3 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11)14. Nebraska. SUNDERLANDJPPEALS CASE lOmahan Resists Payment of Judg ment to Agnes Jaoquith. i ITLEOE TRIES TO SECURE BAIL linden. Men Will fiet In nnnnlnic to Mnkc Bill on Nrw Sinle Hr-formutorj- Jonrnnl Grt Injunction Nebraska (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 29.-(Spec!aU "William C. Sunderland of Omaha lias appealed to the supremo court from a Judgment for 17,035 and Interest, In all amounting to JS.SI0.13, secured In district court of Douglas county by Agnes Jac quith for money claimed to be due her for tho salo of 3)1 shares of stock In the Ne braska Underwriters' Insurance company. Tho claim was mode In district court that It was represented to her that the stock was depreciating and was not worth over 75 cents on tno dollar. On that representation sho advised Mr. Sun derland tci soil tho stock lr he could at that price. I!c sold the stock to Mont gomery & Funkhouser of Chicago and turned over to Miss Jacttlth 115,075 aa tho amount. received for the stock at 73 per cent of tho par valuo of the stock. Sho averred she discovered later that .the Mock brought $22,110 and sued for tho balance. Flrire After nnll. Fred S. Berry, attorney for William Flege, the Wayne county man sentenced to tho penitentiary last n'cek for tho murder of his sister, has appealed to the supremo court to be allowed to sccuro a ball bond for his client pending a hear ing In the supremo court on the matter. 3tlnden Wnns neforntntory. Louts Paulson and Chris Aable of Mln den called on the irallway commission to day for the purpose of making prelimi nary arrangements for making a bid for tho new $160,000 reformatory. They were not prepared to make any statement as to what kind of an offer thuy would make but wanted to know what methods to pursue to get In tho game Mr. Paulson will be a candtdato for state regent on the democratic party It he succeeds in landing the nomination at tho primary. fyr Fined for aitsbrnndlnff. Food Commissioner ITarman has re ceived notice that Mark &Dan!els, a firm of millers at Spencer, had pleaded guilty and paid the assessed fine mado by tho Judgo ior selling mill stuff without branding. lleport on Crete nrniich. The report of the physical engineers sent out to examine, the Crete branch and other lines of tho Missouri Pacific railway have reported to the railway commission that the Croto branch is In a fair condition In some places, but on tho whoU Is In need of a general over hauling. They recommend three things: First, ballast; second, new rails, and .third general overhauling. A new bridge will be built this spring at one. point on tho road and much repair work and ballasting has been promised by tho com pany. , Qncxtlon of Coal Weights. Aro Lincoln coal dealers honest, or do the scales vary, Is a question which Is .up for discussion in the capital cltyj uruuBiu uugui uy wcigning sixiy-iwo loads of coal by tho city after tho same had left the scales and were on their way to tho customer. Of this number thirty showed short weight to the total amount of 1.7C3 pounds in a total supposed Weight of fifty-one tons and 120 pounds; nlno teen loads were overweight to the amount of 2,620 pounds of a total supposed weight of a little over thirty-three and one-half tons, and seven of the sixty-two loads wcro correct. Tho biggest overweight was on aload of two tons which weighed 970 pounds more than the requirement. Tho largest shortage was 10 pounds on ojialt ton load. .Attack Outside Competition, The State Journal company rome time, ago made application to Judgo Stewart of the Lancaster district court for an In Junction restraining Supreme court Clern. Harry Lindsay from delivering ie copy of the opinions of the supreme court No. K ond K. W. Stevens Printing company of Columbia, Mo., which secured the con tract for the printing and the Injunction has been granted. It also forbids State Auditor Howard from drawing a warrant for the samo and Treasurer George from paying the warrant. The point brought out Is that the Mis Eourl company Is a corporation outside 'of the state and that at' the time of the letting of the bid It had not made ap plication as a corporation to do business In this state and had not compiled with the state law regarding foreign cor porations. ('heck from Keith County. State Auditor Howard received today a check for $500 from the county clerk of Keith county, being the first Installment of yio $1,700 due on the account for care of Insane from that county to tho state Benson Man Who Eloped With Girl is in Plattsmouth Jail PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Jan. 29,-iSpe-clal Telegram.) Porter Camp, whu has been residing at Benson for rfiveral months, but for two weeks stopped wltn William Brlggs and wife at their room ing house at No. 1512 North Seventeenth street, Omaha, and Miss Adallne Dai tough, who resided with, her mother trnA stepfather at the above number, nrrvod In Plattsmouth last evening and about 7:30 were united In marriage by judgu M. Archer. James Darrough, the lathif of the girl, who Is stopping at the Stcti Nebraska, CLUB SECRETARIES MEET Charles C. Rosewatcr Tell of Work Done for Publicity of Resources. MOTION PICTURES BIG AID Vttrloua Problem C'nnfrontlnR Cities of Nebrankn Are Presented nnrt Dlscasied by Men nt the Helm. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. pcclal.) Whllo the attendance at the second an nual convention of the Commercial club secretaries of tho state. In session here. Is not as largo as was exacted, tho en thusiasm and Interest m tho- work dis played by thoso here has more than made up for tho lack of numbers Some of the best papers along boosting lines ever listened to havo been rend and take It as a whole tho meeting has been n success. hotel In Omaha, telephoned to County An noaress by c. C. Itosowater, general Attorney C. H. Taylor, and Porter uinpmanaSer of The Omaha Bee. waa ono of j was arrested within half an hour at'.o-l1"0 interesting talks of the session. Mr. tho marriage. The girl Is only 15 yeuru of age, but Camp swore that sha wan 19 years old. The parents and the girl returned to Omaha this afternoon, Kit Camp Is In the county Jail and probably will bo prosecuted for perjury. Jauien Darrough resided In this county many years and his daughter Adallne waa torn about ten miles south of PlattsrhoJ'.h. Later the family resided In Platt.imu.th for a time before removing to Jnana, Camp's former wife died two weeks uvo. Commissioner Hall Proves Some Traveler (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 29.-SpccIal.)-Pubtl?lty given the use of mileage In one of tho Roscwater reviewed the work of the leg- j isiativo committee appointed last year to prepare a bill for introduction In the leg islature for the purpose of showing the resources of Nebraska and giving the state tho sort of advertising It needed. Tho bill passed In a modified form as ' regarding tho appropriation necessary to . mako tho work bring the best 'results. I but with the $5,0M appropriated a good j start had been made. The work of the commltteo had been mostly In the hands of Dr. George Condra 1 of the state university and he reviewed ' the work done by Dr. Condra, j Motion pictures showing the diversified i industries of the state had been prepared by the committee under the supervision of Dr. Condra and the work of advertis ing tho state from now on would go dn with good results. Mr. Bosewater hono.l that by tho use of these pictures th departments under the supervision of tho .legislature would see the need of a larger irnvnrnnr hoi nrnmnt tl,-t flll ' . .. c "CV'J Ul a larger governor has prompted that official to Issue the statement that he will In tue future require every department to keep a complete check of what Is done with mileage books purchase! and where used. The railway commission has for tho last year or more kept a complete recorJ of every mllo of travel made by every mum ber of the commission and Its employes. Whenever a mileage book is purchased an account Is opened with that book, tho book charged with the amount of mllo ago contained and as It Is used checked off. It gives the date used, from what town and to what town with the amount oj miles left after return Is made. Ono 2,000-mile book used by Commissioner Hall showed that ho had ridden 2,022 miles. Another of 1,000 miles showed 1,001 miles. Another of 1,000 mlcs showed that but 999 miles of riding was Jor.e. All other books checked out even. PAWNEE FARMERS MAY . ENGAGE DEMONSTRATOR PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Jan. 29.-(Spe-clal.) At a meeting at tho court house yesterday afternoon of the Interested farmers of tho county, the question of the advisability of procuring the services of a farm demonstrator for Pawnee county were enthusiastically discussed by tho large number present. THe plan of procedure outlined was to form a crop growers association with membership open to all, and to havo this body secure the official in question. Pending further information as to the possibility of se curing a large enough membership for the organization the following committee was selected to investigate the matter and report at a future meeting; D. W. Osborn, chairman; Georgo Sawyer and George Leonard of Pawnee City, J. D. Barr, Liberty; Q, Sommerhalder. Steln nucr; Gcorso Cotton, Table Rock, and Georgo Potts. Dubois. It was pointed out that $1,350 was already on hand In case the committee reported favorably, the Burlington railroad havlns pledged $150 and the balance being provided for In a state fund. COMELIXION XetTii Nolo from f'nlrlmrj-. FAIRBORY, Neb., Jan. 29. (Special.) A pretty wedding was solemnized at tho Methodist Episcopal church parsonage In this city Tuesday night, when Miss Gladys Willy and Orvllle R. Hiner wcro married. Miss Mary L. Hlner was brides maid and Chester McCurdy best man. Edward Carr has returned from a trip to Kansas City, Mo., where he acted as a delegate from Falrbury Brotherhood of Car Rcralrera of America, No. 259, at a "convention of conference of this order for tho Rock Island lines. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Buchanan havo re turned from a trip to Oklahoma City, Okl. At a recent conference between the Rock Island officials and tho "safety first" committeemen It was decided to hold meeting every other month Instead of monthly. Owing to a slight advance In the wheat market Jefferson county furmers havo been busily engaged in hauling the last year's crop to the market at Falrbury. Don. Houck, a machinist In the Rock Island shops at Forty-seventh street, Chicago, Is In the city visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Huuck. CUTICUM SOAP Assisted by Quticura Ointment "will fortify your skin against chapping, redness and rough ness in winter's cold, sharp winds. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are equally indispen sable for rashes, eczemas, itch ings and irritations so preva lent in cold weather. Cuticura Sotp sad Olntmtot told tbrouihont tb. worm. UtMfftl Map), of eMb lulled fre. wits J-p. took. AiiarfM'CDttcun."tpi.U, Boatoii. wMen wta tun od ittmpoa wltb CuUcux BMP will Bad it tat tor ttta ad cip. Senntor Alien Appoint Committee. MADISON, Neb., Jan. 29.-(Special.)-Tho following committee has been ap pointed by former Senator William V. Allen to have charge of a primary elcc tfon for the purpose of recommending a postmaster at Madison, Mr. Allen being ex-offlcto chairman; J. C, Reeves, Dr. A. E. Oadbols. M. C. Garrett. Christ J. Kortman, Thomas- Lestlna and M. B. Fos ter. Tho committee will meet at 9 o'clock this morning and begin Its labors. A. K. Donovan, editor of the StarlMall. and H. C. Hasklna have voluntarily with drawn their names as candidates, leav ing the field so far as Is now known to Fred It. Davis, William Bates and W. S. Tannery. appropriation at its next scxslon. On Stnte'n Resources. Othor papers read were! "Tim inHln. tlvo of the Secretary," by A. M. Con nors of Grand Island: 'The Stato Capital as the Store House of Information." by W. S. Whltten, Lincoln; "Securing New and Developing Existing Industries." by Senator George F. Wolr. vr.n.,. "Training of tho Secretory," by H. M. Bushnell, Lincoln Trade Review; "Pub licity of the Slate, tho City and tho Club." by E. V. Parrlsh, Omaha; "Traffic Proh. lems," by E. J. McVann. Omaha; "The Secretary and the Executive Committee," by Fred Ashton. Grand Island! "n, Junior Commercial Club," by W. D. r inner, jsorlolR. Mr. Parrlsh Impressed upon the secre taries the Importance of distinguishing between "publicity" and "notoriety." In this regard, he said, tho newspapers could help a great deal. "You will al ways find the newspapers willing to boost for you," sold he. "and will do It right." One man said he had difficulty with a newspaper man In his town in getting him to como across with the right sort of co-operation. ' "Let me tell you something," said Mr. Parrlsh In reply", "Don't try to pull off anything on the newspapers. You can't do It. They are ydur best friend. Treat them rUht. Give them tho stuff you have and they will In most Instances be glad to give It the publicity needed." Helping: Home ltiatltntlons. Senator Woltz of Fremont desired to Impress upon the meeting the Importance of clubs lending their assistance to worthy Institutions already located rather than to securing new ones. F. I. Ringer of tho Manufacturers' association demanded that clubs patronize home Institutions and asked how many men present were smoking Nebraska made cigars. One man responded that he always Bmoked cigars made In Ills home town. W. D. Fisher of Norfolk and E, V. Parrlsh spoke on the methods used In junior commercial club work In their re spective cities, tho latter covering the situation In Omalia very thoroughly. Resolutions asking tho next legislature to appropriate $25,000 for tho Stato Pub licity commission were passed; also thanking the Lincoln Commercial club for entertainment, the hotel, fire, pure food and railway commissions for assistance rendered and a vote of thanks to II. M. Bushnell of the Trade Review for effi cient work In behalf of the clubs In the smaller towns and general good work. The following officers were elected: President, A. M. Connors. Grand Island: secretary-treasurer, H. K. Riley. Falr bury; vice presidents, W. S. Whltten. Lincoln: W. A. Ellis. Omaha: 8. D. Thornton. Nellgh: J. E. Tlllotson. Har vard, and C. O. Wertx, Crawrord. Grand Island nnd Hastings were placed in nomination for tho 1915 meeting, but the matter was left to the abovo officers, who constitute the executive committee, FARMER ACCUSED OF ATTACKING LITTLE GIRL VALENTINE, Neb., Jan. .-(Special.) Sheriff Rosslter yesterday morplng ar rested Van Lewis, a farmer, who is charged with assault upon Ruth Ayer, the little 12-year-old daughter of William Ayres and wife, who farm about seven miles southwest of here. According to the girl's story the crime .Is alleged to havo been committed Monday evening about 6 o'clock while the llttlo girl was going horseback after cattle. Van Lewis, who Is a married man with a family, was arrested when he came to town with a load of corn. Tho child told tho authori ties that she believed It was he, as aU'i recognized his voice. Preliminary trial will bo held Friday, January, 30. IIIbU Price for Cattle. CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Jan. .-(.Special.) Record smashing prices for cattle were paid at tho public auction of thirty seven head of thoroughbred Hereford's sold hero yesterday by Mouscll Brothers. The stock sold represented the- natural increase of 100 cows for one year. The bulls sold at an average price of $331. r, thirty-four being auctioned. Bidders paid $11,270 for these bulls, the highest price for one animal being $1,025, paid for a yearling bull. The next highest was $910. Eight hundred dollars was the highest price paid for a cow. The sale netted Mousell Brothers $19,630. Perrin's Elbow Length KID GLOVES First quality. Have been nolllnr; up to. $4.50 pair. Saturday black nnd colors . ..$1 Values in Elbow Length KID GLOVES That woro never before equaled, Think of buying Perrin's 1C dj-i and 12 "but. kid Olovos, Sat. P A Last Remnant Sale Before Invoice i , We take stock the first of February. Wo must rid our stocks of everything we do not wish to invoice before that day. Our buyers have gone over every item in stock. They havo taken everything that could bo classed as winter goods and marked it for quick, sure riddance. ODD LOTS, BROKEN LOTS AND REMNANTS Must not be invoiced. They must bo sold Friday. Come to Brnndeis Stores Friday and you will shure in tho biggest values wo havo over had to offer you. 10,000 Yards of Wash Fabrics 2 to 8 Yard Lengths, worth to 39c Yd. SILK REMNANTS Ono largo table filled with desir able remnants of various Reasonable Silks nnd Vclvota. Lengths of 2 to 10 yards. Suitable for dresses, waists, petticoats, linings and trim mings. Wide variety of colors and stylos at & Price. Mnln Kloor. REMNANTS OF VELVETS Mill sampler; and romnantB of Vel vets for dress trimmings, fancy work hat trimmings, etc. All colors and black. On salo Friday, each piece 2c to 39c SILKS on Bargain Square ii.000 yards fancy Mcasnllnos, plalu Mesfinllnes. Chiffon, Taffeta, Poplins, Crepo do Chine, Scarfing Crepes, Foulards, Marquisettes and Silk Stripe Gnujsc. Qualities worth to 75c and 98c, Friday, at, yard 39c aind 49c Plain Voiles Printed Voiles Printed Tissues Ratines Plain and Fancy Tissues. . . Organdies Plain and Fancy Crepe3 Silk Stripe Voiles Yard Main Floor Dress Linens Poplins Worth 19c, 25c Hvmalava Suitiners . . 39c a Yard DRESS GOODS Deatrnblo remnant lengths of fash lonablo 3C-Inch Suitings, Serges, Whipcords, Diagonal Serges and llonrlottas. Lengths. of 2 to G yards. Included aro qualities regularly worth up to 50c, on salo OP Friday, at, yard ftOC Main Floor. AKOTJIliK KEMXAXT LOT 500 remnanta of high grade all wool Dress Goods, dross longths, nklrt lengths, coat nnd Jacket lengths. Serges, Novolty Suitings, Broad cloths, Cream Sorges and Diagonals, worth up to $1.G0. On salo at 49c, 59c, 69c DKKSS PATTERNS 350 elegant full Dress ratternsveach with ample material for any stylo dress or suit. All new and fashionable weaves Including nil wool costume serges and crps. Worth $3 to $C. On bargain square, at. each $1.95 to $2S.9& CBABK TOWBXXO REMNANTS of Cotton HAND TOWELS 18x DIMITY BED SPHBADS ODD NATKINS Ilcm- CROCHET BED Unbleached. 17 Inches Toweling on sale Friday 30 Inch size, with red Unfinished, for single med ready for uso. 20 8FREADB Full sire In wide, very ahaorbant, In tho base- Oln borders. 200 doxon of or largo beds. Easy to Inches square. A lnn?e various artlstln putterns. Good for kitchen towels, inent. at, yd fcaU them the kind that launder and very deslr- lot of them to bo dls- Good, flrni quality Cc quality. Nut nioro DAMASK REMNANTS sell at 10 cents, Not able. Worth up to $1.00 posed of Friday and a always sell nt $1.60 than 10 yards to n cus- Thousands of yrts.,worth more than 1 dozen to a each. Special for Krl- npeolnl attraction each, on salo tomor- tomer, at QloP to 60c, special In OCkn customer, nt Rinn day, at, JQn sale price, tin row at SI IQ yard O v tho basement, yd. -Vv each U2U CBch . 5lU at, ench u only Il13 Front Lace CORSETS, 98c Correct stylo for medium and slender figures long over hip, with 4 heavy web supporters. Sizes 19 to 26. Also a model for largo figures. Durablo cou tll with rust-proof steels. Long skirt, with adjustable bolt over abdomen. Extra good qo values at JOC Perfect fitting Brassieres for one day only at 19 REMNANTS OF LAOES AT 39c EACH Camisole Corset Coverings, Shadow Laco Flounciugs, Shadow Lace Bauds and Allovors Dew Drop Chiffons, Plain Nets and Qfln Cluny effect Allovor, worth to 75c, each . Juu LAOE REMNANTS Laco medallions, laco yokes, silk nets, odd nnd ends of colored veiliugs, Vi to one yard lengths, worth to 25c, at, each REMNANTS OF LAOES AT 15c EAOH Silk Embroidered Allovors, in fancy colors; fancy beaded Chiffons, short longths of em broidered and shadow laco flounclugs, white, ecru and fancy colored bands, etc., worth up to 50c, at, each r..TPV f Scores of styles to chooso from fancy trimming buttons, pearl buttons, l I cioak anj BUit buttons, buttons In gold and sliver offects. Thero are an lm- BUTT0NS porter's sample line, almost a thousand styles, worth to $2 a dozen, each lc and Mill Remnants Fine Muslin and Fancy prints and Dloachod Canton Doublo fold Fancy light and Romnants of Silk and Cotton mercerized pon- pillow casing, the short lengths of and Shaker Flan- mercerized Black dark outing flan- "dB - Dro" Ster?L" gee, poplin, crepe medium a n d yard wide per- nel, three rogu- Sateens, 30 Ins. nels and fancy ft ,nsh8( 24 to 2? ratine and sols- heavy grades, 30, cnles, on bargain lar 7Vc grades wide nnd 35c val- flannelettes, 10c BaloS( all doslr. Incll03 wldo aro otte, worth up to 42 and 45 Inches squaro Friday at will bo sold at, ue, on bargain and 12Mio values nui0 fabrics, aro worth to 30c a 25c yard at yd. wide, at, yard per yard per yard square, at, yard at, yard worth to 20c, yd. yard, at, yard 5c 8k 3k 4k 15c lie 7k 10c Boys' Clothes in Basement Basement Shoe Specials Bovs' Suits and Overcoats Another big Friday attraction. w ' Himea nt Greatly iicduced Prices maayt ri , 4u ; e;.,a 01. n Q cuita in ?i7PH f? tn 17 A A fir WOMEN'S FINE 1UIKSS SHOES WOMEN'S SLIPPERS U."c PA1K Overcoats nx sizes 2 to , suits in sizes b to it. ffifl nr latent mA ,dull leatierB( nlB0 odds tmd onds of Woraen,8 Folt Have previously sold at ffJ and $6.0), sale lUluay tyJa,&,U velvets, odds and cndB, worth up and Crochot Slippers, worth up I'd Younff Men's Long Pants Waist measure 27 to 31 to f3.oo a pair, at 81.00 U.oo, at, pair , 25d ..11 l.f.fl,c T?r.mi1nr 1 W nnd 7ri vnluos Fridnv at 85C CHlWmEN'S SHOES VIcl Kldokln and Dull Calf leathers In button all lengths. Kcguiai !i.du ana .i.f j alues, i imuy ui oju nnd ,ttC0 Btyl08good fltyios worth to $1.75. at aba Our Boys' 50c special Over- I Boys' 50c Shirts, plain and woman's storm iiunwais-AU sues and worth G5c at, pair 39d , 3 1 or. ,' , . ok WOMEN'S $3.no SHOES, i?1.08-Good styles In tan and gray nubucif alls for oUC Stlipea at tSOC and volvet with dull kid tops all well made, worth $3.50, pair 1.98 One of the best values in Friday's salo 40 inch Fanoy Orepe, worth $1.00 yard, to bo sold at only 39o. Blues, rose, qq pink, maize, corn, helio, lilao, light green, cream, ivory white and black. 100 pieces to go in this salo tomorrow, yd.. juU THESE LINENS ARE PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING FRIDAY I5c 10c 2c 8 MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS IN THE BASEMENT Herman Shomshor of Fremont Kills Self raraifiNT. Neb.. Jan. 19. (Special ToleBrnm.) Herman Bhoimlior, 1333 North C street, committed aulcjde this mornint, by shooting. Ha was a crlpplo and pro pelled hlmiieir around' by two canes or n a wheeled chair, and for some time has been mentally unbalanced. About two months ago a complaint ror insanity was filed against him. He was always pf an Irritable and quarrelsome disposition and for some time had not got along well with his family. Ho owned a valuable farm In the county and city property. A widow and three grown children survive. Old-Time Cold Cure-Drink Tea! Nolo from ltcnlrlc. BEATWCE, Neb., Jan. ). (Special,) The directors of tho Young Men's Chris tian association held their annual meet ing Wednesday evening and elected these officers: President, D. S. Dalbey; vice president, n. V Grant! secretary, J. E. Thompson; treasurer, Carl Schaffer. The directors are AW W. Black. H. L. Demp ster, J. E. C. Fisher,. It. W, Grant, 11. M. Garrett. W. II. Kllpatrick, Wallace Robertson, J. E. Smith, Peter Janscn, V. It. Johnson and K. F. Nelson. A num ber of improvements will have to be made, as tho association work Is out growing tho present facilities. Ulchard Harmby of De Witt the other day found four milch cows which bad been suffocated in a straw stack on his farm. Ho places his loss at 3240. Isaac Roblson, an old resident of this city, died Wednesday evening, aged 74 years. Ho Is survived by a widow and three children. Mrs. John Freeman, living near this city, Wednesday received a telegram from Galcsbiirg, 111., telling that her lit tle niece, Evelyn Schroder, had been shot and killed at that plnco whllo playing with a revolver. Judge F, E. Crawford has resigned as city attorney of Wymore, and Mayor Iteullng has named E. N. Kauffman as hie successor. Key to the Sltutlaon Bee Advertising, Peterson of Sherman Visits State Capital (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 29.-(&poclal.)-Thlrty-six years In Nebraska and nover visited the stato capital Is tho record of F. r. Peterson, a farmer of Sherman county, who came to the state houso today lo see Secretary W. n. Mellor of tho St'ite Boardiof Agriculture. Ho wus taken to the office of Governor MbrehcAd and in troduced to tho executive. Mr. Peterson came to Nebraska In March, 1878, and settled In Omaha, whero ho lived until 1S90, when he went to Slier man county and took up furmlng near the county seat of Loup City. Ho has u wife and three, nearly grown boys und girls and says now that ho Is going to let the children look after things mnr and ho expects to take life a little cai'cr. "I didn't have nny Idea Lincoln was such a big and prosperous place," Paid Mr. Peterson to a reporter In the sov. ornor'a office, "and from now on I ex pect to como here oftoner, I am boIiik to como to the stato fair this yoar lcr suro and see what tho rest of tho stajo doing." m-lir!cnh Offtx-rfc Installed. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Jan. .-(Speclal . Mies Florence Wagner of Omahu, grand warden of the stato of Nebraska Degir.o of Ilnhfknh. w.im In If.t.nKnl,!. w,i... nuuu, day night and Installed the officers- etc t or urcaceiu lodge No. 10, as follows. Pas grand. Miss Bertha Simmons; nobio grand, Mrs. Sue Norton; vlcn grand. Ml Lula Bost; warden, Miss Mary Mattltbws; chaplain, Miss Mildred Wilkinson. An elaborate luncheon was served after the ceremony. Sick Tito Yearn with Iiidlfirrtlnn. "Two yearB ago I was greatly benefited through using two or threo bottles ot Chamberluln'a Tablets," writes Mrs s A. Keller. Ellda. Ohio. "Before takln ; thorn I was sick for two years with in digestion." Sold by all dealers. Advertisement. Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Teo, or aa the German folkn cal it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at an pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It is the most effective way to break a cold and euro grip, as It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. Advertisement I Save You 50c to $2 a Ton on Your Goal Bill ...$4.50 ALL AMEUICAN COAL The best cheap coal mined, good for fur nnco or stove our prlco, per ton of 2,000 pounds, only OKXriNK 81A1)IIA OH SUMI-ANTIIUA-CITE Good, clean coal that all burns up and does not clinker your stove or fur nace. Hand screened at our yard. My price for 3,000 pounds only OKNUIXK CHEROKEE screened. The best coal furnaces. Our price, per ton $8.50 NUT Hand for underfeed ... $4.75 $5.50 HLACIC LILLY LUMP Ono of tho bost coalf) for furnace or stove, mined In Jack son county, III. Hand screened In lump and nut sizes. Our price, ton THE HEST ILLINOIS COAL Our Illinois coals como from the best mines In Illinois and aro free from slato and other Impuri ties. Egg, lump and nut sizes, hand screened, only, ton . . Phone Web. 200 ALEXANDER $6.00 Cots Your Cool 6 ills Phone Web. 200 s SAPHO, KRUG. SIX RKEI Ji. in and 10c.