Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Ouch! Backache,
Rub Out Lumbago
Rub plain away with a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil"
When, your back Is pore and lama or
lumbaco, sciatica or rheumatism has you
stiffened Up, don't suffer! Get a email
trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob
Oil" at any drug store, pour a little In
your hand and rub It right Into the pain
or ache, and by the time you count fifty
the soreness and lameness Is cone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once. It takes the ache and pain rig hi
out and ends the misery. It Is magical
yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn
the Akin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica
and latno back misery o promptly am,
surely. It never dlappolnts! Advertisement.
rir&v in
first In Quality
Fint In Restdta
Fint in Purity
Fint In Economy
and for these reasons
Calumet Baking
Powder is first In the
hearts of the millions
of housewives who
use It and know it.
WnU's tm F
Thursday, February 5, 1914.
VEIlVnWE In nttonitnnrn nl hn Prnlfrhtnn fllan rlllh pnnparf Inst
i evening voted it a tremendous success artistic and social, as well
as financial, A great amount of school spirit and pride in the
applauso which greeted each number.
Following tho concert, a number of students and their friends Invaded
the llcnehaw hotel cafe, and without waiting . to remove their wraps.
castlc-walkod up tho entire length of tho alofe. They stayed until a late
hour, enjoying themselves and both entertaining and initiating tho diners
into tho mystic mazes of the newest dances.
Mmo. Lucille Stevenson, soloist at tho concert, was also present, being
tho guest of honor at one of the supper parties. .An immense basket of
red and white rosea formed the centerpiece at her table.
Manager of Hotel Borne Does Not
Appear in Police Court
Two Chop Saey Proprietors Are lie.
leased on ttrldcnce that Ileer
IVns flroujtht Into Their
Flaces from Outside.
In Honor of Quests.
In honor of Mrs. F, J. Langs of Helena,
Mon., formerly of Omaha, Mesdames C!
Thomsen and M. A. Nagle entertained
at an Informal afternoon at tho homo
of Mrs. M. A. Nasle today. Spring flow
ers, palms and ferns decorated tho rooms.
and Individual trays were used to serve
luncheon. The guests Included:
F. J. Lnnffe,
M. Bcthge,
Anna I'eycke,
J, O. Mnlchen,
C. C: Allison,
I. M. Dougherty,
Fcrd Bmlth,
a. Store.
li. iioienzweifr.
Huso Hchmlnd,
Arthur Store,
Fred Store,
Charles Ktorz,
Pierre Morlarlty,
J. r. Ougdale,
II. I.. Arnold,
A. C Harte,
A. V. Shotwell,
Franklin Hhotwcll,
M. Deckman.
M. Dauman,
Lena Krug,
Margaret Swift,
Kettle Uurkley. .
Mrs, O, It Leptln entertained at bridge
Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs.
Edward 8. Chadwlcke of Boise, Idaho.
The guests were:
W. C. Lambert.
O. D. Klpllngcr,
Harry Burkley,
Wood Allen.
Thomas Metcnlf, '
George Keellne,
George Gerner,
Kmma Rice.
John Drexel,
A. Wlltfcman,
Max Bccht.
Otto Hicmnsen,
Gustavo Halm.
Henry Meyer,
Adolf Meyer,
A. Kcllcrstrass,
A. F. Hmlth. '
K. O. Hamilton,
li. J. Jost,
Frieda Lang,
Frle-la Thomson,
Carrie Nagl.
f?T made by the tfL
For Grey Hair
! WM TtN YfM Frn Htw to Rttttrt
to Ywr Nalr th Natural
Cttor tf Yfwtfi
N Py mr Othar Harmful Mathotf
H Mlta In FsjHr Days
Let me send you free full information,
about a harmless liquid that will, restore
the natural color of your hair, no matter
wiiai your age nor mo
if. , cause of your ereynemt.
j 1 is not aye nor a siain.
ii eireata commence
alter 4 days use.
i am a woman who
become prematurely
grey and old looking
I at 27, nut a scienu
f fio friend told ine of
' a simple method he
had nerfectad after
TMm Of MtllllV. I fol.
In a short time my hair
Ij&f actually was tho natural
coior or my girnsn nays.
This BMthod li entirely dUfernt trom anrtfelnc
Its I h ntr en or hurt ot. Iti fft l
JMtintf sai It will not wash or rub off or tain
the n-!p. It li Ml(hr silcky or swtr. lis m
cnot b JtecWJ, It Kill ttitora I hi oritlul
Balvr&l thtt to tor ry. blchd or tadtd hilr.
no nstUr t nunr thfnn ht filltd. It tue.
ti Miulljr h both kiii, mil til ixu.
VSrlU'ra today gUlDf yonr asm sod d4rcM
vltlalr. irtatUf wkflhtr Udy or sinlUaain (Mr ,
Mrs. or Mlul sad melon 1 ct. tttnp for rituru
ots aa4 I ll Mod you full pirtlculara tost
wfll n!U rou to reiloro lb orlclasl color ot
yoath to' roar hair, maxtns It soft, ftutfr and nil
tiral Writs toiiij. Addms Ura. Mark K. Chap
nan. Salts Si-V. Eichanra Bt-. rrotldtac. Ji. I.
A w Xosae Osre That Anyone Caa Vie
Wttkeat' 9-laeosafort or Zioss of Tims,
i hats jt Kaw Metaod tbat cure Aitaaa.
and wo waat jou to try It at oar iipmn. tie
natur vbolbir rocr cm la ot loni-itamllnf or
ricict dtnlcpminu wbithir It It oraitot at oc
eaalonal or ccronls Aaibtaa. you abould sand tar
a Iroo .(rial ot our mittod. No maUir la wan,
cllmat you lira, no matiir what your ago or
occvoatlon. It you art, troublad with aathna. our
BMUtbd should rtllen you promptly.
Wo MpNlslly want to and It to thou appar
otly hopalaat caau, whtra all forma ol Inhalira,
diuebta, opium v props ratloaa. tuutaa. "titint
amHs," eta.. ht falltd. Wa want to (how
oraryona at our own axpcua, thit thli aw
Bctaod, li dtslmnl to and all difficult broatatoc.
all whttalax. aad all thoaa tirrlbli parutyuua at
osra and tar aU tlma.
TbU fraa otfir U too Important to nialrct a
air tit day. Writ now and than tefla tha mtlhod
at one, ricod no monoy. Simply mall coupon
b!. Do It Today.
Charles Fanning,
Franklin Bhotwell.
Charles Shotwell ot
St Joseph, Mo.i
Origen Williams,
W. N. Heller,
Guy Purdy,
M. F. Shafer..
Mies Mae Hantlng.
. Mesdames
William Walker,
C. B. Whitney,
K. P. Hennessy,
L. S. Whltmore,
Fred Busch,
Kdward Anspach,
Albert nitchle.
James McDonald.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, supreme
guardian of the Woodmen Circle, will
entertain at dinner thin evening at her
homo on honor of Mr.' W. A. Eraser,
sovereign commander ' of tho Woodmen
of the World, members of tho sovereign
executive council and the executive coun
cil of'the supreme forest, Woodmen Circle,
The table decorations will be red and
white. Flaces will bo laid for tho following:
Susie Urlson of
Muskogee, Okl.;
Mary Taylor of
San Antonio, Tex.;
Effle Honors of
Little Hock, Ark.
It. T. Wells
or Murray. Ky.;
tho church parlors, Seventeenth and
Dodge streets, Friday from 11:30 to 1:30
Entertain at Luncheon..
Mrs. F. G. Dcspecher entertained the
La Vita club at a fit. Valentine's bridge
luncheon at her home today. Itcd hearts,
ribbons and rases formed the table decor
ations. Those present were:
Mesdames. Mesdames
E. Btcrlcker, ' Elmer Torter.
n. H. Flndloy, Denver Taylor of
If. Mathels, Sheridan. Wyo.:
u J. Traynor, rc. reiera,
Fred Meyers, W. T. Martin,
E. Tllx, J. J. Berger.
Daselln, Charles Dewey,
H. J. Tate, Charles Keller,
Nudersack, A. J, Love,
T. J. Foley, Martha Heth.
Miss Nellie wakoiey.
Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge entertained at
luncheon today. Red and pink was the
color scheme and red and pink roses
formed the conterplcce for the table.
Her guests Included:
Mrsdames Mesdames
J, 13. Perley ot James McKenna,
Emporia, Kan.; w. tx aiartin,
Frank Brogan, S. B. Curtis.
Arthur Wakcly,
Entertains Card Olnb.
Mrs. Harry Schoenwald entertained the
Jolly Thirteen Card club at her home
Wednesday afternoon. A guest table was
placed for Misses Bess Monsky, Mollle
Saltzman, Brugger and Gertrude Meyers
of Sioux City. Prises were won by Mes
dames Charles Saltzman, Harry Abra
hamson, Hannah Kaplan and Misses
Saltzman and Meyers. Tho members ot
the club are:
W. B. Miller of the Rome hotel, charged
with keeping a disorderly house, failed
to answer in police court when his name
was called for a hearing Sergeant Al
Glover's search for tho man throughout
the' bullpen an court room ralied to
disclose his whereabouts and the com
plaint was finally marked, bond for
Chief Dunn said that It was up to the
city prosecutor whether Mr. Miller was
brought to court. He said that If the
prosecutor Issued a caplus he would
have his men take him down.
City Prosecutor Anheuser said that he
had an understanding with Judge Foster
that they would continue as In the past.
to accept forfeiture qf bonds in such cases
untu uaiurday, but after that tlmo
capiases would be Issued and all offenders
t . - . t . II.!-
From the Ontslilr.
Chin Gin. proprietor ot the Mandarin
cafe, and Louis Ahko, who conducts a
chop suey parlor on upper Douglas street,
were not called for a hearing, as It was
discovered before court that neither were
guilty ot the chargo brought agalnat
them. Beer taken from tho places at the
tlmo of the raid proved to havo been
brought In from outside.
Walter Lemlng, 1213 Douglas street,
was fined KZ and costs on a disorderly
houso complaint, which fine ho paid
without protest.
John Hoeffle, whose rooming house Is
located on Thirteenth, south of Douglas
street, was fined 135 and costs. Sergeant
Madson testified to the effect that sev
eral girls drinking beer were In the house
when he arrested the proprietor. Hocfflc
appealed to the district court,
G. D. McLachlanof the Hotel Vlevlllc,
who was arrested Wednesday afternoon
for keeping a place not up to the law's
requirements, was fined ?25 and costs,
which was paid. Two glrls charged with
the theft ot a S2S0 diamond stud from a
male Inmate, are being held for further
William Green, 03 Cuming street, In
whoso houso gambling was discovered. Is
held, with three Inmates, for tho grand
jury. Three Inmates ot this place were
It is doubtful whether thoso proprietors
who have- forfeited their bonds will be
summoned to a hearing, declared the
city prosecutor after court, as, with tho
majority so far arrested, it has been a
first offense. A second arrest on tho
same charge, however, will call for an
Issuance ot a capias.
Medlll McCormlck of Cnicago will
speak on "Women In Politics" next
Thursday In tho council chamber of the
city hall. Mr. McCormlck Is brought
here by the city suffrage organization.
day. This notable event will bo observed
following the regular weekly meeting of
Friday evening, when the stag social
committee of the lodge, of which George
E. Begerow Is chairman, will stago a
cabaret entertainment. It will bo es
sentially a musical program, but other
entertaining features have also been pro
vided. Tho older members of tne lodge
aro especially expected to attend. All
Elks are invited and the entertainment
will be for them only. Tho present mem
bership of Omaha lodge, with applications
pending. Is nearly 1.700.
Tliront nnil Itinir Tronliles
Quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dls
covery, the first dose helps; best remedy
for coughs, colds and lung diseases. 50c
and $1.00. All druggists. Advertisement
The twenty-eighth anniversary of
Omaha lodge No. 39, Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks, will occur Satur-
Don't Put Off
seeking relief from tho illnesses
causedDV defective nction qf tho or
gans of digestion. Most serious sick
nesses get their start in troubles of
tho stomach, liver; bowels troubles
quickly, cafely, Burely relieved by
Sold eTory where. In boxes, 10c, 25e.
A GREAT rniii
mm w aa wans n
Hundreds of Rare Values in Remnants aud Broken Lots All Over the Store
Hannah Caplan,
S. Conn,
li Sherman.
1. Grossman,
Harry Schoenwald.
Mary Kv LaRocco
of St. Paul, Minn.;
Ida M. Kelly.
of Davenport, la.;
II. H. Johnson,
vf Columbus, o.;
W, A. Fraaer.
James B. Fitzgerald.
b. ii, iewisor i. ii l aiicrson or
'Klnston, N. C: Chattanooga. Tenn.
William Ruess of N. II. Maxey of
Cleveland, O.; Muskogee, Okl.
Miss .Dora-Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Campbell of Port
Huron, Mich.
Entertnins at Iridnre.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharp, entertained at
brldgo at tholr hpme Wednesday evening
In honor ot Mrs. Charles Martin O'Leary
of Los Angoles. Four tables were placed
for tho gam.
Mrs. C C. Oeorgo entertained the mem
bers of the Auction Bridge club at her
home Wednesday. Tho members are!
Mesdames Mesdames
Luther Kountze, George Palmer,
E. H. Scott, Mosher Colpetzer,
Floyd.Bmlth. Walter McCormlck,
W.H.Wheeler, F. A. Nash.
For VJnitinsf Guest.
Mrs. Harry ICelley will entertain a
bridge party Friday afternoon In honor
of Mlsa Charlotto Thurmond, who Is the
guest ot Mrs, Margaret nruce.
Entertains Olub,
The W. W. club was entertained by
Mrs. J, J. Hess Wednesday evening at
her home. A color scheme ot pink and
green was used In the decorations and
I the valentine Idea carried out tn the
favors. Mrs. George Hampton will en
tertain the club In two weeks.
In Honor of Bride.
A linen shower was given by Mrs. H.
F, Tost and Miss Bessie Maystrlck at the
home of Mrs. Yost Sunday afternoon In
honor ot Miss Jessie Frye, whoso wedding
to Harry P. Williams will occur this
month. Those present were:
Fanny Martlnek,
Jessie Frye,
Clara Schaefer,
Mae McCarron,
Carrie Williams,
Sophia Adams,
Barbara '.mrhal.
Bessie Maystrlck,
Mrs. E. Palmer.
Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mary Murphy,
Louise Williams,
Anna Zmrhal,
Alice Helkes,
Tlllle Skow,
Martha Yost,
Catherine McCarthy.
F. Yost
n aitxiu couToar
mONTIErt ASTHMA CO.. Room Mill,
HliC&n and llu&ioo Pti,. Duffalo K. T.
ft UUI ot rear method tsi
ft Milk"
DHf .
Entertain at Bridge.
4Mr. and Mrs. James P, .Redman en
tertained at bridge Wednesday evening at
their home. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prlckett,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Craig,
Mr. and Mrs. James Y Craig,
Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Kennard,
Mr. and Mrs. James, P. Uedman,
Dr. and Mr,W. N. Dorwood,
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Mach,
Miss Elizabeth Redman,
Mr. Lelloy Cromwell.
Mra. John Campbell and Mrs. Carl
Itelyea entertained the Entre-Nous club
at a bridge luncheon today at Reed
Hurst Valentine hearts and favors were
used as tibia decorations and places were
aid for;
Mesdames Mesdames
J. 11. Lindsay, C. C. Johnson,
CT D. Mackenzie. 3 3 fluffn
C. C. Trapp, . Carl Relpea,
n. uasseii. Jonn Campbell.
Art Exhibit Committees.
Miss Llda Wilson has charge of the
courtesy committee for the art exhibit
today. Her assistants are:
Misses Misses
LouUe McPherson, Calllo McCbnneU.
Mesdamea Mesdames
Charles McDonald. Felix McShane.
Those who will assist Mrs.- Voss Friday
Mesdames Mesdames
Arthur Remington. John R. Rlngwalt,
Howard U. Smith, Herbert Rogers.
George Prlnx,
Qbicken fie Sinner.
Tb tedlea of the First Presbyterian
, church will serve a chicken pie dinner tn
David Crounse,
Max Caplan,
D. Prelsman,
Charles Saltzman,
C. Klrsch,
Harry Abrahamson,
Dancing Parties.
The Prairie Park club wilt entertain
at a hard times party this evening.
Vesta chapter No. 6, Order ot tho East
ern Star, will give a dance this evening
at Chambers' academy.
The Patrician club will give a dancelng
party this evening at the Metropolitan
Tho Collegian club wilt entertain at a
dancing party this evening at Harte
halt, Dundee.
Entertain at Dinner.'
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George wilt enter
tain at dinner this evening at their home
when places will bo laid for twelvo
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T, Smith wilt leave
Friday for Now York, where they will
spend ten days.
Mra. Goorgo Gaass of Pella arrived
Wednesday morning to bo tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox.
Mr. and Mra. C. C, Delden leave this
evening for a few weeks' trip In the east,
stopping in Ohio and New York.
Mrs. F. S. Holllnger ot Chicago, for
merly of Omaha, arrived Wednesday to
visit her daughter, Mrs. John Mc
Cague, Jr. .
Mr. and Mrs. N, P. Dodge left Wednes
day evening for California, accompanied
by their son, Philip, jr., where they will
spend the rest of the winter.
Mr. Clarence Anderson ot Albany, Ore.,
formerly ot this city. Is visiting at the
home ot Mr. Arthur Westergard. He will
leave for Oregon Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Elwood left Tues
day tor an extended trip through the
east and south. They will visit New
York, Washington and Havana, returning
In five or six weeks.
A Great Lot of Fine Wash Goods for Friday
Thcso aro tho finer qualities of -washable dress fabrics, and at tho prices wo offer
them Friday, will bo truly extraordinary values. They am both domestic and imported
weaves remnants, sample bolts and other lots which vjo doslre to dispose ot immediately.
Worth up
to $1.00
Uascmcnt Bargain Square. Fabric's
Flno Mercerized Poplins... 1 WnrtVi t
Plain Jnnnnlcji Hllkn I "OITn Up
Colored Dress Linens to 50c
Silk Stripe Vollles "Prirlntr
Silk Grenadines """-y
Silk Crepes
Satin Stripe Bedford Cords.
Embroidered Flouncings,
27, 36 and 45-in. wide. . .
All remnants and
odd lots of dress
prints will bo sold
at, yard 2c
Hundreds of yards
of remnants of
Amoskoag apron
checks, Friday, at,
a yard 5c
Main Floor Bargain Square. '
Silk Brocaded Cropes
Embroidered Batistes . . .
Woven Voiles
Fancy Weave & Emb. Ratine I
Dotted Swisses
Satin Stripe Voiles
White and Colored Linens.
Embroidered Cropes
Colored Embr. Flouncing. .
And many others
Novelty silks, blue,
lavender and white.
Generally sold at
20c a yard. Special
Friday at, yard, 10c
Fancy outing flan
nel, light and dark,
remnants and odd
lots, worth to 10c,
at, a yard. . . .0c
Pillow Oases Odd lots and mussed ones,
including fancy embroidered, hemstitched
cases; 25c, i6o and 65o values, Friday,
each 10o and aso
Persian Swansdown Flannels Figured,
checked and floral patterns, for waists,
dresses, kimonos and children s wear; 12 He
and 15a qualities, yard 6fto
Mill Ends of Bilks in lengths
up to 10 yards, consisting of
mossalines, taffetas and foul
ards, plain and novelty ef
fects. Worth up to QQ
50c yard, at, yard. . . . aC
Brocaded and metallic
printed silk velvets In a
splendid ranee ot color
lngR and patterns, worth
to 69c, on main floor at.
a yard ........,... ,Q9o
Mill Ends of new spring silks
in lengths up to 10 yards
(foulards, poplins, messallnes
and taffetas, In all colors. Val
ues to 75c a yard. In on
basemonf, at 07C
Itamruinta nf nil Wnnl
Cliallles in lengths
up to 5 yards. Now
spring shades and
patterns. Splendid
39c and 50c values,
on Main Floor Fri
day, at, a yard, ,21c
Cliallles A small
lot to be closed out
quickly Odd colons
and discontinued pat
terns. Regular 19c
quality, in the Base
mont, Friday, at, a
yard Oc
Remnants Lining Sateens, percallnes and
princess satine, In all colors. Yard wide.
Worth 35c a yard, Friday, at, yard, 15c
Drummers' Matched
Samnles of wool
8 o r g o s, diagonals,
broadcloths, novelty
worsteds, etc.; worth
to 49c each, In Base
ment, at. each
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
All wool Dross finncla
Remnant lengths
up to 6 yards. Vari
ous desirable qual
ities and styles;
worth up to $1.00 u
yard. Main Floor, at.
yd., 40c, 50c and OOc
Lininc Sateens 40 inchea wldn. rtnr
lar 25c quality. A special offering, iri the
Basement, Friday, at, yard 10c
Odd Lots of Household Linens
A Clearance Friday
Fancy Twill Toweling. Full bleached,
weight, very absorbent, 17 Inches wide.
Special on main floor and basement, yard...
Mercerized Table Damask. Fine Imported weave,
In lengths of 2 to 6 yards. Quality that Is QQn
worth 60c, special in basement, at, yard.... CUli
Huck Towels. 17x34-inch size. QlAp
Regularly worth 5c. Basement at Uu
Unbleached Terry Cloth. Splendid heavy weight,
20 and 22 Inches wide. Kind that usually I Cp
sells at 30c a yard. Main Floor, at I Uu
Lunch Cloths that are slightly mussed. All per
fect. Sizes 36, 45 and 54 In. square. Many QO
worth double the price wo ask, Main Floor.
Sanitary Diaper Cloth in 10-yard bolts. 18, 20
and 22 Inches wide. Worth 69c a bolt, Frl- A ton
day only, a bolt..... taU
Tablo Padding, double fleeced, 50 Inches wide;
2, 2 and 3-yard lengths. Splendid quality. I On
Special in Basement, at, a yard I UU
Odd Napkins, hemmed ready for use. Fine mor
cerlred, 24-Inch size. Regularly $1.50 dozen. On
Special in Basement, at, each Ou
Odd Napkins, pure linen, hemmed ready for use;
18-inch alze. Worth $1.75 dozen. Main Floor, Q
at, each 31)
Loco Scarfs, 18x5 0-Inch size, for dressers, side
boards and table runners. 26c values, in Q
basement, at, each 30
Turkiiit Wash Cloths. Slightly Imperfect. Not
over 10 to a customer., On Main Floor, at,
each V,...'. ... &V
Two Remnant Lots of Laces
Remnants laces, in
bands and edges, short
lengths, embroidered
flouncings, corset cov
erings; also Venise me
dallion. Worth to 35c,
at, each 10c
Remnants of fine
shadow, chantilly and
o r 1 e ntal flouncings,
fancy lacea, nets and
allovers. Many worth
up to 75c and $1.00,
at, each 30c
Worse On Arms. Itched and Burned.
Soros Would Fester, Suffered Day
and Night. Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment Completely Cured.
R. K. D. No. a, Stunt. Mich.-"Last
summer I picked cucumbers about a' week
before I noticed I u being poisoned. Alt
at onco I broke out with a terrible rath all
over my entire body. 1 1 looked llko pimples
only was very much smaller. On my arms
it seemed to bp worse than any placo elso.
It would Itch and burn so I would scratch
and make small sores that would fester. I
(uttered day and night for about two weeks
but could find no relief.
"1 used and and many
others but they all failed to bring relief.
At Uat I was advised to try Cutlcura
4oap and Ointment. Every two or threo
times a day I would wash with the Cutlcura
Soap and at night I would apply the Cutl
cura Ointment. After uatng them one month
I was completely cured." (Signed) Mlu
Clara MaUory, Sept. 10, 1013.
Prevent dry. thin and filling hair, allay
Itching and Irritation of the scalp, remove
cruits and tcales, and promote the growth
and beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos
with Cutlcura Boap, assUted by occasional
drcadoss with CuUcura Ointment, afford a
most effective and economical treatment.
Cutlcura Boap (33c) and Cutlcura Oint
ment (50c ) aro sold by druggists and deal
ers everywhere. liberal sample of each
mailed free, with 32-p. Bktn Book. Address
post-card "CuUcura, Dept. T, Beaton."
PTMea who shavo and shampoo with Cu
Ucura 8an And It Wt for kln and scalp.
A Big Day in the Boys' Basement Section
Hundreds of mothers will bco In this
sale an opportunity for providing needod
apparel for tho little fellows at savings
of half or more. It's a chanco that will
not come again
About 200 boys' suits, that previously
sold at J2.00 to $2.50
About 100 boys ovorcoats, that pre
viously sold up to ?3.00
About 200 boys' odd coats, ages 14 to
18 years, formerly priced up to $5. .
About 300 pairs of boys long pants,
formerly priced up to $2.50
Sale of Pictures
300 gold framed pictures. Such
BubJoctB as "Blue Boy," "Boy
With Rabbit," "Age of Inno
cence," landscapes, etc. Sold be
fore Christmas for 50c, 7 Co,
$1.00 and $1.25. Choice
Friday, Third Floor, at,
Sale of "Fox" Slippers for Women
The very finest of dress slippers for women, at
fractional prices. Hundreds of pairs were sold today,
and hundreds more remain for Friday and Saturday.
9 and $5 "Fox" satin and dull leathers, in newest
styles, at oec
98 and Sa.BO Fox white kid, nubuck and cJnvas
slippers for ...S1.50
$2.00 and $3 "Fox" sntin slippers, in every color, gl
25c Embr'd., 12Vc
18-lnch cambric
flouncings and corset
coverings. Variety
of designs. 25c qual
ity, at, yard. . . .12&c
Sample Buttons. Every
variety, large or small.
Worth to 50c a dozen,
at, each 10c
Fancy Trimming
Bands and Braids,
worth 15c, at yard.. 2c
Wash Lace VZc
French and German
vals, cluny and tor
chon laces. Fine 10c
quality. Slightly
soiled or mussed, lc
29c Underwear 11c
Misses' and Boys' fine
fleecy lined vests,
pants and drawers.
Worth 29c, at, a gar
ment 11c
50c Bonnets, 11c
Silk bearskin, plush
and angora baby bon
nets; also knit caps;
slightly muBsed; 50c
values, at 11c
10c Kerchiefs, 5c
Fine shamrock and
dainty embroidered
handkerchiefs for wo
men and men. plain or
with Initials. Worth 10c,
at Co
15c Hosiery, 8V&c
Men's, women's ana
riren's fine cotton
hosiery. Regular 15o
quality. Special, 8o
Union Suits. 39c
, misses' and
'""'s fleecy lined
union suits; worth 65c,
Ribbon Remnants
Remnants ot ribbons,
fancy warp prints, Per
sian patterns, etc., at,
a yard 10c
Pillow Tops, 5c
Stamped on ticking
and linen, In floral and
conventional designs.
Values to 25c, at So
Important Savings on Women's Apparel for
Those Who Come to Brandeis Basement Friday
Women's wool Dresses, Worth up to 83.00, at 31.98
Black or blue serges, waffle checked materials. In de
sirable styles. Low nock, Ionic or short sleeves. Lace
frill or braid trimmed collars, draped skirts; broken
lino of sizes, to be cleared out at low prices Friday.
Woman's Winter Coats, formar
ly prtoad up to 87.50, O 4Q
Friday at
Women's Winter Coats, for
merly priced up to I "TO
8S, Friday at 9 (if 9
Women's Soiled Cotton Waists,
white or colors i a
Worth up to $1, at. . . , X J C
Odd Dressing Sacques, in light
colors; regularly OOc a np
garment, at OC
Odd Aprons, mostly white;
prettily trimmed ;1 25c A
aud 20c values, at. . . . X UC
Odd dressing sacques, in light
colors. Regular OOc q
garments ........... XC
Women's regular $1
crepe nnd flannel
ette kimonos, spe
cially priced Cf
at oyc
Children's red curly bearskin coats, alze 2.
Women's waists, wool, chiffon and silk. For
merly priced $1.98, to close out Friday, at 98o
Women's and children's sweater Jackets, wortn
up to $1.00, at 750
Children's winter coats, formerly priced up
to XI, Friday at 81
Women's skirts, formerly priced at SS.60 and
ftSS, will be cleared out Friday at.... 8 1.39
House dresses, per
cale and flannelette.
Broken sizes; 91
and $1.80 Q
values .... OJC
Formerly priced $1.98, at.
Correct, new model, low
bust, long- skirt. Made ot
extra heavy coutil, with
six heavy web carters
and front ateel protc-.tor.
Very apeolal. at SI
Coutil corset for slender
and medium fhttirei.
Draw tape top, jjuaian
teed not to rust, at..49o
Broken osso'-'tiiert of
brassieres, fteguta'tir
and 75c valusi, at 85o
Semi-Annual Shoe Clearance
Will Be at Its Best Friday
The first day of our semi-annual clearance far
surpassed all previous selling records. Friday and
Saturday will see no abated Interest. Hundreds ot
pairs of desirable styles remain to be closed out:
Women's Shoes Underpriced
Women's High Grade Shoes
in patent, suede, cravenette
and suede leathers, worth
$5.00 and $6.00 Art nr
at, pair Su.UU
Women's $3 and ?4 patent, dull
leather and suede tfQ OC
leather shoes at .... tj aOD
Men's Shoes at Great
Reductions in Price
blen's tan and dull calfskin
shoes, worth $5 o or
and $6, at PJ30
Men's tan calf and dull calf
shoes, worth ?3 efcO QC
and $4. at OU
Misses' and Child- f 4 AC
ren'e shoos at... JJ X ttO
BoyB' $2.50, 3 and qj
$3.50 shoes, at. ... P X jO
Large number one
and two pair lots of
Imported lace cur
tains, worth $5 to
$7.50 pair 3d floor,
at, pair $1.08,