Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 13, Image 45

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ee s
Annual for 1914
which is now being mailed at 'J
the rate of more than ten $
thousand copies every day, is a $
Bright New Book of 182 pages
and is known as the "Silent
Salesman" of the world's
largest Mail-order Seed trade.
It tells the plain truth about 3j
Burpee - Quality !
Seeds that Grow
With hundreds of illustrations from
photographs and carefully written
descriptions of Vegetable and Flower
Seeds, it is a safe guide to Success
in the garden and should be con
sulted by every one who plants seeds
either for pleasure or profit. We are
pleased to mail it free to every one
who has a garden and asks for it.
bhall we mail you a copy?
If so, kindly mention the
Semi - Monthly Magazine
and write today.
Burpee Buildings
WritQ for the 1Q14
Seed Book
it's FREE
Every owner of a garden largo or mall
should have thi book. There's a story in it
by Luther Burbank telling how to plant
seeds, about germination and many other
invaluable points about gardening.
It describes and illustrates Luther Burbank'a
new horticultural productions that people
have travelled thousands of miles to see, the
new original Burbank Gladioli and many
other varieties too numerous to mention.
This book will enable you to bring the
wonderful genius of Luther Burbank right
Into your own garden. Copies will be sent
in order of names received. Write today
for Book SM.
The Luther Burbank Company
Sole diittibutn of Buibsnk Horticultural
Vaudeville Sketch- Of AVG Monologues. Dla-
free. T. H. Denlsnn i- Co.. Bent. 35. Chicago
Seeds and How to
Get Them
Continued from Page J)
sphoro the garden. To enable you
tho more thoroughly to enjoy the
new catalogue and tho new things It
brings to you, requires a long train
ing in the garden and the4 study of
its denizens, and the sooner you start
the better. Select tho seedsmen who
advertise and you will not go amiss,
as they aro under a double compul
sion of reliability.
"THERE are many persons who have
1 almost no conception as to tho seed
business or that of growing and sell
ing plants. The average person
thinks of a seedsman as ono one who
has a big farm or plantation on
which he grows seeds, harvests, and
sells them. Nothing is further from
the truth! The seedsman may havo
a largo farm, or several, but on them
he grows only such seeds as can bo
best grown In tho location In which
the farms are Bltuated. Tho others
aro grown In the locations where
they will grow and ripen In tho
greatest perfection. Thus, tho sweet
peas aro all grown In California;
field peas In northern New York and
Canada; cabbago very largely on
Long Island; bulbs in Holland; mel
ons In New Jersey and tho South;
potatoes in Maine and Minnesota, and
corn In tho Northwest, while many
of the flower seeds aro grown in
France and Germany, as well as some
of the higher-class of vegetables like
How does tho seedsman get ac
quainted with tho new things which
ho expects to introduce? By means
of an extensive, and expensive, trial
grounds. All the foremost seedsmen
maintain trial-grounds, running Into
tho hundreds of acres, on which they
grow, side-by-slde, all tho things
which they offer to tho public In
their catalogues, and hundreds of
things which they do not admit thero
as being unfit, as shown by repeated
When making up the order for
seeds for tho flower-garden do not
order merely those things which you
Hko the best, but put character Into
your order. Consider where each
packet Is to be planted; tho flowers
which are to be In the full sunshine;
those which must havo partial shade,
and those In tho north border which
get the minimum of sunshine. Thero
also Is tho low, damp spot to con
sider, and tho high, dry place. Then,
there is tho narrow border of annuals
along tho front of tho shrubbery
border, and the annuals to be
planted, higgledy-piggledy, among
the hardy plants to carry them over
tho mid-summer dearth of bloom.
When you havo considered these,
then select for them tho very choic
est varieties, not forgetting tho value
of color harmony in juxtaposing
Growing Rhubarb for
Winter Forcing
IT IS an easy matter to havo rhu
hnrh mnnt nf thn wlntnr hv fnrrlntr
roots In the cellar. Roots largo
enough and strong enough for this
purpose may be grown In ono season.
Tho ground should bo mado very
rich, and seeds of tho Victoria, or
even of the popular Linnaeus, va
riety planted as soon in tho spring
as possible. Tho plunts should bo
allowed to stand a foot or more
apart, and if watered freely with
manure water will make a very rapid
growth. In tho fall, it Is only neces
sary to dig the roots, allow them to
freeze and force them In tho cellar
as wanted. Tho plan Is well worth
tho attention of amateurs with a
llttlo land. Of course, if thero aro
established roots in tho garden, they
may bo used; but It is well to ar
rango for new roots, as those forced
aro exhausted by the process.
I HiMI I yiBMMHWIsWf I "! WWII t" 1 1 'I uM.yLMIIiMMaytlll'l
UK lBMHslsHWsmifsHnHHlH
II niiiiiiiiiTrfir mrnT miT
Leading Stars the World Over
Use Freeman's Face Powder Daily
Women who can afford the best, and use only the best,
chooso Freeman's Vcloutino Pace Powder in preference
to all others.
Although Freeman's costs only 25c per box, women
like Mrs. Sidney Drew, Mrs. Leslie Carter, May Rob
son and scores of other famous actresses knour that
higher prices can not buy higher quality faco powder anywhere.
r1 'ssss
Freeman's Face Powder
Freeman's Veloutlno Faco Powder works wonders with sallow, oily or dry skins. Used
in connection with a daily facial massage, it conceals skin blemishes and all ugly little
crow's feet and wrinkles that time always brings.
Not one harmful Ingredient can be found In Freeman's Vcloutino Faco Powder not
ono atom of material that can possibly harm tho most delicate complexion.
FOUR SHADES Flesh, White, Pink, Brunette. Samples gladly sent.
The Freeman Perfume Company, Dept. bs, Cincinnati, Ohio
Onco Grown Always Grown
Maule's Seeds
Endorsed by mora than 450,000 pro
(restive gardeners as the best ever
My new Bred Cataloeue contains everything
good In seeds, bulbs, smalt fruits and plants.
"60 Illustrations; 176 pages. Free to any one
sending me n request (or It. Send for it today.
21st and Arch Sis., Philadelphia. Pa,
Send 10 eenti. mention tMi paper. Itvilt
enelote in the catalogue a juicket of the
above OIAXT panty.
Make Vegetable and Flower
Gardeoior eair
Just unwind American Seed
mpo iroiu spool una plant tho
uipons uircciea. selected seods
are properly spaced Inside
paper tape ana fastened
nun eiuo icrtlllter.
It Insures a quick, sturdy plant
L'rowth, becauso tho paper att racts
moisture to tho already fertilized
Proper spuclnir moans 110 seed
wasted no tlilnnlne-out. Each seed pets an
equal chanco to crow. Plant tho scientific and
cosy way and save time and back-breaking labor.
Send ONE DOLLAR for 60 ft. ach ofRadiih.
Lettuce, Corn, Onion, Beant, Pea. Spinach,
Beet. Turnip and Cabbage Setae. 500 Feet in all.
Or One Dollar for 600 feet of ten variatles of
flower seeds. Correct plantlntr Instructions in
each package. Bend tlio dollar now.
Amtilus Stti Taps Co.. 1(00 Wslaat Art., CltTtltsi), Okie
2 i New Hatcliing Wonder
Incubator and Brooder
Our Utt Intention I, mad, la TIUIEE SUES. Toil tu
Start Poultry Keeping Ior fi--H0
WrlUforrrtCU!ofns. AddrusofflccornMrwtwutboiiM.
DIRECT FROM Brn,.r,.m.
FACTO RY C O s tt BsnUr at, r. r. cttA
Gregorys Honest Seeds
If you aro looking for seeds
that will grow, jthtnt Greg
ory's Honest Seals,
If you requiro Quality, plant
Gregory's Honest Seeds.
If you want Productiveness,
plant Gregory's Honest
If you desire crops that
bring tho highest market
prioos, plant Gregory's
Honest Seeds.
We refund your money
if they don't grow
Cataloguo telling all about
them mailed Free if you
mention tins magazino.
J. J. H. Gregory & Son
56 Back St. Marblehead, Mast
Quids' Giant Summer Cosmos
is poslUvely tho most
superb and beautiful
irardon flower known.
Hlooms profusoly from
J uno to Nov., each
plant producing thou-
m iul of (lowers, larger
and moro exquisite
than tho fall Cosmos,
whl 10. blush pink, rose,
crimson, etc. Thrives
any whoro finest cut
uowor ior tosh, etc.
Mailed for
10 cts. per pkt fnclu(l
f no B vthrr leading Noveitlee
free for trial, viz.:
Creio Pink, lamest and
finest of all Asters.
Pansy, Orchid-fid., suporb now orchid colors.
Evening Primrose, Now Giant Whlto.
Petunia, Brilliant Dcauty. Many flno colors.
Snowball Tomato, beautiful now white
All of that Six leading Seed Novelties for only
10 cts.. together with notes on Culture, Cata
loeue, Floral Hints, etc.
Our BIb Catalogue of Flower and Voir. Seeds.
Bulbs, Plants and raro now Fruits frtt to all
who apply. We are tho largest growers in tho
world of Gladiolus, Cannas. Dahlias, Lilies, Iris,
etc., and our stocks aro best and cheapest.
JOHN LEWIS CIIILDS, riornl l'nrk, N. Y.
lironchlal m
Save the Voice
Bare tho lungs. Believe hoarseness and coughing
spells. 26c. CUc $1.00. Sample Free.
JOnN I. BROWN & SON Boston. Mass.
Encourage Advertising by your attention, the benefits are yours.