Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Wins the Day
Proves All
Hiicellaneous Printed Hatter Over
Four Pounds .May Be Mailed.
Concern ftendlnnr III llnnillr of
Clrcnlnrs Will Noir He Alilr to
L'ne a flrcntlr Uednced
Hale of Mnlllnpr.
Friday, February 6, 1914.
LL hostesses agree that February Is the banner month In which to
A entertain because ot the easo In which appropriate decoration
.- Echemes may be carried out. Lincoln's and Washington's blrth-
rtnvn nnH Ht. Vnlnntlnn'n Hnr furnish amnio sUKKestlODH for enter
talnments. Minlaturo log houses, hatchets, cherry trees, red, white and
blue streamers, Valentine hearts, cuplds and many like novelties are shown
In all the shops. , .
Tho Daughters of . the American4 Revolution, Colonial Damos.and other
patriotic societies seldom fall to sohso the 'opportunity for Washington
parties, and other organizations also, observe tiie spirit of the month. It
is ait interesting fact thatye'vor so many" birthdays aro celebrated In Feb
ruary;'. Indeed, it haB become -known Ms the "Month of Dirthdays;" and,
therefore, many anniversary parties aro given.
AriotberaId to thd hostess is the fact that spring flowers aro generally
introduced in February. One ingenious hostess, who wished to carry out
tho red, "white and bluocolor scheme In tho flower decorations, concolvcd
tho Idea of. dipping white carnations in indigo to securo the blue flowor,
and she was most successful in tho results.
Surprise Parties.
The Ii t. 'Club cave Mrs. J. 11. Krlten
trlnk a very pleasant surprise Wednesday-
utttrnoon at her homo. A dainty
luncheon wa served. Cover were laid
3. J, Sehmlts.
.T. M. Nachtlfat,
M. Chlbornd.
II. Snndhoerntr,
A. Wachler.
J. Hoffman,
m. cnecraa,
A surprise patty was given for Ml us
Frances Bradley at her homo Thursday
evening. The eVentn iu spent In came,
singing and tangoing. Thosd present were:'
A. Gentler,
E. KckoV,
C. Mollner,
K. nenncr,
J. II. KrlienbrlnU.
B. Chlevers,
Luetic Craven.
Mary lruniln5,
Marfe Noon.
Klla Noono.
Adeline .Newcomb,
Agnes Gentleman,
Mary O'Qrady,
Wary O'NIcl,
F. U. Hlemburd.
A. Ely.
1. M. llaye,
8. J. Farwell.
t Coaciy,
F. rowers.
I.uctla XIKman.
Margaret Deo.
Kalherlne l'rumlntf,
llclenco Melllgan,
Eva Bradley, .
Mao Bradley,.
Frances Bradley.
JJ. Mayre.
a. i.mman.
Luncheon at Loyal.
Mrs. 'George, Voss entertained at lunch
eon today -at the Hotel Loyal In honor of.
.Mrs. John Patrick of Sheridan, Wyo.,
who Is tho' KiTest of Mrs. J. J. Brown.
Places were laid for:
Henry 'Yale.
John Patrick,
J. J. Drown,
F. II. Oalnes.
Herman Kountre,
Ocorxe Voss,
Henry Wyman,
J. A. TancoeK.
Joseph Ilarker,
Arthur Smith.
Kd Stiffens.
Qlen Warn.
Al Bradley,
Hill Parker,
Dr. J. O'Nlel,
H. Frankle.
A turprlie was given ot the home of
Mr, and Mrs. John Zechmeliter In honor
of their daughter Mary. The -evening
was spent In music and games, after
whlcn refreshments wore served. Thoso
present were:
Agnes Ellis;
Anne Zechmeltter,
Mary Zechmelster,
lilancho Kaloer,
Krna Uohel,
Mae Bills,
Nelllo Kaiser.
Krme Frahm.
Carrie Hansen,
William Voss,
Carl IJohel,
William Frahm,
Harry, Moore.
Hlltfcri Nelson, .
Kathcnne Kaiser,
Mary Kresal,
Hose Zechmelster,
Uraco Kaiser.
CI corgi Watt,
Fred Miller,
Al Watt.
Stanley Smith,
Entertaias at Bridge.
Miss Florence Bates entertalntd at
bridge this afternoon, when her guests
Mlseen . Misses
Marie Taylor, I.uelle Miller,
Gladys 1 Itobertson, MarKuret Wood,
aiana uarmouy, A'lce rorier.
Mr. and. Mrs. James P. Redman enter,
talned at bridge on Wednesday evening
for tho following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Vf, B. Prlchett.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles li, Craig, ,
Mr. and Mrs, James Y Craig.
Mr, and Mrs. J. C Klnnard,
r. and Mrs. w. N. Dorward.
Hr. and Mrs. Milton Mack.
Mis KllxaUUh Jlednian.
L.croy cromweii.
Patrician Club Dance,
. The Patrician- club entertained at a
dancing party at the Metropolitan club
last evening. About 'forty couples were
present, v ' '
Swastika Club Meets.
The SWastlka club was entertained.' at
the Jiomo of Mrs. I. Foley Thursday
afternoon. Pink and wlillo roses and
carnations wero used In. the decorations,
and prizes were, awarded to Mesdames C.
F. Weber, J. F. Wells and I.Foliy. Tho
members of, the club are:
F. Swearlng'cn.
A. Jatc's,
A, Footo,
j, v. iieeaer,
T. Mehrons,
8. Sullivan.
Through an order Just received at the
Omaha postoffice miscellaneous printed
matter In packages exceeding four pounds
In weight ami coming within the weights
nnd size fixed by tho parcel post rcgula
tlon, may be malted under the parcel post
rote. This order, however, does not af
fect such printed matter when the weight
Is less than four pounds, the usual rato
for third class postage, 1 cent for each
two ounces being continued.
inrougn wis now order many cus
tomers will save money by Increasing tl
size of the packages-of printed matter
which they malt. For Instance, a bundle
of circulars weighing three pounds sent
to a city In the second zone would re
quire 24 cents postage, while It the pack
age weighed moro than four pounds, it
nilght bo sent to the some address for 8
cents, or Just one-third of tho cost of tho
lighter package.
The Woodmen of the World has form
erly sent out their trunks of lodge para
phernalia by express, but under the new
ruling some threo or four thousand such
packages may be sent by mall at a sub
stantial saving to the lodge. The trunks
were formerly barred from the malls be
cause they contained some printed mat
ter, which brought them Into the third
class, and mado the rato prohibitive. ,
Printed matter, Including music, cir
culars, catalogues, stationery, and so
forth, In quantities ot more than four
pounds may bo sent by parcel post, but
the rating for smaller quantities remains
third class,- and tho third class rate Is
still charged for the smaller quantities.
The new order does not mean that
books may bo sent by parcel post. The
order especially designed to cover books
Is not effective until March 16.
1 rlnmAa
J. F. Wells.
-C. Hnrisley,
A. Iltisk,- .
I. Foley.
C. Oaks.
C F. Weber,
M, and M, Contest is
Factor in Building
Up Home Industry
Dancing Party.
The will give, a dsnce at
Chambers' academy 'this evening.'
In Soaor of Mist Vail.
In honor of Miss Heth ValU ot Hough
ton. Mich., who I the guest of Mrs. Mar
tha Heth, several affairs have brci
planned for next week. Tuesday tho
Misses ilenle and .Elizabeth Davis will
give a. ten; Friday. Miss Mildred Butler
will entertain .at cards, and Saturday
Miss Catlierlnq McClanahan will also en
tertain at cards.
Mothers' Department Meets.
The mothers' culture department of ths
Bcuth Omaha. Woman's club met today
al the home or Mrs. A. It. Parker. The
subject of the program was the- "Value
of an Acquaintance with Bible Stories."
Xntcrtaia at Dinner. '
Mr, and Mrs, A, , Beeson will enter
tain afdlnner this evening nt their home.
Spring, flowers wilt b used on the .table
and places 'wilt be laid tor twelve guests.
air. and Mrs. K. M. Fairfield will en
tnrtaln at dinner this evening In honor ot
Miss Sterling ot Chicago, who Is the guest
of Miss Carmelite, .Chase. - Places will be
laid for seven guests.
In Honor of Guest
a Harry Kelley entertained at
tortdgo this afternoon In honor ot Miss
Charlotte Thurmond of Dpnham, Tex.,
who Is the guest of Miss Margaret Bruce.
Five tables were placed tor the same.
Symposia Club Meets.
The Symposia club met Sunday at the
home of Miss Elizabeth Hart. ' Miss
Sophia Welosteln was leader of the pro
gram, which consisted ot plnno solos by
Miss Mollle Bteln and Miss Eva Alplrn;
recitation) Miss Ina Mpacy; original
jingles, Miss Edna' Levlne, abd n story
by Miss Sylvia Kulakofaky.
Engagements Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alperson announce
tho engagements of their daughters,
8op)i!a to David Arthur Cohen and Mattlo
(o Samuel Hosenblum, A roceptlon will
Tjo held Sunday, February it, between
the hours of p to 5 and S . to 11.
Card blub Meets.
The Pastime Card club met Wednesday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. M, Mann.
Prizes were won by Mesdames P.- V. An
derson, F. Shlferjy, K. A. llandall. Mrs.
Sayer won the consolation prize. Tlio
next .meeting will be. February 18 at tho
homo of Mrs. E. A. Randall, 2359' Ames
Tango Club Meets.
The Original Tango club held Its last
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F,
A. Nash, as they leave on Saturday for
trip to Florida and Cuba. Tho Mem
bers of the club are:
Air. and Mrs, Edgar Morsman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. K F, Crofoot.
Mr. and Mrs. George Prinz.
Mr. ana Mrs. F. S- Cowgiu.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. DoForcst Itlchards.
Mr.' and Mrs. K. M, Fairfield.
Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Nash.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dixon.
Miss Daisy Donne.
Mr. a W. Hull.
Mr. Enrl Gannett.
Mr. Luther Drake.
Mr. A. B. Warren.
X. 0. B. Club Meets.
The K. C. B, club met at the home of
Mary'Zechmelster Tuesday evening. The
next meeting will be held ut the home of
MUs Mae Ellis, South Omaha, Febru
ary 17. Those present, were;
M lasts 'Misses'
Mary 7chmtlster, Agnes Ellis,
Mae Ellis.
Nellie Kalatr.
Blanche Kaiser,
Carrie Hansen,
nose Zechmelster,
Kathcrtne Kaiser.
Grace Kolser,
Cleanses Your Hail
Makes It Beautiful
it becomes thkk, vraTr, lHtrpas a hi
H uttrHff disappears Hair
stops coming out.
Buraly try a "Dandertn Hair Cleanse' ,
If you Wish to immediately double the
beauty of your hair. Just moisten i
cloth 1U Danderlne and draw It care
Jully through your hair, taklux one email
strand at a, ttms; this will cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oU-ln
. few minutes you will be amazed. Your
hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant
atd possess an Incorap&rabit softness,
lustre and luxuriance.
Besides beautifying the hair, one a
plication of Danderlne dissolves every
FrtJcle of . dandruff; Invigorates the
seal, slopping Itching and felling hair.
Passerine is to the hair what fresh
powers of rain and sunshine are to vegt
UfcU. It oa rlgat to the roots, in
VlOrat an strrpgthtas them. Its. ex
Wlrat!p. stimulating and Ufa-producing
properties cause the hair to grpx long.
MrpM M keauttfuj.
You cam aurely have pretty, soft, lus-
tieus Jlr, and lots ot it, if you wlU Just
mtt a -cent bottl ot Knowlten's Dan,
AvtWml from, any drug store or toilet
-yiatrr a4 fy.ll aa Mrected.
The Bee's Merchants' nnd Manufactur
ers' voting contest has now,sattled down
to a systematic, and thorough canvass
for votes. Organizations aro soliciting
the nld of their members and friends. . It
Is safo to say that not a label that has
a voting vaule Is wastod.
A sales plan that keeps trade at home:
ono that puts a crimp In the offorts of
the mull order solicitor. Is bound to bo
popular wun up-io-aaie consumers wno
boltovo In home goods for home.
Buyers nnd retailers rcallzo more nnd
moro each day that money spent at homo
stays at homo. This money Is available
to help build up the local" community and
to mako It a better plu'co In which to live.
Tho superior quality of every article
listed In tho big Merchants' mid Manu
facturers' voting contest has much to do
with the success ot this clever sales plan.
Tho consumer who buys these products
has made n satn purchase. Tho goods
are equal to the best, and better than
most, articles of a similar kind; there
fore, not only .Is he supplying himself
and family with hlgh-grude products, but
ho Is also securing votes that may ena
ble him, his frlepds or his favorlto or
ganization to secure una or more valua
ble prizes.
The effects of n selling campa'gn such
ns the one now. being conducted nro. edu
cational, because through tho medium ot
this contest In Introduced to the buying
The charming dancing frock for girls
or small women Illustrated by this Oho-1
tograph Is developed In tho fashionable
Amber niuslln velvet
Over a skirt of amber . muslin velvet
with Its drapery drawn up toward tho
right stdo and olged at the bottom by u
narrow band of pekan Is disposed a tunic
of "Crate" tulle.
The soft llttlo and Wshapcd blpuson Is
a combination of tune and chiffon, a
row of gold beads and night-blue ca-
bachon sketches a small charming bolero.
Tho samo embroidery gives an eftoct of
basque falling over a small tunic In the
minaret shape, finished by a high flounce
"on forme."
The kimono sleeves are also of Crale
net with an embroidered ornament and
aro finished by a band of plain net.
The Geisha bow of night-blue velvet
which finishes the glrdlo at back and
falls In two long ends Is a feature of
some ot tho most successful frocks of
this icason.
public a lino of household necessities, the
high quality of which Is unquestioned.
Long after Tho Deo Merchants' and
.Manufacturers'' voting contest has be
come a thing ot tho past these products
will bo used In many homes whero they
aro now comparatively now.
In Tho Doo Sunday, February S, will
be published-a list ot oil tho contestants.
In thin lint tho names ot tho nominees
will appear for each district anQ town In
the order ot their standing. For Instance,
the name ot tho person leading In each
district will appear first on tho list for
that district; tho name of tho nominee
having tho next largest number of votes
will appear second, and so on to tho end
of tho list.
Tho Uco contest department, 22i Deo
building, Is open to the public on week
days (excepting Mondays from 9 a. m
until 5 p. m. Tho method of counting
and registering voten la vory Interesting.
If you will call at the contest department
tho manager will bo pleased to go Into
the details ot the plan In a personal In.
tcrvlew. The phono number Is Douglas
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Yager are regis
tared at tho Hotel McAlplno In New York
Mrs, T. J. Foley leturned Thursday
morning from Kxcelslor Springs, where
she spent tho last three weeks.
Mrs. C. H. Downs and Miss Anna
Downs are spending the whiter on tho
east coast ot Florida, stopping at St
Augustine, Miami and Day tons.
Mr. and Mrs, Myer Frldsteln of Mtlwau
l;ee will spend the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Sol Dergman, Mrs. Frldsteln was
formerly Miss Evelyn llergmsn.
Mls KUty Curtis left Thursday morn
ing for a short visit with relatives In
Kansas City, Mo. She will then go to
Chicago for the balance of the winter.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountse will leave
next week for the east, to visit her son,
Denman, for a few days. She will be ac
companied by her daughter, Eleanor.
C, W. Hamilton Made
Knight of St, Gregory
Because ot the many helprut things
Charles William Hamilton has dono for
the, Catholic church, he has been made
a Knight ot St. Gregory by Pope Plus. I
Mr. Hamilton has long been Identified
as an earnest church worker abd the
recognition and honor does not come al
together as a surprise. There, la oply one
other Knight ot St Oregor in this state,
John P, Button of Lincoln.
Mr. Hamilton has visited Rome a num-.
txr ot times' and he and Mrs, Hamilton
have, spent considerable time at Flor
ence, llaly. They have threo children.
Charles W. Jr.. studying- In Europe;
Itaphael, a Jesuit novitiate at Floris
sant, Mo., and a daughter, Miss Marian,
attending Sacred Heart academy.
For Indiaration mil HltlonsuvM
Use Dr. King's New Life Pills, rid the
stomach and bowels ot all Impurities and
tone up tho system, Sc At) druggists.
A Group of
Specials for Saturday
We have left a number of odd pieces
of furniture from discontinued. lines and we
offer them Saturday at prices that will ef
fect a quick clearance.
Prices quoted below on a few items will
give you an idea of our determination to
make a final clearance of this stock.
Regular Suturdny
Price. Price.
1 Mahognny serving tablo 40 inches '
long. This is au odd piece left from
a $475.00 dining room suite $50.00 $9.75
3 Fumed oak serving tables, 38 inches
long. Are loft from diniug room
Buitos sold last season ,. 35;00 9.75
1 Solid mahogany chair; loose vol our
cushion seat and back, hard rub
bed polish finish 41.00 9.75
1 Solid mahogany settee; loose spring , .
cushion seat ...v - 20.50 9.75
1 Lacquered chair, hand decorated
silk brocado scat 22.50 9.75
1 Mahogany serving tablo 35.00 9.75
1 Mahogany settee 19.00 ,9.75
1 Mahogany setteo 13.50 9.75
1 Crotch Mahogany setteo 20.00 9.75
1 Mahogany setteo 25.00 9.75
1 Mahogany chair 44.00 9.75
, Saturday Rug Specials
$4.00 and $4.50 Royal Wiltou Rugs . . . $2.95
$11.50 Vacuum Cleaner and Caqet Sweeper,
combined S7.50
$1.50 Cocoa Mat 95j
Beaton (Ei Laier Co.
415-17 South 16th Street
Payments if you wish.
"Glendale" X
Is Here to Stay
For about three months we have been telling you through
this paper of the wholesomeness, palatability and all-around
goodness of "Glendale' ' Butterine. We have told you the
economy of it. We have invited housewives to test it out at
home in every way they could think of. We have put no
limit on this, made no conditions. We knew "Glendale"
would win its own case if given a fair trial. The leading
dealers have co-operated with us heartily, because they knew
you would liks "Glendale" and appreciate the economy of it.
These Are Glendale Dealers
"Glendale" is always the same uniform in color, wholesomeness, flavor
and quality. You will always find & fresh supply all the year 'round with
any of the following dealers;
Adelson, J.,
2735 Davenport St.
Auerbach, H. H.,
1821 Loavfeniworth St.
191G North 24th St. .
Bee Hive Gro. & Meat Mkt.
822 North lfcth St.
Bell . Grroce.ry Co.,
512 North' ICth St.
Bernstein, J.,
2501 North 24th St.
Bloom, Mrs. J. M.,
4022 North 24th St.
Blumenthal, A.,
1701 South 10th St.
608 South ICth St.
Butts, Wm. R.,
1931 Farnam St.
Brodsky, Ni,
2002 North 20th St
Courtney & Co.,
17th and Douglas St.
Dansky, H.,
2003 North 20th St.
Frisch, Sam.,
1428 South 16th St.
Finkenstein, Sam,
27th and Blondo Sts.
Greenberg, Sam,
1548 South 24th St..
Gross, J.,
2330 South 20th St.
Hagelin, F.,
1837 North 24th St.
Hainan, H.,
1704 Clark St.
Harmel, S.,
4101 North 24th St.
Hawkins & Latham,
3131 Burt St.-
Humpert, H.,
2310 South 16th St.
Hayderi Bros., -
lGth and Dodge Sts.
Horwich & Gbldware,
41st and Grant Sts,
Jcpson Bros. Co.,
2C02 Cuming St.
Johnson, C A. W.,
2404 Cumin'gtSt.
Johnson, Elmer A., '
2'800 Leavenworth . St.
Andrews, F. W.,
3I4S Madison ijt.
Auorbaoh, Herman H.,
ji North 2ith St.
Bogatz, Frank,
:&5 South 21Kt St. '
Burk, John F.,
518 North 24th St
Collins & Hannigan,
3804 Q St.
Fingerlos, Chas.,
26S1 Y St.
Johnson, Tom,
2002 Lake St.
Johnson & Carlson,
2023 .North 30th St.
Jourdan, D. J., k
1701 Vinton St:
Karsch, Ed., & Co.,
1820 Vinton, St.
Katleman & Hannegan, ,
18th and California Sts.
Kelly, Luke,
2902 Franklin St
Klein & Co.,
120 7 South 6th' St. .
Kronstedt, Oscar,
1505 8outh 29th Ave.
Kulakofsky, B.,
2404 Ames Ave.
Kulakofsky, I.,
944. South 10th St.
Kuncl, V. F.,
1244 South 13th St.
Lange Grocery Co.,
2310 Cuming St.
Macelar, V.,
2702. South 2.0th St.
'Mallinson, Chas. -II.,
17th and Capitol Ave. . .
Margolis, J.,
1302 North 24th St.
Ma rice Bros.,
2123 Military Ave.
Marquardt, H. P.,
1622 South 16th St.
Meyerson, H.,
3007 Haskell St.
Mulfinger, J. L.,
1113 South 22d St
Pankratz & Son, E. B.,
3908 North 24th' St.
Pardun & Sipple,
3823 North 24th SH
Peterson, Armand,
2911 North 16th St.
Rachman, H.,
' ' 2802 Sherman Ave.
Reed Bros.,
. ,2223-Leavenworth St.
Reuben, Harry,
2422 Sherman Ave.
Reznicheokj J.,
2711 Leavenworth. St
Riseman S.,
2213 Cuming St.
Riverside Gro. Cor.,
1901. South 6th St.
Rosenberg & Co.','
402 North 24th St.
Rosenthal, S.,
.1611 Leavenworth St
Ross, George,
2719 North 24th St
Rudlbff, Win.,
808 North 16th St
Rosenblum, L.,
808 North 16th St.
Sanitary Gro. & Meat Mark
2221 Cuming St.
Saphiro, N.,
1322 North 24th St.
Sherman, I.,
3601. North 30th St
Schnauber, H.,
1906' North 2 4th St
Singer Bros.,
2504 South 30th St.
Sommor Bros.,
2763 Farnam St.
Steck,C. L,
1008 North 16th St.
Stenner, L.,
2235 South 20th St.
Stribling, Geo.,
1124 South 7th St.
Swigart, M. W.,
2917 Clark St.
Thorin & Snygg,
3880 Hamilton St
Tuchman Bros.,
321 North' 18th St.
Tuchman Bros.,
25th and Davenport Sts,
Teitsort, Geo.,
. 3520 North 40th St
Tuekson, Dan,
3502 North 30th St
Von Weg, Wm.,
2123 Leavenworth St.
Waxehberg, Julius,
701 South 27th 8t.
Woodruff, Mrs. L.,
3702 -North 30th St.
"Verin, C. P.,
" 2005 Cuming St.
Zuckschuert, M.,
2823 Chicago St
Zavp, C. N.,
1503 Park Ave.
Zlotky, H.,
318 North 30th St.
Jacobsen, A.,
3Qth and K Sta.
Krairiolish & Swatok,
4002 L St.
Kraus, J. P.,
R. H. Ave. and Madtaon St
Largon & Effenberger,
. 614 North 24th St.
Meyerson, Sam,
39th Ave. and Q St.
Mortinson, S. M.,
456 South Z2d St
Marshkin Gro. Co.,
760 North 24th St
Penfield, 0., ,
412 North 26th St
Pavltis, Jno.,
101 North 24th St
Polsloyl; E. J.,
t232 North 24th St
Reschko & Swoboda,
2414 N St.
Schrader, J. Henry,
632 North 24th Si.
Smallridge, Wm.
355 South 39th St
Walsh Gro. Co.,
332 North 24th St
Brandies, K.,
917 South Main St.
Evers, F. H.f
2313 West Broadway.
Friedman, J. p.,
810 Weat Broad way.
Friedman, J., .
531 South Main St
Gilinsky, I. A.,
M29 West Broadway.
Holm, H. & Co.,
1911 South 12th St.
Holzon, John J.,
2101 Weat Broadway.
Keppner, J.,
1102 5th Ave.
Kramer, L. R.,
520 North 6th St.
Lewis, Pctei,
400 North 8th St
Larsen, C. M.,
531 East Broadway.
Martin, J. W., & Co.,
2000 West Broadway.
Nelson, I. M.,
603 North 8th St
Riche, Seeley,
1601 West Broadway.
Sixteenth Ave. Meat, &
Grocery Co.,
725 16th Ave.
Stein Bros.,
2100 West Broadway.
Steinberg, Geo.,
1027 West Broadway.
Toller, Rudolph,
1001 South Main St
Whithead, B. W.,
2015 Eth Ave.
Zoller, J.,
100 East Broadway.
Knudsen Gro.Co., Wulff & Sowards, Helfrich, H. L.,
Benson. Neb. Benson. Neb. I Florence. Neb.
Morrow & Miliu,
Ralston, Neb.