THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 2fi, 1914. The Bankers Reserve Life Company SASCOSC X. ROBISON, President, HOME OFFICE, OMAHA, NEB. Excellent Affenoy Positions Are Open to Salesmen Wishing to Ittcrens Thslr Incomes. THE RESULTS OF 1913 Total Income $1,383,324.97 Dividends Paid to Policy Holders 130,678.36 Death Losses Paid 179,875.25 Paid to Beneficiaries & Policy-holders, total 417,640.76 Interest Income Exceeds Death Losses by . . 16,672.79 Net Gain in Assets 590,534.35 Total Accumulated Assets 4,292,750.02 Policies Issued and Revived 5,345,369.00 Business in Force December 31, 1913 32,039,908.89 A RECORD OP I'ROGRESS AND PROSPERITY Guarantee Fund Life Association OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Organized Jnntiory 2, 1002. Assets, January 1, 1914 $1,319,481.68 Reserve Fund 1,079,377.44 First Mortgage Farm Loans 656,297.50 Entire Assets Are Pledged to Secure Policyholders. Policies provide death, dlsabilllty and old ago benefits, and are incontestable after two years from their date. Vneolflsh men desire llfo Insurance for protection' for the family. That Is tho only kind of a policy we issue. Men only. 21 to 50 years, aro eligible. Slnco most men desire life lnsuranco mainly for protection, why not buy a policy that will best servo your needs? Rate per ?1,000 lnsuranco, ago 35 years, $13.30. Guaranteed by entire assets. Other ages in same proportion. Home Office :-: :-: Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 7021. The Commonwealth Life Insurance Company OMAHA, NE11RASKA 508-512 Omaha National Ilank Building. COMMENCED BUSINESS AUGUST DTH, 1010. OUR GROWTH Admitted Assets January 1, 1011 $278,110.40 January 1, 1012 $201,035.80 January 1, 1013 $330,(175.75 October 1, 1013 (Est.) . . . .$415,000.00 Surplus To Policy-Holders (Over) $295,000.00 HVKKY DEATH LOSS HAS BEEN PROMPTLY PAID Yon aro nltholutcly safe with a policy in this company. Boost for n Nebraska Company. Do not send your money from the state. -' Our assets aro invested in securities on Nebraska lands. , ' Not the Largest Company, hut tho Best. KUANS NELSON, President. German-American Life Insurance Company OMAHA ; First Class Positions for Live Wires r Characteristic Western Service This Is what you get when the "Lion" writes your bond. No delay, no red tape. Nvo better servlco In tho WORLD on SURETY BONDS and you can got at our HOME OFFICE here In OMAHA. Lion Bonding . t '. Ofh Floor W. 0. W. Bldg. k Wc don"t wont much, Your Insurance Business Can be advertised as profitably as any branch of merchandising. TRY IT on The Bee's Insurance Page LIFE INSURANCE AIDS BUSINESS MEN'S CREDIT Protection through life Insurance Is es scntlal to all business men. It enlarges credit, encourages thrift, puts a man on a broader business basis. Busy men think they will Increaso their protection to an adequate amount, but they too often postpone the Increase, promising to add to their Insurance some time, only to find In after years that the "sometime" never cones. If you are In business that requires bor rowing from time to time, ask your banker what he thinks of your having life Insurance to your credit when bor rowing, In addition to your visible assets and property of record. He will tell you that It Is a mighty good thing to have tho reserve security that life Insurance brings and ha will welcome you as a patron more because you have that protection. Tour loan will be mado with added satisfaction on both your own and his part becauso of the fact that you are backing up your assets of life with assets that will come to your estate in case something happens to you. Insurance In Foreo $ 340,012.00 $2,111,870.00 $3,084,870.00 $5,500,000.00 & Surety Co. Phone Douglas 678. just the "Lion's Share.'" Fred Brodegaard Is Incorporating Branch Business Incorporation of the extensive branch Jewelry store business which has been developed during- the last year, Ib being accomplished by Fred Brodegaard, the "Sign of the Crown," Jeweler, and sev eral associates. Their purpose Is to make It poslble for the small country merchant .to compete successfully with tho maU, order houses In the Jewelry business, thereby keeping the money at home. Asoclated with Fred Brodegaard Is his brother, .Alfred, and Axel H. Anderson and J. J. Dryer. The latter villi bo gen eral manager of the wholesale house. The sale of capital stock In the newly Incor porated business is attracting special at tention because of the 7 per cent dividend guaranteed by city of Omaha bonds. Within one year 250 stores aro expected to bo In operation through the state In connection with the newly Incorporated company. This will be accomplished by co-operation with the merchants In small towns, who will be given an opportunity to carry a good line of jewelry that can bo sold at reasonable prices. IDEAL STONE CEMENT CO. ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ideal Cement Stone company was held Friday evening, January 23. at the company's main office, 1706-J 2 Cuming street. The following were elected to the board of directors: N. J. Peterson, Charles Peterson, P. J. Denlson, Elmer M. Carson and J. A. Pearson. N. J. Pe terson was re-elected bb prosldent and manager; Elmer St. Carson, vlee presi dent; Albert V. Johnson, secretary-treasurer. The last year showed a very encourag ing gain over the previous year. It has been necessary to enlargo the plants at Thirty-first and Bpaulding streets and Twenty-fifth and Oak streets to' take earn of the steadily increasing demand for cement blocks and the other concrete stone. For Iuillueatloii nnd !!llllouurn use Dr. King's New Life Pills; rid the stomach and bowels of all Impurities and tone up the system. 2Sc. For sale by all druggists.-Advertisement. News from the Insurance Field ACCIDENTS OF THE WEEK Rrltw of Bee Accident Headlines for Accident Earthquake Shock Follows Two More Violent Eruptions One Killed, Nine Injured in Series of Coasting Accidents Englishman Is Shot Down at Los Angeles SEWARD CONTRACTOR DIES OF BLOOD POISONING MAN. SERIOUSLY INJURED BY FALL TO BASEMENT LIFE AGENT HAS GREAT WORK He Should Be Proud of His Daily Task in Life. PEW CALLINGS ARE HIGHER Sell SomrlhtnK of ItlRlirM Worth Which linn n Known nnil Ali noltile Itcturii (or Money Invested. Tho conscientious life Insurance agent has every reason to bo proud and huppy. When ho attends the funeral the little orphans whisper to each other and say, "That's tho good man who wrote papa tho pulley." When the widow with a couplo of little children hanging to her skirts comes to the door In response to his knock and Accepts with tears In her eyes tho company's check, ho can turn away feeling that he has done today mora good than any preacher. Selling life Insurance is a business and occupation to command the highest re spect. 'It Is selling something of tho highest worth something that representH known and absolute returns for tho inonoy Invested; selling something that In the best character of life Insurance not only buys u stipulated return In caso of death, but In an Investment that car- ilos earnings with It through Its Invest ment term. Fow things beyond the ab solute 'dally necessities of llfo are sold that arc .of .ahlghor character. In the. way or an Investment or a moro legiti mate one, than llfo Insurance. It Is buy ing something real and, tangible for the future. It Is putting the money Invested to tho safest uses. It Is directly laying up for a rainy day and guaranteeing protection to those needing It In case of the death of the Insured. Investment In llfo Insurance adds to the credit of every ninn buying It, and the man who sells life Insurance Is selling that which builds for the financial strength of the mnn purchasing. Too often, fact of this kind are overlooked. Too often, agents them selves fall to appreciate tlje high stand ard of the business they are conduct ing. The selling of life Insurance Is a work to command tho utmost respect of tho public generally and It Is a busi ness In which the man cngagodi In It can hold his head ax high as any business man In any community. A woman of Dallas, Ye., was left a widow with two, young children. Her husband carried no life Insurance. LVwk- Jng for some work with which to gain a livelihood, she naturally thought of the hardship brought upon her because of her husband's neglect, and she fitted herself to sell life Insurance. That was some ten years ago, and slnco then she have written an averago of J10O.0O) busi ness a year, or In round numbers $1,000,000 of Insurance. Because this woman had the bitter experience of being left with nothing because of tho neglect of her husband, she has made good In protect ing hundreds of others who otherwise might have had to face the world as she did. SIOUX CITY TAKES CREDIT Jobbers There Send Out Reports They Reduced Rates. USE STORY TO SOLICIT TRADE Try to Work on Sympathy of Coun try Mrrelinnta to TnUr Their limine Aivny from Oiiinhn. Sioux City Jobbers are campaigning un der false colors for the 'business of tho retailers of Northeastern Nebraska, ac cording to Information that has reached some of the .Jobbers of Omaha. They represent thal'they have recently secured from the Interstate Commerce commis sion a reduction of freight rates that glvos tho I'.oux City Jobbers an advan tage over their competliois, and on the strength of this they are nollcltlng tho business from the retailers of northeast ern NehrasUu. Itetallerj In the towns on the North western and Chicago, Bt. Paul, Minna npolls an l .Omaha railways In the north eastern put of the state have recently received circular tetters from the Sioux City Jobbing houses, notifying them that the merchandise rates from Sioux City will be groatly reduced about April 1. The circular gives the Sioux City Job bers credit for having secured the re duction of these rates through the Inter state Commerce commission, Ttwy ask the country merchant to show their ap- I preotatlon of this by giving the Hloux City Jobbers an Increased volume of their buclness. Not llimeil on I'uctx. Omaha Jobbers nay the rates suggested by the Sioux City Jobbers arc wholly conjectural. They hold that no order has come from tho Interstate Commerce last Week, Insurance. Showing the Necessity of iFour Persons and j Many Prize Animals i Killed by Explosion Man Trampled by Team is Given Big Verdict by a Jury LEG BROKEN THREE TIMES BY FALL ON PAVEMENT OMAHA BOY BREAKS HIS WRIST CRANKING MOTOR EIGHT HURT AS RESULT OF COASTING ACCIDENT GERMAN ARMY AVIATOR IS KILLED BY FALL TALBOT IS OPTIMISTIC ABOUT FUTURE OF ORDER In a recont Interview Head Consul A. R. Talbot of the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, spoke optimistically of the future of his ord or, having In mind local conditions In tho Modern Woodmen growing out of thn rate rovlslon controversy. Mr. Talbot pnld: "Some member recently questioned the nccuracy of a statement made by me when I said the Modern Woodmen of America Is bigger and stronger than ever and will live to fulfil tho mission for which our society was founded. Our re cent controversy over the rate question has led somo of our members to doubt the continued growth and prosperity of our socloty, but I havo faith In tho good Judgment of tho rank and file of our members. I believe absolutely that our society Is stronger than over and that out of tho scorning chaos of tho last two years will come an era of greater growth and prosperity than ever before. In other words I hnvo not lost confidence In our membership, who on the whole nro big enough and strong enough to solve every problem which confronts our order. "A perusal of tho membership roll of every local camp of our society will show that we have the representative following everywhere, and I am quite willing to trust tho future, of our Boclcty In the hands of such membors. Our only dan ger lies In tho fact that so many of our members aro not willing to glvo theso problems of legislation and management personal attention, but i of rain from at tending tho camp meetings and assume their personal share of responsibility. If tWoodcraft should be-leftln tho hands of the agitators and those with personnl axes to grind. Its future would no doubt be uncertain, but I believe our conserva tive members aro awakening to the crisis which Is before us and will rally to tho support of the society at this time. If so the issues will' be tried beforo a falr mluded, Impartial Jury with power to de cldo for tho best Interests of the order, not only In matters of legislation, but also In matters of management nnd tho selec tion of officials. There should bo no 'plugged Juries' and It la up to our great membership to see that nono are framed up." OMAHA INSURANCE MAN TRANSFERRED TO MINNESOTA George T. Blandford, who has been general agent for tho Mutual Bcnuflt Life Insurance company for the state of Ne braska for tho last three years, has been transferred to the Mlnneapolls-Ht. Paul agency of tho samo company. This Is a very Important promotion and carries with It great responsibilities. Mr. Blandford Is still a young man, but Is of the typo that will succeed In what ever capacity he Is placed. In 1908 he was made general agent for the Mutual Benefit at Phoenix, Ariz.; In 1909 he was transferred to Lincoln, at which place the company mado a second generat agency for Nebraska. In 1910 he was again trans ferred to Omaha nnd given the agency for tho entire stato., The business has been Increased to such an extent that Omaha Is now considered one of tho lead ing agencies In the United States. commission reducing tho rates from Sioux City, and that no schedule of such reduced rates has as yet been published by any of the railroads. Besides, the Commercial club of Sioux City had no part In the proceedings beforo the Inter state Commerce commission, In which the ordr was made, and which Sioux City believes will eventually reduce the rater. It was tho Iowa Board of Rail road commissioners that brought that cake, and It was the chairman of tho commission. Clifford Thorne, that fought It through to a successful finish. It was after tho decision had been rendered and after the first scalo of rates from In terior Iowa stations to Nebraska points had been mado by the commission that the Sioux City people got Into the case. This attempt on the part of Sioux City to take the orcdlt for having brought the action for the reduction and their further cffortB to make the order apply on rates from Sioux City to Nebraska points, are causing somo merriment among the few Omaha Jobbers who have learned nil the facts. It Is looked upon as likely that the new scale of rates now being prepared by the Nebraska Hallway commission will be In effect from Omaha to all points In northeastern Nebraska before any other change is mude In the rates from any other point, according to Omaha Job bers. This will mean that the business of the Omaha Jobbers In that section (it the state will be In Just as good shapu In the futuro as it ever was. Itecnmmriula Chaiubrrlnln'a Cuuifh Itrmrilr. "I take pleasure In recommendlnt; Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy to my cus tomers because I have confidence In It I find that they are pleased with It-and call for It when again In need of such a medicine," writes J. W. Sexton. Mon tevalla, Mo. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement FORBIDS ANY DISSIPATION Special Agent Moore Tells About Virtues of Certiorate Bonds. JOINT CONTROL A GOOD THING ltiMliKTu (hp TrniiitntlniiK tlmt Arc Apt tii Confront Uno I'rrion If l.rft to Do n lit I'lmse. .Charles U Moore, Jr., special ngent for tho Southwestern Surety Insurance com pany, has been spending somo time In Omaha studying local bonding nnd Insur ance conditions In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Mr Moore has for nomc time mado a careful study of bonding questions. The most distinctive feature, he says, during tho year Just past was th'o very marked Increase of corporate over personal bonds. All business inrn are now firmly con- I vlnced that the execution of a bond of any character Is n corporate function. J nnd as such should bo' avoided by the individual. Tliero nro many safeguards thrown about tho administration or estates of deceased persons by a bonding company that becomes surety tor nu- mlnlMrntors, executors, guardians, etc.. that nro found to bo very valuable to widows and orphans. Ono of tho most Important and probably the least under stood Is Hint of "Joint control." Joint control forbids tho dissipation of the estate nnd Is rapidly becoming bet ter understood nnd valued. Tho clause provides thnt when a bond Is written for a guardian, administrator or executor tho principal named In the bond and the surety company shall exercise Joint con trol of the assets of an estate. 'ny Joint control Is meant that nil money belonging to an estate shall be deposited In n bank or trust company in tho name of the principal In hlR fiduciary capacity nnd countersigned by the com pany or Its legnlly authorised agent," Mr. Moore snld. 'If thcro are assets, such as stocks, bonds, mortgages and certificates of de posit capablo of bolng converted Into money, they are, under the same agree ment, placed In n safety deposit box, ono key being held by the fiduciary and the other by the representative of the company. It Is Impossible for one of tho men to remove these assets without the knowledge nnd presence of the other. "When theso assets are converted Into money tho representative of the surety company keeps a watchful eye on tho transaction nnd Insists that the proceeds Immediately bo deposited In accordance with their prior agreement, and when ho deposited shall come under the Joint con trol arrangement. The agreement also provides for tho deposit of Income from real proporty, Interest on Investments and the like, "Tho surety company's representative will not countersign a check unless tho purpose for which It has boon drawn has been approved by the court, and an en voy of tho company, having no financial Interest In tho estate and no reason for converting funds to his own use, will In sist that the trust be administered ex actly In accordance with tho law", nnd that payment bo mado only for authorized purposes and to whom they are legally due. , "Funds" of minor children too young to have a full appreciation of tho Importance of business transactions, Incompetents and others, as well as the funds of es tates, where a. watchful cyo Is not being constantly kept upon their accounting, often havo melted away, but whore tho suroty company'! bond Is effective and nctual Joint control Is actively exercised, such Is Impossible. "The objection to Joint control conies from those who have not an adequate un derstanding of Its provisions and who never have taken the trouble to satisfy themselves ol Its advantages to them, and also from those persons who have an ul terior motive In protesting against such an' arrangement. The Joint control plnn merits tho study of thinking men who would protect women and children near to them." MID-WEST TO HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET. NEXT SATURDAY The Mid-West Life Insurance company will hold Its annual banquet for stato agents at Lincoln next Saturday. Agents Plnney and Crocker of Omaha aro on tho program for speeches. Iimnrsnee Noted. Insurance Commissioner Bpstecn of Colorado has cited tho officials of the Cosmopolitan Casualty company of Den ver to appear before him to show causo why their llcenso to sell stock Hhould not bo suspended, becauso of alleged abuses. The officers havo asked an Injunction restraining tho Insurance commissioner from Interfering with them. Churchmen Look About for Plans For New Edifice Definite organization of committees to plan and erect a new edifice for tho First Presbyterian church wna accomplished yesterday afternoon by .the general com mittee authorized at the mooting of tho congregation last Wednesday, That com mittee met at tho office of C. K. Yost, chairman of the board of trustees, and elected N. II. Loomls, chairman; Alfred C. Kennedy, secretary, and H. A. Doud, treasurer of the building fund. Tho! committee consists of tho resslon of tho church, tho trustees, tho deacons, five additional men and six women. They uro as folows: Session Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks. N. II. Lonmls, Robert Dempster, Dr. W. r. Olbbs, O. W. Cluilock. II. A. Doud. Dr. W. F. Mllroy, C. W. HIcKh, J. It. Adam. Dr. W. O. Henry. Wllllum McOormach and Nathan Mori lam. TrUHtnes C. 15. Yot, K. M. Morseman, C. M. Wllhelm, Alfred C. Kennedy, C. A. OrlmtiK'l, V, T Robinson, R. C. wngnur. Frank W. JucUon and A. C. Arond. Dfucnns It. R. Evans, A. S. Hunting- ton, u D. Tunnloliff. Dr. J. H. Ttalnh T. P. Wilson, Oeorge K- Abbott aiul F. It. itodefer Additional Committeemen Mm. Charlt' Offutt, .Mrs. C M. Wllhelm. Mrs. Oeorge Tilden, Mrs. Nullum Murrlum, Mrs. GcorKe K. Abbott, Mrs. O. U. Uradley. H. H. Itoblson, John J Kennedy, John A. Munroe, John C. Wharton and Kdward Updike. A finance committee und a committee on plans and building wero doclded upon with n. II. Itoblson, ohalrmnn of the former, and Robert Dempster, chairman of the latter. Several sketches of tho proposed floor plan of tho now church, and nUo plans of eastern churches which may be followed here In some respects, were considered ACCI DENT HEALTH LIABIL ITY PLATE GLASS AND f iHEL" ITY (SURETY ! BONDS We nro Issuing tho most liberal poli cies consistent with good service to our natrons nnd honest adjustment of their losses. NATIONAL FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY OMAHA. National Fidelity and Casualty Building Company's Property. A little slip, A heavy Tall, A broken limb, No, tout's not all; MORAL! ZKSUBO IN TOM KELLY, "Tho Tyler 001. There Is a Standard In Everything Tho General lnsuranco Agency with tho largest pat ronage, must necessarily approach tho standard of ser vice companies, and general reliability "perhaps this ex plains our position at tho top." Foster-Barker Company Brandeis Bldg. Phone Doug, 29 A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION; If your neighbor would pay you tho premium charged by tho Groat "Woatorn, could you afford to give- him tho protec tion which ita policies provldo? If not, can you afford to carry your own lnsuranco? Of course not Thon thja Bhould bo your Now Yoar'B Resolution: Resolved, Tlint fn tho future 1 will carry my health and accident lnsuranco with tho GREAT WESTERIf. ARE YOU H. O. Wilhelm, Manager NEW BAIRD BUILDING, 17TH and DOUGLAS STS. Phone Douglas S316 SALESMEN WANTED 953,964 Members 14,186 Local Camps MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Executive Offices, Lincoln, Neb. Administrative Offices, Bock Island, 111. Leads nil others in Membership lends nil others in lnsuranco in Forco leads nil otherB in Fraternity, ' having a, great sanitarium where members may, with out churge,, recoivo treatment for Tuboronlosi8--The Greatest Progressive Co-oporativo Organization, For full information soo nny local camp clerk or deputy, or writ A. R. TALBOT, Head Consul, M. W. of A., LINCOLN, NEB. INSURANCE K1IU3, TORXADO, AUTOMOIHLK, PLATE OLASS, BOILEIt. llUltGLAltY, HEALTH and ACCIDENT, ALFRED C. KENNEDY 200 First Nationnl Hank r.uildlng, Fhono Douglas 722. and referred to the committee on plans nnd building. Money to pay for tho addi tional lots adjoining the new church site at Thirty-fourth and Knrnain streets wub raised rtmong the committeemen during tho wealing. Ono of the building plans referred to tho building commltteo was that of St. Paul's chapel uf Columbia university. New York City, which It Is said, call bo duplicated for tho local Presbyterian church at a cokt of $115,000. About that sum will bo spent on the Omaha edifice. To Ask Grand Jury Investigation of a County Contract Notlco tlmt ho will ask the grand Jury whloh will be;ln Its sessions February 2 to Investlgato the letting of a contract for materlaU for county bridges to be built In 1914 to the Omaha Structural Iron company by the Hoard of County Com missioners was glvon by Commissioner Host yesterduy. In a statement made by him. Mr. Best comments on tho fact that the contract was nwurded by u vote of three "to two, tho nugutlve votes being oast by himself ' nnd Commissioner John C. I.ynoh. Mr. I Hc-Ht said: 'I shull ask tho grand Jury, to Invest! gate the contract for bridges let for thf year 1911 und It might 1 Interesting for the public to know that tho contract was awarded by a vote of three to two, Ilarte, McDonald and O'Connor voting for It, with Dnoh and myself voting In the negative, and that Chairman Ilarte hus named tho sumo three mnnibers as com mltteo on brldgos for this year. "It the Information that I have at hand is correct, the county is being subjected to tho works of a 'masked lilghwayiuuu,' und It any bridges are built the taxpay ers will pay the prh-e of the loot " "State Mutual Life" OF WORCESTER, MASS. ONE OF THE OLDEST 69 YEARS nnd Host Compnnlcs on En till. W. H. INDOE General A Kent OS 13 Ilco Illilg. OMAIIA. THE SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Lincoln, is putting out now policies that furnish tho greatest amount of life insurance at tho least cost. An income stopped Had be Insured A month or two, Before the fall, A dootor'B bill, THE TRAVELERS Would The rent pact due. Hare paid it all. THE TRAVELERS. Insurance Man." City National Bank Building. INSURED ? $1,500,000,000 Insurance in Force HACK OP ITS AGENTS. THE MIDWEST LIFE stands back of every gUteniont made by its agents In soliciting insurance No ono need have the slightest hesita tion in dealing with them. It Is our purpose to employ only men of in tegrity and clean business methods. Sometimes our Judgment of an agent may be wrong; but If It is wo do not intend that any prospective policy holder shall suffer thereby. An agent is the agent of the company, and THE MIDWEST LIFE does not propdso to shirk any of its responsi bilities. It will recognize his acti and statements as tho acts and state ments of the company. We wish to emphasize in every way that we can that no applicant for insurance will have a policy thrust upon him which is different from the one he bought. When a policy is tendered for delivery, if it is not exactly as represented by the agent, the applicant need not'accept it; and his note or money given in settlement of the first premium will be returned. Write for an atrenoy if yon wish to sail life Insurance; or for premium rates If you are Interested in bnyln; Insurance. The Midwest Life N. SC. 8NELL, I'nKBIPENT A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY JELLING NON-FARTICIPATING UfE INSURANCE 0NL1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, LINCOLN. OMAHA AQEjrCY CITY NATIONAL BANK XTJH.DrNJ, aSOSQE OSOOKES, T. A. PXXCTBY, Oaaral Agents. Drawn For The Bern The best nowspaper artists of the country contribute their beet work for Dee readers.