THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914. 11 RlwUj ESTATE. faii.m a ranch lands for SALT& Arkansas. 840 ACRES of good land, sovcn milts ftom good railroad town. In good com munlty. whero hralth, water and land aro Rood, 100 acres bottom, balance sec ond bottom and upland, &" acres cleared, part in cultivation and part In pasture; balance of land In timber; estimated at 1,000,000 feet pine and hardwood; living water on land; unlimited stock rango; would make- the finest of stock farm. Three small; good soft water. Valued at JM2.60 per acre. J. T. Carlton. De Queen, Ark Colorado. FOR SALE Colorado stock" and dairy farm 1.03) acres; 200 bottom land, alfalfa, timber, good improvements; horses, cat tle, implements at a bargain. For par ticulars, Charles A, Petterson, Watklns. Colo. m lima, SKCTIOX land, highly Improved, In Monona county, Iowa, about 10 .miles cast of Onawa, about ffi aerosT tinder cultlvu tlon. Price, 110,000. Will accept Omaha rcsldonco up to 3.500. It well1 located, as first payment., balance easy terms. Ecmls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brahdels The ater Bide. Minnesota. $15 to $73 per acre, in corn licit; Rome choice bargains; Minneapolis" 13 miles. Farmers State Hank. St. Cloud. Minn. NORTHERN Minnesota, the Greatest natural cattlo section, no drouths; iilfaira, clover, corn and potatoes aro principal crops; prairlo or timber: freo information. We havo no land for sale. Wrlto W. R. Mackenilc, Immigration Commissioner, 0G P.ilaco Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. MINNESOTA soil map; governincnt re ports; natural subsoil every district, rain fall, temperatures, frosts; Invaluable. Stalled, 26c. Akcrson, Drawer 13. Una- strom, .Minn. MINNESOTA COltN LANDS. Write for list of bargains. Troll Land Company, Farmlngton, Minn. . 600 IMPROVED farms southern Minne sota; lowest price; best terms. Wrlto Morehart & Atchison, Mankato, Minn. New York, NEW YOUIC ALFALFA FARMS FOR SALE WHERE CHOPS AUE SURE EVERY YEAR. 40-acrc farm, house worth 11,300, barn worth JSOO; orchard, woods, good level land; price, J1.200. cash down. 70-acro farm, village mile, school 30 rods, city 9; houso worth JI.SOo; 3 barns, orchard, brooks, woods; price, JL000; H cash. 178-acre farm, vlllago 3 miles, Syracuse 33 mllcsi level, not a stone; deep toam boII, together with 10 cows; price, $30 per acre. Wrlto for photo3; R. R. faro to purchaser. No enow in Syracuse. E. MUNSON, 1426 8. Sallna St., Syracuse. N. Y. North Irnltotn. LANDSEEKERS. We have a tract of land adjoining this town, a division town on the coast Una of the C, M. & St. P. railway, sultablo for a colony of 30 families. We can soli this as a wholo or subdivide It to suit. The prico Is very low and will require only a small payment down. Balance can run on easy payments with only 6 per cent annual Interest. Billings county stands among the leading counties of North Dakota as n. farming country. We raise everything in the grain line, even good corn and alfalfa. Go and see your neighbors and get up a colony ot your own. For further particulars address O. II. Suit, Marmarth, N. D. Ulsaoarl. FABMS FOR SALE $5 down. Jo monthly buyb 40 acres good timber land, near town: Texas county, Mo.; price $200; per fect title. J. B. Jarrell. ML Vernon, IlL OrcEon. INVEST WOO as first payrrient on 40 acres Irrigated land at Ontario, Ore. You can grow large crops of alfalfa, corn, grain, fruit and vegetables. Land cleared, plowed and leveled,, ready for crop. High class proposition. Close to railway, churches, school; electric light and power, telephones and all modern farm con veniences. Easy payments and long 'terms: Wrlto owners. Oregon and Western Colonization Co., 635 Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OklaHouia. FOR SALK-6,000 acres. In large and small tracts, of Pittsburg county coal bearing, farming and pasture land In oil and gaa belt; $10 an acrt. For particulars write John E. Cavanagh. McAleater. Okl. WUouniia. Upper Wisconsin Ren dairy and general crop state In the union. Bcttlers wanted. Lands for ale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for booklet, 31 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Wrlie about our grazing lands If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. OFFICIAL publications concerning soil, climate and crops ot Wisconsin mailed free to those addressing Wisconsin SU.te Board ot Immigration, Capitol 100O. Madi son, Wis. STOCK RAISERS, ATTENTION. Why take- chance on drouths and short feed? Clover ond blucgrass pasturages can be obtained In Wisconsin, close to big stock markets, at low. prices. Plenty of rainfall, puro water, rich pastures all season, Ideal climate for stock raising and dairy farming. Already well settled and developed. So. St. Paul stock yards only 60 mllca away. We own practically airlands we offer and prices will sur prise you. Have some Improved farms. Maps and reliable Information Xree. Baker, M 117, St. Croix Falls, Wis. HEAL ESTATE LOANS J10O to $10,000 mode promptly. F. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. ao CITV LOANS. Bemls-Carlberr Co., 210-312 Brandels Theater Building. WANT1ED City Joans. Peters Trust Co. a A TWTXTTiI?ne Loans. t and up, V Ji """"Omaha Nat. Bank. LARGE loans our specialty. Btull Bros. CITY property. Large loans a specialty, Vf. IL Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand at lowest rates tor loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. IL W. BINDER, City National Bank Bldg. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Orn. Nat WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith St Co., 1320 Farnam St f FARM ami city loans made promptly, 'Wm. McCormlck, 1201 Farnam. Red aovi. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6& 6. J. Ii. Duraont St Co., 1603 Farnam. Omaha. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE R. E. I HAVE $6,250 In clear property to ex. chanfte for an cnulty In good income nroD erty in Omaha; will take a property worth $10,000 to $12,000; what have you to offer? H. j. iiosiwicK, zis s. Hin au Tel. T. ikw, I buy. sell or exchange land for you. M. M. KLINE, Omaha, Neb. 7518 California bt GOVERNMENT approved Investment tecurlties or land for auto, other prop erty or tana. uove. iws. WANTED TO RENT. BABY carriage wanted to rent by lady visiting Omaha; must be In first class condition; reply with description and price per montn. Aggress D 379, Bee. WANTED TO BUY. I HAVE sold my cattle ranch and want to ouy a Kooa quarter section not more than fifty miles from Omaha. I have the money to pay cash anad the price has got to be low. 1 will deal only with own ers and will not pay any attention to let- ters irom agents. Auqrea A 3.S. care Bee. WANTED TO UUY-A trunk In good condition; must do cneap. can Red S575. bee can uaxer. WANTED To buy 100 good vacant lots. u.iicfo fiit? uuco a t-u, (.nro jive, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Not Much Demhnd in Sight for Cash Wheat, Corn and Oats. FARMERS ARE SELLING FREELY Producers In Mnny Inrt of Country Are Tnklnir (Irnln to Primary .Mnrket ai I'nat mm ThVy Cnn Hani It. OMAHA. Feb. 4. 1914. The lack of demand for cash wheat, corn and oats In the CIiIcbko market from the milling and shipping interests urged the selllag ot long grain and the pulling otll or short nn venterclav. Tim reported transactions here were the small est in weeks. Millers are. It Is said, se curing enough wheat at home to supply their dally wants, and the shipping trado Is experiencing no trouble whatever In procuring all, or more, corn and oats than they aro able to take care of. While the present tlmo Is a dangerous ono In which to put out short lines ot wheat, because of the poss'bllity ot crop scarps, there Is little on which to buy at the moment. On the other hano, it secnis aro to watch for the hard spots In corn and bats and to soil a little short. As a reflection of the uuli cash market nt Chicago 200,000 bu. of wheat were sent to public elevators yesterday. Kansas City reported tho situation there as dull and one message said that if It had not been for a round lot Of wheat taken by Chicago concerns ond which was lying on the "bargain counter" of that market, the sltuntlon would have been even worse. There wan considerable wheat sold hero yesterday on northwest ac count In tho way of changing a "spread." Thero was some buying at Minneapolis by these same peoplet who are located at Duluth. A great many ot tho local spec ulators seem to placo considerable stress pn tho cold wave In Nebraska as a bull ish factor, but they refused to take on nny great amount of wheat. The holders of that grain In Nebraska were free sell ers, showing little uneasiness because ot tho temperatures being so low as 4 de grees below xero over the state yesterday. Farmers are selling their wheat more freely, as was shown by the receipts at primary marketB yesterday. Tho snow map showed a trace In Mis souri and South Dakota, a traco'ot 0.4 Inches In Illinois, the latter at Chicago. There was a trace In Indiana, a trace to four Inches In Ohio, a traco to six Inches In North Dakota and Minnesota and flvo to fourteen inches In Michigan. Local longs were on the selling side of corn in a liberal manner yesterday, and as demand was slowe lower prices ruled, there was llttlo on which to hold up the country that still needs conditioning. Oats was tho weakest spot In tho grain list yesterday. Thero was no cash de mand, and with the weakness In corn there wa sllttlo on which to hold up tho oats. The bearish stocks of hog products In the Chicago market, and which were pub lished In the Examiner yesterday, were reflected In tho general situation. Pack ers were heavy sellers and scattered longs were on tho selling side too. The buying was scattered. Cash wheat was unchanged. Cash corn was unchanged to lc hlghor. Cash oats were unchanged to Vie lower. Clearances: Wheat. 632,100 bushels; corn, i5,W bushels; oats, 1,X bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, USJid lower; corn. "tQttd lower. Primary ritrnlnffl a ri'. iwv j bushels and shipments 444,000 bushels, t.BuuiBi ici-ciyiH oi tot,wu pusneis ana shipments ot 433,000 bushclslast year. Primary corn receipts were S92.0O3 bushels' and shipments 493,000 bushels, ngalnst rocclpts of 1,612,000 bushels and shipments ot 1,331,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 682,000 bushels and shipments 725,000 bushels, against receipts of "03,000 bushels and shipments of 632,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 117 327 121 Minneapolis 132 uuiuth 13 Omaha C6 87 u Kansas City 61 94 23 St. Louis S3 S2 2.1 Winnipeg 7 .., These sales were reported: Wheat. No. 2 hard winter. 9 2-6 cars 83Uc: No. 3 hard winter. 2 cars. 83c: 2 cars. S3Kc: No. 3 uurum. l car Slc: Wo. 4 durum. 3-5 Car 81c. Oats: Standard, 1 car 37ic, .1 car 37Hc; No. 3 white, 1 car 37c, 8 cars StrUo; no grade 1 car 35V4c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car 64 Wc: No. 3 white. 1 car C3c. 2 cars 624c, 4 cars 62c; No. 2 yellow, 3 cars 61Hc, 2 cars CIMo; No. S yellow, 3 cars GOHc,, 3 cars 60c. 3 cars 69Hc 1 car 5914c, 9 cars 59c, 1 car C8c, 3 cars E8V4c; No. 4 yellow. 4 cars bsc, l car mc no. z mixed, i car 60c; No. 3 mixed, 2 cars 69c, 1 car 6SV4c, 1 car 6SM.C 7 cars 68c, 3 cars bVAc; No. 4 mtxeo, z cars wvfcc, i car tec, i car coo. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, ilftiSHc: No. 3 hard. S2 S4Hc; No. 4 hard, 79QSSc: No. 3 spring, S3tTf!3Hc; No. 4 spring, 81462&c; No. 2 durum, &."tfMHc: mo. 3 durum, SNEfSlHc. Corn: No. 2 white, C3fl4Ho: No. S white, 623c; No. 4 white, BSQfiOo; No. 2 yellow, 61QlV4c; No. 3 yellow. 68W60Hc; 3, iTWmc: No. 4, B4Kttc. Oats: No. 2 wnue. 3sho: stanaara, 37ViSrai?ic; No. 3 white, ZCKUTtc; No. 4 white, 3Vi36Hc iiariey; .nailing, osgri3c: no. i reed. 600 6Sc. Rye: No. 2, 670580; No. 3, 6667c. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and doling Prices on Hoard, of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 4 It took but a. ruirmr oi export sales too ay to gtvo the wheat maraet a complete recovery. Although mere was an easy reeling ut tne close. quotations, which Bhould be depressed nearly all day. wound un about the same as tho night before, one-eleth off to n suaae aavance. corn nnished He down to 'Ao UD .oats with loss and era. visions aearer oy izvsc to ax;. Alter tne last gong naa cleared wheat traders from the irtt. tho fact was dls. closed that seaboard exporters had really been buying hard winter wheat here. The amount said to have been purchased, nowever. aid not seem or any conse quence except for the moral effect in giving renewed courage to the bull side ot tno maricet. jnaeed some speculators were Inclined to regard as ot omre Impor tance the fact that country mills In the northwest were active buyers at the bir terminal elevators in Minneapolis. Assurance that tne cola wave in the winter crop region would not result In Berlous damage was what chiefly nut the bears In control at the outset. Excellent authorities went on record with the as scrtlon that the fall sown grain had reached a stage of root development which would enable the plant to undergo exceptionally unfavorable conditions, freezing Included. To some extent corn rallied with wheat. hut not enough to overcome entirely the. eirecta ot an eariy DreaK uuo to ideal weather ror sneiung ana hauling. ShlDDers continued to report that re sellers. eaiL wero offertnir corn lower than the cereal would cost It laid down from here. There was a big trade in oats, which sold at the lowest prices so far this season. Owing to big stocks here and elsewhere, longs were free sellers, until other grain began to rally. Provisions snowed decided strenrth. mainly the result of higher Prices for nogs, it was aiso pointea out mat siocks of cut meats In the west are small com pared with last year, and that packing lor the weeK was ukb wise a laggard. Quotations ranged as follows; Artlclel Open. High. I Low. Close. I Safy. May. July. 92H 92U BH $S C&K 65S 92 !4 fan corn May. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mile ire and shrinkage. Your comlra. ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Comralaalon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LEQAti NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice Is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 4th day or aiarcn, a u. mi. ( H. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR, Secretary L'ncolti. Ncb February 2, 1914. Feb, I, SOt. 92 9Hi mi ssk 65 64 July. Oats May. July. Tork May. Lard SI'U 38 I 05 IHI 3Si 64i 8i 30 36 38' 3D 21 50 21 mil :t to 11 124) U 00 11 30 111 IS I ai vw 31 41, May. 11 00 11 12H H 00 11 30 ill 174 July.l 11 15 Ribs I May.i II 45 il taWi H H July.l 11 6tH' 11 77HI U 6214.1 U 774i 11 621 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 9i4Wtfe; No. 3 red, P3ttfl04ttc; No. 2 haw, t'lHc; No. 3 hard, WUic; No. 2 northern. WVWtVlVtc; No. 3 northern. S9 M4e; No. 2 spring, POJfOlc; No. 3 spring, KtfcUOc Corn: No. 2, 6HV?j624c, No. 2 white, OfiO6Hc; No. 2 Vollow, 64HClc; No. 3. 69&Wc; No. X white. 64!MrSc; No. 3 yellow, Single Oats. No. 3 white. 40Hc; N6. 3 white, 373sc;, standard, ISJUOUc Ryci No. 2, 61620. Barley, Htff'Ic. Timo thy, $X.76trfi.25. Clover, $11.70 14 MX Pork, $22.00. Lard. $10.S2.i. Ribs, $10.87tni.37K. BUTTER Steady; creameries, Hffisvtc. Eaas Steady: receipts. 10,03 cases: at mark, cases intluded, 2ltT2Sc, ordinary firsts. !Se; firsts. WUc FOULTiiY Alive. Higher; springs. 15Hc; fowls, 15o; turkeys, lee. CliKEtM i.ower; daisies, unwuttc; twins, lUnHo; Americas, 17H01c; long horns. 17k4?l73c. IKJTATOES Lower; receipts. 40 cars! Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, rod, GOfrGdc; Michigan. Aiinnosoia ana w is cousin, white, C3j"6Sc. N14W YORK CHNiniAI. MARKHT Quotations of the liny on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. l.-FLOt'R-Steady; spring Patents. $1 4004.60; winter straights, $4.154.23;. winter patents. $4.40H.63; spring clears, $4.0004.20: extra No. 1 winter, $3.5503.75; extra No. 2 winter, $3.35&3.M; Kansas straights, $4.0594.15. W 1 1 HAT Spot, steady; No. 2 hard win ter, 98Hc c. I. f., to arrive; No. 2 red. $100. nominal elevator, domestic; No, 1 northern Duluth I1.02H, f. o. b., afloat; No 1 northern Manitoba, J1.01U. f. o. b., afloat. Futures, easier: closed Ho net lower: Slay, 99ic; July, 9Hc. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 2 hard win ter. 9SHo c. 1. f. to arrive: No. 2 red, $l.00H nominal, elevator, domestic; No. 1 north ern Duluth. $l.02H, f. O. b afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba. J1.01H. f. o. b.. afloat. Futures, steady; closing ViOSo net lower; May, DOTic: July, oofce. HOPS Steady; state common to choice, 1913. 40CTI7C! 1912, 22024c. HIDES Steady: Bogota, SlnS2ic,; Cen tral Amerlci. iVAc PETROLEUM Steady: refined New York bulk, $5.25; barrels, $8.76; cases, $11.25. WOOLSteady; domestic fleece, XX Ohio. 25826c. CORN Spot, easy; new No. 3 yellow, 69o, o. I. f., to arrive. . OATS-Spot, dull; standard white. 44tt B45c, elevator; No. 3. 443'444c; fancy clipped, 454M7C HAY Quiet; standard, 97t4c0$l.OO; No. 1, $1.02401.05; No. 2, 9095o; Is, 3. S04IMc. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts, 30c; seconds. 28029c. PROVIHIONSPork. steady: mess, $23.60(ff24.OO; family, $24.004106.00: short clear, $20.60i8?2.OO. Beef, quiet: mess, $18.00818.60, family. $19.00ff2O.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, $12.25313.50; pickled hams, $14.00. Lard, steady: middle west, $10.7510.S5; ro flned, easy; continent. $11.40; South Amer ica. $12.15; compound, steady, $8.37Hctf S.62HC. TALLOW Quiet: city, C'Jo: special, 7Hc: country, CflGftc BUTTER Firm; receipts. 6,900 tubs; creamery held extras, 2727Uc; firsts, 254W4C. CHEESE Quiet and firm: receipts, COO boxes: state whole milk, fall and sum mer white specials, lSCflSlic; winter spe cials, 17K017&C. EGGS Weak: receipts, 9,600 cases; fresh gathered extras, 32633c: extra firsts, 30Wft31c; firsts, 29430c; refriger ator best. 27Vi28c. POULTRY Dressed, oulet and steady: fresh killed western chickens, 15924c; fowls, l&SISc; turkeys, 1825c. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 30c: Ameri can Swiss. 22c: block Swiss. 20c: twins. 20c; daisies, 20c: triplets, 20c; Young Americas, ac; Diue laoei uncK, wo; llmberger, 2-lb 20o; Now York white, 21c. FISH White. 13c: trout. 17c: large crao- pies, 11c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe. ner pair. uc; saimon. iuc: naiiDui. lie: buffalo, 9c: bullheads, 13c; channel cat- Itsli, lbc; piks, im; picKerei, izc. POULTRY Broilers. $4.00f6.00 per do.; liens, loc: cocas, uc: aucKS. a geese. m.i tnrlr.vB tilAnnv. rwr ft A tl 9n ducks full feathered, 12V4c; geese, full feathered, 11c; sauaba. No. 1, $1.50 to $3.00; No 2. 50o. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today In Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, UHc; No. 3 ribs. lOUc: no. 3 riDs, isttc: no. i loins. 18c; No. 2 loins, 17Ho: No. 3 loins, 14io; No. 1 cnucKS, ivfio; .no. a cpucas, jvhc; No. 3 chucks, 9?ic: No. 1 round, l3Wc: No. 2 round, 1-Hic; No. 3 round, 12o; No. 1 plates, sftc; jno. piaxes, bc; no. a piates. 'H?. rue roiiowine prices on iruiis ana vejre- tablcs ure. reported by the Olllnsky Fruit company: F"RTJITS Oranges: These navels are ot good color, sweet and juicy, quality best have been seen In years. Extra fancy "Sunklst" navels. 96. 126. 150. 176. 200 and 250 sizes, $2.50; extra fancy "Sun klst" navels, 250 size, $2.50; 2S8 size, $2.40; 324 size, $2.40; Florida Kumquats. por box. Z5c. Annies: isxtra nincy Wash ington Jonathlan. per box. IZ.7&: White winter fearmains, per uox,; taano Black Twig, per box, $2.25; Rome Beauty, per box, $2.25; Wlnesaps, $2.50; extra fancy Idaho Northern Spy, Greenings or Kings, per box, $2.00; extra fancy Idaho Rombos, Der dox. Ji.7t: uen uavis. per DDI.. Ji.uu: Gano, $6.00; Wlnesap. $7.00; Missouri Pip- hlna fit Tii T ft Tvfrn finrv Run. ktsC 2008 and S00a, per box, JO, 00; extra TTaA T"? 1 1 lamnni tVa nnA IBfim bltUsVG Akv IUIUW1101 WVO aSW VWW per box, $5.00; choice, $4.00. Grapes: Im ported Malaga, extra fancy, $7.60; fancy. j7.w. urapeiruu: rionaa xangennes, per box. $2.50: extra fancy Florida. 28.; 4 ana vo,; m, m ana so, ixw. (Jranuernes: rer dox., VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine Red River Karlv Ohio, ner bu.. S1.00: Rurals or Burbanks, per bu., 85c; Idaho lturais, per du., wc. sweet potatoes: Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $1.50. red, per lb., 4c; new California, 3c. Onions; Utilo large iiea uiodo, per id., sc; In diana yellow. 2c: Spanish, per crate. 11.&0. Tomatoes: Cuban, per 6-basket crate. $4.25. MitsuisLJjAXNCAjuH cauiomia iigs. 12 3!-ox. pkgs., 85c: CO 6Oa. pkgs.. $2.00; DiacK ties, is li-oz. nacxatres. xi.go: 7. crown imported figs, per lb., IScj 3-crown Importea iigs, per id., uc uromedary brand dates, pkg.. $100: Anchor brand dates, nkg.. Haiowie dates, ner lb.. 7Hc Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Carrots, per lb., zc. uceis, per id., zc. uurnips, per lb., zc RutaDagas, per id., iwc. cantor nla Jumbo celery, per dox., 85c. Cider, per Keg, per naio udi., fc.o, enai- lots, per dox., 60c. Parsley, per doz., 40c Radishes, per doz.. 50c. Head let tuce, per doz., ll.OOr home-grown leaf lettuce, per doz., 40c. Green peppers, per basket, toe. wax or green Deans, per hamper, $5-00. Hot house cucumbers, per dozen, .tM- uauuuower, per crate, z.xj. Venetian garlic, per lb., UVic. Eggplant. per aoz., i.w. xiorseraaisn, z ooz. oot . I ,n r. n maw na& 99 Art IF1... No. 1 soft snen. per ID., iso. Medium pecans, per lb., lie; pecans Jumbo, per lb., 15c. Filberts, per lb., 15c. Drake almonds, per id., jsc; uraziis. Per lb.. lSc Black walnuts, per lb.. 2c. Raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., ,7c; Jumbo pea- nun, per iv,, ou, iumi vcuuuto, wsr iu., 8Vic. Sliell bark hickory nuts, per Id.. 5s; large hickory nuts, per lb., 4c. Whlto luce popcorn, per id., a. uncKers, -per iw-DKg. case, w-wj; per co-pug. case, ii.ts. .,. nnw ...I, T fl. U uutUMI.I ui .ai.. w.vv, vat.,,, ov. Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per lb., 10c: sacK or DDI, lots, yc. woney, wnite Clover, Z4-section case, per case, $3.50. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 4. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard, 84HSc; No. 2 red, MttUtBMC. CORN no. z mixed. 63c: No. 3. tic: no. 3 wnue, tsvyese; no. z. ae. UATS-No. 2 White. V4W0c: NO, mixed. 3SHC3Sc, wheat May. S6Ho; July, 82Hc CORN May. 67 (4c: July. 64Hc BUTTER Creamery. 2Sc; firsts, I7cj seconas. c; pacKing, lie. EGGS Firsts. 25Hc; seconds. 20c. POULTRY Hens and springs, 13c St, Louis aencrnl Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 4. WHEAT No. red. 9254ttc; No. 2 hard, 8$H693o; May. iV.iimc; juiy. KrtiHfci'kc. CORN-No. 2, &QXWsi No. 2 white, ae: May. C7Kc. July. WWc. OATS-No. 2. 40341c; No. 2 white, 409 40HC, May, v July, wvje. RYE-COc, NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Investment Buying Continues in Fair Volume. DEMAND FOR SHARES GAINS President' Proclamation I.lttlnK Embargo on Arm Into .Mexico Una I.lttlr Kffoct an Trnrilnjr NKW YORK. Feb. 4.-1itvrstment buy ing ot stocks ond bonds cnntlnueil In fair volume twlay, with an Increasing demand J for shares with well established records ! ns dividend payers. The effect of this I buying was neutralized by tho tendency of professional operators to play for a reaction, and an a result tho day a move- j tnont wus contused. The upward and j downward swings recently havo balanced each othejr so evenly that the price nv-! crags varies only slightly from thnt ot j lunniKui hko, nnu ll wan inc ict-iiuk ot hoard room trndara that n substantial setback was to be looked for before the market would develop sustained strength. Thero wan some selling of stocks on this theory, but tho bears jvero able to mako llttlo headway. Tho market eased off In the early trad ing, but quickly hardened. During the mid-session quotations advanced under the lead of Reading and Smelting, but in only a few cases did tho upturn In the popular shares exceed fractions. Toward tho end of tho session selling became more vigorous and tho list turned down ward sharply, until many ot tho active stocks were forced xmder yesterday's close. President Wilson's proclamation lifting tho embargo on shipment of arms to Mexico had llttlo effect on tho market other than to stimulate shares of com panies directly concerned with Moxlcai- conditions. On the theory that the presi dent's action brought nearer tho estob. Itshment of peace In Mexico these stocks, such an Mexlcivi Petroleum and Pmeltlug, were bid up strongly. General Motors continued to fluctuate Irregulnrly. It opened off 4 points at 62, as compared with yesterday's high of 63. Lnter It shot up to WH and closed at 66V4. New Havon and the Can shares were wenk. ino steei trado reviews reachod further Improvement. Pic Iron onttmt In Jmui- ary was lft).000 tons less than In Decem ber owing to the accumulation during tho recent slump of large supplies of pig Iron, which were drawn on last month. ''nu ww strong. Total Bales, par alue, $4,350,000. United Hint, Tycre unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks wero; 5alea. High. Low. Ooee. ArailitrailM Copptr . Araerlciii Agrlcullurtt Amerlrin Ilret 8ur. . American Cnn American Can prd. ... j,po mi 7IU TT 400 4 Mb "aol (3 MH t 27 ' C9 :,oo) J.S04 1,70 300 4,400 ' 'i.'ooo MOO 4 44'4 28 , sii 71K s st'i 4Ji I7t 10 ADirnrnn v.. s r ... ... American Cotton Oil,. Am. Ice Kfcurltlct... . Aiaerlctin Unad American Locamotlv , American 8. ft It Am. s. n. pfd 103 107 Am. nugir iifiiDlnr... Amtrlcan T. A T son ion io oo 1H itlS American Tobacco C0J 151 14 1 U 1474 Anaconda Mlntnr Co.... 4,soo X1K 3IS 2, TOO Ith PIS Atchlaon pfd Atlantic coairt Linn llaltlmora tc Ohio... I0 101i 101S 100 4,100 too 4,000 4'4 4Si 35S 341, 91V4 m Dathlchcm Steal ........ Drooktrn Itapld Tr...... Canadian raclflo Ontral Laathrr 81U 14,300 !.D)t 2IIU HIS, Chaaapnlfa St. Ohio , 09 7i 7 M tDO 14 14 14 2,oo ion; m :oir, l.ZM U 133 135 1.400 34 3JH 33V. ltH i.eoo ini un u SU0 1UU 11814 uilcuo O. W Chicago, M. & fit. I.... Chicago & N. W... Colorado Fuel & Iron.... coniolldated Gai Ootn Products IMIawar & lludaon...... Oenrer Illo Omndc. .. Uenvtr & Ii. O. p(d... . DUtlllera' Sacurltlta ... II 3K) 2,400 7.700 1.000 am 1H Ii 4tt II II 3Hi 48S 17. 31H Brio Erin ,t pfd Krla Sd ptd General Elcctrlo 3)0 141 14S 1474 Great Northern rrfd 154 H 133; 134M ureal jMormrrn oro cm, 31 3li 37 linnoii central 114 Inlerborough Met Inter. Met. ptd,., International Iltrvaiter., Inter-Marine ptd International 1'aper ..... 1,000 It S00 (2H 200 111 II0!4 101 I3S 1,000 0i 10 10 international ramp ..... Ktntaa Cltr Southern... g 300 37H 27 27 :oo 101 100 1M14 4,700 HlU U3fi 134 3l lid 13l'i 13(4 1,300 1MH I32H 134U. COO 33 33 23 100 23 rj" 37H 100 137!i J37U 1I7H , 60 12l t,l00 94 14 SI 400 k soy, 304; 1,600 lOSt; lgsk 309 "it 71 73 I.W WM 117H 117i H 1,600 11JH UHi UH4 40O 124V4 1I4H irt',4 J705 '23V4 23 H 33T4 1,400 4IU 4514 43 ut; 41,100 lOH 1C7K l(l4 too H UK V4 'ilooo 'ioii "iii 3 6, W0 ltU 14H SO0 13 6 6,400 IJli W. 2114 7,100 61 61 H 66t JIH 17,100 tY, SIH VA .J00 :m UV4 37 1.KO0 KSK 84 li 1114 3,200 IIH Mli 35H mi :i.4oa un4 juk 163 600 16 3614 "Ii SW M W 65 1,300 60 6314 6814 tt.200 C6K 6H C6H 600 11 Ui 110U HOT 7.IW 66 66A 6Jli 1,400 3114 30ti 30Vi 200 1H 3 2ti 6U 600 33 3314 33 600 6IU 64 3 Loot 7i 7iH :u; 6U 13,000 41 42 JS 6.600 74H 73ti 71H 6,004 10 1994 iiU Icleda Oa , Ihlgh Valley LAUIirllle NiihtlMe.. M.. tit. P. A H. Rte. M. lllMOurl, K. & T Mlaaourl I'acltlo . National Dlacult ....I... National tad N. 11. II. of M. 2d ltd.. New Tork Central N. Y.. O. A W (Norfolk & Weatern North American Northern Pacific , Pacific Mall PennarlTinla reopla'a rjas P.. C. C. A St. I. Plttiburgh Coat Preaaed Bteel car.. ..... Pullman Palace Car...,. Iteadlnx llepubllo Iron A Hleet... llepubllo I. & S. ptd nocv itiana l:o Hock Ulond Co. pfd St. L. 8. K. ii ptd... Seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. U pfd Blon-gheftleld S. & I,.. Southern Pacltlo Southern IlaJlwar ....... Ho. Hallway pfd Tenneeiea Copper Teiaa A Pacific Union Pacltlo Union Pacltlo pfd United Htatea Ileal!?.... ITnltA RtAtM Rubber.... United Statu Steel U. H. Steel pfd r... Utah Copper Va. -Carolina. Chemical .. Wabaia Wauaih pfd Weatera Maryland Wheeling A Lake Krte., ohlno fJoppr ir v rvn. CToonar. Tol&l aaiea IOC am wvw ,,-. Ner York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 4.-MONEY-Call. steady; 1H2 Per cent; ruling rate, 1H per cent; closing- bid, 11T4 per cent. Tlma loans, easier; sixty aaja, tri per cent: ninety days. 3S84 per cent, six months, 2A per cent MERCANTILE 1'At'lGH J4Vi per cent. 8TERWNO EXCHANUH Htcany; sixty-day bills, 4.84; demand, J4.swa Commercial bills, J4.83. SILVER Bar, nw; Mexican dollars. 46c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. strong. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. 8. rat. la. rcf... "'K. C. Ho. rcf. 6a tt do coupon IIV4I B. dab. 4a 1111., 11 U. S. 3a, r6T. 103 L. A N. unl. 4....M do coupon 10214 M. K. A T. lit 4a. tl U. B. 4a, ret 111 da gen, 414 64 da coupon HI 'Mo. Pacific 4a...., 14 Panama 3a coupon.. 10114 do eonr. 6...,.., 76V4 Amer. Ac. 6s 10114 N. It. 11. ot M. 4'4 60 A. T. A T. er. 4a. S H. y. c. r. VA, . 6114 Am. Tobacco a....lli 'do deb. 4a It Armour & Co. 4fta.. r. h. ii. a h. Alrbleoa gen, Is. .. cr. is. a 7 do ct. 4a 140, do CT. 6a i A, C. L. lit 4a.. Ual. A Ohio 4.. do 3Ha Tlrook. Tr. ct. 4a .. MU N. A W. lit t 4i. 4i ..101 do tr. 4 20i4 .. ti No. Paelfle 4a....,, lit .. M do l. I. aiij .. tViO. 8. L. rfdf. 4a. .. 34 .. i7raon. cr. ana 1116.. v) ,,104 do con. 4e 5i Cen. of oa. a Cen. Leather 6a.,., Chee. & Ohio 4Ua do coot. 4Ha. . Chicago tc A. 3Ha.. C. D. A Q. j. 4i., do aen. 4a... IKIUodlna; sen. 4a,.., K14 66 8. L. & 8. P. fg 4a 77; I4K Ao res. 6i 6t4 66 St. L. 8. W. e. 4a. 76'A WliS. A. L. adj. 6a... . W, bv. rac coi, fi. I2V4 a M 1 1 r o ihi..io3 a It. I. A P. c 4a 47 to tr. 4a IK do let ref. 4a. II Aa rfr. 4 7 So. Rallarar I 10114 . 75'4 C. & 8. r A 414a 4 do gen. 4a D. A If. CT. 4a. Ml. Union Pacific 4(,... 67 n. 1l U. G. nt 6a73K do er. i Ml Dlatlllera' ta 66U Mo lit a ref. 4a., HV4 Erie p. I. 4a 644iU rt. Hubbar e..,.1034; do gen, 4a 7S44 U. 8. Hte d 6a.. 10IU . . . n . . ... n . "IT' ao ov. . uueiu. aa..... in III. Cen lat r. it... 63 Wabaeh lat A ex. 4e 61 Inter. Met. 4Va. -. 76 Weetern Mr. 4a... . 60 Inter- M. M. 4Vje... M waat. Rlee. or. 6a. 1144 Japan 4Ua alHWla. Central 4. . 66V4 . . . . , . ...... Local Seanrltles. QuoUtlona furslehed by Burs. Brtnker A C.. 441 Omaha Na' tonal bask building! Bid. Aak. Auburn. Keb.. la. till it jog Aberdeen L. 4 P. Co., 6a. mi t 10 American Can 6a. UK...., H IS Cudahy Packing Co., 6a. 1WI 10014 101 Cedar Co.. Neb.. Son. Ola. 6a. lilt.. II jao Detroit Term, ft Tun. 414a. 11 lia; kju Daara A Co. pfd. .. , 17(4 Dundee. Nab., 6a, 1123 II 100 Pea Molnea. Kb. 4 Ha. 1MJ , .... 1XH4 101 li Pall KIT Co.. a D.. ta. 1133 110 JIU7 Fairmont Creimery T vt cent pfd.. II too Kalrmont Creamery per cent ruar,, M14 10014 Harrta 1., Tel.. 4l4e. 1161. Ill, llu luwa fir U. ta, 113:. tl II tfe-wn nit, r , lit ptd Mrii Co., Mo. rtr . m Ottum, It . Kh. 4U Olr nt Omitil . Omiht A i" l. ttu dr.. Itn. Omtlm A t n St. fir. rtd Omh Kle. U. A lW.. pt4 P.rltlc TH. t. fc, 1HI IMrot sound T. U A 1. , tjiloa HtV SIR Halt lf tth. 4'H. IWt tfIU . To M, 1MI. SroVtn I ml i: It. It. . 1M... skhii ir 'f. , lw bimx Otr sm. Ydt. tts 1M IK IMV mil , w m . icon Mi HI L II U , n m , U IH . S'i 1M US M , 1M lit . ft'i lcou , 91 Ronton Slock lnrkt. BOSTON, Feb. 4.-Closlng dUotatlons on siockb wcif: Allour z WNtU ron. . . . 77 MplMlnr Minn SOHNVnh llntt .... Jl-UN'orlh I-nkr .... . DM Dominion ,. IK Onrl U Oulacr 1H Aml. Oapi'fr A. T L P. Arlion CVm. I 'I. Artton tVI. Uftlt 7 ao tH . m . . H . 0i :P . 43 . 4i It H . 47 i f nirnni.i .. Topper Hans C. 0. tS hull C. M . VnnVltn (It4nbr Oon . (Irwin rintnrit . HI Itnttlo Copprr. Krr l)tr Oep(r 1.4 fill. Copptr. Mltml tVpptr . . Mrlitwk AifJ. 40 shannon lt Superior 4i ROKrlor II. h MHTmiirrk .. . (OS U. H. H, It 3i io ru H fth ln U t'ih Coprr Co. 4 V Winona Nil WoWetine I.nndnn Stol( Mnrkel. LONDON. Fob. 4.-Amerlcan securities opened steady and a fraction higher to day. Realizing depressed the list during tho early trading. At noon values rnnged from ic higher to one point below porlty. Consols tor money, 7m; for arcmnit, 77',: I'nlou Pacific, UK'. Uari silver. ea&y, zsftd; money, HflUi three month!, 1 IS-IORJ. sort bills, l'; Mctnl Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. firm, at $4.101r4 .20; Iindon. 20. Bpolter, firm, at $5.OifG.50; lmlon. C21 7s 6d. Copixr. strong; standarl spot and Feb ruary, $14.2.vrfl4.75; March, $14.3nffH.Vi; April, SU.MUjU.STH: May. $14.HW14 87W; clectmlytlc. $14.r?Hfl5.O0; lake. $l,i.00. nominal; castings, $14.62 44114.75. Tin, firm; sKt to April. $40.S7HT4l.l24; May, $41.00 041.25. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, $7.25. Iron, steady mid unchanged. Ion1on markets closed as follows: Cop. per, teudy; spot, 66 15s 9d; futures, lt7. Tin, strong; spot. UK7 10s; futures. 1SS 10. Iron. Cleveland warrant. 51s 10Sy. ST. 1H'IH. Feb. 4.-.METAI-lx!ad, quiet, at JI.O7HW4.10. Spelter, firm, at $5.25. Cotton SInrkel. NEW YORK. Feb. 4.COTTON-Fu-turos closed steady j March, 12.32c; Mny, 12 0Cc; July, 12.01c; August, ll.SOc; Octo ber. 11.62 Spot, uulct: middling, !2.7Rc; gulf, 13.00c. tX)TTON-Cloed steady. 2 to 5 points net higher. NKW YORK. Feb. 4.-tX)TTON-4Tloed steady. 3 to 6 points net higher. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 4. COTTON Boot. good business done; prices easier: mid dling, fair, 7.C9d; good middling. 7.37d: middling. 7.03d: low middling. 0.7M: good ordinary, COld: ordinary, 6.51d. Bales, 12.000 ba'cs. Sllnnpnpiills flrnln MnrkPt. MINNHAl'OI.lS, Minn.. Feb. 4. WIIHAT No. 1 hard, 9lic: No. 1 north ern. oSHtrOOHc; No. 2 northern, K57,flSTic: No. 3. S2T4CMT,c; May, SCTic; July, OOUc. FIX)im-Unchangod. nARI.Hn'-43417c. IlY15-C3CBc. IlllAN Unchanged. CORN No. 3 yellow, 66UflCMo. OATS No. 3 white, 35iW35?c. FIaAX-Jl.4G01.6OV4. Coffee Slnrkrl. NEW YO'RK, Feb. 4.-COFFRK-A few over-night selling orders caused an open ing decline of 1 to 2 points In today's coffee market, but prices soon rallied on scattored covering and bull support. Tho close was steady at a net advance of 8 to 10 points. Hales, 29,000 bags. Febru ary, 9.17e: March, 9.23c: May, 9.44c: July, 9,Wc: Beptomber, 9.7!cj October, 9.84o; De cember, 9.93c. Spot, steady: Rio No. 7, 9HC Santos No. 4. 12c. Mild, quint; Cor dova, 13&16C nominal. Umnlin liny Mnrket, OMAHA. Fob. 2.-PRAIRIE HAY No. 1 to choice upland, 19.604T10.00: No. 2, 18.604T3.dO: No. 3. '17.0ftffS.li6: No. 1 td choice midland, M.00O9.60; No. 2. IS.OOJJ 9.00! No. 3. J7.0Oli3.O0; No. 1 to cholco lowland. 17.004JS.O0: No. 2, i:6,0a7.00; No. T lK.OMf.00. STRAW Choice oat and rye, JI.BWJ ts.oo; cholco wncat, ji.wno.w, ALFALFA Cholco nea-green variety. Jia.00ffll3.60; No. 1, JU.OOll 13.00; No. 2, J9.00S11.00; No. 3. J7.00O9.00. Liverpool fJmln MorkRt. MVERI'OOL, Fob. 4. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red, western, winter, 7S 5d; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 2d; NO. 2. 7s 1W', No, 3, 7s Md. Futures, ensy: March, 7s 2V4d; May, 7a i?id: July, 7s lftd. CORN wpou steauy; Atnoricnn, mixou, Cs 8H1. Xu. Plata futuroa weak; Feb ruary, 4s 7Hd; Murch, 4s BUd. Wlltin IVInl.. nnt.nll m f.A Dry tlooda Market, NIUW YORK. Feb. 4. DRY QOODB Worsted and cotton yarns markets were steady to firm today. Retailers are ouy- lnir carefully, but steadily. Heavy cot tou goods wero in iicuer uemana ai tow prices. Staple dress goods wero ordered won nv cutlers. Kvnpnrnled Apples mid Dried Frnlla NEW YORK. Feb. 4. EVAPORATED APPI-.KS-Q.ulet. DRIED FUUIT I'runes, quiet, uut steady. Apricots, firm, but Inactive. peaches, quiet, unisins, auu. ()1U ii lid RorIii. NEW YORK. Feb. 4. COTTONSEED OIL Steady; prime suramor yellow, 17.05 437.12: March, 17.13; May, J7.J3; July, J7.63. ROalN juiet. TURPENTINE Bteady. CHICAGO LIVE HTOCIC MARKET Cattle Htendy to Dime II Inner Sheep fltroiig. , CHICAQO. Feb. 4.-CATTnE-Rccelpts. 14,000 head: market steady to 10c higher; beuves, J7.0OQ9.(jO: Texas steers, ja.W3JK.00; western steers. IO.GOS'7.90: stackers and feeders, Jj.ooas.10: cows and heifers, J3.C0 HiS.bO: calves. 17.2&4U1O.C0. HOOS Receipts, 35,000 head; market strong, generally So higher: bulk ot sales, IS.40S6.46. mixed. JS.20fl8.60; heavy. JS.S0I? S60: rmiah. S8.20iZra.23: PIRB. XQ.76US.3U. BlitSKl AN DUAM11U ueceipis, ll.UW head; marKet strong to iuc nigner, aa vance mostly lost; native, J4.7OS6.90; western. t4.EOfIC.00: yearlings. J6.70UG.8S: lambs, native, J8.bWf.WJ; M'estern, jo.svjp 7.80. Slonr City Live Ntoclc Murk4(. SIOUX, City. Ia Feb. 4. CATTLE Rece nts. 1.000 heud: market strong: na tive steers, J7.2Mr&30: butchers' stock, J5.60 6T7.26: cows and heifers. I0.wa.w: can vera, 4.0OJ26.2i; atockera and feeders, J7.0 m.60; calve. 17,00310.11); nuns, stags, etc. 3.60a.s5. HOGrt- Receipts. 4.609 head: market steady; heavy, J8.S00jg.30: mixed, ts.itip 8.20: light, J8.0OfJ8.O5; bulk ot sales, J6.50 iETROO. SHEEP AND IjAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady to 10a lowertfed mut tons. ID.Wtt'J.w; WRinero,; ewes. J4.00atV.lA; lambs, J0.0OaJ.6O, ' St. Louis Live Block Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 4.-CATTI.B-Re celpts, 3,900 head; market strong to 10c higher; beef steers, J7.60U9.2o; cows and heifers, J4.2&Q&60; stockers and feeders ri.00M7.60: southern steers, JS.768.00: cows and heifers, 4.f3!-; calves, 6.0 HOOS Receipts, 17,600 head; market nlas and lights. J7.00UK.S: mixed and butchers, J8.36iiS.00; good heavy, J8.60 618. GO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,400 head; market steady; lambs, 100 hlghor muttons, J5.PPU6.W; lamos, ii.wxgi.iv. St, Joseph Live Stock Sfarket. HT. JOHEPH. Feb. 24. CATTLE R. celpts, 1,400 head; market steady; steers, J7.00QV.OO: cows ana neuers, 4i.0Wt8.w calves. X5.ouwiu.wi. IIOGS-Recclpts, 7,000 head; market steady to 6c lower; top, JS.4S; bulk of tales. I4.00ao.3S. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Itecelpts. 2,000 head; market steady; lambs, ja.&og7.fA Live Stock In Hlght. Receipts of live stock at the sis prln Hunt markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Sioux City 1.030 4.000 2.000 Kansas City 4,000 10.000 6 000 St. Louis 3,200 17,600 1.4CO Chicago , 14,000 85,000 17,00(1 Kt, Joseph ,. 1,400 7,000 2.000 South Omaha 2,400 12,100 4.HJ Totals ,26,000 1300 32,200 OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Killing; Cattle Very Slow and Steady to Ten Lower. H0QS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Hxlrriuply Light Receipt of Sheep and I.ninbo More 1ttcn I'minl Mlronir 4n Ten I'lflrrn lllgher. Than In SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 4. 1911. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.6W rt.132 7.4SJ 9.147 Official Tuesday ... hMlmato Wednesdny . 4,322 . 2,400 13,074 12,20) 4.W0 Throe days' totals., ,.lo,3SS alno days last week. .16,429 Sumo 2 weeks no 15.524 Same 3 weeks ago 1R.S.7 funo 4 woks ago .15.6SS bnmo days last year.. .13,876 31.400 3X.S94 29,037 31.630 ,20(l 31.SW 21,30) 45,171 37,051 33,;ao 26,2J clpts South The following table shuns the of esttle, hogs and sheep at t:ie Omaha live stock market for the year to dsto as compared with last year: . . 1911. WIS. Inc Deo. Cattlo 9G.2S3 93.RSS 1,393 Hogs , 2S5,S!7 ."XW.533 23,063 Sheep 247,702 227,171 20,531 The following table shows the rang ot prices for hogs at the South Omaha llv ttock market far the last few days, with comparisons: Data. 1914.!iW.imi.US'10.ll!OU.l'.OJI. Jan. ntli. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 18.1 7 ld C 041 7 V8 6 us 7 84 8 441 0 8 UI 3 J 4 ZJ 421 IK. 20. 21. Ii, 23. 21. 8 !04 8 rsV 6 K 7 fiS 8 3t 6 m. 8 Sl! 7 27 WA' 7 2J S 32, 6 J 4 23 S 1SH K 51 V. 6 89 8 a 021 4 12 7 23 6 M 7 63 7 001 0 00 4 Oft 7 1 6 91 8 20 4 13 7 S0 7 K 7 60 8 061 6 061 4 21 7 92 6 00 2. 57.1 8 Ji 6 961 7 4J 8 19',t 7 25 G Sll 7 491 8 021 6 021 4 27 :8. 8 W4I 7 32 I 7 43 8 03 6 91 4 29 6 931 I 8 04 5 981 4 00 an. 29.1 b 07m 7 331 Jan. M.l S lSUI 7 M 02 7 5I I 0 HI 4 13 Jan. 31. 0 4 'I 4 10 b, 1.. 2.. 3 Fob. 8 26 8 IMi cb. eb. 4.. I 8 17HI Suncay. Rocclpts and disposition of llvo stock at the Union ritock yards. South Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at J o'clock yesterday: RliCKIITS-OARB. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. & Bt. I. Ry. wooash liy l Mo. Facltlo Ry 6 I o.l (i (r.l , 1110 1- 7 29 6 9C 7 26 8 30 6 22 ) 6 00 7 26 8 .1 0 03 7 30 6 05 7 SS 8 30 6 l( 4 16 7 421 1 7 40 8 29 0 041 4 H 1 26 4 11 60 4 11 4 6 v 3 35 B 16 - .. 2 8 172 21 Union lnclfIo Ry.. 14 & N.-W.. east.. S C. & N.-W., west.. 16 C, BL V., M. A O.. S 11, & u.. east.. 13 C 13. & Q west.. 21 C. R. 1. & I, east'13 Illinois Central Ry. 2 C, Q. W. Ry.. ...... I Total receipts 107 DtHPOSITlOiN-HHAD. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co in 1.0.W 1.117 1,241 667 1,928 Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co 436 690 447 11. 4 10 C8 47 33 1S3 35 74 40 90 2 2t 87 74 1 7 27 23 106 151 2,701 3,621 2,633 Alurrrll Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. Kenton, V. S. & L,ush,, Hill & Son F. II. Lewis Huston & Co J. R. Root &. Co H. Bulla I.. F. Husz llosanstock Bros.,.,.,.. Worthelmer & Degen.. Sullivan Bros , Rothschild Mo. & Knn. Calf. Co... Chrlstla Hlgglns (.. Meyers i. Raker. Jones & Smith. Tanner .....i Harvey rn. I 682 Total 2,798 10,074 6.62G CATTIK Receipts wore extremely light for a Wednesday and the total tor the three days amounts to only 10,388 head, being around 6,000 head smaller than for tho corresponding period during recent weeks and 3.000 head smaller than for tho corresponding tlmo a year ago. It spits of tho light rcceluts the market was In very unfavorable condition, so far as boot steers wero concerned. Chicago has been getting too many cattle and the eastern consuming centers have been flooded with beef. Aa a result tha demand for llvo cattlo at all points has been extremely poor all week. Tho trado this. morning was not only slow, but prices were anywhere from steady to 10a lower. Tho only remedy for existing conditions Is for lighter receipts of cattlo at east ern points, such as Chicago, and thus glvo tho market a chanco to recover. Cows and heifers woro very slow and, at thn best, were barely steady with yoi- leruay, Thero were only a very few .dockers and feeders In sight and the moved at about steady prices, but tho feeling was that with anything like liberal receipts the market would havo boon a llttlo lower In sympathy with tho weakness In beef steers. Quotations on cattle: uood to choice boof steers. J8.23S8.75; fair to good beot steers, J7.80418.23; common to fair beet steers, xg.tiut.u; good to Choice corn-fed heifers. JS.76ff7.75; good to cholco cows, J6.6O&7.60; fulr to good grades, J5.4O06.5O: common ta fair grades, J4.00a3fi.40; good to choice stockers and feeders, J7.60fi8.00: fair to good stockers and feeders, J7.25n 7.60; common to fair stockers and feed ers. 6u.vbv.2o; siock cows ana neuers, calves, JS.OotgiO.25; bulls, stags, etc., J3.60 07.25. Representative saies: BEEF BTEI5R& No. i. . 6... 4 ... I.... :o.... ii. ... 4..., 7.... 6.... 4.... 10.... 17.... 16.... I.... ..., .,.. 7.... 21.. ,. Ar. lilt ...... 740 , 763 1043 , 666 in MJ Ill) , 663 160 1000 171 146 610 112 Itl 131 Tr. ( M 7 00 7 40 7 40 7 46 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 ea 7 16 7 70 7 76 No. 44..., 21... 6... 7.... 31... II... 11.., .,. 22... 16... 7... 13... ll.l. At. .., 160 ...1120 ...110S ...1017 ...1040 ... 715 ...1370 ...1133 ...1117 ...1144 ...1111 ...1231 ...1371 ...1211 Pr. 7 60 7 60 7 tO 7 66 7 W 7 W 6 00 I 10 I 10 6 10 I 10 I 16 6 20 I 30 6 60 I 30 I 31 8 60 71. 34.....,,,.., 1663 70... 1316 1 1660 1 6 .1036 7 76 YEARLING BBBVIS3. 11. . 25... 7... 4... 1.,. 1... 7... I... 2... 1... 13... 7... 2... I... 2... I... 163 4 60 BTKKI18 AND HEIFERS. 732 7 60 It Ill 1066 7 70 7 60 4JUW .... 37 ..,.1100 ..,.1240 ....1073 .... .... 606 .... HO .... M4 ..,.1061 ....10C4 .... 114 ....1110 .... 660 ....1076 4 66 6 00 6 36 6 6 36 1..... 1160 1191 1300 1023 1003 127 6 23 6 26 6 40 I 60 I 66 6 CO ui!.'.' io'.!!i 6 60 6 69 6 tl 6 76 6 66 4 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 6 03 ( 16 1310 6 60 ...... 710 I 60 UI3 667 1306 1340 1123 1061 1364 1066 1000 6 63 16 I 66 I I 66 6 66 e 76 75 60 7 00 8.. f ,,,,.1ZI 17. 4..... 2..,. 3..,. 6. 1.... 6..,. .... 4..., 3..., 2.... 23.... 1.... 1.... 1..., 1.... 1..., 1.... 3... 1.... 16..,. 30.,.. 16,.,. 1.... I.... 1.... J.... I.... II.... 2.... 31..,. till Hi 6 26 i.. Itl COWS AND HEIFISRS. ...1026 6 70 7 00 1... 10 711 7 il 7 26 ,.U(,(J 7... 7 00 HEIFERS. , 110 , 710 . 633 i 713 , 700 , CI1 6 40 I 60 0 60 1 16 6 60 7 00 660 7 00 , 74L 7 15 i 635 7 36 , 76 7 33 , 770 7 40 . 672 7 45 10.. BULLS. .... C60 .... too ....1030 ..,.1620 ....1570 ,.,.1310 ,,..1633 .,,.1620 .... 634 .... 401 .... 860 .... 664 .... 620 .... 116 5 60 I.. ,.,.1460 ....1210 ..,.1610 ....1616 ....1440 ....1110 .... tw 76 6 74 6 66 6 DO 7 16 7 16 7 23 6 00 6 K 49 60 6 66 6 76 6 76 CALVEB. 1 40 7 66 7 IS 7 76 6 00 8 64 00 9 64 1. 104 I 50 60 I 75 6 75 340 100 130 130 10 00 160 10 00 160 10 00 300 16 6 FEEDERS. 730 7 45 160 1.. STOCKERS AND 4l too 714 777 1011 720 63 633 ..... . 702 631 , 636 6 00 6 10 76 W 7 00 7 05 7 10 7 15 7 60 7 30 7 40 10.. 11.. .. 20.. 2., 23.. 6.. 45 . 3.. 2., 4-. 177 ........ 674 ., tn IK , 660 643 10M 1610 ,, .... 1060 .-, 1063 7 45 7 45 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 66 7 66 7 65 7 15 16. It 12 . 7 4 I 0 I T40 7 68 1 10J4 7 70 .. i. II.. 40.. 40 7 lilt 7 ,6 7.40 16 I7 7 76 WKSTKtllNH OX Hros.-Utttlt. 66 feeders.. looo 7 7(1 m feeders.. 9f7 57 feeders.. lW 7 7 60 feeders.. 9J6 4 feeders.. 10M 7 75 ' COLORADO. 69 steers... 1217 7 90 7 75 7 Ii J. It. Hata i-Utah. 81 feedprs. I bull .567 7 7t 4cedcrs.. 937 7 0) .1410 6t Joseph HatOh-tJtall. 7R feeders.. 1030 7 80 13 feeders. m , 810 700 6 23 0 feeders.. 10.M 7 00 2stcors... 6 7S Larson Utah. 2 bulls 1435 O. 3 feeders.. 1033 7 80 8 heifers. 6 60 lbull.... . $67 .1560 7 00 6 65 7 00 11 cows 1075 Mil Hnenecr Utah. M feeders.. 1021 7 SO 8 fccdcrs..l02i 1 bull 1260 6 X HoaS--Recelpts amounted to about 177 cars. or 12,200 head, making tho total for tlio.chreo days something like 31,406, This is over 7,oou smaller than last weeK, nnu more than 1,000 lighter than for tho same days n year ago. lne market opened about tho samo as on provloun days ot tho week, and aslilo from a few loads bought at nearly steady prices by shippers' nothing much wan done until nearly 10 o'clock. Packers finally started out bidding prices that were as much as Sff 10c lowor. but the mnat of tho salesmen wero of tho opinion that, values ought at, least to be steady, ami nothing changed hands on this basis, A. llttlo later on buyers offered to com. promise on a nickel decline, and some so lers cashed nt theao flmiren. Thn big end of tho offerings were still unsold However, and in tho end killer buyers came to time, boosting offers up to Tuesday's level and cleaning up tho bal ance of tho supply on this basis. .Movement. Which Wat verv itrnrcv early, livened up as tha morning ad vanced and the big end of tho offer ings had bcon sold In fair season. No. At. Bh.. Pr. No. At, . 2it ..330 fih, 124 rr, I IX 6 16 8 16 6 16 IS I 30 5 20 6 20 8 30 6 20 6 30 6 :o I 20 6 20 6 30 I M I 20 8M1i 6 36 6 S I I 25 I 36 t 26" I IS 6 El 8 26 8 36 6 2.1 26 g n 6 66 6 35 s mi 6 60 6 50 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 8 8 Ii 13. 12.. 3., 3t.. 31., 33,. ...167 ...163 ...170 ....160 ....163 ....111 . ..114 I 60 7 60 7 60 7 M 7 66 T M 7 61 7 15 7 ) I P0 I 00 00 6 00 6 CU 6 00 6 M I M 6iS 6 03 6 01 6 a, n; 6 01 I 03 6 Q 6 10 8 1 ll I 10 I 10 n io 10 I 16 6 16 6 16 IS 16 8 16 6 11 6 16 I IS I 16 64. .. 71.... 72.... 74..., OS.... 63.... 61,... 64.... 77..,. 70... 70.... 43.... 23.... 63.... 71.... ii.... 63.... 61.,.. 41.. ,. 67.... 6..rt 69..,. 17.... 31.... 22.... 7.... 67,,.. 47.... 36.... 63.... ..380 ,.316 ..S3 ,.t36 ..2:4 ..337 ..332 ..330 ..til ..231 ..Ml ..230 ,.23t ..254 ..337 ..233 ..303 ..34 ,.346 ...SW ..261 ..272 :.263 ..Ml ..366 ..266 ,..276 ..390 .lt3 ..,36 ..254 33..,. 1 77 74 3 ..316 ..174 ..191 ..too 160 66.... ...111 M 177 41 114 17 311 43 171 37 167 76.. ..'..313 61... ..nil 1 ..Ill 10 77.. 66... 62.. 63.. 31.. 74.. 63.. 66.. 66.. .. 66.. 74.. 66.. 14.. ...111 ...310 ...303 ...110 ...III ...316 ...III ...313 ...163 ...133 .,.166 ...rot ...116 ...234 66., 10 61 313 12 266 71 ...314 71... ...., .324 26 til SO SIS 41 340 33 337 II 333 141 m 30 .396 .607 .366 .319 .331 73.. 51.. 69.. II., pig's'.' .160 I 13 .306 11...... 71 ... 7 23 11 K0 ... 7 SS II... 114 ... 7 33 63 Ill ,. 7 60 8HBKP Light receipt at all market this morning, resulting from the declin ing tendency to prices In the last few dayn created a bullish feeling In the gen eral trado In sheop and lambs every where. The local supply amounted to only about 4,800 head, which was less than a third of what arrlvod on the market one and two weeks ago. Tho receipts on thn corresponding day a year ago wero 6.803 head. It was largely a owe market, for, with tho exception ot two or throe loads of lambs, the offerings were all owes, there being more ewes on sale than for several days back. Tne, general quality of tho offerings was little, If any. differ ent from yesterday and asldo from a few owes nothing very good was offered. The bulk of tho killers were picked up In good season with both ewes and lambs strong to 1015c higher than tho general run of the transactions yesterday. Tho meager supply of lambs went at a ran go of J7.15O7.40 against J7.0OtT7.2S on the day previous and tho ewes moved largely around J4.8MT5.26, compared with J4,750 6.15 yesterday. The better feellmr wan dim timlnlts tn tho shortage In the supplies at all points Which Indicates that thn trend r nrlo depends for tho most part on the slie ot tho receipts. Traders look for no fur ther Improvement unless the receipts art kept within moderate proportions. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lami), good to choice. J7.25ir7.60: lambs, fair tn good, J7.0O7J7.25! lambs, oulls. J3.60iR6.00: yearlings, light. J0.604W.75; yearlings. heavy. ICKJICM: wethera. arnnl tn rhnln. .16,6015.80: wethers, fair to good. b.w; ewes, ogod to choice. J3.15fl5.50: ewes, fair to good, J4. 6030.15. ns cornrcd lambs 83 son cornfed ewes .,, 9S 7 60 5 15 C 00 6 15 6 15 6 16 itu cornreu ewes , 249 Colorado owes ,106 . 82 . 93 . 98 174 Colorado ewes 147 Colorado ewes Knnsna Clly Live Stork Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Fh. 4 r?AT" celpts, 4,000 head; market steady; prlmo l;d .tcers. J8.3339.15; dressed beef steers, 68.7Mf8.30: southern steers. K! "Tjnn nt. J4.26i37.75: heifers, JO. 7608.75; stockers and Wm'o'w J5.EA&7.75; calves. HOas-Rccclpts, 10.000 head: market Mendy to 6c lower: bulk of sales. J8.00W 8.40: heavy. J8.30O8.4S; packers and J7WOT60 'mS,i0i llght' 7-w.2ai Pigs. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 5.004 li.eai-,H.3rkot t,?ady to 100 higher; lambs, J7.l05T7.n5: yearlings. J3.7&Q6.65; wethers! J5.2506.76; owes, J4.60B6.35T Demands Hobson's i Pay Deducted for Time He Was Away WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-A mild flurry among tho members ot the house fol lowed tho filing of a formal demand to day by W. II. Parker of Birmingham, .. 4U . cn ..1100 .. 713 Ala., that Representative Richmond Pier son Hobson be denied his salary aa a congressman for the days ho has been absent from his seat while campaigning for the senate against Majority Leader Underwood. Parker In an affidavit alleged that Rep resentative Hobson was absent from Jan uary 19 to January SI and protested against tho payment of tha salary due him for that time. The protest was filed with Sergcant-at-Armt Gordon and all of tho legal talent about tho office is at work to find out the law on the subject. They have discovered a long forgotten law, passed In 1858 and still on tho statute books, providing: "Tile secretary ot the senate and the scrgeant-at-arms. of the house, respec tively, shall deduct from the monthly pay ments of each member or delegate the amount ot salary for each day that he has been absent from the senate or house, respectively, unless such member or dele gate assigns as reason for such absence the sickness of himself or some member of his family." Cloak rooms and corridors about the houso chamber resounded with arguments among members who would be much dis turbed by a general application of the law. ANOTHER GERMAN WAR PLANE ALIGHTS IN FRANCE NANCY. France, Feb. 4. Another Ger man military aeroplane alighted today on French territory. It landed near the village ot Crolsmcre, six miles Inside the frontier. The two aviators. Lieutenants Prlesten and Gemen of the German army, finding themselves- In France, Immediately called on the mayor of Crolsmere. As they were In their German uniforms they created; considerable excitement In the village. Two generals of the French, army havo been ordered to proceed to Crolsmere qt Investigate tho incident.