Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Think Berge Has Ignored Work of
Chief Executive-
Knnibrr of Democratic Wheel
Iloraeit Affix Their Xante to It
tind Start Merrr Wnr bjr
So Dolntr.
To Repeat His Offer
(From a Btalf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 3.-(Spclal.)-Ftollowlng
the announcement ot George W. Berge
yesterday that he would bo a candidate ,
for the democratic nomination for gov-'
crnor. he camo to the state house this
morning and filed with the secretary of
state a petition signed by thirty follow
ers of Thomas Jefferson, asking that the
Lincoln statesman's name be placed upon J
the primary ballot.
The petition bears the names of W. B.
Hester, chairman ot the democratic
county committee; Sterling F. Mutt, sec
retary of the same committee; C. II.
nudge, who has been urged several times
to become a candidate; A. S. Tlbbcts,
Sam Whiting, one ot tho leading, candi
dates for the Lincoln job ot postmaster;
William Foster, defeated candidate for
the legislature last year; .Tncob North, a
leading democratic organizer, and a num
ber of lesser lights ot more or less bril
liancy In local circles.
Ono ot the governor's aprolntgo's sold
this morning: "Whllo Mr. Berge, In u
general way says that Governor More
Head had made an uble and efficient of
ficer, he falls to give credit for the suc
cessful carrying out of some of tho very
things, which Mr. Bergo contends ought
to be 'brought about.
"Mr, Berge says thatt here are too
many boards and that some ot them
should be consolidated and a better sys
tem of ''bookkeeping carried out. He for
gets to saj' that this Is the very line on
which Governor Morehcad has been
working ever since he camo Into office
nnd which has resulted In a great saving
to tho state. In every case where this
system Has been put in effect It. has
been .a success, yet Mr. Berge falls to
give the governor any credit whatever
for doing just what Mr. Berge wants
done and which he wants the people to
believe he will do,
"It would not have hurt Mr. Berge to
have said soma good things regarding
Governor Morehead's administration,
knowing that the governor will not bo a
candidate otr a second term, but, as
usual, he wants all the glory himself.
He endorses strongly the administration
pt President Wlleon, but falls to endorse
the administration of Governor More
head, a man who has brought out many
ot the reforms Mr. Bergo claims ho Is
for. .
"Either Mr. Berge Is woefully Ignorant
of what Is being done In his own tsate,
or he Is deliberately Ignoring the work
bclng done by Governor Morehead."
Harlan Farmer (Jets
Black Hand Letter
(Special!) Tom Carroll, sheriff of Harlan
buntyrfcrre3tcd Howard FraJcec of? this
city on a charge of trying to blackmail
W. A., Bomjne, a wealthy stockman who
lives! four, miles west ot this place and
gets his mall at Alma. 1
A letter was sent Mr, Bomjne from this.
office threatening to kill the whole fam
ily unless he deposited J8.000 at a stated
place, which was about two and one-
half miles north of this city, by 7 p, m.
on Sunday night, last. A package was
placed whsre ordered and guarded, but
ot KtoTmtr itth In Tim
Oraitu Dh.
I bare ben so mored
tb rt tew weeks br
th grttttud at Orris h
D Resders, thst 1
hart dttldtd to mat
again the otter which I
made In the Nor tt luue
This In what 1 Mid I
atfi going to Give Away
a Tree Treatment for
Deafneafl, to every tut
ferer who asks for It
The lettera ot request
hate poured In lettera
ot grratrul thanaa hate
alto poured In. From
every part of the conti
nent, the people hom
i nno curta or mat ter-
rIMe ftrrtl!lAti tu.f.
neea are thsnktnr m. -
A letter from the rar West says, "Allow
u tu iUKoi xon mouana time lor
Organizations Making Effort to Get
New Voters to Polls.
Trnlneit A'nraea Ktuiiln) ril in Cure
far I.ltttr One While Mothers
Itealiter 'Women State
Their Aura Freely.
ths rood hearing yon have restored to
ter from Xaw Eng-Jand says, "X
havs cured ma of Deafness." '
Beafiess Treatment Free
Thcae manr leltern of grstlttKlo hare touched
r heart, and so 1 aay again to the readtra of
The Omaha Dee "I will Itc away a Tree Treat
ment for Deafnesa to every autlerer who wrltea
for It
This offer eln only be triaile for a very abort
time. If you are IJeat, or have any trouble with
your ears, write for a Tree Treatment.
Thla treatment la entirely free. I want to .help
you. know what you nutter In the approach ot
Deataeai, and tho Intolerable tunny ot complete
Deafrleea. I know that I have cured many, many
people who were Deaf. 1 want you to have the
earn opportunity to hear attain, Write today for
my treatment lor Dratneaa.
rtend off now, a poat card or letter request.
Don't delay, or It may be too late, If you have
even the ellghtrst feeling that tomethlns la wrong
with your eure, be on the Kite fide and tend for
treatment. It won't cost you anything. If yott
are growing Deaf, and have become dlicoutaced
and tired of eiperlmentlng, profit by the example,
of those who have been cured by my treatment.
Many ot theee people thought that they never
could be cured, they had tried ao many different
things which never did them any good. My treat
ment restored their hearing. Write today for a
Kree Deafness Treatment, to
Deafness Specialist Sproule, 102
Trade- IluiliUng, Hoston, Mass.
no one came to get It. The letter was
signed "This for Business," nnd many of
the words wero mlspelled. Mr. Krazco Is
about 25 years ot age and his hearing will
be held In county court this week.
Says a New York Pkjiicim
Here Is Hi Free Prescription
Many who wear eye-glasses and those
who have weak, watery, inflamed and
painful eyes will welcome the report of
those who have recently tested the fol
lowing formula, They aro unanimous In
their praise ot the marvelous results b-
- The doctor says, many who wear glas
ses may quickly dispense with them af
ter a reasonable trial, lie further states
it will benefit the eyes ol old and young
and says everyone ought to bathe tho
eyes night Und morning the same as
they wash their teeth, and thus avoid
many eye diseases which aro now so
prevalent among all classes.
ISyo strain, us generally understood, Is
soon banished and the numerous eye
muscles and nerves are then able to per
form their normal functions, blnce the
prescription is so tatlly filled, everyone
should try it.
It hcip diseased eyes and It keeps
good eyes healthy; it is absolutely harm
. less In every way; docs not smart or
burn, has a wonderful etfect on granula
ted lids and is especially recommended
tor dull, bleary, or glassy eyes. It helps
all eyes and shoulu be In every home
tor use In emergency.
Hero Is tho free prescription: Go to
any drug store, get a tube ot Optona
tablets, dissolve one in a two ounce bot
.tlo ot pure wuter and bathe the eyes
two to four times daily. Vour eyes
should clear up prcceptibly right from
the start. It's a simple homo remedy
and will save the eyes of many at very
littler cofct- The poor as well as the rich
may use this wonderful remedy. It is
within the reach ot all.
The following extracts from the re
ports ot persons who have recently used
this prescription will convince you.
I used Optona one week for a cold In
my eyes; It did me a great deal ot good."
"My eyes have been falling for years.
Ot late, havo been suffering with in
flamed eyes duo to catarrh. I am sure
Optona Is doing my eyes good and shall
-continue Its use."
' Have omy been using Optona but a
short time. My eyes are Improving won
derfully." I find Optona very satisfactory and
recommend tt wherever 1 find an oppor
tunity to do so. 1 find It very soothing
after being in a room where soapstone,
dust and rubber fumes, benzine, etc.,
are mixed."
TVe been benefited by Optona and In
tend to loliow the treatment."
"Have been using Optona for about
three montns and It has greatly im
proved my sight.'
My eyes, have been sore for several
years; were red and Inflamed and often
had a gathering on tho eye-lashes. Used
everything anyone recommended and
gained no relief. 1 had my eyes examined
and wore glasses for about i-U months.
I read of Optona, and thougitf I would
give It a trial. Am glad to be able to
state I got satisfactory relief. Have only
used about halt a box of Optona and have
not worn my glasses since, as 1 feel my
eyes do not require them."
Many others have made similar reports.
If your eyes bother you, have the above
prescription filled; It may do wonders
for you. Many are hopelessly blind who
simply neglected their eyes. Do not be
come a victim of neglect. You value
your eyes more than any other organ of
ths human body, therefore It Is your
sacred duty to do everything In your
power to savo them. This free prescrip
tion has given relief to thousands. Try
it and you will praise It to the ekles.
No Outside Teachers
Wanted in the State
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Feb. .l.-(Speclal.)-It looks
as If the schoolmasters club was going
to have a little competition In the matter
of furnishing teachers to desirable posi
tions In Nebraska and Stato Superin
tendent Delzell has buckled on his ormor,
seized his trusty pen and proposes to
get Into tho fight to save tho trust' If
It Is .possible.
It has como to his notlco that the
Scarritt-Moirlsvtlle college of Morrlaville,
Mo., has been sending out letters to
teachers In each county In Nebraska of
fering them J100 it they will tip off tho
college to any vacancies that may occur
In schoolsJn tho county in which they
live. The letter says that they are in
the business ot supply efficient teachers
from a standard endowed college, and
can deliver goods that will bear Inves
Therefore the statesuperlntendent ' is
sending out to all teachers of the state
a letter, catling their attention to ihe
efforts of tho Mlsourl college to furnish
teachers, and hopes no teacher will lend
their aid to tho scheme.
Tire Commissioner
to Enforce Reports
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Feb. 3.-(SpccIal.)-Colonel
Wlnfleld Scott Bldgell, fire commissioner
of Nebraska will get reports from fires
taking place in 191 1, or the people whose
duty It is to report fires wilt find them
selves facing a tino of not less than $25
nor more than J200 according to the law
of Nebraska.
A great deal ot difficulty was exper
ionced by tho department In 1913 In get
ting reports. The commissioner will glvo
the authorities of each vllage. town or
city just one week to report fires that
occur or the flro commissioner will find
out the reason why.
Ho has sent out today notices to every
chief, mayor and village clerk in tho
state calling attention to the law and
his Intention to enforce It to the very
CHICAGO. Feb. 3. Women today regis
tered for the first time in Chicago pre
paratory to exercising their right ot
franchise at the spring nldcrmnnlc cam
paign. Vpwnrt! of SOO.0W women, according to
conservative estimates, will have becomo
registered voters by the time the books
close at 9 o'clock tonight. Not less than
50,000 men, who havo changed their resi
dence within the last year, will have
qualified, according to estimates.
Actln gas Judges nnd clerks ot election
for the first time in tho history of
Illinois, approximately 600 women assisted
In registering tho new voters.
Scores of business women on their way
to work were among those registering
tarly. Many accompanied their husbands
to tho plnco of registration nnd each
seemed pleased at the opportunity of be
coming a registered voter.
Nearly 60,000 women organized tinder
political parties, nonpartisan suffrage, as
sociations nnd women's clubs, worked to
day to get the names ot unorganized
women on registration lists.
"Baby stations," where mothers coulrt
leave their children while registering,
were maintained In several wards by suf
frage leaders nnd political organizations.
Mothers who did not want to leave their
babies at one of the nurseries wero sup
plied with a trained nurse, who watched
over her household while she went to reg
Trained nurseso were In charge ot all
the stations and at least one nursery was
fitted as a kindergarten with toys for
tho older children. Automobiles carry
ing nurses went to the homes ot women
reluctant to register and carried them
and their children to the registration
booths. While thn mothers were register
lng, tho nurseso cared for the babies.
Women Give A (tea.
Reports from tho polling places were
that women were freely giving their ages,
In some of the strictly residential wards
few women visited the booths In tho
early hours. "Detained by household
duties," was the explanation gtven by
the women clerks and Judges of election,
Tho registration opened officially at 8
Mayor Carter H. Harrison and his wife
Mrs. Edith Ogden Harrison, together with
three household employes, registered to
day In a polling placo In a basement In
Bar avenue, a short dlstanco front their
homo In Sheridon road. Mrs. Harrison.
without hesitation, declared her ago to
be 62 years. Tho mayor acknowledged an
additional year. The five were sworn by
a woman Judge of election, Mrs. Mary L.
Free Water Proposed
for Broken Bow
BltOKRN BOW. Neb.. Feb. J.-tHr-
clal.) Free water la being acltated In
tho city to a largo extent. It Is proposed
by those advocating It to distribute water
to all householders absolutely free of
charge, letting tho burdon ot maintain
ing the water system bo placed on the
tax list, they claiming It will cost less
to furnish Broken Bow with water
throligh taxation than through a water
rato or nny other way. Tho advocators
re putting forlh ns some of tho benefits
to bo accrued, that property derives from
good water systom. Increased valuation,
ddltlonal flro protection and reduced In
surance rates. The burden of maintain
ing Is placed on a part of tho property
nnd all of the property Rets the benefit.
Tho question wilt soon be discussed nt
one ot tho public lycoum meetings.
YOltK. Neb, Feb. 3.-ti?peclal.)-Itoy
Henderson ot Beaver Crossing and
"earle Wnke were married SunCny noon
by Ilev. Arthur Miller ot the I'nlted
Kvangcllcal church.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Feb. 3.-(Speclal)-The
school at tho stato penitentiary, which
Ws been runlng the last few months,
has been such a success that last
night a meeting of the convicts was held
for tho purpose of reorganization. Five
groups will be formed, the first group
.containing those who have little or no
education, and are called the first grade,
There were only ten of . these.
Almost 75 per cent of tho number In
the rchool qualified for the second group
which Included about the same require'
mcnts ns the second and third grade
itudles In the public schools. Only
few wero qualified for the third group,
tho fourth and fifth grades, nnd ten were
enrolled In the fourth group, embracing
sixth and seventh grade studies.
The fifth division covers studies above
these grades and about twenty qualified
for this group, State Superintendent Del
zell was present and assisted the director
of the school, James O'Donnell, who has
been employed to Btart the school. No
guards will be permitted near the school
room, tho students being placed entlrsly
upon their honor.
Try Oatl-Ton. Good
for All Rtamirh ni,t
Pre. A ft A t m m aaiienM
Odd follovvx Meet nt Hevvnril.
SUWAItD, Neb., Feb. 3,-(8peclal.)-
The District Odd Fellow's meeting con
vened here yesterday, with 250 dclcgatci
present. Twenty-seven members of tho
grand lodge gave tho work to candidates
from eleven counties In tho afternoon. A
banquet was served In the evening. The
town was appropriately decorated In the
Odd Fellow colors. CI rnml Master Frank
John ot Grand Island spent his childhood
In this city and received a special ova
State Treasurer
Holds Much Cash
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 3,-(Spcclal.)-Tho bal
ance In tho office of the. stato treasurer
at the closo of the last month was greater
by TS0.13t.33 than at the close ot the month
previous, being 3TC1,G31.12, as against $t$75,
619.79 the month before.
The receipts fpr the month of January
were $1,193,837.23, while tho disbursements
wero el,107,70G,00. This was duo to a great
extent to tho county treasurers making
their annual settlements.
With these recolpts the treasurer was
able to cut down the amount of outstand
ing warrants to a lower level than at any
tlmo for several months, It being shown
today that tho amount has been cut to
Cosh on hand In the treasury Is shown
to bo 2,676.S.; on deposit, 7H,20C.E3, and
general fund warrants on hand, JU,7G7.7i.
Tho trust funds show the following in
Permanent school
fund $S,MS,13S.S7
Permanent university 191,180.95
Agricultural college
endowment 639.000.00
Normal endowment.. 79,830.00 $9,381,172.82
Bonds on hand 19,124,683.22
University warrants
on hand , 118,709.45
Normal school war
rants on hand 117.830.15 $9,301,172.82
Ilest Known Couarh Itemedr.
Dr. King's New Discovery, beat for
coughs, colds, hoarsoness nnd all lung
troubles; first doso helps. COo and $1.00.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Note from Ilentrlce.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 3. (Speclal.)-
Charlea Klpt of West Beatrice was
brought before Judgo Kills Monday on
the charge of wife beating and sentenced
to ninety days ln Jail. He admitted to
the court that ho had struck his wife a
blow ln the ace without provocation.
Clifford Garrison, a cattle buyer at
Adams, and an old resident of that place,
died Sunday night ot diabetes, aged 39
years. He is survived by a widow and
three children. The funeral was held at
Adams this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Catherine Carmlchael died at her
home three miles northeast of this city
Monday morning of pneumonia. She
leaves her husband and three children.
In a circle hunt held five miles Vouth
of Beatrice Monday by about two hun
dred farmers, two wolves were shot and
killed. Two more were sighted, but made
their escape.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 3.-(8peclala.)-Accord-
lng to Information brought to the state
house today by Sheriff Quulnton of Cass
county, ex-Senator W. B.. Banning of that
county is expected to enter the fight 'for
tho democratic nomination for governor
at the primary. Senator Banning served
In the 1911 legislature and was one of the
leading members of the democratic ma
How to I'revent millions Attauk.
"Coming events cash I heir shadows be
fore." This Is especially true of bilious
attacks.'Vour'appetlte wl)l fall, you will
feel dull and linquld. If you are subject
to bt'lous attacks take three ot Cham
berlain's Tablets as soon as these symp
toms appear and the attack may be
ward'jd oft For sale by all dealers. Advertisement-
Rub Lumbagb or
Backache Away
Rub pain right put with small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil"
Back hurt you? Can't straighten up
wunout reeling suaoen pains, sharp aches
ana twingesT Xvow listen! That's lum
aciauca or maype from a strain
and you'll get blessed relief the moment
you rub your back with soothing, pene
trating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing elae
WKes out soreniai, lameness and stiff
ness so quickly. You simply rub it on
and out comes the pain. It Is perfectly
narmiess ana aoesn t burn the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get
small trial bottle from any drug store
and afUi using It Just once, you'll far
get that you ever had backache, lum
bago or sciatica, because your hack will
never hurt or cause any more misery.
it never disappoints and has (been
recommended for W years, Advertise
New Legal Problem Boss Murphy Says
Involved in Suit to
, Cancel Mortgage
He is Still Leader
of Tammany Hall
PIKIUIK, ft. 1) , Feb. l.-(Spccial.)-An ..u,,. ..,. , . , ,
It.terestlng legal contest has arisen ni. . i i' -Cnfr,7 V. MT
Blanley county, growing out nt the recent p.hy y w" f ncm U8 ,"a"
failure of the Stato hank nt Fort Pierre. I 'onal tlt'tnoeratlo club, who adopted n
of which John Hayes was president.
Persistent Advertising Is tho Itoad to
Big Retutns.
Trenton IMonrrr la llenil.
TRENTON, Neb., Feb. 3.-(Spcelal.)-
Bcnjatnln Slade, aged 63 years, died yes
terday morning. Ho was ono of thd first
settlers of this county, coming hero ln
Along with the banking hnslnoss Hayes
conducted t loan business, working
through a (lnneapo1ls firm. He nego
tiated a mortgage for a woman home-
sttatlcr through the firm ot Barnes &
Co., of Minneapolis Tho mortgage was
executed nnd delivered to the loan com
pany nnd tho money paid Into a .Min
neapolis bnttk In the credit ot the Fort
Pierre bank. Just about that time the
crnsh came and as the Fort Pierre bank
was Indebted to tho Minneapolis bank,
that lnttllutlon held onto alt funds In
their possession. Tho result Is that the
Minneapolis loan . firm advanced tho
money and received tho mortgage, but
tho homesteader never received a cent of
consideration for the notes and mortgago
given. The suit Is to set aside- ths mort
gage, whlcn Is being contested by the
lean firm,
Two Men Drowned
in Missouri River
Near Yankton
YANKTON, S. IX, Fob. 3.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Iteport has reached this city
that Wilt Holder, single, nnd Ed Duncan,
married, were drowned In tho Missouri
Saturday night by driving Into an air
hole five mile west. Tho men wero
missing and havo been tracked to. the
air hole. Efforts aro being made to re
cover tho bodies.
resolution last night calling for his re
llrrment from all participation In party
'I nnt the leader ot Tammany Hall,"'
ho declared, "and I will remain the
leader ot Tammany Hall. That's nilthe
matter la closet!." Beyond this he refused
to discuss thn action of tho club
Friends of Charles V. Murphy, whose
retirement ns lender of Tammany Hall
Is demanded ln a resolution adopted last
night by tho national democratic club,
today announced their Intention of ap
pealing to the board of governors of the
flub on the ground that the aye and
nay vote was Illegal.
Thomas P. Smith, secretary of Tarn
manny Hall, who with other friends of
Murphy fought the resolution and tin
method of Its adoption, denounced the
nrtlon ot Edward F. O'Dwycr, president
of the club, In refusing to put tho ques
tion to a rising vote as "tho worst In
stance of boss rule I over saw."
The whole proceeding; was Illegal,
Smith declared, and he said tho matter
would be taken before tho board of
governors In the form of a protest. It
was also announced that another meet
ing of the cluh probably would be called
ant an attempt mado to renclnd the ac
tion taken Inst night or declare It illegal,
The full membership of tho club Is 723.
Only 123 attended the meeting last night
At Once! Clogged Nostrils Open,
Head Colds and Catarrh Vanish
Breathe Freely 1 Clears Stuf fed
up, Inflamed Nose and Head
and Stops Catarrhal Dis
charge. t Cures Dull Headache
Try "Ely's Cream Balm,"
Get a small bottle anyway. Just to try
tt Apply a little In the nostrils nnd In
stantly your clogged nose and atopped
up air passages of the head will optmt
ypu will breathe freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! tho
catarrh, cold'-ln-head or catarrhal sor
throat wilt be gone.
End such mlsfry now! Oet tho small
brittle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
drug store. This sweet, fragrant halm
dlsrolves by ths heat of the nostrils',
penetrates nnd heals tho Inflamed, swol
len membrane .which lines the nose, head
nnd throat; clears tho air passages; stops
nasty discharges and a feeling ot cleans
ing, soothing relict comes Immediately
Don't lay awake tonight struggling for
breath, with head stuffed: nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing, Catarrh
or a cold, with Its running nose, foul
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly need
less. Put your faith just once-ln Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
wlU surely disappear,
Asrents Sherman & McConnell Drug,
Co. Advertisement.
Rich Red
Is yours If you tako HOOD'S
SARSAPA.RILLA, which makes
the blood normal In red and white
corpuactes; relieves pimples, bolls,
scrofula, salt rheum or eczema,
catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia,
nervousness, that tired feeling.
"Tin Iriginal Gut Price Cial Man"
Calls your attention to a POSITIVE PAOT.
Seven years ago MR. ROSENBLATT
hroko tho local GOAL TRUST. As an In
dependent Dealer ho has saved the people
of Omaha thousands of dollars annually,
and still saves you 50c to $1.50 on overy
ton you buy from him.
Coal Bargains
Lump or Xut. . . . $4.75 Ftr Ti
sr,:FT.,..,:r:..$5.5o r.r in
tho Ocnulno !3s3 fCF 101
"'"T.1':.' $6.M Pur Tan
AltKANSAB Hard Coal ft A Bah Tmm
for Furnace Uso ,.W rll I OR
Wo hand-screen all our coal. 1V0 make prompt
Tel. Douglns 5.10.
The Homo of Qunllty Conl.
Softly warm as moonlit-June!
What could be more of a tri
umph of comfort on a sharp,
cold evening in January than
to be housed where the sure
heating, silent radiator holds
guard in every room, beating
back the frost-line and keeping
the air genially warm as
balmy as 8 p. m. in moonlit
June? That is the ideal of
winter-comfort made true in
any home by
il Radiators iBoilers
Our heating outfits with their protective,
wind-defying AMERICAN Radiators
located at points most exposed to frost,
wind or zero tyrannies, turn the home into a haven of comfort in which the
little folks thrive, the big folks rest at ease without fear, of weather, changes.
No dust, dirt, or coal gas in your rooms much cleaning drudgery avoided!
The unique IDEAL 41 Sylphon " regulating features which go with IDEAL-AMERICAN
heating outfits insure steadiness of temperature, day and night, so that you have reliable
comfort from early morn till "bed-time," and coal wastes
are prevented. There is great wearing strength to IDEAL
Boilers fire, dampness, heat-gases, Water deposits, etc., do
not affect their long-lasting qualities.
There are no parts to warp, bulge, unrivet or loosen; put together with
iron-to-iron water-ways which are leakless no packed or riveted joints.
AMERICAN Radiators with their tightly screwed connections have no
known limit of endurance. If you are using an old-time heatbr, you can
have one of our modern outfits quickly put in without annoyance to occu
pants or interfering with present heater until new outfit is ready to fire.
Really, if you could see, stacked up before you today, your prospective coal, repair
nnd other bills from old-fashioned heating for next ten years, you would Insist imme
diately on putting a moderate investment Into an IDEAL-AMERICAN outfit which
would make your winter-life more worth while. Make your in-door winttrs softly
warm as moonlit-June I
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