Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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You Can Help Send a Friend to Panama Exposition Free
QpiSwfr Qtimfr
r importing . Connects with
Grocers. I Z?777ITZ7 'k Tirnrint.
m hv - a oti. ill a i i. -a J & uiiuuin
n "l t v iv w
WiVnlW Stores by
West Arcade.
'Made pure and fresh each day in every delicious
flavor of the highest quality. That is why they
are so popular.
The $1.00 Quality for 60c Per Pound.
Kt Tutsaay we will publish te
Unflln of aU contestants who hro
turned In their nomination coupon
or cash checks for rotes in this con
test. Qtt your receipts In by Batur
day Ytnlnj-, so that yoor standing
wlU appear In tha Hit, thns Utttng
yonr friends know that yon ara com
p.tln for a trip to tht Panama os
caramel ailu then rolled
Florence Cake The latest con
ceptlon of our Master Baker
light and fluffy--you will
Hko It, each . ... 35o
Milk Chocolate Dipped Peoan
Crisps delicious confection.
Per pound GOo
Iecan noil An opera Creani
covered with soft Mexican
iiu then rolled In
fresh pecan halfs can .you
think of 'any thing better, per
pound 40o
Black Walnut Toffy, lb....S5o
We arc recelvinR regular
Fhlpments of Strawberries,
Fresh Artichokes, Fresh Kn
dive, Japanese Crosness, Brus
sels Sprouts, Cauliflower, etc.
Courtney's liquors for Medicinal Purposes 'are Unexcelled.
Guckenhelmer nye. full I Peach and Honey $1.00
D2irrirl0hPot'silVl.:.V$l!ro 1no California Port Sherry.
Old Smugglers' Scotch ltoclc Angelica or Muscatel, full
and Ryo $1.00 I uuart 8O0
(Jws (wwje (Jw&w (Wj? (J
Mrs. Louise C. Allan, direct from tho lab
oratoles, where "Harmony," Perfumes, Toilet
Waters, Sachet Powders, Talcums and Cold
Cream aro made will arrlvo In Omaha tomor
row and for two (2) weeks will give each day
receptions In Our Drug Stores, showing and
explaining tho merits of this exquisite line of
toilet preparations, which Include among many
Contestants' Standing
..R2i K( o Votes. 1
ray IC. Watts 1.373,42a
Ruth A. Finney .1.344 ao3
Oharle. Rail . f ...... . . , . . , . . . . 948,048 I
Mrs. Emma Perry 484,183 '
syma Xahne t 393109
2P,Ptt tewls Ionian .......... 74,477 1
5i,i".Wr1 491433,
13,007 I
Bexall 93
Hair Tonic,
EOc, $1, 83
93 Hair Tonic
at GOo, $1,00 and 93.00
Violet Dulce Cold
Cream. ...35o and 60o
Violet Dulco Vanish
ing Cream GOo
Violet Dulco Faco
Powder, 5 shades, per
box ..60o
Violet Dulco Dry
Theatrical Kouge, per
box lBo and SSo
Violet Dulco Tollel
Water, 75c and 91.00
Violet Dulco Com
plexion Powder, cakes
In mirror box...i35o
Bouquet Jeanlce Con
centrated Extract,
per oz 91,00
Bouquet Jeanlce
Sachet, per oz. ...75o
Bouquet Jeanlce Toi
let Water 91.00
Bouquet Jeanlce
Talcum, Intensely
perfumed of an ex
quisitely flno quality,
per box GOo
Cream of
Almonds, a So
Paste, SGo
This Una also Includes the lilchlv nerfumod
line of Toilet Specialties, Including Toilet
Waters, Complexion Powders and Sachets, un
der tha well known D'Artagnan brand.
Kexall Shampoo Paste SSo
Rcxall Cream of Almond 33c
Mrs. Allan glad Indeed to have the
Xiadles of Omaha call during the remainder of
this week at thtf nodge St. Store, and see, and
smell this exquisite line.
Violet Dulce
Toilet Water
75o and 91
sherman & McDonnell drug co.
Onr prescription de
partments are situated
away from' the noise and
K 'bustle of the salesroom.
AU known as good drug
stores, and aU in promi
nent locations. Prompt
messenger service.
Xary J. Aberley
Sam Stttnharo-
Mrs. m. w. Sarbinus.
r. , a. smith.
Clrde T. T.nth
8oe Schalek .....
Herbert o. Wells
W. J. srattlan. .
Simonson. Utlco, Heb..
Julian Vi.h.
................. A.VW
Korry J, Severson 1,000
K1?2r?',nned' 100
Kerbert O. Lund on 1,000
Marie R. siren 1,000
Jennie X. Washbum 1,000
Carles a, Thomas 1 000
Tle O. Xarrlson 1,000
xrs. James BEorttmore 1,000
Henrietta Swensen 1,000
Mrs. Robert T. Jones 1,000
Jwnes X.. Kulakofsky 1,000
wyron Serorrest 1,000
Thompson 1,000
Mrs. aeorge E. Evarta 1,000
50u", Fannlngberr 1.000
vtwa. , 1,000
Henry r. Ring 1,000
Mrs. Lilian Sowdea , 1,000
Samuel X. Book 1,000
John rlloker 1,000
Jwle Waohsteln 1,000
Harry Bmey A.... llooo
Mrs. R. Beverldg-a 1,000
Mrs. Pinna Olrole , 1,000
William Winquest 1,000
Oretchen Edgar 1,000
James C. Wisely 1,000
asm .use 1,000
Wayne Riley i;ooo
H. W. Beoker 1,000
Mrs. Jennie Martin 1,000
aaBSssrdNt :
WeVe the
We will say, for arguments' sake, that thero ARB othor
Omaha cleaners who KNOW as much about cleaning and dyeing
processes as WE! But HOW can they turn out OUR grade o
work WITHOUT the superb equipment wo have HERE?
It took a $57,000 Investment to bring tills plant to Its pres
ent mechanical PERFECTION; we CAN and DO produce results
EVERY day that' are absolutely IMPOSSIBLE at other establish
ments. Pick out your raggedest, most soiled, most unattractive gar
ment; then phono Tyler 345 (that's our number), and see what
WE can do with It.
See tho RESULTS and you'll admit that tho EQUIPMENT
makes a world of difference in the WORK.
Tyler 345 A phone numbor worth jotting down.
Dresher Brothers
2211-2213 FARNAM STREET.
Dozen Striking
Achievements of
thejear 1913
January-rBalzcra's Improvement upon
tho Hughes telegraph Instrument, treb
ling Us speed so that one may send or
rccelvo 1,820 words a minute.
February The Lloyds wireless opera
tors In Cairo, Kgypt, are In louch with
Key West, Fla., moro than 7,000 statuto
miles distant
March Perfection of an Kngllsh process
for converting Iron ores of even tho low
. est grades Into steel of excellent quality.
April By uso of a liquid microphone
j Prof. Vanni of Homo mado posslblo wlro-
ieia icicpnono communication uctween
that city and Tripoli, 700 miles.
Jlay-On tho 24th of the month tho two
steam Bhovcls working on tho water level
i of tho Panama canal mot at Culebra cut.
Juno British scientists announce that
j four elements, helium, neon, carbon and
, sulphur, havo been procured from hydro
gen through which an electric discharge
had been passed.
July Experiments at tho University of
Wisconsin perfect an electric thermom
eter to give warning of coming frost.
August A process Is announced from
London whereby all fabrics may be
treated so as tb bo made entirely water
proof, from flimsy sIlH to heaviest cloth.
September A Frencli monoplane aero
naut, Pegoud, demonstrates (Jivlsy) his
ability to fly backward as well as for
ward, and even upsldo down.
October Launch of II. M. S. "Queen
Elizabeth," tho first oil-burning battle
ship of the world's navies.
November Opening of the new water
supply system of Los Angeles, 200,000,000
gallons now reaching the city dally
through conduits 200' miles long.
December "Trotol," a new high explo
sive, satisfactorily proved. Twice as
powerful as dynamite, only a fulminate
of mercury will explode it.
R. . H
Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New
Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of
Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest
Capital, $500,000
' Surnlus .$500,000
jh . Undivided profits,$240,000
Total deposits, $7,UUU,UUU
13th and Farnam Streets
FRANK !. HAMILTON, Vice President
si. II. MEILE, Assistant Cashier
C. B. DUGDALE, AssiBtunt Cashier
NOTE: Votes will not be allowed for other than bona flda now ravins
accounts. Full number of vote win be allowed up to sixty days before
close of contest when a limit of 10.000 will be placed on each new account.
How to Win a Free
Trip to the Pana
ma Exposition
Rules of Contest.
1 The Bee offers and will award three
round-trip tickets and expenses to the
Panama Exposition, the total cost of each
trip to be JMO, as prizes to tho three con
testants having tho greatest number of
points at the closo of the contest.
2 This contest open to everybody ex
cept employes of advertisers on this page
and of Tho Bee. "
S The contest, page will be published
ono day each week and will run for a
perloJ pf one year.
t-Polrits will bo figured on the basis of
one point for each 1 cent shown on cash
checks or receipts for purchases made
from advertisers on this page
5 Cash checks must be deposited at or
mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" To
Beo not later than thirty days from dato
of payment of same and receipts will bo
issued for. them.
Contest to closo November 7, 39H, All
rash ticket and receipts must' be turned
Into The Bee office not later than 9 p, m.
on closing day of contest,, or If mailed,
must bo postmarked not later than that
Gold Seekers' Trail
Still Leads to the
Panama Exposition
Visitors to the Panama-Pacific expo
sltlon next year who select the Union
j Pacific route, will have the satisfaction
of knowing that they dro following closely
tho Identical trail used by those hopefuls
who, In search of riches, crossed the con
tinent sixty-six years ago. Their destina
tions are the same, but there Is a vast
difference In the means of transportation,
the time consumed in the Journey, and
the final object. A three-day trip as com
pared with a three months' Journey. All
the comforts of the modern home enrouto
In contrast with the severest hardships,
to which many iiiccumbed.
The first explorers of tho great west
wero the original surveyors of the"Over
land route" and the engineers who fol
lowed could -Improve the first trail but
little. Hence the Union Paclflo's popular
name, "Overland route."
Tho dominating architectural feature
of tho exposition, tho superb tower gate
way, which will command the south en
trance of tho court of sun and stars. This
tower, 430 feet In height, will havo a base
one acre In extent. Tho tower wilt rtlso
upward In terraces, giving way at last
to a group of figures supporting n globe,
typifying tho world. Tho repeated figures
of armored horsemen and of explorers
of tho ooeani will be used on tho tower
which, with Its statuary, mural paintings
and mosaics, will bo Indescribably beau
tiful. Mestrs. Carrcre and Hastings,
archltccts-in-chlef of the Pan-Amorlcan
exposition at Buffalo In 1901, are tho architects.
Marvel Concession
Will Be Replica of
the Grand Canyon
. With largo shipments of gray sand
stone, mountain sago nnd cactus takci
from tho rim of tho (Irnnd cunjon o
Arlxona already In Ban Kranclsco and
ready for use, work Is progressing rnplilb
: on tho mlnlaturo of tho canyon, which
i will be ono of the most expensive nnd
attractive concession of tho Panama
Pacific International exposition.
This concession, which Is being con
structed by the Santa Ke railroad nt
cost to exceed .Ti0,0CO, will bo an exact
replica of nature's masterpiece. While It
wilt occupy only five nnd a half acres.
sclcntlflo devices will show tho canyon In
Its proper perspective and glvo tho visitor
n true conception of Its gveat heights nna
To make tho resemblance between the
canyon and tlio mlnlaturo us closo as hu
man Ingenuity will permit, grcnt quan
tities of rock and shrubbery aro being
brought to Ban Franclco from tho canyon
nnd will bo used In the building of the
concession. A large iuhntlty of gray
sandstone has been received from tho
canyon together with trfc. mountain and
desert sage, cactus and yuccn.
A tralnload of red sandstone from
Winslow. Avis., resembling the native
stone of the canyon, has arrived and
condlscrable quantity already has been
placed over tho cntranco of tho Pueblo
village a concession also being Installed
by the Santa Fo adjoining the "Qrand
Canyon."' The village will extend over
tho cntiro front of the Santa Kes con
cession. Kngraved In tho stone opposite
tho main entrnnco to the village Is the
caption, "Tho Life of Vanishing Knee."
Novel I.IrIiHiik ICffeeU.
More than U.000 prisms to bo a part of
tho Illuminating scheme of tho Panama
Paclflo International exposition have
reached San Francisco from tho Austrian
manufacturers nnd moro shipments are
expected soon, A total of 125,000 prisms
will bo used. Theso will bo suspended
from tho domes and facades of buildings
nnd when the colored rays of powerful
searchlights pass through them they will
sclntlliato iixe precious sioncs.
Send or bring this coupon to tho "Panama Contest
Editor' of tho. Beo and you will receive 1000 votes in
tho Panama Contest. Only ono coupon will bo credited
to a person. .
Benj. Franklin Said-
"Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee"
Poor Richard's Almanac,
Keeping your store clean, bright
and up-to-date is the surest method of
keeping old customers and attracting
new ones. One of the greatest neces
sities in the modern store is Tungsten
Tungsten Store Lighting
Will Bring More
Customers and Greater Sales
Tungsten Lighting is the nearest ap
proach to sunlight and gives a brilliant,
white light. Under it, colors aro readily distin
guished. It does not devitalize tho air it is safe,
clean and steady. For your profit investigate
Tungsten Store Lighting today.
Remember, thousands of votes can
be secured through tho purchase of
things electrical and for wiring of old
and new houses.
Omaha Electric Light
? Power Co.
n t
Your Next Order for
Lighting Fixtures
On tho Lincoln Highway.
"Wire for us and we'll wire for you."
TYLER 1414
If It's art or music, you'll find It at Kosps's.
Represents tho lowest posslblo price for n
really pood, hlffh-gratlo Plnyer riono that handles
88-noto music.
This la the piano every member of your family
can play we will teach you In four minutes.
If you want terms, wo will go oh low aa $8.00
a month.
Talk this over tORCther and decide to make your
home bettor, brighter nnd happier, In fact supply
a liberal musical education to your entire household.
There nro 09 reasotiH why you should havo one
of theso beautiful llttlo Columbus I'luycra, If your
Stano Is a "silent" one, wo will take it In trado.
omo in and play tho Cohimbus for yourself then
Everyone Should Know
That we sold three-quarters of
the Wedding Rings purchased
in Omaha last year.
Whv? ecause we mae the Rings
in our own shops, and also
because every Ring is UN
ADULTERATED. Every Ring a solid band of 14K or 18Kgold.
m crown
There goes another collar It's aggravating and
oxponsjvo when you find torn collars and shirts in
your laundry. '
Our latest and best machinery will save them.
Also tho family linens will Jast longer in
Our Family Wash Service
At 6c Per Pound
"You are delighted when you open the package"
noa "WAirwsBB'1 or vm mw