TI1E BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, PEBIU'AKY 7, 1!U. 15 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Reports on Exportation of Wheat Are Conflicting. PLANT IS IN GOOD SHAPE Despite Reports to Contrary Ux perls. Declare that Grorfliisr Crnlu la In' Splendid Shnpe f for (Jood Crop. OMAHA, Feb. 6, 1911. Reports on takings ot cash wheat at the seaboard were not only conflicting, but they were qulto misleading yester day, One set ot messages claimed there wcro fifty-two boatloads sold late on rWearosday, whllo another reported ves sel room as having been chartored for fifty-two boatloads. One of tho oldeat and most reliable concerns In tho export trade at Chicago recelvt-d a message from the seaboard in which It was said that tte vessel room taken was mostly for old sales and largely for low grades of wheat. As put by an old exporter, who was somewhat surprised at tho mis leading report sent out, that whenever there is any export business passing the public as well as the grain trade on tho relieved. The menace attracted more than passing notice, Texas last year hav ing raised 32.0U0.0CO bu. In provisions selling by packers out weighed any other Influence. The oc caslon for the unloading was said to be tho Increase ot hog arrivals at the Chi cago yards. Artlclel Open. I High. Wheat May. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. July. Pork May Lard May. . July Ribs' . May. July I twi I 3?W K4 21 SO 11 07H' 11 K2U MM "a S9H1 2t STH! It 10 11 30 11 70 11 So tow, Close.1 ess 35U 21 SO 11 07U1 U 7i u er. u so 3H to SO-fj' II SO 11 07U It 67M 11 KM a-y. 92Ti G5H 21 H) U 12V4 11 30 11 70 11 ST. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, SoCWHc; No. .1 red, SKlfiM4o; No. 2 hard, PlTifiViVic; No. 3 hard. POHWUc; No. 2, S9W91c; No. 2 northern. JlT.c;, No. 3 north ern, Sapotc; No. 2 spring, yOysic; No. 3 spring, 88&S9C. Corn: No. 2 yellow, V? 4c; No. 3, 4eiIHc: No. 3 white. 66Q 064c; No. 3 yellow, 61flle. Oats: No. 2 white. 42c; No. 3 white, 3S4l39c; stand ard. 404c Rye: No. 2. nominal; No. 3, 60c. Barley. 504fS2a Timothy, $37686.R.. whole are not posted as to tho amount j clover, $12.0OSTll6O. Pork, $21.S7H. Lard. eold, or as to the nrlce. Until the trans. actions are several days old. Wheat sales at Chicago wero only 15,000 bu., atti this was taken by Interior millers. Tho western country la selling larger amounts of wheat than whs tho case when prices wore much highor. During the last few days 600,000 bushels have been sold to Chicago cash handlers, and In addition to this, which will come for ward In a short time, was tho reported loading of a tralnload of wheat at Kan sas City, which Is to bo brought to this market. There Is no outlet In the sotitlt wcet at present, as bids for shipment abroad via the Quit wero considerably out of line. Minneapolis reported a good demand for cash wheat from millers. One of the largest flour manufacturers In the wou.d, who was on the Hoard of Trade yesterday, said flour trade Is slow and there Is no uneasiness among millers as to futuro supplies of this grain In all po sitions. Tl)o wheat plant Is in tho strongest po sition for a number of years and tho pros pects are universally good. It Is said by those who ha"vo kept tno condition ot the growing wheat under close observation that It will take a great deal of cold Weather to Injur It. That tho condition Is now so high that it can stand marked deterioration and then have an average crop. The coldest spot In tho winter wheat belt yesterday was at Valentine, Nob., where It registered 2 below. The colder weather throughout tho corn belt will not only season tho grain now held In tho Interior, but it will also increase feeding. Uusottlcd weather con ditions are expected, and this may check the shelling, which Is now being pushed. Data ruled strong In sympathy with wheat and corn, but the cash demand was small at 75,000 bushels. Tho amount of oats in sight is large, but it Is be lieved In some quarters that farm hold ings aro small. The advance in hogs at tho yards wus the leading bull help in provisions. Tho larger packers favor purchases of May ribs, and thero was a fair investment de mand for pork, while lard was slow. Most of tho selling was realizing by longs who bought on tho recent declines. Cash wheat was 'ttle higher. Cash corn was He to IVic higher. Cash oats were unchanged to V4c higher. Clearances: Wheat. 764.000 bushels: corn, 4,009 bushels; oats, 46,000 bushels. Liverpool close: , Wheat, d to Md h!g1ior.t corn, Hd to d higher. Primary wheat receipts' wero 64,000. bush els and shipments 367,000 bushels, against receipts of 23,000 bushels and shipments of 400,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 734,000 bush els and shipments 628,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,212,000 bushels and shipments of 873,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts wero 467,000 bush els and shipments 50.000 bushels, against receipts of 66,000 bushels and shipments of E12.000 bushels last year. These sales wero reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, SlVJc; 1 car, 84c No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, 84V4o; 3 cars, 84c; 4 care, 83c; 3 cars, 83Wc; Vi car, S.. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, 83c; 1 ear, 80c. K6. 3 mixed, 1 car, Sic. Rye: No. grade, rs car, 6flc, Oats: No. 2 white, 1 car, .ISV&c No. 3 white, 1 car, 37?ic; 7 cars, 37Jic; 1 icar. 37,ic. No. 4 white, 4 cars, 37',ic.' No grado, 1 car, 3C!4c; 1 car, 36cJ Corn: No. 2 white, 2 earn, C5&C. No. 3 .white, 1 car, 63c. No. 4 white, 1 car (choice), 61c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 62Ho; 3, cars, 62'4c. No. 3 yellow, 2 cars, 62c; 5 cars, Clttc; 9 cars, 61c; C cars, 60Uc: 1 car, COc. No. 4 yellow, cars, 69c. No. 3 mixed. 1 car (near white), CIVic; 2 cars, 60Ho: 1 car, tVB4c; 3 cars. 694c No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, 59c; 1 car, CSlitC; 1 car. 7ViiC v- Omaha Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 hard, S3V4a6c: No. 3 liard, 2f85c; No. 4 hard. 7JV40S3C; No. 3 spring. SlJ84.c; No. i spring, S2HQ83He; No. 2 durum, 82MffS3cj No. 3 durum. 81HQ82C. Corn: No. 2 white, CVgcSVSc; No. 3 white, G2ftQ3V4c; No. 4 white, 63g61c: No. 2 yellow, 6262V4c; No. 3 yellow, 60G62c; No. 4 yellow, 5SH C9c; No. 2. 00i4l?ic; No. S, MV4S61c: No. 4, 57HC59C. Oats: No. 2 white, 38HW !3c; standard. 3$Hc; No. 3 white, 37Vi 3iUc; No. 4 white, 37Q37',4c. Darley. Malt ing. 61JJ72C; No. 1 feed, 58Q63C. Rye': No. 2, 5706Sc; No. 3. E6857?sc CARLOT RECEIPTS. WheatCorn.Oats. no so niha ill noffll.no. HrTTER Firm; creameries, ziyg.'ic. l?nrS H Icher: receiDts. 6.6(5 cases: at mark, cases Included, 255J26HC; ordinary firsts, 2&ri2a;e; firsts. 26H'J6e. POULTRY Alive; higher; springs, 15'4c; fowls, 15c; turkeys, 16c. CHEESE Low-cr; daisies. 17l3l7He: twins. 16U$il6V4c; Americas, 17ifjlsc; long horns, 17H5fl7?4C POTATOES iJower; receipts, w cars; Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin red, KOflCBc; Michigan, Minnesota and Wis consin, white, 63ti$Sc. SB W YORK OKSKnAL MARKET NEW YORK jiTOK MARKET Quotations Work Lower Slowly on Stock Exchange. NO CHANGES OF IMPORTANCE Mnrkrt 1'lodn on DnrhiR Most ot liny In Unit XVny ot Last Terr Sessions Unable to llrenk ATvny from Ilcnd Level, Chicago Minneapolis Duluth i Omaha 77 Kansas City , St. Louis Winnipeg CHICAGO GUAIiV ASP 1'ItOVISIOSS ..177 .. 14 .. s: .. 41 .. 60 .,114 16S 123 47 37 67 Features of the Trading: nnd CIosIub Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Feb. 6 Extreme cold and the western blizzard threatening danger to autumn sown wheat carried prices today to a higher level. Not all of the gain was held, but the market closed steady at yic above last night. Corn finished He to HOic u n and oats at an advance of Vio to 'iQHc In provisions the out como was a net decline of 2H10c Fresh buying force showed ltBclf promptly In the wheat trade. Speculators bullishly Inclined Jumped at the conclu nlon that a drop In temperature, which went to S3 below aero in parts of Ne braska, would work serious damage to the crop. According to some authori ties, fields where snow had fallen were being swept bare by the gale. The rush to nurchase. however, wan morfnratori hv reports from other places where tho snow averaged several Inches In depth. After tho early bulge conservative denl ers In wheat wero disposed to wait for more, definite tidings In regard to the Nupposed crop damage, especially as to Kansas. Predictions of vet Itiwer lam. pcraturcs ahead, though, helped to avert uny decided reaction. Resides, there wero continued uuiusn aavices rrom all coun tries south of tho enutrtor. Expected increase of fcedlnc A put strength Into the corn market. There was also a belief that receipts would be diminished. In consequence of the stormy weather. Longs took profits on a largo bcie, ana mus cnecaea me advance, Oats respontfed to Texas dispatches tell ing or probable Injury to the winter crop If low temperatures were not soon WANTED TO HORROW. .WAJT to boirow J375; good security: will pay 10 por cent Interest. Address G- care umana uee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OK WEST (Imitations of th IJfty on Vnrlons Coiiminillt lr. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.-FLOUR-Stcady. WHEAT Siot market, firm; No. 2 red. tl.OOVi. nomlnnl, elevator, demand; No. 2 hard winter, 99c, c, I. f., to arrive; No. 1 northern, Duluth, f. o, b afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. I1.C2V4. f. o. b afloat. Futures, firmer, closing He net higher. May, ji.cor.-iB; July, sic. spring patents, H 4O34.60; winter straights, J4.161f4.2S: winter patents, I.404J4.G3: spring clears, $J.00fM.20; extra No. 1 winter, J3.5j3.7S; extra No. 3 winter, 33.S593.50; Kansas straights, Jl.C634.13. HOPS Steady; state common to choice, 1913. 4047c; 1912, 2224e. HIDES-Steady: Bogota, 31nQ82?ic; Cen tral America 3lHc. PETROLEUM Steady; refined Now York bulk, $5.23; barrels, $3.76; cases. $11.25. WOOL Steady: domestic fleece. XX CORN Spot, flrni; now No. 3 yellow, 70',c, c. I. f., to arrive. OATS Spot, steady; standard white. 44& 43c, elevator; No. 3, 4444Hci fancy clipped, 45&-47C HAY Barely steady; standard. 97Mc $1.00: No. 1, $1.02tt1.05; No. 2, 90Jf95c; No. 3, SOtfJSoc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 30cj seconds, 28029c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; mess. $23.50024.00; family. $24.00S,26.00; short clear. J20.0f(22.00. Beef, steady; mess. $18.CB1S.50. family, $19.001120.00. Cut meats, quiet; plckleu bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. $12.25(913.50; pickled hams, $14.00. Lard, barely steady: middle west, $10,75 10.S5: rerined steaay; continent, u.w; South America. $12.00; compound, quiet; $$.37H0S.62tf. TALLOW Quiet: city, cc; special, 1c: country, 6&yiic. BUTTER Firm; receipts, ,uw iuds; creamery held extras, ZTSOTiio; firsts, o2GVic. CHEESE Quiet and firm: receipts, 2.500 boxes; state wholo milk, fall and sum. mer white specials, 1S1SHc; winter spe cials. 17fc0mic. EGGS Unsettled : receipts; 13.900 cases: fresh -gathered extras, 30ft31c: extra firsts. 2SH5f23c; rerrigerator best, Zatfiioc; nearby hennery whites, 3Sc. POULTRY Live, steady: western chickens, 15c; fowls, 16V4017c; turkeyes, ilisc. arcssed. aun: tresn Killed west ern chicks, l54T24c; fowls, 1518c; turkeys, lSJtfSiC. Mlmicnpolla Grnln' Mnrliet. TdlNNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Fob. 6. WHEAT-No. 1 hard. 92yt(U92c; No.. 1 northern. 89i91c: No. 2 northern. StfKl fSAc; No. 3. S5l486V4c; May. 89H089c; July, 9;e90Uc flouu uncnangea. BARLEY (33c. RYE-55HC BRAN $22.23. CORN No. 3 yellow. 57fiC7Uc. OATS-No. 3 white. 360SO4c FLAX-$1.49Vt1.51',t. . Omaha IIa ainrket. OMAHA. Feb. B.-PRAIRIE HAY-No. 1 to choice .upland, $10.00'10.EO: No. 2, t9.xmvs.w: no. 3. sr.ooatv.w. wo. l to choice midland. $9.0010.00; No. 2, $8.00 i.oo: No. ;i. b.uusi .-no. i to cnoico lowland. $7.00(118.00: No. 2. $6.0O7.00: No. 3, J4.W6.00. Straw: Choice oat or rye. xa.:iusiuw; cnoice wneat, ji.wiiu.uu. Alfalfa: Choice pea-green, $13.0013.50; 3. $7.00(59.00. Knnana'Clty Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. C WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard, 8(?i057Hc.t No. 2 red, CORN No. a mixed, mhc: no. 3. C3e: NO. - wnite. wc; no. a, isOTac. Closing prices of futures: Wheat. Mav 87a7Uc; July, 83ViC Corn: May, 68?i bVic; Juiy, c oath no. 'wnite, wttc; wo. z mixed. 39V4C w St. Loula Genernl Bfarket. ST. IXIUIS. Mo.. Feb. C. WHEAT No. 2 red. 92Vt95c: No. 2 hard, 89tfQ93c; May, 92Hc: July. 86V4086HC. CORN-no. 2, tiSHOWc: No. 2 white. 69c; mixed, C&S68?lc:. July, 67ttfl7ic OATS-No. 2, 40c; No. 2 white, 41c; May, wtvc; Juiy, u37c RV1S wc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. C. VIIEATSn iiriu; ssu. e reu weiern winter; la oa; No, 1 Manitoba, 7s 2',4d: No. 2. 7s 2d: No. 3. 7s lOd. Futures firm: March, 7s Mid; May. 7s 2ttd: July. 7s l?id. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 6s 8Md; La Plata, futures, firm; Febru ary, s Ba; aaircn, s yjja. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. COTTON-Fu ttires, closed steady; March, 12.23c; May. 11.8Sc; July, ll.8Sc; August, 11.65c; Octo- Der, u.ic. opoi, quiet; miauling, 12,G3c: gulf. 12.90c. ' Cotton closed very steadv at n nil uA. vanco of 4 to 9 points. March led the up v.ard movement and closed at a premium i u puinis over Aiay, LlVERIOOL. Feb. 6.-COTTON-nnt In fair demand; prices easier; middling fair. 7.6M; good middling, 7.28d; middling, 6.9C-1; low middling. 6.70dt good ordinary. a.v.u; oruumry, o.tra; saies, lu.wj pales, Coffrv Market. NEW YORK. Feb.V C.-COPPR.'Th coffee market was lower today tinder Eiuiinrcu selling proDaDiy intpirea Dy continued by heavy Brazilian reecipts and lower European cables. There wcr row Duyers, ana after opening -steady 2 to 6 points lower, the market closed su-auy, s to iu points net lower, Sales, 10.0UO pages. Feoruan". 9.1Cc: March. D.21e May. 9.41c: July. 9.60c: ScDtember. 9.7e October, 9.83c; December, 9,91o; January, Spot, steady; Rio No. 7. 9Uc: Santos No. 4. 12Hc Mild, dull; Cordovas, KfflCc, nominal. a N15W YORK. Feb. 6.-Quotatlons worked lower slowly on tho stock ex change todav. Thero was no Important chango In tho situation to stimulate spec ulation and during most ot tho nay inn market plodded on In tho dull way of the last few sessions, apparently unablo to brctk away from a dead level. Spec ulative opinion, however, was more uear Ish. The recent tendency of tho market encouraged traders to worn ror a re action, and In tho latter part ot tho day selling became heavier. A number of the popular stocks ctoscd at materially lower figures. Further unfavorable railroad reports for December and Washington advices Indicating tho probability ot a delay ot tho decision In the freight rata caso operated against tho railroad stocks, some of which were under heavy pressure. New Yoik Central was weak, falling off to 91H. Rock Islani shares resumed their decline. Tho common nt 8H and the pre ferred at 13 touched now low levels. In tho Industrial list the coppers wero af fected by a break In tho metal market In London. Steel hctd up fairly well, being supported In expectation of a strong showing in Its forthcoming monthly Btato ment. It Is estimated that now business of the Steel corporation In January ex cccdeJ output by 200,000 tons or mom If a gain in unfilled tonnage Is shown, as b apparently assured, It will be tho tlrst if.creaso In thirteen months. Lo-idon's operations hero wero on a re duced scale. This trading was all on tho selling side, but was not largo enough to ntfect tho market, only 5,000 shares being fcold for foreign account. In tho outside market there was a se vere slump In stocks of the Standard Oil group. Excited dealings In theso shares during tho last few weeks, with soaring prices In most Instances, led to n relapso today. Declines ranged from 2 to - points. Bonds moved Irregularly with a heavi ness in convertible Issues. Amcricnu Writing Paper 5s dropped 5 points. To tal sales, war value. $(.200,000. I'liltoJ States bonds were unchanged on calll Number of sales and leading quotations on stocKs wero Loot vu nit. tv , it pfd tti 1M Micon Co.. Mn, ref. (s. 1H 101 U lm" Ottum. !.. Kh. 4H.... 100 lot Cltr ot Onuh H, 1M1 1WI Omaha IkCttSU Hr.. U, !!!.. Vi V Omaha, ft U, II. SU dr. (M II Omaha KlM. U. A row.. pt4 II . M ratltlo TU A Tl. St. 1117 ttH. Ill Pui-t Souna T, L A 1. 11.... H ITO'.I l.nlnn Klk. Yda. Etk I1t II Halt Lata sen. 4U. 1IU 100 111 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hardly Enough Cuttle on Sale to Make a Market. tT"M.'t..:::::;:y:::: 'jS Son hogs a big five gents higher PMaan InS. K. R. M. t. l M I Sioux City lift, la, im w Btoux Cltr Btk. Yda. pJ.. lloaton HtooK JInrket. ROSlXN. Feb, 6.-ClosIng nuotatlons on stocks were; Alloutt Amal. Coppar ...... A. Z 1. - S Aritona ctwi. Mohawk ., 44 T4NlplMlnt Mlaaa ... H Va North Mutt 5I & North I-V I" M oil Dominion ' ID OMrola . vs Ttmnraca b' ixNiiiiiiaio f riday Lnmba Fltlren Cents Lower and l!wr Steady vlth Thursday's Closn or 10 to 15 Lor or Than Thnrsday MornliiK. SOt'TH OMAHA, Feb. . 191C Itecelpts wero: Cattle, lloga. Sheep. Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock CouiniUalun Mercliants. MARTIN BROS, & CO.. Exchange Bide LEGAL NOTJCKS. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET INO Notice is hereby given that the rec ular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platto Land company will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 4th day of Murcn, a. u. iai4. C. II. MORRILL. President, A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb.. February 2. 1914. Feb. 2. 30t The Persistent and Judicious Use ol Vewsppr Advertising Is the Road to AmaleamalFd Conner American Agricultural .. American Beet Hugar.... American Can ........... American can pM American C. ft F American Cotton Oil Am..I Securltlea American Unaeed American 1ocomottvo ... American H. ft It Am. H. & It. pfd Am. tnignr Kenning...... American T. ft T.. American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co..,.. Alchlkon 4 Atchlton pfd Atlantic Coait Line Ualtlinoro ft Ohio Dethlehera Steel Ilrooklrn llanld Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather hrsapenke. A Ohio rhlcnzo O. W fhicaro, M. ft nt P.... inicago it. v Colorado fuel & Iron,... Consolidated (Iu orn Products Delaware ft Hudnon...... Denver ft Itlo Orande.... Denver & It. (1. pfd Dlatlllers' BecuHtlta .... Erie Erie lit pfd Erie M pfd... Oils and Jloaln. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. COTTONSEED OII li regular; prime suminer yellow $7,060.10; March. $7.13; May. $7.27: July. 7.s. nobirs tju et. TURPENTINE Easy; machine barrels, 50C. London Wool Market. LONDON. Feb. 6.-A salo of Cano Good Hopfl and Natal sheen skins was held here today. Thero were 300.560 pelts offered, of which 231,4uT were sold. The demand was active and prices ranged trom unchanged to Vid higher, long wooioa sorts snowing tne most gain. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit NEW YORK, Feb. e.-EVAPORATED apples- uuiet. DRIED FltnTS Prunes, firm. Anrl cots, firmer; choice, 13c; extra choice. Uitc. Italslns, dun. Balea. lllith, Low. Cloie. 19.700 COO S.S0O NO too COO "'O0 1,KW 7H14 7 27 aii 3Vi 51(4 4V,i 27 'iiti 200 to: too i:ii 600 100 "s'.Ho :oo j, too 17 , ioih Kit 9M 11.100 3U 10,000 J0H 1,(00 tsi 600 13i 1.100 10SH oo u 2,900 f !i M'i 31 M 41 28 H 'si4 iSS IMS 121Si 37 '4 ll 100i 'sdti 3S14 14 son C6 1IU 105S IWVi Ul'i T4 7(1 S4 1U 91 till S8H 10k 103 US sn. 101 93S 1 116 so 14 6ST4 (VI. ft Aritona. . . Cat A lleela.. .. Ontrnnlal Core' llwii C. C Kirt llutt C. M . l-mnlln (Iranbr Con flreeno Cananea . . HIP Horale Coppar. au do pw Kerr IVe 411-Ultah Con. o.xn,n ., .. u iia M.llll .. 4.321 .. 2.74S .. 1,727 .. 225 6.1S2 13,074 is.oin 9.VO 10,000 7.4S 0,14; 4,364 7,670 , 7,000 Mil ml copper MU Wolverine Loudon StorX Market, IiONDON, Feb. & American securities were quiet and featureless curing tuo early trading today. At noon prices ranged from U above to U below parity. Consols for money, 76-Hi for account, CH; fnlon Pacific, 167H. 8ILVKU liar, steaay at zs-ibu per oz, MONEY mt per cent; short bills, 1 Sheep Flvo days this vcek..l2.GXS tO,m 36,003 tO.EI7 61.005 SaAto days 4 w'ks ago..l9.59t Ks913 40.699 Samo days laat year.. 17,933 NS,!3i5 41,922 Tho following table shows tho receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at tho Bouth Omaha live stock market for tho year to date as compared with last year: 1911. 1913, Inc. Dee. ICnttU 95. NCI 101.2M 5.713 I Hogs S.XVMl 3H&T -'i.sJ oday that too many sheep and 'lambs were on hand to meet tho cemanu. ine receipts wero liberal ror a inuay. ueing estimated at some 7.f head, being twlco as large as last Friday and two weeks ago and 2.39S head moro than on tho cor responding day a year ago. Thero wetrt moro sheep hero than nt Chicago and other markets on tho western circuit were lightly supplied. Today s receipts contained another fairly largo supply pf ewes, which have been In liberal supply moft of tho week as compared with re cent weeks. ... The bulk ot the lames soiu a uat. wo lower than yesterday and tho ewes Per cent; per cent. thrco months' bills, 1 15-1WJU ...ail.KM 218.023 13,911 OMAHA UENUItAL MARKKT. I 7 1,1 K (Ml S 911 4 23 Ton afc trlPletV Toumr Jn -f fc " r T W ISOd'BtW 4 0tf iM5le?X bluor'Plabel brick. 19c1 j. ) "1 J oil T 8 I CHI 4 13 r 5.lh . V! Nnw York white. "It JJh- S 27U . S2 6 03 7 47 8 12 I 4 17 CHEESE-tmuorted wlss. SOc; Amerl can Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 20o! twins. 20c; dais Amp-rtCHR ilmbergcr. 2-lb., 20c; Now York white, 2lc FISH White. 13o: trout. 17c: largo crap pies, lie; Bpanlsh mackerel, 16c; shad roe, per pair, 40c; Kalmon, 10c; halibut, Ho; buffalo, 9c: tnniheans, isc; cnannei cat fish. 15c: tlks. 16c: nlckcrel. 12c. POULTRY Broilers, $4.004i'6.0O per dot.; hens, 16c; cocks. 12o; ducks, SOc; geese, 18e; turkeys. 25c: pigeons, per dox., $l.M ducks full feathered, 12V4c; geese, ful The fnllntvlnir tnhln ulinwn thp range of prices for hogs at tho tfoutn umana uvo BiocK market for tho last tew uays, wnn comparisons: Date. I 1914.'ji913. H9I2."19H.I1910. 1909.1908. Jan. 28.1 8 WSI 7 311 Feb. L. Feb. 2.. Fob. 3.. Feb. 4.. Feb. 6.. Feb. 6.. 7 29 6 96 8 20 1 6 Of. 8 16 7 30 6 00 S 17H! 7 42 8 2m 7 461 0 09 S 3S1 7 SS 6 08 7 26 8 30 6 22 4 10 7 -M K .TSl 6 03 7 8 301 6 91 4 16 7 40! 8 29 6 041 t 17 41 8 321 6 14 4 20 l 131 4 23 MllhrlfiV Receipts and disposition of llvo stock at it... ii., uinrv viiriin Smitli Oimtha. ftnthercd, ilcj squabs, No. 1, $1.D0 to $3.00; I Ncb for twenty-four hours ending at 3 jno. i. ow. ..... .... o clock yesterday: ... , Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective! Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. ll'r's, today, lit umiiim arc a iuiiuji. 1 t . it 1 IKKr I'l'TU-RO. 1 rnis, itw, io. a I iuan,,ri lt.lflr .... I ribs, 164c; No. 3 ribs, 13Hc; No. 1 loins, it1.ion inclflc . 2 UHo; No. 2 loins. 17c; No. 3 loins. 14ic; n' & N W east' No. 1 chtickB, 10ic; No. 2 chucks, lov.c; W .' i:," " No 3 chucks. io: No. 1 round. 13?ic: No W r VN V, " n 1 1 v. k a 1 a a w v 2 round. 13',ie: No. 3 round, 12c; No. 1 plates, 8Vtc; No. 2 plates. 8c; No. 3 plates, 7U Tho following prices on fruits nnd vege tables are reported by tho Olllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges:- These navels ar of good color, sweet uud Juicy, quality best have oecn seen in years, j-.xira fmir-v "Sunklst" navels. e. 126. ljo. 176. 200 and 250 sizes, $2.60; extra fancy "Sun ktet" navels, 250 size, $2.60; 28S size, $2.40; S24 size, $2.40; Florida Kumquats, por box, 25c. Apples: i-xtra ianey wash Ington Jonathlan, per box, $z.T&; Winter l'earmalns, per box, $2.24 C It. & Q., east.. C.. II. & J west.. C, R. I. & P.. east.. c, 11. 1. t i west Illinois Central .. C, O. W. Total receipts .. 11 D1SPOBITION- ii !' 3 6 4 44 .. 2 14 .1 21 9 7 6.. 1 3 3 .. 1 5 its "in 6 HEAD. Moris & Co. Swift & Co. Cudahy Packing Co. Whit Armour it co. Idaho H. w. juurpny Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 11 ISt 201 01 Kl 1,961 3,191 fkSl 453 678 2,293 1.428 2,i:u 1,918 S00 I36V4 Wi fW ;s 18Vi 3014 14714 133 S7 113 1514 61U 100 1JH 9U 1,100 2.S00 400 500 800 4,(00 16!4 21S 17H 131 1SH 30U 4114 SSH 174 13214 600 1144 00 li V00 6SV4 113 15H US, 300 "ioo 4.100 :od MO 900 1S314 131 'itU Mi SSH 12,800 ..... COO 10 too 71T4 3,100 117 U 'iisoo itiH 26H 100 lMVi 137i 134 22 n 137 4114 12 91S ZS14 104H 104H 714 JIW 1W4 131 01s too 1,600 , 27.900 400. 10,600 7.100 "ioo 1,500 js!300 3.C00 52i 42H i74 2 10 15H "sis 'is" 116'i 26H 112V4 151 IS 25U 42V4 1M14 167V4 167M, ZiS 2W 114H lis" 2214 42 Ulaclt Twig, per box, $2.2T.; Romo Beauty, Lincoln Packing Co. per box, 12.20; wincsaps, yi.w; extra rancyiJ. 11. iumi , litnlm Northern Sdv. U recti I ti kb or Klnes. 1I. F. Husz oer box. $2.00; extra fancy Idaho Hambos, Sullivan Bros. per box, $1.76; Ben Davie, per bbl $5.00; Hlggins Gano, $6.00; Winosap, $7.0u; Missouri Pip- Huffman pins, 36.60. imons: notira rancy Hun-liioiu ., klst. 200s and 360s. per box. $6.00: oxtra Harvey cholco Red Ball lomons. 300s and SGOs, Other Buyers per box, $0.00; choice, Jt.w. urapes: im ported Malaga, extra funcy, $7.60; fancy, $7.00. Urapcfrult: Florida Tangerines, per box, $2.60; extra fancy Florida. 36, $4.60; 46 and 96. $4.75; 64, 64 and SO, 15.00. t'rnnberrlcs: Per box. $1.23. VEGETABLES Potatoes: Gcnulno was at no tlmo sufficient cattlo In Bight Red River Early Ohio, per bu., $1.W; to really make n market of to Interest lturam or uuruanm, per ou., 00c; innno Duyers to any extent 1 41 7 1 4 4 13 27 7,579 we 10 8,482 sumo Total 640 CATfl.U Whiln lliern twenty cars of cattlo reported today, trains wnm lntn In nrrivlng at the yards on account of tho severo storm, nnd thero tt 11U Dili 27 2,600 35S 35 General Electric Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Oro otfa. Illlnola Central IuterborouKh Met Inter. Met. pfd International Ilarveater.. Inter.Marlna pfd International Paper International Pump Kan.aa Cltr Southern.... Lacleda Oaa Lehigh valley ,,.u....i Ixiulatllle ft Kaanvnie,. M.. Bt. P. at 8. Sl. M. Mlmourl, K. & T Missouri Paclflo NatlonHl niacult National Lead N. It, R. 01 M. Pio New Tork Central , N. V.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Weatern Korth American ....... Northern Paclflo Paclflo V I 'enniylvsnla Pecple'a Oaa P.. C., C. ft St. L iMttihurth Coal Preeeed Bteel Car lullman ralac sar... Ttndlnr ItepuMIe Iron ft Steel... Itenubllc I. & H. Pfd., Ttoek Ialand Co Hock laiana (. pia... St. L. ft 8. F. 24 pfd, Heaboard Air Line Seaboard A. L. pfd... filoaa-Shef field S. ft I. Southern t'acitic Southern llsllwar So. ruilway pfd Tenneaaee Copper Texaa ft Pacific Union Paclflo Union Paclflo nfd lrnlied States Realty.. United Statea Rubber. United mate sieei... U. B. Steal pfd Utah Copper Va..Crollna Chemical Wabaah Wabaah pfd Weatern narjiana .... Western Union ....... nr.rftn,hniiM Hleetrlc Vheellnir ft Lake Erie Chtno Copper New Ilaven Ray Con. 1,-opper Taf le. tor th. car, U Nevr Yorlc Money aiarket. vmv .YORK.. Feb. C.-MONEY-Cll, steady at li02 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; riostngV Pr.,cent' Tlm,,, roans steady; sixty days, 2?i per cent; ninety days; 33H per cent; six months, IeIiCANTILE PAPER 3HQ4V4 per "sTERtlNO EXCHANGE Steady; sixty days. $4 8390; for demand, $4.8575;; com- mIlLVER-Bar; r,io; Mexican dollars, 'ONDS Government, steady; railroad, ClOSUIg iiuoiauuun vjn as follows: U. U. ref. It. res do coupon U. S. la. reg.... do coupon V. S- rf do coupon Iturals. ucr bu 90c. Swoet Potatoes: Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $1.60. Cabbage; Holland seed, per lb., 2c; red, per lb., 4c; new California, 3c, Onions: Ohio largo Red Globe, por lb., Sc; In diana yellow, 3o ; Spanish, per crate, $1,60. Tomatoes: Cuban, por 6-baskot crate, $4.26. An noted yesterday, tho market on beet cattlo Is around llf20o lower than last week, tho dccllnu having been duo to noor consumlnc demand for beet from eastorn points This lack of domaml has been felt at nil points, and tno live biock market everywhere bus boen In u moat Hn.nlt.rimtn.,, MnM.llttnll ..tlt nrlfAM 'i nnmi lmitefi.ll( I- H ll"livii v.u..u...v,i., ...... nuov-r.Lii-.-i.' livuo-v.uiituiiu iihb. 4 1 steadily working lower, 12-oz. Pkgs.. 85c; 60 C-oz. pkgs.. $2.00; "S ' anhefers hav black rigs, is 12-oz. pacKagcs, ii.uu; v crown Imported figs, per lb., 18c; 3-crown imported rigs, per in., 13c. Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; Anchor brand dates. nkK.. $2.25: Halowle datos. per lb.. 7V4c Parsnlpif, per lb., 2c Carrots, por II IM I H 41 . m . . so 6 Hi M 40 71. . .313 ... I IM M I 40 64 M . . I M 6S .. rn 10 S 40 17 176 . . I N St.. ... K ... I 4 16 IW . M t at ... 8 40 U Mi ... I M ... . 264 0 40 II l 10 I M 24 M 44 W. ..... 3i! 8 60 40.... ..xo ... 140 u.. : Si N 3 ,,. 140 PIG8. 7 1 ... 713 DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Further Evidences or Reviving Bus iness Activity. NOT SO MANY IDLE MEN NOW Development In Iron nnd Steel I.nat 3I6nth So KitconrnRlnic Prlcrn In Certain Finished Linen Ad vanced Dollar n Ton, NEW YORK, Feb. 6,-Dun's Review to morrow will say: Thero nre further evidences of revilnir business activity with tho expansion In Industrial operations constituting one of tho tiest features of tho situation. Homt what less romnlnlnl Is now henrd re garding labor conditions, as tho n umber changed hands on a basis ot r of unemployetl. whllo apnarontly still inrgc, lias necn consuiernbly reduced 0 late. This obviously enhances the pur chasing power of tho people and confi denco In tho futuro Is gradually strength ening. Developments In Iron nnd steel lant mnniii were of such an encouraging na- than yesterday's opening prices, or about steadv with yesterday's bad . close. In addition to today's fresh receipts of ewes several loads were carried over from tho day previous, which shows that tho packers had at their disposal moro than they wanted at current prices. Tho buyers' chief learlsh argument was the itiyora' chief learlsh argument was the mro that nrlcrs In rprfntn flnlahed llnM bad condition of the eastern trade In havo been advanced 11 a ton-a slgnlfl tirrsseu. minion, coiipicu vtim iuu iiui receipts hero today, Tho outstanding feature ot the week has liron n tiricn decline of 204f30o on lambs and 1020o on aged sheep In faCo of tho fact that thn receipts to date havo heon unusually light, Indicating that the general tntdo In lambs nnd sheep alike continues In rather had shape nnd that It will tnko very moderate receipts to re store tho trado to a good, healthy condi tion. Heavy Januory receipts around tho market circuit Is offered as ono of tho explanations 6t current unsatisfactory trado conditions. While thn receipts at South Omaha for January hroko all rec ords, tho sis western markets received somo 1,057,0 In head of sheep and lambs, cant fact In view ot the freedom with which concessions wero fortierly offered Commercial failures this week are 37 agnlnst 300 Inst year. Failures In Canada unmoor 67, (against 4a last year. IIUADSTKBKT'S Tll.VniJ REVIEW ncgln- Piihllenf Inn Sees Optimism nlnar (o Spread, NEW YORK. Feb. C.-I3radstrcot' will sny tomorrow: Optimism continues to snrnad ami In some lines of Industry,' particularly Iron nun sicci, iicum i improvement keeps en- ijiuruging paco with sontlmcnt. Withal. iw iia-itia J a. piivvi' aamt iniiiiioi . . . . " -" --- ., nu tllinii tho second largest January supply on Jcro Is sufficient Irregularity, primarily record nnd within 60.000 ot tho record In l.ra.conu' to Unscaaonnblo weather con- Januarj', 1912. unions, to act as a checkreln on tho gen- tjuotatlona on sheep and lambs: Lambs. " . "'"ency towarti interment, good to choice. $7.21117.40; lambs, fair to J" lhe forefront Is tho fact that trado good, $8.Wtf7.20: lamps, culls, $S.60y.&0; l"0 larger uistriuutors Is expand- yenrllngs, light, $l.35fl,60; yearlings, nm' fr so cnrly In tho season It hnav ti v !liffl R V varAliinra trnml - AlmlnA I iTlAV DO (iCCITlfti in lift Simoilt-n Hhitlv trsil $.V50V5.R0; wct!tcrs, fair to good, $.-.2.Vfp h,,n rnovements on tho whole surpass C.50; owes, good to choice, owes, rair to goon, i4.bOUu.lo. Representative sales: 102 cornfrd lambs ., ,,. 7S 27 cornfed lambs 77 177! cornfed lnmbs Tii 1C9 feedor lambs 62 254 feeder lambs , 60 2S2 cornfed lntnbn (X 61S cornfed lnmbs 70 cornfed lambs 73 87 cornfed lambs 73 101 Colorado lambs .. 2S3 Colorado lambs ... 250 Colorado lambs ... 220 Colorado lambs ... lt'3 Colorado ewos .... so onus 110 Montana lambs .. 304 Montana lambs ., 2?.) Montana lambs .. 44! cornred yearlings CS Montana ewes .... 199 Montana nwes ... 202 Montana owes ... $5.15315.30; J"0"" or th In time last year, Buyers aro .iiu luuuiiiK marKota, ana whllo repre sentatives of somo lines havo rtevntrri 7K! tho week mostly to Inspecting display. Krnuuai improvement Is tho' order of tho day. J?, failures for tho week mere J0. which compares, with 253 In 1913. tViS?ti.c5(J,0,rtB for th0 WMk "KRregato 3,. !, bushels, against 3,885,763 last year. report op cLB.inmn iiousn 7G 7.1 74 S7 S2 , CS CS liS n 97 OT 07 6 90 GOO fi 70 7 00 7 25 700 7 00 7 23 7 2S 7 25 7 25 4 nr 3 60 700 7 ft) 7 00 60S 6 00 6 00 600 Transactions of Asaoclnted Banks tor the Weelr. NEW YORTf. L-vt, en.i...... i cjcarlngs report for the week ending WZi vPhJ?' mu' n?ws "h aggregate ot $3,114.25(1,000, as against SS.TtW.BSOOO last ?)elf. nna t3.3C9.O5W1000 In tho correspond Ing week last yoar. List of cities: CITIES. Now York.... Chicago noston Philadelphia nr. L.otus :c. iicets, per id., ze. uurnips, ier lftc. cam lb.. lb.. 2c: Rutabagas, per lb., lUc. Collfor nla Jumbo celery, per doz., S3c. Cider, per keg, $3.25; per naiD udi., ij.o. unai lots, per doz., 60c. Parsley, per doz., 40r. Radishes, ncr doz.. 60c. Head lol- tuce, per doz., $1.00; home-grown leaf Cows and heifers havo been very slow all the week, tho samo as beef steers, and nrlces at all nolnts havo been on thu downward grndo. Tho maritct hero for tho week Is figured as 15f(20o lowor than last week, with tho trado slow ,at inn uccuno. mockers and feeders have been very slow during the lost two days or more, so that any advance that may havo been mndn at tho first of tho wrek was wiped out and prices nro no better than at tho closo ot last week. Quito a good many H.soo 600 ', ""ioo , 01,600 1,600 K 162Ti 66 14 MS 600 400 lltt li '&" "iii 1,000 71H 70V4 ,BO0 4,100 1.600 43 74i 20 Vi 4i 71V4 14 IJ, 1JH 6 It 33 Vi 7 27'.; 64 ZM 15V. 13V, 61 6.", '4 v 6SV4 1I0. 64H It ,1? I 31 63 70U SV 4m 1H ltti,, nor rtnr... Mc. rtrnnn tionnirn. nnr I Cattlo are Still In tllO hand Of SPflCU' basket. 60c. Wax or greon beans, per Intors and tho feeling with them was hamper, $5.00. Hot house cucumbers, per weak nnd lower today, with very little dozen. $2.50. Cauliflower, per crate, $2.25. country demand. Venetian garlic, por lb., 12V4c. Eggplant, Quotations on cattlo: Good td choice per doz., $1.60. Horseradish, 2 doz. hot- boot steers, $8.00Q8.C0: fair to good beef tics in caso, per case, $2.00. Walnuts, steers, $7.768.00; common to fair beef No. I soft shell, per iu lac. aiodlum steers, xu.7iiwf.v&: goon to cnoico cornieu pecans, per Ib 12c; pecuns Jumbo, per heifers, $fl.76iJ7.73; good to choice cows, lb.. 15c. Filberts, per lb., 15c. Drako JO.25i07.25; fair to good grades, $3.40nfl.20;, almonds, per lb., ISc; Ilrazlls, per lb., common to fulr grades, $4.0OSf5.40: good to 18c, Rlack walnuts, per lb., 2c. Raw cholco stockers and feeders, I7.50ifjf.00; No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 7c; Jumbo pea- fair to good stockers and feeders, $7,251(1 nuts, per lb., Sc; roaBt peanuts, por lb,, 7.60; common to fair stockers nnd feeders, SHc. Shell bark hickory nuts, per Id., $C.757.25; stock cows nnd heifers, $S.7B51 6s; largo hickory nuts, per iu 4c. wiiito 7,00; stock calves, $fl.60t8.25; venl calvon, Rico popcorn, per lb 4c. Checkers, per $S.OO10.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.60477.23. 100-pkg. case, $3.60; per 60-pkg. caso. $1.73. Representative sales: Cocoanuts. tier sack. $5.60: each. tic. Chestnuts. Imnorted Italian. Per lb.. 10c: sack or bbi. lots. ac. noney, wnuoi Clover, 24-scctlon case, per case, $3.50. llVa 1)1. M II 84 63 iMnn cen. 41. - dO CT. .a An ct. 6a A. C. L. lit 4. rul, A Ohio 4a da J!ie .. ItH K. C. 80. ref. ta... ., IS U B. deb, 4a 1131, ..101 L N. unl. 4a... ,.101 M. K. L T. lit 4i ..1114 "do can. 4Via ..Ill Mo. Paclflo 4a.... ranama Ja eoupoD..loiH flo conr. 6;....... 75 . ,.r. Ar. LI F. IV. IV. Ol 1. t Mi AT. T. ct. 41. M .V. Y. C. . IHi.--exm. Tobacco ....1 Mo deb. 4a Va Armour Co. . U 'N. T. N. II. ft II. N. L W. lit c. 4a. M; twit -ao ct. km HV No. Pacific 4i n do H , CV4 92 (1 H 1. rMr i. ua: Brook. Tr. CT. a... j renn. ct. nu. . m Can. ot Oa. S 104 do eon. 4a wi On. IUber i..... iiaaaina: sen. 41 tV4 Ctiea. t Ohio aw-. ,. a. r. It 41 7 A oouv. 4V4 "H 'do Zn. 1 63 Cblcaso A. M 'St. I-.fi. W. c 4t, 76Vi r n a U m " a. ja aai, tw. . . ,j do en. 4i 3;go. rac col, 4.... I! r M & fi P 4Vi. l5! do cr. 4i iu C It. I. r. c 4i 4SH do lit ref. U. 3 do rfr. fa.... I!Bo. Railway 6a 100i P . H. r ft 4-ii- V4 do (en. 4i T6? 1), ft 11. ct4i SIH Union pacific 4i.... tTiK D ft It- O. ref, H- 73H do er. 4a M, m.llllrra 6a 5i do lit ref. 4l... 3U lSrla r. I. 4a., 17 U V. . Ilubber 6....108H do sen. 4i n. nieei sa M...10JI, do CT. " " v.neui. aa 9a 111. On. lit ref. 4i II Wahaah .t ft ei. 4i 40 Inter. Met. 4V4i 7IS Weatern Md. 4i 60 Inter. M. M. 4Vii-. u Weat Klac. ct. Ci.. MS Japan Hi " wrnirai ta. . ..13 Bid. "Offered. Local Securities. Quotations lurnlahed tr Earns. Drinker ft C., 4I Omaha Na'lontl bank tulldlncs BM. Atk4. Auburn, tveti. ia, i?u n 100 Aberdaan u. I-. aa, nil, it American Can ta, 1926 U tudabr I'acklnt; Co.. la. 1M4 WV, Cedar Co. Neb.. Kch. Dla. 6a. ltlt.. tl Detroit Terra. & Tun. 4Sl. 111 K rmit ft Co. pfd Kli Dundte. Net.. 6a, t23 tl Dee Molnea, sen. 4Vii. lt 100 Vi Kail KIT. l-o.. n. u.. ea, ue St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. RT. JOSEPH. Feb. 6. CATTLE Re celpts, 4,600 head; market steady; steers, fn.ibUB.vu; cows unit lienors, i.uw(i7.o; i ,. calves, $6.00010.00. i V.V..1-.01"" HOCIS-RecelntB. 4.600 head: market 6fi I insuurgit lOr. lilnlmr- inn tS ISfl- I, nil to VJTiU rjt MvansSH tltv ... HI I U lit' ANV lAatUH ueceipts. SOU I ruiiciaco.... head; market steady; lambs. $7.0OU7.60. .,TU mor" . . . I ..liniinHlKJllS urj , . i mi w iiisravi-i. I j ,--.1.. NEW YORK. ireb. 6.-DRY OOODB ..ii... c" Thcd ry gods markets wero quiet today. Detroit "" Domestic and foreign wools wero bought moro rrociy. itntniiors uro numerous in mrAitA thn .r,nrl..l. Tim,, nr. htivlm. llb inn.. 1 Vt ' li . niiorniiv hut, ii.nni. Irlr.u",v,.,, ...... i Aiiiwati ten , In. HARD LINES FOR EX-RULERS 'teM '""' SpeclineiiH of Rulers Out of n Jol I Donyor TnlioKirniitttBr to Pov- Jndlananolls ertV Klnt. Hfl 1 W City ICvll ilnm havn fnllnn nnnn .k onn. I Mu ll"luu"l U.... tlmo royallty of Europe and Asia. Tlmo Duluth V.'.V.V was when theso cx-klngs, queens and i.'ea Alolnes, former princes and princesses wero roll- Tacoma Ing In wealth. Fates havo gone against Oakland them, nnrt with thn lniui nt their horl. iPOOtia .. tagos many of them aro In absoluto pov- f,i,ni B0' rty. Not so many years ago those de- Hacrainento throned by conquest wore royally cared Cedar Rapids. for. Today many of them nro In dlro i,".0,ooi ,' straits. r." .V. v" Peter Ixibengula was hlniiclt tho leader ISloomlngton, 111 ... . of the Rhodeslan rebellion of 18M. nnd it "den. Utah.... was he who mado terms with Cecil Rhodes at tho famous council In tho Ma- toppo hills, Ho went to England after the Matabelo war and toured the country with "Havago (Wichita .. South Africa." Eventually ho turned col- Topokq l'.cr, and for two years worked lit the Age IN AMERICA No. S5..i 4... CHICAtiO LIVE STOCK MARKET I .... REEF STEERS. At. Tr. No. At. 1'r. 1139 7 7o 2! ,1100 I 16 690 7 65 OTHERS AND HEIFERS. llt 7 63 4JUWW. Cattle Slow, (.eiierally Steady Hours Stroniv. CHICAOO. Feb. . CATTLE Ilpcnlnln. 1,600 head, markets low, generally stendy: hooves, $7.004D.CO: Texas steers, HWW b.vi; western steers, iu.wj7.w; stockers I ami teeners, u.timu.iu; cows una hellers, $3.508.60; calves, $7,255? 10.25. HOQS ReceiDts. 2C.O0O head! marltot f.troiiK and 6c higher; bulk of sales. iS.Wfi 8.70; light, $8.4508.70; mixed, JS.45ffjS.75: neavy, ts.wtus.io; rough, 1s.4y4iB.5u; pigs, ta.ww-a.uu. SHEEP AND IjAMBB-Rccclnts. 6.000 neaa: marKct steady to lira niciier: native. $4,OV2(u.&5: western. tl.70S5.85: vearllngs. $5.8506.85; lambs, native, $0.7iR7.75; west ern, .vtiuT.eu. ICnnsns City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; market a shado higher; fed steers, $8.6089.25; dressed beef steers, $7.5ft(T.60; western steors, $7,002 8.50; southern steers. I5.25QS.10; cows. Jt.25tt7.00; heifers, $C.7509.00; stockers and teeners, ih.jw.w ouus, v.wfl.w, calves, 1,... 1.... 1.... a.... 2.... I!!!! 3.... 1.... 1.... 13..,. 1.... 2.... II.... 1.... 6.... 1.... 1.... . 100 , 690 .1060 . BM . 140 4 00 4 00 4 76 I 23 6 7., 1.... 3.,.. 2..,. 1.... 3..,. 1,... 3.... 1.. H0 6 6n 1100 C 76 880 6 90 1050 6 16 1070 0 2G ilea B at HEIFERS. 762 6 tl I,,.... 7tt i 75 1. 790 7 00 3 nULES. ites 6 is 2 1290 6 26 1 6VI 6 36 1 CALVEH. 90 6 00 1 90 S3 6, ...1111 6 40 ...1010 660 ,,.1160 C 60 ,.,126 60 ,.,1170 6 66 ... 611 8 73 ,...9!0 6 76 ...1406 6 76 ...1160 7 00 ...1013 7 00 ... 110 7 73 ... 790 7 00 ... 640 7 26 ...'ill 7 to ,,.1624 U ...1630 e U) ...1760 1 76 ... ZOO I 16 KB 10 00 croft pita at Pendleton, until pneumonia I OPPORTUNITY Bfizcu 111111 unu vvuo luuuwuu uy Illinois Ami nnw Iia ilrtiirM nnl eylaUnen on a. mlocrablo ten shillings a week allowed H"""' Aspirants for Siicce.s, roo- hlm under tho Insurnnco act. cssmir Anility, Hulckly Other countries aro not so generous. Henr the Call. Tnko the case of former Queen IUnava- lona of Madagascar. AVhen the. I' rench Forty-four years ago a farm boy left dothroncd her she was given a mall the plow to undortako. work oa. a railroad nouse in Algiers anu a sun snmucr ieu- section hand. Now ho rotlm slon. Some llttlo time ago alio wus per- prcsldoncy of ono of tlio greatest railroad mltted to visit Paris, No carrlago or corporations In tho world and proposes car was placed at her disposal; sho was to spend tho rest of his days on a farm Ae r.,1. In n., tl,A nlirht III ..... . ., IU, ..."..v, ...w uul , a niiKiitiy a fferent rnnnr.1... . ." . U ( 1 , HOClS-Recelpts, 3.600 head; market today's recelnts 10c higher; bulk, $8.3088.K; heavy, $8..Va very fair 8.67H; puckers and butchers, $9.35fl8.57V, or ft fto h 1x.2vu8.4s; pigs. (.iwi'.i5. 1 r.rr.. .- i. LrtA- Sort 4.000 smallerthan last wTek, and L:yw$y'R tSsti ryrs,;yeTr-ilg,o,,,ter thnn for tho eamo light $S.20B8.45 HIUSK1' head yearll owes, $4,7tVfi6.35. W V ZA 0 w 1J HTOCKERH AND FEEDERS. t. t33 7 00 3 IT0 7 40 6 612 7 00 6 1071 7 60 ( 703 7 80 3 710 7 60 20 7V0 7 36 WESTERNS COLORADO. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr." 33 feeders.. 9S 7 ks 2 neucrs... v.v a m 2 cows 1030 0 60 nnnB The heavy storm that swept over tho state lust night failed to affect materially, nnd supplies for a Friday, about 113 cars, or 10.0U9 head, being received. Sup plies for tne rive uayu total w,si, oeing In spile of tho fact that ndvlces from Chlcnirn wrra not verv encourairlnir. tho St. LopIs Llvo Slock Mnrkot. local trade opened out In good shape, tho ST. LOUIS. Feb, 6. CATTLE Recelnts. first bids being strong to 60 higher than 1.S00 head; market steady; native beef I yesterday's average. Packers were alow steers, w.itmv.a; cows and he rcrs. ii.Z5it in getting out. and tno morning was wen Hi: stocKers nnu teeners, a.wai.w. advanced uetoro much ot anything was southern steers, 5.75Q8.00; cows and belt- done. When the movement finally did ers. $4.U036.w; calves, 1c.wvn.75. 1 start, however, values wero right around HOGS Recelnts. 9.200 head: market Ixi I a. nickel hlirher than vesterdav s ireneral higher; pigs and lights. l7.OO08.fcO; mixed trade, and fully as good as the closo. As and butchers, $8JX38.82'; good heavy, tho morning advanced, a good demand $8.70'4e83. from all quarters put a llttlo moro BllFKP AND LA-il8-lU5colpts, 2.000 strength Into the trade, nnd before the head; murket steady; natlvo muttons, close hogs wero selling as much as &t( $5.O0fiG.50; lambs, $7.007.65. 10c higher than Thursday's average, and nearly a nickol higher than yesterday's best time. Taking tho trado all thn way through, values am generally a hlg Co hlahor. As Is to bo expected In such stormy weather, some ot the trains were Sioux Cltr Live: Stock MnrUet. SlOl'X CITY, la., Feb. 6. CATTLE Receipts, mm head ; murket 10c higher; Mullw Minora tH "itfta tiA rnwi nn,1 hdlfnr. t5.60fiV70: canners. $125A4.60: calves. 37.i delayed. 41IO.OO Hulk of tho sales was made at $8.25ff HOOb Receipts. 5.0X1 head: market kcl8-W. and tops sold as limit as Js.k. highor; heavy, $8.30(88.45: mixed. $8.20 nickel better than yesterday, and the 8.30 ; light, is.iwjm.--u; duik of sales, $8.25 niKiiesi price paia so tar mis year, 4i8.35. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Receipts. 60 heud; market steady; fed muttons, $5.60& t.50; wotners, K.tuUD.7o; ewos, M.ouyo.lj; laniDj, v wul.w. Representative sales: Lire Stock In Starlit. Receipts of live stock at the six prln elcul murkelsl cattle, nogs, oueep. WW 3.6OT 1.000 VainnonL i'reamery 1 Vr cent Pfd.. 19 Fairmont Creamery 6 per nt guar.. 99", Harrli Co.. Tex., 4lla. 1163 9' lo.a llr Lt. ta. 1132.,.. 91 100 13 Ut 190 n IW 101(i llt.lt IN 1W41 Kansas dty St. Ixiuls Sioux City ... Chicago South Omaha St. oJsepli ... Totals .... 9.200 6.000 10,000 4,603 2,000 60 6,0)1) 7,000 200 9,025 68,200 15,250 Sukiif ttnrkrt. NEW YORK. Feb. G.-Hl'aAHRaw. firm; Mmrovado, 2.9Sc; centrifugal, X48c; molasses, 2.73c; refined, steady. Ko. At. Bh. Pr. N. At. Bh. Pr. Ti., 143 ... I it CI 213 6) 1 40 36 117 ... I IS 36 266 ... I 40 101 Ill ... I 20 II 411 60 I 40 70 111 no 123 7t nt ... inn 64 230 40 I 26 0 231 ... 6 41 66 216 ... I 60 60 217 10 6 46 61., Ill ... 6 30 74 341 ... 6 46 71 310 100 6 30 79 239 ... I 46 76. ......J19 40 1 30 60 260 60 6 46 13., 203 ... I 0 M 147 ... I tC 64 114 ... I to 73 S49 ... 6 46 77 217 60 I SO 17 113 ,,, 6 4i 77 8 ... 30 M S ... 146 71 303 60 I 60 6.1 307 20 46 46 200 ... I 3214 47 240 ... 6 43 71 3C3 120 6 II14 62., 217 ... 6 41 71 341 ... 6 36 70 142 (9 I 46 71 tt 160 I 36 47 140 ... 6 46 C7 . ...194 ... I 36 6i 347 . . 6 46 61 tit I 34 70 24t 20 6 46 20 MD . I 36 69 364 IN t IS SO 214 ... I 36 H 324 . I 4t JO ., 216 IV, II .... 217 . I 46 42 .206 I jr. W .961 ... I 46 M 310 . 6 36 . 304 I 10 Deactur. III... Jitcks6nvllte, 111. wnsningtun ..... St. Joseph, Lincoln i Sioux City $2,275,162,000 3.T2.3CO.000 191,038,000 170.098.000 82,144,000 61.O4O.0O0 62.958.000 60.143,000 37.700,000 29.601.000 -3,438.000 21,616.000 2S.990.000 25,662,000 -.'AUftO.000 17.200.000 17,239,000 17.925,000 10.794.000 10,473,000 10.223,000 S.693,000 7.642.O0O 6.146.000 8.093,000 16.4 6,578,00), U.3 2.7JH.0001 5.540.000 3,023,0001 I.JvlH.WO 3.420.000 3.64S.CC0 2,120,00W 1.797.00W l.KW.OW 1,431,000 1,103.0001 902,0001 614,000 727,0001 497.000 336.000 8,090.000 7.663.000 2.005,000 a, 391.000 S.388.000 1.571.0001 i 6.7 2.4 .1 c 2.4 'is'.i 13.2 11.7 3.8 4.9 13.fi 6.4 5.6 4.0 20. 11.1 E.4 4.8! 14.3 !. 1. 10.6! .... ,9 3.4 .1.5 11.4 21. 17 7 3.K 7,7 14.3 18,9 .3 5.0 16.5 12.9 'li.l 24.7 20.0 1.1) 26.0 .6 il.7 9 17 .6 5.6 19,1 go shopping, and sho was not taken to theaters or social gatherings. Most of her tlmo sho passed In her room, looking out through tho window nt what waa Go ing on below. At last she was driven to apply to tho authorities for a possago back to Algiers, and there sho has slnco remained, living In tho most humblo fashion lmuglnublc. Yet tho Island over which sho onco ruled Is larger than Franco Itself. Another former queen, Lllluokalanl, that to which , his youth was given. BUCh Is tho cpltomo Of tho career a? William C, Urown, who lettves tho ttw York Central lines, at whoso head ho haa neon ror five years. Nothing better lllu. trates tho amazlrig opportunities which this country afforded In the, era ,of rail road building and extension In tho clos. Ing years of tho last century nnd th opening ones of tho present. The probable successor to ox-Prcsldent "- . '-"' Drown I. Alfr.,1 7r onco monarch of Hawaii, has dropped , , - "iw, who oegan Into utter obscurity. " 1 .ccr ua a """engcr boy for About two years ago an Italian of good nppcaranco was arrested, charged with pilfering a Paris shop. Investiga tion proved that ho was a son ot the late duko of Aosta, who, as Ainadco I. was king of Spain for several years In ranroaa company and Is now senior vco president of tho Central lines, v T, Underwood, president of tho Erl began his railway .service as a clerk and a brakeman. President Truesdalo of tha jjeiawarc, Lackawanna & Western tho earlv '70s. Ho has d ss pated his starioti at tno Doitom In rnl road work fortune, and for many months had been "whancs u, Mellen, who recently retired living a hand-to-mouth existence. He jfrom tho Now Haven, was onco a clerk admitted his guilt, confessing that ho was literally and absolutely ponnlless, HO was committed to Jail, but evehtu ally an anonymous person, probably a in a railroad cashier's office His suc cessor, Howard Elliott, was a telegraph operator In tho bcglnlng. Samuel Rea began work at 15 in the engineering de- royal relation, paid his debts and he was rartmont ot tho Pennsylvania railroad discharged. of which he is now president, succeedlnc Another royalty who haa been led by James McCreo, ' whoso carcor betrnn n. extravagance Into dlro trouble Is Princess a rodman. George P. Ilaer, head of tho Alexandra of Iscnburg. Jlor debts are Reading system,, started at 13 as a news said to amount to $16,000,000, and she her- paper offlco boy. Ono of th rsnerintiv self has been left in a penniless condl- conspicuous examples of a rlso In honor Hon. and power la Herbert H. Vreeiand. hn Russia Is the country whero you may i,. filled a most imnort..nt ,i i see tho extremes of wealth and poverty, .trcet railway systems of Manhattan. rrinco .-vianuron. a uioiani couhkuuh ua having been president and general man the royal family. Is said to have literally I neer of th(1 Metmi.oiii.n .i. died of starvation. Having r lost his tor- compony unii s now ,lead of tho tune, no lurneo moiiK. anu wio story is York nauwayB company. At 13 he be that having retired Into a cell Ho was gan to crn , , , forgotten by hi, brother 'monk, and was Jce cartSi then -ho gravel, worked found dead from lack of food. Ba t k w,k.r. .u,,fnV,m In Odessa, another Russian of royal tTfAlTht hPnWm. a l".Z. . - .-..... ...-.. ...... klCIV( descent, the Prlnces Helena Lulubcldse, works as a bricklayer's assistant, while tho French wlfo of a wealthy Russian noble living In St. Petersburg has a lady's maid who owns tho title of princess Paris Figaro. he was advanced to an executive position from which he became a controlling force In street railway consolidation and management. ' History of tho world lias shown, and doubtless will continue to show, that tfcero aro always opportunities for tho Johnson vs. Cobb. Frank Chance Is nuoted as saying; "I'd I eager aspirant for success, and that it rather have Walter Johnson on my team tho world oyster Is opened tho fortuno than Ty Cobb, A pitcher, you know. Is six-tenths of your ball team, and If a mun had a couple of good ones like John son you would not havo to worry much about the balance of your team." Never theless, wo havo observed no nennanta floating in Washington since Johnson's advent of finding the pearl may follow Brook lyn Standard-Union. Tho PurMstent and Judicious lie ot Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to I Uuslneis Success.