THE BEE: 0MA1IA, TUESDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 3, 1914. 12 CEMENT . USm IN SESSION Open donvcntion and Are Welcomed by City Representatives. CHARGES OP DISCRIMINATION Bar Ihnt Ncbrnnkn Joliliers of'Snnil nnU Stone Give IlHtrr Prices in Denier in IlnlMInK Mntei-lnt. I GRAND JURY IS IN SESSION Judge English Instructs it to In vestigate Statute Violations. SUGGESTS SOME OFFENSES JnrUt t.nrn I'nrtlcalnr limphnsU an flcrntlnr Trnnsirresslons oC UnmhllniTi Liquor and the llnvrilr Hone Imrri). Tho firiit grand Jury to Kit In tho new court bonne Is now In session at the be Klnnlng of the February term of district Charges that Nebraska Jobbers of sand and stone are discriminating against ce f building ma terial dcnlcrs. stirred tho opening ses- court Judge English, who took Presldlnir slpn of the ninth annual convention of Judge's chair In court room No. 1 for 1911. i,- r- . tT.r- KHUoelatlon Instructed the members especially to In- . a... n...inif Th vesllRato any charges of violations of Two Days of Cold WiU Make Plenty ' of Ice for Omaha ' There Is no Ice being cut In the vicinity of Omaha today , but tho concerns that handle 'the commodity are preparing for tho harvest that they feel will be on within "the next" few days. With ponlbly three exceptions, during the last fifteen years (he bulk of the Omaha .Ico crop has been gathered In complaint was that Users of cement block and concrete material were forced to pay higher prices than dealers who often buy smaller quantities. Tho charge was made by C. K. lxwe, a concrete contractor of St Edward, Neb., who nsserted that he had positive proof to substantiate his assettlon, He urged that a committee be appointed to Inves tigate the matter "and try to secure satis factory adjustment After a discussion, during which the small users were sharply divided from the largo consumers statutes prohibiting gambling, houses of lit fame and the sale of liquor at Illegal hours to minora and without a license. lie Instructed the grand Jurors to In vestigate charges of Interference with the Justice and dignity of tho courts and to Indict persons who they believed had violated tho law In this respect Chargea of perjury and Jury bribery, It la ex pected, will be investigated by the. Jury under these Instructions. The judge also" Instructed the Jurors to observe strict secrecy concerning tho. pro t concrete material, a committee of threo ccedlngs whjch" tako placo In their room war authorised, with Ijwo aa chairman, matter probably will be brought up t tu next session, which convenes at li.SMi'clock this morning. Unny Visit Show. A largo attendance thronged the aisles of tho Midwest cement show at the Audi torium long beforo noon and was gtratly augmented by the cement users at noon. They will hold their meetings only during the morning hours. In order to spend all I their afternoon and evening time at the show to Increase their knowlcdgo of the 1 business. A special reel of motion pictures of the I anama canal was received by express at noon and will bo shown during the re mainder of the show. t Convention Opens. With over 100 Nebraska cement users In attendance, tho opening sennlon of I ho convention was called to order by Presi dent Peter Palmer of Oakland, with Secretary Frank Whlpperman of Omaha ftlso on the platform. Mayor James C, Dahlman wa sched uled to mako tho address of welcome, but was unable to bo present on account of the city commission bring In session at the time. City Attorney John A. lno appeared as tho mnyor'a official rcpro rentatlvo and extended Omaha' hearty welcomo and best wishes to the visitors "Yoiif Interests aha ours." ho declared. rind ld that Omaha was proud to open Iter doors to tho convention. K. V. Parrlsh, manager of the Omaha publicity bureau, also voiced the city's welcome and emphasized tho growtn and Importance of tho cemont Duslnoss In Omaha and Nebraska. lie stated 'that the 1013 cemtnt Jobbing buslnoi in the state amounted to $T,00O,000, halt of which was Omaha's, and he pointed out 'that an on tho fourth floor of the court house, warning them falluro to do so would be U violation of tho law. Votes of twelve of the sixteen members are required to return indictments. Visits to tho county Jail and other county Institutions and reports to the court of their condition also will be a part of the grand Jury's work. Henry M. Christie was appointed fore man by Judgo English and E. W. Kerr was made bailiff. Tho Jury Monday look' up the cases of persons charged In poltco court or else where with violations of the taw. During Its sessions Indictments are necessary elements of prosecution, taking the place of tho county attorney's Informations, which, In this state, are sufficient at other times, Members of Jury. Tho members of tho grand Jury are as follows: Harry M. Christie, foreman, realruitate. Flatlron building. Herman i'. diets, salesman, Hamilton apartments. f. is. iiutcninson. cicrK. oiuf nonn Jfii- tcenth street Tliomus wiles, lawyer. 1617 Emmet street Samuel DaJJtzo. 1703 California street. H. if. Howard. Waterloo. J. A. O'Keefe. salesman. 3830 Charles street truest Adums, sin uoago street it. jo. jonnson. soio i.ano street. C. A. McKcnzle. printer. 1506 Hall street J. U llouchln, insurance, C$33 North Thirty-first avenue. Herbert (3, Kohn, South broker. 1339 inirty-iiiin street. unarics uiurt, rarmcr, yenoon. John W. Nelson, tailor. 2117 Pewey avo nuc. William J. Carroll, I2t North Fifteenth street. 8. V. uustarson. Jeweler, 3028 California street. Victim of Apoplexy at the Cburt House increase of aimoat 390 per cent Had len i l4.4. J3i. - made In tho state's cement d.ur- J UU.K6 iHuS LcKXb IS In, thn lalif tun var I I Alfred 8. Johnson, editor of the Cemant World of Chicago, presented an Illus trated lecture on "Fundamental Material on Which the Concrete- Industry Is Uascil." lilstorr f iHitHstrr, I Judgs William AUstaqt, for many years T. u. Northwail or Omaha, outlined tho a Justice of th peace In Omaha, sut history et the cement block tirfuetry In fered a atreke of apoplexy that almost .k.l -1 . . i . t . . . - I ... . . mm tuy ami iwm mw u naa grown irom proves to oe serious yesterday on one small plant to five large factories the ground floor cf the court house. Ho durimc the course ot 'twelve years., The wa g-lven instant medical attention and handsome Havens reswenco at Thirty-1 was removed to his home. ninth and Dodge streets, built by John The Judge had gone to the court house JIarte ami now occupied by E. C. Page, to be a wltnewi In the case of Henry manager of the wneJUn works, was the Newman, 1M5 South Sixteenth street, who first OwAlm home to be built entirety of was to secure his naturalisation papers. cement Mocks, he Md, Ills irrandeon, Vincent Hascall, had Just a tecnicai aisoussion or concrete; I precede ,Wm upstairs, as he was also foundations for street paving, by Ooorgo to be a witness. Police Sergeant PeU l. Camnen, an Omaha civil engineer and Dlton was in the court house, and saw 1 avlng- expert, closed the ttay'a program, the Judgo standing stiff against th wall "People are like sheep In the matter trembling and he asked him it ho wished or paving metnoas. as m other ways," no to ba assisted to the elevator. The Judge saia. -uccauso coriam mooes or pavinir assented, but Dillon had only gono are used satisfactorily Jn Nefr York City, few step when the Judge fainted In his they are soma times adopted In this part orms. Dillon then carried him Into the of the country, although the climate and rooms of the Douglas county nloneera weather conditions mako the two places adjacent and Dr. Charles Hosewatcr was unsulted for sUl!ar kinds of pavement" Committees Nsncil. Thews committees were appointed at the business seseton by President Palmer: 'Nominations 8 wan 'l-arson of South omMMk, --. ts. iMwe or at awara, A, J Swaen of Omaha. II. R. Park of Brunlng, W. 8. Karris et .Meion. Ksoiutln C. It Judklns fif Trrvland. Ckarlea Jhrack of Uncoln, O. F. Llllle oi r remm summoned. After temporary medical at tention Mr, Hascall removed hla grand. rather to their home at 1913 South Sir icenin street. COMMERCIAL CLUB MAY CONSIDER MILLAR'S PROTEST The latest nrflteat nf Riuna .Vlllti- against the serving .of banquets by the Omahfi Commercial club, is attracting some attention among Commercial club TWO RECEPTIONS AT THE Y. W. C. A. BUILDING members. The protest of Mr. Miller grows directly out of the proposed banquet to Open hue wHI be kept at the Young he held February 18 for Crelghton unl Wemss'i Christian Association building verelty law students. There are those this evening, at which the -secretaries who maintain Miller has no grounds of will act as hostesses. The public la in- complaint, because the faculty members vltcd to Inspect the building and witness the demoMtrattona In the cooking, sew- lng and gymnasium. departments, 3le- ftwhments will b eeryed on the eecond floor; Thursday evening a special recep- tipn will pe held for the life and sutaln lng members of the Institution, for which uvent Invitations have been Issued. The Blue Illrd camptire girls, an or ganisation of Brandcls employes, will present two sketches, "Every Olrl" and "Hiawatha," In the auditorium Wednes- day evening. These will be given under ino direction of Miss Carmellta. Chase. i-receaing tnis, there wilt be a council meeting, at which the campflre bracelets win oe Dsitowou upon the flremakers. who are giving the banquet to the stu dents aro largely members of Commer cial club. On tho other hand, Home Mil lery Is trying to hold the club to what he maintains was their first agreement when the question of putting in a dining room came up, that they would not give banquets unless a majority of those for whom the banquet was given, aro club members, It Is possible that the matter will come up before the executive committee of the club at noon today. If It does tho club may make a final decision on the matter. If It does not come before the executive body, the tnatter will likely be dropped a,nd the banquet will bo given Just the same. NEW ASSISTANT REVENUE COLLECTOR ALLEN ARRIVES INC0RRIGIILE GIRL IS TURNED OVER TO PARENTS Henry B. AUfp. on o' cxSenator AYUU ,J' ??Z r"" T" Md South Omaha. - h mo onico arrested on a chargo v. um a-. miiiuiiu, collector or in tcrnai revenue, has arrived revenue, has arrived In Omaha with hla wlfo and ttielr daughter. Thn little glrj. who is only ii years old, has contracted pneumonia and was at once taken to Nicholas Senn hospital, Mr. Allen has been assigned to work on the Income tax and has been sworn Into office. He comes to Omaha, directly from Eurtlesvllle. Okl., where he has been en raged Jo newspaper work. Alva Lucas, aged 11 years, residing at was on a cnargo of Incorrigibility Sunday afternoon by Probation Officer Iicrnsteln. Ilemsteln and Captain Demn sey noticed the girl In the company of Decker. 117 North Twentieth street, while riding on a Farnam street car. Dempsey, recognizing the man, or dered Bernstein to follow the pair and arrest them. Bernstein, after alighting from the car In pursuit of the couple. was forced to chase Becker and finally fire his revolver before the latter -would Minn Urtn.Uw maw.Im 1, T ..I -I Kukm(mI VWA.I.wlaMMk 1 M.I H UUM Bill I udn hirftMl nvit. in Uw . 1, 1 1 . orao Tcirwnere are taiainc or me I iww i. j-in i,.t,i . .iia,. ..i,t. i ...u- w.i v. I . - .,v..v. rwtif Mwr i character. jr,Ku giye in oacKacne, rheumatism, Kid waiver iruuuioo. iou cannot uinrinii inira erri take them into your system without good rnnui IOAL. JUrxcn JLI rrawit. That Is because Foley Kidney POLICE COURT SNEEZiM nm me 10 ih Kianeys ana BUtiMer fun wnai nalUr-wui xoro neat thcse Quite allttle txcllement ensued Monday MnMi .-.u ifwivs organs, . mornng In notice court when some prac. Ch. Swsramento, Cal., writes: "It ! tlcal Joker scattered a lot or sneezing a l-ur to recommend Foley Kidney powder on the floor. An epldemlo of Ptte, aa Jhty Just worked wonder In watery eyes and restlessness ensued ana 9m.' yr sala by all dealer every, court was adjourned until the assembly vhrt. AdeHiwHiVDnt had regained Us composure. FVIirtmrf nnrl i1a-r nnI nuctcrra tinldiflclfll len nlnnt In nncrntlon next summer that this will be the rule this year. They j the dealers all admit that a lesser qtian- are greatly encouraged by the weather reports rrom the northwest and also by the report that all through this state and Wyoming there has been a decided drop of temperature sitfeo Sunday. Ico men say that With forty-eight hours of zero or near zero weather they coulJ begin cutting Rood, merchantable Ice oft tho water company reservoirs and off Carter and Seymour park lakes. With ten days of such weather they contend they could gather tho normal crop fill ing tho houses. With the second art!- tlty . ot natural Ice would bo used , in Omaha, next summer than during like period In the past. It the weather con tinues cotd, they anticipate that by the last ot the week they will be giving em ployment to 1,000 or more men. Tho railroads have practically com pleted their Ico harvest. .PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ,Bobert S. Obcrfelder of Sidney, Neb., pacii uiruuKii wiumm uu a iwu luuuma iour of tho south and west it. The Cheeriest Cup for All ' TONE'S Old Golden Coffee Let it be from the daintiest A china or the old cracked cup if it's Old Golden Coffee, properly made, it brings cheer -breakfast, dinner to the meal- or supper. Because of bur experience of forty years in aging, blending and roasting, discriminating people will find in Old Golden Coffee the flavor and aroma which they so highly prize in' a cup of coffee. Sold in one-pound sealed packages only air-tight moisture-proof. The ; grocer can supply it ground or steel. cut, or in the whole bean for those -who wish to grind it at home fresh Before each making. TONE BROS., De Moinee (Ek.hU.hod 1S73) MMtn of th famous Tom Mroo. Sjpiea 'SiYitigsiiii. Satisfaction in Fthniary Salcr Winter Underwear at a Saving of Fully Half. Broken Lines of Shoes Greatly Underpriced. j W ' Ifj All for lrousers Vnnr TTnrRt.Hp.terl Choice of OlUV Entire Stock on Salo-'in Three Big Lots to Oloso. S3 Trousers sale this -week SX.30 All Trousers that' All Trousers worth to $5.00, on salo . this week S2.69 sell regularly to $6, HI Vlllu . "'Ml Get the clean, pure, healthful WRIGLEYSw with your paper every night. Get an appetite with it purify your breath with it. Preserve the teeth and improve the digestion of your family. It costs less than a cent a stick if you BUY IT BY THE BOX mt twenty S nt jwefcagw far MS mmntrn mt mat rfaafani. Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S and get rmml mint leaf juice fJ 'springy' gum with no after taste. It's the hospitality confection, ideal to have in the house for family or friends. It stays fresh until used. Bm StME H'm WKKULEVS Look for thm apmmr Chew it after every meal fine assortment ehoico this week for $3.69 A GREAT UNDERPRIOING THIS WEEK ON ALL Floor Samples of Sewing Machines You Can Secure Some Exceptional Bargains by Taking Immediate Action. Come Tuesday. 2,500 Yds. Plain and Novelty Silks Up to $1.00 a yard Values 20 to 36-inch wide in great variety of most popular weaves and colorings, messalines, taffetns, foulards, silk poplins, Louisiehos, 40A fill a French faille, etc., at, yard AOC-wOC Tuesday Specials Wash Goods Section BOsCBSTXG BOOK Unbleached 'Muslin, 36 Inch tvttle, 7 He values 5V4o Leghorn JG-lnch Bleached Muslin. 8 '4 c values 6)&o Flannelettes, good weight, 10c val ues 6o Shirting Cheviots, checks and stripe, 12Hcvalues lOo Outing Flannels, good weight, 8 He values ' OHc Mikado Crepe for kimonos, loc values guo Block Sateen, 30-lnch wide, lSc values lOo Poplins, plain or striped, 2So val ues '.' ...160 Dress Ginghams, remnants, 12Hc values 7Wo Table Oil Cloths, light and dark colors, 20c values 18o Silk finished Foulards, 25c values at ISO Sheets, 72x90, good muslin, 60d values 330 NEW SPRING GOODS . Now on Sail All tho new styles in wash goods, ratines, bongal lines, new cloth, Lorraine tisuds, voiles, silk and cotton mixtures, etc., at, yd., 25c, 38c, 50c, 75, 85c and $1;00 Closing out Blankets, Comfort ables etc.: $5.00 Blankets ...M.9S $4.ou Blankets ..M.19 $3.5ii Blankets ............. .8115 ts.on Blankets. ..... .. l.6S 2.50 Blankets $1,36 $2.00 Blankets i'U! Comfortables All comfortables will go very low. 1 Also Bath Kobe" Blankets will be closed considerably below cost. Read Hayden's Special February Grocery Opening Sale 32 lbs. best aramtlateA Sugar .... ...... 91 MO 48 lb. sack best High arado Diamond II Flour nothing finer' for bread, pies pr cake per sack (.....81.10 10 bars Beat-Km-AU, Diamond C or Iaundry Queen White Laundry Soap .23o 10 lbs. best Whlto or Tellow Cornmeal ..19o 8 lbs. best Boiled Break fast Oatmeal 35c The beat Domestic Mac aroni. Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg. ...?Ho 4 lbs. fancy Japan lllce, lOo quality .......860 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 35o 4 cans Wax, String, Green or Lima Beatis for 85o 3 cans solid packed To matoes 35o Fancy Table Peaches, Pears, Plums or Apri cots, packed in lieaVy syrup, per can .... lBo Yeast Foam, pkg 3c Grape-Nuts, pkg..... 100 6 cans Lu Lu Scouring Soap ....36o Tall cans Alaska Salmon for 100 Quart Jars fancy Man- zanella Olives ....23a 28-ounce Jars Pure Fruit Preserves ..38o E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. So All regular 12Ho Cookies Tuesday, lb: ..... lOo All regular 16c Cookies, Tuesday, lb...... 12V4o Alt regular 10o Cookies. Tuesday, lb sv&o .McLaren s 1'eanut uu ter. lb 13 The best Janan Tea S ings, id. iuo Fancy Golden Santo Coffee, lb. 3O0 xxs fbqp&e's rstrxT AITS VXSSTAB&S SCABICST. Fancy H'ead Lettuce, at, each .,..7Wc 3 bundles fresh, crisp Leaf Lettuce ut. . ..10c Fancy Cape Cod Cran berries, quart ...13&a Fancy Cuban fresh '-ipo. Tomatoes, per lb., loo But- Fresh Beets, Carroty, Radishes or Turnips, per bunch Bo Old Beets. Carrots. Tur nips or Bed Onions-at. per lb 2o Fresh Boasted .Peanut, per quart 50 15 lbs. best Ohio Pitt toes for . ., 35o Fncy Colorado Cauli flower, per lb ....7 He BUTJTE A9D EGGS DOWW Xaydsa'a rolloWiths Market and Xtap tho JPrlces Sowa. The boat Creamet-y But ter, carton or bulk,, per lb. 32o Good Country Creamery Butter, lb. 280 Good Dairy Table Butter per lb 35a The best strictly Fresh Guaranteed JBggs, per dozen .300 Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb ...180 The best Imported Swiss or Iloquefort Cheese,- lb. 33c IT TDV UAVriCIU FlitA it SM s ssn mm SP BW - s 1 mvi PAYS We supply all sorts of photograplis We haye thousands of photograph's and nega tives filed, classified and indexdd. " t. If you need an illustration or photograph for any purpose, we can supply you at once. Wo also have the latest and most tip-to-dato equipment for photographing interiors, foe.,, photographing catalogue subjects, for pano: ramie viows and for enlarging photographs. , We will send a photographer to tako any kind of a picture. Our subjects on file include: Prominent men. Advertising subjects, Buildings, Pure bred live stock. Art studies, Farm scenes, Animals, life studies. Our rt department will make new drawings or retouch, or revise photographic copy for making engravings. Our grTiB riepartaient will make engravings for you for any kind of illustration work. . Our elcctrotyping department will make duplicate cuts from engravings or type matter. Our prices -are remarkably reasonable. BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Omaha, Nebraska Business Opportunities These ads will start you on ttie road to wealth