Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1914, PART ONE, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair . . ,
Passenger' Train Runs Into Bore
Set Fire by Mexican Bandit
Without Warning.
Train Carried ThirtyPive Mexi
cans and Six Americans.
Armed Uprising Feared by Huer
tistas Does Not Occur.
Srcjet Police Lock Up JInnr Clerk
nl Small Business Men WhJm
They Say Are Connected
tilth tre Flot.
JUAFJ2Z. Feb. 7.-Gravest fears that
the six American railroad men and
thirty-five passengers on the Mexico &
Northwestern train which ran Into tho
burning Cumbro tunnel last Wednesday
have perished, were expressed by rail
road men here this afternoon.
Two Mexicans who left the train at
Cumbro say tho passenger was nbt held
up, but ran Into the tunnel Innocent of
tho danger. The fact that none of the
crew or paf$ngers have been seen since,
although four days have elapsed, Is re-
garded as the saddest evidence of their
fate for which the bandit leader, Maximo
Castillo, whp failed to leave warning
that he had set a freight train on fire
In the tunnel, Is regarded as responsible.
Thcro were six Americans on the passenger-train
and two American conductors
and two American engineers on the
freight which was a double header, and
was set on fire to destroy the tunnel. A
number of Mexican trainmen also are
The flames In the tunnel prevented In
vestigation yesterday but F. C. Clark
of the railroad, Dr. F. C. Hurr and four
assistants left Madera again this morn
ing to visit the scene and a definite re
port is hoped for by night.
Citr of Mexico Quiet.
MEXICO CITT, Feb, 7. The federal
capital was quiet today. The authorities
had feared that conspirators against the.
administration would attempt an armed
uprising, but no outbreak occurred.
Tho secret police today arrested a num
ber of clerks and small business men al
leged to b'e connected with an antl-gov-ernmental
'conspiracy. The authorities
declare, they found on tbe prisoners carda
Indicating tholr connection with the
movement. The po'jce believe they have
succeeded In frusjTatlng an' Important
plot. They ra maintaining great vigi
lance. Joge Vera Estanol, brother of Jorge Kstohal, minister of public instruc
tion In the, Mudero cabinet who, was ar
rested a few days ago on suspicion of
conspiring agatnBt tho government, was
rokestd today
Thomas S. Hohler. British secretary and
charge d'affatrs at Mexico City, arrived
today jvltli tha purpose of getting first
hand Impressions of the attitude of public
men toward tho Mexican problem.
Having already established official re
lations with the Huerta government in
Mexico, before his departure on leave of
ubsence, for England, It will be unneces
sary for tho charge to present any fresh
credentials when Sir Lionel Carden de
parts Jor England'.
Sandoval Iletnrn to Havana.
HAVANA, Feb. 7.-Jose Vandos San
doval, a Mexican attorney and inUmate
friend of General Felix Dlar. arrived
here today from northern New Mexico
by way of New Orleans, where he is re
ported to have been on a secret mission
to Induce General Francisco Villa to re
nounco General Carrania and recognize
General Diaz as. the leader of the Mex
ican rebellion.
Senor Sandoval refused to disclose the
nature of his trip to tho state of Chihua
hua In Mexico. He said ho mot Villa
previous, to the latter execution of
Francis Guzman, who was reported to
have tried to persuado Villa to desert
"Carranza. Tho Mexican lawyer said he
was welt treated by Oeneral Villa, who
fold him that the rebels were ready to
fettack the town of Torreon and then
would proceed to Mexico City.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair tonight and Sunday; not so cold
at Omaha
Hours. Dog.
5 a. m !'
6 a. ra 10
7 a. ro 10
8 a. m U
9 a. m ft
10 a. in 5
11 a. m 2
13 m 5
l P. m
S p. m is
a p. m M
Local Weather Ilecortl.
1914. 1913. 1)13- 1911.
Lowest Isst night -U 9 8 21'
Precipitation . 0
Normal temperature for today, 23 de
grees. Deficiency in precipitation since March
1. 1,47 Inches. , . . ., -
efficiency for corresponding period of
1913, Inches.
fienrrul Weather rondttlous,
Thu void wave continued cast and south
during the last twenty-four hours, and
I now aiiecung tne entire Mississippi
and Ohio volleys and Lake region. Zero
weather extends south to Oklahoma and
Arkansas, and frrezing weather to tha
went gulf coast Temperatures are rising
! tbe upper alley and in the west and
northwest, hut the weather Is still very
toll 'ii those sections. Temperatures
ranging fium 20 to 30 below prevail In
the wpper valleys this morning. The low.
r ''orileU at Omaha was 11 below.
The weather is clear west of the Mia
slxxlppl rlvrr to the mountains, but Is un
settled east of the river, with snow fall
ing In the valleys and lake region. With
tha temperature rising in the northwest,
the outlook Is for not so cold Sunday in
this vicinity, with fair tonight and Sunday-
I A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Police Say Mrs. Manning Was Killed
by Miss Herdman.
Girl Infntnnte.i vlth Wonisn'n llnn
bnnil Calls on Her and Shootn Her
T Trice In Presence of Her
Mother and Sister.
NEW'AItK, X. J., Feb. 7.-Hzel Herd
man, a girl of 20, tnfntuuted with Charles
F, Sinning, shot nnd killed Mrs. Harriet
Manning In her homo here last night.
Thin vrb tho announcement mado by the
Now York pollco this afternoon. The
murderess fled after firing, with dollbcr
nto coolness, two shots at her victim. In
tho presence of Mrs. Manning's mother,
sister and nlcco.
The girl died In tho Mountain Side
hospital at Montilalr. N. J., of poison
taken with suicidal intention.
Learning that a young woman had
been taken to the Institution tho police
seized on It as a clue to the mysterious
shooting of 'Mrs. Manning, accosting Miss
Herdman, accused her of the crime.
Then, according to the police, she con
fessed, saying she was In lovo with
Manning and hnd killed his wife because
the wife had failed to get a divorce is"
Mlsn Herdman was Uie unnamed woman
detnlncd by tho police and questioned last
night. She was released this morning.
Mrs. Manning's husband, Charles F.
Manning, a garage manager, from whom
she had been separated for two years,
and a woman whose Identity Is not re
vealed, after having been held by the
police all night and closely questioned,
were released today. Subsequently tho
pollco detained an Italian woman, who
in dress and build seemed to answer the
description of tho murderess as given by
trs. Manning's relatives. Jacob VAno, who
formerly boarded with 'the family, also
was brought to Jicadquarters.
Manning himself brought the girl to
the hospital. Seeing that her condition
was critical he went In search of her
mother. 1
Mlsa' Herdman had been suspected of
tho crime, but thorough questioning at
that timo failed to sustain any suspicion
that sho was responsible 'for tho shoot
ing. Her home was on tho Pompton turn
pike in Essex county.
Sho was the daughter of Arthur J.
Herdman, a hotel proprietor. The father
said this afternoon that he had opposed
his daughter's association with Manning,
but that notwithstanding, the two had
been going togethor for years.
McPherson Signs
Appeal in Missouri
Railroad Rate Case
KANSAS CITT, Feb. 7.-Judge Smith
.McPherson today signed the railroads'
appeal In the Mlsspqri 2-cent passenger
and maximum freight rate cases. This
action, according to counsel for the rail
roads, leaves It for' tho United States, su
preme court to determine- whether Issues
Involved In the Missouri rate coses may
properly come before that tribunal for
review. The United States supreme court
In a decision last summer upheld the
constitutionality .of tho Missouri railroad
rate laws.
The present appeal on behalf of thir
teen railroads Is from Judge McPher
son's decision of yesterday holding he
had no power to retain Jurisdiction of
suits of passengors and shippers against
the railways to recover alleged over
charges estimated at 124,000,000.
Yesterday's decision waa iri tho form
of a decree entering a mandato of the
United States supreme court upholding
the laws as constitutional and dissolving
an injunction granted the railways in
1200 against tho enforcement of the laws.
The railways seek a supreme court or
der compelling Judge McPherson to take
Jurisdiction of the claims of passengers
and shippers who paid the higher rnto
during the life of the injunction, the
stato meanwhile maintaining that such
cases can properly be heard only In
state courts. 1
Rock Island Stocks
and Bonds Drop to
New Low Record
NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-Weakness In the
Rock Island securities again unsettled
the stock market today. The common
and preferred shares as well as the col
lateral trust bonds fell to new low rec
ords. At the office of the Rock Island com
pany It was said that tho several plans
of proposed reorganization were still
under consideration and that no definite
announcement was likely to be made for
some time. .
Wireless Explosion
Theory is Absurd
LONDON. Feb. 7. "It Is absurd." was
the comment today of Prof. William
Henry Kccles of University college, an
eminent- radio oxpert. when shown the
suggestion mado by a Paris engraver, M.
Duroquolr, "tbat the explosion on board
the .steamship Volturno, the French bat
aleshlp Llberte and In the Universal col
liery near Cardiff were duo to wireless
"I wish it were true," Prof. Hccle's
added. "It would mean a tremendous in
crease in the power and usefulness of
wireless waves If wo could obtain such re
sults. As It is, wireless waves aro only
sufficient In strength to move tho most
delicate Instruments. They have not
nearly enough energy to enable us to
writo with them,"
j INVEUNKSP. Scotland,' Feb. 7. -An ar
son squad of militant suffragettes today
set fire to Hazel Hank house, a Highland
residence in Tomatln. sixteen miles from
here. The house . wblch was destroyed
belonged to the widow of a county coun
cillor and was temporarily unoccupied.
Tbe usual suffragette placards and lit
erature were found In the neighborhood.
Senate Directs Resumption of Inves
tigation Into Affairs of
New Haven.
Interstate Commission Ordered to
Continue Inquiry.
McReynolds Thinks Prosecution
Doesn't Come Under U. S. Laws.
I.odRe Heclnren Probe Slmnlil Tie
Mm le of Manner Mevr York
Hunker Floated Ilnll
I.onnn In Paris.
WASHINGTON, Feb. ?.-Sonator Nor
ris' resolution directing tho Interstate
Commerce commission to contlnuo its in
vestigation of New Haven railroad af
fairs was passed today by the senate
In a modified form.
Attorney General Mcrtcynolds takes the
view that any prosecution for financial
operations of the New York, Now Haven
& Hartford railway must come, undor
stato laws, not federal statutes, accord
ing to a statement In the senate today
by Mr. Nowlauds of Nevada. Tho at
torney general's position was reported
during debate when the Norrls resolution
to direct tho Interstate Commerce com
mission to reopen its Investigation of New
Haven -uffalro was taken up.
Frisco Deal .Vino glindr-
Senator Lodgo declared that, Investiga
tion should be mado of the mnnnor in
which Speyer & Co., New York bankers,
floated Frisco railroad system securities
In Paris. He said ho had boen In
formed that b paying Paris bankers
commissions as high as 7V4 per cont
Speyer & Co. Induced tho Fronch people
to buy tho securities a few months be
fore the railroad wont into bankruptcy.
"Tho result was that American credit
was given a greater blow In Franco than
It hnd over received before," declared
Senator Lodge.
Senator Kenyon characterized the pub
lished exposure of New York affairs as
a tale of "the infamy of a gang of plun
derers " Senator Oliver put in tho rec
ord the appointment of Speyer & Co. as
flBcal agents of the Navy department
of the United States in London last April.
Chnnxea In llesnlutlon.
The modification was to specify that
the commission need not duplicate any
of Its, previous work and leaving It to
.the discretion of tho commission
whether Its previous investigations have
developed all tho Information It desired.
Commissioner Prouty. who made the first
InvtHt'Katlon, recflntlysdwlarod lie could
seo little to bo gained by further work by
tho commission, but that something might
be brought out by a committee of con
gress. This information was called for by the
What became of the funds of tho New
Haven Invested in various enterprises
and corporations mentioned In tho recent
report of tho Interstate Commerce com
mission? Whether the person or persons author
izing Investment of those funds and tho
Person or persons receiving the benefit
are liable to punishment under existing
Whether under existing law these
. i? bo recovered on behalf of tho
stockholders of said company?
N hat legislation, If any, Is necessary to
ctl recurroncy of similar tran-
Inquiry Into Copper
Strike Will Begin
Monday in Houghton
HOUGHTON, Mich.. Feb. 7Congress
men E. T. Taylor of f7nlnrnrf n.i t t
Casey of Pennsylvania, who aro mem'.
bers nf tha ,,l.n.....,i.. . ... 1
Investigate strike conditions In the Mich
lgan copper coutry, nrrlved here today
and Representative Howell of Utah is
expected tomorrow.
A local committee met the investigators
and tendered them the use of the city
hall for tho hearings, which probubly will
begin on Monday. Mr. Taylor, who is
chairman qf tho sub-commlttee, said thut
no plan of procedure had been agreed on
and that arrangements for the hearings
could be made after the arrival of Mr.
Slow progress Is being made in the
Seebervllle murder trial today. Stanko
Stepech. who was one of the men shot,
again took the stand and described how
he was wounded. Ho din nnt n.u . l. .
klUIng of Sieve Putrlch for the allege
...u,Dr o wnom two deputy sheriffs and
. ...vw. ...ouuii Kuurus nro on trial,
Vanderbilt Party
Back in New York
NKW YORK, Feb. 7.-Mr. and
Frederick W. Vanderbilt and party, in
cluding the duke and duchess of Man
chester, reached New York today on the
United Fruit company ilner Aimlranto
from Colon and Kingston, finishing trip
necessitated by the Vandorbllt yacht
Warrior- erniinrtlm ntt ti. ...
' v. iiiu VUUBI OL
Colombia. According to Jst reports, tho
yacht was still stranded uml ull but ton
of tho crew were taken off. A special
tug met the Vanderbilt party at quarun
SHIV HAVKN, Conn.. Feb. 7Uonry
C White, a prominent lawyer nnd mm.
itMan. died here today, aged 5S yra. Ho
was a graduate of Yale and was widely
krown for his interest In municipal re
It was at .Mr. Whiles home on Edwards
street in 1P0S that Coloml Itoosevclt, then
president, met Mr. Taft for a conference
rver affairs relating to the republican
national convention. Mr. White brought
Colonel Iloosevelt and Mr. Toft together
to discuss certain questions on which
they held divergent views.
" W illi
mi m
Drown for Tho Beo by Powell.
Three Thousand Ask for Jobs on Pay
Roll Where Increase in Sal
aries is Automatic.
AnpIicautH--e' from' Distant Cora.
iitunft'leiaVkyWcU nn Nearby, Dis
tricts Uotuo Gt fJrafr Oaf
of Bed to Ask. ,
Three thousand sclirtol teachers of Ne
braska and neighboring states huv'o made
application for position on Omaha's
teaching staff elnco the new automatla
Increased salary schedule went Into ef
fect. This schedule provl'deis for an In
itial salary of $500, to bo Increased an
nually by V0 a year until the grade teach
ers reach a maximum of $1,000.
The applications have come from ro
moto states su well as those neighboring
Nebraska. Five hundred such applica
tions have been received within tho last
four or five months.
These applicants afo not unemployed,
but arc teaching In other cities and do
stro a change. Applications aro made un
dor all sorts of condition's, Superintendent
E. U- Graff being frequently aroused
from his slumbers by the call of tho
telephone nnd some teacher patting
through the city enters her application.
Such applications, however, arc not,
filed, the applicants being required to fill
out blanks so Unit the superintendent
may know whether or not they are quali
fied. .If they are qualified the application
Is placed on file in order.
An attempt Is now being made by ,tho
superintendent's office force to cut down
; this waiting list to those who would nc
icept positions ut once. Slnco making the
applications several have taken othov po
, sltlons which they would .not' leavo for
! a berth In the Omaha schools.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. President Wil
son today signed tile Kenyon bill, abolish
ing Washington's segregated district.
-The National Capital
Saturday, February 7, Ul l. j
Tim Ncnule.
A Met at noon.
Gencrul woou ioiu ine miuiury com
mute.) the destruction of the military
academy by union troops In 1MH was not
It? accord with the laws of war.
Immigration commmeo toon up me
Burnett bill and discussed the literacy
test feature. ......
Itepresentatlves of the Consolidated
Stock exchange of New York testified on
the Owon bill for fodoral regulation be
fore tho banking committee.
Fussed the lioutin bill for reorganiza
tion of the naval militia.
I'astu U NorriH resolution dlioetlng Inter
statu Commrico commission tu continue
' Its Investigation of New Ilavon railroad
! uffalrs. 1
Agricultural extension bill pasted in ;
umunded foini. ,
l'rosldtmt rtihinltteU nomination In- 1
eluding Medical Irisportur WHIhuii' .' j
IJralstnd to be surgeon genorul of tho I
navy. j
Adjourned at 5:17 p, m. to noon Monday. :
The House.
Met at noon.
Miscellaneous legislation considered.
Itoprcsontativo Morgan of Oklahoma
before tho Interstate commerce commit
tnc advocator his bill to empower an
Interstate trade commission to reguluto
price- fixing.
Upturned ilrbflteon tho $JI,000,Oi0 Shuckel.
tore good roads bill.
1'assed bill authorizing appointment of
u committee to attend corn exposition at
Dalian, Tex.
I'ut over to Monday bill creating addl
tlonal federal Judgeship at Philadelphia.
Concluded general debato on Shackle
ford good roads bill.
Adjourned at 4 'lb n, in. to noon Sunday
for memorial exernses for the late Itep
resentatlves Hodcnbury and Wlloy.
Spirit of the Time
War Department Offers Building
and Grounds Free.
Governor niorehend Uoe Not Kiiott
Whn Outcome Will 110 Hlrice
New Armor" Just Finished
on Fair, Ground.
(Fromla Staff Correspondent.)
'Feb. 7.-(BpocUin)-Ilead.
quarters of
may be mo
the Nebraska National Guard
ed to Fort Omaha. If a prop
osition made by tho War department Is
accepted by; the governor.
The government has offered the use of,
tho bullduign. and grounds of that Institu
tion to tho adjutant general qf the'stute
free of chargo if tho stat.o, desires to ac
cept the offer. The offer Inqludes alt the
buildings necessary and tho uso of the
grounds for encampments and mobiliza
tion, and. If accepted, will malte an ideal
place for state headquarters.
Howovor, tho state has Just completed
nt an expenso of $5,000 aii armory at the
stato fair grounds in Lincoln, and when
Governor Morehead was seen this morn
ing about the matter he thought that It
might be , unwlao , to make any change
at this time on account of the new build
ing. Goncral Hall was much impressed with
the offer. "It will give us un Ideal .place
for headquarters," suld .he, "and tho ad
ministration building Is well equipped for
the uso we could mako of It. Wo are so
crowded for room hero Iti our new quar
ters that we cannot carry on . business
Uko w should, nnd the proposition from
tho government looks good to me." .
The removal of tho headquarters of the
guard to Omaha would help the proposi
tion of room at tho trtuto house, whtoh
lias not fully been solved by the new
apartments on the fourth floor, and It
mlRht bo the right uulutlon of the prob
lem. Wireless Search
for Icebound' Tug
WASHING-ION, Feb. 7,-Wlreless calls
wcro sputtering out from the big navy
towers, at Arlington, today to, .the frozen
wastes of "the' New Fotindlarid' coast,
searching for the navy tug Potomac, lost
In tho ice aftor an unsuccessful attempt
to rescue the 'crews' of tho fishing 'schoon
ers Hiram Lowell and Frances Wlllard
Tho heavy Ice packs in tho Hay of
Islands turned the sturdy Potomac back
from Its work of reucuo after days of
useless smashing at the frozen fields that
hold the Lowell and tho Wlllard prison
ers. It left the bay for North Hydney
Thursday night and should havo put Into
port yosterday, When tho tug was not
heard from today navy officers said thcro
was no cause for alarm, but put tho
wlrloss fooling tor It, They thought It
had been delayed making its way through
the heavy Ice In tho straits.
Tho Jam, however, probably will bo the
salvation of the Cfjws of tho Imprisoned
fishing schooners. Officials here ure not
concerned for tholr safety, saying It
their ships are crushed in the pack they
easily can mako tholr way to shore over
tho lee.
WABHINOTON, Fob. 7. The board of I
food and drug inspection In tho Depart
ment of Agriculture, which was often the
center of attack by Ur. Harvey W.
Wiley, former chief chemist, has been l
abolished by Beeretary Houston.
At tho Department pf Agriculture it
was said tho Iward hud been abolished
In the Interest of efficiency and economy.
Dr. Alsberg, who succeeded Dr. Wiley
as pure food chief, will decide the ap
puals tbat formerly went to the board.
He will be assisted by Vf, It. I Emer
son of Boston.
.V k tt ' 1 ..... .
. 8. Ji
First Detailed Accounts of Eruption
of Sdkurajima Are
Received.. ..
Heautlfnl City of- rfa-osatqikffr(&
.Vftlnlly Destroyed- BodU'N nt the;
, ' Dead ptill 4 Under Lav
and Ashes. .
VN FrtANClSCO, Fb. 7.-rThe first
detailed account .of the terrible eruption
of Bakurajlm,.i qn tho southern coast of
Japan, as received hero today by mail
from the Tokyo correipondent of. the
Associated Press, places tho loss ,of life
conservatively estimated at "several hun
dreds." ' ...
Not only was th' island of Sak'urajlma
Itself, with Its dozen villages, flooded by
a torrent of flaming lava and burled
undor a hall of incandescent rocks, but
tho beautiful city of Kagoshlma. over
looking tho Golden Gate of Japan, was
partially destroyed, sevoral towns and
villages on tho mainland to tho east were
ore. hit, and the villages of Akamldsu,
Yqkoyama and Kollto wcro literally swal
lowed up by tho molten lavn. Until they
aro dug out no specific count of .lives
lost ever will b possible. The account
, "While a Tokyo audience of Japanese
was assembled at the Imperial theater,
vlowng moving pictures of the last clays
of Pompeii, tho subterranean fires ot
their own emplro, Imprisoned for more
than a quarter of a century, were surg-
(Continued on Pago Four.)
Postal Orders Are
to Be Payable" at
Any Postoffice
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7,-Dy President
Wilson's slcnaturn tha bill to resulntn
the' payment of postal money orders to-
oay Became a law or tne iana. The now
statute 111 not become effective, how
ever, until rules and reflations for !t
operation are promulgated' by 'the post-
innsior general, mis prooauiy will re
outre several mnnthii. Tmmfritnt lv fal
lowing tho signing of the bill, Postmaster
Gcnoral Uurleson appointed a commlttco
ot postal officials to prepare rules and
regulations to carry tho law Into effect.
The bill provides for the Issuance of
postal money orders payable at any
money order office, even though drawn
on a specified office, and will according
to the postmaster general Increase the
volume of. postal money order business
and prove a grpat help to the business
public, giving as It does, to the postal
money order the virtues and conveniences
of a bank draft
Figures made nublln today by tho post
master general show that In tho lust
fiscal year, nearly 9I,00,000 domestic
money orders wero Issued, amounting to
almost KS,fi00.)00. The net Income o
the Postoffieo department on account f
money ordeis Issued was more than
J1ANHAQUAN. N. J. Feb, 7.-Off Its
course In, a fog, the British tramp
steamer, Quoen Louis, went aground early
today about u quurter of n mile off shore
here and the prospect were that It would
remain fast until high tide late this utter
noon. An a precaution the Jlanasqusn life
savers shot u breeche buoy line aboard
and two boys of the vessel's crew were
brought ashoro. The others In the crew,
numbering about twenty, Including the
captaln.David McDonough, elected to
remain aboard,
Chief Dunn Communicates by Tcle
phone with Politico Authorities
at Pueblo Regarding Bender.
Says He Will Return to City With-
out Requisition Papers.
Other Two Members of Holdup Gang
Are Still Held Here.
Description of Man Arrested Pueblo
Corresponds wlthhnt of the
Mnu A censed of Shooting
Jtenrr Nlokell.
Charles Bender, alias "Black Tony,"
arrested by tho Pueblo authorities on a
grand larceny charge, has admitted that
ho Is the man wanted here for the mur
der of Henry E. Nickell In the robbery
In the MoYey resort pn. North Fourteenth
street some three weeks ago. Bonder
agrees to return without requisition
This Information was given Chief Dunn
In a telephone conversation held with
Chief Daly of Pdeblo. A photograph,
measurements and completo description
of tho man under arrest aro to be mailed
the Omaha police,, and Chief ot Detec
tives Steve Maloney will go personally
to conduct tho prisoner back to Omaha.
He will leavo hero Monday.
Tatoo marks, a scar across tho right
cheek And the general description of Ben
der tallies with the 'circular recently sent
out by the Omaha department and com'
piled from Information vouchsafed by tha
MoVey' bandits' victims, who observed
tho murderer closely on the night of tha
crime. Williams and Rosamond have not
been made nwaro of their companion's
capture, It being planned by the depart
ment to confront the pair with the third
man entirely unprepared.
Later Information to the effect that
Bender signed a written confession ot his
part In the holdup Including tho shooting
of Nickell has been received. Detectives
will be dispatched at once to bring tho
man back. '
WIUUiHS the Leader.
That Williams, who Is' at present con
fined in the city Jail, was the prlmo fac
tor in tho 'robbery and tho leader o the
tWo Is the 'opinion of Chief Dunn.
i'llt n fully responsible for tho whole
affair. Including the shooting, as "Back
Xony." ,ant should be punished equally,
with the' Rs'hnWtdHWaTa'f"HtioC '
said Chief DUnn." "Captain 8M!onjr It
pt the, same opinion..
'('dlvQ them somo bt the sains medi
cine If they don't get notion," was thrf
advlso given by Williams to "Tony" Im
mediately after tho killing ot tho young
bank clerk, according to Captain Ma
loney. The three men under arrest will
bo arraigned, it possible, before the crolid
Jury for Indictment.
Details at Arrest.
A ,mebago to Tho Bee from Pueblo
gives the following details ' ot tho capture;
"Charles Uen()er, alia Frank Hender
son, alias 'Black Toney,' waa. arrested In
this city last Saturday on charge ot
taking $120 from the Congress hotel last
July. - He "(a now In tho county Jail,
awaiting hearing on that charge. When
confronted with - his aliases this evening
he did not deny; any ot them,, but stated
that he had not been In Omaha for two
years. Ho refused to 'give' any, more ot
his past life. The man hero Is about 19
years of age. He worked, but a short time
at tho Congress hotel and was entrusted
with $120 to take to a bank, when ho left
tho city.
"Chief of Police Daly says he also con
fessed that ho Is' known in Oniaha un
der tho name ot 'Blacy Tony
Admits He U Wanted Here.
"He confessed that he was wanted In
that city for a crime committed, hut
would not state ot what nature. Chief
Daly Htates that ho wired tho officials
at Omaha ho had the man they were
after. Bender cume back to this city
about a week ago, and was here but two
days until rcognied, by the hotel pro
prietor. His arrest followed, and he will
be held In the county Jail until his hear
ing,' which la set for the district court
this term."
PUBULO, Colo.. Feb. 7.-Accordlng to
local police authorities, Charles sender,
ullas "Black Tony," confessed today to
the murder of Henry Nickell, Omaha
(Continued on rage Two.)
20,000 Pairs of
Shoes a Day!
Think of It! 20,000 pairs ot
flboes Is something of an out
put for oue shoo factory to
turn out on nn average for
overy working day In tuo year.
That business was not built
In a day.
Nor was It liuilt upon any
thing but merit, hard work and.
good newspaper advertising.'
Dealers throughout tio
world aro eager to repreaunt
this factory in their community
because they Hnow tho qaUUty
Is In the shoes and tho reputa
tion for honosty 1b back ot
Reliable newspapers every
where have for years adver
tised this particular brand so
thoroughly that .the name la on
everyone's Hps,
From a small "shoo shop"
this factory has expanded to ltd
present Immense also wlt.Mn a
comparatively Hhort length of
time. And 5)0 per cent of Ita
advertising hits been confined
to reliable nowspapers.
The "good will" alone in
this business now tar exceeds
in value all the money ever
spent In advertising.