The Omaha Daily Bee Advertising to bnt another word for closer co-operation between buyer and teller! for mutant benefit. THE WEATHER Fair; Cold VOL. XLIII-NO. 191. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 15)14 S1XTKN PACKS. On Trains and at Hotel Nw Stands, Be. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BORAH SAYS PLACE OF MEN INVOLVED IN HAVEN DEALS IN PEN Should Be Imprisoned if Half Infor mation Made Public About Road's Affairs True. NORMS READS PRESS CHARGES Fear of Giving Witnesses Immunity Halted Inquiry. BOARD LEAVES JOB UNDONE Nebraskan Urges Passage of Reso lution for New Probe. DATA ENOUGH, THINKS IOWAN Caminlna IleUe-rcs CooRrrmi Should linay Itself EunctlnR Proper I.nvrs to IJnr Much Trnnn nctlons In Future, WASHINGTON. Feb. 6,-Fcar of grant ing Immunity to witnesses caused the Interstate Commerce commission to make an Incomplete Investigation of the affairs of the New York, New Haven & Hart ford railroad, benator Norris said today, In ursine passage of his resolution for n new Inquiry Into several features not touched on In tho recent Investigation. Senator Norris read newspaper charges emphasizing particularly that attorneys for Morgan & Co., received $15,000. for drawing the Incorporation papers of n 110,000 s'ubsldary corporation of the new Haven. Should De In l'cn. If half J.he Information made public about the' New Haven transactions Ij true, eight or ten 'persons ought to be m the penitentiary," interjected Senator Borah. "Aro you not afraid further In. vestlgatton may give Immunity to guilty persons?" Senator Norris replied that testimony probably could be obtained from the bookkeepers and he' had no objection to giving them Immunity. Senator Cummins declared that In his opinion) congress had enough Information and Jt would do best to busy Itself with tho enactment of proper laws to prohibit future transactions than to nwalt further Investigation by the Interstate Commercu commission. He Insisted that the commis sion had no authority to investigate the charges that tho directors defrauded tho stockholders. Known It Going: On. "I, predict the state of affaires here finds a parallel In the capitalization of a dozen railroads of the country," said Benator Cummins. "We have known It was goint.on for years and refused o give the Interstate Commerce commission power to regulate such matters." Doth Senator-Jjd(r-and Senator .Nor-, rls said they understood the commission ha'd evidence it had not made public. Senator Norris declared he had great confidence In Chairman Elliott, but Con tended he should do everything within his power to reveal the post that stock holders might h recompensed for their losses. Mr. Borah expressed the opinion thit the attorney general would act and re ferred to the recent agreement between the .Department of Justice and the New Haven in whlWi the government ild not waive its right to proceed criminally. PoTrcrfnl Moral Influence. "I think the spectacle of five or six men behind the bars would have a more powerful moral Influence on tho country than any legislature we can enact." he declared. Senator Cummins replied there was no federal law under which the attorney general could "put any of these men be hind bars," and that tho attorney general could not enforce state laws, nor grant Immunity from prosecution under stato laws. Senator Norris said ho had been told by a member of the house that Prof. Bruce Wyman, once at Harvard unlver ' pity and who it has since been revealed was on the pay roll of the Now Haven, came to Washington three timed to' urge that it would be unwise to In vestigate New Haven affairs. A letter was read from Commissioner Prouty, who Investigated the New Haven, saying: "On the whole I do not believe anything could bo accomplished by a further in vesllgatlon. I believe more could be done by a senate committee than by the commission." The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Saturday, fair and continued cold. Temperature at Omnha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 5 a. m I 6 a. m 2 7 a. m 3 K a, m 4 9 a. m 5 10 a. m ! 11 a. m S 12 m 3 CONTINUED COLD 1 p. m ! J 2 i m 3 3 p. m 3 4 p. m 2 5 p..m 2 p. ni 3 8 p. m 7 p. m S Comparative Local Ilrcoril. . ,. . M 19H. 1913. 1915. 1911. Highest yesterday 3 23 34 25 Lowest yesterday 5 8 17 18 Mean temperature 4 lt 20 22 rreclpltatlon .11 .CO .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 22 Deficiency for tho day., , 2fi Total excess since March 1 lass formal precipitation 04 inch Excess for tho day .09 inch Total rainfall since March 1.. 21.39 Inches Deficiency since Match 1 4.47 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1913. 4.45 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912.13.61 inches Reports from Station at 7 I. Til. Station and State Temp. High- Ratn- of Weather. 7 p. m. est fall Davenport, snow 34 at ,3,) lies Molncs, snow 21 24 Dodge City, clear 2 4 01 jvcrtn Platte, clear 3 3 .w wnmiia, riouuy -y 4 2 1; liapiu 1 liy , clear . 4 ,oj Kr.irldan. cloudy I, 1; 44, Sioux City, rart cloudy.. k s Nnientlne. clear - 1; ,g T Indicates trace of precipitation. - Indicates below zero. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Swedish Peasants Warmly Welcomed by King Gustave STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Feb. C -Striking success, both spectacular and ma terial attended the monster demonstra tion today In favor of tho Increase of Swedish armaments. Tho 30,000 partici pant!! were told by King Gustavo that tho pioblem of Swedish defense must be settle! without loss of time. Tho army of patriotic petitioners which had watted on the outskirts of the Swed ish capital since yesterday was greeted with enthusiasm by tho entire population of Stockholm as It marched tho streets to. the palace, whero King Gustavo was waiting to receive it. Tho procession was u very picturesque one, composed of small owners and farmers from every part of. the kingdom. All of them wcm dressed In hrnvy attire and wore emblems representative of tho districts from which they came. Some of them had travels'! TOO or MO miles In order to take part In the demonstration. The peasants were warmly welcomed by the king, who stood on tho portico of the palace. Their petition stated that they wero ready to make all the neces sary sacrifices to defend their country and to assuro Its Independence, and de manded that tho subject be taken lh hand forthwith. The king replied that he was in hearty accord with the de sire of the pilgrims and shared their opinion that the problem was one which must be solved without loss of time. Cities May Profit by Gamp's Method of Handling Offal CHICAGO, Feb. 6.-Gcncral William S. Carter Is proud of the Second division of the United States army and of Its show ing In the mobilization campaign in Texas. "There Is no comparison between the efficiency of tho division now and wht It was a year ago," said tho general to day. "The training In field movements during tho year has. been Invaluable to our troops. The camp at Texas City Is tho first attempt ever made to mobilize the division In order to prepare It for possible trouble, and the venture has been a complete success." Commenting on the particular atten tion which was paid to proper sanitation of the camp and environ, the commander said; "The mothods for the dlsnnsnl bage and offal applied in tho camp might wen set an example to many cities. All of It was burned and there Is not a ru in tho camp." "Swot the fly" camnalirn rerelvod in. cldentnl mention, tho general saying: "If the newspapers would stop talking about 'swat the fly campaigns and turn their nttentron to the proper' disposition nf refuge thero mlgnt bo less aunoyance from files in our large cities." ' ' ' ' Thirteen Members of Chicken Trust Must Go to Jail NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Thirteen mem bers of the so-called "Chicken trust," otherwise, the New York Live Poultry Dealers' association, convicted on re straining trade in New York City, must go to Jail. Their appeal was denied In a decision handed down today by the ap pellate division and their sentences of three months 'In prison and fines of 500 each were sustained, The higher court found that defendants were in a pool which controlled 90 per cent of tho poultry shipped to New York and destroyed competition. The case against them was prosecuted under the state anti-monopoly law. Hundreds of Convicts May Be Released FRANKFOIIT. Ky.. Feb. fi.-Scveral hundred convicts in the Kentucky state prisons may obtain their Immediate re (case under a ruling today by the state court of appeals. The principal decision Is based on the court's Interpretation of tho indeterminate-.sentence law and re sulted from an appeal In the case ot John De Moss, sentenced to a minimum of two years from Covington. Do Moss served two years and applied to the prison commission for parole. His plea was re fused and he sued, the case finally reach ing the court of appeals. The court de elded that under the law he was en titled to a parole, as he had served his minimum sentence, without the neces sity of going before the prison commis sion and, If a parole were refused, the petitioner had tho right to secure a man damus for his release. Mrs, Ross Convicted for Second Time wm.Tns. Mo.. Feb. 6. Mrs. Suzan Ross was found guilty for the second time today of the murder of her husband, . Haywood Ross, and was sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. She was con victed of murder In the second degree. Tho sentence Imposed by the Jury is the same as that imposed at tno ursi inai. J. Haywood Ross was found murdered in bed. New York Policeman Killed by Gunman NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Policeman Ed .r.i Mnrtha. shot last night by a gun man he waa endeavoring to search, died today. James O'Connor, a bystander, who was wounded, Is In a critical condl tlon. Nominations for Postmaster. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. (Special Tele gram.) Tho president sent to the senate today tho following postmaster nomina tions: Nebraska G. It. Kno, College View; J. I. Pot-ley, Weeping Water.' South Dakota-Lloyd L. Truesdetl, Burke Iowa X. (' Butler, West llranch; V- II. Robb, L'rcston. MERCURY TAKES FALL INTO LOWEST DEPTHS, ZEBOCHILLOI Pronounced' iweeps Over Territory ben Missouri River Mountains. FRIGID SPELL TO CONTINUE Only Two Places in Nebraska Report Temperatures Above Zero. VERY COLD IN THE NORTH Temperatures of 30 to 40 Below in the Upper Valleys. SNOW OVER THE SOUTHWEST IIIrIi Wind from the .Vortlntml In terferon -with Trnln Service on All the llnllrnnds In Cen trnl West. Last night tho temperature dropped to the lowest point reached this winter. In--dlcatlons nro that today will bo hs cold, If not colder, than yesterday. However, It Is not probable that the bllzzardy condi tions of yestcrdny will continue, ns' the wind died down late last night. Snow was etlll general over a greater portion of Nebraska last night, but the fall gener ally wns light. A storm something akin to a blizzard has been general over a large portion of the central west since Thursday night Telegraph and railroad reports Indicate that the storm had Its origin at soma un known place In the HrltlBh northwest and that It has since swept across tho country and Is now working Itself out In Oklahoma and south of thore. In on east and west direction it extends from the Ilocky mountains as far as central Illinois. ' With the storm there Is a general snqwfall, ranging from one inch to six Inches In depth, and at noon numerous places out in Nebraska reported that tho snow was still falling. In addition to the snow and wind, an -. of low tem perature la general over the storm belt, considerably bejow zero being the rule instead or ma exception. ll'nlf Sesklons of Schools. With tho arrival of tho cold wavo here the telephono at tho offce of Colonel Welsh of tho weather bureau waa kopt ringing. When the schools of South Omaha were dismissed to permit the children to go homo for tho day on ac count of tho cold and stormy weather and half sessions were declared for tho Omaha schools, some of them told their parents that a big blizzard, waa on Uie way, and frightened parents from South Omaha., kept the wires, busy inquiring about the forecast.' w-. "i -.Ranrcs'arb 'feeding the effect ot ine storms ana wun one or iwo excep tions there was not a trnln reaching the city that arrived on time. Thoso from the west were from one-half HoUr to one and two hours late, while those' from (Continued on Page Two.) Social Clubs Must Pay Income Tax NEW YORK, Fob. 6.-A11 social clubs, provided they are Incorporated, are sub ject to the provisions of the lncomo tax law, according to a ruling by W. H, Osborne, commissioner of Internal revp nue. It Is supposed. Commissioner Os borne says, athat congress did not Intend that such organizations should come within the law, but failed to exempt them through an oversight, and the result is that they are taxable. . This new turn to the lncomo tax come about when a member of a law firm that has specialized In Income tax waa asked by a client, a downtown luncheon club, for Information. The attornoy sent to Washington for a ruling, stating that the club pays no dividends and Is not con ducted for profit. Commissioner Osborne's ruling, made public today by tho law firm, was that there is no provision in the law for tho exemption of any organization except those specially mentioned. All returns under the law must be filed on or boforo March 1. Six Men Killed by Boiler Explosion "LEXINGTON, Ky., fob. 6,-Word was received hero today from Urbana, Ky., that six men had lost their Uvea when boilers In a saw mill at that I lace ex ploded, Tho dead are four brothers, Thomas, Lincoln, John-and Robert Hayer, all of Urbana, and Robert Hampton and Frank Pennington, also of that vicinity. All were employed in the saw mill. 0MAHANS READY TO SAIL FOR TRIP TO PANAMA NEWYO RK. Feb. 6. (Special Tele gram.) Miss Nettle Burkley, Miss Mary Uurkley, Frank J, Burkley, Paul C. Gallagher, Benjamin K. Gallagher. Mrs. Winifred A. Oallaglier, John A. McShano and Mrs. John A. McShatie of Omalia will sail tomorrow on the steamer Vic toria for a cruise of tho West Indies and the Panama canal. Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics with Tke Sunday Bee 1 bsbsbsbsbBRvoV find ur- OA 1 ggHTJl , , vQ , "This 'itnin was jbtown. tip by dynamblaptajvfed byjehels J n. ABBOTT AGAIN I& CHOSEN Re-elected Secretary of Board of Indian Commissioners, CONFIDENCE IN HIS EFFORTS Leading Men In Indian Work Show Their' nfsresn'rd qc'; Cba'vKCS Pre tLJjJe i? Against . KomerrAi aJatant Commissioner. (From a Staff Correspondent!) , VVASHINfiTPN, Fob. 0. (Special Tele gram.)!''. II. Abbott of Aurora, fonuer assistant and for a long time acting com missioner of Indian affairs, was unani mously re-elected secretary of tho Board of Indian Commissioners today. In this way tho board, which Is appointed by tho president of the United States, Bhowcd, Its cntlro trust and confidence In Mr. Abbott, against whom certain Indeftnlto charges have been filed with the joint commission for tho Investigation of In dian affairs, of which Senator Robinson or Arkansas Is chairman. The Board of Indian Commissioners n composed-of ten men,- who, serve without salary and are chosen because of their especial Interest in' the Indian and their exalted standing in their several com munities. Many Prominent Men, Among them is a bishop of -the Epis copal church, the head -of. the' Catholic Indian bureau,, the president of tho Uni tarian association of .the United States, several university men and several prom inent lawyers.. ... The Board of Indian Commissioners, with every member present except one, has been In ..session , in this city since Tuesday, and during Its sessions outlined, a number of important policies relating to Indian administration before the In dian department and the committees on Indian affairs of congress. Mr. Abbott presented to the board a codification 'of Irrigation law and a draft of proposed legislation, which, If adopted by congress, will recognize the right of the Indian to limited representation In connection with tho expenditure of his money, and which will save to. tho gov ernment more than 1260,000 a year in H.l apptoprlatlons. Cravra for the Reserve. Chief Forester Graves does not look with favor upon the proposal to throw. open to settlers any portion of tho Ne braska forest reserve. That Information came to Senator Hitchcock today In a letter from Mr. Graves, In which the lat ter assures him that no action looking to the elimination of any part of the re serve would be taken without duo con slderatlon ot the Interests of the prairie state. Mr. Graves letter strongty Intimated that ho himself was opposed to throw Ing theso lands open to settlement, and unless something wholly unanticipated should occur they will remain ns now constituted. ALLEGED MAIL SWINDLER WORKS CORPORATIONS NEW YORK. Feb. 6.-Lorenzo B. Adams, arraigned before the United States commissioner today as a mall swindler, had, according to the charges 01 ine posioiuce inspectors, acveiopeu his art to such a degree that his vic tims were not Individuals, but corpora tlons. He was accused of swindling tho 1 promoters of newly formed stock com panics out of 1100,000 by selling them a ! worthless service whereby ho promised I to exploit and sell their securities. P, ! W. Branlff, secretary of a mining com pany of Walla Walla, Wash., charged :tnst Adams falsely represented that he ' had an organized force of salesmen in I New England and a large clientele ot Inveptorn who would purchase stocks ami limits he recommended. The posfil authorities sa that his profits amounted to JG.fOO during thrre months, Adamx denied the 1 harges Recent Scenes in Mexico City Increase in Church Enrollment is Less Than Two Per Cent WASHINGTON, Feb, O.-The actual en rolled membership of Christian churches within continental United States, showed afnet Increase;. qI' afs.000, or.L8.per cent mlnK 1913, accordlngto, atatUtJca Just, made public by the 'Washington office of tho Federal Council of Cnurchei of Christ In America. The tnethodlst church led In tho increased membership, with 220,00),' Tho other churches in their order fol low: Baptist, 64,000; Presbyterian. 45.600; Luth eran, - sn.ioo; - Disciples, :i,SW, and Epis copal, 16.600. The actual membership of the largest churches in the United States are given as follows: Roman Catholic, 13,090,634; Methodist, 7,125,000; Baptist, C.924.622J Lutheran, 2. 338,722; Presbyterian, 2,027,693: Dlscliilos of Christ, ' 1,619,369; Protestant Episcopal, 097,407, and Congregational,- 748,30. Thoso eight churches contain 31,000,000 ot tho 37,280,000 of actual church membership within the United States. Mellen Refuses to Appear Before Bay State Service Board BOSTON, Feb. 6.-Charles 8. SIcllon, former president of the Now York, New Haven '& -Hartford railroad company. declined today to appear at tho Public Sorvlco- commission's hearings on tho publicity "expenses of the road, on tho ground that he could not leave Con necticut, whero ho Is soon to ho tried for manslaughter. In a letter to the com- mlKslon Mr. Mullen sold he was actlni; on tho advice nf counsel. He expressed n willingness, however, to answer written questions. A former vice president of the company, Timothy E. Byrnes, wrote from California that engagements In tho west for tho next two or three months prevented his return cast at this time. Report that Czar Has Designs on Galicia BUDAPEST, Hungary. Fob. 6.-"Russla will not dcmobollzo its army' until the Runslan flag floats over the Carpathian mountains." This wns one of tho startling statements attributed to Count Valmlr Bobrinsky, president of the Russian con stitutional conservative party and leader 1 of tho panslavlo movement In Ruseta. when tho trial was resumed today at Marmoros-Shlget of ninety-four Ruthe nlans' charged with Inciting rebellion against the Austro-Hungarlan govern ment. Dullskovlch, a detective who was called to glvo evidence of panslavlc ac tivities In' Hungary, quoted the sensa tional phrase from Count Bobrinsky. Dullskovlch has been specially commis sioned to investigate the alleged treason able proceedings of' the Ruthenlans. , The National Capital I'rlilar, February ft, 11)11. The Menate. Met at noon. ' Hearings on trust bills before interstate commerco committee. .Representatives of the New York Stock exchange were heard before the banking committee on the Owen bill. Passed a bill to extend tho law marking graves of confederate soldiers In northern state). Tlir HiMmr, Met at nooti Dlscunysed prlute bills. Commerce committee heard merchants on the administration trust bills. BODY OF PERKINS BURIED Funeral Services for Sioux Editor Held. City ALL BUSINESS IS. SUSPENDED Private Nerflen Conducted at Home " and Hnlille njertc.e Held at Ia - ;ior, Temple -HoHOrarynnd ' . iw ; -"'V' Acilve Pall Hearers. ttlOUX CITY, la., Feb. 6,.'-(fl'pftoal Tel egram.)-)u bllzzardy weather that waa remindful 0f the ffontlor west ot which ho was so prominent a part, the body of George D. Perkins, late odltor of the Sioux City Journal, was burled this aft ernoon In Floyd eomotcry. While Rev. Walloco M. Short, pastor of the First Congregational church, was conducting services at the home, tho Sioux Clty'Typo,- graphlcnL union was holding public sen' lets at the I-abor Temple, at w.htch nd dresses were mudo by Right Rev. P, J, Garrlgun, Catholic bishop of tho dlopeso of Bloux City, and K. A. Burgess, a prom inent lawyer. All public buildings" and business nouses, even suloons, were, closed. All newspapers went to , press oarly. , For nir man has Bloux Cnly ever gone, Into. aiich general mourning. , Tho honorary pallbearers werq ojd citi zens John. McDonald, Earl T. Hoyt, J, M. Knott, E. W. Caldwell. E C. Peters and E. P. H,elzer. Tho actlvo pallbearers wero editorial associates gt Mr, .Perklna on tho Journal A. F... Allen. Fred P. Davis, Henry. Cody, H, J. . McCulIough, John Coughlan and John.W. Carey. . Tho Masons had . charge of the services .nt the grave. Past Master Charles C, ClaTk of 'Iowa grand 'lodge took part Members of tho city council attended In a body, Tho Typographical union, the Press club, the Commercial club and other organizations sent delegations. Mrs. J. P, Dolllvrr of Fort Dodga came for the services. I Division Among London Militants LONDON, Feb. 6,-Mlss. Sylvia ' I'antt hurst, daughter of tho militant suffra ffAttn 1 n 11 , 1 A r trwlnv nnnnnniol Iiak nnr, jslnn from tho Woirian's Social niid l'ollt leal union, tho militant woman's' organ Izatton, Her East End ot Londpu . feder ation, which hitherto has been a branch of the 'patent organization, will hence forth be ' entirely independent. Tho rift among tho militant suffra Kcttcs'ls said to be duo .to Miss Sylvia Pankhurst's ultra-revolutionary usptra ' tona, which tho leaders of the 'Women': Social and Political union are beginning to bellevo are damaging their cause. "Black Tony" Taken By Police at Pueblo Word has been received by the local police thut Black Tony, who also goes by the namo of Tony Cllletta, Charles Bender or Frank Honderson, lias been arrested in Pueblo, Colo. Black Tony Is tho man who killed Henry Nickel when the McVey resort was held up about three weeks ago and for whom the police havo been making a nation-wide search. Ho .s tho third man of the holdup trio, the other two having been arrested and having confessed to their part of tho holdup. Ilobli Appointed Postmaster. WASHINGTON, Fob. fi.-Presdent Wit son today male the nominations: Receiver of public moneys at Guthrie, Okl., Alexander X. Campbell of Grand Field Okl. Register of the laud offlie ut Guthrie. J. I. Calvert ot Guthrie, Okl. Postmasters ; Arlzona--L. R, Halloy, Uisbco, Iowa V. H. Robb, Crestou. ABE HOLDING SEVEN T Great Cumbre Railroad Tunnel on Northwestern Road is Destroyed by Band of Guerillas. LARGEST BORE ON THE LINE Freight and Passenger Trains Run Into it and Set on Fire. OREWs ARE TAKEN CAPTIVE General Villa Orders Immediate Pur suit of Bandits. NEW DUTY FOR UNITED STATES Bpnnlsh I'nprritnys liaising flnn ait Arms MaUes It psnrr for It to (iunrnntee Safety to Forrlnners. JUAREZ, Mexico, Feb. 6.-Seven Amer- can railroad men are believed to be rlsonors, the great Cumbre railroad tumid through the continental divide Is ritfnK and the Mexican Northwestern Hjsenijrr train which left here Wednes day morning In a charred wreck at the mouth of tho tunnel ns Ihe result of thn depredations of members of tho Maximo Castillo gang ot bandits. This Information, amplifying reports last night from Chlhuahun, was received here today at the headquarters of tho railroad. It corrects last night's state ment that It wan the Drake tunnel, a muller bore south of Cumbre, that was destroyed. The Cumbre tunnel is tho nrgest on the road, 3,700 feet long, and required eighteen months' to construct. Tho nnmcs of the prisoners repotted here arc; M. J. Gllmartln. superintendent of tho road. II. Schorfleld. sunerlntendent of ter minals nt Juarez. William, assistant manaeer of the railway commissary. is. J. Aicuutcneon. engineer of the pas senger train. J. E. Weuslor. conductor. H. F. Marders, express agent. A seventh American Is believed to have been on this trnln, and Americans were also emplojed on the freight train which was used to fire the tunnel. General Fra.ielsco Villa, commander ot the rebel forces and now at Chihuahua, was enraged at the news, arid in a tele gram which passed through here today Instructed Generat Felipe Maclas, operat ing In the Casas Grande district, to shoot every man who could not satisfactorily account for his presence there. fho bnndlU are believed to be oper ating In two fprccs nt about thirty men .each, Curnhrai Is a. hsrd'dsy'a ride from El . .YjiIIc, nrr -Csjw.s, ,GrB4, w hero, twenty-two of the robbers wer ratttutetl and shot last Tuesday. , .... Tho. other detchra,entr believed to bt undo'i- Castillo himself, did the wreck ing, probably-In revenge for the fate ot his men at Kl Valle. HcT captured a train of stock cars Wednesday and ran It Into tho tunnel, where It was set on tire. 'he tunnel ' was a blazing mass that evening awhen the-' passenger train. from Juarci was captured and sent headlong Into tha roaring furnace, which was belching flames . and smoke from Ita mouth. Castillo then burned two neighboring bridges, one of thorn constructed of steel, and ran two locomotives over the em bankment into tho deep canyort below. Xpit Untr for United States. MADRID, Feb. e.-ProvlslonaL President Hucrta today telegraphed to the Spanish- American union here replying to Its re quest that ho bring about an armistice in Mexico in order to arrango a compromise with tho revolutionists by the statement that ho In Increasing the federal army with the object ot pushing forward his campaign against the rebels. General Huerta at the same time in vited the newspapers ot Madrid 'to send correspondents to Mexico to observe the situation. The Spanish press commented freely on the Mexican situation today. Several ot the leading newspapers of tho capital ac cused the United States government of "fomenting anarchy," El Dlario Universal, the organ ot Count Romanones, a former premier, affirms that If the revolutionists In Mexico are (Continued on Pago Two.) No. 4 Building and Contracting In New York City there are Hovoral flr,nsi of contractors and builders who have reaped Bplendld results from cam , palgna of newspaper advertis ing. Their success Is doubtless be ing duplicated in many an other city. In every caso their advertis ing embraced a series of inter outing talks directed at those about to build. They wero plain, straightforward business talks about a hundred and one matter-oNfact points in plan ning and construction th very things a man wants to know when he's about to build. They knew their business. They interested possible cus tomers. They did it with conttaon sense and frankness which not only did them credit but got them so much business that they had to stop advertising! Then other contractors and builders took up the Idea and are at it now. And it is safe to say that the customers secured by such up-and-dolng methods got a brand ot service equal to the quality of the advertising. Monday, Interior Decorating. OAINMEN 1 .J