Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1914, PART ONE, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Colder
Postmaster General Burleson Files
Department Committee Report
with the Senate.
All Methods of Transmitting Intel
ligence Should Belong to Public.
Would Exempt Only Telephone Sys
tems Owned by Farmers.
L'ntteil States In Only I.nrite ClTllUetl
Nntlon that Dora Not llnvc Wire
Service its Part of Postal
"WASHINGTON, Jan. SI. Postmaster
General Burleson today presented to the
senate the recommendations ot the de
partmental committee appointed by him
to Investigate the practicability of gov
ernment ownership of telephone and tele
graph Unci).
The report declared that "the only way
to afford to the people the complete and
modern postal facilities that the con
stitution makes It the duty of the gov
ernment to provide" Is by carrying out
these suggestions:
"One That congress declare a govern
ment monopoly over all telegraph, tele
phone and radio communication and such
other means for the transmission of in
telligence as may hereafter develop.
"Two That congress acquire by pur
chase at appraised value tho commercial
telephone network, except the farmer
"Three That congress authorize the
postmaster general to issue, in his dis
cretion and under such regulations as he
may proscribe, .revocable licenses for the
operation, by private Individuals, associa
tions, companies and corporations, ot th
telegraph service and such parts of the
telephone service as may not be ac
quired by the government."
examination I Exhaustive.
The recommendations are signed by
Daniel C. Roper, first assistant post
master goncral; Mcrrltt O. Chance, chief
clerk postofflco department, and John C.
Koons, superintendent, division of sal
aries and allowances, composing the
committee. They were accompanied by
statistical information collected after one
of tho most exhaustive Investigation
undertaken1 by the "Postofflco department
The report states that the United
States is alone of tho leading- nations
which has left to private enterprise the
ownership and, operation )f thff tele
graph and telephone facilities, and that
practically aU of the economists who
have treated the subject are agreed that
telegraph and telephone facilities should
be controlled by tho government.
It declared' further that Theodore N.
Vail, president of the American Tele
phono and Telegraph company, by his
statement that the telephone business
must bo "under common control" and
"sufficiently strong to constitute prac
tically one -system, Inter-comraunlcating,
Inter-dependent, universal" has himself
pointed out that the most efficient tele
phone service can be attained only under
a condition of monopoly.
"Wlier.- Private Control la Weak.
Tho report continues:
"Thp private monopoly has no lncen
live to extend Its facilities to unnroflt
able territory: but the government must
serve nil the people. This universal ser
vice has been accomplished by the equal
izatlon of rates. In fixing rates, the
policy of this government Is to impose
no charge for taxation, but to see to it
that tho service as a whole Is self sup
porting. The private monopoly, on the
omer nana, must make a profit, and. in
providing for this, tends to increase its
rates to the highest price that will not.
by so greatly restricting the volume of
Dusiness, impair the aggregate Droflt.
"It is obvious that the longer the ac
quisition oy tne government of these
facilities Is deferred, the greater will be
the cost Moreover, it Is economlo waste
to permit private enterprise to build up
vast properties that 'must eventually be
taken over by the government in resum
ing Its constitution monopoly, at a cost
out of all proportion to the value of the
parts of such properties that may be
...hi . . - . ... .
utilize!! io advantage in tne postal system.
no far as the publlo generally is con.
cerned, the entire telegraph service is
owned and operated by two telegraph
companies. Telegraph facilities have not
been extended to the small towns and
illages along with the government postal
facilities, nor has the cost of the ser
vice been reduced in the Inverse nronor
tlon that would seem warranted by the
Increasing volume of business transacted.
Neither has the volume of business In
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. msu'nday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; somewhat colder;
Temperature at Uutiiha Yesterday.
Hours. T)eg.
C a. m 31
C a. m 33
7 a. m 3ti
8 a, m 35
9 a. in 33
10 a. m 34
11 a. m 33
12 m 31
1 P. in 35
z p. m 37
3 p. m 38
4 P. m 40
5 p. m 40
6 p. in 3S
7 p. in 33
Comparative Local ltecerd.
1914. 1913. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday 40 24 S7 54
lowest yesterday 31 4 22 31
Mean temperature ...... 36 10 SO 44
Precipitation 00 .00 T .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal;
Normal temperature 21
Kxcess for the day IS
Total excess since March 1.,, 1253
Normal precipitation..., 02 Inch
Deficiency for the dav 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... 24.26 Inches
Deficiency since March 1...... 4.40 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1912.. 4.27 inches
Oeflclency for cor. period. 1911. .13.76 inches
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicate below Eero.
It. A. yVislH, Local Forecaster.
Steamboat Inspectors Will File
Their Report Next Week.
Department at Commerce nml I.n
lior Orders Sweeping Inwtl
Kntlon Into Sinking of
Steamship Monroe.
NORFOLK, Va., Jan. 3L-InvestlgatIon
of tho sinking of tho Old Dominion liner
Monroe by the steamer Nantucket, with
a loss of forty-one lives, was completed
today by the United States steamboat
Inspectors. They will not make public
their findings boforo Wednesday or
Thursday of next week.
The revised list of victims and rescued
showed that of the forty-one persons
whoso lives were lost nineteen wero pas
sengers and twenty-two wero members of
the crew. Of the nlnoty-nlno saved thirty-
nine were passengers and sixty wero
members of the crew.
Orders Sweeping Inquiry.
Assistant Secretary Sweet of the De
partment of Commerce yesterday ordorcd
r sweeping Inquiry Into the causes and
circumstances that lod to tho catastropho.
Tho inquiry was directed along thrco dis
tinct lines, as follows:
Whether tho masters of both vessels
used ovory poaslblo precaution to prevent
uie irageay, including a low speed head
way and continuous use of fochorns.
Whether the terrible death rate nmomr
tho passengers of tho Monroe was due In
any way to n lack of discipline among the
wreclted slUD s ere v.
Whether tho two vessels were In their
proper positions prior to tho collision.
'i no question or a possimo panic among
the crew Is one to which the federal au
thorities will direct their attention. Sur
Ivors, However, declare that little. If any,
confusion followed the collision. All of
them praise the crew for their splendid
behavior. II. B. Walker of tho Old Dom
inlon Steamship company arrived today
from Washington prepared to toko up
tho Investigation,
Some of the survivors, worn out by ex.
posure and hardship, spent restless nlglits
or lay on hospital cots, while others were
on the way to their homes today. Tho
Nantucket, which lay in Us berth at tho
dock In a badly battered condition, was
a solemn reminder of yesterday's sea
tragedy. It was viewed by hundreds of
the curious.
HarrlnRtnn Telia of "Wife's Death.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31.-Slx survivors of
tho disaster to the steamship Monroo
reached hero today from Norfolk. Among
them was Thomas Harrington of Brldge-
(Contlnuod on Page Two.)
Rook Island Plans
to Abolish Its Two
Holding Companies
NEW TORK, Jan. 31. Complete rcor-
ganltatlon of the system ot railroads or
tgihally "known "as the Chicago. Hock
Island & Pacific lines, Including the abo
lition of Us two holding companies, known
as the Rock Island company of New
Jersey and tho Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific railroad company of Iowa Is likely
to bo announced in the near future. Law
yers representing the system are at work
on the details, which will probably bo
submitted for ratification to the Inter
state Commerce commission. Rock Island
stocks were weak on the exchange today.
When these plans are carried out they
will leave only one company where three
now exist, and the management and op
eration of tho system will be under con
trol of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa'
cltio Railway company, an Illinois cor
It has been known for some tlmo that
the leading interests In these lines con'
templated the abolition of the holding
companies In conformity with tho wishes
of the administration at Washington, in
abolishing them It will bo necessary to
provide for other' Issues of securities In
place of tho 4 per cent collateral bonds of
the Iowa corporation and tho stocks is
sued by tho Now Jersey corporation.
It la thought possible In financial circles
that the move might necessitate formal
application for receivership, in which
event the receivers or trustees would take
charge of the railway company's stock
for the collateral bondholders.
Acquit Mrs, Reuter
of Complicity in Her
Husband's Murder
BARTLESVILLE, Okl., Jan. 31. Mrs,
Laura M. Reuter was found jiot guilty of
complicity In the murder of 'fitr husband,
Charles T. Reuter, by a Jury in the dls-
trict court here today. This was Mrs,
Router's second trial, the first one lasttcndent who wnB-enBaged m nclt ,quor
auiuiiiu lid. .116 iciuhcu in a- wuiivii.uii
carrying a sentence oi me imprisonment.
Mrs. Reuter was ill throughout the
trial, which lasted more than a week,
and heard the evidence and arguments
while lying on a cot In the court room.
Mrs. Reuter, who formerly was a so
ciety woman In Tulsa, was charged with
conspiring with Guy D. Mackenzie, a
wealthy Tulsa contractor; Grovcr Bal
lew, Mackenzie's chauffeur, and Joseph'
Baker, a friend of Ballew, to murder
her 'husband, an attorney. Reuter was
shot and killed In his home In Tulsa on
the night of May 5, 1912.
A week later Mackenzie. Ballew and
Baker and Mrs. Reuter were arrested
charged with plotting to murder Reuter.
Ballew, in a signed conteesion, said that
Mackenzie had paid Baker J20O to "put
Reuter out of the way," and that he,
Ballew, drove tho "murder car" In
which Baker rode to the Reuter home to
shoot the attorney. Mackenzie and Baker
were convicted and are now in the peni
tentiary. Ballew was shown leniency
because of evidence he gave for the state,.
NEW YORK. Jan. 31.-Three firemen
were hurt, one seriously, In a fire -which
destroyed the Waters Piano factory at 536
East Sixty-third street early today, Tho
firemen were on the second floor when a
varnish vat beside them exploded, throw
ing them to the floor. The flamea reached
a public school building adjoining the fac
tory but were checked before much dam
age occurred. Tbe property Ions Is es
timated at about 900,000.
Snow Foot Deep a
with Indications
Small Army of Men is Trying to
Clear Car Tracks.
Snow Storm Extends Over Illinois,
' Ohio and Indiana,
Prlaonera on Wst to' Codrt Jeer Po
licemen While They Dls; Ve
hicle from Drift Fonr
Feet Deep,
CHICAGO, Jan. 3L-Chlcago Is burled
under a twelve-Inch mantle of snow and
snow Is falling unabated. Although tho
official figures gave tho fall as ono foot,
drifts were six feet deep and aU local
transportation was crippled, as was
telegraph and telephono service.
The temperature has remained abovo
freezing and thcro has been less suffering
than might have been expected from tho
first big snowfall ot the winter. It has
furnished temporary work for an army
ot unemployed men waiting for tho open'
ng ot the Ice harvest, delayed by the
mild winter.
Tho body of a well-dressed man, who
supposedly died from heart disease in the
storm, was found In a downtown drift
today. .
A snow storm over Illinois, Indiana and
Ohio today caused much delay to railroad
traffic, and telegraph and telephone serv
ice was badly hampered. In the lake
region of Indiana and Ohio the snow
turned to sleet and many wires verc
prostrated by the . heavy weight.
Ten Thousand Men Working.
Transportation servico was demoralized.
Snow and sleet covered trolley wires and
third rails. The city street department
and rail lines had 10,000 men removing
snow from streets and tracks, but the
fall continued heavy and traffic was Im
peded seriously all day. Each man was
paid $2.60 for hU day's work.
An automobile patrol wagon conveying
prisoners to coilrt became stalled- in a
four-foot drift on tne nortn side, jv.
squad of policemen finally moved it out
of tho dlrft, while the, prisoners Jeered.
A derailed Halstead street car was lifted
bodily by passengers and put back on
the rais.
The suburb of Crnsin was without
street car service and somo of Its 'resi
dents walked seven miles through the
drifts to tho nearest lines.
Associated .Press dispatches from, point
(Continued on Page Two.)
Charges Against
Abbott Are to Be
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Charges of
misuse of his official power for political
purposes, havo been filed against former
Acting Commissioner P. H. Abbott by
William K. Johnson, formerly a worker
in tho Indian bureau for tho suppres
sion of the liquor traffic, and will be
investigated by tho congressional com
mitteo on Indian affairs.
Senator Robinson of the congressional
committee announced today that the
charges "allege the expenditure ot public
money by Mr. Abbott to organize a
political machine in the service. Tho
wrongful exercise of 'hla- Influence and
authority to retain in tho service cor
rupt and inefficient agents; that he or
dered at publlo expense reservation
agents, and other employes In tho Indian
service In remote localities, to Washing
ton last winter to attempt to bring about
his appointment as commissioner of
Indian affairs, and that he permitted
his political favorites to expend exces
sive funds on various reservations for
the construction of residences, when the
funds were badly needed for providing
school facilities for the Indians."
It was also charged hat ho displayed
favoritism in leasing snd prazlng privil
eges, that ho permitted himself to bo
used by the railroads in an attempt to
exchange worthless lands within Indian
reservations for valuable lands on tho
public domain, and that he used his In
fluence to retain In the service a superln-
Special Bearing
Breakers Fired On
DENVER. Colo., Jan. 31.-A special
train carrying thirty-one strike breakers
from Pueblo to the Victor-American Fuel
company's mine at Radiant was fired
upon by a crowd of striking coal miners
this morning at Williamsburg. The train
was stopped and backed Into Pueblo,
u f t Mf V I r, V, 1 1 V... man. V.1 1 11 f n TY-n.
J here do not Indicate that ony-
one was Injured. The occupants of the
cars threw themselves flat on tho floors
to escape tho bullets.
lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald, acting
In the absence of Governor Ammons, In
structed Adjutant General John Chase
to use the mllltla to give the train safe
conduct to Its destination.
Woman Who Killed
Man is Exonerated
SAN FRANCISCO.. Jan. 31.-Mss Leah
Alexander, a stenographer, walked out
of court shortly after midnight today
acquitted of the murder of J, D. Van
Balen. a manager of advertising cam
paigns. The girl's story in court was
that, after meeting VanBaien through
note he dropped in Golden Gate park.
she believed him unmarried and shot
him, October IS. upon finding herself de
ceived and wronged. VanBalen'o parents
lived la Milwaukee. WU
I : : '
arst lau wm i vmws t5sw i
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Auxiliary to Equal Suffragists to So
Aid Them in the Campaign
of Their Cause.
Agree to Take the Stamp and ricnil
(or the Doctrine that Gives
Both Sexes the Snme Voice
In Oovcrnmcnt.
Suffrago speakers will be furnished-on
demand by the new-born Men's League
for tho 1'romctlon of AVoman Suffrago
which met, discussed tlie outlook and
adopted a constitution at tho Loyal hotol
yesterday afternoon. Thirty members
assembled as the guests of James Rich
ardson and tho majority of thorn de
clared they would bo willing to go forth,
as John A. Rlno said, like the prophets
of old and preach the doctrine of polit
ical salvation.
It Is provided In the constitution, that
any male of voting, age and ot residenco
In Nebraska may'bocomo a member of
tho league. No dues shall bo charged.
Collections shall sometimes be made,
but the financial riddle is to be left to
the executive committee. Thus far Rich
ardson has "kicked, in" for all expenses
and money has been the least of tho,
worries of the league.
Nine members shall constitute a quo
rum and tho majority present shall have
full power to ripe up tho constitution
and make a now ono, providing they
Mnnr Speakers Needed.
John A. Rlne, Jerry Howard nnd
George J. Knapp of Puoblo, together
with Richardson, were tho chief speakers
at tho luncheon. Rlne sold it was high
tlmo to got under tho skin of the antls
(Continued on Page Two.)
Seeks to Set Aside
Order for New trial
for Olaf Tveitmoe
CinCAGO, Jan. 31. A petition that the
United States court ot appeals here set
nslde its grant of a new trial to Olaf
A. Tveltmos of ' San Francisco, Richard
H. Houlihan of Chlcogo and William
Bernhardt of Cincinnati, convicted in the
dynamlto trial at Indianapolis, was filed
here today by Frank C. Dalley, United
States district attorney at Indianapolis.
The government did not petition against
new trials for William McCain of Kan
sas City, James E, Ray of Peoria, III., or
Fred Sherman of Indianapolis.
In the government brief, Mr. Dalley
asoerts that Tveltmos, Houlihan and
Bernhardt are Just as Intimately con
nected with the conspiracy to transport
explosives as were the twenty-four labor
union officials, now under sentence to
whom new trials were refused.
The National Capital
Saturday, January 31, 1014.
The Ifonse.
Met at 11 a. m.
Resumed debate on the Immigration bill.
Representative Kahn Introduced a bill
to appropriate $500,000 for a marine hos
pital In San Francisco.
Representative Cox introduced a bill
to require the army to mako Its saddlery
and boots at a quartermaster's depot In
Jeffersonvllle, Ind.
Representative Levy of New Vork ap
peared at the trust hearing before the
Judiciary committee.
Thn Senate.
Met at noon.
Senator Ilrlatow asked a 1 1,000,000 appro
priation for investigating irrigation by
reservoirs In tbe middle west.
Postmaster General Burleson's report on
government ownership of wires was submitted.
Watching for the Ground
Judge. Speer Denies
All Charges Made by
Lawyers and Others
SAVANNAH, Go., Jan.' Sl.-Fcdc'ral
Judge Emory Speer was the first wit
ness today before the congressional com
mittee Investigating charges ot official
misconduct against him. Before tho
Jurist was sworn, Chairman Webb, on
nounced that Judge Hpeor's testimony
would complete the Investigation.
Judge Bpeer denied having told Dis
trict Attorney Alexander Akerman that
he would raise hi" feo In a bankruptcy
caso if ho would' withdraw his protest
.against fees, to Tallcy and Heyward.
Judge Bpeer -also denied having threat
ening to sentence to Jail any lawyer who
sought to disqualify him In a caso .n
which his son-in-law, A. H. Heyward,
was counsel. Akerman' has testified that
Judge Bpeer had made such a threat
In November, 1910.
"I always disqualified myself In cases
where Tolley and Heyward had connec
tion," declared Judgo Speer. "I had
nothing whatever to do with the part
nership between Talley and Heyward.
My son-in-law never consulted me. I
did, however, delay tho partnership for a
time on, account of tho Grccn-Gaynor
case. I never asked for a favor for my
son-in-law, and It nevor occurred to mo
that a lawyer who happens to be the son-in-law
ot a Judgo should be debarred
from practicing his profession."
The witness also denied having had
anything to do with tho partnership of
tho law firm of Isaacs & Heyward. Judgo
Speor was askod to explain tho bread)
botween himself and District Attornoy
Akerman. "Our differences," said tho
witness, "grew out of our diverging
views on questions involving tho policy
of tho law and principles of morality on
which the welfaro of tho people depended.
In the first place, I was anxious to en
force the revenue laws so as to aid tho
people of tho south in enforcing their
prohibition laws. Mr. Akerman allied
himself with tho liquor Interests and in
sisted that I nolle prosse certain liquor
Fifteen Persons Hurt
in Wreck on Alton
in Wreck on Alton
JOLIBT, 111., Jan. 81. Fifteen persons
wero Injured, somo of them so seriously
that they may die, when Chicago & Alton
passenger train No. 7, bound from Chi
cago to St. Louis, was wrecked between
hero and Lock port early today, sup
n hrnlf rnll Kl.,. .... Ift
, ,! .i,r .r- v.,rr.,H .,
car being badly haltered.
Relief trains were sent to the scene!
of the wreck from Bloomlngton and
Jollet, and the Injured were drought to
this city. Most of those injured wero
In the sleeping cars, which they wero
forced to leave In their night clothes
and seek shelter In nearby farm houses.
Ten physicians wero rushed to the
wreck from this city In automobiles
through a blinding snow storm. There
they found the passengers standing about
In scanty clothing and wrapped In
blunkots hastily snatched from berths.
COLON. Jan. 31 .-Frederick W. Vander
bllt's yacht Warrior, which went ashoro
off the coast of Colombia Monday, was
still fast aground today, according to a
wireless dispatch received here. The
orew, which remained on board when
Mr. Vanderbllt and his guests escaped,
Is In no dunger,
A wrecking tug and the steamer Al
rolranto are standing by today, but the
sea was still too rough for an attempt
to rescue the crew.
The dispatch says It would be possible
for the sailors to land on tho beach In
the Warrior" a boaU if the necessity should
New United States Marshal Hay
Not Name All New
McCallnm nnd Nlckersnn Meets to
Ifnvn Their Positions seotit-e Uo
Stutter Who la Named na
In splto of tho fact that the offices of
deputy United States marshals has 'been
rpmoved from the' civil servico, tho nan
who succeeds William P. Wamor here
will havo somo difficulty in distributing
theso appointments as political' plums, to
his particular friends.
A circular letter sont to all United
States marshals in Octobr, immediately
following tho passago of the bill remov
ing the deputies from tho civil service,
Informed them that beforo the offioe de
puties wero appointed to succeed those
now holding offioe, specific pcnnlsslpn
must bo obtained from the Department
of Justice,
An extract from the letter of Attorney
General Mcllcynolds, follows:
In connection with his approval of the
act tho president wrote tho following
"I am convinced, utter' a careful examt
nation of tho facts, that tho offices of
deputy collector and deputy marshals
wero never Intended to be included under
tho ordinary provisions of tho civil serv
ico law, Thn control of tho wholo method
and spirit of the administration of the
proviso In this bill, which concerns the
appointment ot theso officers is no less
entirely In my hands now than It was
before tho bill became law; my warm
advocacy and support both of the prln
clple and of tho bona fide practice ot
civil servico reform Is known to tho
(Continued on Page . Two.)
Militants Roast .
Bishop of London
LONDON, Jan. Sl.-Tho militant suf
fragists aro very angry with the bishop
of London, Rt. Rev. Arthur Foley Win
ntngton Ingram, ovor his report that
thcro wnn no truth in the allegations ot
excruciating torture being inflicted on
mcir iwiruuen in iiumiway juu, iiicjr
I accuse tho prelato of being an ally of
the government and Mrs. Dacke-Fox. ono
' ix f lm tuililara n Ilia UrnmAli'a Hnitlal anil
" - .
I'Uiiwiui uiiiuii, iviuio nun luuuy us iui
"A whltowush brusl has been placed
In your hand, my lord bishop, by the
authorities In order that the public shall
remain Ignorant of the diabolical meth
ods used by the government In Its desire
to terrorize the militant women.
"The whole truth of the matter Is, you
have allowed tho government and the
prison officials to hoodwink you. We hold
letters from MIih Rachnel Peace, now an
lumato of Holloway Jail, describing the
torture she has undergone. She has on
two occasions, to our knowledgo, broken
down under tho supreme suffering In
ST. IOUIB, Jan. 31. Congressman R.
W. Martin ot South Dakota is suffering
from pneumonia at St. Luke's hospital
here, where ho was taken a week ago
His tompcrature today was 100.$ and hi
family has hope ot Ids early recovery,
Congressman Martin was stricken two
weeks ago while he and his wife were
visiting his brother, C. U Martin ot
Webster Grove, Mo., a suburb of Bt.
Vioe President Rules Oregon Sen
ator Made Remarks Reflecting
on Interstate Committee.
Asserts This Done on Request of
Newlands of Nevada.
Root and Bristow Get Into Row
Over Remark of Former.
Wllllnms, Asserting that MembeM
Appear to Be In Dnd Humor,
Demand Itesnlar Order
nnd Quiet Hetnrna.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Senator Lane
ot Oregon was removed from the floor ot
tho senato today in a parliamentary
sense, by Vice President Marshall during
his speech on the Intorstato Commerco
committee's action on his resolution to
Investigate whether the United States
Steel corporation had received illegal re
bate" from railroads. Tho vice president
ruled that Mr. Lane's remarks were a
reflection on the committee.
Benator Newlands, chairman of tho
committee, and Senators Hoko Smith and
Lodge were on their feet at once demand
ing apologies.
Upon motions of Senator James, the
Oregon senator was allowed to procedo
and ho withdrew his charges that the re
port had been "doctored" on demand by
Senator Newlands.
Defend Lamar.
Just before his. attack on the commit
tee; Senator Lane had defended Davis
Lamar as a person whose "wolfing" wan
not to be compored with J. P. Morgan &
ICo.'s manipulation ot New Haven af
"Yet, Mr. Morgan said his dearest
hope," continued Senator Lane, "was for
his son. to go on preaching the woimne
away ot sin by tho blood ot the Re
deemer. Then he pulled out of his hip
pocket a red bandana and skipped out for
I don't like to haxn the senatq dragged
around as the tool of a hlackroallor,"
said Benator Rftot," 'without rising; or ad
dressing tho chair, bit speaking to Sena
tor' cummins
Senator Bristow sprang to hla feet.
"Tho senator from New Yorlc said
something," said he. "I don't know
whether lie meant it to go Into the rec
ord!" .. ..
Senator Brutow then repeated Benator
Root's words.
''Some persona seem mighty tender
when It comes to discussing the Steel
trust," added Senator Bristow, "a trust
whose stock has gone up 10 per cent and
has ICOo.W.OOO ot Water."
Root Eprcse Regret.
Senator Root, rising to a question oC
personal privilege,' expressed his regret
that tho senator from' Kansas had seen
fit to have made a matter of publlo
record remarks he had casually made to
Senator CUmmlns.
Senator Stone, Interrupting at that
point, declared:
Tho senator from Kansas is In the
habit of doing those things. Personally,
I am tired of It"
At that Juncture Senator Williams, de
claring that the senators appeared to be
in "bad humor." demanded tbe regular
Senator Newlands said If Mr. Lane's
charge had not been withdrawn he would
propose a committee Investigation.
"Oh, I've withdrawn It," said Senator
Lane, and consideration ot the whole
went over until Monday.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.-A bU appro-
prlatlng Jl.000,000 to continue Investiga
tion of the feasibility of Irrigation by
reservoirs in Kansas, Nebraska, Okla
homa and Colorado, was Introduced by
Benator Bristow.
'How can we refrain from relieving
tho west ffom drough, when we appro
priate millions to aid Alaska in railroad
building?" he demanded.
A bill that would permit national banks
to avail themselves of state Iowa provid
ing for the guaranteeing of deposits has
len Introduced by Senator Norrls of Ne
braska. It was referred to the banking
and currency committee, which has a
sub-committee now ' engaged In drafting:
a deposit guaranty bill.
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