Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' 3
98c a Pair
1,500 pairs of
taken from our
worth from $1.50
including Capes, Mochas, Silk
lined Mochas, Fine Suede, & Glace
Gloves. Every pair a bargain.
Full line of sizes. Saturday, 9 a. m.
98c a Pair
Last Day of Our Linen Sale
Final Olean-Up of all odd, soiled, and mussdd
Tabid Olotliu, Napkins, Towels, at HALF PRICE.
Saturday Toilet
Goods Specials
Trailing Arbutus Talcum
Powder, largo, bottlei 19c
Jer gens' - Alraons Bonzoin
Lotion,' large bottle, , . ,19o
Young's Victoria Qroam,
special 39c
Special Reductions in
Prices on All Our
Sorosis Shoes
(Coatlnuau. Iron. Pass. .Onp.). .
had not gone to bed. The fog horn was
blowing every. nilajitSi (suddenly It blow
twice and repeated tho double blast. Then,
almost like putting on tho brakes, the
Monroe stopped, and I knew thero was
eomethlns wrong. Hushing on dock, I
saw somebody catting ready to put a.
lifeboat over, I aaKed mm ;r. mere was
any danger! ho replied that he didn't
know, but wanted tu be ready.
"Almost before the worda were spoken,
tho Nantucket struck us near tho bow-on
tho port aide. I ran downstairs and tried
to dress, but the ship was tinting, so I
hurried back up. There were Very few
passengers, on deck and one boat was
overboard. Aa it pushed away, Captain
Johnson told me to Jump, aa there was
room (or ouo more.- I obeyed and left
Captain Johnson standing on tho deck of
the ship. The boat went back and ho
got In. Tho Monroe went down easily
and was below the water within twelve
minutes after tho collision.
Crew HehsLVes Splendidly.
"The crew behaved splendidly as ar as
I could ted," continued Lyons. "There
were not very many .women on tho ship,
but they were allowed to get Into tho
boats first. There was no effort on the
part of tho men to crowd them. While
wo wore In tha lifeboat wo picked up a
man and a woman. He was holding her
by the hair and was almost exhausted
when we pulled htm In. The woman died.
"There were many passenger who
mutt have been caught Jn their state
moms. The collision occurred so sud
denly and. the boat sank so ijulekty It Is
wonder that many more were not
drowned. The listing of the steamer made
It Imposslblo to lower the- lifeboats en
one aide of tho ship, and that added to
the difficulty In saving lives.
"Tho Nantucket stood by tie, and those
who could climbed on Its rope ladder.
Thoso who wete not able to follow us
were tilted with ropes placed under their
arms. Wo then proceeded to Norfolk,
and did not see the Hamilton until about
t o'clock this morning."
Only two or three boats were launched
from the Monroe. One passenger said
that only one boat was successfully
launched. Every available 'Jlfebdat from
the Nantucket was tent to the rescue.
Borne, boats were o croweded that
some aeeklpg to be taken In were over
Jookid. Mrs. T J. Woods of Norfolk,
who was hurrying to New York to be
with her husband, vfhb died almost sim
ultaneously with the sinking of the Mon
roe this morning tvai one of the Injurod
taken from the Nantucket
W. Albert Snyder of Kat Orange. N. J.,
was amOntr' the Injured passengers who
were sent .to hospital- U was said that
of aU Children's High . Grade
Coats & Dresses at Half Price
The House of Men&gh,
The Store for eatlewomen''
im Varpsav tX,
9 A. M.
choice gloves,
regular stock,
to $2.25 a pair,
Hosiery Specials
HOSE, 35c Quality
25c a Pair.
Cotton Hose, 5t)c quality
at. 35c a pair.
SILK HOSE, Lisle Tops and
Soles, spoclal. . .89c a pair
HOSE. 25oa pair
with double knees, garter
tops, and doublo soles, a
pair 35o; 3 pairs for $1,00
Snyder was suffering from exposure.
Man Renourteit Dead, Injured.
W. C. Clausen of Milwaukee came
ashore wrapped In a' blanket' with ono
foot slightly hurt. Clausen said he
barely had time to save himself.
Captain .Johnson .of the Monroe,, was
hltlqli Ueprssetf." I repaid he felt In no
condition 'to talk and would defer any
statement until he makes an official re
port to pfflce(s of his company.
"I have been Up for two days and a
night," said Captatn Johnson, ' and you
can well understand how 1 hardly feel
like talking right now."
-It. h. Eltierdge, Jun'or wlrolcss opera
tor on the Monroe, walked front tho
gang plonk Into the arms of his wife.
Italph Ftannagan, Brooklyn, said he
was In the water for three-quarters of
an hour before being respited.
James O'Connell, vlco president of the
American Federation of Labor, was In
his pyjamas and bath robo when ho came
"It did riot take mora than about ten
minutes for the Monroe to sink after It
was struck," he said. "There was very
little, if any. confusion. The crew and
passengers behoved well, the men allow
ing the few women and children to get
Into the lifeboats flrkt "
Investigation la Ordered.
WASHINGTON, Jan. M.-A thorough
investigation of the cause and circum
stances resulting in the collision, with Ita
death Jtat of forty-nine, was ordered to
day by the Department of Commerce
Assistant Secretary Sweet Instructed the
steamboat lnpectIon service to .make an
exhaustive inquiry,
Lieutenant Curtis, lost on the Monroe,
was uppolnted from Iowa and waa a
son of Major V. 11 Curtla, V. S, A. Ha
had been at Fort Monroe taking an ex-
omlnatlon for promotion.
"This Is the first time In the history
of, the Old Dominion line that the
life of a passenger hat been lost
at sea." said H. B. Walker of
New York, president and general man
ager of the Old Dominion Steamship com
pany, today. "Tho lino waa organised In
If 87. Seven steamers have been In opera
tion for aeveral years. The Monroe was
the staunchest of the lot. It was put
Into service tn 1S03. There was llfe-savtng
equipment aboard for nearly double the
number It carried on this trip. Under the
navigation taws we are required to have
W0 per cent equipment at this season of
the year. We had fully that The Monroe
carried boatage tor over 300 and thero
Weret only tu persons aboard all told.
Mr. Walker arrived here yesterday for
a meeting at the Southern Hallway
company's office and will return to New
York late today. He said Captain John
son of the lost steamer had been or
dered to start for New York as soon as
he landed from the rescuing ship.
Identity of Home Victims.
NKW YOKK, Jan. S0,-The Macarla
Theatrical company, six of whoso mem-
mere perished tn the Monroe disaster,
wat sent out by William Woods, now In
Bolton, at manager of tho Boston theater.
It opened the season recently at ?ew
port News. Va. The play was a
Caramaltatton of a novel of the southern
confederacy by Augusta Evans. The
dramatist waa Charles M. Jeletf of
Baltimore, who was among those who
met death. The Miss Havllaiid tn the
list of dead was Miss Hilda Havlland,
leading tady of tho production, a New
York girl- The Lewis tn the death list
waa George Lewis of New York, stage
manager He also had a part in the play.
Mario waa a young nctor Ils home
address (s not known here. Another
actor who perished was U. B. Vernon, a
New York man, formerly manager of
the Western Stock company. Miss Seville,
also reported among the dead. Is known
here. At the offices of the Old Domin
ion line her. It was explained that the
Jt J. fKUiertdge. among the members of
the crew saved, wss the Junior wireless
Exceptional Coat Values
This is a genuine clearance of
every cloth coat in our entire
stock. Fashionable and depend
able. Former prices as high as
$75, Saturday
$10,50 $14.50 $19,50
Every Fur Is Spring Waists
T 1 1 A choice selection of
IYCuUCCU . New Spring Styles-On
Muffs, Scarfs, Sets diflplay Saturday
ahd Coats, are of- $2.25 to $24.50
fered Saturday. Your Inspection Invited.
Women'8 Flannelette AlfflOUDCeilieilt
downs and Knit
Skirt RrhirPfl In Sunday's Paper
., we sha" Print details
Th.rd Floor. of our Great Clean-up
riam.oloto OOM, Whlto Sae Qf Silk Remnantg
$1.00 quality ...,80c This sale occurs but
$1.25 quality.. $1.00 once a year.t Every
SS3g:::::::::S nt must so-See
Knit Bart., whlto and Jilks displayed in Six
Colors. , ; teenth street window.
50o quality 39o " : 1
65c quality. ..K 49a See this paper Sunday for
85c quality 59c n . ,, ,
$1.25 quality 89o Detaila of Dress Sale-
$1.65 quality $1.29 MONDAY.
operator. The chief wireless operator,
whose namo was given here ris F, .1,
Kuehn, waa lost.
Twenty-Five Jasena;ers nncl Twon-tr-Fonr
of Cre-tV Die.
NOttFQLIf, Va., Jan. $o.-Forty-nlne
persons went down to' death today when
tho Merchants and Miners' liner Nan
tuckdt sunk the Old Dominion liner Mon
roe. Wireless lists forwarded by Captain
Johnson of the Monroe, returning with
the survivors on the Nantucket, ehoto!
Lost' Passengers, 23; crew, St; total, O.
Saved; .Passengers, SO; crew, K; total, &5.
List of Lost rnssensfers.
The following Is a list of passengers
who perished on the Monroe:
BOLTON, Mrs. W. U. Newark, N. J.
CLAUSEN. W. O., Mllwiuiheo. Wis.
CUItTIH. Legrand B.. first lieutenant
second Coast artillery.
DAVIS. I.. LI.. llrOOKIVIl. IN. 1.
HDWABDS. J., United hiaies navy.
GERMAN, Ed., 1'hltedelphla.
OIBSON, Mrs. D., New xork,
1IAHKKLU J Cortland. N. Y
HAV1LAND, Miss.; Marvarla Theatrical
INGHAM, W. 11., Sumner, S. C.
JELLKFF, Mr.i Macarla Theatrical
LEWIS, Mr.; Marcarta Theatrical com
pany, ,
LYONS, E. P.. New Yorfc.
MAIILOW, Mr.; Marcarta Theatrical
OKAKAMATO, J Japanese.
POOLE, O. W and wife. Gray, Va.
BAY. J. and wife, New fork.
SEVILLE, Miss., Marcarta Theatrical
8NYDER., Miss. Now York.
VEnNON, Mr", Marcarta Theatrical
WAGNER, O.. United States Marine
WIU-IAMSON, O., New York,
HAnniNGTON, Mrs. Tnomas It., died
after rescue.
Captain Johnson of the sunken Mon
roe and all hit officers but one wero
among the saved. Tho missing officer
waa Second Engineer Gatley,
Eighty-six survivors rescued from the
tea and huddled on the Nantucket, which
was limping along with a crumpled bow
toward Norfolk today, are the only ones
which know the story of how the two
big ships, picking their way through a
blanket of fog, one bound 'north, the
other bound south, met with a craati
near the Winter quarter shoal lightship.
"S. O. 8." calls reaching out to the coast
stations started every available agency
of rescue Into action, but not soon
HI iika Like t Plummet.
While the Nantuckot backed off, low
ered boats nti began sweeping the misty
sea with its searchlight, the Monroe, tta
passengers pitched out of berths in night
clothes, sank like a plummet.
in tha swirling vortex of tho sinking
ship men shouted and women screamed
through the mist, The Monroe went
down wo quickly that thero was little
time for launching boats, and It Is be
lieved that tho only refugees were those
saved at once' by the Nantucket
Tho lost had scarcely a chance to re
alise that death was on them before they
were struggling In the sea. The doomed
passengers on the Monroe, fast asleep
in their cabins when the two vessels
came together, .went down to death with
only tlmo for a shriek of despair. Only
those kept awake by the anortlng slrem
that walled their useless warnings
through the fog knew when the vessels
The rest, thrown from thctr btiths by
the force of the collision, heavy with
sleep, had barely time to struggle to the
deck of the sinking vessel before the
were plunged into the water. Not tea
minutes Intervened between the time the
bow of the Nantucket crashel Its way
Into the side of the Dominion liner ani
the time the latter slid under the waves.
Tho eighty-six rescued were lifted fromj
me ivy nitr nuer ineir vessel naa gone
Both vessels had quieted down for the
night hours before the collision, Captain
Berry, on the bridge of the Nantucket,
and the lookout had tho dock to them
selves aa the vessel slowly skimmed
through the fog and mist. Captain John
son kept the 'bridge of the Monroe.
Thus with tho dense fog enfolding the
heaving sea the two vessels felt their
way toward each other In tho dark.
As 'the Nantucket stuggercd back after
the shock Captain Berry swung out hl3
searchlight and dimly tho bulk of tho
settling Mpnroe loomed up through the
fog. Uncertain as to the fate of his own
vessol, he ordered out tho life boats.
Lost from View In the fog they began tho
work of rescue. Guided only by the
shrieks of the drowning the boats picked
up the survivors. When tho searchlight's
faint glow brought to view no more
struggling figures and when tho shouts
of the lifeboat crow brought no answer
tng shouts from the sea, tho task was
given up.
Victims Suffer Intensely.
With Its saloon crowded with drenched
and suffering men and women the Nan
tucket turned Its prow southward. Soon
It fell In with the Dominion liner Hamil
ton, answering the cry of distress. Con
voyed by tho Hamilton, the Nantucket is
making Its way slowly to Norfolk. It
will he met hy the revenue cutter Onon
daga and was expected In port late to
Captain Johnson, aboard the Nan
tucket, began making up a list of the
Monroe's rescued to be sent by wireless
to Norfolk.
The shock and exposure proved a grave
trial to many of those saved. Wireless
messages report a number In a serious
The Monroe la tho first steamer lost by
tho Old Dominion line during the halt
century It has been In operation. Tho
steamer was valued at approximately
fWO.000 and tta cargo as much more, maU
ir.g tho loss, exclusive of lives, about
Mrs. T, J. Woods, the only Norfolk
passenger on board the Monroe, left on
the vessel for New York In tho hope of
reaching tho bedside of her husband be
fere ha died. The fat of Mrs. Woods
was not known today when a telegram
from New York told of the death of her
The Monroe, a passenger liner, which
also carried freight, put out of hero ut
T o'clock last night on a regular trip to
New York. The lano of the coastal
steamers between those two points Is
comparatively close to shore and In a
clear nlgfit they never are out of tight of
Tho Nantucket from Boston to Nor
folk with freight would ordinarily havo
been running to seaward of the Monroe,
but no early reports Indicated the posi
tion of the ships.
Only One nilOMO QUININE."
To get the genuine, call for full name.
for signature of K. W. QROVES. Cures
a Cold In One Day. 23c,
of all "Winter Evening Gowns
and Wraps, Saturday JQ Of
and Monday PVeOO
The House of Menagh,
"The Store for Gentlewomen'
1613 raraaia Street
Gtei to Ibmm yeu have m4 K. Tell
yw friecMk haw tt stopped your faUsag
baJr aad pssstty pro swot ad in spowth.
Ask Yeetr Doctor. LS&VS:
Department of Interior Gives Ap
proval to Stephens' Bill.
Ttto JVrrv DeptHIm to Collect Income
Tnx'AVIII Itrport for DntyNcat
Mnntlny tinder Oril'er
froin Drpnrtmcnt.
(From k Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. S0.-(.Speciat Tel-
rgram.) Good news for the Indiana canje
to ConBrencmnn .Stephens today when he
was notified by the commissioner of In
dian affairs that the Department of the
Interior had , Riven Its official approval
of hla bill fop the relief of the Hanteo
Sioux Indians In Kno.X county. The bill
provide for tho restoration of tho an
mtltlcH to these Indians that were de
faulted by , the government on account
of an .Indian outbreak In 1S62.
It 'provides for tho submission of the
elnlm of these Indians to tho Unl'od
Stales court of claims, and it Is believed
that In all probability these fortunate
red men, will bo able to rocover approxi
mate I.C,C0Q If tho case ever comes to
KlnknlU'n Hill In.
Ileprcsentatlvc Kthkald today Intro
duced' In the hdusarhM bill described in
the dispatches last, jilht, the object, of
Which Is to promote the growing of grass
In far mor6 abundant quantities in the
sand lands of Nebraska than has ever
been known before. Tho bill was re
ferred to the committee on agriculture,
and JUdgo Kankald has filed a request
for early hearings on the measure. There
Is n poBKlblllty that It may be Incorpo
rated In tho general agricultural appro
priation bill, In wjilch event Its passage
would be expedited.
New Depntleit to Start Work.
The newly appointed rcputles, Henry
n. Allen :of Madison and V. E. Suther
land of Wavcrly. Neb., who have been
confirmed by the senate, were today or
do red by tho commissioner of Internal
revenue through tho collector of internal
rovanue at Omaha to be prepared to en
ter upon their duties in tha collection of
tho Income tax under tho new law on
Monday next.
(Continued from Pago One.)
the democratic party. They sent ono into
my district to support Ben Caldwell, a
banker and millionaire democrat, for con
gress against David Ross, republican, and
former member of tho miners' organiza
tion. Did they glvo John Walker any
aupport when ho was running for con
gress in Danvlllo? I should say not Ho
was on the socialist ticket and It would
never do to eleot him.
Kchoed All Over Ilnll.
"Yet", when the' strikers 'ask 'financial
aid, they got messages of sympathy and
speakers sent Into the strike- rone. "Will
sympathy or thoso speeches feed tha
hungry women and children? No," he
shouted, and It was echoed all over the
In concluding McDonald made a plea
that tho delegates glvo clo'so attention
W Gompers.
"I resent the hypocritical plea of "Mc
Donald for rf, hearing for ime," Gompers
said, when' the cheers had died doWn' so
that ho could bo heard. "Tho worse
criminal In the land has a better show
than I have here. He knows tho charges
which- havo been placed against hint; but
III IbbiiiiHbW n
Men's Shosltf9Bk
From 2Si3tSi31
3 iip
Cement Show
tartest Show Ever Held in ike West
Cement construction today stands out as
the foremost building material of the world
Come and hear the illustrated lectures
given daily about the
Sin Francisco Exposition
Moving pictures and colored slides.
I am called hrra and Uie charges made
without any time for mo to obtain evi
dence to disprove them. It Is unjust,
vicious and Inhuman.
"On tins unsupported testimony of Mc
Donald you have laughed. How would
you like to be placed on trial before a
Jury whose minds were already poisoned
against you? '
In Seattle Pulpit,
"The fact that i was permitted to oc
cupy a pulpit In cattle the Sunday night
following tho Sunday morning mentioned
by McDonald Is sufficient refutation of
tho chargo that I was drunk."
Qompdrs denounced McDonald for tak
ing (ho position . that unions unable to
pay the arsessment should bo expelled
from the fcdcrnflon.
'How short Is the memory of some
men," the federation president exclaimed.
"In 180 the America Federation of labor
had .only $3,000 In its treasury, but when
the mlnem appealed for aid they were
voted $1,300. What would have happened
had 'an assessment been levied at that
time? Tho United Mine Workora of
America could not have paid and would
havo been forced out of the federation.
And there are many unlona today, sorry
as I am to say It, In tho same position as
tho minors were in 1SSM.
Lnhor'a Knci Don't Think So.
"McDonald says tho American Federa
tion of Iabor is reactionary, fossilized
and dead," Gompers contlpued. "but tho
enemies of organlnzed labor do not think
so. Ask Post, ask KIrhy, ask Pope they
do not think tho American Federation of
Labor Is dead. The United States su
premo court does not think the American
Federation of Labor is dead. In conclud
ing Gompers reiterated tho hope that
President John I Whlto of tho miners
would accept the office of vice president
of tho federation to which he was elected
at tho Beattle convention.
President White was .cicctca Bevcmn
vlco president and declined to servo on
the ground' that the position was not In
keeping wij,h the dignity of tho miners'
organisation, ilo was unable to. attend
yesterday's session because of Illness, but
sat on the platform today.
Moyer"B speech was brief, as he said
he would not Bay more of tho things he
had Intended, aa Oompers had to leave
to take n. train for New ork and could
not hear them.
Women and "Wet Feet.
Cold and wet feet are a dangerous cum
blnatlon, especially to women, who ero
more prone to kidney diseases than men.
Congeatod kidneys come from a eold,
and backache, rheumatism, urinary Irreg
ularities and rheumatio forms are not
unusual results. Foley Kidney Pills ro
store tho regular and normal action of
the kidneys and bladder, and so rcmovu
tho cause of tho trouble. It Is' an honest
and curative medtclno that always gives
results. For salo by all dealers every
Three Extaordlnnry Skirt Bargains
15 and $S values, $1.77 and 2.75; $7,60 to
110 values, $3.75.
Seo our advertisement .on page 12.
JULIUS OIUCIN, 1510 Douglaa street
"Hem ef tha Lang Ton"
Actual Savings
Men's Shoes
Any man that buys show here
practices real economy. beT
cause he buys the utmost
value that it is poseible
for any deeper to givo
and make a legiti
mate profit.
Oar large oarpat
enables va to bay
at tbe cheapest
prlec, which really
sncaaa a savls
for you. Nat
fictitious ami.
paper boaatral
Bta. tint ACTUAL
Cutting Down the
Cost of Living
That's just -what wo'ro doing
when wo quoto auch prices aa
tho following on standard arti
cles that everybody needs.
50c Samuel's 3-P Capsules 3l)o
25c Flexlblo Nail File, Orange
Wood Sticks and eight Emory
Boards, nil for 10c
7Gc 4711 Favorlta Toilet Wcter
for SJOc
85c Ideal Hair Drush :10c
SOc DeMars Maseaga Cream t!5c
10c Writing Tablets .He
25c Box Linen Stationery. . 1-tc
Keen-U-Edg, for safety razors,
for tOc
GOc Ladies' Dressing Combs- 23c
25c Sanltol Soap, 2 for. . , .13c
25c Sloan's Liniment .... .10
SOc Genuine Syrup of Flgs.UDc
50c Pape's Dlapepsln tins
25c Carter's Little Liver Pills
for 120
GOc Canthrox COc
50c Beaton's
Cold Cream
GOc Pozzonl's Powder ....21c
25c Listerlno 14c
GOc Llsterlne SDo
25c Ricksecker'B Skin Soap inc
75c Rubber Gloves .too
50c Benzoin and Almond Lo
tion for 25c
GOc Horllck's Malted Milk 34o
75c Premium Hot Water Bot-
tlo, Saturday 45c
7Gc Standard 2-qt. Fountain
Syringe, Saturday 45o
GOc Carmen Face Powder. .27c
26c Peroxide of Hydrogen. .Oo
Packor's Tar Soap 14c
Lister's Sanitary Napkins for
women, In compressed pack
ages easily carried In purse,
for ioc
LIstet's Sanitary Towels, per
dozen 250
'Follow U10 Beaton Path"
Beaton Drug Go.
Fifteenth and Farnnm
of all remaining stock of Winter
Coats, Suits and Dresses, worth from
S15' to $65; Saturday 0t QEf
and Monday ja7O0
The House of Menagh,
"Tbe Store for Gentlewomen"
1613 rarnam Street.
Two Clean Papers
The Youth's Companion
The Evening Bee
Both for 55c a Month
Payable Monthly
This Will Interest You!
Equipped with im
ported O p a 11 n
auat Olobe ana
Seir-XOffliUng- At- '
10 0 candle
power coots
one-third cent
per hour.
Phone Dontr. 1760. 631 S 16th Str
RRANDETS todat "
Price I scat., 35o to 50c; Nljrht, aSo to 78o,
Three Dayc Berinatag Mat, pun.. Tab. 1.,
rillr r TJer. 16th and Xarney
a qood Bxow Aii wave.
Open from 11 A. X. to 11 P. St
xi.iijs.-B sAvaxisi" and "1XE
PAXXEir AKOEL." Bcim.i.
"AIT tnnX9nismtntr AT. tttrann - ...
uaujr At., 19-33-800
XYStTa., 10-3S-BO-760
Za the Musical Bnrleaanea,
KrMsewsjer's Allen & The Bashful Venus
Tomorrow A k. Bab Mj-nttwUf! Cradter Jteka.
ASYAXCrsa VArrnjnr r.-r.n
T tutkm at Orpkn& Him U cU'J
PrlMJ tUJUrr,
m '