Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Tells Commercial Clnb Member of
Change Made at Pueblo.
Say Single Tux U Itonnd io Come
unit the Cities. Ihnt Uei Into
llnnlTRon Pint Will lie
Jlriirfllrrt Moat.
"The owner of a cottage worth H.WO
In Pueblo, Colo., now pays 33 cents n !
year In taxes on that cottage undar tin
new tingle tax pollry adopted by Pueb ." I
wild George J. Knapp or Tueblo. wloj
spoke at the Commercial club yesterday I
under tho auspices of the public .iff Airj j
committee. Mr. Knapp Is the man who
won single tax for rucblo In a whin-'
wind, straight business campaign. Us
subject were was "Single Tax and Lower
The speaker outlined the schedule as
It Is adopted In Pueblo. Fifty Per ceit
of the value of the Improvements and
personal property Is exempted since Jar.
uary 1, 19H. Forty-nine per cent more 1
to be exempted from taxation January
1, ISIS. Actual ground values are lax -i
at full value.
"Yes, tho ground Is to be asses ted At
full value," said Mr. Knapp, "and .lw
next thing we want to do In I'ucb.o is
to get at a system of equalization. Thre
have Ions been vacant lots lying In l'u
eblo owned by rich men that were as
sessed at while right beside thsin lav
other vacant lots owned by some pov
laboring man assessed at IV) sr (3)
apiece. To correct this Injustice of v,.
uatloa U to be our next step."
Tnz la Hedncrcl.
Mr. Knapp says the levy on Uie land
tnlue for city purposes Is now 6 mills.
"We went after single tax on a straight
business argument." said Mr. Knapp.
"We campaigned on the theory that un
der single tax we can double the popula
tion of Pueblo In four or five years, and
from present Indications It looks as
though we were going to make good on It
"We already have secured one large fac
tory all because of the exemptions of
Improvements and personal property.
Denver offered the factory a bonus and
11 that to locate there, and we offered
them, nothing but exemption from taxa
tion under single tax.
"Also we put the proposition ig) this
way, that single tax is bound to come and
the cities that get Into the band wagon
first get the advantage, because they at
tract new Industries to them. And strange
to aay, wo had th.e real estate oxchance
with us there before, the end of the cam
paign. Of. course, m. minority of the Heal
Estate exchange organized to oppose us,
end called the organization, tlo 'Tax
payers Protective association: '
There was also a lot of cry against
us during the campaign, by those who
said single fax was a proposition to con
fiscate the land," continued tho speaker.
"Well w were able to show tho homo
owners who came to us on this matter
by actual figures that, by exempting their
houses and personal property and taxing
only the yaluo of the ground on which
the house stood, that the sum total of
their taxes were actually reduced Instead
of Increased. And they, were .satisfied."
Pivnern Pny,
Tho taxes of 6,pOT people, ot Pueblo were
reduced through tho Introduction of the
single tax, according- to Mr. Knapp, and
of the property owners whose taxes were
actually Increased, 96 per cent were nori
, residents holding vacant .land In Pueblo
waiting until Pueblo Industries would
liave to buy them at groat profit to the.
He pointed out tho impossibility of col
lecting taxes of personal property ac
cording to the old system and said that
Friday and Saturday Positively
The Last 2
Days of Our
Glean Sweep Sale
W'o an clnK to wind up our grcnt snlo Friday nnd Saturday, mid wc urge you to como nnd supply yourself.
Wo only incnllon a few items from encli department, but we want you to bear in mind that every dollar's
worth of stock Is reduced accordingly. All advertised prices will bo railed off after Saturday night.
Ladles' 15c Hose,
I'nlr, 7c
Ladles' fast color Hoso
plain and ribbed tops,
black and tan;
regular 15c
grade, per pair.
Ladles Waists, worth
to $1.50, at flllr
Ladles' High Grade
Wulsts, slightly Eolletl
from han
dling; $1,50
quality, at. ,
91..10 Mcssnllnes, Per
Vard, 8c
$1.50 grade of Silk
MeRsallne, one yard
wide, all shades, In
cluding even
ing shades;
at, per yard. .
flOc Aprons, 20c
Cover-All Kimono
Aprons, three-quarter
sleeves, in dark and
light colors; regularly
worm up to
COc, now at,
7c Calicoes, yard, lo
Fifty bolts of tho best
grades of Calicoes, in
dark nnd light colors,
an suipio patterns;
worm vc, now
at, per1
10c Bleached Muslin,
yard, 5c
Dloachcd Muslin, ono
yard wldo, good qual
ity, np starch, actually
worth 10c per yard
limited 10 yards
to a customer,
at, yard ,
$2.00 Ladies' fllioes,
rlr, $t,20
One big table full of
ladles' shoos, all sizes,
all widths and all
all kinds of leathers
10c Percales, yard, ,1c
Double-fold Percales,
good quality, 10c sell
er, the last days
of tho sale, per
yard ...........
1.75 IJoys' Shoes,
Tnlr, 08c
Doys' and little gents
shoes of the best grade
of leather and worth
from $1.50
to $2.00,
now at. . . . Men's Shoes,
Pair, 91. ill)
One table full of Men's
Shoes, all the different
leathers and makes;
sell regularly up to
$2,r.o, at,
3U.00 Skirts, 08c
In our Cloak Depart
ment we place on salo
sovoral hundred Pana
ma nnd worsted skirts,
plain colors, stripes
ana checks,
worth up to
$3.00, at
97.50 Skirts, fjt:M8
Tho very highest grndo
Dross Skirts, pog top,
draped, etc., made of
materials that cost as
high a $3.00 a yard;
SKirtn worth.
to $7.50,
go at. . . ,
915.00 Silk Dresses,
Silk Messalines and
Silk Foulards, also
Spring Dresses, includ
ing a new lot JuBt re
ceived from New York,
are worth
to $15.00,
12 '4 c Hoy, pair, 5c
Men's Half Hose, In
blacks, tans and fancy
colors, all fast colors,
and actually
worth 1214 c,
at, a pair. . , .
t v v a ivv.u
(17.00 Dresses, $3.05
All wool serge dresses.
made in all tho latest
sell to
$7.00, at,
93.00 Un trimmed
Shapes, flOc
Untrimmod abapes
small and large, volvot
volour and panno vel
vet; worth
up to $3.00,
1 S3
90 Men's nnd Young
.Men's Suits, $3.05
One lot of Mon's and
Young Men's Suits, in
odds and ends picked
out from our regular
fltbek and placed an
sale for the last days
or mo
sale at
only. . .
Men's 910.00 Over
coats, 91,05
All our $10 Overcoats
loft from this fall nnd
go at,
93 Men's Pants, 91.48
Men's elegantly made
pants, in alt the dark
patterns; actually ro-
inn at
$3, now
75c Men's Winter
Caps, 25c
All our caps left in
stock,, sold regularly
BUC to 75c,
on salo now
...... V
91.50 lied Spreads 70c
We place on salo one
lot slightly soiled bed
spreads, all
full sizes,
worth $1.50. . .
15c Lace Curtntn
Goods, yd., Oc
Pretty curtain goods,
plain scrims, checks
and fancy bord
ers, 3G Inches
wide; at, yard.
00c Gingham Petti
coats, 30c
Ladles' Washable Pet-
ticoats, sell
50c to COc,
30c Fleeced Under
wear, 10c
Ladies' fleece 1 1 n o d
underwear, shirts and
worth to
39c, at
75c CorsctA, 48c
Corsots of a good
grade, medium weight
ana medium
length, regular
75c quality, at.
91.50 Houso Dresses
at 08c
All our $1.50 House
Dresses, mnde of finest
ginghams and percales,
all sizes and
all colors, go
75c Muslin Underwear
nt 48c
Muslin Gowns and
worth 75c, at,
20c Oil Cloths, 12 &c
Tablo oil cloths, in
dark and light colors,
20 c, goes
now at. . . .
10c Outing Flannel, Be
Heavy outing flannel,
light and dark colors;
as long as it p
lasts, at, per hp
ya.rd UU
i Tsmr sarftt2rNi Just a Few oi the
Many Splendid
Piano Bargains
Obtainable Now in This
Month End
Clearance Sale
Our Stock Must Be Radically Reduced
Within a Few Days, and we're making
prices on new and used instruments that mean
25 to 50 saving to buyers now.
$4 "7 11 fl Place in vour nouse during this
J M 3 U sale an absolutely new, fully guar-
I anteed Piano, made by one of Amer-
ica's best known manufacturers.
Investigation will convince you that the best Piano Bargains ever are now offered you
here. Make your selection now.
214-218-218 NORTH
Douglas Entrance HAYDEN BROTHERS
Douglas 2600 I
Wharton Warns
Carriers Not to Be
Seen in Saloons
When It was reported to Postmaster
J61m C. Wharton this week, that man
carriers had bean seen drinking In
. .- . i. i-urnni iiuu umii
w very urn me assessor in rueblo was H,oon. ho ctted the offonders to hU
Boisioao jttst yearWtts to flml 35 cents offlcc, nA than Issued tho followlns
of every 100 or mqney jn. $hs pity. Toll bulletin, which will be posted for the In
taxes, he said, to ,Um amount, of $50,000 formation of' ppstat employes In tho
we noueciea m wosion isstyear and it Omaha oftlco and tho substations: .
was found that it cost the city S63.O0O to I . t v,...j. i...n ..m.iimv informal 'ihnt
jcollect them. thero arc a few and 1 am Blad to. say
Taxlns mpney In a city Is a standlnx V?rv. Uw-ol the employees oi' ino posj
threat to keep money away irom ihJ 5! SS. I""0 1 "au,L" VXSl
city std ir, Knapp. "and already bank uniform. ...
deposits Aa ieblo re Increoslns; since Tt"8 18 IB ire vioiauon ,oi ip raw
the Ifltroducuon pt the slosle t. X"'n"nuZ ? ni n.tnl business: Such
conduct Is certainly not looked upon with
SET Flffl THIS APTPRMnOM saloons and pool roonis. I aeslro that
' rv1 tnld fir I LMnlUUN jyou cease to enter such places unless on
1 nostal business. If wo want to retain
The city eutfran organisation commit-Ith0 confidence of the peonle and maintain
lee mtt In th rnimr.ll .i,nn,iu. mi aiRIIliy Ol our ponuion iia, wurmjr
k " chamber of the I representatives of the Kovernment. wo
city hall at 3 oV clock this afternoon. I mint nhntnln from nil aucsttoriable olacea
Hit Flora, Dun up of -Dos Moines. Ia.. will I that are looked upon with disfavor by
apeak. Precedh this, there will b a tU best ot e.'jonahlp of tho community
r-r - umo -will pe A 1 wl.nrA wa rutlil, anil Imnrcss unon all
BieeUe of the Equal Franthlse com- i. nuritv of our lives and tho hlsh
mlttee at J JO, A number of the Omaha standard ot cltltenshlp Which we main
tms arternooiv to attend the meeting; at to those who. havo forgotten what Is ox-
mo dumrjr Kuiiuing, urnicn miss uunlay 1 peciea ana uemanuea oi xnom, in mi
postal service,'
"My husband hasn't, worked In eight
years and I have eight small children to
support," declared Mrs. Joseph Kluza.
Bernstqin Endorses
Pool Hall Regulation
"I heartily endorse the editorial appear-
Inr In thn mfirnlnir lien In l-funnl to lh
1 WaJmV street, who for the second I rtslO. regulation 6t pool lmlls," deplores
time within six. months had her husband
arraigned tor disturbing the peace, Kluxa,
according to htr .testimony, came home
Intoxicated and threw an axe and five
fiatlrons at her head. Kluza was sen
tenced to thirty days in the county Jail.
Who Cares? Listen!
"Pass's "Dlapeiia" makes Sick, Sour,
usmt HtOKiAcba surely feel ftae
la five mlaates.
Probation Officer Bernstein,
"During the years I , hay served as
probation- officer I huvo' ' found these
resorts and their associations-; directly
responsible for at least TO per .cent of
Juvenile' crime.
"Pool hall regulation In Omaha Is
probably less effective than in any city
In the country ot Its else. Donds re
quired of proprietors are praotlcally a
Joke, and license fees, tl- a table, as
compared to $100 a table, as In -Kansas
City, are ridiculous."
Bernstein went on to say that the de
partment In which he Is employed is
doing all in its power to bring about a
stricter ordinance In regard to pool halls.
This evening the Omaha ' Central
Labor union will hold the second ot a
series ot open meetings for education of
delegates. This plan was decided upon
last October and will be continued, thi
leaders say. Better organisation and cl
ucutlon will be discussed .by men inter-
Time It! In five minutes all stomach
distress will go. No indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
disctaes. bloating, foul breath or head
Papers Dl pepsin Is noted for its speed
la regulating upset stomachs. It is the
surest, quickest and most certain In
digestion remedy in the whole world,
and besides it Is harmless.
Millions of men and women now al
thw fvo7lt fni iihri r.nth.v estea m tne lauor moemtii.
know Pine'. rinnMln win v. th.m Announcement has been LWmde that the
from anv iitrmif h vifarv
pt fr mn, ..v. . i. affiliation in order that
fiftvHnt r. f p,-. fmm Jhorlng Jrsoi) may better understand
- - l..u . 1 n.,.. I . .
,nr rim .In,. .nn,..h 1 ' '"uora
lion't Vn nn hlnr l,l "'r,,uw " '"l'n a per
A.SlH - s-il
you like and digwt it; enjoy it. wlthont tha ahTt Wlvc sossioni
dread of rebellion In the stomach. CCOHlUn DalB nC OTCDC
Pane's Plapepeln belongs in your home OfcOUNU r AIH Ur b I Lfb
Installed since the building was built In
"The constant passing ot so many feet
Is rapidly wearing away the hard stone,"
says General Secretary K. P. Denlson.
"Wo are up ngalnst finding sometning
harder than stone, If possible."
Better Grade of
Cows Bring Good
Results to State
The officials of tho homeseeker's de
partment of tho Burlington are ratified
over the results of the work undertaken
In tho western part of this state last sea
son, when a start was made to induce
farmers to buy grade mllcn cows for their
herds. Reports coming to the office show
that more than 1,000 high grade milch
cows wero purchased by tho farmers last
year and. that, so far. their net profits
have been In excess of 25 per cent greater
than from tho samo number of cows of
the 'common breeds.
The work of Inducing farmers to erado
up . their herds Is to bo continued this
season and In several of tho western
countries of tho state, the bankors of the
towns along.tho lines have been Interested
to the extent that they have agreed to
loan money to buy the cows. It is said
that tho loans are considered gilt edged,
as the purchasers of cow; give mortgages
on tho animals and na additional se
curity, hgreo to pledge a certain propor
tion of tho croain checks In paymont.
This yenr the Burlington will go Into
tho cream business more extensively than
In the past. Extra iced cars will be put
Into tho service nnd these will bo run on
the passenger trains, thus milk and cream
leaving the extreme western part of tho
state In tho evening will reach the Omaha
creameries early tho following morning.
Whether or not tho Water board will
spend Jl.COQ or &000 to remove a six-Inch
pipe from Nicholas, street, where the
base ot the viaduct will stand, or allow
tho plpo to be encased in cement, was a
question discussed by the board at a
meeting "yesterday a(teriloon.
General Manager It. B. Howell said tt
was customary for the railroads to re
move the pipe. He declared the Missouri
Pacific was a stubborn railway, anyway,
ani the city council' was criticised for or
dering the removal of the pipes.
No action was taken, and tt Is probable
that tho railroad will be permitted to
build the concrete about the pipe.
Contractors for the Missouri Pacific
have begun construction work on the
viaduct. Tho city engineer was appealed
to to force the removal ot tho six-Inch
pipe, but tho Water board will, most
likely, allow the matter to be settled Jn
the courts.
anyway. Should one of the family eat
jwnetblng which don't agree with lhem.
or in case of an attack of Indigestion.
dyspepsia, gastritis or fttomach derange
rnsnt M daytime or during ths night, it
Is feaitdr te .give the quickest, surest
reUr Iwswn, Advert! tnent
An average uany attenaance of over
2.U0 people at the Young Men's Chris
tian association building has perceptibly
worn away the steps of the building, al
though some new ones have already Veen
Karl Duncan, 16 years ot age, without
any address, and Arnold Dolan, 1 years
ot age, 2G30 Capitol avenue, were arrested
by the poll re aa two suspects in the series
ot auto thefts that have been going on
around the city. Tho boys are being
held for Investigation
The home of Max Turner, pawnbroker.
was entered Wednesday by burglars
and tit and about 0 worth ot Jewelry
was taken, lerner lives at Vttl North
Twentieth street
8AIHO, KUUa. 8IX REELS, lo and 19c
Gerrlt Fort, Jr., cged SO years, son of
Qerrlt Fort, passenger traffic imumger
of tho Union Pacific, has decided o be
come a railroad man, starting In at th
bottom ot tho ladder. The young man
has gene to Idaho, where at one of the
;3p5ss Bp
The box
is blue
Opal jar
Be sure to get
real Resino!
If you want to get rid of eciema,
pimrles, or other dl3treain; nkta
eruption, you will accept i 'sub
stitute" for ResinoL Preparations,
similar in name or nppoaranca are
not "just the fame) as Resinol."
Although aeic unscrupulous deal
ers may offer them ss wfbr Res
inol, they nro often crudely made,
of little healing power, and some
may even be dangerous to use.
Buy in tho original Mms package.
Rexinol it sever told m. bulk
Rnlast ass beta prMcrlbad by deeisrs
for store thin 11 year. All tfrutrsUts sell
lUelaol Otatnunt sa opal Jus tMe. sod
1.C), aad SUnteol Sea (Sic). Tat tritl
ata etch tn. write t Best. 1S-8.
At Hanscom Park, Miller Park,
Carter Lake and Lake Manawa.
Skates can be rented at Hans
com Park or at Carter Lake.
To any of the skating places.
You'll enjoy riding in a good, warm car,
and if you don't happen to skate, you'll
enjoy watching the others skate.
Omaha & Council
Bluffs Street Ry. Co. E atntlons on the Short Line ho Is
doing the rough work around the depot
and at tho same time learning tstegrapny.
Young Fort has had somo work In
nt-extltnl rntlmndlnc nrlor to this time.
having tor a' couplo of seasons been out
with engineering crews on construction
and maintenance of way.
Window Cutters Are
Plying Their Trade
o. Hallbcrc. 2122 Caldwell street, re
ports to the police that burglars cut a
window pane from his front aoor, uui
were evidently frightened away bofore
they gained entrance to his home.
What seems to be the handiwork of the
Mim cane comes to light at the home
nf Jiusob Schmidt. 180S North Sixteenth
triut which caught fir mysteriously
Tuesday evening. An Investigation of the
building showed that the glass from tne
front door had been cut out with a dia
mond and the home was ransacked
Hurned matches were scattered through
the rooms.
.t Twi. i&tt North Sixteenth. Informs
the authorities that some stamps and
clears wares tolen from his store by
burglars, who gained entrance by cutting
a hole In a window large enough to aamii
hand. Tho bolt of the door was then
County Roads Are
in Excellent ShapeJ
Douglas county spent $1,407 for dragging
Its roads In 1913, according to the official
report of County Surveyor Louis Adams
to the Board of County Commissioners.
The dirt roads are in excellent condition
for the most part, his statement says.
There are 675 miles of county' road, of
which forty-four miles are paved.
Bridges number 628, of which ten are
new steel and concrete structures. Four
new steel bridges are under construction.
John Smith. Tony Holmes. Frank
vvn James LA-ons and J. 11. Joyce, ar
raigned In police court charged with being
drunk, all declared they bad been re
leased Wednesday from cutting Ice at
North Platte for the Union Pacific Ice
company, "You fellows had better. get
close to water again; there Is plenty of
ice today, so see It you can't cut some
more," advised the police magistrate. All
were discharged.
Dancers ot Cold,
Do you know that of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most Can
cerous. It is not the colds themselves that
you peed to fear, but the serious dl
that reason every cold should be gotten
rid pf with the least possible delay. To
accomplish this you will find Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy ot great help to
you. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs.
aids expectoration and enables tht
system to throw off the cold. For sale
bp 11 dealcrs.-Ailvcrtisement.
E. J. McVann, C. C. Rosewater and E.
V. Parrlsh are the men attending the an
nual convention of the Nebraska Com
mercial Secretaries In Lincoln. While
none of these men is actually secretary
of a commercial club, they are so closely
allied with the work that they are eligible.
Mr. McVann is manager of the traffic
bureau of the Omaha Commercial club,
Mr. Rosewater Is chairman of the pub
licity bureau committee of the club'and
E. V. Parrlah Is manager of the publicity
bureau. (
Saratoga School to
Give ProgramToday
Under the supervision' Of 'Principal E
J. Robinson, tho following program will
be given by ,th"e pupils qf the eighth
grade of Saratoga school this after
noon at 2 o'clock:
Piano solo, "Valse" Durand
Collpctta I.ear.
Song by the school, ".Music In the Air."
Essay, "Opportunity," Blanche Dooley.
Recitation, "Who's Afraid?" Bernlce
Songs by the first grade: (a) "I
Wouldn't Be a Duck"; (b) "Remlndlns
the Hen"; (c) "Mother Goose's Party."
Concert recitation, "A School Qlrl's
Troubles," Carmallta Gorman and ten
fifth grade pupils.
Recitation, "Brier Rose," Garnet Nelson.
Solo, MIbs Moore.
Duet. "Spring Bong." Lucllc Dooley
and Susan McEachern
Play, "In Witchcraft Days," eighth
B class. '
Address and presentation of diplomas
by C. T. Walker, president Board of
Mamma, Daddy and the Children Can .
All Take "California Syrup of Figs."
Harmless "fruit laxative"
cleanses the stomach, liver
and howels without
any griping.
A dellrloua cure for constloatlon. bil-
Imunesa. sick headache, sour stomach.
Indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness
take "California Syrop of Figs." For the
cause of all this distress lies In a torpid
liver and sluggish bowels.
A tablespoonful tonight means all con
tlnatlon. nelson, waste matter, ferment
ing food and sour bll gently removed
out of your system by morning without
griping. Please don't think of "Callfor.
nla Syrup of Figs" as physic. Don't
think you are drugging yourself or your
children because this delicious fruit lax
ative can not cause Injury. Even a deli
cate child can take It as safely as n ro
bust man. It is the most harmlesr, effec
tive stomach, liver and bowel regulator
and tonic ever devised.
Your only difficulty may bo in getting
the genuine; so ask your druggist for a
50 .cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs." Say to, your druggist, "I want
only that made by the 'California Fig
Syrup Company'." This city has many
counterfeit "fig syrups," so watch out
Rectal Diseases Cured
A mild treatment, that cures Piles. Fistula and other Rectal disease Jn a short
time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anast
hetic used. A cure guaranteed In every case accepted for treatment, and no money
to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with testimonials,
DR. TARRY BuHsHns Omaha.