There Was Only One Thing I "TMC- &LftNeD I (MUTT COMCRAYOLNte f THeRer 1T -,,mS. ,Kl& W6N"T 1 i ' ' ' Crsatcsv ieKrToN or I THewiOu&v oes UiGHT ! f ,; r.r- & rrf T , ... , Hivi?,: AtoNe U !L) T1pLPHUR' oW I I THE 1 lVAoictG on) ; ,; ON.toN, 1 SULPHUR. OP ' AlN.T ft ' A - . vs, FEDS WILL CONTINUE RAIDS War to Go on Till Outlaw league Seceived Into Organized Fold. SECRETARY MAKES STATEMENT fmri New, Orsaulsutlou., at Unil of Benson Will lie Such n "to" Force Recojrnltlon from the - scalers; . '-' CHICAGO, Jon. 29. War- between tho Federal league nnd organized base ball 'will continue' until the latter .jreoeives the new 'circuit into Itn fold, 'according to Secretary Lloyd Rlckard of tho Federals, Rlckard asserts that the. Federals would continue next year their raids, on tho players now with organised base ball whose contracts expire: at the 'end of the season. Thero ore enough of these to cripple tho bit: leagues more seriously than the present, If they Jumy, the secretary said. The situation at the end of tho season will be such as. to force rocoanftlon from the American and National leagues and as a third big league, the Federals will operate on equal terms with the others In 1815, Its proomleni believe. Manager levers pf the Chicago Nation tils, who reported at headquarters today after a tour qthe south,- announced that three-game series betwce'-the Cubs and the St. Louis Americans would take placo at Tampa March 4, 8,' and 8, with a return engagement at' St. Petersburg, Fla., later. WINNER IN BASKET BALL LEAQUE t0 HAVE.A TROPHY A board meeting of the Commercial Basket Bait league was held Wednesday night tor the purpose ot determining a method to raise a fund with which to purchase a trophy for' the. Winner of the Commercial league race. It was. decided that the best way would be. to charge an admission to the game' Saturday evening. Heretofore the games' have been free of admission, but Saturday night an admis sion of 25 cents will be taxed. Tho teams playing aro the Magee & Peomer team and tho Benson Flrat team. The out come of that game will probably decide tho fate of the league. The Magee & Deemer team has not lost n game, while the Pirates have lott hot one,' a previous game with, the clothiers. It the Magee A Deemer squad wins Saturday, they will have tho championship of the league cinched, LEONARD WIRES C0RRIGAN HE WILL SGN,CQNTRACT FRBslNO. Cal., ?an. Pltehsr Leon ard pt. the' Boston Amerlcaiw telegraphed Maner Carrln today thlt terms are SAtMactory and that he would sign hi Mi contract as ooon'ss it arrived. Leon ard kirned down ah offer front the Fed eral league". He Koi been holding out for as Increase over his 1913 salary. BOSTON. Jam. S9.-llugt Dtdlent, a Re4 Sox pitcher, of the; last two seasons, who wa staid to have been approached by Federal league agents, signed with the Boston American club today, Deedl nt otprekCd himself as "highly satis lied" with the terms. GUS WILLIAMS WILL . PLAY WITH THE BROWNS I George Btovtill, manager ot the Kansas City Federal league team, sends out a report from Los Angeles, where he Is at present on the quest of players, that Qui Williams agreed to sign with the Feds, but later refused to do so. Williams, who Is In Omaha tor the, winter, refuses to nay whether he did agree to play with K to vat I or I'Ot. but, at any rata, he will be a member ot the Ilrowns next spring. HIGH SCHOOL LADS TO PLAY THE LINCOLN FIVE The Omaha High school basket ball team will go to Lincoln Saturday to con test with the basket ball team of the high school ot that city. Both teams have been defeated tills year and neither are overly strong In any department ot the game. The score should be close, but It is thought Omaha will have an advan tage because ot the prowess of her guards. Tries to Hold Johnston. CHATTANOOQA, Tenn.. Jan. a.-.How-ard Doyle, scout of the Cleveland Amer icans, arrived today to confer with First Baseman "Doc" Johnston In an effort to obtain hit signature to a Cleveland con tract and prevent his accepting an offer from tbe Federal league. Coach Mealclae foi Children. Never give a child a cough medicine that contains opium la any form. Wlui opium la given other and more serious diseases may follow. Loan experience lias demonstrated that there Is no better or safer medicine for coughs, colds and croup In children thaa Chamberlain's Couch HawMwIr, It Is equally valuable for adults. Try it. It coatalns no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by alt dtaJtrs, Advertisement. Thomason Signs :. Rourke Contract Pa Rourko has received tho signed contract of Arthur Thomason, tho classy outfielder of tho Omaha, team- This will put to rest th pprlfltcnt rumors which have begun floating around that Thoma son was to Join tho- ranks of iho Fed erals. J FIRST METHODISTS BEAT COMPANY I OF QLENW00D GLUNWOOP, la., Jan. ZW(Bpoelal.) The First Methodist Uaracus ot Omaha. defeated the Company I team of this city In a fast and. wqll-played game ot basket ball. by the score of S3 to 1&. Tne features of "the game were tho basket shooting of the Lewises of Glenwood and the team work of tho Caracas, espscla'.y the guarding Ot Fltzpatrlck and Lon. The work of Haskell of Omaha, who acted as referee, met with tho approval ot tho crowd. Tho lineup: I1ARACA3. , C1LKNWOOD. Miles U.F ILK I. Lewis iiooson L.i'. Heck with ...C. Long L.O, L.F., Roily C, N. Lowls RO., Klddou L.O Ma.olm MtspatncK ,...u.t, Lewis (t), soiley (i), Klddoo (I). Miles (). Ileckwith (0). IUb- ion (2). Free throw: , I-ewln. Fouls com mitted: Omaha, I: Uteriwood, 1, Ilefercet Haskell. AMES BASKET BALL FIVE WILL PLAY AT GRINNELL AME8, la., Jan. 29. (Special Telegram.) llftdly crippled, tljo Ames, basket ball quad wH go' to Qrtntiell tomorrow for a-stiff game,- and thenco to Iowa City. to tackle the Iowa tive. The Cyclones expect a much tougher scrap with the Orlnnoll colleglanR than with the irawkeyes. arlnnell hau swamped' Iowa, but Iowa cams near to trlmmtn th6 oQphers. Captain Hansel! has a bad ankle and probably will not be ablo to play. Coach Hubbard will take the following squad! Holmes and Nobel, center! Bwlney, Hath and Dow ell, forwards: Captain Hansell, Harpel and rorterfleld, guards. NINE JAMES IN YALE'S FOOT BALL SCHEDULE NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. lO.-Tale foot ball schedule for next fall, an nounced today, contains nine games, one less than last' year. Holy Cross and La fayette ha Vo, been dropped, and In their places wtt be the University ot Virginia and Notro Dame. Yale has -nyer met the two lattor col leges In toot ball before. Tho schedule! A September H University of Maine', Oc tober 3. University of Virginia; October 10, Lehigh: October 17, Notre Dame; Oc tober 24, Washington and Jefferson; Oc tober 81, Colgate;. November, 7, nrown; November 14, Princeton;' November si, Harvard, 1 CONTRACTS POURING INTO OFFICE OF BOSTON CLUBS BOSTON-," Jan, S9.-ContracU poUrcd Into the offices of the American and Na tional league clubs here today. Leslie U. NUnamaker, Jhat JUd Sot catcher, !gntd up for nnpXt year, notwithstanding previous reports that tbe terms were satisfactory' The Boston Nationals re rlved tho signed contracts of Angel Vlllason, a 'Cuban pitcher; Charles A. Deal, a third batemun, last yeas with Provldsnce ot the International leaguo and Frank Solimldt, a pitcher formerly with tho Dunkirk New York team. HUMMEL 'AGAIN FLOODS , PONDS TO MAKE SKATING Park Commissioner Joe B. Hummet de dares that It Br'er Welsh and the weather agree and the cold spell con tinues there will be fine skating In all city parks tho rest ot the week. Owing to the thaw the Ice" was roughed, but the surfaco ot the lakes and ponds havo been flooded and the majority of them are now safe. C'ultnu Hluiirtl Up. Cincinnati. Jan. was an nounced at the headquarters ot the Cin cinnati base ball club here today that Catcher Oonzales, the Cuban, had been signed for the coming season by the local club-. Stun That CoukIi. Dr. King a New Discovery will do It. uei a bottio today. A quick, safe, sure cough and cold remedy. All druggists. We and Il.-AdvertUement. NEW STEAMER LINE FROM QUEENST0WN TO BOSTON LONDON. Jan. 23. -A frrsh develop roent In the transatlantic steamship rate war recently begun by the uerman lines, occurred today when the Anchor fine announced its Intention ot starting i service between Queeiutown und Bo. ton. This .atep Is meant to counter the project of the Hamburg-American to run a service between the same ports and also as a reply to the German line entry Into the Canadian traffic. THE BEE: the Matter with BOOSTER TOURNEY AT END Wroth's Cafe Team Leads in the Five-Man Event. JAItOSH-WARTCHOW IN DOUBLES I,e'nrna Mark Made In the SInKles Stands an IIIkIi, While, Mnr-J tin Capture the All Brents. Ten lit Standing, "Wroth's Cafe .. Luxus KrUifg Cabinets 2.995 2.930 2,970 .Misnts , JCUcr's Old Age Doubles. J. Jarosh-Wartchon Cain-Johnson 2.91S 1.282" 1.273 1,247 , 1,22s 1,230 wccKs-ii. Bcipio., ivcarn-Aiartm Neale-Conrad ......... Hlnulea. Learn 683 LelMnskl CIS Toman US Anitleaburir 617 Martin 636 Alt-ISVenta. Martin 1.014 Last night saw the ond of. tlx) Booster league tournament with no change In the leaders. The only chango In the singles was Toman's 61S, which ties him with Leplnskl for second place. Other high rollers were J. Fitzgerald with 61V, Neale, 611! J. Jarosh, C09, and Cain, 604. Cnfo Team Leads. The Wroth's Cafe won first plaoe In the team even with the 2,996 total rolled Sunday afternoon. The Luxus take sec- end honors Just five pins behind the lead ers. In the doubles J. Jarosh and Wart' chow, the Clara Belle stars lead with a 1,243 total. Cain and Johnson another Clara Belle pair nro next high with 1.273. Learn of the Wroth's Cafe team is high above all others for the. leadership ot the elngles with a 683 count. Toman ot tho Old Htyle Lagers and Leplnskl ot the Old Moose team aro tied for Second with US aplcco, Martin, last year's city champion, again leads In the all-events with a 1.911 total, a tournament average ot 212. Slakes lllit Hit. This season's Booster league tourna ment Is considered by those best posted on tho game as the best tournament ever pulled off here. Tho entire event was conductd without a flaw and putted off In record time. There was a big entry list, which made the prlte fund the largest ot any preceding tournament prtso fund. The scores rolled were ot the highest quality and the bowlers entered were evonly matched. Tho main feature ot this tournament was the scratch roll ing. No handicap was used and this mado a hit with the bowlers. Credit roust be given President Itatekln and Secretary Kldson, who by themselves organised the big event and conducted It with the excellent assistance of the As soclatlon alley management. Present plans Indicate that the Booster league tournament will be an annual af fair. Yesterday' Scores. The scores rolled yesterday were 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot, Toman ., 2 Hammerstrom 175 211 r 165 193 1SS 177 192-648 199-634 titunx 164 194-Slt 165-630 155-471 Uumlngs m Buehr 1U Maurer U3 Howell 1S4 Neale 131 15S-494 175 168-S27 213 190 :is 183 181 183 199 2S1 204 X! 179. 177 m 224-611 167-811 157-645 Wookea Bland 213 Zimmerman ....(..,.... zn iS. Norgaard . 202 Dbhmke 1M 19J-6SS 162-645 154-494 174-600 Jarosli Z3u Cain 7 187-S S4S 619 1K8-U4 181-540 Fltsxerald liu Peterson 196 II. Lee , iu Lee 1K 148-190 Eldson 163 141-408 Coover 147 172-452 l.ltltoaraphers' League KLOPP & BAItTLETTS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Anderson .,...... ..i.i...,. 174 131 155 139 108 133 153 18 120 4tS5 Samn .... Sfil 408 iTSI Total. 3S2 458 53d U76 Total. 491 325 120 lining .a Totals 4t 3S0 394 BEES PRINTING CO. 1st. . i. Sil. Kurtz 104 160 118 Krcjcl 132 158 1C8 onncsorg ,.. iti sis JS2 Totals 377 631 408 H. a TRANSFERS. 1st. Id. 3d. Kahiv 186 124 131 Holdsworth 131 76 118 Wadell , 130 145 145 Total U74S 344 444 OMAHA PRINTING CO. 1.226 Total. IS) 411 3S7 1st. . 138 . 106 . 127 2d. 157 149 1(C 3d. 174 150 158 Nobis llohr . Qrupe Totals 371 m 4S8 :.7 H. E. PRESS. 1st. Jd. Paetow, A............ 114 147 Pactow, R ... 149 ISO Totals 29$ S27 2d. 131 Total, 472 1M 219 93 LYON ENGRAVERS. ' ' ' 1st. 2d. Hot man 170 141 Mlratsky, 99 lis Sd. Total. 173 410 112 1 Totals 269 KH 211 tlfi Special Match, ORCHARD & WILHELM. 1st 2d. Sd. Total. Doherty l&J 1S3 IK 460 hmltli . 1 JM 4M Dugun . lfiT 112 IJS 417 Clair 123 i2t 187 411 OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914. Jeff's Invention Bower , 187 170 187 Totals 7&J 746 773 SUNDKRLAND8. 1st 2d. 2d. Faalck m 114 149 Altchlson 171 1!B 171 Strothcr 2 149 ' in Peck 117 116 111 Odgen 100 161 l.V Handicap 2S 25 25 544 274 Total. 415 4KS 531 1(4 476 75 Totals S22 702 7S5 Cokiin6rclal LeArtur. 1st. , 2d. Jd. 2,829 Total. JABEZ CUOSS. L. Norgaard 193 lt 157 Straw ! 170 170 170 Wiley ....i.lM 114 135 49$ 610 387 557 51 ' 2.517 Total. (K0 510 500 510 553 t835 Total. 5SS 555 626 537 MCUaDO 160 161 . zzs Fltz ISO 17 222 Total 843 760 . 910 FltANtCS KANDT KIDS. 1st. 2(1. Dd. Learn -. 214 222 223 Straw i.i. ...... 170 170 170 FuKorojerit 201 203 192 Nelson .." 172 1S4 1M Schultz 200 191 164 Totals O 940 933 BIIODEOAAHD CKOWN8. 1st. 2d. 3d. King 190 209 1S9 Melxcl 1&9 211 IIS Green 192 176 1SS Cummlnga 181 199 ISO Angelsborg .......... 103 201 leg Totals 890 996 8M UKSELIN TRADE MARKS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Chandler .. . 187 . 209 . ISO . 197 . 153 213 190 149 145 198 160 188 6C0 Bcngele .... Besolln .... Lytl Huntington 587 494 517 534 168 175 183 Totals , 928 893 874 2,693 tlnelliach Blame Trltb Brooklyn. NEW TOUIC, Jan. 2S.-Offlcera of tho Brooklyn base ball club announced to- daythat Pitcher Reulbach had signed a one-'year contract with the Buperbas. It was also stated that a 1914 contract has been forwarded by registered mail to Joseph B. Tinker, manager of the Chi- eago Federal league team, whose previous contract with the Cincinnati club woe recently transferred to Brooklyn. BARS ATHLETES FROM HOLDING CLASS OFFICES Chicago, Jan. 29.-Athlets will bo prevented from holding class offices nt the university ot Chicago, as the result of action taken yosterday by the student counsel. Members of the council said the action was taken "to prevent any stu uent from being carried Into an office through his popularity as an athlete." Hnll Signs vrltb. Detroit. a Ditcher for the Detroit AmrtiMn i.o.m wuiuuuvtu ncra umar mat ne naa signed ... ..uihiwi wiiii me ueiroii oiuo for the comlnr season at an Increase in HASTINGS GRAND ARMY POST WOULD DEED HALL TO CITY HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 2S.-4"6peclat.) Members ot Silas A. Strickland post are considering a proposal to deed the Hast lngs Grand Army ot the Republic hall to the city In consideration for the erec tion ot a monument to civil war veterans by the city, to cost not less than 87.000. The building and lot are worth between 310,000 and 812,060. There are 120 active members ot the post and none Is under 06 years ot age. The post would reserve the right to use the second floor as long as the organization lasts and would ex pect the city to pay Into the post treas ury each month a sum equal to the amount now paid as rental ot the ground floor room for the water and light com mlssloner's office. The Salvaraan treatment for was used for the first time at Ingleslde hospital for Insane yesterday, belnit ad ministered by Superintendent Baxter, as sisted by his medical staff. The niivni clans believe this was the first time the treatment had been used n thts state for tne mental rorm of the disease. It is stated that only about sixty such cases have been treated In this country by this method, principally at the Rockefeller in stitute and at Johns Hopkins, university. Moving pictures taken by the new pas tor, Rev, J. E, Holley, lit his extensive European travels, will be shown at the Sunday evening services ot the Chris tian church, beginning next Sunday. The first series will be ot the Passion Play and will cover three evenings. This will be the first trial of moving pictures in Hastings churches. HAMILTON COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE CO. MEETS AURORA, Neb., Jail, 29.-Speclal.) The Hamilton County Farmers' Co-oper ative company ot Aurora held Ita an nttal meeting yesterday and elected the following officers: It. L. Mabdn, prel dent; D. M, AValker, secretary; T. M Scott, treasurer, and Harry Toof, man S7 ager. Charles Eckerly ot Chicago spoke to the meeting on co-operation. He also spoke at a similar meeting at Hampton l.vcry town in the county Is organized. Thle Aurora organization has 350 mem' bers, owns two elevators and operates three. It pays S per ceat oa capital In vested and 1 cent on all grain sold to it and H cent on all grain .bought of It by the members. It owns a colli htre with i raiiK jonnson as operator. SAPHQ. KRL'Q, 8IX REELS, tc aaij.j MICHIGAN UNIONS MEETING Session at Lansing Will Raise Funds for Copper Strikers. TANNER PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Auditor of Western Federation Charges Cltlsens' Alliance Trltb Cnnalne Carlstmas Ere Tragedy In Italian Hnll. LANSING, Mich., Jan. 29.-The mine owners of the Calumet region, tho Citi zen's alliance, the Houghton grand Jury, the Michigan militia and Governor Ferris were assailed today by Charles 11. Tan ner, auditor of the Western Federation ot Miners, in an address which he de livered before a conference ot delegates representing every union affiliated with the Michigan State Federation of Labor. Tanner said there were from 8,000 to 9,000 union men still dependent on the Western Federation of Miners for food and clothing. He declared many ot thes9 men were men ot large families, somo comprising as many as fourteen children, and he urged the Michigan labor unions to send men throughout the state solicit Ititf funds from union men or men friendly to unlomr, to be spent In caring for 'the men out ot employment. Tanner made the principal address. The keynote ot his remarks was to con tinue the industrial fight. The prin cipal object was to decide the best method ot obtaining the money. Illumes Alliance fc7 tragedy. Tanner charges tho Citizens' Alliance with responsibility for the disaster at Calumet on Christmas eve, and said wit nesses to that effect would be produced. noooay Dcuercs mo persons respon sible for the tragedy Intended to kill anyone.'JL. he said. "They did, however, want to break up that celebration. More than one union man had been told that the union man 'would havo a black Christmas.' ' But the Christmas eve tragedy Is only one of a series ot tragedies. Union men have been shot. "Militiamen, gunmen and deputies havo driven women and children off tho streetes. When our members paraded they carried American flags, and those flags were cut from their staffs and trampled In the dust. Deputies, at the direction of tho mine operators, have entered the homes of union men. turned the occupants' out, smashed furniture and shattered windows. s Calls Grand Jnrr Farce. "The Houghton county grand Jury Is a rarce. Composed of mining superln tendents. members of the Citizens' Alli ance and Jim McNaughton's chauffeur .It acted as the unions expected It would act." Tanner and Dan Sulllven. another speaker, asserted that Governor Ferris had been partial to the operators during nis investigation in tho strike region. PLANS MADE TO BUILD UP THE COUNTY FAIRS (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 29. (Special.) -Organ ized efforts to build up the county fairs ot the state will be made as a result of the. banquet of the State Board ot Agri culture and the Association of County Fair Managers last week. The educa tional value of the county and state fairs were emphasized. Among the novel fea tures suggested were contests for the best managed farm, with cash prizes and tab lets for both owners nnd tenants. A milk production contest was also suggested, The Bretton tSollar here illustrated is made of White Satin Striped Madras. It is especially a style for men of youthful tastes 'though not a thing extreme about it. Just smart shapeliness becomingnesa and all around goodness. Ide xilver ollars 2 for 25c don't spread at the top. Have exclusively Linocord Unbreaka ble Buttonholes. For sale by the Following Ferms PRAY FOR MEN SIM I $43. II. Drawn for The Bee by an were exhibits by the state farm ex perts and tho presence of county demon strators and experiment station lecturers nt tho county fairs. If. P. Wilson, president of the Associa tion ot County Fair Managers, was In the city yesterday nnd declared that the offi cers would make energetic efforts to Im prove tho county fairs during the coming year. SEVENTEEN FILE DIVORCE PETITIONS IN SAUNDERS WAHOO. Neb., Jan. 29. (Specials-Di vorce statistics Just compiled by Henry Pickett, clerk of the district court of Saunders county show that during the year 1913 thore were seventeen petitions for divorce filed. Nine allege cruelty, five desertion and three nonsupport: ten were started by the wives and seven by tho husbands. During the same year the district court granted nine divorces, five to men and four to women. Four di vorce cases have been dismissed and seven cases aro still pending for further action. During tho last year there were 141 marriage licenses granted In the county court- DR. T0WNSEND OF LINCOLN HELD ON CRIMINAL CHARGE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 29,-(Spcc!al.)-Dr. W. R. Townsend of Lincoln will havo to an swer to the charge of performing a.crim Inal operation upon Lola Sturm of tails City, who died here yesterday under sus plclous circumstances. A coroner's Jury found the chargo tus- talned and the doctor was immediately placed under arrest and released unler 31,000 bonds. News Noted of Superior. SUPERIOR, Neb., Jan. 29. (Special Tel cgram.) The Citizens' s4ato bank will open tomorrow with 850,000 capital stock backer by Kansas bankers. President Fairs of Mankota and Cashier Beaton from Formosa aro in chojge. They have bought property in good locations and expect to build the coming summer, They report the State Savings bank will re organize and be made larger the com lng month. State Printer N. J. Ludl Is visiting ex Mayor Young. Miss Madeline Edsall was married at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mm I. L. Edsall, to James Herbert Taylor of Falrbury by Rov. Mr. Tyner of this parish. The couple left for a trip to Omaha and to visit friends In Iowa. IVnr Effct-1 ot I'uritlntr. FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 29. (Special.) Considerable dlsquletudo prevails among Jefferson county farmers over tho con dltton ot tho winter wheat and there Certain Relief from hoadaches, dull foelingn, and fatigue of biliousness, comes quickly and permanent improvement in bodily condition follows after your stomach, liver and bowels hava been toned and regulated by BEEGHAMS PILLS Sold evcrrwbsre la box, lOa 28s. Tittnus Kil- palritk&Co. 5.i a a me "Bud" Fisher seems to be quite a diversity of opinion whether tho wheat has been damaged by pursing of the ground. Winter wheat in Jefferson county has been In fine shape, but the thawing nnd freezing, alternately, has torn the plant loose from Its roots. It is the opinion generally that consider able harm has been done. 1 an ISBN not? an BUR? Brakes- You may never notice tho brakes Until you need them. Then they must-be rlghtl They aro your only insur ance against many an emer gency. v To be euro you should have two sets of brakes on each rear wheel. Continual use ot any brakes is bound to make ad justments necessary. Be sure there is a con venient and easy method of making effective and quick adjustments ot the brakes on your car. . Find out how thoibrakes work on an old car as well aB on the new. One car (name above) has reliable brakes and very convenient brako adjust ments. . s M Si Si s Si This Is one of a series of talks on how to buy an auto mobile. The complete series, containing a wealth cf valu able information, may be had in booklet form by asking Marion Automobile Co. S 2101-2103 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nob. C. W. McDonald, Mgr. fi c jaiBBHaaaSBBnROBaBXHRBBKBflBNl COUGHING Keep coughing: that's one way. Stop coushiaji: that's another. To keep the Cough : do nothing. To stop the cough : Acer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold for 70 yean. Ask Your Doctor. 'JSmSSs. Ground Floor Space Bee Building About 1,500 square feet with Farnam 6treet front? age. New show windows being installed. This room has a large vault. Also extra entrance from the court. Rent Reasonable. Apply to The Bee Building Co., Hoom 103, nee Building. OCEAN TRAVEL. MISS ANNA Z. ROSS EUROPEAN TOURS Hall Tune 9, Aug. 15, Aug. 8. Addreas 817 Willow Avenue. Council &t?j&&JS& SfSft 1817 W. E. Bock 1317 Farnam. St., Omaha Agent for all steamship Uaes and foreign tours. Telephone, Douglas 283. ------ a 01 BslHHSV(MBiBBWUi B aarCBa' "aaacas vm. ruv TA,drin'nJrxAm mill 1 Wa JsVA asjsbl u wmu sssfb- m, H k.. ssssssv sssssgcr J XBBBBBSw XSBBBBS' JBBatuaatsssaisTJBBlFV: