii
Delia Smothers, S18 Avenue H.
Jeanctte Marcus, 713 Broadway.
Mrs. Pearl Smith, 3201 Avenue D.
Mrs. E. E. Hockey. 300s W. Broadway.
Fern Godwin, 2121 Fifth Ave.
Flora Crane, lis Fourth Ave.
Rose Brown, S20 Avenue B.
Josephine Bryant 200 Fourth St.
Erma Hansen, 618 H. ,
Bessie Gathers, 332S Avenue A.
Mrs. B. G. Smith. SOI Worth.
Myrtle Tyiack, 118 4th.
Mrs. J. K. Wood. 109 S. 21st
Hulda Rathman,
Oraoo George,
Mallnda GUllard,
Alice Hocan.
June Dixon,
jcanetto Mpquarrle.
Mrs. Anna Lasker, Mls Mary Hart
Luphemla Wolf, Margaret Compton.
Jeannette Dyson. irtnn nhnm
1 3 M
Edith Gaff nuy. Mrs. Chaa. McMonles
SaE. Ne'.o
Edna Nelson. Qladva Conk.
I Mae M. Theede. Gala Desnev.
I Bessio K. Polak. Carrlo Doliel.
llnmlu Ilnni. "
I i. , s, . uiiii r luutn,
wioiuiiHiwum, Anna tisner.
I Anna Meduna.
Jessie Flnley,
Luclle Galloway,
Flossie Hopker,
Margaret Hlllyar,
Ruth E. Klof,
May Johnson,
Emma Janek,
Klsle Nelson.
Dalsle 1 Tarpenlng,
I Annett Stocklnr.
I T- It 011'
Esther Osterberg, Mrs. Hullqulst
Jennie Patmqulst. Mra. Cjtus Ford.
Mrs. Charles Anderson.
Mlnnla I.yneh, Grace Dalton,
Fern Antill, Nora Burnett.
Opal Anderson, Pearl Burrls.
A Locky Mlatakr.
A vour.c doctor m&v ntumhlo Inln thn
goua grace or a patient by a Iluke. aa
in me story fathered, like ao many
iurir. uiion Amnr. Alter a con
vlvial satherlnr Abernethv waa sum.
moned to the aid of a well-to-do woman.
wnen ne puuea out ills watch and put
ma iinscra 011 mo paiienva wrisi 110
could not count the Dulse. "Drunk
again." he muttered. The next mornlnK
he was requested to make an early call
to see me woman, who received him
most effusively.
"Doctor," she said, "you are th first
nonefli uocicr 1 navs naa. 1 was nrunk."
And ever after she was ona of Aber-
nelhsrs staunchtst adherents and best
pauenu. oirana iagtn.
Took Extra One in Office of Iowa
State Printer.
Three Men Are Beta l'roseoated for
Palillo Offense In roatlngr jThnr
rancy Mien on Examina
tion flaeatlona.
(From a. Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Feb. 7. (Special
Tejegram.) Three men aacuscd ot con
spiracy to commit a public offense In
connection with tho theft and sale of
pharmacy examination papers, pleaded
not , guilty In police court and wero re
leased on bonds today.
H. W, Byers, former attorney general,
appeared on behalf of State Printer Hen
derson to prosecute the case. Charles
Randolph, the boy who worked at the
state printing office,, admits he took an
extra proof of the form for examination
papors and this was the one that was
sold to the pharmacy students for 3300.
Ho dealt with W. F. Thompson, a
printer, and he sold them through J.
Packman; a drug clerk.
Taxation Papers Filed.
The argument was filed today In the
caso of the League of Iowa Municipali
ties against the state ' executive council
Involving the former method ot making
assessments and adjusting values. This
la the argument on behalf of the league
on the appeal of the state from an order
of the district court, on which order the
council did what It could to adjust as
sessed values by Increasing as to many
classes of property. The argument in
volves the entire previous method ot
making assessments. It waa shows and
admitted by the former state executive
council that In 1911 tho farm lands ot
the state were being assessed at from
40 to SO per cent of actual value, that
railroad and similar properties were
being assessed at from CO to CO per cent
ot actual values and property in cities
and towns were assessed on a value from
75 to 85 per cent of value. It was also
admitted this had been dono for years
and the laws ot the state Ignored In all
auch matters, and that It was the intent
to continue to do so. It was because ot
these facts that the lower court made
the order to have assessments adjusted
to actual value, wh):h was done this
year for the first time under the penal
ties ot tbe court The state makes the
claim that tho court had no right to In
terfere In the case at a)l and the hear
ing In the supreme court will be on this
Woodmen Contest Is Warm One,
On of the largest camps ot the Mod
ern Woodmen, located here, has In
structed its delegates to the state con
ventlon ot Woodmen to vote for the re
election ot F, R. ICorns ot this city ua
director ot the national organization,
Korna la one of the present board on
whleh the big tight Is being made by the
Insurgent Woodmen over rates. C. V.
Lyon, the leader of the Insurgents, also
lives here. Both Korns and Lyons spoke
before the camp prior to Us taking action.
Both sides are claiming they will con
trol Iowa and send a delegation to the
Toiedo meeting1, favorable to their con
tentions. The Insurgents are demanding
lower ratea than those which were
adopted. Camps all over the state will
be taking action this month on the sub
ject Will Prosecute for Pharmacy Deal.
The state printer will prosecute the
persona responsible for the theft and sale
ot examination questions regarding phar
macy matters. Three person were ar
rested and are being held Charles Ran
dolph, an employe of the atate printer,
who Is said to have secured the copy, J'
rackman, a drug clerk, who actod as a
go-between, and W. F. Thompson, a
linotype operator, who arranged tho deal.
Whether tho entire class will bo re
examined has not yet been determined.
Green Secures, Papers,
W. R Green, member of congress for
tho Ninth district, today secured nomi
nation papers to again become a candl
dato for congress. Judge Clarcnco Nlch
6ls of Vinton also secured nomination
papers. 7
Members Palmer and ICetclium of the
State Railroad commission returned today
from Fort Dodgo where thoy ,passed on a
condemnation matter regarding the rail
Much Aid for the OH Bill.
Commissioner Barney of the food and
dairy department, has received many of
fers of support for the bill Introduced
Into congress by Senator Kenyon to for
bid lnterstato transportation ot linseed
oil Ui&t Is adulterated. The farm Journ
als of the country will be back ot the
measure almost unanimously and they
wll bring much pressure on congressmen
to consider the merits of the measure.
It Is claimed that formers are the great
est sufferers from the adulteration busi
ness with oils and paints.
Will Defend (lama Lair.
35. A. Cleasby of Portage, Wis., who
Is a federal Inspector of game laws, has
written to an Iowa man In regard to the
enforcement of tho new federal mi
gratory gamo law:
I have been advising the hunters and
sportsmen ot the state that it was abso
lutely a violation ot the federal law to
shoot migratory birds In tho spring.
While we shall possibly have no help
from your warden department as we are
receiving In Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Michigan, yet some measure will be pro
vided to execute tho federal law. Tho
big prcblem is a matter of education, so
that tho people will understand the value
ot bird life and the fallacy ot spring
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising: is the noad to
Business Success. f
All the go at the Auditorium
next week
AH the Go
with us all the time. We carry a com
plete line, and our expert takes pleas
ure in showing them and giving in
structions. Call at our store for complimentary
tickets to the Exposition.
Townsend Gun Co.
1514 FarMM
rlJU,rlUaiiW, President Wll-
Sfli IB ft iMtgF Id V'HHam 1. Marbury
nf (lis Hit', Whls'd Will ha published In tho
I blitwoQ (.Wf.trawi says that Ui-
' r;.s:apipn pf wefiortH hSHstwlea ships
, tfpaj 'aaw "uenatltutos it
v(.rr muUi;H psii!' frnrn every point
I I r vi-T aaia itn8fi(9 fo? (1)4 preaant, at
1 . . . .,1., n I . , II fT' ,, H...L
aihl nf!8 ra' H l't" l'ibul8 u Hecre-
"Wits fiflima, Washlnalon, Feb. , llt
Hsa? lit. Mnpburyi
! 'i I'Sve reHp UtUr ef January
v-llil frHH fi " fitieatlan of canal tails, ,
v., riJlniHtl IH Very clear, The exemption '
1 institute!) h very mlitttkon policy from
1 vpji jielnt tit view, It l euonomlcnlly 1
I'rjlisti HH tv matter n; fact It benefits,
fir (li& present at any rate, only a
innHRpoly, nml It sesma to me In cftar
' ,nmilnr ef the terms of the Hay-Paunce-
"IP II ' ' f ' " 1 w-
honi difference of opinion as to the
lr.j:t pelnt, t there Is, no doubt, as to the, put It la at least debatable, ana
if (he prumlsea wo make In such matters
alp debatable, I for one do not care to
debate them, I think the country would
prefer ta let no qusstlon arise aa to lto
whole-hearted purpose to redeem Its
Promises In the light of any reasonable
construction of them rather than debate
a point of honor.
"Your rcferenco to- the secretary of
state shows how comprehensively you
havo looked on during the last few
months. Not only -have Mr. Bryan's
character, his Justice, his sincerity, his
transparent integrity, his Christian prin
ciple, mado a deop Impression upon all
with whom he has dealt; but his tact In
dealing with men of many sorts, his ca
pacity for business, his mastery of tho
principles of each matter ho has been
called upon to deal with, havo cleared
away many a difficulty and have given
to tho policy of the State department a
deflnlteness and dignity that are very
admirable. I need not say what pleas
ure and profit I, myself, have taken from
close association with Mr. Bryan or how
thoroughly he has seemed to all of us
who ore associated with him here to de
servo not only our confidence, but our
uftectloSato admiration.
Sincerely yours,
Tho Cause.
Who Is that fellow7" asked Grecno of
a friend one evening at tho club.
"Why, that's Henderson," was the re
ply; "you know him. don't you? Como
on over, I'll Introduce you."
"Excuse me," said Greene, with con
siderable emphasis, "I have no use for
that fellow."
"Why," quered the other, In some sur
iprlso, "what havo you against hlm7"
"Well, old mau, of course, you dldn t
know," explained Green, "but you see,
he Jilted my wife once" New ork
"Ish ka blbble" Is western slang of
Yiddish, or rather German, origin. It
Complimentary Tickets
for the
Don't fall to attend. Tho
exhibition will mako you an
enthusiast. Wo will mako you
an amatour.
Always on Hand.
Printing and Developing Dono
by Experts on snort notice.
Drug Co.
Em B
1 The Robert liPH I
I Dempster I
1 Company - ftt j I
l Cordially Invites You I
1 Kodak SSHS I
I Exhibition rWw I
For this interesting and nnique entertain
ment the Solo Enterprise of Tho Eastman
Kodak Company in tho Auditorium all next
week, we shall bo glad to furnish, you and your
friends Complimentary tickets.
Hundreds of photographic masterpieces of
the amateur world will be on display. A pro
gram of illustrated travelogs, stereoptican
views and motion pictures will entertain you
every afternoon and evening.
Experts will also bo on hand '-to 'demon- ,,
strate developing and printing and instruot
those interested in the use of tho kodak.
At tho Exhibition you will see tho possibil
ities of the Kodak in amateur hands. "What
others have done you can do with a kodak.
At our stores you will find all tho equip
ment for taking, printing and developing tho
Kodak way.
"Wo havo a full lino 'of Eastman Kodaks
and materials and all our printing, developing
by experts who uso Eastman methods and. ma
terials exclusively.
Let us make enlargements, such asyouKjvill "
see at the Exhibition for you' from-your Wir
The Robert Dempster Company
1813 Farnam Street 308 South 15th Street
"Everybody's Store"
Ask for Complimentary Tickets
for the Interesting and Instructive
Kodak Exhibition
To be Conducted at the Auditorium Under the
Auspices of the Eastman Kodak Co., Monday,
February 9th to Saturday, February 14th.
Hundreds of photographic enlargements
from kodak pictures taken in all parts of tho
world. Lectures or travelogues, illustrated
with lantern slides.
' Booths for demonstrations In ko-
daklng, developing: and printing. '
'Tho Burgess-Nash Kodak Department carries every
sizo and stylo of kodak that Is popular. Our film stock
Is kept reliably fresh and the lines of developing and
printing supplies are constantly complete. f
Bring Us Your Films v
Our developing and printing is done by -experts and
Is guaranteed strictly high class and satisfactory.