THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914. ! The Latest from Paris FULLY DESCRIBED BY OLIVETTE t r i You Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This First Philip Anion Is a boy of 15, of line edu-, cation and Rood breeding, but an orphan and miserably poor. " j Tho story opens with tho death of his mother. Itlch relatives have deserted the family In their hour of need, and when hts mother's death comes Philip Is In des pair, tie looks over hla mother's letters and finds thai he Is related to Sir l'hllllp Morland. A few days later a terrific thun derstorm brews over London. At the height of tho storm a flash of llghtn'-ng scares a team attached to a coach stand ing In front of n West End mansion. Philip, who has becomo a tiowsboy, res cue d girl from the carriage Juut before it turns over. A man with tho girl trip over Philip In his excitement. H cuffs tho boy and calls a" policeman. The girl pleads for Philip and he Is allowed to ko after learning that the. man was Lord Vanstonc. Philip then determines to com mit suicide. Ho borrows a piece of rope trom O'Brien, a ship chahdler, and bops to his miserable dwelling In JohnBon's Jlcwa, Just as he Is about to hang himself a meteor flashes by J ho window and crashes Into tho flagstones In tho yard. The boy taken this as a sign from heaven not to kill himself. He then goes to tho yard to look at tho meteor. Philip picks up several curious looking bits of ,the meteor and shows them to O'Brien. The latter advises' him to take them to a jeweler's. Copyright, ISOI, by Edward J. Clode. "I never thought of that, yet I ought to know, by this time. Thank you, I will go Into tho city." He took the pebble, which he placed In his waistcoat pocket. Walking briskly, he traversed some part of the sorrowful journey of barely twelve hours earlier. What had happened to chango his mood ho did ilot know, and scarcely troubled to Inquire. Last night h'eharfled through these stfeta Ju a frenzied quest for death, Now he strode along full of hope, Joyous In tho confidence of life and youth. His ono dominant thought was that his mother had protected him, had snatched him from tho dark- sate of eternity. Oddly enough, he laid far more stress on his escape from tho meteor than on the accident that prevented his contemplated suicide. This latter Idea had, vanished with tho madness that induced it. Philip was sano again, morally and mentally. Ho was keenly anxious to justify his mother's trust in him. The blustering wind, annoying to most wayfarers, only Jk aroused lit him a spirit of resistance, ot Now Read On t t f y i r fortitude. Ho breasted it so maniuuy ' that when at last he paused at tho door of a great Jewelry establishment in Lud sato Hill his face, was flushed and his manner eager and animated. Ho opened tho door, but was rudely brought back to a tense of his surround ings by the suspicious question of a shop walker, "Now, boy, what do you want here?" f Tho unconscious stress in tho man's words were certainly borno out by tho contrast between Philip, a social pariah In attire, and the wealth of gold and precious stones cut off from him by thick glass and iron bars. What, indeed, did this outcast want there? Confused by the sudden demand, and no less by Its complete obviousness, Philip flushed and stammered:. "I er only wished to on tain some in formation, sir," ho answered LlKe all others, tno nnopmnn was amazed by the difference between tho boy's manners and his appearance. "Information," ho repeated, in his sur prise. "What information can wo give The wealth of the firm oppressed this mnn. He could only speak n accents of adulation where the shop was concerned. Philip produced bis white pebble. "What is this?" ho said. If Hair Is Turning Gray, Use Sage Tea Don't look old! Try Grand mother's recipe to darken and beautify faded, lifeless hair. That beautiful, even shade ot dark, glossy hair can only be had by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea. and Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns tray, streaked and locks dry, whlspy and scraggly, Just an application or two of Bags and Sulphur enhances its appear ance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the tonic; yoc can get from any drug store a CO cent bottle of "Wyeth's Bajre and Sulphur Hair Remedy," ready to use. This can always be depended upon to bring bade the natural color, thickness and lustre ot your hair and remove dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage anJ Culphur because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It ha been applied. You simply dampen & sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray J air liu disappeared, and after another application it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and alxin. CiUit AdvtrtlBttnent, ! jff! I ' , mSmlfmM till iinHfSi! J 1 . Uvil, The man behind the counter stared at him for a moment, but he i cached over for the stone. Without a word ho placed It be neath the mlorosaopo and gave It a very brief examination. Then he pressed It' agslnst his oheek. Tho directness of tho query again took hla hearer aback. Without a word he beqt and examined the stone. Profes sional instinct mastered all other consid erations. "You must apply to that department," He majestically waved, his hand toward a Bldo counter, Philip obeyed sllentiy, and approached a small, elderly person age, a man with clever, kindly eyes, who was submitting to microscopical examina tion a number of tiny stones spread out on a chamois leather folding' case, He quietly removed the caso when his glance rested on .the boy. 'Well?" ho said, blankly, wondering why on earth the skilled shopwalker had sent such a disreputablo urchin to him. Philip was not quite collected In his wits. He held out tho pebble, with a more to talled statement. "I found this," he said. "1 thougnt that it mlgh.t be valuable, and a friend advised mo to bring it here. Will you kindly tell me what It Is?" Tho man behind the counter stared at him for a moment, but he reached over for the stone. Without a word he placed It beneath the mlscroscope und gave it a very brief examination. Then he pressed it against his cheek. "Whcro did you get It?" he asked. "I found It where it had fallen on the pavement." "Are you sure?" "Quito sure." "Strange!" was the muttered comment, and Philip began to understand that his rretcor possessed attributes hitherto un suspected. "But what la It?" he Inquired, after a I pauso. "A moteorlc diamond," "A meteoric diamond?" "Yes." "Is Is worth much?" "A great deal. Probably some hun dreds ot pounds." Philip felt his face growing pale. That dlrty-whlte, small stone worth hundreds of pounds! Vet in his pocket he had twenty-nino other specimens, many of them much larger than the one chosen haphazard for Inspection, and in the back yard of his tenement lay heap of them, scattered about the pavement like hallstnnca after a shower, while the meteor Itself was a compact mass ot tbeni. Ho became somewhat faint, and leaned against the glass case that sur mounted the counter. "Is that really true," was all he could say. The expert valuer ot diamonds smiled. His first impulse was to send for the police, but ke knew thai meteoric dia monds did fall to earth occasionally, and ho believed the boy's story. Moreover, thi thin? w&k such a rarltv and nt twh value that the holder must be fully ablo to account for Its possession before he ' could dispose of It. So his tone was not .unkindly as he replied: "It Is qulto true, but If you want to ascertain Its exact value you should go to a Halton Oardtn merchant, and hi most probably would make you a fair offer It has to be cut and polished, you "Where Ud you get Iti" he , asked. '.'I. found It where It had fallen on the pavement" "Are you sure?" "Quite euro." "Strange!" was the muttered comment, and Philip began to know, before It becomes salable, and t must warn you that most rigid Inquiry will be made as to how It came Into your hands." "It fell from heaven," was tho wholly unexpected answer, for Philip was shaken and hardly master ot his faculties. "Yes, yes, I know. Personally, I believe you, or you would be In custody at this moment. Take It to Messrs. Isaacsteln & Co., Hatton Garden. Say I sent you Mr. Wilson is my name and make your best terms with Mr. Isaacsteln. He will treat you qulto fairly. But, again, bo sure und tell the truth. Ho will investigate your story fully before ho Is satisfied as to Its accuracy." Philip, walking through dreamland, quitted the shop. Ho mingled with thu Jostling crowd and drifted into Farrlng don road. "X diamond worth hundreds of pounds!" he repeated, mechanically. "Then what is the whole meteor worth, and what am I worth?" ISAACSTEIN. The keen, strong March wind soon blew tho clouds from his brain, l'e did not hurry toward Hatton Garden. He eaUn- tered, rather, with his right hand clenched on the parcel in hie pocket, the parcel which had suddenly been endowed with such magic potentlaltles. It was tho In stinct to guard a treasure of great value that led to this Involuntary action. He was preoccupied, disturbed, vaguely striv ing to grasp a vision that seemed to elude his exact comprehension. What did It mean? Was It really pos sible that he, Philip Anson, orphaned, beggared, practically a starving tramp, should have the riches of Golconda show ered upon him In this mad fashion? If the small stone ha had shown to thu Jeweler were worth hundreds, then some of thoso In the paper were worth thou sands, while, as for the stone in the back yard of his house well, Imagination boggled at the effort to appraise It. The thought begot a sense of caution, of re- tr The Heavens By WILLIAM V. UIGGK. Mars and Saturn still adorn our nightly skies and are In excellent positions for observation. Mars Is In tho constellation of the twins, not far from Its brightest stars, Castor and Pollux, and may easily be Identified by Its red color and Its change of position. Saturn Is near Aide baran, the most brilliant star In the bull. These two great planets are on opposite sides of the milky way. Th'e day's Increase in length, one hour and seven minutes during the month, being ten hours and no minutes long on the first, ten hours and thirty-three minutes on the fifteenth, and eleven hours and seven minutes on the 28th, the sun rising on these dates at 7.3$, understand that his meteor pos sessed attributes hitherto un suspected. "But what is it?" he Inquired, after a pause, "A meteoric diamond." "A meteorlo diamond?" "Yes." "Is It worth much?" "A great deal. Probably some hundreds of pounds." serve, of well-reasonea determination not to reveal his secret to anybody. Perhaps It would bo best not to tuko Messrs. Isaacsteln & Co. wholly Into his confi dence. He would simply show them the stony he had exhibited to .Mr.. Wilson and tako the best prlco they offered. Then, with tho mo,noy In his possession, he . could effect a much ueded change In his I appearance, visit thorn again and gradu ally Increase his supply of emmonds until I he had obtained more money than he could possibly spend during many yean. Abovo all else was It necessary -that. Ills meteor should bo removed to a safer j place than Johnson's. Mews. Philip had I . 1 ..I. .... , Hnnmn.liilnfr I T j-irfl ' of the Manor and crown rights ho had never heard of. His mother, watching his every action from some Elyslun height, had sent tho diamond-loaded messenger as a token of her love and care. It was hi", and no man should rob him ot It. It behooved htm to bo sparing of explanations and Sturdy In defense of Ills property. A good deal depended on the forthcom ing interview, nna Tie wished he could ! convert a small fraction ot the wealth In his pockets Into a fow honest pennies with their king's head on them. The ex citement and exercise hod made Mm hungry again. His breakfast was not of amnio proportions, and his meals ot yes- 1 terday had been ot tho scantiest. lt j would bo well to face the diamond msr- chants with the easy confidence ' that I apvlngs from a satisfied appetite. I Yet. how to manage It? He was sorry i now ho had not borrowed a six-pence I from O'Brien. Tho old soldier would ! certainly have lent It to htm. He oven thought of returning to the Mile End road to secure the loan, hut he happened to remember that the day was Saturday, and It was probable that the Hatton Oar. den offices would close early. It was then nearly 11 o'clock, and he could not risk the delay of tiolong, double Journey, (TO Do, Continued Tomorrow.) in February Jf 7:23 and 7:03, and setting at 5:S8, 6:65 and 6:10. The un Is slower this month than at any other time In the year. On the 11th and 12th 1t Is fourteen and one-half minutes stow, as shown by a sun dial, and during the first three weeks of the month t Is thirty-eight minutes slow ot standard time. On the 19th It enters Pisces, the I'lsh, the last sign of the todrlac. The moon Is in first quarter on the 3d, full on the 10th, In last quarter on the 17th and nvw on thn Jfth. It Is In con Junction with Saturn on the Gth, Mars on the 7th and Jupiter on the 22d. On tho 10th at 11 M p. m., it Is at a distance nf eight-tenth of Its diameter from ltegulus. tho brightest star In the lion. Crelghton I'ulvcrslty Observatory Muny ot thy neV French evening gowns ore. cut on rmplro style, and though tho draped' girdles nro wide, they arc placed so high up that they do not destroy tho cmplro line. Frequently, tho top of sklit peeps iiIho, the o u t above the girdle, us Illustrated ly the model of gold tpangled tullo wo show you today. Tho bodice, which Is out very low, Is inndo ot n. swath ing ot tho wan gled tulle, which passes under tho arms like a corse let. This Is held over tho shoulder by soft straps ot chif fon edged In strass. A long scurf of black tullo bor dered with slrasH fastens at the bock, while a huge black velvet poppy trims tho front of ot tho waist. Tho skirt ot gold spangled tullo 1 pluln In front and scallops down over either hip to show a pannier c f f o o t formed by fulled li nots ot iridescent tullo. The- spangled tullo Ib lifted at tho back to make a long square panel that forms a train. Men! Women! If It la Full No Good to By DOROTHY DEC. The story that Hardy told In Ids groat novel. "Teas of tho d'Urbervllles," re peated Itself In real life lu this city the other day. A young couple got married and agreed to tell each other everything that hud e v o r happened to them. The man told his story, and tho woman forgavo him his sins. The girl told of a slnglo step that she had taken aside from the straight and nar row road, and the man upbraided her with every revile ment ha could think Of, and ordered her out ot the llttlo honio they had furnished with such hope and happiness. And the young wife sho was only a child of 18 went. But she did not go through the door. She threw herself out of the win dow and was dashed to death op the stones of the street below. This sad case Is a pathetic Illustration ot the double standard ot morals that tho world has sat up for men and wo men. The man may do with Impunity what the woman la damned for doing. The man excuses In himself the weak nesses ' that he never forgives In her, and he expects her to lightly condone In him the offenses for which he puts her out of doors. The most absurd and arrogant provi sion of this double standard ot conduct Is the theory that obtains that a woman who has had a past shoull reveal It all to him before marriage, and that if sho doesn't do so sho has been guilty of most treasonable act. Hut no woman expects the man she marrle to make a clean breast of his past life to her before they are married, nor does any man feel called upon to ro clte the litany of his Bins tn his pros pective bride, or deem himself dlshon arable in not doing so. And In this, 1 think, he Is exactly right The past ot a man or woman concerns the Individual he or she Is going to marry only In so far as to the character it has produced In tht man or woman, and the complications it has brought about If the past of a man or woman has been such as to leav him or her the vic tim of, that concerns the indi vidual he or she Is proposing to marry, and he or she has a right to know it tn time to avoid being murdered or bringing Into thn world sickly and neurotic chil dren. But the time will soon come when a health certificate will be attached to every marriage license, so no personal Bury the Past When You Wed! pf Mistakes That Can Bo Lived Down; It Dooh Hovcol It. Present and Future Alone Count confessions on this score will bo neces sary. If a man or womun has been guilty in the past of somo act that leaves a men acing scandal always pursuing him or her, he or she should certainly bo honest she propoics to marry of it beforo hp or she proposed to marry of It before the wedding day. Ko men or woman has a right to bring unmerited disgrace upon another. Hut where the lns of either a man or woman huvo been merely the follies at youth, faults committed In hot blood and repented of as soon as done, and that havn mercifully loft no sinister avenging ghost behind, then they are best burled deep In perpetual alienee. It serves no good purpose to drag the skeleton of theso misdeeds out Into the light and rattle their dry hones. What Is part Is past and cannot ho chanced, and the telling of It does not updo the wrong. No wife is the happier for knowing of Just when, and how, and where, and the extent of the wild oats crop her husband howed. It does not make her trust him more to know from his own Hps that he has been one of those who loved and rode away or kissed and told. Insteil, there Is always a rankling Jealousy In her heart of these other women and n fear that if sho doesn't watch him well ho will slip back to them, So, unlet there Is Bomethlne In his past life that menaces his wife's future. a man is wlo to draw n discreet veil of reticence over his bachelor days. And there Is not a whit moro reason why a woman should tell a man she Is going to marry every detail of her past life than there Is why he should tell her, She has a right to appeal from the man made double rtandard and subscribe to a slpgle stundard of morals for both sexes with perfect assurance that whatever hers are they aro as good as those of her husband-elect. She hasn't a right to bring dlseaso or disgrace Into her new home, tjvit It she is ono of those unfortunate ones, u girl who, through being Ignorant and un taught, or too loving and trusting, has been betrayed Into doing a wrong that she has rspented In bitterness and tears, she has Just as much of a right to put that wrong behind her as a man would have had he committed It, and to go for ward to a happy and useful life. It Is not fair that her whole life should be wrecked by a slnglo misdeed, as It would be It she confessed It to the man who asked her to marry him. It would brand her forever afterward In his eyes as a woman with a "past." He would never look at liar without seeing her ' skirt stained with mud, although In ' reality there might be only the tiniest , smirch upon the hem. j It the man was much In love with her 1 he might marry her and declare that he This charming French evening gown romblnes lieauty of line, richness ot ma terial and those dis tinctive touches that delight the Parlslcnne It Is fashioned ot white tulc spangled In gold. llelow tht first tunic of spangled tulle Is a second ono of chiffon In nlmllar shape, curved In front and lengthened In back In ri po(nL The main part ot the ak:rt Is finish' ly f. round train and Is silt in front to show the foGU-OUVETTK. would overlook tho sin of her youth, but he wouldn't. He would hold It over her head like the sword of Damocles, and there would never come an hour of disagreement and anger In which he would not. taunt and reproach her with It, for no man Is really big enough to forgive In a woman the things lie doesn't oven reproach himself for having done, and that ho expects her to forgive. After all, marriage Is the beginning of a new Itfo and It Is ot much more Im portance to both husbands .and wives how they are to live than the kind ot life they have lived before. Wise are those who put the past be hind them, asking no questions of the dead past, but turning tholr faces toward a worthy future. Some ot the noblest men and women In (he world are thoso who have "risen to higher things on stepping stones of their dead selves." You Need Not Have Grey Hair Yea can pflltirslr re store grey or faded hair to its natural eel or by the km of It cImshs tka seals, emllrcits the hairf prodao s a taldc, luxirUmt crowtk. Btwulta art rurtaUtt If yea are not satlrclr with Bay's Hilr Uulta year drarckt "111 refssd Mm r eM prle. , 4 ,, CruitUu. Stni lOo (or mid vt bout to Hherman tt McConntll Co Om.H, !st. rOB, SAM AsTB XXCOKKIXBaS BT sHiiRKAH t xoaoNmrxt. saursT 09L 16TX AKD OOVaS, 10TX AKB Vj wax. axs astd rlkxAx. aora xitu Advertising Is tki Lib if Tra Valk through Tka See to yew tomra, your oesavetHer'a easts wte, 7 out possible eutteiiw.