Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered at Omaha postofflec as second-
class matter.
Union Pacific Retrenchment.
Tho swooping rcduotloa In work
ing forces on the Union Pacific In
the middle of winter draws attention
to several Interesting points.
First, the decanitntlon is the work
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. i f ,u ...ji,.- , - nlnnin, h
fiundav lice, one year f-VSI ' ' ' -c. -
Eaturday Bee. one year.. road from New iork; the task of ex
nn. n. niihout Sunday, one year.. .w
DalV nee. and Sunday, one year
wai y iee. u, 00 nlnnntlnt, hAlnnp In thn hnnilnuar.
lice, ana ouuua, wiro j 1 -
"Mfi tr ni?n uv PAimiKIL I trim In Omflhfl. The difficulty of
AJiJ-4t W J ..- " .. 1Va
SrSlKthoWnSS E? SSSffi::S that task appears In the feeble state-
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo-..65c ment that this lopping off of heads
Kt'SlKKSiS Is only the usual Winter occurrence.
tn deliveries to my circulation Dept. Qf C0UrsC( that Is not true, as overy-
1 Ill'VIITTAN'I'K. j i i 1
.. -i:. notl order. Bay arouna neauquaneru
.....hi. n ti, iu publ shins company.
Only 2-cent stamps received n payment
or small accounw. x-eiii .r.
tept on Omaha and eastern exchanges,
not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha 231S J Street.
Council Bluffs 14 North Main Street.
IJncoln 6 Little uuiiaing.
Second, while tho auditors arc
busy, retrenching, orders go forth for
6,000 new cars to enable tho road to
meet Its. Increasing volume of busi
Third, whllo tho heads of hard
working men follow each other into
ChlcaKO-Wl wcarai "'" .... . , Mrnnnv'. lnwrf.
YorK KOom lliA), o r liin rtYiii"vi mu own v w...K....rf
St Louls-HB New Bank pi Commerce,
Washington 7S rourtecnin ot.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
State, of Nebraska. County of. Douglas, si.:
JiSSnSSi The conditions not seem to war-
duly sworn, says that the average dally rant the auditors In throwing so
miuli1.onE2.i0 lh" n,nlh f December' many faithful employes out ot work
'dwioht wilmams, ,n tho mftt bf' -winter. "Whllo the
uircuiauon inuiiascr. i - . . . ,
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to saving by UllSincans Is not great to
mtnrm tna -hl M An Of January. 19H. I.. .' -? 1 .1. I ., t Vna. rnAl.
fiotary riiono.
are In court trying to find a way of
cutting that ?82, 000,000 melon.
Fourth, from every quarter comes
optimistic predictions of a revival of
business activity and an unusually
prosperous year ahead for tho coun
try at large.'
The explanation does not explain
, fJhisJ)ay in Omaha
A Soldier Born
tmnirii rsoM are run
Thirty Years Ago
ODonohoe & Downey. Fiucentn street. nncei)try , BwM and of tho mmMy
The soldier and administrative military
man have been bred In George Washing
ton Oocthnls for three generations. IIo
Is claimed now by many cities and stntrs,
but he Is a "Brooklyn boy,'" although his
next aoor to me postomce. arc nominB SwlB!, at ,hat grandfather was a
dissolution sale. surgeon in the French army and was
The monthly entertainment of the Lnlon wtlh NapoiCOn ot AUstcrllt. His own
Catholic Library association was regaled fathcr( Jonn aoethaI(li was born i 8wit.
by a lecture on books by Judge Savage. ttrUnA and movcd to Amgterdam In
after which the ramous crazyqum was fRrIjr boyh,,, In ,84S he came to th's
raffled off with W. J. Jackhan of the eounirVt maMm Mt home m urooklyn,
Herald, W. H. Kent of the Republican where , 16Cg Cololle, Qoethals was born,
and J. F. Allen of The Beo serving as Tho orEln of the fam1. nnme ,9 ,ntcr.
Judges, and Miss May McNamarn draw- cf,Ung In BOOt, Dutch Jt lB thn cquVBlent
Ing the lucky number, which proved to of Uje KnglIan ..gtlff necked,-' .and was
bo held by 15. J. MrOInn, and had been conferrcd on thc first of th present lino,
sold by Mrs. J. F. Dally. who WBI, ono o tho cniSaden, by an
L. Rubin Is rejoicing over the advent of Bar,y k)ng of jnnje,.,,, Ths man Was
b girl baby In his household. fighting side by side with his king, when
Jerome C. PenUcl. clerk of thc police R foJ Rtruck h)m a rolshty blow. Tne
court, Is back from his vacation at Soda BWord w8 turne(, nsde by ,he arm()r and
Springs, Utah, where he gained twenty the man kept Qn flght.?B. A second blow
Pun(ls' , . . waa struck, but sUll the man kept on
Webster Snyder, formerly of Omaha, f,K,lUnB beforo tne eycg ot ns klngi unti-
and for somo time manager of the St. lho baltle wa After thc conflict
LouU air line, has resigned to accept a ,he k,ng caed th8 warrlor to ,,B ,ide
position with the Gulf, Colorado & Santa and commenae1 hm for nia prowess.
Fe railroad. "Sire" said the soldier, "I break be-
Tho building which Is being put up uy f0f0 j bend
Chris Ilartman ana M. iteiiman ai four. trnceforth." said the king, "thy name
before ma this Sd da
Subscribers leTlnK the city
temporarily shotilrt hnre he Bee
mailed to them. Address will be
changed as of ten as requested.
tho company'-i-w'hlcu; Ittat year real
lzed from earnings' about- $4G,oqO,
000 appllcabla uii its common stock
of some $3QO,0QO,O00, a. good deal ot
which Is .water-r-U raeanB tremen
dous loss to every man and family
thUB affected.'
And horn fs another point worth
Plenty ot tlmb for. cold weather tlng; )JbSJV?! Tu
t before planting, reason. over tmJl
uocs nov put iuiu.vl wum'""'v'
for these ,rnld-wintor "retrench
ments" by oystomatlc sharing of ex
tra proflts$lUiJt forces.
With tno air IUU OI govornroanv
tcenth and Dodge has reached the s;cond
Governor Hale of "Wyoming passed
through the city on his way east.
Harry Deuel, the veteran ticket agent.
wilt be continued In charge of the ticket
Is Goethals, the stiff hecked." The name
"stuck," and for centuries the family
motto has been "We break before we
It was In 1S76 that Goethals first be
came fired with an ambition to go to
How many gamblers, do you know
of who quit ahead of Ibegamo?
Blond or black, the- seople-'would
. L . . I i ' i . , i .,iMntiBiffail In. I burial.
UKe to Know mat jn,e. muraeroua ownorBniy iis.vJ ivo-i - . R H.lvev of Ne-
- .... I . it.- . TVnali nrlnn -
handlt IB iockoo up. aeoa, over imb kv w braska City were In town
I these auditors might, If tney tnoa, Th r(lilroaa. were Up In the air over
General FunBton will be right at think of a-.botter way of proving tno wh0 nred the first shot In the passenger
tintnat nhnn b rnmH tn flmnhn. ITnl..i.i,.na on,l nrnfnrnncn of nrlvatolrate war. General Passonger Agent
office of the Burlington at tho northeast thB mlmary academy.
corner or rarnam ona rmmroiui. At lh, ncaacrn.. he soon won a reputa
tlon as a "digger" because ho was at his
Twenty Years Ago studies early and late. The effectiveness
The city council, in gnounsn siec, w of tn,8 wa8 Bnown jsgo, when ho was
erdsed Its sovereign poww of vetoing graaua,ted so high in his-class that he
mayoralty appointments by decapitating was comrni8Sj0ncd a second lieutenant In
three, almost city officials, T. W. Black- th8 enginecr COrps, open only to students
burn, named for city prosecutor; W. J. lth hinhcst markings.
Cowclll. city electrician; Robert Llvsesey, In lfa, hB . nromotcd to the grade
city building Inspector. These nomlna-0j caPtan. He was the chief engineer
tlons were confirmed! A. J. conncii, cuyiot tho Flrl,t army COrps In the- Spanish
attorney; J. J. Savllle, city pnysician ana war of jgj Bnj becamo a major in IWJ
secretary of tho Board of Health; Charles I tn he became a lieutenant colonel
Soudenbcrg, boiler Inspector; R. D. Dun- nnd in the same year was appointed
can. plumbing Inspector; A. C. Lichten-1 chairman and chief engineer ot the Isth-
berger, assistant plumbing Inspector. mlan Canal commission. He received his
Tho body of Detective William Ransom commission ns colonel In wos.-wew orK
was taken to Kalamaroo, Mich., ior l Herald.
Editorial Pen Points
Twice-Told Tales
was raised on .tho MIsscmH river. ownership of railroads.
Omaha nml nellcvnr.
JENKINTOWN. Pa, Jan. 2l.-To thn
Editor of The Bee. My Interest In Omaha
never wanes. Reports from the Presby
terian synod of Nebraska concerning edu
cational Institutions of Omaha make me
dare to write. Why should tho business
and far-sighted men of Omaha let the
University of Omaha and Bcllnvue college
continue to cut each other's throats?
That Is what they are doing.
The present University of Omaha was
born wrong. It ought to have been born
a collego of engineering or of npplled
sciences. Omaha Is ono ot the best fields
In the United States for a schoot of
engineering; not that Omaha so largely
demands engineers, but that Omaha and
vlclnngo has so many young people wHo
want to study engineering and applied
science. Yet the University Is affording
little opportunity for the study of more
than literature and theoretical sciences.
This Is exactly tho work that BellevUe
college wns doing beforo the present uni
versity was born. If the university meant
to kill Bellevue college by duplicating Its
work, the university was organized tn a
bad spirit, as well as on a mistaken plan.
The University of Omaha is not sup
plying a need. It might supply a great
need and havo Bellevue college as a
helper. The need Is a college of engineer
ing. Bellevue could do the literary work
needed by a school ot engineering and
thus the two Institutions would mutually
help each other and not be duplicating
the use of funds. It Is n crime to be
asking Omaha to support and build up a
second Institution covering a field of
work already being done, when a much
better field Is open to the university with
tenfold the opportunity. Let the univer
sity give the education which thres-
fourths of the young people of the west
are seeking to get, and stop interfering
In the field In which Bellevue college has
gained for Omaha an honored place
among the colleges and universities of
the west. Such a course would bo ten
fold wiser as well as fairer.
Here Is on exomplo of what Is meant:
Icss than two years ago, here In a suburb
of Philadelphia, two of us began the
founding of a school for young women to
give them training In cookery, household
arts, kindergarten work, secretaryship,
expression, nrt and music, along with
high-grade literary and college culture,
making the literary and the practical in
tegral parts of a young woman s cauca
Chicago Record-Herald: It Is reported
that an American college professor has
cleaned up VAOVO at Monte Carlo. These
are great days for tho "mere school
masters." Boston Transcript: It's all well enough
for tho government to spend a lot of
money building a railroad In Alaska, but
what guarantee havo we that the polar
bears and Eskimos will tide on It?
Brooklyn Eagle: We novo 4.S07 Fed
eral banks, or 70 pef cent of the total
capitalization of tho national banks of
the country under the provisions of the
new currency law The cards are dealt
and business is only too anxious to do
a Uttlo pegging.
Springfield Republican: "Riders" in
congress are getting costlier every ses
sion. The latest rider to the postal appro
priation bill carries 2J,000,)00 for good
roads.f With the spoils rider, It makes a
team of democrat'e donkeys trotting
Into tho jaws of an Infuriated public
Philadelphia ledger: The attempted
escape of convicts from the Oklahoma
penitentiary resulted In the death of all
of the and of some Innocent men be
sides. The history of sentimentality In
this country Induces the conclusion that
If one of the prisoners had been cap
tured alive the florists would havo made
lots of money supplying him with flowers.
Collier's Weekly: The War depart
ment's plans are said to contemplate
spending $350,000,000 on a possible bIx
months' Invasion of Mexico by an army
of 500,000 men and J150.000.000 on a six
months' occupation by the same army
reduced to 300,000 men. The S60.0CO men
lost are the "deterioration" by death,
wounds, Blckness and desertion. These
figures are thought to be conservative.
Is' any reputable newspaper prepared to
urge this? Is any man In public life
willing to take tho responsibility?
It really seems as it tho UnfVorslty
site case would go against tno noara
Ing house bosses and shopkeepers.
Airships and Middlemen.
By all means let congress hasten
... .... n I t . . I . aAM flails.
Lomax ot tne union i-acuio nov.y o..,...K , .. Thera aro at least six young worn-
k .haw. thnt tin nr his road did. I "Mr. Jiumpnrey waru, nit? nuBuai.u ------ - .... ...
""---"-"--"--,, . v.lit. likes to Joke an's schools ana one oi mo ucdi ...b..
It came in, no saiu. a8aini . "-" 1 schools in America within two miles or
avowed intention only as a last resourse. about his nonentity. gchools and coUcgM
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Haynes were bowed The speaner was a aw iu. - . - - ot 9 be8Wcs Phua-
It Commissioner Kugel falls to
make good ns superintendent of pd-
lice It will not be. for advice.
a.. a 1 . - 1 - . a A - .1 lk 1 nri mt t la 1
to pass tho pending Dill providing a in, grior ana cm .n j - w . ther me.. tho delphla'a great high school system ana
national clearing liouso for the grad- S JSJZ -hS. "lf JTS
,ng and d Utribatloii of tam Pro ' Tllow hadfought manfully study while she wa, out " JsSKin I-
ucts, supervised by a board of fifteen, .,, .... ravages ot the dread dlph- the manuscript upon her writing desk. nf ehwood school Is not
"I shouldn't think that prisoner could
be particularly successful In uttering
forged notes."
"Why not?" ,
"He stutters so." Baltimore American.
"What did the year 1913 bring to her?"
"A husband." . . .
"Than the year 1911 cannot bring her
more happiness."
"Oh. yes, shes hoping to get a divorce
some time In September. St. Louis Re
public. A public school teacher In the course of
a'n klgebra lesson asked:
"in tho example on the board what
does the X represent? Henry Bolton may
Henry was unprepared, but a BUddcn
Idea struck him, and he answered:
"A pair of suspenders, ma'am. - New
York Times.
"When you come to think of It. It Is
awfully easy to make a failure ot life."
"It Is that. And about the easiest way
Is to sit around wasting tlmo listening
to fellows tell you how they achloved
success." St. Louis Republic.
II. L. Armcs, In Judge.
When you were but a modest maid,
Petite and dobonalr, .
Right daintily your snare you laid
And lured mo lightly there.
My Hps caressed your golden hair,
There resting on my breast, '
And silence seemed supremely fair
I'll asterisk the rest.
The days are gone when thus we played,
Consider what girls wear
A bit ot nothing' silt, and made
Into a gown "Is there."
"Bellevo me, kiddo, you're a bear!"
The lover makes his quest. . x
Away to cabarets they fare
I'll asterisk the rest.
The writer cries, "My fame will fade,
My publisher will swear.
Unless I write a book Inlaid
With passion ev'rywhere.
There'll be a maiden unaware
Enmeshed at man's behest.
I'll risk what risque things I dare
I'll asterisk the rest."
Fair maids may smile or coldly stare
Or wonder If I Jest;
Whate'er my thoughts on this affair
I'll asterisk the rest.
Those boys who "bpqke'dV their
overcoats on the theory otso more
winter now where are they' at"?
T7. ... i . ...tAniiiUn and n1r. Inin for tho Northwestern In Omahu
.,.11.1 x 4t. ..MaiiiiitiAH wiiii reiriKuraiuio. bmwvi..m..w- " -- i . i ...
oiuiu m :in "f hi.klnir thn vceetablos and 'nce April 1. was maoo general a button and a .rootman appear,
operate to prevent the lieutenant h'P3 tor whisking the vegotaoios ana road &t MUwaukMi .Uo. marglnai note to this was. 'Alas, she
governor from running for a Becond nm u u, ceedlng J. H. Martin, promoted to uni- never touch a buttonr
D i . It tha I- ono thine mir f armors I -., .. v,.ran vi. n. nnnr t,n amn unnn tno sentence.
- .t lu w n i i'ii u ii Air. .iiojr iiujr mvaw.. . ' - - , .uiu ,u. ..w .
lerill. I .. I, A , .4 4t.l I .... .. . . -I.I. ta.V rnl,ei.. tn 1 manil hup Wim.1 . And
nAJtn mnrn man hii vitso uiid iiwu mm xiie rioriwcBi(;iti wnw, i eno uev,msu w .... ..... - --.--r-
In order to 'repress the Ignoble rigo J. R. Buchanan, general passenger asmt again he wrote, -Hopelessl She'll 1
Up to date neither ' the
States Steel corporation aor
With power not only to regulate the therla. but grew steadily weaker until "He read the n'enc?- ,d duplicating the. work of any other school.
-a .i,.ii f rn,iiieta 1,1, iiitu fmrne was snared further suf- room with a bright, fresh glance, ana I . . ... ,. vear -if.
uoi.vor uuu ..i.n.Uwo ...... I ,, n T,nell. he wn
f tnllln. faetorins. rering Dy aeaxn. o "- - ...
""""" margin of tne page. i.c -- outi0ok Is that we can
storehouses, telegraph and telephon, Tcn Years Ago , fc Lweep tho room with a bright, fresh for a dol nte we need at any
11 ..n.,na rtA ntnrnpn nlnmB. it r nhnv. nhn nil reneral .freight I hrnnml1 " ' . ..u.. w.
iiuud, iuii " ' ----- .a. tlm we ask. we are roi
in omunu "Road ng on ne came 10, ono - - ... ,.,i..n n vet.
i n rn n hi 1 v uiu iiio)w"
button and a. footman appeareo. . ftmh. haa a better field
than we had. Let it get a vision of the
nnri nf the srrcat future of Omaha. will have one day a popmauon
of 600,000 people. It will then have a.
unlvorslty. it win men oe nusuu ""
nat to have the 200 acres of IU college
at Bellevue on which to build Its great I
Notable State and Social Functions
at Home and Abroad, pronounce
The Beverage of the Select World.
United " y;-" r .. i. if th. Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Val- mend anything.'"
tUfl of the mwqienian, n -----
Standard Oil has emulated Henry With airships they might load up bo- ho Northweitern tptving 0M on their Jrhu"the?to write unWelty buildings.
. fore crack 0 day, dash Of to market, L mori by enouncing a cut of fi Commanded by Washer to wrt to an university of
There areindltallons that tho for DreaKiasi uoioro wo u..uUnu . with the following:
V-ti H- M..B t. irot UD. And they COUld bring baCltl u. . .-wimmln sufferldge is a dlscaz.
nuuwuu. uu - -- o-- i - . .. .. ... ' .. i ninp.iifnn. i :. . .. . -i. i lor ne
ting together, after a, long estrange- with them such things as tne goou Q c,ub ketchin. ma se, "Tr college
ment. wife needed Jn WV U .t Hn .nd J. l d s h " S"wtalL be Ml
tag tho onomy mo roiumBmuu evening.
XT Aw 'Vr.T'lf rin
...k- -rt i th university ul
rilRnna nf tholr Eoods and got homo Unt. In the Chicago-Missouri rive gram essay on woman s suuraBe. -'"""'J' danced location three times in a cen-
" - i --- . . i minii in n iihiirtinn scnooi. camo iurwiu . . ., .... . .i
'- inrv iin has LOlumum univcroiij, wn
Lneh time at tremendous expense to both
lBl- T!-lft., arron nf the
lor new - - --
Dropcrty at Bellevue can never
.i nr neumbered. Omaha, If Its I
bellland suffers, sum wlmmcn aunera . ..A . vi.ion of tho
omy iov w uuu. ovening. olherBT my ma , -he. B0,. to ehtv fortunate
The wind Wow" hard, ..bringing coming ana going. " his friends oiTthesd J'n. " rank when it cum. ,i twnK .w , 8UCh magnlfieent grounds held
down the mercury, but every little the airship,, let mis weosuro uo "nrrh; day before of a boy. sutlers sum to. for lt unm u grows to need them for
wind now haa ltvoluo'in Ice next rushed through and afford theh mto w .core ik. tLSJ? S the ?lcst of aU U" ,nsUtut,onB' "
farmer the, Jong-sought rouot from onftlkca up to any Omaha bowler for , Zl t .w U"IV?"W:
tho oppression of the middleman. It the season. . It was made at the B.l.eck Tad abot U f gess they JUsT-S togeth to TeVm.
... m ii .iuii.Bsai ikk iivkM ntM taiiiati i ... . ...
want him to pay tne aoiur on. my am. ana pianB f0r making of the twain one
ly must suffer sumthln fearse, she maid Krrnt institution. Omaha can't afford
either to duplicate or to neglect or hurt
Bellevue college until that property ho- I
comes lost to Omaha's future greatness
and needs. Get together and be true to I
the nresent and to the bigger future. It
would be a crlmo against Omaha to lose
Bellevue college, or to miss the shortest
Janan ls-now said" to bo" arranging will net ns a panacea for all economic alleys and tho strikes were all clean.
help for Huorta. VU6tuor true or and industrial, .anc pornnpsi.'a, row
not, lt is certain thauuuorta noons social, ius.
the help." , . ;.'
After ecrtuon. wnaii
wh.i n iias!rv flemocrata of I A year's study of tho aoclal oVll in I
Nebraska would ilk to sfle 1. a Europe convinces Dr. Abraham I the 1 bride""
rapproshmong" toetwoon jthB eecre- ncr of the futility or sogregauon. i..Went N'lchol. of Dartmouth
tary and the senator. His report-tins a dook puonsneu ior u convinccd that a perfoat radiometer
tho Now .York. Bureau or. uociai uy- will discover a "host of iieau stars-
Omaha Is getting lots of advice eieno. it tKows bare-faced evasion prompts tho earnest nuery. a hut experi-
I ..... I .... h.. ..I. n r .n . 1 . 1 n . i
Mrs. Kady Brownell, who Is now 71
People and Events
a speacn to a ouncn oi wimmen in mo
south end wunst.
"yours very truly,
"James albert smith."
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
.Slory ot Ilia Life.
"Excuse me. sir," said the seedy ono In nnd he8t jute to a great university.
the hotel lobby, "but, though a stranger j
to me your face seems familiar. Have
you any relatives In Atlanta?"
"Not one," was the reply, "Tears ago 1
floated down the Chattahoochle river on
a raft, leaylng all my relatives behind.
The raft was wrecked In a storm and I
Music tn the Library.
OMAHA, Jan. i8. To the Editor of
The Beo: Always to the rich: why not
something to tho less fortunate Ii
In yesterday's evening Issue of The
Omaha Bee appeared the good news ud
der the heading, "Good Music. But Not
Player Rolls, May Be Had at the I.U
In my opinion good music, as well &j
good books, havo a trend to opllft,
broaden and rest the mind. Phonograph
Instruments are owned by a great maiiy
people, but tho troublo consists o pro
cure new records, which are so expensive
In regard to 'the suffice In hearing them
played as to mako the purchase of new
n I . I . . .11. . rCLUIUB W UIU miuuillj w- ....-.-
Iiuu.uuuill 0w.v...." v v..vt .wvy Ul U9UMIU6 I IU. ..III.,., mnlrlnff oalla un.l l.fl In nl.Kn AUTOrtt ItepUUllCail , It RH GU1VO. HUB HI ...... .
,u.. , uv . ' , I the Mllago making calls, and lert in placo ' prohibitive a pastime. Just as a uoo
" o-..- , 1 v . - .or cnrua nieir pnomgrapns wun tno mo -
due patience find another man for wherever 'ft exlstB In Europe dlftu- Ljates which they were cniebrutln en- develop It quite so conspicuous y as to
. j . . .r.DnpMl I nn ! In i,itM Bo mo couiuj priming 10 111! uaiou
B1UU auuuuuot ......-, I mntftmiumrv.
Mil.. 'trasMV m n 4hnV I 'nininai llAUri nna Af rin irn tna f- I w "" '
a. wu&.uuais k asrsi a. u dulud s a vaa 1 11 niniin Jtiiiuft - ..... ...
atmrter. that "commerclalUed vice" doubt. with and without segregation. 5 'V. Penf. ns. t "SawU ZTl
canflot thrive except lt be well pat- AU ot which does not clear up the comes second with personal property Beatrice Sun; The butchers of Superior phonograph records In
ronlzed. One way to eorvo the prob- situation, still, tne question "J v"rrc "cr. nus ... h iw ihn
lem will be to check tho supply of "What Is the remedy?" Naively an ""'"" "uw " rnn'
. , ....... 11 .3, . . ...i.i..nnn inn.. enccd manager wants a dead Htar
.... .2. I .1.. ii .r Mrs. Kady Brownel
aaoiuoa to wi ie nomo guaru in WuroDean.i,e. m u., MyeRra old an,i very m at Wards Istan.l,
provides, out or. ail some goon wnicn aoos nouca tbssisuuu ioi, v v.. wont to the war with he. has-
.t n rn.n I t.. D..I. HHO(l,nmin ara roclstered. nd. who was In the First Rhode had to swim ashore, with a forty-pound
v 1 ' . ... . - - - : - - . . ..... I .,,,.k T ,r.rf.. ,. tt.v. rn. .
1 . ... .a AA. . , tM viAhtifl 1 iKinmi inranirr. nun was niven n. niuce i . ... ... .un. v. u ..... -v. m
... . W"U WvV.f"'&t 'H ' -".-J ar7 coor bearer In a company of shorp- week's board, put an ad. In the lost col-
1HB waiur uuoo buuud ku v.vd ikhO are rCBlBlOrCU OUl Ul ll lumi ui . , nmn r.rnvrt mv wrecked raft nnd
1 ' , r . 1 iiuuirrB. - - . . . -
collection of almost ?1,000 a day for 30,000; In' Rome 100 out of 5,000 window of a New York cloth- "tarted a lumber yard. You can get a
tho last six months. Nq wonder he and more. Or. Flexner Bays the po- jnff concern Is an overcoat bought f double-header or near Deer at tne Dar on
..... I - ... I ,k. I.r. TT.... i V. n.l. " A Max,.
fl Tin mil Irt mnlfft n Illtla rnneAHRlnn 11.. HiamIibMv nndnrstanil nil mis. I thrm In IBM anil worn con'lnunusiy un- I '" " - -'
to the people who paid for tho wator "Segrogatldn does not segrogato." W- Slnco then it liaa been jn ex-
and systems of 'control "without, how- M y.ars 0m
Ob, well, oven though the state 1 over, finding one that is roauy oiteo- jfr. and Mrs. George Cummlna of
cannot logally compel its present tual. Uhforttiilately, ho Stops short Bolsters Jillls, Me., in colebratlng their
lieutenant governor to make the race of defining a remedy. Segregation, wdn ltnK'
Spirit of State Press
the job.
read over la put back on tho she f, o
It Is with a record when It has oat It
Th. width nf h .ffrn charm to the owner and therefore ot llitlu
Dolan, ono of thc gas mag-I , . v. ... . ..,... ... ... value for Its future, as the real pleasure
no nates of Philadelphia hl- the city. ",.n obtained In listening to somethln nev.
circulation, why not Omaha?
It must be taken into consideration that I
V. . . . ,,v ... ,',T ...... . . .. w
I II... a r I . Thn nn h.v. Mil- I
exchange declares, "The only way to VTelhono TrT. has be M Uy v.rt.sed that, owing to the money strln- he majority patron,
suppress It Ib to wage war on t." record.r of Newberjr( 0rt).( , w. fecy, due to the closing of on. of th. n Omaha are not advanced mu-lo
Possibly but In one way ana anoiner w. Nelson, who had held the office for n..l"5'" ee" me" for c"" . th.v m.v have the honor to
in. oven that has been done since the ten years. M... Wo.i. the first woman rw HkHiHMHHHi
You can secure a good market
for your stock through the Bee
want ad columns. If you have
chickens that you want to sell
quickly and profitably the one
msdium foryouto use is The Bee
Bee "want advertising is not expensive it 'a
cheap, and you are losing a great opportunity
when you negleot your chance to reach the
thousands of people who are interested in poultry.
Bee Want Ad Department.
Tyler 1000
A drawing and cut like this 'vlll be made by The Bee
Engraving Department for $6.00.
Tho St. Paul Plonoer-Press does
Mr. Norman Hapgood tho gross
IurHca of aavinr that hn U "nno ufl l,i,nrt nrlncs at Slnat. This much
the leaders" of the feminist move- seems clear, the public Is sick and
ment, when, as a matter of fact, he tlrod of commerclallrea vice, but how
is "the" leader. Why not be fair to entirely to rid itself of and remain
the fair? rid Is not so clear. Perhaps sunsti-
tutlng tho single for the dual stana-
An exchange that goes in a goodnrd and diverting the women into
deal for levity suggests George Creel channels of legitimate employment
as head of New York a police depart-1 mtght help
ment u uoetnais declines, ureei
bad a brief session In Denver and got Former Senator Curtis entrance
oat ot town with only minor Injuries, as a republican for the senate from
WelL th. country probably would Kansas Beams to split the field with
give Kb consent. Benator Brlstow to the advantage oi
Vic Murdock, the bull mooser, who,
The president has cut another loop doubtless, will need all the help ha
of army red tape in pardoning a prl- m get.
vat. soldier whose crime was to
write a letter that was disapproved Tho sharp decline In.the tempera
fry his superior fleers. He must ture is nothing as compared with the
hava found ponneclJon between lot of those Nebraska democrats bav-
tbis private's offense and the cele- ing to wait out In tho cold all theso
braUoB. e to carafe o, ( weary months for a snack of pie.
to hold office In Newberg. Her majority consumer needs credit aa never before.
was 68, In a total voto ot several hun
Dennis Redmond, a "broth of a b'y"
who blew Into New York the year of the
"big wind," put three week, t ) hi. 1(0
rara and Jolnrd the majority lait week.
Mi Redmond worked a a tailor until he
waa 92, never hit the pipe anl very sel
dom touched boose of any temperature.
Still his name Is Dennis,
The dancing masters of Paris are suing
the church people for declaring against
the dances of "the new paganism." A
Frenchman who can't dance unthink
able because he haa never appeared In
fiction, hut he may be there In .trony
Grand Island Independent; The lady in Uch
election, candidate, for which must ob- K r J and properly bear a distinctly
democratic label, hai a newspaper, and u 1 , BUffer, dB' a4U
I. .lul.i, .n.n. n manv man raviHI. I .UU"Uk
.nnlv It I. mill, that " lCk of tUndS b. th. CaUS. Of
.v.. m.n -.nrfirtni... i,.r- -n. ih Installing phonogTaph record, for clrculi-
Bm. .v...m hi. nd with, tlon In combination with classical music
n.'mw int . rm ihut b.lon to for advance student. I would uSBet
others any further than this, one can yet
admire her wit
Kearney Hub: The handful of "Insur
gents" who sought to effect a reorganisa
tion ot the State Board ot Agriculture
fatl4 In nrfAmnllih tha And
enough number, to prevent Franco from .ought but did succeed In emphasizing the Horary board.
taxing tne course of fallen empire. the fact that the board I. about tho clo.
est stand-pat corporation anywhere here
TnklnK Big Chances. I about.. Every member ot the board
Brooklyn Eagle. I whose term ha. expired waa re-elected.
that an Invitation be given to people
having phonograph records to spare or
tn, storage to donate such record, to the
library tor the privilege of an opporunlty
to listen to something new to them with
out the expense of a cent to them or to
An American syndicate haa offered a I Which may be good for the society, but
loan of IUO.O0O.O0O to tho Turkish ftov nevertheless look, pretty bad. notation
ernment. If our moneyed men can havo In office and an annual Infusion of fresh
confidence In chaoa the chance, are they, blood would place tho State Agricultural
will soon think pretty well ot their own j society In better standing with the people
'of tho state.
Can lie Come Baclcf
Indianapolis News.
There 1. more and more talk nowaday.
about the advantages of llghtnlnr rod.
for fire protection, but lt may be doubt 5d
It the old-fashioned lightning rod agent,
whose skill in separating' people from
their money was so great will ever be
able, to coma back.
JUST what keeps YOU from
advertising? The expense?
Nothing to talk about?
Expect to by-and-by? Always
got along without it? "The
old man" won't let me? Tell us
why and we'll show you how.