Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART FIVE, Image 47

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Bargain SalelHS
ATvwar Am m?1; bcmtiM do dealer. wbolair matl
IvlllV till rrder houa ran mt piuu much money mm
' Easiest Terms iSr iff TOrM!!'. TfcE
ErNrrSO Days' Trial
111 VI Solid Oak Mission O 1
li'J Library Table Bargain I
I BoUtJUas.ruineaorrlcftewuen
IrN rinwr httH arltli hinred lid fcrmins Drae
ri ii bu oaya;
not utisf me
;1 s:
way a. Sand
hum ana
. utrmli
1 VI OH C II Uon,
Ucl.conTenInt wntinjr
desk Itmtpf eoDBtroo-i
rest hems hirnlnhina; basineM
lurin this big Banrmfa cat, )
Library Table without makinar
71 il
ITIee Onlr SS.SS,
Bineva in in woria tor makiman.
uU. mm ran bat thta srrwivii- auivKr-Haait
t makinar any parmant in Bdranca.
lam. ACaiDtt to.
3930-32 Went worth Ave.
CHICAGO, iimois
1 WANT 200
AT $1200
TO $3600
To Introduce my new Compress and Vacuum
V as hlnff Machine to every homo In t ho ooun
try. I want 200 additional representatives to
begin work at onoe tn their home oountten.
I consider It the most brilliant Inventive
achievement ot the age in household articles,
No waiting or truosolng. The price of on
J 1.60 makes a aale at every bouse cash busy
Inesa at BOO per cent profit to yon
Don't delay. Get your county under con.,
tract. No chares for territory. If yon are
honest and will inn to work I will gfre 70a
the position. lo not lot some one cite set
in ahead of you. I want affenta. general
agents and man a sera, Write today.
H.F.WENDELL, Pres., 139 Oak St., Lilpilc.O
Perfect hearing Is now being re
stored in every condition of deaf
ness or defective hearing from
causes such as Catarrhal Deaf
ness. Relaxed or Sunken Drums.
Thickened Drums, Roaring and
Hissing Sounds, Perforated,
Wholly or Partially Destroyed
Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc.
Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums
"Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no
medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or
defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple
devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears
where they are Invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable.
Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAF
NESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials.
WILSON EAR DRUM CO., Incorporated
C29 Intcr-Southern DIdg. LOUISVILLE, KY.
-vlail 'SBU
Is Different From All Other Btz Boots:
Telia All About Bex Matters: what
young men and women Slid all others
need to know; wliat parents snd teach
ers should tell children i tells husbands
sex facts they dont know; tells young
w .. ... how ,0 prepare lor motherhood,
new Book All yula Truths ot Bex Life according to
Heed to Brad bim rKrarthn ol Medical Science.
In relation to Euenlot and Ranplaess tn Marriage. Laws ol Ses
. tt, , r . . ii i.i pi.ln k.. f:.rt hitherto naauntlentood.
BaxnaFrrnths In Main Langnsga yet Thorooxhly JSclenUne.
bj winaau Bcotl Hail, ro. u, slu. iMipniuiiwni'iiwnii
l1MnSrtn.n. l h'.rih ..n " I rn i v tiF V Medical School I AUtr.Of .
Lecturer, Scientist. Medical Man ol Highest Standing! leading
Airthorilvon'-SeiHv-rlene" snd "Ses I'roUems" snd ''Eugenics."
Only $1.00; portage lOe extra; mailed under plain wrapper,
16th and Chestnut Streets .Dept. W.I 1 8. ThUadelphla. ra,UJLa.
"2 in In Hatching Wonder Br
Shipped direct from Factory to You at Factory Prices
Ifrlu Uitd Ojfa tr ntana Iftnhauifir FREE Ctuhpu
DlreclF,omFacloryCo.,M. rkel'st. Chicago, III.
blreet Tfm Fsrtsry Co , H inknu, lltTerree, Baffak, X. T.
tllieet rrw FseUry TTareassf, 1 Bsrelay BL, K. T. City
will restore your gray hair to Its youthful color with
one application. Is not sticky or greasy. Two
aires. Wo and f 1.00. Kecommcnded snd Bold by lead
ing druggists and hairdressers everywhere. Bent
direct upon receipt of prlco (In plain wrapper) by
QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., Dept. 8, Duffalo, If, Y.
On tho violet use as a spray weak
whale-oil soap solution.
Bprlna-talls Theso nro of micro
scopic size, and unfamiliar to most
people. Their most distinctive) char
acteristic Is tho possession of 'a forked
"spring" by means of which they
leap long distances when disturbed.
They feed bn tho tissues of young
seedlings Jifst as thoy como through
tho ground. Remedy: Sprinklo the
soil with lime-water, mado by slak
ing Ave pounds or Ilmo In three gal
lons of water. Let it stand and uso
the clear portion from the top.
Cockroach Largo flat-bodied in
sects. They aro night feeders hiding
In crevices during tho day. Very de
structive to youne plants In tho
spring. Remedy: Trap with sweet
ened bran poisoned with Paris green
and sprinklo powdered borax about
tho affected plants.
Thrips Very small Insects with
long slender bodies, and four poorly
developed wings. When disturbed
they thrust tho body Into the air as
if they meant to sting. They aro
common on melons, cucumbers and
tomatoes. Remedy: Tobacco smoke:
fumigating (Indoors) with potas
sium cyanide.
Tarnished plant bug Small bugs
varying from a dull brown to a green
ish yellow. Yellow head, with threo
narrow reddish stripes. Common on
chrysanthemums outdoors. They
suck tho juices from tho leaves and
buds and thus destroy the flowers.
Remedy: Spray with keroseno emul-
Four-lines leaf bug This is a
bright yellow bug about a quarter of
an inch long. There are four stripes
extending over the pro-thorax and
wing-covers. Often found on outdoor
plants. Remedy: Spray with kero
sene emulsion. (Get it from the
Mealy bug These aro tho most
common and noxious of house plant
pests, especially in the greenhouse
and conservatory. Every one Is fa
miliar with tho waxy-whlto Becretion
in which they envelop themselves
while at work on the plants, under
which are found soft-bodied insects
one-eighth of an inch long. Remedy:,
Apply keroseno emulsion with a
spray or brush.
Orthesta Similar to the mealy bug
in many respects, and tho treatment
is the same.
Lecanium Soft scales which occur
upon most all plants Indoors nnd out,
sometimes called "brown-scale." Rem
cdy: Spray with whale-oil soap so
lution, and removo from large, broad
leaved plants, such as palms, with a
stiff brush.
Aphides Commonly called plant
Hco or green-fly. They aro small
pear-shaped, soft-bodied Insects
winged and wingless. Remedy: In
doors, tobacco smoke. Greenhouses
should be fumigated weekly. Out
doors, spray with whale-oil soap bo
lutlon or kerosene emulsion.
Leaf-tier; Leaf-roller Caterpillars,
which' affect plants and trees, being
very destructive to roses and apples.
They wrap themselves in the leaves
by making coccoons. Remedy: Hand
picking and Paris green sprays.
Rose-bugs The insects which bur
row into the heart of the rose blooms,
spoiling them for use. There is no
remedy for them which will not also
dlsflguro tho rose. Pick them by
hand, as they aro easily caught.
Diseases of the garden may bo
grouped under the different remedies,
as many of them have tho same rem
Rust, Anthracnosc. Blight, Leaf
spot, Downy-mildew, Wilt, Rose-rust,
Stem-rot Theso are all bacterial dis
eases of plants, affecting the aspar
agus, bean, strawberry, cabbagc-fam-
ily, celery, corn,' cucumber, potato,
tomato, melons and many flowers,
such as the carnation, chrysanthe
mum, rose and violet. Remedy: Tho
remedy is to watch for the first ap-
pearance of diseased tissue, and at
once apply standard Bordeaux mix
ture several times, and remove all
diseased foliage and burn It.
BassaassaWHrllPll!!M BBwassssssssssssassssssassssssal
BsmkASmisLLSBIsmSLLwMLwJkikLw mk. vsnwajVsnBsSBwanwawawawaS
BssssssBssHaassmiaaSasssBsssssmsB 'BsmwP!' ' aavM - BamAaSWawawffBYaaBWBYanBWaByai
tSmmit- 1SlKiik.mmmiMKmiik
W.T. Wells, who lives two miles west of Wauchulu, Florida, made $787.50 from ono
crop of beans, cucumbers and melons, between the rows of young grape fruit and
orange trees. Only 5)i acres. Wnuclmla Combination Soil means a jroo? living from
the start in vegetables and fortune when tho grupo fruit and orange trees begin to bear.
Roses are Blooming
Iii Florida Now
Down in Wauchula, Florida, today, peo
ple are enjoying outdoor life. Warm air,
wrfunicd flowers, real spring sunshine,
Men, women and children aro healthy,
Get away from chill northern winters.
Como to Wnuclmla where there's warm
sunshine tho year round. Como wliero
you can llvcvwliero you can oxpaiul.wlipro
your accomplishment ralclu-s up with
your ambition and even outstrips It,
Haven't you looked forward to the time
when you could escape from hurly-burly
BUSINESS? Haven't you thought, "I'd
gladly llvo on less money If I could bo
out In tho country wliero I could get a
breath of real air?1' Haven't you often
wished you could avoid snow, lco, rain,
sleet, billiards, that tnako up tho north
ern winter ami felt that you'd glvo up
part of your Income to do it?
You CAN get back to the land. Hut you
needn't sacrifice your present Income.
Quito tho opposite. Como to Wauchula
and you'll open a bigger opportunity for
money making than you over had before
In your life.
Here's the Wauchula story in brief.
Wauchula Combination Boll Is eiunlly
well adapted to vegetables and citrus
Vegetables are planted between the rows
of grape fruit and orange trees. Crop after
crop follows In rapid succession. Threa
ami four a year Is common. And
seo what a crop makes. Noto Mr. Wells'
record above. It's only avcrago. Many
men do better, as letters In our booklet
Don't think this Is the Bid money. It's
only thostarU Vegetables keep you com
fortablo and pay for your land. Hut you
cash In when your grapo fruit ami orango
trees liegln to boar. Then you'll Imi In tho
class of men who mako $3,000, $3,000, $3,000
even $10,000 a year.
Get this straight. Everything wo tell
f'ou you can do at Wauchula other men
iavo ilono tlmo after time. They're still
doing it. More, now settlers at Wauchula
tills year than over lKjforo. They're
already getting returns from their land.
They're on tho high read to FORTUNE.
Join them. And don't Imadno you're
coming to a wilderness, Hcaitlltol orango
groves dotted all over this region. Many
ot them ten to twenty years old. Four
banks in Wauchula and two neighboring
towna have deposits of nearly $500,000.
That proves prosperity. Vamlolah is a
now, rapidly growing town. Wauchula
now 2.000 Inhabitants 1,500 lost year.
That proves growth. Churches, modern
schools, lodges, well-ooulpped ana stocked
stores. All tho benefits of civilization.
First class transportation. Llvo cash
markets right at Wauchula. Immediate
sales of crops on good basis.
Fine, water, good drolnagn, healthful
cllmata tho year round. Hunting and
fishing right at hand. Moro money, more
health, moro happiness.
Land GUARANTEED By Bankers
Wauchula District, Florida
Wauchula soil is so rich, so fertile, so productive tho climate and yield aro so re
markable that tho homo company of bankers lehlml It guaranteo your satisfaction.
You can readily Investigate, tho records of overy ono of theso bankers their reputa
tion forstralght dealing Is cosily verified.
These bankers guarantee your land. You have a year to Inspect your plot. Plenty of
time to arrange trip down here. Make a vacation of it. You'll be taken all over tills
region in an automobile. You can talk to grove owners, investigate our statements of
93,000 to $8,000 a year incomes. And then if you're not satisfied, every cent of your
money will be returned with 6 per cent interest.
The first payment clinches your option on Qclioloo plot of rich vrgetoliln and citrus
fruit land. And your money will havobcon earning 0 iicrcent all tho tlmo wo'vo had
It If you decide not to keep your land.
That's fair to you. It proveswo'ro on tho square. Wo couldn't mako such promises
In reputahlo publications unless thoy were true
If there's another land offer as liberal as tho ono We're making, wo'vo yet to hear of
it, Como right down hero and provo things.
You'll see settlers who are making their way With only n llttlo money tn stall, You'Jl
soo people who havo been hero a llttlo longer who havo overy luxury- they desire.
You'll seo pleasant surroundings, friendly nclghlmrs. You'll see a future for you
and your family that has no limit that can bo as big as you chooso to mako It.
Do You Want a $3,000 to $8,000 Yearlv S
I 9 Tl WT's. C a.1 C A r"TG
You may have read land ADVERTISING before but you nover had
ON 11
.noro's only ohm w ?
o unitea males V .
wo'vo yet to VV
another lund Ol'l'lJIl like this. Tho reason Is that there's only
vvuucnuia nisiricu n mere s iana anywncro eiso in in
nlMiut which our statements can be Irnthfullv mudn.
.,,.. i, ' "'- vf
We made a 28,000 mile search licforo WO found a tract that J rfV
could be marketed on such a guarantee. j v
Write for our literature. Look over tho colored lllustro. .4Y A Ajf
Hons of crops nnd Individual oranges, grape fruit and vrgeta- Jr 4, d?cx
bles. Bee photograph afurphotngraph of groves with letters
from the owners giving cash earnings.
Learn Why You Can Make $3,000 to $8,000 a Year, ji
C1...1 .. .1 rr t .. 1 - .
.Jiuuy uui en ,1 1 a uiim, uur ,uw yiibci, lur leinil, a
1 1 r.i ill. i.r.. 11.. Kinu
today. Send a letter, postal or the coupon. Jr
Wauchula Development Co.
Box 33
Wauchula, Florida
A student of Advertisements profits In two ways.