Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1914, PART ONE, Page 8-A, Image 8

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It's a
to bo able to eat
your moals without
fear of an attack of
To bring about this con
dition you should Invig
orate the entire digestive
system by the use of
'New Book Free
To every sufferer from
Upon receipt of this coupon I'll
mall you My Book and my 91 XJrafts
To Try Jfr. as explained below.
.Address Frederick Dyer, Dept. GBD,
Jackson, Alien.
Out Off Tsrs w
Scad Today
fer tkw
TsUs bow to get
rid of Kbsuma
thus w itUoni
sftdlolae. My
mothod has cre
ated such a sen
sation all over
the world by its
oxtr a o r d 1 nary
id mp It city as
well as by Us. effectiveness, that every
nufferer should learn about it at once.
IMen and women ora writing me that
niy Drafts have cured thorn after 30 nnd 0
40 year' .atfrlnr whole llrtlm jot pels-
curing tnii fir Hi mod eipnlv treatment
na Utbs iit4 No miller wht rur .
nor wbr or how Mrere tb pain, I will Ink
II riK oi laiiur ana mi ou in jriu rum
loss wiiu mr utw, wimoui s, ctni in mnee,
Then after Irrlm mr Dralta. If ran art lullr
tlaritd wllh Ilia benefit rcl4. rou tan leml
in On Poller. It sot, KEEP TOUIl MONEY
You decide anil
ium MK
we tak your
word. Sent
a. I) T ouupoa
todar and cat
roy Orana, and
mr llluatratd
UiMlf. br relurn
nail srepald. Addrta FHEUEttICK DTlStl.
J)KtT, a&i, JACTtHON, MICH. Hnd no none
)uit Ike tou5on. po IT WOW,
Tells. Maw To Make llwitko-LaxoHe
CoM, Catdttrk smd Cough Rem
txli Shows How to Save
More Than Two Dollars.
Kvery Family Profit By This, and
Rttst No Risk, for Every Dottle
Is Guaranteed Effective and
Pore, Too,
Peopls who'vs "barrels of money"
probably won't appreciate this advice.
This is for the reader who knows the
,-valus of every five-cent piece, and us.
ually It saves from 40 to 100 five-cent
jiioces for those who are informed, Buy
ing medicine In dribs coats more than
snaking a big supply yourself. Buying
.ordinary patent medicines means that
you pay too much for syrups, corks,
bottles, labels, cartons, oto. For In-
stance, If you buy a ?B-cer.t bottle of
cough medicine, It contains about two
ounces, four-fifths of which Is syrup
and for SB cents you can make ono-lmlf
sjallon of syrup,
By making Mentho-Lsxena medlolno at
hems you b.y a lots of money on syrup,
Wont, and besldos you know Its pure and
ulckly effective. Ltt us prove then that
h best and cheapest way to overcome
coughs, colds, catarrh and to prevent
pneumonia, diphtheria, la grippe, is to
juak this fine, big supply of medicine,
by mixing one-half pint of boiling water
with a pint of granulated sugar. Then,
buy the pure concentrated essence
TJentho-Laxens (a 2Vi oi. bottle) emoty
It Into a pint bottle or Jar and fill U
up with tho ayrun. Directions with each
botUe tells how to make and take, while
!tlie manufacturers guarantee to refund
money to any dissatisfied purchaser.
Tou run no risk and will have on hand
a medicine which has never been equaled
Jfor colds, coughs, bronchitis, catarrh,
)ioareaess, etc Its tonlo laxative action
Ids th entire system to a healthy basis
ana fatal diseases are thus logically pro.
dented from reec(ijng a dangerous point
w tit'ia pxt aiMk
y. , . rti
German Ladies' Singing Society to
Tho Concordia Ladles Singing society
will hold their fifth anniversary concert
and dance at tho Music Home, Seven
teenth and Cass streets, Sunday, Febru
ary 8, at 3:39 p. m.
The Concordia society was organized five
years ago With a membership of fifteen,
since which time It has steadily grown
and at the present time has a member
ship of eighty active singers and has tho
distinction of being the only ladles' sing
ing society that has ever attended a na
tional ssengerfest. Under the direction
of Tli. Rudolph Reese the society at
tended the Midwest ssengerfest at St.
Paul, Minn., In 1512, and Is now making
arrangements to attend the Midwest
ssengerfest to be held at Denver In 1916.
The, program for next Sunday Is:
Address of Welcome
Verelns Morsch-Wanderluet Btubbe
Society for Friendless Finds Work
for Many Men.
Many Clilscns Have ProTlrtert Tew-
pornry Employment Aboat
Their Homes far Men Who
AVcrn Hungry.
Vila "hrrnA linn" nf flin 1iarintlnl-tnrs
(Ma e lv, f ,h wrieniliess 100
UIO. BOCiety lor tno rrienillcss, JW
wuuiii 1'uurvenin sircoi, una Dcen uis
continued. The organization was one of
tho first to give free meals to hungry
men who wero penniless and unaWe to
find work during the last month. .
"Wo have found work for many men
lately," says M. Amlreasen, the superln
tendent, in explaining the reasons for do
Ing away with the bread line. "Our
funds for tho purpose are now exhausted,
so we decided that wllh many of tho
men earning somo money, wo would
abandon tho plan."
Htroud & Co. and several other employ
ers of labor are said to have mad tem
porary places In their factories for the
idle men who had appealed to chorlty
workers for help. By using different men
each weolt tho factorlos let many men
earn enough money to keep them for
whit. Many rltleeni have also ntovlded
temporary work about their homes for"
hungry men who were willing to work.
As there are still some men who want
work, any person who can provldo em
ployment of any kind Is urgod by the
charity organisations to notify them by
Bankers Have Two
Weeks to Present
Claims of Omaha
Within two weeks tho bankers nnd
business men ot Omaha must have their
final and detailed showing beforo the re
serve bank organization committee In
Washington. If Omaha Is to be oonsld
ered seriously as a location for a federal
reserve bank. The bankers and business
men are now working on the details. IS,
V, Parrlsh of the publicity bureau of the
Commercial club Is preparing a lot of
figures for the purpose.
The brief prepared by Henry W. Tates
was presented beroro the organization
committeo at Lincoln a week ago. The
details are now to be worked out to sup
plement and, complete the brief. The com
mlttoe asked the Omaha men to do this,
Your Nirvis
Stay Young
Don't loss vour
set out of
the rut of cloomv.
nerved exist
are. Know wnat it
and really live, H
leans, to be .well
Hogg's Hanitone
Wafers work wonders for men and
women who are ailing, nerve-racked and
ruu down. They put tho snap and "gin
ger" Into sluggish minds and bodies
inaxs you ieti uk a youus spring coii.
I You nHf no 'rt cure," ''travel cure,"
lor doctors, just I tea new vitality to
I your si rained ana rare-worn nerves wmi
kelIogg"s Bunltone Wafers. They dispel
your uruln-fui; and ban sli that ' all in 1
feeling. Ambition and health return, and
I you feci llku your old self asaln.
I Hend your name and address today with
i six cnt m. stamp to neip pay pot
land packing for a tree 60-cent trM
tlo crudtt. Michigan
Th regular tl.cO tlxe of Xellogs's
Hanitone Wafers Is tor sale In Omaha by
I Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co.. 103 So.
Ulh Btt Ow Drug Co., Sit 8a, lth 8t I
ot Kel"Kg"s BanKono Waters to IT. J,
Kellogg Co. X Xoffmastcr Ulock. Hat.
Ueaton D'Ug Co.. 1UQ Karpam Bt.: Ixyal
Iharmacy, iW-sca N. Hth St.: Bell Drug
Co., 1U Ktrnim Ht,; Harvard Pharmacy,
tub. and Farnam St,
ssBMMMrMi sxS WVmH
Concordia Ladles Chorus. , i
Cradle Pong Kate Vfcnnah
Solo for MezzO'Boprano, Miss Grace
Das Schoenste auf Ueni KrJenrund....
Th. iiudoipn neese
Maennerchor a Capello.
Konzcrt In O Moll M. Druch
(a) Adagio, (b) Allegro Knerglco....
Solo for Violin. LauIb Hchnauber.
Piano Accompaniment, Mrs, Zabrlsky.
Grand Valse Urllllante An den Mat..
7?.,.. ...u Mllde
Mixed Chorus with Piano Accom-
"tfansel and Oretel"Muslkallsches -Tongemalde
mlt Deklamatlon als
verblndsnden Text. Nach dem
getlchnamlgen Urimm'schen Maer
chen gedlchtet von Johanna Sled-
Alto Solo and Piano Accompaniment,
Composed by Carl Vohm.
Vorkommende GMaensre
(a) Chorus-sJum Wald
(b) Duet Between Hansel
uretei, with Chorus.,
New St, PaiiTGerman
Lutheran Church to
Be Dedicated Easter
A handsome y,000 brick church, school
nd parsonage n earing completion at
Twenty-flftjsjnnd Kmmotdwreets, to take
the place ohe edifice oft. Paul!s Gor
man Lutheran church, which was com
pletely destroyed by the tornado. Tho
congregation plans to dedicate Its new
house of worship on Easter Sunday, the
anniversary of the dcstructlvo storm
which wined out tho old edifice.
Money for tho work has already been
raised, with tho exception of a balance
of 18,000, almost halt of which Is now
pledged, and all ft which wllle be raised
before the dedication, according to iiev.
13. T. Otto, tho pastor. The erection ot
the building has. been quite rapid, having
only been started December 3 by Geprge
llahn, tho contractor.
Since the tornado the church has held
Its services in the Baptist mission,
Thirty-fourth and Seward streets, and
In t Danish Lutheran church, Twenty-
sixth ana Hamilton streets.
Librarian Says She
Will Circulate the
Records Donated
An exchange bureau for phonograph
record, and pianola rolls may bo started
at tho publlo library, according to Miss
Edith Tobltt, the librarian. She says
that if library patrons have records or
rolls which they will donate to the li
brary these will be placed In circulation.
The installation of records and rolls
Jfor circulation was contemplated by Miss
Tobltt recently, but was found to be im
possible, because of lack of the neces
sary funds. It has since been suggested
in The Bee's letter box column that peo
ple turn in their records and securo oth
"We shall be glad to do this for the
public," Miss Tobltt says, "If the records
are in good condition and of high stand
ard selections,"
Home Miller does not want the Com
mercial club to coma Into direct compe
tition wlh the hotels and restaurants In
serving banquets, lie has written a 'el
ter to the club calling attention to the
Crelghton college banquet that is plan'
nd tor the club rooms for February 10.
His letter follows;
This is one of the many banquets that
. - A A ...11 V.. . .t
lias uccn ecrvvu auu .tiii un b"i, evi
dently, In the Commercial club dining
room and by the sanction or tne execu
tlvn nfftcera ot said club.
It was decided ones upon a time that
no banquets would be served at tho Com
merctal club rooms except where a ma.
In.llu In attonrtsnrvi hnlonl- to said club
It Is not my Idea,- neither do I believe
It yours, thai tne commercial ciuu wai
i.vr intended to come Into direct com'
pttltlon with the hotels and restaurants
I amlrrfull sympathy and accord with
your noonday luncheon and always have
l.n. T hllve the Commercial club bus
a right to give on Its own behalf any
function U may see fit, but I am firmly
convinced that It Is all wrong to do pro
miscuous catering to the ireneral publlo
In direct competition with men who con
trihniA tn the welfare of your club, to
i the upbuilding of Omaha, who patronise
I home Industry and home Institutions and
I who are expected In season and out of
' imiimi in boost for Omaha.
The nropoJitlon Is wrong and tends to
discourage rather than to aid home
pttronngj. fidelity and loyalty, that Is
so desirable In the upbuilding ot a com
Two cults In bankruptcy have ben
tiled lit the United States district court.
osefibelng voluntary petition and the
other an Involutsry ene.
Alleging that the Omaha Can company
Is Insolvent, the Washington Tin Plate
company, the Htbbard-Spencer-Bortlett
company and the Wright & WUhelmy
company have asked that that concern
bs adjudged bankrupt.
Teter W. Veterson, a farmer living near
Valley, has asked that he be adjudged a
bankrupt. lie lUts Ms debt nt IM3J.&1,
and his resources at $$.013, and claims
an exemption ot $i,CS)tt
Macklcn'a Arnica Salve.
Prevented blood poison on Mr. O.W. Ctoyd
of Plunk, Mo. Tlds soothing salve healed
a dangerous wound. Sc. All druggists.
Give Concert
airs icxen ana aim m
Solo Tcrzctt, with Chorus
Mrs Icken and Mies Ruth Berg.
Mm. O. Glbbs, Anna Lam
up, Miss
Mcngedoht. Miss Marie
Anna Frenzer and Dorathea
(d) Lied des welssen Vogels .,
Anna Kuhl.
(e) Oretel 'a Med.
Mrs. O, V, Icken, with Chorus.
(f) Melodrama, Gesang der Wald
f rau ,
Miss Hattle Illlz, Duet Between Han
sel and Oretel, with Chorus.
(g) Med der Mutter
Miss Dora Haarraann.
(It) Tanschor
(I) Flnalo (Schlusschor) Deklama
tlon Miss Frieda Reese.
The officers of the society are: Mrs.
M, Flothow, president; Mrs. Rosa. Geest,
vice president: Miss Anna Better, treas
urer; Mrs. Otllle Reeder, secretary; Hiss
iuario uianx, nnanciai secretary, ana
Miss Anna Frenzer, librarian.
Prompt Measures Have Prevented
Extensive Spread of Disease.
flerrrnl Other Ilnrc Ilccn ISxposed
nnd Am Kept In Quarantine
Connell Order Arrest for
Violation of rtnles.
Prompt protective measures by the city
health department have prevented a wide
spread contagion of scarlet fever and
diphtheria, according to Dr. It. W. Con
nell, city health commissioner. The num
ber of exposures was so large that the
city physician at first doubted If tho
strictest measures could prevent at least
600 cases. The number of cases has kopt
to approximately 200 this year.
The warm weather, permitting those
slightly 111 of contagious disease to mingle
with others la largely responsible for tho
largo number ot scarlet fever and diph
theria cases at this tlmo of tho year,
Health Commissioner Connell says.
To Arrest "Violators,
There are now twelve cases ot small
pox at the city pesthouse. Several others
have been exposed and are kept in quar
antine. Pr, Connell has Issued an order
to immediately arrest any person violat
ing the least provision ot quarantine
Dr. Connell also has called upon other
physicians to be more prompt la report
Ing cases of contagious diseases. Borne
times the reports are not received at the
health office In time and a case, doubt
ful at first, but developing Into a con
tagious disease later, Is responsible for
many coses.
Kugel and Ryder Are
Ready to Swap Jobs
on City Commission
City Commissioner A. L. Kugel and J.
J, Bydor havo arranged to exchange of
fices Monday, when Kugel takes charge
of the pollco department nnd Byder be
comes street commissioner, in accordance
with a transfer order ot the city com
Neither official would announce any
change In officials or any new policy.
Byder said;
"I am not going to borrow or lend,
talk or listen, but am simply going to
get down to work."
Kugel said he would Issue his orders to
Chief ot Police Dunn, and that any new
policy he may adopt will bo heard of
through the chief.
Tho two commissioners will take their
private stenographers to the new depart
ments with them.
Harry Ford, Owl hotel, was arrested
Friday evening at Thirteenth and Dodge
streets by Officer Turner. At the time ot
his arrest he waa carrying a lentern,
gunny sack and sledge hammer, and In
police court could not give no good rea
son for his so. doing. Judge Foster sen
tenced him to forty-five days in the
county Jail on a vagrancy complaint. Tie
Is suspected of knowing considerable
about recent plumbing thefts.
Purchase ot lots north of Kellom school
for H0.C00 will be left to tho Board ot
Education Monday night by the buildings
and grounds committee without re com
mendatlon, While the committee believed
it would be wise to purchase the lend, the
deal will depend on the state ot the
board's finances.
Decorating Mural Painting, Papering
Fuchs, Son & Blind
422 South
Douglas 3529
Prank H, Myers Suresti Central
l ar
National Land Bank.
Ontllnea Scheme to Permit Issnlncr
of Honda Secured "by rnrm '
afortahsrea Deposited In
Rank. i
A central national land bank is sugJ
(rested by Frank II. Myers as n. solution
of the farm credits problem. Mr, Myers
Is president of the Benson & Myers real
estate firm of Omaha, and president of
the Omaha Besl Estate exchange. Mr.
Myers has given tho subject a great deal
of thought and has prepared a tentatlvo
program for tho establishing of a central
land bank.
Mr. Myers has sent a draft of his plan
to the United States senators from Ne
braska, and to other statesmen of tho
country. Senator Hitchcock is sold to
haye commended the plan, but to have
some flar of Its constitutionality.
The plan contemplates a central land
bank with a capital of perhaps around
fC,000,00. It would be managed somewhat
along the same lines as tho regional
banks under the federal reserve banlf
rystcm just adopted by congress. It Is
held that the plan alms to provide a
medium whereby farm mortgages of the
country can be converted Into bonds ot
uniform and popular denominations for
the public.
It Is a plan, as It were, to standardize
the mortgage business, and place it under
government supervision. It contemplates
the Issuing of bonds on deposits of ac
ceptable farm mortgages In the federal
land bank. It contemplates the issuing
of such bonds in denominations as low
as $100, This, It Is thought, would make
the bonds acceptable Investments to all
classes of investors.
Mr. Myers holds that the plan does not
contemplate that the government shall
go Into the money leaning business, nor
does It contemplate that tho faith and
Credit of the country shall be pledged to
raise money to loan to any Individuals
The Swedish Mission hospital Is to
havo a new addition next spring, to cost
In the neighborhood of $60,000 or $70,000.
The new building will be built In front
of the present structure and will be con
nected by verandas. Prlvato donations
are to produce the necessary funds.
A healthy sprinkling of real estate men
attended the publlo affairs luncheon at
tlto Commercial club Thursday noon, to
hear George J. Knapp of Pueblo expound
tho single tax theory. Also a few men
who have mode fortunes speculating In
vii cant lots In Omaha sat at the speaker's
table and heard Knapp tell how the single
tax Is aimed to choke off this practice ot
speculating In vacant lots.
W. J. Petersen has taken out permits
for a warehouse and lumber sheds at
Fifteenth and Tates streets near the Mis
sourl Pacific tracks. The structure will
be started this week. -
Safeguarding the
, Trust Funds
An effort has been mads recently to'
compjto the records of probate courts to
ascertain approximately tho amount of
money and property annually diverted
from rightful heirs through mismanage
ment of estates nnd dishonesty of In
dividuals who betrayed their trusts, Tho
effort to obtain figures was abandoned
because of the great mass of evidence
which the court records revealed ot losses
suffered by beneficiaries of estates, espe
cially where the custody was given to
do-called "confidential advleters," former
associates or personal friends of the
maker of the will. Coupled with this
ovldence are many Instances ot rank dis
honesty, of exposuro leading to suicide,
and tragto Instances of the evil con
sequences of speculation. No adequate
Idea can be given ot tho diversion of
funds or property because of the fact
that for ever' one case ot exposure there
are scores of cases of mismanagement
and of defalcations which are com
promised out of court and which never
come to publlo attention. But the avail
able records nevertheless show the frailty
ot human nature when subjected to
temptation, when offered opportunities to
make use of an estate and trust funds
for self escape.
In Pennsylvania recently, a prominent
officer in the State National Guard was
charged with a shortage In his accounts
held for the benefit ot a number ot
estates left in his charge. Among his
business associates and. friends he was
looked up to not only as a man of un
bending Integrity, but as being particu
larly skilled in safely managing the
estates of widows, orphans and minors.
With exposure came arrest and, while
the defaulter was being taken to prison,
to answer th charges against him, ho
seized a favorable opportunity on the !
train to elude the watchful officer and
commit suicide. Then all tho facts be-:
came publlo and It was found that his 1
defalcations from estate funds amounted
to over-
The principal point of Interest about
these Illustrations ot betrayal of trust is
not to show that human beings are liable
to temptation and yield to attractive op
portunities to misuse trust funds In their
possession, but the fact that such lossos
H'lght have beon avoided by tho testator
For It is clearly proven by experience and
court records that the principle of cor
porate administration of trusts ot all
descriptions Is the only sate alternative.
It Is the substitution ot a responsible cor
poration, controlled by able officers and
directors, subject to constant supervision,
endowed with a perpetual charter, tor the
perils and unavoidable dangers which
surround the individual.
Omssha, Nb.
stMueara tocL oo Km
It Is quite Important that you place your goods In storage
i a company that is of ample responsibility. The ''Fidelity"
1b a rcsnonslblo company of larCo resources. Its services are
high class; Ub rates moderate. Moving and packing also. Just
Douglas 1316
Fidelity Storage & Van Company
10th and Jackson Streets.
The Individual Executor
May Be Absent
or occupied with some impor
tant private affairs just when
the estate ia in urgent need of his ser
vices. Not so with the trust company
acting in this capacity. It is always
on duty and its charter is permanent.
The Peters Trust Company acts as
Executor, Trustee, Administrator or
1 "7
and will bring you not less than 7 dividends, payable
semi-annually every 1st day of January and July of
each year; and in addition to tho 7fo dividend a divi
sion of tho profits of tho business at the end of each
year. ;
By Real Estate Mortgages, Contracts of Salo on
Real Estate and well selected Real Estate valued; at
not ess than $200,000, which is the safest security you
can get.
Remember that wo hav6 paid dividends of not lessv
' than 10 per annum the past 10 years, and that we are
offering for sale only a limited amount of stock at $100
a share, par value. When you buy stock in our Com-.
pany you buy an interest in our business. It will pay
you to investigate at once.
I Hastings & Heyden
Moving - Packing - Storage
. We Maintain Unexcelled Service
114 SiHth litk Strut Tk ling. 4113
If you don't understand
Home Builders plan of cre
ating surplus, you may
read a complete explanation
in the World-Herald of to
day, or ask Home Builders'
Let's start now on a safe
plan to save. Get a few
shares each week or month,
$1.10 each, with 7 guar
anteed dividend on the
whole amount, paid twice a
AasxJtiCAX mcrrBirr co.
Tiscal Agsnts for
Get Our Complete Plan Book.
ITtk and ouglaa gta Omaha,
Store Your Goods
With a "RcspiNsikie"
Omaha, Neb.
IE88 I
E. J. Davis
Havy Hauling
1212 Farnim
Judicious use of Advertis
ing Brings Big Returns
Mo ire beats irom arugsjiats.
Kty to th SUutUsa-Bse Advertising.