Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    Mutt Evidently Has No Sympathy for the Bards
, - x tj as mw . . . ,
"TO fAK6 a NNWSS FOR. " " I BUT N CAN SKt XHKT 'tmC OU KkmcN ) '
5oWwRirmM a ' 1 ANV) X WAHT VBPR OPINION ' Ymou&M t THIHK OP K DftO yHGR.e tID . 'f t MrXOB1 IX VJ? I ' ' 8ft ' ' 7 7 '
I WANrtCM! J OLD UOOOfeN ftOCKei- . - V. "J V , I STIUU CiOT- L', t..
Establishing World's Eecord Within
Reach of Each.
BIT Opportunity lSxIattnarKlKht Now
(or Those Who Hnvei Stock thnt
Una Hera Trnlncd fur Dl
inner (in,
Most harness, horstf owners In tho mid-
die west do. hbV appreciate the fact that
establishing-world's j. records la a sport
that Is available to them oven though their
bank balances, are:of, moderate size. Tnat
tho opportunity, cxlsis. however, Is made
evident Jrom an. -examination of tho
records. '
. -w ........ ........ ... -- I
duces a 2-jar-oM . (hat trots In hotter I
than 2:05, Iho.avcrnKa man can seldom
V .... . I
hope to una axon equal to mo rccora
holder In hlsjimall stable. But there arc
records on tho books which animals In
training now In Nebraska are capablo
of surpassing.
Blnco there Is a lot of sentiment con-
ncctcd with tho breeding and racing.
same tho average horoo owner would
rather see his favorite steed's name In
tho books as a world's record holder than
to win -a, good- slsed purse.
Vnr , ln.tanr it nrohablv will bo a
long Hmo.befbro Uhlan's trotting record.
of l:B8'fbr a mle, or Tho Harvester's mark
of V.IBM tor two miles, will be Vateri;
and ncrhana NlahtlilKale'a three miles W
:KV4. would' bo difficult to surpass, .but
ftenator la record of W:12 for four m (1..
a 2:88 galj-certalnly It not Invincible
and it Is a worM'ji record and worth I
sinving ior. ,
fcambra. by McXlnney. trotted, flvo
miles In 12:2i but tho best lx-mll trot
ting record Is tho sixteen minutes of
Longtime (untraced), made In 1893-at; tho
rate of each mllo In 2:49.
Thero. are other long distance records,
.nil irL, . f,7fr.irh of ih
which, It requires no far stretch of tho
Imagination to soy, might bo beaten by
trottora of tho middle west If given a onnortumtv.
The half-mile track trotting record, tlio
..vnn nmiitla nnil fhn racn records havo I
been pushed down to a point where the
odds are on Father Time for tho most
part, but thero aro still other kinds which
are not so difficult. Tho saddle record
for one mllo was placed at 2:08Vi by
Country Jay In 1909, but the other cham-
plon trotting rcoords under saddle ate
as follows;
Two miles. Ocorgo M. Patchcn (HO),
Three miles, Dutchman (1839), 7:52.
Four miles, Dutchman (1B30), 10:U.
Church League May
lake Up Base Ball
Wlttn the members of tho Church
)ogu of basket ball teams holds Its
next featMiuet, February 19, making the
Church leuuo a permanent organisation
for tha entire year will be dtscursod. A
large number of the participants bellovq
that a lmllar schedule ot base bail
games In the summer and foot ball
games In the fall would bo as great a
success. It not greater, than basket ball.
Tho . competition between tho various
churches Is strong and the rivalry keen,
Whenever a basket boll game Is In prog-
rcs between two church teams the gym-1
naslum Is filled with supporters of the
opposing squads. Mont of tho playera on
tho teams are ine.xpencm;cu, uui-
ntr into UiVlsnlrlt of the thing with a
vim and every.' man-who started the sua-
.nn i, ado himself moro or less pro-
flclent In some part ot tho difficult game,
livuomti. w "
if nt I A mil ftl T
UN MrVI A I UU lUmuni
Youalff HUssane. Omaha's aspirant to
the wrestling champlonohlp of tho world,
will attempt to take ' another step up -
ward -on the-ladder ot fame tonight at
the Krug theater by throwing Tom Law -
son. another of tho crop of Canadians
-who hava invaded this country. Lawson
arrive 1 tnomana ycsieraay ami ta
lo ihko on ino uniaua "
Hussfne Is aueccaitul In throwing Law.
son he wilt probably bo given a match
with Jess Weatergard.
'PflfVF T TO Y. M. C. A.
The Youiis Men's Christian association
...til nvr Ufa nroflt on tho bin Indoor
athletic tournament and carnival which
was J.eld t the Auditorium January 2J.
.i . . . ... . .ni. i
ins iiuiiiuyr vi -"'""- !
percenUwv over 1.900. The expenses of
the w ven
ietlc fund' the awocl&Uon,
. . . a. ... a a . ... .
of7riVin;.V t imm f tn
P'ckett Sunday afternoon bv Johnny!
Andrews and Lealle Pickett The after-
noon 'as spent in mu0 and playing
rards. KefreehmartU wero served. The
men4t of the tum present werei
Ctntnn Matty. Art Slgelbcnr. Walter
attf.n. Verne Probst. Jim Butey. Fred
Hawkeye Quintet
Outplays Aggies
IOWA CITY, la., Feb. l.-(Hpeclal Tel
egram.) Iowa kept Its record of basket
ball victories over Ames clean hero to
night, defeating theAgglcs handily, 22 to
15. Tho Hawkcye' had all the better of
the enrno throughout, but missed many
easy shots In the second half, most of
them rolling off the rim. Parsons played
with tho Iowa team In spile of threat
ened attack of appendicitis and held his
forward scoreless. The score at the end
0f the first half was 11 to S, In favor of
howa. Lineup:
carm"chacT ,lj'c'
rattcnB ...,,V,'!!H.'a.
II.F Dowcll
I.F Sweeney
u...., iioimos
It.a Harpell
Iy.Q........... Hansel
Jacouscn L.G,
HUbstltute. Qrtssel for Carmlchael.
HllmtlllirV! TTlnlll . VnnTjll.lilin. tl
Klelda (S), OrlstlC Jacobsen, Dowoll (J),
Holes (2), Haroclt (2). Free throws:
T.'l nlH fl Dn.j.M.. R . D.f.u.i III .1.
i'0vrh - Vunf Wii'KrL"
Timo of hiivo.! to "
- .
-ruic cu i nilT nt nmlrnp
inrt rnuu uui ur Drtno
Deiievue college aercaiea tuo Omaha
National bank five Saturday at the
Young Men s citrisuan association, S3 to
22. During tho first half of play tho
bankers had tho edgo on their opponent,
tho period ending 12. to 15 In their favor.
In the next half the collegians soon took
the ai, which they managed to hold
throughout tho contest,
Bhuardt for ;tho banker played a star
"c, making five' fj,cld .goals. Ohman,
comer ior;ino collegians, iouowea next
In the number of- points, securing
tour tlela, jgoslsr Uneup:: ,
P. QuRck'buali.ftF.
Htookey V.V.
u,r.... jiuBBinr
unman u.
It. Qiinck'bUSh.U.a.
u lioirman
ICO neck
L.Q Bender
Haldormon ....LO.I
Field troals: P. Quackcnbush. 3: Stookcv.
1; Ohman, i R. Quackcnbush, 2: Shuardt.
6! uuosing, i: iiorrman, i; neck, l. iroul
?0ttl thrown: Stookey, S; Hoffman. 1.
f,ouU commUte(j. ucllovue college. 13
Omaha National bank, 8. Beforee: Cams.
Timekeepers , Parish. . Scorckeopori
uutneriand. Time of halves, 20 minutes.
'it yWP MnRUil rCll I PRP
" " 1 & IIUnninL lUULtUt
riKnCF Neb.. Fob. L-(Bpoclal.)-In
an exciting game of basket ball ut Plerco
opera-house Friday evening, the local
high school flvo defeated Wayne State
Normal by a score of- 28 to 19. Tho first
half went to Pierce by a score of 19 to 9.
Tho basket shooting of the Pierce team
featured. This was the first defeat nut
fcred by tho normal this season. Lineup:
Hickman R.F.
R.F..,.,,..,. Powers
L.F Wltten
C... ......... Manske
UQ... .. Vandoroool
Jlosmnn ........ h.V.
Van Norman C.
Welch UO,
Becker ,.R,a.
ClldersteeVe ....Bub.
B.U ltoberte
Hut ,.. Keimori
A meeting of the Class B Amateur Base
Ball league of Omaha Is to be held Feb-
ruary 13 In the city hall. In tho Water
uoaru rooms, ror tho purpow of forming
plans to enter tho national amateur
league now being formed. A meeting fit
amatour league head from all over the
country is to oe held in Chicago on Feb.
ruary 20 and 21 for organization purposes.
and J. J. Isaacson, president of tho local
league, will In all probability attend.
1 1
ftUCDaftC UflUUCD T OUftrtT
numuu nirtnuu nt onuu i
HOUSTON, Tex., Feb, 1. Mark Arle of
1 Thomaaboro, III., was high average wln-
I ner oi uio inincenin annual ounny nouin
handicap shoot, which ended here today.
I ill- .w. . ,u ..... inn
" " -.v.
Uut of 1.203. J. Ti. Jahn ot Keota. la.
was second, with 1.130, and H. Krnney ot
Chicago was third with 1.107. Mrs. Ad
J Toppcrwcln of San Antonio, Tex., was
1 high professional with 1,006; Harry
l Stevens ot New York, second, with 1,003,
1 and Ben Schwartx of Houston. Tex..
third, with 1,071.
TILDEN. Neb.. Feb, l.-(Spclal.)-
Clearwater High school basket ball teams
Played the Titdon teams at this place last
night. Oearwater winning the boys'
I game, 22 to . The TUden girls won their
game. 3S to i The Tllden slrls lead the
1 liinnorn viuiajr utn uaii teu.ue. nav
n won every game played so far thl
n I-n rsnl t nntuil
I if II "VM la vl -
settoualy Injured near Thurmond. W. Va,
today when a tioulder weighing several
on. loostened by recent rains, tore down
,, mnuntatn alda and cruahed tha motor
u,a mqun,l, na U iiT I . 0
car on which they were riding on the
Chesapeake & Ohio railroad. The men
wero uncn,tn Inspecting the te.egraph
High School Alumni Want the Oak
Park High Sohool.
Fund la Nnw Delngr Rnlaril to Bring
the IiVaillns; Tcnm of Conntrr
Here foi Foot, Ball (Inme
irltli I,ocnl.
Supporters of the foot ball team ot the
Omaha High school at last will probabjy
havo aj opportunity to seo a team rep
resenting the local school fight a battle
for the interscholastlc championship ot
tho United States At Bourko park next
Thanksgiving day. After several weeks
ot indefinite delay a band of Omaha
alumni Tfas finally mado preparations
which will bring Oak Park High school ot
Chicago hero next Thanksgiving day.
Oak Park High school of Chicago has
for several years boen king of the Inter
scholastics foot ball World. That school
has turned out teams which swept all be
fore, east and west. But never has Oak
Park played Omaha, and thero tho alumni
got to work.
H will cost something over (00 to pay
expenses for Oak Park to come to Omaha
next fall. If tho weather la favorable
that $500 would bo but a small percentage
of the gato receipts, but If the weather is
not favorable $500 would be much larger
than the gate receipts. Thus a method to
obtain that 9500 was. Inaugurated.
Petition Circulated,
Petitions aro being circulated around
Omaha for business men, graduates ot
the high school or any Omaha Inhabitant
to sign. With that slgnaturo Is tho num
ber ot ttckots Which the signer will pur
chase previous to tho contest, so that
weather will not enter Into the obligation.
After an amount surpassing 1500 has been
petitioned tho alumni will collect the
money as fast as possible, put It In the
bank nnd then pay Oak Park's expenses
regardless of anything else.
Lester Heyn has promised to contribute
heavily toward tho expense money and
promises that he will see to It personally
that tho Oak Park team Is entertained in
a manner that will surpass any other en
tertainment any foot ball team ever re
ceived any time. Tate Matters la tickled
over tho plan and assorts that he will
assist Mills In coaching tho local line
men so that they will bo better prepared
to withstand the attacks of the powerful
Chicago backtleld.
Wyman Bcebe, Stuart Gould, Edgar
Morris, Balph Ludwlg, N. D. Hcrdllnger,
Tate Matters, Karl Baker, Lester Heyn
nnd others ot the high school alumni and
Omaha business men aro lending their
efforts to the movement and have started
active work. Already one-fifth of tho
desired $300 has been raised and it is ex
pected that tho remainder ot It will be
subscribed before the passage ot two more
Sidney Defeat'a Bluff.
SIDNEY. Neb.. Feb. l.-rSncclal.l-
Kcott'a n urrs lost its nrst Kama ot the
srasan Friday at Sidney. Tho gcore was
43 to ii. The neotrs imirrs second team
defeated th Kidney team 13 to 13. The
Hcott'H Hiurra team rame in on a special
train accompanied by a band and' 300
enthusiastic rooters'. The return game
will bo nluvod at Scott's Bluffs next
Friday lilcht. Hmnev win no there on
n. special train. Sidney is now the only
team In tho western Nebraska league
tnat nas not iosi a game.
Humboldt Defentn Anbnrn,
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb. 1. (BpeclaU
An lnlereatlnir and excltlnc came ot
basket nan was witnesses oy a mrge
crowd In the Ulc'i school building Friday
utaht Iiln tha tilth school teams ot
Auburn and tiumbomt. wnicn resuuca
In k urnro nf S3 to 12 In favor of Humboldt
Thus far this season tnc iiumoowi learn
has -been succeistul In every game on its
own ground.
On m- Drive ArranReil,
PIERRE. 8. D.. Feb. l.-(BneclaU-The
neonla about Midland have arranged for
a game drive. At the start each of tho
four lines ot hunters will bo twelvo miles
In lnuUh. to bo centered along the .four
sines on a single section, wiin men uno
n. tniia in iMituh. no man-Dower fire
arms are to be allowed, and all dogs
must bo under leach until tno central
section la reached.
Wlna Three aintcttea.
mm.linnitNH Australia, Feb. 1.
riiirun 1 Parker, the California sprinter.
tCMlay won tnree cnancnso maicnra, mo
liny yaraa in urt cconu, acvriur-uir-
arus In second, ana me u yarns
10 seconds.
Oirnr tlrnhant with Wichita.
Tha Wichita club has signed old Oscar
Graham, the southpaw pitcher wno oroxe
In a. recruit on the Omaha team a
dozen veara eo ana niayea nero a couoie
ot seasons. Graham was at clever twlrler
In thoee uays.
Hriirnr Team Overwhelmed.
ALEXANDRIA, Neb., Feb. l.-8peclal.)
Tho Alexandria tiigu scnooi iem ii
faated Kdcar Ilifih school Friday by i
score of is to 0. Tho same was char
acterixed by the fast and brilliant play'
Ing ot tno local team.
Bllllousneaa nn-t Constipation Cored
If you are ever troubled with bilious
ness or constipation you wilt be Interested
In the atatement of It F. Erwln, Peru,
Ind. "A year ago last winter I had an
attack of constipation. Seeing Chamber
Iain's Tabids so highly recommended, I
bought a bottle of them and they helped
mo right away." For sale by all deaUrs.-AdvtrtUement,
nteniational Eace to Start from
There in October.
Mlaaonrl Mooatera Offer Many At-
tractions for Those Who Will
Bnter Competition for the
Bennett Cap.
NEW YORK, Feb. l.-Tho interna
tional balloon race for tho James Gordon
Bennett cup this year will bo started
from Kansas City, Mo., on October 6.
Tho contest committee of the Aero club
of America awarded tho race to tho
Kansas City Aero club, which agreed to
offer $7,300 In prizes, frco gas to tho en
trants and to mako all arrangements for
handling tho event. Tho Aero Club ot
America had tho privilege of making;
tho award by virtue of tho victory of
Ralph Upson, American, In tho Inter
national race from Paris last year.
Upson, in tho balloon Goodyear, landed
p England after covering approximately
400 miles In forty-three houra and twenty
Upson and Captain II. E. Honeywell,
tho American pilot who finished second
In tho 1913 International ovent, will bo
offered the opportunity of being two of
the United States team of three to enter
the 1914 race, It was announced by Alan
R, Hawley, chairman of tho committee.
As Upson and Honeywell outdistanced
all their foreign rivals last year, tho con
test committee considered they earned
tho right to represent their country at
home It they desired to do so.
Tho third member ot the United States
team has not been selected as yet. The
commltteo sent out notices to all licensed
pilots In tho country asking whether they
favored holding a natonal race prior to
tho International ovent. If such a raco
Is held, tho winner will be the third
American entrant at Kansas City. Other
wise tho committee will select tho aero
naut whoso" equipment appears to bo tho
best for the compaction.
Entries to. tha International raco must
be received by the Aero Club ot America
by March 1 next Mr. Hawley said tho
commltteo expects ten or a dozen bal
loons to enter. To obtain permanent
possession of the Bennett cup, a country
must win three consecutive International
races. Twice tho United States has won
two years running, nly to bo defeated
at each third trial. .
Crap and Couirb Remedy.
Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
Instant relief first dose helps, best rem
edy tor coughs, colds and lung trouble.
COo nnd $1.00. All druggists. Advertise
Key to tho Sltutlaon Beo Advertising.
rrl. t.nnniial iHvnn t)V tho Star SOClety
lost Saturday evening was one of the
leading social , features of the year. A
fine feast waa spreaa ana imriiw m i
a hundred students and guests.
Is Both Salesman
and DUtributor
Now thnt th9 power of
printcil type to multiply tho
"porsonnlity" of the snles
mnn wnny thousands of
times is more clearly under
stood, lot us consider tho pe
culiar and wonderful adapt
ability of tho newspaper as
salesman for tho merchant
who is selling a commodity
that is usnblo by a large per
centage of tho human family.
"When wo como to foods,
or clothing, or household ar
ticles of universal consump
tion tho nowspnper is tho
medium par excellence for
reaching direct results. And
right hero lot us observo that
there is no conflict between
tho newspaper and maga
zines as advertising med
iums in the mind of the ex
perienced advertising man
who understands their val
ues in tho business of promo
tional publicity. Each has
its valuo in the general
scheme of merchandising.
Trim Magee & Dcemers at Basket
Ball, 30 to 21.
Pirates Work Like Mnchlno nnd
Cotne Back Strong, Taking:
Contest nnd the League
Standing of Teams,
P. W.
Benson's Pirates 8 7
Magee & Deemer ,. 5
Nebraska Telephone Co.. 7
Omaha High School 6
Bellevuo college 7
Omaha National Bank.... 6
Bee Publishing Co C
In a Kama featured with sensational
basket shooting tho Magee& Dcemers
wont down to defeat before the Pirates
Saturday at the Young Men's Chris
tian association by tho score of 30 to 21.
Tho contest was tho hardest fought
game of tho league season, both teams
exerting themselves to the utmost to
take the contest. The game was also one
ot tho roughest witnessed In the Com
mercial lenguo, a total of thirty-three
fouls being committed.
Clothlera Lead.
The contest started with the Mageo &
Deemers taking the lead which they man
aged to hold during tho early part ot
tho first half. Sensational basket shoot
ing of Meyer, tho giant left forward of
tho haberdashers during this half, was
by far the feature of tho game. Twice
In succession he mado baskets from the
middle of the floor which appeared
almost Impossible.
Tho pecond period was harder con
tested than tho first Tho Pirates wcro
rather lucky during this period, finding
loopholes In the Haberdashers' defense
through which they piled up their scores.
Ritchie and Drummond for tho Pirates
played an unusually consistent gamo.
with accurate passing " nnd aggressive
playing. Burkcnroad oIbo played a stel
lar game, securing four field goals dur
ing the contest. Linn and Welgle played
In their usual Btcady manner, not show.
Ing up conspicuously in tho scoring end
of the game.
For the Mageo and Deemers, Meyer
did the most sensational playing, but the
splendid way In which his teammates
showed up also was a feature.
Tho game last evening was the first
contest which the Magee and Deemers
have lost this season, having beaten
every team In tho Commercial league.
Naglo ItF.
R.P. .... Drummond
L.F. Ritchie
C Linn
Anthes C.
Jonpa R.G.
R.G Burkenroad
Amberson L.G.
L.G Welgle
pi.1,1 irnala! Naele (2). Meyer (4). An
thes (1). Drummond (2). Ritchie (1). Linn
(3). Burkenroad (4). Foul goals thrown:
Meyer (7), Lynn (B), Burkenroad (5).
Fouls committed; Magee & Deemers, 20;
Benson's Pirates. 11. Referee. Carnes.
Umpire, rarlsh. Scorekceper, Sutherland.
Time of halves: 50 minutes.
"Talks on Newspaper Advertising"
By TRUMAN A. DE WEESE, (Box 82, Buffalo, N. Y.)
"Where an article can be pur
chased by only a small per
centage of people it is pos
sible to give it national fame
through the magazines, but
oven then it is necessary to
localize this ' ' national fame ' '
through newspaper adver
tising in tho localities that
aro selected as centers of
Magazines are tho Artil
lery of advertising. Thoy
bombard the citadels of
Doubt in the high places.
Newspapers are tho Infantry
of advertising, tho constant
ping-ping of whoso mus
ketry gradually takes an
army of consumers right into
tho stores where tho goods
aro sold. Newspaper adver
tising is tho "missing link"
in many an advertising faiU
ure. It is tho one thing nec
esary to convert national
publicity into sales. Many
a manufacturer has spent
millions in national publicity
without realizing that news
paper advertising was tho
one thing needed to pull his
goods out of the jobbers'
warehouses. Of what use is
national publicity for a pro
for The Bee by
Public's Regard for White Hopes
Becoming More Plausible.
AH of the Ex-Chnmplona Met with
Innumerable Dtfficnlttea Before
the Fnna negnriled Them
NEW YORK, Feb. l.-Slgns nro not
wanting that' public opinion Is about to
undergo a change In regard to the relu
tlve merits of our white hopes and tho
fistic warriors who preceded them. The
question has suddenly become the lead
ing topic In sporting circles all over the
A year ago thero was no question to
.discuss. Opinion was all one way. There
was none to bo found so reckless as lo
uphold the opposite View even long
enough to start an argument. But within
the lOBt week "or two many of the leading
boxing authorities are beginning to liedgo.
Tho opinion Is gradually forming that
the struggling heavlca have been too
harshly criticized. In some-cases at least
There Is a general tendency to delve Into
the past for the purpose of making com
parisons. It Is recalled that all the old
stars had considerable trouble obtaining
recognition. Corb'ctt was laughed at for
daring to meet Sullivan. Fitzslmmons was
thought crazy to tackle Demsey. Jeffries
was hooted out of New York on his
first appearance hero on account of his
excessive awkwardness, and Johnson vas
long termed a Joke, fighter with a yellow
streak as broad as nts back.
It was also recalled that as a rule tho
old set of rlngmen were an Intemperate
lot given to spending their earnings over
the bar. Under such conditions it was a
physical impossibility for them to show
perfect form, oven though they con
formed to the standard of the time. II
all probability this standard was .much
lower than that ot the present and ac
counts In a great measure for the pre
vailing Impression regarding their great
Btg Fights Were Scarce.
In those days big fights were "scarce
and far apart. There was no chance for
excessive familiarity to breed contempt
There waa no such host ot clubs as thero
Is at present, with bouts every night In
the week. The fans were not surfeited
with boxing, and consequently wero moro
easily satisfied and Impressed with what
took place, Just as the fans In the small
towns at present are Impressed with the
work of two second raters, who' would
not cause a ripple of excitement In any
large city.
The popular remark that our leading
white hopes are merely awkward dubs
without a vestige of fighting ability U
wrong on the face of It. else how account
for Gunner Rawles and his kind? Pre
sumably the latest victim ot Bombardier
Wells possessed the full quota of arms
and legs. Ho must be a fairly healthy,
husky person If nothing else.
duct unless that national
publicity can be converted
into actual sales through
localized, -intensivo newspa
per advertising!.
Tho newspaper id the most
important factor in Distribu
tion, because it completely
covers the consumer possibil
ities within the radius of its
circulation. It reaches both
the dealer and the consumer.
It has a stimulating effect
upon the Distributor the
man who is selling tho goods.
The enterprise of tho adver
tiser, as shown in his adver
tising, is infectious. The
dealer "catches" it from his
local paper. It secures his
interest and co-operation. If
properly directed it will ed
ucate tho dealer regarding
tho "talking points" that lio
behind a product. It im
presses tho dealer with the
necessity for stocking up
with tho goods.
Advertising is the persist
ent and consistent dissemina
tion of information regard
ing a salable product. The
advertising must havo
"nows" valuo. If you are in
a newspaper your advertis
"Bud" Fisher
High School Basket Ball
Surprises Omaha.
Star Work of Forwurda McCIay nnd
Leesc Drlnga Team (lulckly
to Front, Where It
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. (Special Telegram.) j
Lincoln High school defeated the Omaha '
H'gh school on tha local Young Men's
Christian association floor tonight in an
exciting game of basket ball, 23 to 10.
Lincoln's victory completely iWet tho
dope, as Omaha had been picked Tor easy
Lincoln won as a result of tho sensa
tional I goal throwing of Its forwards.
Morris also Btarrcd by sensational field"
goals for Lincoln. -
Lincoln took tho lead early in the gamo
and maintained It throughout by a slender
margin, the score at the end of tho first
halt standing 10 to 8. Lineup:
McCloy R.F.
Leese L.F.
Albrecht (C.) C.
Hager R.G.
R.F Flotow
L.F.... Gardiner (C.)
C Berry
R.G Larmon
.L.G.L.G Platz
uauman for motow,- nut-
Mi for Bauman. Field goals: McCloy
(2) , Lecso (3), Albrecht, Hager, Morris (3),
Gardiner (6), Platz. Frea throws: Morris
(3) , Gardiner (2). Free throws missed:
orris (8), Gardiner (Z). Fouls called:
McCloy, Hager, Morris (3), Flotow, Gardi
ner (5), Berry (2), Larmon, Platz (2);
Bauman. Betcrco: Waugh. Time of
halves: 20 minutes.
Women May Swell
"Chi" Registration '
List Above Gotham's
CHICAGO, Feb. l.-Women wilt havo
their first opportunity In Chicago next
Tuesday to qualify as voters at perioral
elections, and election officers assert that
tfio Chicago registration will exceed that
of New York City, If all tho eligible place
their names on the polling lists before tho
municipal election April 3. There aro now
437,340 voters registered in Chicago, In
cluding 2,500 women Hated under tho old
law that permitted them to vote for school
trustees. Whllo femalo politicians aro
holding rallies to obtain tho registration
of as many women as thero are men
voters. Wllllsm II. Stuart, chief clerk of
tho election commission, figures that tho
tbtal women voters will not exceed halt
the number ot males.
This would bring tho total number of
voters to about 050,000. Thero will be a
second registration day on March 17, and
tho polling books have been prepared for
an ultimate total of 750,O. Tho total
number of voters on tho rolls In New
York City at tho last mayoralty election
was 690,000. Most of the men In Chicago
will not have to register anew this spring.
ing should not only havo
"nows" value, but it should
have a timeliness that ap
peals to human interest. It
should be as interesting and
instructive to readers as any
editorial or nows story in tho
paper. If it isn't, how are
you going to attract the at
tention of readers! If you
aro advertising in a newspa
per that enjoys tho 'confi
dence of its readers a pa
per that is a true tribute of
tho peoplo you must not
fail to take full advantage of
that relation by gradually
appropriating tho good will
and confidence of the paper
through "honest advertising
and honest merchandising.
The newspaper is the livo
wire of industrial and polit
ical activity. It is tho "motion-picture"
of civilization.
The advertiser should get on
the film that is reeled off
each day in the white light
of tho world's publicity. Ho
must have a message each
day that is vibrant with life
and so vivid in its appeal tt)
human interest that no read
er can skip it or overlook it.
Truman A. DeWecse.
I- l s. w 4f v J gsva VTip M-ais9 1
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