14 SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE iur nnwpwg uracil, Spasmodic Cr&ap, Astbffi3,S&re Threat, Coficbs, Bronchitis, HUfrdwhavou'pH Colds, Catarrh. A simple, tife tnd effective treatment svoldtnff drugs. Vaitoflted Cresolene stops tits paroiytms of Whooping Cough and relieve spasmodic Croup at once. It la a boon to sufferer from Asthma. Tlw air carrying the sntlteptlc taper. Inspired whh every breath, make Uetthing easy, aootltes Ute sore throat and stop tbe cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene relieves tli bronchial complications of Scarlet Tever and Measles and ts a valuable aid In the treatment of Diphtheria. Cresolene's best recommendation Is ti 30 year of success ful use. Send ut postal for Descriptive Uookiet. For Sale by All Druggists Try Cresolene Antiseptic Throat TaMet for the Irritated throat, composed of slippery elm bark licorice, sugar and Cresolene, Tlwy can't harm you. Of your druggist or from us, ioc In sUmp. T11E VAPO-CRESOLENE CO., 62 Cortbdt St., New York or Utmtaf-Mu'es BeflJioi, Montreal, Canada Let mo teach Y z-Tlmo Piano Playing by C You learn EASILY in Imtafenlcsaons ATHOME. My BTitcm Is bo alrriDlo vou'll nlav Mendelssohn's Wedding March In too tilth lesson. You 11 say Qee.tnd 5kGraau for Rag I VyAI Even If you can't play a otngle .VWX W note, I'll teach you to play AN Y Stt fjfcTHWQ In Happy Rag-TImo. ihinK or. the pieaaureioryou and i 1 r,,...nral..n ' t i mo ouiii'iiusEj ior your incnaai Z.Get Buyl Everybody', dolntt It! tiv, suarsntM, and teatlmonlala from hundred, of happy students. Aid Qrlateue, (lie Cm if Ri t-Tat) Krtder Cbrlstensen School .1 PepalarMulc 111 Cnrlatensen Dulldlng:. Chicago, III, BBBW,!iHBl Do Away With Bands of Steel and Rubber rntTE STUARTS TLAPAO-PADS rnLbWK nre different from toe trail, I !Ji?rMy!Fx2 twine medicine applicator, rC&ffmtytMm&SA umdo solf-mllioel vo rmr- potoly to hold the distended muscle, securely In place. No Ktrniis, buckle, or ,prlnrs nt tacbod to the Pliino-lnil(. Cannot slip, so cnimot chafe Vs. " I""'" gy or pre,, agalhu thn pnblo rK-J'--3SaW bono. Thousand, baro uo I Ulai IV Bl A run ceufally treated theniselre, iniMVT rUtrW at homo without hlndmnrn from work inost obttlnato cases conauered. Soft n velvet onsy to ripply Inexpensive, Awarded Uold Medal, Ilonioi Urand l'rlx, 1'arls. Process of recoTcry I, natural, to afterward, no u,e for trusses. We iiruvo what wo ay by sondlng you Trial of I'lapao absolutely xYUICI- Wrltonauio onpostcardand send TODAY. AiltlrrM I'LAPAO LABORATORIES. Block 411. St. le.i.. Mo. A New Hernial tBBB Appliance Brooks' Appliance tno modern sclontlBo Invention, tho wonder ful, now discovery that cures rupture, will bo sent on trial. No ob noxious sprlnes or pads. Has Automatic Air Cushions. Bind, and draw, the broken part, . i . . 1 1 a C HOOKS jta Ota,-, Arok.n f.b. No salves. No lies. Durable, cheap. PaUBcptlO, '01, Sent on trial to prove It. Catalogue and measure blanks mailed free Send namo and address today. C. E. BROOKS, 1672 Slate St.. MarAa!., Mlek About Mushrooms How to really make big money la wushroorai, 1 fully ipllad la tb woo. Jarful book. Tlx TrotK About Uwk. room m iNtl rawutloaarr Improva meat, tblnr many frowrnvr knw b for. KvarylhlitsT iplalnod from A to Z. at Aral hand, from tho rrata tnttlcu an thoritjInXiMrico, Add 110 tol70wk to your Income. MmindiicMda capita to start. rroAU bjfr and qalckar, 'Artyon can do It, VVsomd and chlUlrvn. too. KowUUatttnio. fUfH forfiWbook. BoTSsa 1 Ksafcftass mugry, uest IIS, n. Uait 5t Usaga OATENTS SECURED OR stci? Btrrf fDijcr Rnd .ketch far tv lurch of Patent Ofllo, lUoonU. Hew to Obtain a Pt,nt amd What to Invant with Hat ol Invention wantad and Prta on,rd lorinran- tlona moi rre. patent, adTertiaea WANTED NEW IDEAS. Bend for oar llat of Patent Bartra. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., WaKIn,lon. D. C FREE. 56 BREEDS fSte1 rataed, pure bred, ot finest Duck,, deeac and liarar. norincrn finest tilumaze. FowtA. egn and Incubator, at lowest prices. Amer ica, creAtnt noultrr farm. Bend 4e for larse. Jlne 10th Annual Catalog and Poultry Uook. a r. mwhi ee, nx an, hwmts, man. Insect (jtiemies and Plant Diseases SPRAYING CALENDAR NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS REQUIRED PLANT Apple (Scab, rot, moth, etc.) Asparagus . (Huit. Beetles.) Beans (Anthracnose hlinht.elc.l Cabbnge (Worms and Slaaoots.) Celery , (Hot, ought, rust, etc.) Cherry (not. aphis blight, spot, efoJ Currant (uooteberry worms, bltaht.) O ratio (uwascs, bugs, lice, beetle, hop-oer.) Melon (Cucumber mildew, rot. Peach (Rot, curl, mildew, curcti-HoJ Pear and Quince (Might, scab, mite, moth, sluos.) Potato (Beetle, bltght.i rot.) Plum (CtircuKo, blight, rot, black-knot.) Tomato (Rot, blight.) FIRST When buds Bwell before op'on. Bop Cut all shoots below surface July 1. Spray now shoots Treat seed with blsul-carbon. Insect powder. Half strength liorueaux on young plants. Buds break, Bordeaux. Aphis, Ker-emulsion. Hellebore for worms. Buds swell, Bordeaux. When vines run. uordeaux, half strength. Buds swell, Bordeaux, half strength. Buds swell, Bordeaux. Paris green and Bordeaux when 4 Inches hlch. Buds swell. liordeaux. Plants 6 Inches high, Bordeaux. SECOND When blossoms fall, same. Full leaf, Bor deaux. 7-10 days later, repeat. 7-10 days later, repeat. Blossoms drop. Boraeaux arsen. 10 days later, same. Bor deaux for blight. Buds burst, 10-14 days, repeat. Fruit set. Jar trees for curcullo. Leaves open, for psylla. 2 weeks later, repeat. Blossoms fall, Jai trees for curcullo. 10-14 days, repeat. THIRD 8-12 days later, same. 2-3 weeks later, same. Itepeut in 2-3 weeks. 14 days repeat. 14 days later, repeat. 14 days later, repeat. 10-14 days, same. 10-14 days, repeat. Fruit set, same. 10-14 days, repeat. Half-rrown, Bordeaux. Blossoms fall, Repeat on slgnf of blight, rot and Insects. 10-14 days, repeat. 2 weeks, repeat. FOURTH For lice, Ker, Emulsion June. 14 days repeat. 7-10 days later, repeat, 14 days later, repeat. Hellebore for slugs. 2-4 weeks, re peat. 2-4 weeks same. 10-14 days, repeat. 10-14 days, re peat. 10-12 days, repeat. Pick off worms. NOTE For Ban Jose scale, on trees unci shrubs, snrnv with llmn-aulnhur mixture In autumn after the leaves have fallen, or In early spring before buds swell. For leaf-wilt, Bcnb, anthracnose, nnd blight of flowers or shrubs, .use half-strength Bordeaux; If Insects are also present, use Bordeaux-nrsenate. Any of these sprays can be had ot the seedsmen advertising In this Issue of Tub Semi monthly iUAUAZINE. THE light against insect pests must begin early and be con tinued throughout the season, until tho frosts of winter kill all but thoso which hlbernato, and oven these should be sought for. But there is no time like the early part of the season to kill oft nnd prevent the birth of hordes of noxious insects. Most of tho garden-plaguing insects have a narrow habitat; many of them could not, if they would, get beyond tho confines of tho garden In which they are born, and most of them upon reaching maturity at once begin the propagation of their species within a few feet of the spot on which they first saw the light. As you will note from tho remedies given below, we must plan to catch different forms of insect life. Tho Boft-bodied ones we kill by the action of some corrosive chemical compound upon tho soft tissues of which they are composed, as the aphis; tho bit ing or chewing insects, which chew nnd swallow tho foliage, as tho va rious forms ot beetle, which we kill by Paris green or other poison; and tho sucking, hard-bodied insects, which suck the Juices of the plants and which cannot bo poisoned, and which wo kill by some stronger cor rosive or pick by hand. Then there aro parasitical insects, so minute that they are commonly called diseases, as tho different f6rms of "rot," or "scab." These can generally be killed by some of the corrosive chemicals or washes, Tho names of soma de structive insects and tho best means of killing them are: Slugs Theso are soft-bodied crea tures, frequently covered with a shell. They attack many species of greenhouse plants, lettuce, violets, etc. Remedies: They live in moist places, hence drainage where prac ticable. Trapping with cabbage leaves, sweetened bran, poisoned pow dered lime sprinkled over the soil about tho plants. Sow-bugs Theso aro 14-legged ani mals and feed largely upon decayed vegetation, sometimes attacking growing plants. Remedies: Slice Juicy potatoes, dust them with Paris green and lay in places frequented by tho bugs. .UIIHpctics Commonly known as "thousand-legs." They frequent greenhouses and some species nttnek the roots of growing plants, espe cially tho violet. Remedy: Trap ping with poisoned vegetnbleB the only cure. Red Spiders These crentures are so minute that it requires very care ful examination to see them on the under sides of plants. The affected leaves curl downward and lose their color. Affecting both indoor and out door plants, they aro especially harm ful to tho Bweet pea. Remedy: Flow ers of Bulphur mixed with water in tho proportion of one ounco to a gal lon of water, and sprayed on tho under side of the affected plants. For this purpose the best appliance Is a force spray pump with a fine nozzle. The ace we live in I Commonplace without advertising-. Dont Had me ono cent lnt let me nrore It to yon a, I have done for67,M! others In tno last ,lz months. 1 claim to hate the only uoceMfoi cure for bunions ever made and I want you to lot mo aend you a treatment, FltKK, entirely at my expense, I don't care bow many so-called cures, or shield, or pods you orer tried without success I don't care nowdlazusted you feel with them all fon havo not tried my cure, and I hare such abao ute confidence In It that 1 em going to aend you a treatment absolutely ft IKE. It I, a wonderful yet altnple borne treatment which re Here, you almost Instantly of all ralm it remotes tho cause ot the bunion and thu, the ugly deform ity disappears nil this wbllo yon are wearing tighter shoe, than over, I know it will do all this nnd I want you to send for n treatment, 1'ltEE, fit m exDeniw. tMWnuan I knnw Jou win men tew all your rlend, alwut it Just a, thoso 67.M2 other, are doing now. Write now, na this announce ment may not appear in this paper again. Just send your name nnd address nnd treat- Eentwill bosentrottpromplly . ttlaln soalcd emelope. FOOT REMEDY CO. 3306 W.ceihSi. Chicago iiiiHH Tills Key to Poultry Profits FREE a Is guar- anteea far 20 iIIIS famous Old Trusty book has PkM tcu uwi it miuion people niu ins poultry, profit.. The Johntoni rmiBinc. If the Old Trusty fm't all that promised we trade back. An OLD TRUSTY Shi t rt 1 n-t -1.1 r i day received. Write for Big; Free Boole. Jahasoa, laeabatar Ilea Clay fester, Keh. sat weamer, on DO day,' H inin Anv. M n i at tS.OO Less i Thin Anv. en Kla Conld Sell It Fori W apoi 112-PAGE POULTRY BOOK If foo ar thtakinr of baying1 caulo at one. DaccribM an incubator or brooder too n nT W. w. Should Mntl for our him iBli UJU many MwmJtmvf tmprwrmtnis in thla year's PRAIRIE STATE Incubators and Brooders frj Also contains about 60 pam of valuable pool-lnioTmatloo--how to I aod. rear ajidbroej; traatdiaeaaaa. PratrleStaUlacaWorCo.. 113 Mala St.. llomtr Cty. Pa. SHOEMAKER'S book on 4av POULTRY and Alaasass fsrIR14butpa(M with many colored platti ot fowls true to We. It tails all about chickens, their prices, their ears, dliaaa es and remedies. All about laeabators, their E rices and theiroparation. All about poultry ooae, and how to build them. It's sn encyclo pedia or chick, tidom. Touneedlt. Only lie. C. C. bUOEBJXEB, Be 1041 rrseDert, 111. v BSC Best Birds. Best Eggs, Lowest Prices 4?fWK Durebred Chickens. Ducks. Crete and Turkert. Larffett Poultry Farm Jo the world. Fowls. Em and Incubators at lowest prices. Send (of biz book. Poult nr lur FrofiL 'Tells how to raise noultrr and run incubators successfully. Iff FREE, send tor tt. J. W. M1L1XR CO- Box 376. Bockford, W. 131 Egg Mankafo Incubator $7.25 biaii-eUas hatcher direct from factory. wood, tnpla walls, aabcatoa lined, copper avatar tank, daabla twaralator. aafat lamli. narwrreta Bar, smf. impl. st up ready forua. Mooayback ruarante iSyoaraatlt. Brood or for 120 Chick 92.6 Of for at40 Chicks 4.00 and up. UK catalog- fraa KAKATO HCMITM CO., BnltOlbdEib, ffitft. GatUM RailCMa loenbator ltKan-. A.'ftr Itt-acir, IS.M, atada to waar and civ mult. Moo7bck narasi SIS Bachinaa.l t oora ara kwtUr , SO. GOO aalj laat yaar.Cua raMiiHi Gt bar nta ahaMt and combf na( Ion ffara. fnuuie ixcu&atow co. Steklk Grelder's Fine Catalogue and Calendar of part-bred poultry for 1814, Urge, many pages of poultry faoti, dlfferot breeds In natural colors, TO Ttrleties it I nitrated and described, laeabators aod brooders, low price of stock and eggs for hitching, a perfect gold to all poultry raisers. Stud lOo far this noted book. 0.n. CBEIDCR,Bi 31 BhffB.1, Pa. Y POULTRY PAPER to-date: tells all yoa want to know abont car, and tnan acement ot ponltry (or pleasure or profit. 1' our months tor 10 cents. POULTRY ADVOCATE. DeptUfi, Synttu,, N.Y. T a loci Rnnlr " faullry," IM LiUlCSllJOOlipige, practical farts, lowest E rices on lowls.egss. lncubator,,etc 180 beau (ul picture,. Latest Improved melhods to raise poultry.AU about Runner dusks, 11 other varieties pure-bred poultry only t cents. Berry', Poullry farm, Box 114, CUrlnda.la ttctt Incubator and 148 Chick Brooder both for ossein I nr tuka.doabU walla.aalf -tvnUtina-. W U 1 1 (to SI Racinc.W h. 140 I Uad ef OaQlforaui lUdwood. corarod I With aabaatoa and t-aivaaizad iron, cop- . pr tautka, double walU.af-irniatlna-, ' eompUU. rady to uaa. SO dara triat . I lioa&ay back If not O.K. Order d I I rone U d I rtcula tor C IQ' .RoekUaliOll