20 TTIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 1, 1914. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Oood paying drug store In Albuquerque, N. M. Fine locution. Oood stock. Involoo $4,CC0. Address P. O. Box 103, Albuquerque, N. "WANTED Ambitious men or women to open a clean. ng. dyeing and pressing shop In every neighborhood. We teach you how. No capital or experience ncos nary. Address W. E. Towns, "09 West Baltimore 8t.. Baltimore. Md. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager. High-class article. Should pay $10,000 annually. $j00 to $1,000 capital. Will pay expenses to Chicago It you nre man wo want References. Richardson. Old Colony Bldg., Chicago- DO YOU want to double your money In five years with n good position in a mod ern Industrial plant making popular lines? $10.0tt) to $20,000 required Tor en largements. High-grade associates. Ad dress Y 419. Bee Rooming Houses (tr Rent. Investigate Baro bargain, 9 rooms, fur ntture nearly nowj reasons, H 367. Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Anlu Livery. A. A. A.IEAXI CO. RATES $1 PER HOUR. TYLER 453. JIMM1B WARREN. Pres. Bras Foundries. raxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts, Chiropractors. J. C Lawrence, D. C. -322 Howard. D. 8461 "w. B. Purviance.. U.C. 4C9 I'ax. Blk, D.I.I? Dr. A. F. SNYDER. 1518 8. 10. D. 84J2. China Painting. nriKA nalntlnc. Outside firing done. Mrs. F. C. Haynes. 1625 B. 2Sth 8t. D. 499U, Grace Morris, instructor china, water color painting. Bran. The. Firing dono. Cleaning anil Dyeing, T flfVK MEN'S SUITS Of)0 XAJUn CLEANED A PRESSED out Kontcnelle Cleaning Wks. Tel. Web. 1S. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Coal Den. era. $5 r.n COAL. "Johnson's Special." C. w K inllMSnV 18h nn Iiunt Costuiuers. FULL dress suits', party dresses for sale or rent. Open evenings John Ftldman, SOS N. 17th. Douglas 8123. Historical masquerade costumes to hlra at Theo. Lleben &. Sons. 1814 Howard 8t DnncliiK Afitdemles. Jewell Simpson, Douglas Auditorium. Monday eves., all the latest dances taught 15 lessons 15.U0. Phono Webslor 24SL NEW class 'for children every Thurs day; enroll now, Mackie's, 1816 Harney. p. Mia. , NEW class, children's, every Thursday) enroll now. Mackie's. 18K Harney. D. Mil COLE & PRAIRIE Park School. W.6630. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 812 NoVllle Blk. Evl denco secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. OMAHA Sec. Serv. Det Agcy,, bonded, Douglas 1311). 427-28 Paxton block. Dressmaking. Terry DressmaU'g college. 20th ft Farnam. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7314. 834 So. 24th. 8EW1NO by day; expeiienced. Red 8338. Dressmaking, work guaranteed. D. 30C0. FIRST CLASS. 2417 Dodge St Red 7.91. Day dressmaking; alterations. Benson 494. Dressmaking by day Miss Burns. D. 6814. DRESSMAKINQ. 1703 Davenport. D. 8581 CH LDHKVS dresses, 112 H. 24th. D. 4939. PLAIN sewing to do at home. Tyler 1160. EXPERIENCED. 1915 Webster. R. 6088, Everything for Women, plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Krugeryto Paxton B1K. D. 8M4. Florists. A. PONAOHUE. 1882 Harney. Doug. 106- HESS & SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1819 Furnam. D. IS. BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. Hardwood Floors, HARDWOOD floors, old floors rfln lshed. T. Q. Holt 813 Park Ave. II. 6908. I'alutlBtc and Decorating-, Fainting and paperhanglng. Tel. W. 8107. Patents. It A. Sturgea, C3Q Brandela Thca. Bldg. D, O. Barncil. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. PlumblaiTi PLUMBING and heating. Fischer & Connell. 1318 William 8t. Douglaa 8737. rriHttnir. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tet. Doug, 8(4, WATERS-BARNHART Pig. Co., qual Ity printing. Tol. uug. uw. W4 mn. Nurses. Practical nurse. 18 yrs' exp.. ret. D. 8368. sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Mttal works, lift 8. 10th. Stores mm- Uflleu Fixtures. Desks, safes, scales, showcaso. slislv- lag. etc Wo buy, we sail. Omaha Flxtur aaa suppiyva, jj..sh. win. u, sn. Starrs, Furnaces iiuil Hepalrs, NEW furnaces. Marvel. Excelsior and Douglas; Hero school room heaters; Em Dress and Sultan steam nod hot water boilers, thermostats, tank heaters and asbestos covering. OMAHA STOVE RE .'Am wuiwb, izww iiougias, Tyler 20. Truuka UA suitcases, TRUNICfi. sample cases and all leather goods made to order. Alfred Cornish jo., uiv r urnim au FREL1NU & HTE1NLE. imi Farnam UL Wladonr Hureens. GET your screens rewired at lowest Uhnn. T.U. 1111 Wines mail Liquors, WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars. mrtl r(lilloU..n i l.w 1 ft A M a . . . tWStAJ -lVSlJfc, CV SIC8,C. JJiJ O, V31Q Otjr KDUCATIONAI. MOSUEKLAMPMAN Unsurpassed classes In nil hnin,. . A English branches, shorthand, stenotypy nimnHiiiii. oiuucnit aaroiitet at any time. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provided for vounv into. pie to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MosherLambmaa Col tcss, him r of nam cu, umana. Ntb. THE MIDWINTER TERA1 Oi BOYLES COLLEGE 3S NOW OPEN In both ih night schools In Omaha and Council Bluffs, yet it 2s not too late to enter, Begin now and receive that mental train ing that will double your earning ca "I will Absolutely guarantee a good position for every graduate of the Business and Shorthand or Telegra phy Departments of cither of my big schools. Mora than that. I will secure a place for any young man or woman to work for his or her board while attending If such position la desired. 1L B. BOYLES." Complete courses In Business, Book keenlnc. Stenorraohr. Stendivnv. ti raDhy. Civil Service and Balnm.n.Mn Tha catalogue Is ready. Call, write or pnone tor ic uoyies uoiuge, utn and iiarney sts.. umana. neb. Persistent AdverrtKng U we Road to Slg Beturns. EDUCATIONAL. THE VAN 8 A NT SCIIOOt STENOGRAPHIC ONLY DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOL Patronised by tho educated and experi enced. No solicitors. Telephone or write for catalogue, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college Omaha: good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at th office of Omaha Be. CHIROPRACTIC doctors make big In comes; be Independent; work for your self; complete correspondence course. In cluding diplomas, only $25. National Col lego Chlropractlr, Grand Rapids, Mich. LIVE STOCK FOR 8 All IS. Morses nnd Vehicles. FOR SALE One horse 6 years old, weight 1,150 lbs.; one horse 9 years old, weight 1,150 lbs.; one dump wagon, 4 lnch tires, and 6 delivery wagons. Ask for Mr. Weathers, Burgess-Nash Co. FOR SALE Fast traveling mare, 12 years old, SCO pounds, $10. I'hone Flor ence BH. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day nro turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. LOST Fur collar on Farnam street car. Reward. Harney 6520, LOST Mesh purse, containing 2 five dollar hills and about $1 In silver, blue boardertd handkrchlf. 1514 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Rwurd. LOST Tuesday, January 20, a blat silk handbag, whito kid lined. Reward If returned lo iw 8, w Ave. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. n. Tarry cures piles, nstuia ana other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no money paia until curea. write ror book nn -rtnl rilneimn-. with testimonial. DR, E. 11. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. PlT.Tf.S 8"00 rownrd for any case of x xjjuo . , Kg , jj,, MAXWELL cannot cure. No pain, no detention from business. Pay when cured, Hundreds of the most prominent people In Omaha and from all barts of the united Ktntes have teen cured by Dr. Maxwell during his twenty-eight years in Omaha. 408-410 umuit national isan,, nin anu nrnam streets, umana. mono lieu tsw. Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN, Consultation and examination free, 310 South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb. MONUY TO LOAN. NATHAN'S LOAN OFFICE. Licensed and bonded nawnbrokcr. loans money on alt personal valuables, 10!) 8. 13. J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker; money on personal valuables, sis N. itn. MONEY FURNISHED RAI.AIIIRD PEOPLE and others unon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments, Nor ton & Co., 335 Hoard of Trade Building. 2 ,n diamonds. Oross Jewelry St inn Co., 410 No. lflth. Red 0081. Ooldstlne's "Old Stand." 1315 Douglas. OFFKRKD lt)n RENT. Apnrttuunls nnd Flats, GordonVanCo. 19 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas S94. HOUSES. 3403 Lincoln TilVil. A nnw mmlitrn !. denco of 13 rooms. In fine residential sec tion. Has garage. Rental $73. 1019 Cass 8t an 8-r. modern house; close In. KeVs at 315 N. 20th St, $40. 3128 Caldwell St., a 8-r., modern house. Nice large rooms. Freo rent to Feb ruary 10th, $2180. 2S76-T7-70 Cumins Hi.. M nnd Sit Ini-'J 3-r. flats. Rental $8 and $9. oiu a. win. hi., strictly modern m. Louis flat; C-r. and rtc. hall. Very close In: splendid neighborhood, $98. CIS H. 20th St.: a 10-r. modern brick. n. slrable for rooming house. $40. HEATED APARTMENTS. In THE STERLING. 18th nnd fir. Mary's Ave.; wo have two splendid apart ments, 8 and 4 rooms; strictly modern; janitor service; rentals $38.00 and $38, With reductions far sUmmnr months. H janitor on first floor at rear of building and look these over today. Telephone Tyler 1682. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. J03-305 8. 13th St. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. I'llUIXlU UUUUllAH HBl. FOR RENT KLAT8 523 So. 29th St, 4-r. city water, $15. 4201 Lake st.t 4-r. lit floor, $15. 2314 D.. So. Omaha. 4-r.. rllv wntor. sas. J9. wa Lake St., 6-r mod. ex. heat, $12. DETACHED HOUSES 3001 Marcy St.. 8-r., ruodern, 132.50. 400 Seward St., 6-r., modern. $32.50. 1511 So. SSth 8t 7-r., modem, $23. MIS No, 24th St., tt-r., modem, $33. 4307 Burdetto St.. 7-r.. mod., excent furnace. $20. 2818 Davenport St., 5-r., mod., except furnace, $1$. 2713 Maple st, 0-r mod-, ex fur, $18. 213 No. 36th St, 6-r., mod. ox. fur., $18. StttO Parker St, 5-r. cuttago, mod., $15. 004 No. 22d St, 8-r., city water, gas, $14. 3707 Caldwell St, 6-r., mod. ex. tur., $U. M17 Charles St., 6-r city water, $13. 503 So. 31th. St., 5-r., city water, $1& 4117 No. 25th Ave., 4-r., city water, $11. 1011 So. S5th Ave..,5-r city water, $12. 810 so. 16th St, 4-r., city water, $12. 810 No. 24th St., 3-r., city water, $10. 648 So. 0tli Ave.. 7-r.. nioa. steam heat. $27.60. . UAUVIN UUUH-, 315 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NEW SIX-ROOM APARTMENTS, 213 BOUTII SSTH AVE. One of the best locations In the rltv. nnd the only available Apartments with sun parlor or sleeping porch; H block to Farnam car; overy room an outside room, weu arranges, naving plenty of light ana ventilation; tho living rooms, dlnlnir rooms and main halls are finished in oak: the sleeping rooms are finished In white enamel; path rooms white enamel, with tile floors; all rooms nicety decorated; beautiful lighting fixtures; every room accessible to the others through a central fiall, a very convenient arrangement; the wo front rooms can be closed oft entirely from tne uaiance oi me apartment. These are absolutely the best close-In apartments In tho city, at the lowest price u wint., VJ) sum. tsea these to day; Janitor will show you through; or call Doug. 1008 and we will show you throush any time during the week. HASTINGS & HBYDEN. 1814 Harney St.' HAVE. YOU BEEN those lovely 4-room aprtmenta in the Llnwood" near Sill HarneyT If not. don't waste any more time where you arc. but see them touay sure, tor seeing means renting. They aro the very last word in convenience and comfort, and the build- ins is all ready in ea except tnree aim- ments. These aro east front and very choice. I decorate to suit tenant. You will agree that the prices are most rea sonable, so why not move at once to Quarters within easy walking distance where there Is good service and plenty of heat and hot water? Why notT ERNEST SWEET. 1236 City Nat, D. 147t HOLLYWOOD APARTMENTS. New building, almost filled. Two or three very choice rront apartments leu; 3 rooms besides bath and X very large clothes closets; also storago room. Nice, lltht laundry. You will Ilka the large living-room, the east bedroom windows for the morning sun, tne acunaanco oi heat and hot water, the first-class ser vice, the exterior beauty of the building and Its splendid location. Only $33 per month: with a small additional charge for heat during winter. Ring Janitor at adjoining build ng. 2811 Harney. ERNEST SWEET. 1236 City Nat D. 1472 TROY APARTMENT8. V$a AND 8011 HARNEY ST. Steam-heated apartments of 4 rooms each: every Improvement, with gas ranges In kUchcn and Janitor service; to only small families, $35 and $35 each. THOS. W. HAZEN. Phone Douglas 1K. 337-8 McCague Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apirmenli anil Pints. The Angelus 25th- Ave nnd Douglns., Omaha's fewest, Most Up-to-date Apartment House Eire Proof and Sound-Proof, Ready for Tenants Feb. 15th Over 50 apartments of 2, 3 and 4 rooms each, all equipped witli disappearing heds, ranges, refrigerators, shades, beau tiful lighting and plumbing fixtures, first class janitor service, steam heat, two passenger elovntors, etc. Prices right, with no charge for heat during balance of this winter. Make your selection now. Phone or call on us for full information. -Payne & Slater Company Doug. 1016. 616 ONE npt In the "Maowood," 2511 Har ney. Will be vacant tuti. i. Fine Houth front living room, with beamed celling, balcony with four French doors, disap pearing bed, writing desk built-in. Kitch en has built-in refrigerator, cabinets and gas range. Large clothes cloiot with cnevnJ mirror. Largo well enuipted batn room, also storage room. Only $30, with $4.50 extra for hent during winter. Rarely hmr vacancies In this building. See It today sure. ERNEST BWEBT, 12M City Nat D. 1472. 518 a 2T.TH AVE. All modem, press brick flat, 9 large rooms; good location for rooming house. Rent $30. DOO N. 17TH ST. All modern brick apartment, 8 rooms, heat and water furnished. Rent $38. RABP DUOS.. Phono Douglas 1663. 108 McCaguo Bldg. FLAT BAROAINS. 009 N. 17th 8t, 6-r apartment, heat and water furnished, $38. CIS 8. 2tith Ave., 0-r.. all modorn, $30. 1470 S. 16th St, part modern, $ii. RASP UROS.. Phono Douglas 1G53. y W o havo for sale cholco ' Ty mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bear i Cl !nK 7 I,er cent ranging M w In amounts from $3,"o to $5,000. Nono of these mort gages exceeds 30 per. cent of tho market valuo of tho farms. Call us for furthor particulars. KLOKB INVESTMENT CO.. Ml Omnha Nut, Bit. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. trn; suitable location for offices, studio, denial or dressmaking rooms, etc., fo tenants wishing homos adjoining. Hail Dlst. Co.. 433 Itamne. Douglas 7403. 3-It, ALL modern, with Janitor service! first floor Lorraine Apart., 17th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht. Web. 3713. TWO 6-room flats, 2545 Cap. Avs. D. 45$. 8-ROOM and reception hall, nearly new. Completely mod 3122 Cass. Tel. B. S53W. STRICTLY high-grade. 6-room, modern steam heated apartment In W it Far nam street, with Janitor service. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1M3 FARNAM ST. SIX nil outside rooms apartment; hot water heat supplied. 817 Pino St.; near Brownell Hall. Douglas 2040. 4-ROOM modem apartment 663 S. SSth St. Phone Harney 4141. TWO 4-room, steam heated apartments, $25. Near postotflce. Q. P, Stebblns. $15 6-room mod. ant. exccDt heat, i blocks west of high school. Harney 433. THE HELEN-2104 HARNEY STREET, Best 3, 4 and 6-room apartments In the city; very close In; reasonable rents. A1ARIUS nORENBUN, Office; 24C4 Harney St. D, 67M. BEFORE you start In paying rent for another year, figure out what your rent for tho noxt year will cost you per month, then phone me. I wnnt to make you a proposition. Phono Benson 122, today. F. S. Trulllnger. DOWNTOWN SIX-ROOM HEATED FLAT 703 S. 10th St; $40 winter; $25 summer. PETERS TRUST COMPAf COMPANY. iirtlat. ..... .$3 2321 Dowey Ave., 5-r, mod. flat..( $32.60 3S0O N. ISth St, 5-r. mod 28.00 REM1S-CARLBERG CO.. 310-312 Hrnndels Theater Bldg. WIMP, i.mntn Hnnrtmnnt! strictly mod- rn; steam heat und janitor service; lormsn apartments. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FarnaVn St. WE have ono 3-room and one 6-room apartment for rent, in a good location, close In, heat, water, Janitor service furnished- no car fure. Call Doug. 1G06. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1611 Harney St $32.50-6-r. flat, all mod., new, up to date St. Louis stylo; 317 Jackson. $20.00-6-r. flat, nice airy rooms, good neighborhood ! 1902 So. lOih St. tn.cv-t-r. flat, mod, ex. heat; 23)4 No. Slat St II. A. WOLF, i ir.ndels Bldg. Douglas 8068. It .ooins, 1819 N. 17th St $12.50 6 rooms, 1110 Farnam 18.00 8 rooms, mod, 2233 Lake St...,, 25.00 7 rooms, mod., 939 N. 20th St.,, 27.50 8 rooms, mod., 1422 Sherwood Ave.. 22.60 6 rooms, mod., 2026 Dodga 26.00 6 rooms, mod.. 1012 N. 16th St 21.00 10 rooms, mod., 1031 S. SOth Ave 3150 11KNHON & MYERS CO.. 424 OMAHA Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 746. SIX-UOOM steam-heated flat. $20 and $30. 915 8. 13th 8t. FELL ft PINKERTON CO., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. Board nnd Unocal. 8HRINER Elegantly rurnlshed rooms; II.. . .. I . t-'T. . k i tic Am. V. n , Itates reasonttDie. s a, win pi, it. bijt. 702-704 S. 24th St; large warm room; ge ntlemen prererrea. iteu roa I n Ai X IW i UUHK mail m i.n "ivaio In private family; walking distance; room r.ear u uesireu. wui i. u-rj. rnrntsbed Houses. 5-ROOM beautifully furnished bunea low. Call Mrs. Havens. II. 3490 or D. TOSS. THAT large, modern home at north east corner 33th Ave. and Davenport St Red 2947. A HOUSE for rent; completely fur nished; 6 rooms, 1801 Blnney St Web ster 394. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED ROOit'-noom with pri vate family; good location, near Farnam car line. Tel. H. 3903. RENT two small rooms for dressmak ing, not In Private family; good neighbor hood; North side. Web. 6896 CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heat hot and cold water, bats tree, RATIOS By day, 60e and up. tWXI!ig) Uy y,rtsic, $100 and up. NICE, large room, with board. Mrs. St Clatr. 6 South 26th St. Llunt lloasekeepluar Rooms, IN modem flat, 3 elegant rooms, $30, or 3 rooms, izz. zm norm stn st Red 70U. llouselceeplntr Iluuiui, 3 STRICTLY modern connecting front rooms, private family, walking d'stance; man and wife, references. 719 8, !6th Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apnrmenta nnd Flats. Omaha National Bank Bldg. Hotels tiid Apartments, DODOE HOTEL Modornt reasonable. Unfnrnlaaed Rooms. 2710 DAVENPORT street, 4 rooms; mod em; will rent cheap It taken at once. Phono Harney 35S8. Houses ami Cottages. MAOQAHD VAN AN.D ' STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1498. 717 H. 17TH ST.. 6-r modern except heat, $15. . ... 716 N. 33d. S 5-r., all modem brick nat, .a. . . . 712 N. 22d. St., 7-r., all modern brick flat, 132.50. 2310 Webster St., 9-r. nil mod. flat, $20. Apartment 1, 1708 nurt St., 4-r all mod em, heated apartment $20. Apartment 4, 1708 Burt St., 4-r all mod ern heated apartment, $25. A. IV TUKBY & SON, , 441-442 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. D. 2181. 2131 S. 18T1I ST., 6-r., modern, tu. 3401 Jackson, 6-r., modern, 122.60. 2924 Dupont, 6-r., part modern, $10 . 2409 8. 8th 8t, 5-r., city water, $. . 2418 8. 5th St., 4-r., city water, $7.60, 2113 Elm,' 4-r., well, $8. 1112 Westcrfleld, 4-r city water, $7.o0. CREIOII, SONS & COMPANY, 608 Bee Bldg. Douglas 200. FLAT, 2300 Leavenworth; 6 rooms$ 20. 1515 North 20th; 6 rooms: $20. 1911 Izard St; 6 rooms; $17. 2403 Charles; 6 rooms; $21. 3927 N. 21st; mod.; 7 rooms; $25. 25i4 Douglas; modern; 8 rooms; $37.50. JOHN N. FRENZBR. Douglas 544. J fi T?a1 Exp. Co., furniture moving. . -u. xujeu Tw0 meni n houri D. cue. CENTRAL, all mod., 7-r. house; warm In winter, cool In summer. 220 N. 23d. $20 Brand new 6-room cottage; modern except heat; oak finish In parlor and dining room, cast front lot; N. E. corner ISth and Ohio. Handy to Lak.o school and Sherman Ave. car. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1003. 307 McCague Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND 8TORAGE COT packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas I486. FOR RENT 6-room. modern house, 1517 Ohio 8t, $20. NICE 7-room, modern cottage, 2017 How ard, Call Douglas 162, Cadet Taylor. $27.60 6-room bungalow, built-in buffet, bookcases, sun room, oak finish, stair way to attic, nice cement basement, good furnace, one block to car; has .ievcr boen occupied, $42.60 8-room, West Farnam district, finished In oak down stairs, front and rear stairway leading up to four nice bed rooms and bath, full pasuinent; paved street, near car, east front $20 5-room. new, parlor, dining room finished In oak: south front AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 6013. MY 8-room house, with Bleeping porch. cither a part or all; in Bemls Park dis trict; March 1. Phono Harney 7079. WEST Farnam, now stucco, 7 rooms. 319 N. SSth Ave.; $45. ALL kinds. Inoludlns a 6-room down town, at 112. and a 2-room on outskirts. at $6 with extra ground for chickens, etc. unas. e. Williamson Co., l'axton diock.- T1IE RENT YOU PAY in Omaha will buy a better home In Benson. Please 'phono me and let me explain. Phone lienson va today, f. b. Truiunger. HALF MONTH'S RENT FREE. 114 a 29th St.. 8-r., all modem, $25. 2917 Castellar St, 6-r., all modem. $14. 2223 Locust St, 7-r all modern, $25. 2014 Bancroft St, 6-r., mod. but heat, $13, 1470 8. 16th. 4-r., part modern, lit. RASP BROS., Phone Douglas 1663. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat: E418 i ones, ynonn wenster 4E. I lnnaoo 111 aU Parts of the city. U-UUStS crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. 1515 HALL AVE.-7-r.. modern; $30. 1109 Underwood Ave,. Dundee; 8-r.: 100. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740$. VOll RENT Two-story frame dwelling, on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crclghton university. Douglaa 233). A COMPLETE LIST of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list compiled dally. You will be furnished a list free of charge by calling Douglas 4163. Omaha Van & Storage Co., K4 H. Kth St NEW 6-room cottago; desirable. 4326 I'oppieton. can. $151316 Pierce; city water, gas. D. 451t TTrT?T y-p- Storage and Van H I JJ KL,1 I Y Co. Goods stored. "T. . "T.. , . . movtd. Packed! shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. i ROOMS, all modorn. nowly decorated throughout 2617 North 20th St Webster 629 a 19th Ave.; new. Phone Red 4943. 6-ROOM fnttnc-n mdrtom rranf Tnnl a -Ts V.,"" ' V. . V-li'l twiM at jrnona wan. mz. 39TU AND BURT. TCAItt f-Ant. liavlnir nnt,l- t KIAn1, . T. . .. nam line, 1 block to cathedral and school -jr )i,vw ana move in. 1016 Omaha Nat'L Doug."2715. 330 7-r., 231S N. 77th Ave., rood cottage J tl!r- SS. X- d.8'- mod. ex. heat $20-6-r.. 6723 N. th Ave., new. all mod $18-6-r., S2I 8. 22d St., good cottage. 315 &.r.. em v. rth s a $54-r.. 3001 a th Ave. good cottage. roiww IJ.UHl' COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St Doug. 89S. NEW BRICK FI-AT FOR RENT. 1623 Wirt St.. S nurnt nn n dence street, for $32.60; 2 blocks to Sher- (iibii av& car line. AltMSTRONn. WAI.SU mMTJAW 210-12-14 SUte Bank Bldg. Tyler 1534 1424 N. 19th. 9-r.. all mod. $30. o. n, -r, an moa. $2S 1006 a 22d. 5-r.. mod. ex. heat, $25. N- sth 5r- mod heat $M. xuu j ones, e-r., ail moa. 8331 Fowler Ave-, 6-r. mod. ex. ht $13.64 SOU Charles. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat $16. HIRKETT & CnilPANV 423 Ree Bldg. Dong. 4734. FIVE rooms, alt modem, electric light, steam htat. hot and cold water; $30. Phone D 3780 or call 2215 Leavenworth, FOR RENT Six rooms, newly paperedT In Albright 20th and Madison Sts., $10. Phone South 1451, or Webster 4994. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses nnd Cottages, ROUSES AND COTTAGES. 5- r., 1418 Clark, partly mod., oloee In. .$12.50 6- r. 3405 Maple all mod. except heat first-class condition 15.00 5-r., 2V19 Chicago, mod. except heat. In flrst-cloM condition, good resi dence district , 1800 5- r 406 N. 27th, mod. except hevt, close In 50.00 6- r., 4500 Hamilton, mod. except heat, bargain at 15.00 C-r., 830 S. 23d St., mod. except heat, very close In 20.00 6-r., 3516 For,t St, mod. except heat, first-class condition, good residence district 21.00 9-r., 1S29 N. 17th St., mod. except heat 20.00 6r., 1524 N. 40th, strictly mod. and up-to-date, first-class neighborhood..,, 25.00 6-r., 3C5 Jones, all mod., good resi dence district reduced to... 20.00 6-r., Ava Dodge, strictly mod. nnd up-to-date cottago , 2G.0O 6- r., 1404 Emmet, In good residence district nicely decorated, bargain at 32.50 7- r., 4133 Douglas, strictly modern.... 32.50 7-r., 702 N. 50th St, strictly mod., choice rcsldenco district 40.00 9-r., 816 S. 35th Ave., all mod., good residence district 25.00 9-r., 2967 Farnam, choice brick dwell ing, within walking distance 45.00 FLATS. 3- r., 1410 N. 17th St $10.00 4- r., 2033 Howard, a very choice, strictly mod. and up-to-date "St Louis'' flat, within easy walking distance ,, , 80.00 5- r., 1508 N. 20th, strictly mod., bar gain at 20.00 5- r., 207 8. 30th St.. choice residence district 2G.00 6- r.' 1007 8- 30th Ave., choice, strictly mod, "St. Louis" flat first-class residence district 32.50 7- r., 618 N. 23d St, South Omaha, a choice brick dwelling in good resi dence district , 25.00 8- r., 100(5 South 36th St., choloe strictly mod. brick dwelling in the W. Far nam district 42.50 HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-r 626 8. ISth St. Apt No. 7, Car lyle, strictly mod. and up-to-date, very closo In: special Inducements If taken at once. Wo have others. Seo our complete printed list PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bungalows In Laurelton By far the nrettlest bunealnwa on the market are in Laurelton addition, one block south of Miller Park and west of 24th Street. These bungalows are built along tho lines of tho California bunga low, of frame and stucco. Have 6 nnd 6 rooms and are very warm and well built. The outside studdlngs arc covered with matched shlplap, heavy tar felt and sid ing or stucco. They have bullt-ln bookcases and but fets. splendid basements and finished at' tics. Modem, complete and up-to-dato In every sense of the word. Will be fin lshed in oak with oak floors. Beautiful lighting fixtures, decorated walls. Rhodes on tho windows, and, In fact, when com pleted will be ready for housekeeping wunout any additional expense, xno lots nro large nnd all of the street improve ments are paid for, and the buyer is pro tected by building restrictions. These houses are being built just as good as they can possibly bo built. They aro In tho newest and best addition and the sur roundings could not be better. Very closo to car line, one block from Miller Park school. Prices aro from $3,200 to $3,850 Reasonable terms can be arranged with good parties. By buying now you can have your selection of color nnd Interior finish. Come Out Today And look them over, they will be auickly Bold. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 216 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. $10.002714 Shirley St., 5 rooms, water and gas; two uiocKs to car; good lor the money. $25.001912 Emmet St, 9 rooms, strictly mod. house, in good condition. This Is a SNAP at this rent. $35.004228 Harney St, 7 rooms, all mod.; two large lots: snruDs ana rruit. $12.50105 Park Ave., 8 rooms, mod.; brick; practically new; nara wooa nnisn; a dandy good ulaco. close In. $45.00210 8. 37th St., 8 rooms, mod; hot water neat : nara wooa nnisn; ex cellent condition. $40.004801 Dodge St, 7 room mod. bunga low. Dundee: good house. $55.00-2115 8. 34th St, an Elegant 7-room DricK Mouse, strictly moo. win decorate to suit; nearly new. D. V. SHOLES pO 913 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. 2219 Chicago St, 6 rooms, $15.00. 2712 Parker St., 6 rooms. $17.50. 2710 Parker St, 6 rooms, $17.60. 1324 Capitol Ave., 6 rms., 2d floor, $25.00. 1121 N. 18th St.. 6 rooms, $18.00. 2606-8 Lake St., 6 rooms, each $35.00. 1019 N. 23d St. 6 rooms, $13.00. 1524 S. 25th St, 6 rooms, all mod., $32.60. 2318 N. 22d St., 8 rooms, all mod., $40.00. 2033 Harney St, 8 r., all mod. flat. $40.00. 1128 S. 32d St.. 9 rooms, nil mod., $45.00. 1427 N. 17th St.. 9 rooms. $35.00. 3416 Dewey Ave., 9 rooms, $60.00. THE BYRON RKED CO.. 'Phono Doug. 297. 213 S. 17th. Very modern 7-room brick dwelling, 117N. 41st St. $45; with garage $50.00 Modem bungalow, with sleeping porch, SS2i Hamilton St 30.00 8-room steam-heated apartment In Davldge Bldg 32.50 7-room modem house, 1S0S N. 40th St 30.00 Good 6-room house. 1718 N. 25th St... 13.00 2-room house and large lot, 6.00 CJr. 13 iur. r un UTl.Kll UUU1) HOUSES. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Stores and Offices'. 1S11 FARNAM ST.. 3.000 sauare feet: 1809H Farnam St, 1.800 square feet: 1807- luu-iBU i-arnam at (basement), 8.000 square feet, both Farnam street and alley entrances: abundant llcht. steam heat. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bid, D. 7406. 2318 AND 2520 Farnam St.. lust two left in this block; full cement basements; splendid retail locations: rental, $75. iuu amain si.; a stories ana casement; location for jobber; rental, $110. 1422 CaDltol Ave.: a Dace 15x60: a snlen. did store In new building at 16th and uapitoi Ave.; rental, $37.so. We have others In the Flatlron build ing. 17tb and Howard Sts.. and The Ster. ling, 19th and St. Mary's Ave. Modern stores witn iuu cement oasements. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., 303-305 a 13th St mono uougias nil." APTS AND FLATS 3042 CAS8 ST.; 8 rooms; strictly mod ern; very desirable; $33. 1906 Farnam St.; 6-room flats; mod. ex. heat: $23 each. 602 S. 29th St; 6-room; modem except heat; $2160. 1466-68 S. lth 8t: 7-room flaU: mod. ex. heat: $30. 1808 Grace 6t. and ll N. 18th St;. 10 rooms: modern: $23 60. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam 8t VERY desirable suite of four offices and large ' reception room, facing both Farnam and 16th streets; suitable for physicians, surgeons, dentists, etc.; best elevator service In the city. Also space In entrance lobby suitable for flower stand, confectionery store, etc. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1330 Farnam St. or 636 Paxton Bldg. One-half of a large, well lighted ground floor office In Beo Bldg. 216 So 17th St 8TEAM heated store near postotflce, $30. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT The office on ground floor or The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St, and occupying about 1.500 square feet, with extra entrance on tha court of the building. Large vault Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. U1S HARNEY Teddv Bear Cleaning Co.'s old storeroom. Doug. 5446. NEW store building. 22x80; all upto date; nice cemented cellar; 816 N, 16th SL J. B. ROBINSON. Doug. 8007. 442 Bee Bldg. HALF of store, 210 8. 17th St; espe cially adapted to real estate or similar, business, rent, cheap, considering loot tlon. In quire at store or office Brandels Buildings. OFFERED FOR RENT, Stores and Oftlcv. Stores and Buildings For Rent bhoppmg District 411 S. 16th et. Alley comer store In tho City National bank Bldg., opposite the new Burgess-Nosh department store. 617 8. 16th St A very attractive room, strictly modern. Including steam heat electric light and full light basement Rental only $75 per month. 20th and Farnam St. N. W. comer. Storerooms In this fine new building will be ready about April 1. Splendid location for druggist In corner store. Others suit able for any good retail business. 2553 Farnam St Good location for gro ceries or automobile specialties or sup plies Rental $So per month. 1503 Howard St 22x120 feet; steam heat Rental $175 per month. AUTOMOBILE -DISTRICT 2024 Farnam St 22x132 feet, fully equipped for automobile business. 6-room apartment 2d floor. Whole building $176 per month. 2649-51 Farnam St 40x120 feet full base ment. A splendid room for .tire business; can be arranged for automobiles If de sired. Very low rental. SUBURBAN STORES 3003 N. 24th St. 20x64 full basement $20 Per month. 2916 Sherman Ave., Kountie Place, $22 per month. BUILDINGS 1712 Douglas St., In rear, separate stor age building; $25 per month. 1413 Dodge St 22x120 feet 2 stories and basement; $100 per month. 1213 Howard St, 22x132 feet, 2 stories and basement; $85 per month. TRACKAGE BUILDINGS 715-717 S. 9th St., near freight depots, about 25,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Also 00,000 to 120,000 sq. ft. In another location. George & Company Tel. D. 756. 902 City Nat Bank Bldg. FOR RENT-Splendld room for light manufacturing or storage; location 1208 Jackson street. Telephone Tyler 1625. FINE retail, steam-heated store, ISth and Farnam 8ts $100. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FARNAM ST. 111SOUTH 16th St.; steam heat; $100. 609 South 13th St.; brick: $30. 1904 North 24th St.; brick: $25. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 554. STOREROOM 706-7 So. 16th St, 20x60; full basement: water and stenm heat furnished. 50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Darn fur hem. Barn, suitable for ten cam 2226 Howard. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. South half of building at Southwest cor ner of Sth and Howard Sts Space 66x132. Located on tracks. Rental $75. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. 303-305 S. 13lh St First Nat'l Bank Bldg. PHONE DOUGLAS U51.' OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture. AT A SACRIFICE. New high grade furniture, complete furnishings, for 5-rooms, $200. Phone Har ney 1281. Typenrrlturs. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. Tho Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1R24. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very .newest and highest grado machines sent out. Rates, three months- for $5 for understroko machines, or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company, 1819 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Musical Instruments. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON USED ELEC TRIC PIANOS AND ORCHESTRAS FOR PICTURE SHOWS. One Wurlltser Bijou Orchestra, like new. Factory price $1,250. Our special, $700. Two Wurlltzer Mandolin Quarets, fine condition. Cost new $60. Eeach $215. Two Wurlltser Electric Harps; lato style. Money makers for cafes or Ice cream parlors. Fine shape. Catalog price $475. Sale price $200. Three Wurlltror pianos, fine for mov ing picture shows. Regular price $400. Special sale price $75. $100, $140. One Style 125 Wurlltzer Band Organ; rebuilt like new. Factory price $775. Price $465. MICKEL'S. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ( 15th and Harney. d. icei FOR SALE Angelus Player Piano. Plays any E8-'noto mUstc, Fine condition; beautiful tone; $33). $10 down, $10 a month If you want terms. Hurry. A. HOSPI1 CO., 1513' Douglas St., Omaha. RARE offer on genuine Hossmann piano. Cost new $350. It is now In stor age and will sell for $S7.60. Mahogany finish, plain case. Phone quick. Red. 5351. BEAUTIFUL $400 piano; only used short while; for $165. 1053 Park Ave SLIGHTLY USED PIANO BARGAINS. ' One Wm. Knabe & Co. fine mahogany case; beautiful tons action; like new. I'nce One Ellington piano; mission or early English oak; good action and tone. Price $116. Ono Wellington, new, beautiful case and singing tone. Price $165. Two beautiful New Regent plane-.; one mahogany and one oak. The tone of these pianos Is without a peer. Each $365. MICKEL'S. NEBRABKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney. D. 1663. BIlacel!nneoa. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76a a hundred at The Bee office. FOR PALE at a discount, a full, un amtted scholarship In Boyles Business rollege, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the r,fr if Dmeiia Beo FOR SALE - New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; asy payments. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 a 10th St 5f Of) Buys Best Coal for tha money; try yj.w tL wu Harmon A f eth. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. De right Sate Co., 1212 Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE. Mlacrllnurnus. FOR SALE-If sold soon, a completj set of farm'ng equipment, horses and cattle and leas- of place to run four years. For particulars addtess Y 404, care Bee. t . FOR SALE Fire-proof safe. Jacobsou & Furen, 2404 N St, South Omaha. FOR 8ALE-20 tanks of heavy osk, ca pacity 40 barrels each. Ideal tor watering stock If sawed In half. Suitable for elder. Vinegar or wine or other liquids that require high-class tight cooperage. Good condition. Price $15 each Original cost $75. The Royal Browing Company, Knn saa City, Mo. , AUCTION SALE of all kinds of paints In storage house, 11th and Nicholas. Mon day, February 2, at 1 P. m. Doud Auc tlon Co. , $30 Set drums and traps, good as new, only been out four months, will sell for $J0. $35 trombone and leather case lor $20. Write or phone R. M. Merchant, Logan, la, . FOR SALE-Stock and fixtures, Mies Art Needlework store. Address G. F. Bparker, Administrator, 408 Broadway,, Council Bluffs, la. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial homo solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect Wo distribute Phons Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect tho new home, 1110-1112-1114. Dodge 8t YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union Station. MASSAGE MIbs Walton, room 224 Ne ville block, 16th A Harney, Phone D. 4297. WONDERFUL treatment for rheuma tism; Pryor's mineral mud and salt steam baths; lady attendant for ladled. 610 So. 22d St Phota Ty'er 1907. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. M ASK A OF. Swedish movement. 418 MAC5fti Jea nWg DougIa, 6--. MAS8AQE. 109 S. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Massage, Miss Hallnran. 23 Neville blkT LAURA WILSON, bath, mass. D. 875t ELECTRTO iassage bath. 21 -u-uoxxviurj Dldg MBa Bums, MISS FISHER, mass., eleo. treat D. 4380. Eleo. mass., bath. 214 Balrd Bldg. 17 A D. Turkish bath. mass.Davldge blk. D 6895. MAGNETIC Trt, 1829 Vinton. D. 6026. Cash for Diamonds. 8. F., 350 Om. Nat MRS. SNYDER. Electrlo Trt D. 4380. DR. BEYBBRT of Council Bluffs. Ia., wants to see J 00 Kreber. PRIOR'S MUD BATHS; salt and mus tard, steamed; positive cure for rheu matism; 20 years' experience in Hot Springs, Ark. Lady attendant for ladles. 610 80. 22d St. Phone Tyier 1907. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity, con sultation free ond confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. "PET STOCK. SMART Bird-dog pUp for solo. 1311 S. 21st St. Omaha. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. BOOST your Income with the Rayo In cubator; slashes expense, kills drudgery; 20 more chlcka to hatch than old lamp-on-slde machines; 1 gal. oil, 1 filling to hatch; hatching chart, hygrometer, cata log free. Rayo Incubator Company, 1203 Mason St( Omaha, Neb. nOSH COMB WHITE LEGHORN cock erels, thoroughbreds, $1.00 and $2.00; eggs $1.C0 Betting. Orla A. Granger, Glen Elder, Kan. White Wyandotte eggs. Tel. Florence 3S9. 25 SINGLE-COMB Brown Leghorn cockerels; scores from 90 to 93V&, $2 each; 100 unscored ones, $1 each. Hawkeye Vlow farm. Selma, Van Burcn county, Iowa. S. C. W. LEGHORNS, hens, pullets, cockerels; also eggs for hatching. Phono Florence 218. REAL ESTATE AD8TRACTS Ob TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brantlels theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. TO BUT, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM 8T. I Have Been Asked to Sell Two Neat Little Cottages Ono 4-room cottago valued at $1,500, and ono 6-room cottage valued at $1,300. Thcso houses belong to a party who wants to sell or exchange them for a larger place. These hbusea can be bought on terms of $10Q down and $15 per month. BE. H. Harper 1013-11 City National Bank Building. Phone Douglas 2596. $2,650 Can't Be Beat Six-room, new bungalow, finished part In oak, beamed celling; fine electric fix tures, , best of plumbing; parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bed room on first floor, two bed rooms and bath, white enamel, lots of closet room, dn second floor; full cellar, splendid furnace, nice large lot most delightful view; 2 blocks from West Leavenworth car line: no city taxes to pay; $500 cash, balance like rent. 6615 Jackson St Look at this place at once It you want a nice home at a bar gain. P. J. Tebbens Co. 750 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phona D. 2182. HERE IS A BARGAIN. Two new modern houses near 10th and Bancroft one 6-room and ono 8-room, 2 years, cash $9,600. Reduced to $S.50O, Will take small cottage as part payment. Must have some cash. Call 413 Karbach. Doug. 3S07. 1 1 NEW 6-ROOM BUNOALOW, strictly ' I n.l, flntah ,UnQ.U, hull, -It. Iltuuti ,1, V u 1. lllliu .1, kvv,,auw, MM,,-., I bookcases, clothes chutes, everything first class and up-to-date, electric lights, gas, and all modern conveniences. Lai go lot, near car line, east front, splendid nelch- Iborhood. Before you decide to rent for unother year, l want to llgure you out a plan whereby you can own this pretty bungalow home. Don't ay "you ca't 'own a home" until you know my otter. , Please 'phone me today. Benson 123, F. S. Trulllnger. CORNER LOTS. 64x75 Northwest corner Mth and Charles, $700. 52x90 Northwest corner SOth and Miami. 45x122 South front, just west of above, with sewer, water and sidewalks all In, paving paid, $1,C00. , 60x120 Northeast comer of 20th and Sprague. $1,100. 18x113 Southwest corner Dodge and Park Ave.. $4,000. 67x105 Southwest comer 31st and Dav enpoit, with a six-room brick house, only $2,400. W. H. GATES, Room 647 Omaha Nat Bank Building. Phones: Douglaa 1294. Web. 2CS8. For Sale Benson 38 lots, six-room cottage; well, cistern, orchard and vineyard; low price; half cash, balance long time. Phone Harney 1401. THREE NEW BUNGALOWS. Better built, better flnl.h Kt,.. decoration. We Invito Inspection and comparison. Six rooms each, oak finish, latest built-in features, window shades and all complete. Open at 3 p. m. Phonj Webster 6C22. M. GARRISON. BUILDER. FINE RESIDENCE LOT 8 blocks south of Cathedral, near Joslyn home, the cheapest vacant lot In that part pf the city. Welt surrounded with highly improved places. Only $2,500 '""'y GEORGE Q. WALLACE? Brown Blodc NEW 7-room cottage. Inquire 2012 Fopl" pieton Ave.